
Post on 04-Jul-2015






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Inspiring Trends Presentation


Inspiring Trends

Product idea

Our product idea is to ultimately create a website that inspires trends through customer

and expert involvement.

We want to create an online, easy to access fashion website, primarily for young fashion

conscious people to browse images posted by us and uploaded by the public.

We knew from the very beginning that we wanted the clothes featured on the website to

be purely high street.

With various similar products on the market that we have considered and researched, we

decided to develop on our initial idea. So we created a page that enables your personal

online account to connect with all fashion websites featured on our website, and will keep

track of all your online purchases, almost becoming your online stylist, putting outfits

together and suggesting other items of clothing to wear along side with your purchases.

Our Initial Research

Some examples of existing websites that not

only sell current trends but show them to

you as well. We noticed that there is a

pattern throughout these websites, especially

their logo and layout.

They are very simplistic and options to

various pages align the top of the page. The

logos are basic and black, and the main

flashes of colour are from the images.

How we are different…

We provide one unique service that no other website provides, your own interactive wardrobe.

‘Your Wardrobe’ will log any purchase made through our website, it will suggest clothes that you may like and will put outfits together for you.

This service have been made and designed to help you when you have no inspiration and have no idea what to wear.

You are able to upload images of your own clothes, shoes and accessories and you can add to ‘Your Wardrobe’ as you buy.

For this unique feature you pay a yearly subscription fee of £1.99 and this will buy you your own online stylist. Your online stylist will give you more fashion advice, suggest clothes for you and tell you how best to be on trend.

What do you think about the

subscription fee?

How ‘Your Wardrobe’ will look

When it came to brain storming the

brand name and the logo, we had to

think about all existing brands on the

market. We also needed to consider our

name and what we should and wanted

to be representing.

We came up with numerous ideas for

our name, however we concluded on

the idea of ‘Inspiring Trends’, it’s

simple, to the point and original.

We also had the idea of ‘IT’ as in the

latest ‘IT’ bag or ‘IT’ dress, this is

incorporated in our idea of the I and the

T- Inspiring Trends.

For our logo design, we researched other

websites and they all seemed to follow the

same pattern, and the same layout.

There logos are all very basic and black.

However we felt our website was all about

inspiration and a bland simplistic logo would

just look like other websites already available.

We thought about the idea of TYPOGRAPHY,

and the idea of having a word with in a word.

As our name also has two meanings. The logo

needed to portray this.

Our initial logo design, influenced by the idea of Typography.

Experimenting with colour.

After rotating it to the side slightly, the logo looks similar to a stamp.

After putting a shadow affect onto the logo, it gives it a darker feeling to it and slightly more eye catching.

What do you think?

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