presented by kimmie carson katrina chornij karina nordstrom erin o'donnell animal...

Post on 19-Dec-2015






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What is the issue?

Should animal experimentation be allowed? Under what circumstances?

Our moral question is:Do animals have rights?

Fact Finding : What?

Animal Experimentation is the use of animals to test the effects of drugs, medication, supplements, cosmetics, food, household products, pesticides, and other chemicals.

Fact Finding : Who?

About 10 million animalsaround the world are

beingtested on every year.

84% are Rodents (mice, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters, etc.)12% are Fish, Amphibians, & Reptiles2.1% are Large Mammals1.4% are Small Mammals0.3% are Dogs & Cats0.1% are Primates (lemurs, monkeys, etc.)

Fact Finding : When?

People have been experimenting on animals for centuries.

The first to perform experiments on living animals was Aristotle in 350 B.C.

The first nonscientific products tested on animals were cosmetics in 1933

Fact Finding : Where?

Animal experimentation is conducted all over the world.

It takes place at :UniversitiesMedical SchoolsPharmaceutical &

Biotechnology companies

Military Defense Establishments

Fact Finding: Why?

There are two major reasons

for animal experimentation

To find out more about the animals themselves

To tests substances and procedures to see if they are harmful (if the substance/procedure would be safe for human use)

Fact Finding : The Law

The 1966 Animal Welfare Act &1985 Care & Use of LaboratoryAnimals set standards for the : Adequate, cleanliness of housing

for the animals Treating animals in humane ways Use of measures to alleviate pain

and distress of the animals Safe transportation of the animals

The U.S. Congress passed laws thatrequired the testing of drugs on

animals before they could bemarketed. In the 1940s. Many 0ther

countries have similar laws.

Fact Finding : Statistics

Almost 9% of animals in the laboratory die

Most of the drugs passed by animal tests have been discarded as useless to humans

Less than 2% of all human illnesses are in the animal kingdom

The world of science has on record more than 400 methods that can effectively replace animal experiments

About 20 animals die in laboratories each second worldwide

Imagine Possibilities

1. Allow all animal experimentation to occur

2. Allow animal experimentation only for the medical benefits of humans

3. Do not allow animal experimentation at all

Views & Opinions

Pro Animal Experimentation Human rights override animal

rights, therefore the safest way to test the effects of drugs & other products is on animals first

To find cures & vaccinations for life threatening diseases, like cancer & AIDS, is a goal of scientists, & animal experimentation will help to understand how these viruses work

Animal experimentation has helped animals too (Heartworm medication for dogs was derived from research on animals)

To help make advances in the field of medicine to save people

Con Animal Experimentation Animals have rights to live their

own lives and we shouldn’t test on them just because we can. They haven’t done anything to us except be our loving companions

There are too many deaths of the animals through the research & experiments being conducted

The reaction of products & drugs on an animal could be completely different from the reaction is will have on a human – humans and animals are very different beings

Animals are kept in unnatural conditions or are in unnecessary pain or distress.

Church View

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church Sec 2417:

“God entrusted animals to thestewardship of those whom hecreated in his own image. They maybe domesticated to help man in hiswork and leisure. Medical andscientific experimentation on animalsis a morally acceptable practice if itremains within reasonable limits andcontributes to caring for or savinghuman lives.”

However, in Sec 2415 & 2416:

“The seventh commandmentenjoins respect for the integrityof creation. Animals are bynature destined for the commongood of past, present, and futurehumanity. Animals are God’screatures. He surrounds themwith his providential care. Bythere mere existence they blesshim and give him glory. Thus,men owe them kindness.

So, the Church accepts animal experimentation as long as it is toward the healthful, medical benefit of humans and is

not conducted in a inhumane, cruel way.

Kimmie’s Interviews

Natalie ; works in the sales &distribution of cosmetics &

food. Hears of animal experimentation

throughout the different departments of her work area

Believes animals have rights to an extent, but human rights override animal rights

Animal experimentation should be conducted if medical breakthroughs and cures for diseases can be found

The Government should regulate it in regards to how it can be used and the conditions and treatment of the animals

Erin ; sister• Always having pets as a kid,

does think animals have rights, however, human rights override animal rights

• Animals can be tested on only for medical purposes – to benefit the human race, however, we should make all attempts to keep them in a humane, safe environment

• Does not believe animal experimentation should be used for unnecessary reasons, such as to test lotions, shampoos, and other beauty products or food

Katrina’s Interviews

I interviewed my mom Lisa Chornij and my dad Orest Chornij. Interviewing them gave me good insight into animal experimentation

because they are both nurse anesthetists and are extremely familiar with many of the medical procedures that are performed and many of the medical procedures that are performed on animals.

Because they work in a medical field, this influences their opinion on animal experimentation because they feel that animal experimentation is needed for their work and for the field of medicine.

They say it gives them newfound knowledge about the animal, ways to help the animal, and different diseases of the animal.

Also, it can really help people for they said that they think that it's better to risk an animal's life rather than a human's life.

Also animal experimentation can really give us the insighte we need on whether animal experimentation will work or not.

However they do believe that animals have rights because they were put onto this earth as a gift from God and they believe that they should be treated humanely.

Karina’s Interviews

Dr. Ann Mattisse She is for the testing of

animals as long as it does not cause suffering and it will benefit humans

She understands that animals are different than humans, but thinks it is just something we need to be conscience of, but do not have to focus on

About buying products as a consumer she says she does not think about it because I take granted that it is safe already

Elizabeth Nordstrom She says that is okay with it

if it helps us, because she would rather have them test on animals than humans

She thinks animals have some rights and should not be treated badly, and she does not think that the scientists testing are doing it on purpose.

She thinks that testing does help make products safe because it gives us a preliminary understanding of the product

Erin’s Interviews

Bridget: Bridget supports animal

experimentation because she believes that they are closest to humans and we need to test out new vaccines, surgeries, etc. on them first to protect humans from possibly harmful results.

Still believes that conditions should be satisfactory, because we as humans still have the responsibility to protect animals from abuse. “It is beneficial to test on animals if they are

receiving living conditions equal to the level of living conditions we would give to humans undergoing similar experimentation.”

Bridget does not believe that animals have the same rights as humans because humans were created in God’s likeness and image and animals were not, but she does not believe that animals should be abused or exploited.

Elizabeth: Elizabeth is for animal

experimentation because she believes that certain things should be tested on animals before humans

Elizabeth believes that if an animal experimented on is similar enough to a human, this can be crucial to gathering information to help human beings.

Elizabeth believes that humans have higher rights than animals, but the animals should always be treated fairly and their conditions should always be good.

Expecting God’s Help

Lord, please guide me topractice the most moral

beliefs in regards to animal

experimentation. Give me

the strength I need to take

action toward that beliefeven if it isn’t viewed

wellby the public or others

around me.





Kimmie’s Decision

I do believe animal experimentation should beconducted, however just for medical purposes

andtowards the benefits of human health, for

humanrights override animals rights. However, therights of animals shouldn’t be violated either.

Allattempts should be made for animals to have a

safe,healthy, humane environment and they should

betreated well by their handlers and the

scientists. Theywere given to us as a gift from God as

companions andwe need to respect them.

Katrina’s Decision

My decision for our big moral question is that animals do have rights. I came to this because first of all, God gave us animals as a gift and he expects us to use our gift wisely, with kindness, with love, and with respect. Also, animals have living creatures that can feel pain, and just because we have more power over them does not give us the right to do whatever we want to them and treat the

cruelly or inhumanely. Animals are living creatures that share our world with us and therefore they deserve our respect and love. I also feel like animal

experimentation is only moral if it is done for medical purposes. If it is done for medical purposes then it is in the long run, benefiting the health of humans and

animals. However, if cosmetics are tested on the animals just to see what happens, I don't believe that that is right. We have so much advanced technology

that I am sure that we could find other ways to test if products are compatible with the human structure. Animals also have different compositions than us so we have to take into consideration that what we test on them might not necessarily

be correct for humans. However, it does give us helpful insight and new knowledge that can benefit us in the future. In the end, I truly believe that

animals have rights that we need to always respect and care for. We need to treat others the way we would want to be treated. Animals have rights because they are living creatures on this earth that help us in so many ways that they really

deserve rights.

Karina’s Decision

For certain medical research, and medical research only, it is ok that animals are tested on. Although if the animals are being tested it is the responsibility of humans to make sure that the animals are treated fairly and not extremely harmfully. I think it is ok for medical purposes because it helps humans to get better and helps with things such as preventing diseases, and with medication. However I do not think it is moral to test them for things such as cosmetics because those are just luxuries that we have and there are companies that do not test on animals and have safe products.

Erin’s Decision

My decision is that animal experimentation is morally acceptable, but only if it is for the benefit of human beings. I also believe that the animals should be cared for with proper housing and food. I think that it is morally acceptable to experiment on animals if humans are being benefited because we might find a new vaccine for something or cures for other things.

Thank you for watching!


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