press coverage cpec: macro and micro economic … · during two days conference speakers will also...

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Press Coverage

CPEC: Macro and Micro Economic Dividends for Pakistan and the Region

Day 1: September 20, 2016, IPRI, Islamabad

Two Days National Conference on CPEC kicks off

September 20, 2016

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ISLAMABAD, Sep 20 (APP): Two Days National Conference on China–

Pakistan Economic Corridor kicked off here on Tuesday. The conference has

been organized by Islamabad Policy Research Institute.

During two days conference Speakers will also address CPEC advantages for

India, Iran and the SAARC region. The completion of project would also be of

great benefit to Afghanistan, Iran, India and other SAARC countries in terms

of trade and transportation of oil and gas from Iran, Central Asian Republics

(CARs) and the Gulf countries. The conference would also review CPEC’s

implications for domestic and foreign investment and trade as well as

explore its dividends to the industrial, agriculture and services sector

especially to labourers, farm workers and entrepreneurs.

APP/Sohail/VNS Islamabad


IPRI To Organize Two-day Conference On CPEC

ISLAMABAD, (Pakistan Point News - 19th Sep, 2016 ): Islamabad Policy Research

Institute (IPRI) in collaboration with Hanns Seidel Foundation would organize a 2-day

Conference on China Pakistan Economic Corridor. The event 'CPEC: Macro and Micro

Economic Dividends for Pakistan and the Region' to be held here on Tuesday-

Wednesday would review CPEC projects, their impact on Pakistan's growth and

employment opportunities. The conference would also review CPEC's implications for

domestic and foreign investment and trade as well as explore its dividends to the

industrial, agriculture and services sector especially to labourers, farm workers and


Minister of Commerce, Engineer Khurram Dastgir Khan would be the chief guest of the

conference, whereas Ambassador of China to Pakistan Sun Weidong would also attend

the event. Speakers will also address CPEC advantages for India, Iran and the SAARC

region. The completion of project would also be of great benefit to Afghanistan, Iran,

India and other SAARC countries in terms of trade and transportation of oil and gas

from Iran, Central Asian Republics (CARs) and the Gulf countries.


IPRI to organise two-day conference on CPEC Reported by: `CT Report September 19, 2016

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) in collaboration with Hanns Seidel Foundation would organize a 2-day Conference on China Pakistan Economic Corridor. The event „CPEC: Macro and Micro Economic Dividends for Pakistan and the Region‟ to be held here on Tuesday-Wednesday would review CPEC projects, their impact on Pakistan‟s growth and employment opportunities. The conference would also review CPEC‟s implications for domestic and foreign investment and trade as well as explore its dividends to the industrial, agriculture and services sector especially to labourers, farm workers and entrepreneurs. Minister of Commerce, Engineer Khurram Dastgir Khan would be the chief guest of the conference, whereas Ambassador of China to Pakistan Sun Weidong would also attend the event. Speakers will also address CPEC advantages for India, Iran and the SAARC region. The completion of project would also be of great benefit to Afghanistan, Iran, India and other SAARC countries in terms of trade and transportation of oil and gas from Iran, Central Asian Republics (CARs) and the Gulf countries.


Tuesday, 20 September 2016 19:28

Parvez Jabri

ISLAMABAD: Speakers including development experts here at a Conference on

Tuesday called for the establishment of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

Development Authority to ensure smooth and timely completion of the mega project.

"CPEC is a huge project which needs full attention, capacity, sincerity and hard work to

exploit full potential from the project", Dr Ashfaq Hassan Khan Dean School of

Economics, National University of Science and Technology (NUST) said while chairing

a session of National Conference on CPEC.

The conference titled "CPEC: Macro and Micro Economic Dividends for Pakistan and

the Regions was organized by Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) in

collaboration with Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF).

He said the CPEC would change the perception of Pakistan outside among the world.

He stressed the need to build human capital, skilled manpower and capacity building

special in bureaucracy to attain maximum gains from the project.

Dr Ashfaq Hassan said the CPEC had the potential to change the face of Pakistan as it

would contribute extra two per cent in the country's economic growth which would rose

to 7-8 per cent in next few years. He said currently half a million ton goods were being

handled by the Gawadar port while this would reach to one million ton by next year.

He informed that by 2030, the Gwadar Port would be handling around 300 to 400 million

tones cargo which is a huge quantity if it compared to the US largest port where 80

million ton goods were being handled while the combined capacity of Indian ports is 500

million tones cargo. He also highlighted some hurdles in the way of mega project which

he said needed to be resolved immediately.

Dr Salman Shah, former Finance Minister said that in a bid to make the mega project of

CPEC a big success, Pakistan China economic integration should be brought to the

highest level. He said with the successful completion of CPEC, 500 top Chinese

multinational companies would have their bases in Pakistan, 25 million people of the

two countries would be visiting each other's countries annually, 25 million new jobs

would be created, 100 flights would be operated daily between the two countries, one

million Pakistani students would be studying in China and five per cent of Chinese total

external trade would be routed through Pakistan.



Conference: Speakers for creating CPEC Development Authority

Published: September 21, 2016

Smooth, timely completion of project is required. PHOTO: REUTERS

ISLAMABAD: Speakers, including development experts at a conference Tuesday, called for

the establishment of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Development Authority to

ensure smooth and timely completion of the project.

Chairing a session of National University of Science and Technology conference on CPEC,

School of Economics Dean Dr Ashfaq Hassan Khan said, “CPEC is a huge project which

needs full attention, capacity, sincerity and hard work to exploit full potential from the


The conference titled „CPEC: Macro and Micro Economic Dividends for Pakistan and the

Regions‟ was organised by Islamabad Policy Research Institute in collaboration with Hanns

Seidel Foundation. Khan said that CPEC would change the perception of Pakistan in the world.

CPEC has the potential to change the face of Pakistan as it would contribute extra two per cent

in the country‟s economic growth, which would rise to 7-8 per cent in next few years, said the


He informed that by 2030, Gwadar Port would be handling around 300 to 400 million tons

cargo, which is a huge quantity compared to the largest US port where 80 million ton goods

were being handled, while the combined capacity of Indian ports is 500 million tons cargo.

Khan highlighted some hurdles in the way of the mega project which he said needed to be

resolved immediately.

Former finance minister Dr Salman Shah said that to make CPEC a success, Pakistan China

economic integration should be brought to the highest level.

Citing benefits of CPEC he said that with the successful completion of the mega project, 500

top Chinese multinational companies would have their bases in Pakistan, 25 million people of

the two countries would be visiting each other annually, 25 million new jobs would be created,

100 flights would be operated daily between the two countries, one million Pakistani students

would be studying in China and five per cent of Chinese total external trade would be routed

through Pakistan.

Published in The Express Tribune, September 21st, 2016.





(人民网记者 徐伟摄)


来源:人民网-国际频道 2016年09月21日11:29

人民网伊斯兰堡9月21日电(记者 徐伟)巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡政策研究所20日在伊斯兰





















Establishment of CPEC Development Authority urged

September 21, 2016

Staff Reporter

Islamabad—Speakers including development experts here at a Conference

on Tuesday called for the establishment of China Pakistan Economic Corridor

(CPEC) Development Authority to ensure smooth and timely completion of

the mega project. ―CPEC is a huge project which needs full attention,

capacity, sincerity and hard work to exploit full potential from the project‖,

Dr Ashfaq Hassan Khan Dean School of Economics, National University of

Science and Technology (NUST) said while chairing a session of National

Conference on CPEC.

The conference titled ―CPEC: Macro and Micro Economic Dividends for

Pakistan and the Regions was organized by Islamabad Policy Research

Institute (IPRI) in collaboration with Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF). He said

the CPEC would change the perception of Pakistan outside among the world.

He stressed the need to build human capital, skilled manpower and capacity

building special in bureaucracy to attain maximum gains from the project.

Dr Ashfaq Hassan said the CPEC had the potential to change the face of

Pakistan as it would contribute extra two per cent in the country’s economic

growth which would rose to 7-8 per cent in next few years. He said currently

half a million ton goods were being handled by the Gawadar port while this

would reach to one million ton by next year. He informed that by 2030, the

Gwadar Port would be handling around 300 to 400 million tones cargo which

is a huge quantity if it compared to the US largest port where 80 million ton

goods were being handled while the combined capacity of Indian ports is 500

million tones cargo. He also highlighted some hurdles in the way of mega

project which he said needed to be resolved immediately.

Dr Salman Shah, former Finance Minister said that in a bid to make the

mega project of CPEC a big success, Pakistan China economic integration

should be brought to the highest level. He said with the successful

completion of CPEC, 500 top Chinese multinational companies would have

their bases in Pakistan, 25 million people of the two countries would be

visiting each other’s countries annually, 25 million new jobs would be

created, 100 flights would be operated daily between the two countries, one

million Pakistani students would be studying in China and five per cent of

Chinese total external trade would be routed through Pakistan.

Experts concerned over lack of transparency in CPEC projects

September 21, 2016

Fawad Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD - Showing serious concern over the lack of transparency in the China

Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects, economists and diplomats yesterday said

the nation could not reap benefits associated with the corridor by hiding information

from public.

The experts also lamented the allocation of $34 billion for the generation of around

17,000MW, terming it too expensive and irrational.

The cost benefit and environmental analysis of the CPEC projects have not taken place

and if took place then the government is hiding it from the public, the economists said.

“Unfortunately, the CPEC is a well-guarded secret and with little information that is

available, it is not possible to separate myth from reality,” Dr Ather Maqsood, HoD

Economics Department, NUST, said this while addressing a two-day national

conference on „CPEC: Macro and Micro Economic Dividends for Pakistan and the


The event was jointly organised by the Islamabad Policy Research Institute and Hanns

Seidel Foundation started here on Tuesday.

Athar Maqsood said that there is also difference of opinion of how many Pakistanis can

get employment in the CPEC. “According to the government of Pakistan‟s claim about

1. 5 to 2 million Pakistanis will get jobs in the corridor projects but as per the estimates

provided in Chinese documents 500 to 1,000 Pakistani will get jobs in the CPEC and

the rest will be Chinese nationals,” he said. Dr Ashfaque Hassan Khan, Principal and

Dean School of Economics, NUST, Islamabad, said that the CPEC may change the

face of Pakistan‟s economy, if all goes well. Today, half a million tonnes cargo is being

handled via Gwadar. Next year, it is expected to reach a million. However, when the

port becomes fully functional, it will have the capacity to handle 300 to 400 million

tonnes of cargo. The entire capacity of Indian ports is 500 million tonnes per year while

the biggest US port has the annual capacity of 80 million tonnes. He said that the CPEC

is really a great opportunity for Pakistan but only the claim that it is a game changer will

not make it so. ”The government should find out what is required to make it a game

changer,” he added. What the government is waiting for why are it is not sharing

information with anyone, he said. “I don‟t think that the department in charge of the

CPEC is ready or interested in the execution of such a huge project and the

seriousness can be gauged from their presence in such an informative session,” Ashfaq


Former minister for finance and Chairman Pakistan-China Centre for Economic

Cooperation, Lahore Dr Salman Shah outlined how the CPEC and economic integration

with China will produce a two-tier private sector in Pakistan.

On one side, the great companies oriented to the export market, with access to Chinese

financing and partnerships, will greatly benefit.

However, when economic power will be concentrated in efficient producers that can

count on foreign financing, most small and medium size businesses that have to

confront high financial costs in order to improve their technological capacity will be left

behind, he warned. To a query, he said the Free Trade Agreement with China is worst

than the Chinese trade agreements with ASEAN.

With current FTA, it is impossible for Pakistani businessmen to enter the Chinese $18

trillion market, he warned.

Earlier in his inaugural remarks, Chief Guest Dr Mujahid Kamran, Vice Chancellor,

Punjab University, Lahore, said that Pakistan‟s strategic location and its great mineral

resources give it an edge in the region. However, he warned while the CPEC is an

opportunity, it is also a challenge for Pakistan since it requires economic and

governance reforms, along with massive investment in trained and educated manpower.

With the number of Ph.Ds on the rise, the latter situation has seen much improvement

but the government needs to allocate more funds towards Research and Development

(R&D). Ambassador Inamul Haq, former foreign minister, as chair summed up the

cumulative advantages of the CPEC to China and Pakistan. He said that Punjab

government was very secretive about the orange line train project and they even

disclosed about it in the court.

Dr Ather Maqsood Ahmed, HoD Economics Department, National University of Science

and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, reviewing the economic dividends of the CPEC for

Pakistan outlined its importance for the agriculture, industrial and services sector.

He highlighted that while agricultural development of China and Pakistan will take place

on the principle of comparative advantage and mutual benefit, achieving the objectives

of the 17 agriculture-centric projects was dependent on how quickly counterpart experts

in specific areas were assigned; public-private partnership developed; and federal and

provincial governments aligned.

“The demonstration projects alone, unless replicated, are not expected to raise

agricultural growth in any substantial way,” he argued. While warily optimistic about

Pakistan‟s current economic growth, he cautioned that there is a room for improvement

since growth in tax collection and the tax/GDP ratio remains low; the Public Sector

Enterprises (PSEs) are continuously bleeding; and power theft and huge distribution

and transmission losses have not been arrested.

“How Pakistan benefits from the CPEC will depend on its adopted economic policies,

and reforms to remove structural weaknesses,” he concluded.

Discussing the implications of the CPEC for domestic and regional trade, Dr Jahangir

Khan, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Balochistan, Quetta

pointed out that intra-regional trade among the members of SAARC and ECO countries

is around 5 per cent of their total trade which does not match the inherent trade

potential. China Pakistan Economic Corridor can potentially change this dismal statistic

and enhance regional economic integration.

Former ambassador and president IPRI, Sohail Amin, said that Pakistan‟s economy is

expected to achieve 4. 7 per cent GDP growth in 2016. He said that the CPEC

infrastructure projects, including the Processing and Industrial Production Zones along

the Corridor route once completed would open up and connect the least developed

districts of Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Gilgit-Baltistan, with the mainstream

national and even regional economies.


Published in The Nation newspaper on 21-Sep-2016

Establishment of CPEC Development Authority urged

September 20, 2016

Establishment of CPEC Development Authority urged

ISLAMABAD, Sept 20 (APP): Speakers including development experts here at

a Conference on Tuesday called for the establishment of China Pakistan

Economic Corridor (CPEC) Development Authority to ensure smooth and

timely completion of the mega project.

―CPEC is a huge project which needs full attention, capacity, sincerity and

hard work to exploit full potential from the project‖, Dr Ashfaq Hassan Khan

Dean School of Economics, National University of Science and Technology

(NUST) said while chairing a session of National Conference on CPEC.

The conference titled ―CPEC: Macro and Micro Economic Dividends

for Pakistan and the Regions was organized by Islamabad Policy Research

Institute (IPRI) in collaboration with Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF).

He said the CPEC would change the perception of Pakistan outside among

the world. He stressed the need to build human capital, skilled manpower

and capacity building special in bureaucracy to attain maximum gains from

the project.

Dr Ashfaq Hassan said the CPEC had the potential to change the face

of Pakistan as it would contribute extra two per cent in the country’s

economic growth which would rose to 7-8 per cent in next few years. He

said currently half a million ton goods were being handled by the Gawadar

port while this would reach to one million ton by next year. He informed that

by 2030, the Gwadar Port would be handling around 300 to 400 million

tones cargo which is a huge quantity if it compared to the US largest port

where 80 million ton goods were being handled while the combined capacity

of Indian ports is 500 million tones cargo. He also highlighted some hurdles

in the way of mega project which he said needed to be resolved


Dr Salman Shah, former Finance Minister said that in a bid to make the

mega project of CPEC a big success, Pakistan China economic integration

should be brought to the highest level. He said with the successful

completion of CPEC, 500 top Chinese multinational companies would have

their bases in Pakistan, 25 million people of the two countries would be

visiting each other’s countries annually, 25 million new jobs would be

created, 100 flights would be operated daily between the two countries,

one million Pakistani students would be studying in China and five per cent

of Chinese total external trade would be routed through Pakistan.


The Times of Islamabad

CPEC Development Authority urged for mega project

Posted By: News Deskon: September 20, 2016

ISLAMABAD: (APP) Speakers including development experts here at a Conference on

Tuesday called for the establishment of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)

Development Authority to ensure smooth and timely completion of the mega project.

“CPEC is a huge project which needs full attention, capacity, sincerity and hard work to

exploit full potential from the project”, Dr Ashfaq Hassan Khan Dean School of

Economics, National University of Science and Technology (NUST) said while chairing

a session of National Conference on CPEC.

The conference titled “CPEC: Macro and Micro Economic Dividends for Pakistan and

the Regions was organized by Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) in collaboration

with Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF). He said the CPEC would change the perception of

Pakistan outside among the world. He stressed the need to build human capital, skilled

manpower and capacity building special in bureaucracy to attain maximum gains from

the project.

Dr Ashfaq Hassan said the CPEC had the potential to change the face of Pakistan as it

would contribute extra two per cent in the country‟s economic growth which would rose

to 7-8 per cent in next few years. He said currently half a million ton goods were being

handled by the Gawadar port while this would reach to one million ton by next year. He

informed that by 2030, the Gwadar Port would be handling around 300 to 400 million

tones cargo which is a huge quantity if it compared to the US largest port where 80

million ton goods were being handled while the combined capacity of Indian ports is 500

million tones cargo. He also highlighted some hurdles in the way of mega project which

he said needed to be resolved immediately.

Dr Salman Shah, former Finance Minister said that in a bid to make the mega project of

CPEC a big success, Pakistan China economic integration should be brought to the

highest level. He said with the successful completion of CPEC, 500 top Chinese

multinational companies would have their bases in Pakistan, 25 million people of the two

countries would be visiting each other‟s countries annually, 25 million new jobs would be

created, 100 flights would be operated daily between the two countries, one million

Pakistani students would be studying in China and five per cent of Chinese total external

trade would be routed through Pakistan.


CPEC to bring prosperity, development, say speakers at IPRI moot

DNA News | September 20, 2016

ISLAMABAD, SEPT 20 (DNA) -Pakistan‟s economy is expected to achieve 4.7% GDP growth

in 2016 . This was stated by former Ambassador Sohail Amin, President IPRI, who also spoke

about CPEC.

He said that the CPEC infrastructure projects, including the Processing and Industrial Production

Zones along the Corridor route once completed would open up and connect the least developed

districts of Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Gilgit-Baltistan, with the mainstream national

and even regional economies.

He was addressing the two-day national conference on „CPEC: Macro and Micro Economic

Dividends for Pakistan and the Region‟ jointly organised by the Islamabad Policy Research

Institute and Hanns Seidel Foundation in Islamabad on Tuesday.

In his inaugural remarks Chief Guest, Dr Mujahid Kamran, Vice Chancellor, Punjab University,

Lahore, said that Pakistan‟s strategic location and its great mineral resources give it an edge in

the region.

However, he warned that while CPEC is an opportunity, it is also a challenge for Pakistan since

it requires economic and governance reforms, along with massive investment in trained and

educated manpower.

With the number of PhDs on the rise, the latter situation has seen much improvement, but the

government needs to allocate more funds towards Research and Development (R&D).

CPEC has given much needed hope of development to the people of Balochistan, which must be

consolidated, he urged. On the current security situation in various parts of the world, Dr Kamran

remarked that terrorism had become a device to instigate both fear and anger, especially towards

Muslims, who are now going through systemic genocide. He was of the view that young activists

everywhere were changing socio-political dynamics, forcing people to look beyond the war-

mongering rhetoric of official media to alternate media sources as well.

Providing a detailed overview of the objectives and guiding principles of CPEC; its institutional

arrangements; and the principles and details of Early Harvest Projects, Mr Asad Ali Shah,

Assistant Chief, Ministry of Planning, Development & Reform, informed that the Corridor was

not restricted to a single alignment, rather all provincial capitals are included as nodes, with joint

feasibility surveys carried out.

Mr Khalid Rahman, Director General, Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Islamabad, analysed

CPEC‟s economic benefits to China from three different yet entwined contexts: bilateral; in the

context of OBOR; and in the larger context of changing Chinese role in the world. He shared that

in the bilateral context, nuclear and defence cooperation have remained a significant element in

Sino-Pak relations; and CPEC has provided an additional impetus to such cooperation e.g. in the

deal of eight submarines worth US$6 billion. He pointed out that while essentially a bilateral

arrangement, CPEC serves as the backbone for the One Belt One Road, making the two-way

connectivity between Middle East, Gulf and Africa and South and Central Asia, easier, cost-

effective and efficient. Ambassador Inamul Haq, Former Foreign Minister, as chair summed up

the cumulative advantages of CPEC to China and Pakistan.

Chairing the session, Dr Ashfaque Hassan Khan, Principal and Dean School of Economics,

NUST, Islamabad, said that CPEC may change the face of Pakistan‟s economy, if all goes well.

Today, half a million tonnes cargo is being handled via Gwadar. Next year, it is expected to

reach a million. However, when the Port becomes fully functional, it will have the capacity to

handle 300 to 400 million tonnes of cargo.

Former Minister of Finance, and current Chairman, Pakistan-China Centre for Economic

Cooperation, Lahore, Dr Salman Shah outlined how CPEC and economic integration with China

will produce a two-tier private sector in Pakistan.

On one side, the great companies oriented to the export market, with access to Chinese financing

and partnerships, will greatly benefit. However, when economic power will be concentrated in

the efficient producers that can count on foreign financing, most small and medium size

businesses that have to confront high financial costs in order to improve their technological

capacity will be left behind, he warned.

Thus, the labor-intensive sectors of the national economy will need special support from the

Government to link with global value chains. Dr Shah predicted that most industrial companies

from Pakistan that will benefit from the FTA with China will be those that develop networks to

distribute their products or establish long-term agreements with Chinese producers and/or

distributors. =DNA

"Pakistan’s economy is expected to achieve 4.7% GDP growth in 2016" - Islamabad Policy

Research Institute

by Zamir Asadi, 21.09.2016 09:27 Eurasia Diary

Pakistan’s economy is expected to achieve 4.7% GDP growth in 2016. This was stated by former Ambassador Sohail Amin, President IPRI. He said that the CPEC infrastructure projects, including the Processing and Industrial Production Zones along the Corridor route once completed would open up and connect the least developed districts of Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Gilgit-Baltistan, with the mainstream national and even regional economies. He was addressing the two-day national conference on ‘CPEC: Macro and Micro Economic Dividends for Pakistan and the Region’ jointly organised by the Islamabad Policy Research Institute and Hanns Seidel Foundation in Islamabad today.

In his inaugural remarks Chief Guest, Dr Mujahid Kamran, Vice Chancellor, Punjab University, Lahore, said that Pakistan’s strategic location and its great mineral resources give it an edge in the region. However, he warned that while CPEC is an opportunity, it is also a challenge for Pakistan since it requires economic and governance reforms, along with massive investment in trained and educated manpower. With the number of PhDs on the rise, the latter situation has seen much improvement, but the government needs to allocate more funds towards Research and Development (R&D). CPEC has given much needed hope of development to the people of Balochistan, which must be consolidated, he urged. On the current security situation in various parts of the world, Dr Kamran remarked that terrorism had become a device to instigate both fear and anger, especially towards Muslims, who are now

going through systemic genocide. He was of the view that young activists everywhere were changing socio-political dynamics, forcing people to look beyond the war-mongering rhetoric of official media to alternate media sources as well.

Providing a detailed overview of the objectives and guiding principles of CPEC; its institutional arrangements; and the principles and details of Early Harvest Projects, Mr Asad Ali Shah, Assistant Chief, Ministry of Planning, Development & Reform, informed that the Corridor was not restricted to a single alignment, rather all provincial capitals are included as nodes, with joint feasibility surveys carried out. He said that selection of commercial companies was being done through a fair and impartial bidding process. ‘CPEC is a game changer because its main focus for Pakistan is not only on interconnectivity, but also on clean energy given the development of hydro, wind and solar power projects in order to increase the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption.’ Through CPEC, Pakistan can now focus on exploring and utilizing its domestic coal resources to improve self-sufficiency under projects such as the Thar Power Coal Plant; Thar Power Sino Sindh Resources Coal Plant and the HUBCO Coal Power Plant, amongst others, with estimated coal generation of 4290 MW by 2017/2018, he said.

Mr Khalid Rahman, Director General, Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Islamabad, analysed CPEC’s economic benefits to China from three different yet entwined contexts: bilateral; in the context of OBOR; and in the larger context of changing Chinese role in the world. He shared that in the bilateral context, nuclear and defence cooperation have remained a significant element in Sino-Pak relations; and CPEC has provided an additional impetus to such cooperation e.g. in the deal of eight submarines worth US$6 billion. He pointed out that while essentially a

bilateral arrangement, CPEC serves as the backbone for the One Belt One Road, making the two-way connectivity between Middle East, Gulf and Africa and South and Central Asia, easier, cost-effective and efficient. Without this important link the two projects would, in fact, lose much of their significance. He warned, however, that improving regulations for financial integration and cooperation; building currency stability and credit information system, redefining and expanding the scope and scale of bilateral currency swap arrangements, while ensuring transparency and checking corruption are essential parts of negotiations which need to be addressed in such mega projects.

Dr Ather Maqsood Ahmed, HoD Economics Department, National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, reviewing the economic dividends of CPEC for Pakistan outlined its importance for the agriculture, industrial and services sector. He highlighted that while agricultural development of China and Pakistan will take place on the principle of comparative advantage and mutual benefit, achieving the objectives of the 17 agriculture-centric projects was dependent on how quickly counterpart experts in specific areas were assigned; public-private partnership developed; and federal and provincial governments aligned. ‘The demonstration projects alone, unless replicated, are not expected to raise agricultural growth in any substantial way’, he argued. On the industrial front, with US$ 45 billion likely to be spent on cement, this industry and marble and granite industries are likely to accrue huge profits, he said. CPEC road projects may result in additional demand for 800 thousand automobiles over the next 15 years, with demand for petroleum products also expected to increase substantially. On the services side, CPEC spread over 15-years can result in direct additional 2-3% per year loan growth of the banking system. He said that not only would all major national banks benefit from CPEC, with US$ 30 billion projects being insured locally and internationally, local insurance companies would benefit with additional insurance premium of Rs 2 billion annually. While warily optimistic about Pakistan’s current economic growth, he cautioned that there is room for improvement since growth in tax collection and the tax/GDP ratio remains low; the Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) are continuously bleeding; and power theft and huge distribution and transmission losses have not been arrested. ‘How Pakistan benefits from CPEC will depend on its adopted economic policies, and reforms to remove structural weaknesses’, he concluded.

Ambassador Inamul Haq, Former Foreign Minister, as chair summed up the cumulative advantages of CPEC to China and Pakistan.

Chairing the session, Dr Ashfaque Hassan Khan, Principal and Dean School of Economics, NUST, Islamabad, said that CPEC may change the face of Pakistan’s economy, if all goes well. Today, half a million tonnes cargo is being handled via Gwadar. Next year, it is expected to reach a million. However, when the Port becomes fully functional, it will have the capacity to handle 300 to 400 million tonnes of cargo.

Former Minister of Finance, and current Chairman, Pakistan-China Centre for Economic Cooperation, Lahore, Dr Salman Shah outlined how CPEC and economic integration with China will produce a two-tier private sector in Pakistan. On one side, the great companies oriented to the export market, with access to Chinese financing and partnerships, will greatly benefit. However, when economic power will be concentrated in the efficient producers that can count on foreign financing, most small and medium size businesses that have to confront high financial costs in order to improve their technological capacity will be left behind, he warned. Thus, the labor-intensive sectors of the national economy will need special support from the Government to link with global value chains. Dr Shah predicted that most industrial companies from Pakistan that will benefit from the FTA with China will be those that develop networks to distribute their products or establish long-term agreements with Chinese producers and/or distributors.

Chinese textile shifting to Pakistan will not only enable China to continue its dominance of the world’s textile business, it will improve Pakistani plants to come up to the former’s productivity levels. He was hopeful that CPEC along with an effective FTA can make Pakistan one of the most attractive investment and manufacturing sites in the world. Hundreds of American, Canadian, European, and Asian companies may relocate facilities for manufacturing goods, he predicted. The former Minister recommended creating cross-cutting think tanks to collaborate on R & D; and formulating a comprehensive national strategy based on Pakistan’s role in CPEC and strategic proximity to China. ‘Such a strategy is imperative and should include actors from the government, defense and private sector, and should also cover territorial jurisdiction issues’, he said.

Prof. Dr Syed Irfan Hyder, Dean CBM and CES, Institute of Business Management (IBM), Karachi analysed how CPEC can enable foreign and domestic investment in business ventures in qualitative terms. He lamented lack of specific information for making investment decisions. He was of the view that the environmental costs of CPEC should be calculated, while also keeping in mind that Balochistan is already a troubled area, he stressed.

Discussing the implications of CPEC for domestic and regional trade, Dr Jahangir Khan, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Balochistan, Quetta pointed out that intra-regional trade among the members of SAARC and ECO countries is around 5% of their total trade which does not match the inherent trade potential. China Pakistan Economic Corridor can potentially change this dismal statistic and enhance regional economic integration

CPEC: experts speak about opportunities, challenges

September 21, 2016


Economists have projected that China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is expected to enhance economic growth of the country by 2 percent by 2020 and an additional 1.5 percent by 2030, besides creating 1.5 to 2 million jobs per annum. However, they raised questions on transparency in CPEC projects, while terming the 17000MW energy projects worth over $34 billion as the most expensive. "Unfortunately, CPEC is a well-guarded secret and with little info that is available; it is not possible to separate myth from reality," economists and diplomats lamented while addressing a National Conference on "CPEC: Macro and micro economic dividends for Pakistan and the region," jointly organized by Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) and Hanns Seidel Foundation. They also raised questions about strategy of the government on the CPEC, hurdle of bureaucracy, governance, and concern about capacity and urged for revisiting Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China. Former Minister of Finance and current Chairman Pakistan-China Centre for Economic Cooperation, Lahore Dr Salman Shah said real benefit of the CPEC depends on China's and Pakistan's commitment to greater economic integration. He said that government of Pakistan's goal should be to establish a working framework and agreements for a financial commercial, manufacturing about knowledge alliance with China. He said that we could achieve $300 billion to $700 billion of GDP target till 2025, and external balance trade of Rs 700 billion/year. He said on one side, the great companies oriented to the export market with access to Chinese financing and partnerships will greatly benefit. However, when economic power will be concentrated in the efficient producers that can count on foreign financing, most small and medium size businesses that have to confront high financial costs in order to improve their technological capacity will be left behind, he warned. Dr Shah predicted that most industrial companies from Pakistan that will benefit from the FTA with China will be those that develop networks to distribute their products or establish long-term agreements with Chinese producers and/or distributors. He said that Chinese textile shifting to Pakistan will not only enable China to continue its dominance of the world's textile business, it will also improve Pakistani plants capacity to come up to the former's productivity levels. He was hopeful that CPEC along with an effective FTA can make Pakistan one of the most attractive investment and manufacturing sites in the world. He said that this would enable Pakistan to sustain its national security with underpinning of a strong economic base in face of a resurgent and aggressive India. He said that the CPEC could acquire great importance for developing global competitive advantage for Pakistan through connectivity, access to markets, skills development, know-how, and transfer of technology and availability of financial resources. He said it is an economic imperative for China and Pakistan to increase and fortify their economic integration as the basis of increasing their regional economic power and to face the competition presented by the other regional economic blocs. Shah said that the CEPC will provide China with a direct access to western Indian Ocean and it will also

provide opportunity to Pakistan to become a logistics hub for Central Asia, Western Asia and Western China. He said that the link will provide an opportunity for both countries to promote greater economic integration of the two economies. He said that China could be a big source of investment capital technology and know-how for developing Pakistan's economic potential, generating a growth of 8 to 10 % per annum, boosting exports and generating economic prosperity over the next 30 years. This would require pursuing a national agenda for economic integration with China. Dr Ashfaque Hassan Khan, Principal and Dean School of Economics, NUST, Islamabad, said that the CPEC may change the face of Pakistan's economy, if all goes well. He said that today half a million tonnes of cargo is being handled via Gwadar. Next year, it is expected to reach a million, he said. However, when the port becomes fully functional, it will have the capacity to handle 300 to 400 million tonnes of cargo, he said. Asad Ali Shah, Assistant Chief, Ministry of Planning, Development & Reform said the Corridor is not restricted to a single alignment, rather all provincial capitals are included as nodes, with joint feasibility surveys carried out. He said that selection of commercial companies is being done through a fair and impartial bidding process. "CPEC is a game changer because its main focus for Pakistan is not only on interconnectivity, but also on clean energy given the development of hydro, wind and solar power projects in order to increase the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption," he said. Through the CPEC, Pakistan can now focus on exploring and utilising its domestic coal resources to improve self-sufficiency under projects such as the Thar Power Coal Plant; Thar Power Sino Sindh Resources Coal Plant and the Hubco Coal Power Plant, amongst others, with an estimated coal generation of 4290 MW by 2017-2018, he said. Former Ambassador Sohail Amin, President IPRI, said the CPEC infrastructure projects, including the processing and industrial production zones along the Corridor route once completed would open up and connect the least developed districts of Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Gilgit-Baltistan, with the mainstream national and even regional economies. Dr Mujahid Kamran, Vice Chancellor, Punjab University, Lahore, said that Pakistan's strategic location and its great mineral resources given it an edge in the region. However, he warned that while the CPEC is an opportunity, it is also a challenge for Pakistan since it requires economic and governance reforms, along with a massive investment in trained and educated manpower. Khalid Rahman, Director General Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), Islamabad, analysed CPEC's economic benefits to China from three different yet entwined contexts: bilateral; in the context of OBOR; and in the larger context of changing Chinese role in the world. He said that the CPEC serves as the backbone for the 'One Belt One Road', making the two-way connectivity between the Middle East, Gulf and Africa and South and Central Asia easier, cost-effective and efficient. Dr Ather Maqsood Ahmed, HoD Economics Department, National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, reviewing the economic dividends of CPEC for Pakistan, outlined its importance for the agriculture, industrial and services sectors. He highlighted that while agricultural development of China and Pakistan will take place on the principle of comparative advantage and mutual benefit, achieving the objectives of the 17 agriculture-centric projects is dependent on how quickly counterpart experts in specific areas are assigned, public-private partnership is developed and federal and provincial governments are aligned. Professor Dr Syed Irfan Hyder, Dean CBM and CES, Institute of Business Management (IBM), Karachi, lamented lack of specific information for making investment decisions. He was of the view that the environmental costs of the CPEC should be calculated, while also keeping in mind that Balochistan is already a troubled area. Dr Jahangir Khan, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Balochistan, Quetta, pointed out that intra-regional trade among the members of SAARC and ECO countries is around 5% of their total trade which does not match the inherent trade potential.

Establishment of CPEC Developent Authority Imperative For Timely Completion of Mega Project ISLAMABAD, Sept 20 (APP): Development Experts of the country call for establishment of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Development Authority to ensure smooth and timely completion of the mega project. The suggestion was put forward during a conference organized by Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI) in collaboration with Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF). The topic of the conference was “CPEC: Macro and Micro Economic Dividends for Pakistan and the Regions.”

“CPEC is a huge project which needs full attention, capacity, sincerity and hard work to exploit full potential from the project”, Dr Ashfaq Hassan Khan Dean School of Economics, National University of Science and Technology (NUST) said while chairing a session.

He said the CPEC would change the perception of Pakistan outside among the world. He stressed the need to build human capital, skilled manpower and capacity building special in bureaucracy to attain maximum gains from the project. Dr Ashfaq Hassan said the CPEC had the potential to change the face of Pakistan as it would contribute extra two percent in the country‟s economic growth which would rose to 7-8 per cent in next few years. He said currently half a million ton goods were being handled by the Gawadar port while this would reach to one million ton by next year. He informed that by 2030, the Gwadar Port would be handling around 300 to 400 million tones cargo which is a

huge quantity if it compared to the US largest port where 80 million ton goods were being handled while the combined capacity of Indian ports is 500 million tones cargo. He also highlighted some hurdles in the way of mega project which he said needed to be resolved immediately.

Dr Salman Shah, former Finance Minister said that in a bid to make the mega project of CPEC a big success, Pakistan China economic integration should be brought to the highest level. He said with the successful completion of CPEC, 500 top Chinese multinational companies would have their bases in Pakistan, 25 million people of the two countries would be visiting each other‟s countries annually, 25 million new jobs would be created, 100 flights would be operated daily between the two countries, one million Pakistani students would be studying in China and five per cent of Chinese total external trade would be routed through Pakistan.


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