principle of teaching and the learning language

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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Principle of teaching and the learning language


Principles of teaching and

learning language

1. Begin with the end of mind

With a specific objective in mind, our lesson becomes more focused. With a clear focused, no amount of far-fetched question or comment from our students, no amount of unnecessary interruption or disruption can derail our intended lesson for the day. Clarify what you want your students to achieve.

2. Encourage your students to personalize the learning goals identified for them.

Your students must own the lesson objectives. When they make the lesson objectives their own then they take care that they realize them. When the student set their own personal targets, they will become more self-motivated.

3. Motivation is essential in learning

Learning is an experience which occurs inside the learner and is activated by the learner. It is necessary that our students get self-motivated to learn English and Filipino. It is motivation that make students explore, choose, remain interested, participate actively and build self-confidence.

4. Learning is a social activityCooperative and collaborative process. People enjoy functioning independently but they also functioning independently. We learn from others when we interact with them in the same way as they learn from us.


MEANINGFUL WHEN IT IS INTEGRATIVE.Incorporate: Listening, speaking, reading and

writingConsider: Strategies – Multiple Intelligence &

Learning StylesApply: Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary

teachingTeach: Language structure and form in

authentic contextsConnect: Life experiences of studentsIncorporate: Research-based instructional

strategiesIntegrate values in your lesson

6. A conducive classroom atmosphere is a sine qua non of the teaching-learning

process.• Encourages people to be active• Promotes and facilitates individual discovery• Personal and subjective nature of learning•Good and desirable• Right to make mistakes

• Tolerates ambiguity• Self-evaluation•Openness of self• Trust themselves• Respect to people• Accepts people• Confrontation with self and ideas

7. Learning is an active process The learner uses sensory input and constructing meaning out of it.Learning is not a passive acceptance of knowledge which exist “out there” but the learning involves the learner’s engaging with the world.

8. Learning is reflectiveThe crucial action of constructing meaning is mental. It happens in mind. Physical actions, hands-on experience may be necessary for learning it is not sufficient. We need t provide to provide activities which engage the mind as well as the hands.

9. An approach that allows for ‘more time, more depth with fewer, more complex

topics’ is more desirable

We observe and read a “mild wide” and “inch deep” teaching. Superficial teaching wont allow a teacher’s lesson to seep into the minds and heart of a students.

10. Emphasize on self-evaluation.

•Feedback should be criteria reference. Emphasize on self-evaluation at the end of the lesson.

11. Make use of an integrated performance assessment that makes

the connections between learning styles, intelligences and the real world

explicit in the way that is useful to both students and teachers.

12. Emphasize on real word application that favors realistic performances over out-of-

context drill items

•Assessment practices - Performance

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