presentasi nestle

Post on 29-Nov-2015






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ASI adalah makanan terbaik bagi bayi pada bulan-bulan pertama, bagi ibu yang mampu memberi ASI maka harus menyusui bayinya.


Premature infants, known as “preemies”,

come into the world earlier than full-term infants,

mostly weigh less than 2500g and account for about 7% of all live birthsThey may be born between 24 and 37

weeks of pregnancy

•Prematurety at a glance

Prematurity characteristics• Laju pertumbuhan yang sangat tinggi untuk

menggantikan pertumbuhan intrauterin yang hilang

• Kehilangan kesempatan untuk menyimpan cadangan nutrisi pada minggu-minggu terakhir kehamilan dan memiliki risiko kekurangan nutrisi

Organ-organ yang belum berfungsisempurna:

kapasitas lambung terbatas

Produksi enzim dan garamempedu terbatas

Fungsi saluran cerna dan ginjalyang belum sempurna

Premature babies/LBW have special nutritional needs because they grow at a faster rate than full-term babies (“catch-

up growth”) while their digestive systems are still immature

• One of the key advances comes through special formulas for

premature babies, specifically designed to meet their

quantitative and qualitative needs for optimum growth.

“ASI adalah makanan terbaik bagi bayi pada

bulan-bulan pertama, bagi ibu yang mampu

memberi ASI maka harus menyusui bayinya”.

Henri Nestle 1867, in his

“ Memorial on the Nutrition of Infants”

- printed in 1869.

Nestlé Nutrition preNAN® is

formulas specifically adapted for

feeding the rapidly growing low

birthweight infant until he/she

achieves a weight of 4 to 5



Supported by the results of clinical studies

Supported by the results of clinical studies

HET : Rp 86,100

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