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BiologyLectures – winter term 2008

1st year of Pharmacy study

1st Lecture

2. Position of the biology in pharmaceutical sciences.

1. Introduction to the biology. Division of the biological sciences.

Definition of Biology subject– general - bio = live

logos = science

- focused – basic principle of living organisms

1st Lecture2. Position of the biology in pharmaceutical


A, Backround for all medical disciplines of pharmaceutical study: physiology, pathology, biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, pharmacology, clinical pharmacology

B, General principles of biological active molecules - drugs

2nd Lecture

Origin of life. The chemical evolution hypothesis. Origin of cells and multicellular organisms. Kingdom Animalia and phylogenesis.

Darwin The Origin of


Darwin’s visit to the Galapagos

• Darwin visited the Galapagos as ship’s naturalist on a round-the-world scientific expedition in 1835

• The Beagle spent 5 weeks crusing the Galapagos• During that time Darwin spent 19 days ashore, visiting San

Christobal (at the time known as Chatam), Floreana (Charles), Isabela (Albermarle), Santiago (James) documenting their flora and fauna

The Galapagos Islands are located 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador

The Galapagos

consists of roughly a dozen major islands of volcanic origin

black lizards,

I never dreamed that islands, about fifty or sixty miles apart, and most of them in sight of each other, formed of precisely the same rocks, placed under a quite similar climate, rising to a nearly equal height, would have been differently tenanted.

In conclusion, it appears to me that nothing can be more improving to a young naturalist, than a journey in distant countries - Charles Darwin

Carl Linne(Carolius Linnaeus)Systema Naturae


Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

•The fisrt microscopy

•Magnitude cca 300 x •describe „animalcules“- 1684

A simulating experimentfor the abiotic productionof biomolecules: Simulated what might happened in one billionyears in one week.

Inorganic atoms and moleculesSimple organic moleculesComplex organic moleculesMacromoleculesBiological active supramoleculesThe first simple cellsCellsTissue Simple organismsanimals and plantsHuman

Makromolekuly – sugarsProteinsNucleic acidsLipids





Cytosilic molecular pathways

ATPExpression of genes

• Origin of Life• Universal predictor• Prokaryontes• Eukaryotes• Chordata• Vertebrales• Mammalia• Primates• Hominoids


• Chimpans- human divergence

Chimpans- human divergence

Chimpans Human

6-8 millions of years

The cell theory

• Cell is basic functional and structural entity of living organisms

• Activity whole organism is depended on activity of individual cell as well as collective coordinate activity of cells

• Activity of cells is depended on specific subcellularstructures

• Origin of cell are cells

Cell theory

The first acheological evidence of cells> 3,8 milion year agou

Human cells

Cell Specialization and Tissues• Main advantage of multicellular organisms is

cellular differentiation• Tissue: group of cells with specific function

– Humans have 14 major tissue types (bones, muscles, nerves, blood, etc.)

• Humans have more than 200 specialized cell types that differ in– Size (nerve cell vs. blood cells)– Lifetime (nerve cells vs. bone marrow cells)

• Note: all cells have exactly the same genetic code; the difference comes from differences in gene expression

Cell principle of live

• Summary– Cell is unit with all necessary

for livechange º disease

– Complexity• The same atoms and molecules• Organization to different

structures an organelles– Difference and variability

• Neuron • Blood cells

Darwin's diagram of the "principle of divergence”

The only illustration in The Origin of Species, 1859

The History of the Tree

• Scientists from Aristotle to Linneausrecognized plants and animals comprised the two great groups of life

• Ernst Haeckel was a contemporary of Darwin who first tried to organize the taxonomic 3 groups of the age into the first “tree of life”, recognizing the protists as a third kingdom

Tree of Life• Three major groups:

– Archaea– Bacteria– Eukaryotes

• Animals• Green Plants• Fungi• Protists

– Viruses

Salt lake, Kang Island, AustraliaSalt lake, Kang Island, Australia


Yellowstone National Park, USA


Evolutionary Time• Basic Assumption:

– the diversity of life arose by inherited variation through an unbroken line of descent

• Estimates of divergence times:– Archaeology– Phylogenetic genetic sequence analysis

• Major events:– Life began 3.8 billion years ago– Eucaryotes formed 2 billion years ago– Multicellular organisms 1 billion years ago

Times of Divergence

Life tree

Diversity of Life• Life is extraordinary varied

• tiny archebacterium living in a superheated sulphurvent at the bottom of the ocean

• a two-ton polar bear roaming the arctic circle

– Genome size (length of DNA) varies• from 5,000 (SV40 virus) to 3*109(humans) -1011 (higher plants)

• All organism share basic properties– Made of cells (membrane-enclosed sacks of chemicals)– Carry basic reactions (e.g. core metabolic and

developmental pathways)

Species Diversity (percent)

Humans 0.08 - 0.10.12 - 0.172

5HIV1 30

ChimpanzeesDrosophila simulansE. coli

Genetic variation among humans

Origins of hominids

• Sahelanthropustchadensis

• Chad (Central Africa)• Dated to 6 – 7 million

years ago• Posture uncertain, but

slightly later hominids were bipedal

‘Toumai’, Chad, 6-7 MYABrunet et al. (2002) Nature 418, 145-151

Origins of the genus Homo

• Homo erectus/ergaster~1.9 million years ago in Africa

• Use of stone tools• H. erectus in Java ~1.8

million years ago

Nariokatome boy, Kenya, ~1.6 MYA

Additional migrations out of Africa

• First known Europeans date to ~800 KYA

• Ascribed to H. heidelbergensis

Atapueca 5, Spain,~300 KYA

Origins of modern humans (1)

• Anatomicallymodern humans in Africa ~130 KYA

• In Israel by ~90 KYA

• Not enormously successful

Omo I, Ethiopia, ~130 KYA

Expansions of fully modern humans

• Two expansions:• Middle Stone Age

technology in Australia ~50 KYA

• Upper Palaeolithic technology in Israel ~47 KYA

Lake Mungo 3, Australia, ~40 KYA

Routes of migration?archaeological evidence

50 KYA

47 KYA40 KYA

39 KYA

50 KYA

47 KYA40 KYA

39 KYA

MiddleStone Age

Upper Paleolithic


Cavalli-Sforza,2001 + HEG (2004)

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