preserve custom key mapping during upgrade unity 5.0 feature training

Post on 06-Jan-2016






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Preserve Custom Key Mapping During Upgrade Unity 5.0 Feature Training. Alex Cheng UCBU Development Objectives. After completing this module you will be able to: Comprehend the basic of the feature. Troubleshoot tips for the custom key map preservation during upgrade. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Preserve Custom Key Mapping During Upgrade

Unity 5.0 Feature Training

Alex Cheng

UCBU Development

© 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 3


After completing this module you will be able to:

Comprehend the basic of the feature.

Troubleshoot tips for the custom key map preservation during upgrade.

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Training Assumptions

Read the FFS before the training.

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Feature Overview


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Preserve Custom Key Mapping During Upgrade

Feature Overview

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Preserve Custom Key Mapping During Upgrade Feature Overview

• Unity Setup up shall preserve the custom key mapping info after upgrade.

• Any new information or changes in the latest version shall be added merged to the custom key files

• Any new information or changes in the custom key map script shall be merged to the files under the backup directory of the Custom key map utilities.

• Any file in the Custom key map utilities backup directory shall be archived before upgrade.

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Preserve Custom Key Mapping During Upgrade


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Feature DiagnosticsTrace log:

Diagnostic traces can be found in \Commserver\Logs\tempu_xxxxxxxx_xxxxxx.log


2007-05-26T22:35:45 - Start processing CustomKeyMapping... (E:\Views\CU5.0.0.292\un_Setup\UnitySetup\ProductCommsvr\Src\ProdCommsvrCurrVer.cpp 2390)2007-05-26T22:35:46 - Copying file from directory C:\CommServer\Localize\Scripts to C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\CommServer_05262007_223244\Localize\Scripts\... (E:\Views\CU5.0.0.292\un_Setup\UnitySetup\ProductCommsvr\Src\ProdCommsvrCurrVer.cpp 2415)2007-05-26T22:35:46 - Found backup in CustomKeyMap Utilities. Setup starts processing it. (E:\Views\CU5.0.0.292\un_Setup\UnitySetup\ProductCommsvr\Src\ProdCommsvrCurrVer.cpp 2428)2007-05-26T22:35:46 - Copy Custom key Map Utilities Backup file from C:\CommServer\Utilities\CustomKeyMap\Backup to C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\CommServer_05262007_223244\Utilities\CustomKeyMap\Backup\. (E:\Views\CU5.0.0.292\un_Setup\UnitySetup\ProductCommsvr\Src\ProdCommsvrCurrVer.cpp 2435)2007-05-26T22:35:46 - Copy Custom key Map Utilities Backup file from C:\CommServer\Utilities\CustomKeyMap\Backup to C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\CommServer_05262007_223244\Utilities\CustomKeyMap\Backup\PreUpgrade. (E:\Views\CU5.0.0.292\un_Setup\UnitySetup\ProductCommsvr\Src\ProdCommsvrCurrVer.cpp 2439)2007-05-26T22:35:46 - Update Custom key Map Utilities Backup file in C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\CommServer_05262007_223244\Utilities\CustomKeyMap\Backup\. (E:\Views\CU5.0.0.292\un_Setup\UnitySetup\ProductCommsvr\Src\ProdCommsvrCurrVer.cpp 2443)2007-05-26T22:35:46 - Finished processing CustomKeyMapping... (E:\Views\CU5.0.0.292\un_Setup\UnitySetup\ProductCommsvr\Src\ProdCommsvrCurrVer.cpp 2447)

2007-05-26T22:35:45 - Start processing CustomKeyMapping... (E:\Views\CU5.0.0.292\un_Setup\UnitySetup\ProductCommsvr\Src\ProdCommsvrCurrVer.cpp 2390)2007-05-26T22:35:46 - Copying file from directory C:\CommServer\Localize\Scripts to C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\CommServer_05262007_223244\Localize\Scripts\... (E:\Views\CU5.0.0.292\un_Setup\UnitySetup\ProductCommsvr\Src\ProdCommsvrCurrVer.cpp 2415)2007-05-26T22:35:46 - Found backup in CustomKeyMap Utilities. Setup starts processing it. (E:\Views\CU5.0.0.292\un_Setup\UnitySetup\ProductCommsvr\Src\ProdCommsvrCurrVer.cpp 2428)2007-05-26T22:35:46 - Copy Custom key Map Utilities Backup file from C:\CommServer\Utilities\CustomKeyMap\Backup to C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\CommServer_05262007_223244\Utilities\CustomKeyMap\Backup\. (E:\Views\CU5.0.0.292\un_Setup\UnitySetup\ProductCommsvr\Src\ProdCommsvrCurrVer.cpp 2435)2007-05-26T22:35:46 - Copy Custom key Map Utilities Backup file from C:\CommServer\Utilities\CustomKeyMap\Backup to C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\CommServer_05262007_223244\Utilities\CustomKeyMap\Backup\PreUpgrade. (E:\Views\CU5.0.0.292\un_Setup\UnitySetup\ProductCommsvr\Src\ProdCommsvrCurrVer.cpp 2439)2007-05-26T22:35:46 - Update Custom key Map Utilities Backup file in C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1.000\LOCALS~1\Temp\CommServer_05262007_223244\Utilities\CustomKeyMap\Backup\. (E:\Views\CU5.0.0.292\un_Setup\UnitySetup\ProductCommsvr\Src\ProdCommsvrCurrVer.cpp 2443)2007-05-26T22:35:46 - Finished processing CustomKeyMapping... (E:\Views\CU5.0.0.292\un_Setup\UnitySetup\ProductCommsvr\Src\ProdCommsvrCurrVer.cpp 2447)

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Troubleshooting Tips

•Check log under \Commserver\Logs

•Look for section starting with “Start processing CustomKeyMapping” and end with “Finished processing CustomKeyMapping”

•Setup will log any file copy error and/or update file error to the log file.

•If any error occur, setup will use the custom key map files from the setup image. User can use the log to determine the problem file and merge the files manually or run the custom key map utility again. User can found the archived files before upgrade in \Commserver\Utilities\CustomKeyMap\Backup\PreUpgrade

•Upgrade from 4.2.1 or previous will generate some file missing errors. That is expected because in 5.0 we have added 2 more custom key map profiles. Any missing file will be copied from 5.0 setup image.

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For Further Information

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