procurement gateway two report - london borough of brent

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Procuromsnt QatawayZ: Business Case & Procuramant Options


Procurement Gateway Two

May 2017

Report from Comniitnlty WeiI*Being


Project D9I1IIS /

Accommodation Based Mental Health, Social Care Support R^iab and Recovery Service Renewal Amy Jones Head of Commissioning and Quality Commfeskinlng and Qualify Community WoB-Being Laura Power 020 8937 1689

Ccpjinox Cane Ltd £272,631.84 pa

;inciii(j!!-y any f:xi'X<iii:'' ^ijl^'-n^i P'OpOittd contra'.:} sn.-n-, :'iri.M.ia!f:'j s-iOy iixtens'-an. oprtons;

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1 year from July 2017 to July 2018 vtfWi an option to esttend fdr 1 year +1 year up to date of July 2020. N/A

£65k pa and 19% (Not attributable to procurement savings) Major

Afama- Afarffn Trinf Dam Osa/Bot 16/05/^17 Name: ArKirsw O&vies Date aearad: 31/05/^17 Name: Mm^h Patel Oma Ctearack 01/0W^17 Name: Wendy Wiiyad

Procurement Gateway 2: Business Case & Procurement Options

Date Cleared: 23^5/2017 ■■ -liiiia cl liy f)fp.H tmijfii Prin iimrntirii Gurird Date of Meeting where Cleared:



A contract for a social care services with accommodation for adults with mental health needs was procured from a framework agreement In 2011, and awarded to Equinox Care Ltd in 2011. A service review was completed as part of the mental health service review, and renewal of the contract via a compefitive tencter process was deemed appropriate with permission to procure granted by members in September 2015.

The contract enables the provision of short term, settled accommodation with support to work towards recovery for individuals with severe and enduring mental health conditions follovyrtng tx)6pital atinissbn, an acute episode of mentel health crisis or relapse, and/or stepping down from residential care towards the goal of living more independently with stable mental health, meaningful occupation/employment and reduced reliance on statutory services. The service specification for this contract has a focus on reha^iitation, reablement and building resilience to support people accessing the service to move onto independerit living successfully.

The service will continue to deliver 24 hour care and support to up to 8 service users a t f f ^ M ^ ^ a n d cover overs hours per day to 5 service users at ]WMi i> with r^note support avaK^e as required from

The key deliverables for the service is: to provide safe accommodatton for further recovery wftwi someone no iongo- meets the nequirement for admission but is not well enough or is unable to return home, to reduce the numbw of admisaons to hospital for this client group, to improve personal independence, and to successfully move people onto independent U v ^ in the commur% vvflhin 2 years. These wfll be measured ttvough the KPi's monitoring return which Includes detail on tfie rumit>«' of kKfi\wJuars fajwitified as r^dy to move on, the number of service users achieving move on, i^uced hospital admissions and quafity fevimi/s with users of the service including triangulating their feedback through support planning reviews conducted by service user en^igement officer, eenti monftoring d servfce move on and refarrate by CNWL and Brent Council.

On 21st September 2015 authority was granted by members to procure two cor^racts for Accommodathxi Based Mental Health (A6MH) services for indivkluals with mediim to hi£^ mental health support needs. A procurement was undertaken for Wiese two contracts in 2016. Members agreed for these contracts to be procured based on their specialisms, namely;

• Contract Lot 1 for Locatkm 1: a contract to support up to 8 individuals who have high to medium mental health needs and may also have support needs with drug and alcohol misuse.

• Contract Lot 2 2 for Locatfon 2 ^SSSI^SSH^ and Location 3 ( ^ ^HM) - a contract to support up to 13 individuals in 2 locations who have high to medium mental health needs and may also have support needs related to paranoid schizophrenia and anxiety.

The procurement of contract 1 was completed successfully wifri permission to award the contract granted by Cabinet members on 25 July 2016. The procurement for contract 2 was undertaken at the same time, hcwever it was not successfully completed due to a procurement challenge in relation to the scorirrg.

Therefore the procurement had to be re-run and a new 2 stage restricted procedure procurement was commenced in Fetifuary 2017 and con^ii^ed in May 2017. with Equinox Care Ltd recommended for ^3po«nimefrt to tfie contract for Accommodation Based Merits HeaMi, Sodal Care St^iport Rehab and Ftecovery Servica I

Procurement Clearance

it is the opJnfon of fte Head of Commercial and Procurement that fte selected provider (s) has ctemonstrated thrxKjgh their tender sutimissfon (s) tfie abiity to deUver the service(s) tendered. Ttie Head of Commercial and Procurement is also assured that the process of selection was open, fair and transparent, ttjerefbre fully supporte toe recommendattons made In tWs report


Procurement Gateway 2: Business Case & Procurement Options

Legal Clearance

In accordance with the Council's Contract Procedure Rules the authorised officer can award the contract if satisfied that Equinox Care Ltd have submitted 6\e most economically advantageous tender (MEAT) contract award criteria.

The project timetable provides for a 10 day Standstill period where the authority sends a regulation notice providing the merits and deficiencies to all bidders (successful and unsuccessful) of the outcome of the tendering process.

On 15 November 2016 Brenfs Cabinet delegated authority to the Strategic Director Community Wellbeing in oonmjUsMm with Chief LegaifMceranni Chief Rrwww Officer to award Mwntei Health oomrsOa with a vah)« not «3<cee<«ng El mirtion. The conft-act for ABMH services qualitiea as a Mema! Healfti contract wttWn the ternis of the Cabinet autttority mentioned.

Financial Clearance

1.1. The MH ASC budget of £273k per annum is sufRdent to fend the cost of fliis contract

12. Sa>^gs - TWs contact deBwers a £65k pa redudton in cost compared to Ore exlstfrig contract. This saving dalivers a^hst the 2017/18 Mental Health recoveiy pathway savings target or the overall procurement savfaigs target to be detemifried by the CNef Finance (^cer.

1.3. The contract is oomfriant w«h London Living W ^ e (LLW). The contract is for a fixed price over the 3 years so the risk of additional costs in relation to Increases in LLW have tieen mitigated.

Staffing issues including TUPE

1.4. TUPE does apply and wiU have to be manned carefuSyttvoughout the transition and mot}Sisation pertod. The tiBnsfsr of staff tebelwoenoontrw^widoontraGlor

Any riska^ssues to be managed.

1.5. Commissioners will need to work closely wHtfi the new provkter to ensure a seamless transition and mobilisation, and ensure that the contractor manages tWs in-line with their si^missitm.


1.6. The award of contract to Equinox Care Ltd to commence on 3rd July 2017 for a period of 1 year with options to extend for a further 2 years. The total value of the contact including any options to extend is £817,895.52.

1.7. An indicative timeframe is set out below:

indicative Timeframe Indicative Date (or HHiga)

approval of recorranendation as per ttieCoritract Procedure Rules 25.055017 Notificatton of intention to award 05.06.17 Mandatory anttetiS 06.0e.17-1&06.17 Contract finalisafkm and sealing 20.06.17 Mobilterticn meeting 20.06.17 Contract start date 07.07.2017


Procurement GaUway 2: Business Case & Procurement Options


1.8. In accordance with the September 2015 report, a Restricted procedure was initiated in February 2017.

Evaluation T ^ m

1.9. In accordance witii Brent Standing Orders the evaluation panel was comprised of the following Brent and one CNWL Officer:

Ntnwi Laura Power

Susan Joseph

Sunny Mehml

Caroline Fowls

Sarah Patel

Matthew Dibben

Janlne Nell

Porttten Commissioning i Change Officer Commissioning Manager

Service yanager. Community Mental Health Service User and Carer Engagemant Officer Coniacts and f^elationship Officer

Head of Employment, Skills and Enterprise at

oit^t^mAm Brent Goundl Commissioning & Change, Adult Social Care Brent Council New Accommodation for lndep<^<lent Living, Adult Social Care BrWTtCMHT.CIslWL

Brent Courwal Commlsstonfng & Chaise, Adult Social Care Commissioning and Quality Adults Social Care Brent Council

Brent Council

Finance Arralyst | Resources Departtnent \ » w t C w n c l i

Stage 1 - Selection QuesMonnaIre (SQ)

2.0. Key Dates - The OJEU Notice and tender opportunity was published on the Due-North system on 7th February 2017 and ttie closing date for SQ submissions was the 9th March 2017.

2.1. There was a series of pass/fail questions and 6 questions asked trat wer© more specific to the oi^anisations SKperience and skills. These questions were vwlghted out of 100% and scored by evaluators frwn Brent Council and CNWL.

2.2. Responds to advertisement -15 organisations submitted a response on fime.

2.3. Shortlist - As specified within the SQ Instructions and Assessment Methodology dorajment; only the top 5 ranking SO submissions were to be Invited to tender. TTie Authority decided In i ie event of a tie at 4th place, to invite all 3 which achieved 4th i.e. 6 tenderers instead of 5 ai^ficants to tender.

Stege 2 - Invitation to Tender (ITT|

2.4 Quality - Had a weighting of 40% and 8 metfiod statement questions were asked covering;

« How ejqserien^ in delivering similar services will be applied to t ie Servi<», • How the Service will be operated to lead to improval personal imfependence,

Ptocuremant Qataw$y2: Buainoss Casa & Procuromant Options

• How out of hours sen/ices will be delivered, Prqsosals with regard to Staffing (skills, qualifications and experience and structure) in order to meet the needs of the service users, How the Service will be operated to aohieve delivery of outcomes,

• How policies and procedures regarding etjuality and human rights wHI be applied spedfically to this group of sen ice users,

• How the Safegiiairdlng policy will be implemented specifically to this group of service users, • How Social Value will be deiivered






Each question was evaluated s^arately and then moderated. Some evaluators only evaluated specific questions that were llniced to their area of experfise and others evaluated all questions.

Social Value - Was included within the Quality weighting which was the procedure when agreed at QSievmy i (S0<:^ v«iu» poMey haAft fS9m $ppfovwi).

Ct>mmercial/Prfoe - Had a weighting of 60% based on the Total Contract Value.

All individual scores were collated and the evaluation panel re-grouped to moderate all scores at all stages of the procurement process. The final score was a combined (VIEAT score of the quality, social value and commercial/price and the contract wBI be awarded on tfiis MEAT basis.

The ITT was issued with the Trnder documents « i 29* March 2017 and dosed on 28" April 2017. The ITT closfaig date was extended from 24'" April 2017 to 28"" April 2017 to allow Tenderers time to amend their bids due to a late TUPE clarification.

Responses to ITT

3.0. 3 Responses were received on fime and an ir«tial tender evah.iation was carried out 1 response was received late (rejected) and 2 provldBrs opted out

Full detail of ITT Evaluation

Quality/Technical Evaluation


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Provider B



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3.1. It is recommanded that the contract icy the Accommodation Based Merrtal HesMi, Social Care Siqjpcfft Rehsri) and Recoi^ny Service i l ^ l a | p W p l W i i B l i i P » i s aw»-ded to Equinox Care Ltd. The new coiAiact wW commence « i 3 r T j ^ ^ 7 and wilf be AM' a term of 1 ywr with the option to extend for a further 2 yeant.

Procurement Gateway 2: Business Case & Procurement Options

I have seen this report and approve it for onwaitJ submission to the Procurement Board:

I approve the above recommendations:

Signed Terry Brewer Head of Commercial and Procurement

Date g \ £ h i

I do / s=WM approve the award of the contract for Accommodation Based Mental Healthcare services as detailed in the above Report on the terms as mentioned in the Report.

Signed: . f c "

jftilPerter Stratepc Director Community Wellbcing Date: "l~Oh.-QaI i^

After being consulted regarding ttie above recommendations and proposed award of contract,! confirm I '^•^©ct / do not object to the amtract a wanJ.

Signed _ _ _ L j f Conrad Hall Chief Finance Officer

J p Date 7 Sv un

After being consulted regarding the above recommendations and proposed award of contract, I confinn I dbject / do not oljlect to the contract award.

Signed — - ' Orfsra ftawian Interim CWef Lap! Officer

4- 1 c] N ^ Dmejmtmmn

Prbouramont Gateway 2: Bualnesa Case & Procurement Options

Tender Appendix'

ITT: Accommodation Based Social Care Support and

Rehabilitation and Recovery Service

Quality/Tedinical Evaluation (40%)


Ssi«ils 3e Cum



Result Score


Result Score Result Q1 How will your organisation's experttnee of supporting people who bave complex mental health needs be utilised to inform your delivery of tfils cotitract as descriJied in the service speciflcation? Within your response please Include: • Your organisations vision for providkigthis contract • How your organisations vaims and approach i o delivering mental health support at strategic and operational levels comptimmt the delivery of this contract.

20.00% 12.00% 12.00% 12.00%

Q2 How wiN your organisation fadlftato the people to be supported at this service (as described in the specification) to become more independent and transition from an accommodation based suf^ort model to independent living in tiie community

10.00% 8,00% 8.00% 6.00%

Q3 How wiH you operate the swvice to delwer both the outcomes described in the service spedficalion and IrKSviduaHy speci^Ki outcomes?

15.00% 9.00% 9jao% 9.00%

Procurement Qatewmy 2: Business Case & Procurement Options

Q4 The successful service provider will be required to manage the changing and fluctuating needs across the service which may see times of mora Intensive support required If multiple service users experience relapse or a change in need, or less support if many are ready for move on. How do you propose to staff the service as described In the specification to provide 24/7 support at site 1 and daytime support at site 2 flexibly, to me^ fluctuating n e ^ s from day one of contract commencement? Within your response please include: • How you will deliver the out of hour's service requirement as described in Hie spec^icatfon. • How you will meet tiie f tuctuiMng n^ds of the i^rvlce flejdbly to ensure the varying needs of service users are met at any given

• A service staffing Mruclure including full/part time allocation as an a^whment to your response [can to prodded as an attochmerrt which vrill not form part of the woni count allocation]. • An Implementation plan In relMion to moMlisatlon for service commencement including plans for tansfer of steff covered by TOPE

15.00% 12.00% t2.00% 9.00%

Q5 How will your organisation ensure staff delivering this contact are equipped wUh the sMM, qualifications, experience and approach i%<wssivy to ^ovide an i n i w v ^ ^ and dynanric

heiWisumJort SM-vice whicfi ^cWtales recovery and nraidmlses ind^endence for series users?

8.l»% f . ^ » fi.^

Procurement Gateway 2: Business Case & Procurement Options

m How will your organfeatJon apply ThiB^mlity Art 2010 and The Human Rigfite Act 19f8 wftWn your delfvery of this servics as describ«d in the speclflcatlon?

Q7 How does your organisation proaoivoly implement the Pan London 2016 safeguarding policy? Within your response please include: ■ A demonstration of how your organisation has used personalised risk management plans to deal with safeguarding concern for a service user • Any lessons learnt and/or good practice which would be applied to the delivery of this service.



3.00% 3.00% 3.00%

Q8 Tenderers are required to demonstrate how, if successful, they would contribute to ttie Council's Social Value agenda. Using the examples and template provided, please submit your written action plan, demonstrating your understanding of social value issues, and how you will deliver social value related to the performance of the contract throughout the life of the contract.


12.00% 9.00% 9.00%

Oualltf Sub total flOO«}




8.00% 8.00% 10.00%

nM% 28.80%





Procurement Gateway 2: Business Case & Procurement Options

Price Evaluation (60%) Weighting




gc^inax twtn £817,895.52



Provider B , £817,294.44






Summary Quality/Technical Evaluation







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ProtlierB 26.80%



Ptti^^C 2BM%


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