primary duodenal adenocarcinoma

Post on 01-Nov-2015






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Case presentation and literature review


Tumours of the Duodenum

Case PresentationAli Chami PGYIV28/7/2015

22 year old female patient presented for a 3 months history of abdominal discomfort, generalized fatigue, weight loss, and anorexia. Pain is described as epigastric in origin, dull, radiating to back, and related to meals. No fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation or dysuria.

PMH: NonePSH: Open appendectomyAllergies: NoneMeds: NoneOther: Non-smoker, non-alcoholicTreated by many physicians conservatively PPI, spasmolytics, and iron supplements with no improvement of symptoms.

One week prior to presentation to our institution patient started to develop yellowish discoloration of her skin and eyesWeight loss 10 kg in one month.Clay color stool, and tea colored urine.

TestResultWBC3200RBC2.25Hct17.5Hb5.3MCV78Plt372000Neutrophils22%Lymphocytes55%Monocytes5%Eosinophils18%Basophils0%TestResultSGOT182SGPT229GGT301Alk. Phos992Bil T/D 7.3/5.7Total protein 6.2Albumin3.6EGD

BiopsyPrimary duodenal poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma CT ScanCT Scan chest ,abdomen, and pelvisD2 circumferential tumor 5cmCBD dilatation at 9 mmDilatation of duct of Wirsung 11 mmCeliac lymphadenopathy 12mmLeft ovarian cyst 34mmMinimal peritoneal fluidNormal chestPET CT

Physical ExamTemp: 37.2 HR: 116 RR 18 BP 100/6042 kgAbdominal examination: Soft, non-distended, minimal epigastric tenderness, no palpable masses or herniaROS: Normal

TestResultHb10.7Hct33.6WBC11.4Neu72%Lymph12%Plt588MCV82INR1.14TestResultBilirubin T/D18/15Albumin 3.46Amylase184Lipase1492Alk. Phos 1080GGT 441SGOT/SGPT198/234CA 19-9 NrmlCEA NrmlORPancreaticoduodenectomyEn bloc lymphadenectomy11 celiac LN9 porta hepatis LN3 hepatic LNDuct to mucosal anastamosis

PathologyAdenocarcinoma of small bowel moderately to poorly differentiatedFree marginsRegional LN: 1/18Celiac, hepatic and porta hepatis LN: No infiltration

Post-Op CourseNo major complicationsNo evidence of leakReferred to further GI screening upon full recoveryPrimary Duodenal AdenocarcinomaOutlineIntroduction-Epidemiology-Risk Factors-Associated syndromesPathogenesis and morphologyComparison to other peri-ampullary tumorsPresentationDiagnosisPrognostic indicatorsTreatment-Early duodenal AC treatment-Resectability-SurgeryAdjuvant and neoadjuvant therapyPalliative proceduresConclusionIntroductionArises from Lieberkuhn epithelium of duodenal mucosa0.05% of all malignancies

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