present on both sides of the lake · from the desk of pastor ekstrand… 229 s. first st, po ox 234...

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From the Desk of Pastor Ekstrand…

229 S. First St, PO Box 234 Email: Pearl City, IL 61062 815-443-2215

November 2017

PRESENT ON BOTH SIDES OF THE LAKE On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, ‘Let us go across to the

other side.’ And leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them in the boat,

just as he was. Other boats were with him. A great gale arose, and the waves

beat into the boat, so that the boat was already being swamped. But he was in

the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke him up and said to him,

‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’ He woke up and rebuked the

wind, and said to the sea, ‘Peace! Be still!’ Then the wind ceased, and there

was a dead calm. He said to them, ‘Why are you afraid? Have you still no

faith?’ And they were filled with great awe and said to one another, ‘Who then

is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?’ (Mark 4:34-41)

They didn’t know what was on the other side. Few of the members of the South Fork Fishing and

Hunting Club above Johnstown, Pennsylvania knew what it was like on the other side, down

below, in the industrial town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania in the late 1800s. Most of what they

knew up in the Fishing and Hunting Club was the life of the rich. Fishing. Hunting. Listening to

music. Boating on a lake that was held back tentatively and precariously by a dam that’s supports

had been compromised by what they carelessly thought were improvements and an over-all lack of

concern for the people on the other side of the dam. High on that hill, it was a mountain-top

experience for them. Socializing with other people of significant means. Hob-knobbing with

important people like Andrew Carnegie and Andrew Mellon, with little concern for the disaster that

was to take place in the valley down below.

What WAS going on in that town on the other side of the dam, on the other side of that lake, was

heavy industry, people working long hours in order to provide humble means for their families.

The polar opposite of the luxury experienced high above at the South Fork Hunting and Fishing

Club. No one in the town of Johnstown, except for the major business owners, had a very easy

time of anything. These were people who worked with their hands, tirelessly, with no hope of

upward mobility as most of us come to expect in the workforce today. And unfortunately, it was

about to get worse.

For the dam at the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club did break. Its members should have

known what was going on on the other side, but they didn’t. And only when disaster struck did the

people in that club for the rich find out about the peril going on on the other side of the lake.

In the third and fourth chapters of Mark’s gospel, the people are having the experience of their

lives with Jesus. They have mobbed Jesus into talking to them, and he teaches them. He

encourages them. He tells them parables: The parable of the sower, the lamp under a bushel

basket, the parable of the growing seed, and the mustard seed. This must have been for them,

indeed, a mountain-top experience. Hob-knobbing with the Savior of us all.

But in the midst of that tranquility, our Lord Jesus reminds us of what goes on on the OTHER

SIDE of the lake.

In our gospel lesson this evening, as they have been on one side of the lake, Jesus says to his

disciples, “Let us go across to the other side.” And after they have departed, the scene must have

been for those disciples very much as it was for those people in Johnstown over a hundred years

ago during the flood. Peril. Tumultuous waves. A terrible storm came up. Danger of being

drowned in the blink of an eye. These disciples had not cared what the other side of the lake was

like, until now.

All they had cared about before was the Jesus could make a luxurious mountain-top experience for

them on one side of the lake. They loved the fact that they could spread out on the lawn and hear

the wonderful parables, that they could share a meal with him, that with him they could have

indeed a lovely time.

But Jesus wants us to know more. He wants us to know that we can not only have joy in him, but

he also wants us to know that when we are on the other side of the lake, when things become

perilous, he is there too; and in those times, he is there to save us. When things seem hopeless in

our lives on the other side, Jesus says, “Peace, be still,” and all is made safe for us. Even the wind

and sea obey him.

For though we lives our lives with a certain amount of chaos, indeed, often times, with a highly

significant amount of chaos, sometimes sensing little hope of deliverance, Christ is there to give

us faith that he can make the wind to cease, to bring about a great calm.

For he is there on BOTH sides of the lake. Those times when we are relaxing upon the grass

having a lovely time, and also in those times when the waves of the chaos of life are beating down

upon us threatening our very lives. He is there on both sides. Making the wind to cease, and

bringing about a great calm.

In Christ,

Pastor Ekstrand

MEN’S BREAKFAST Wednesday, November 1 at 7:30 am, Location: to be announced.

Feel welcome to join Pastor Ekstrand for a time of food, fellowship and casual conversation in the midst of another busy week!

Pastor-Led Bible Studies at St. John’s

MONDAY EVENINGS at 7:00 pm * “The Gospel of John” The first three Gospels are regarded as “synoptic,” that is, there is a similarity about them and they share many roots. However, the Gospel of St. John came from a completely different oral tradition and brings out many insights into our

Lord’s earthly ministry that we do not see in the other three. . We conclude by 8:00 pm. Bring your Bible and a friend!

THURSDAY MORNINGS at 9:30 am * “St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans” Of all the churches to whom St. Paul wrote epistles, the Church in Rome was the only one which he had not personally established. This congregation’s location in the very seat of an empire which persecuted the early Church raised gives

rise to some fascinating insights into our faith even today. Much of Martin Luther’s theological development was

nourished by the words of this epistle. We conclude by 10:30 am. Bring your Bible and a friend!

Prayer Concerns (October 1-22, 2017): Jerilyn Strohecker, MaryEllen Aurand, Louise & Joe Cuccio, Lee Harbison, April & Stan Eberle, Betty Raders, Kari Johnson, Jake Geerts, Wendy Holmes, Mae & Al Smith, Riley Brady, Ron Eytcheson, Fred Quinn, Chris Tippet, Tommy Tucker, Laura Lee Oppold, Pastor Jill Henning, Candy & James Wade, Dorothy Eden, Ron Remmer, Elaine Reilly, Linda Albright, Benjamin & Kristen Hersey and their unborn son, James Eden, Kathy Asche Watson, Carole Corbin, Nilda Klatt, Marge Kounkel, Eric Stibbe, Fern Halstead, Shaun Otto, Audrey & Asa Wilcox, Brinkley Knoup, Rick Hendee, Joan Stewart, Denis Kinney, Bob Lyvers, Gerry Koertner, Bill Koertner, Craig Brinkmeier, Joan Sarjeant, Dave Carter, Lois Tucket, Sam Vitaly, Jaydon Dorsey, Terri Reel and her mission group to West Africa and Brian Raab on list for new lung

The family and friends of Chad Freese, DeWayne Simler, Dorothy Masske, Helen Calhoun, Anthony Schultz, Robin Bauer and Norma Buss.

Service of the Word for Healing Wednesday, November 8; 7:30 pm

The Church embraces the ministry of healing as an important way of bringing the loving care of God to people in their need. The Church’s ministry of healing emphasizes

caring for the sick in the widest possible understanding of the term. Every human

person stands in need of healing in some dimension of life. Healing is a gift that needs not be limited to those seeking remedy from a specific injury or illness. The Christian

assembly at worship may embrace the gift of healing as it applies to various needs – for example, physical, emotional, spiritual, relational – that may be present among

those gathered. The liturgical ministry of healing is grounded in the life, death, and resurrection of

Jesus Christ, the Word of God, whose presence we experience tangibly in Baptism, Absolution of Sins and the Eucharist. In addition to these Means of Grace in Word and

Sacrament, the ministry of healing has long included the prayer of faith, words of forgiveness and encouragement, and gestures such as the touch of a hand and

anointing with oil. In the rite of healing, the Church does not replace the gifts of God that come through

the scientific community nor does it promise a cure. Rather, the Church offers and celebrates gifts such as these: God’s presence with strength and comfort in time of

suffering, God’s promise of wholeness and peace, and God’s love embodied in the

community of faith. Please join us on Wednesday, November 8 at 7:30 pm for a brief time of worship and

prayer with laying on of hands and anointing with oil for healing. During this particular service, we will be experiencing the value of praying directly over those in need of

healing. You may bring a specific need forward, or you may request a general petition of healing.

Jack and Jodi Revels visited Wisconsin Rapids Moravian Church on October 8, 2017 in

Wisconsin Rapids, WI, while visiting Jodi’s Mom and family.

Visited Another Church . . .

The Joy Choir rehearsals are on Thursdays from 3:15 pm to 4:10 pm. The

Joy Choir sings on November 19. hanks, Kathy Hillmer, Director.

Joy Choir News. .

Women’s Gathering Ministries . .

Notes from the Women’s Gathering:

Sunday, November 5: BAKE SALE. The Women’s Gathering will hold a bake sale on November 5, 2017, at the Vendor Fair/Spaghetti Luncheon. Please bring items to Luther Hall on Sunday morning before 10 am. Please mark on items what it is. All proceeds will be donated to St. John’s Current Fund. We will have a donation basket for those who are unable to donate or if someone doesn’t want to buy anything, but would like to give. November 7, 9:00 a.m.-Mexican Train Dominoes-everyone is welcome to come and play.

November 14, 8:30 a.m. Woman's Gathering Board meeting

9:45 a.m.-Fellowship and coffee with Kathy Larson and Darla Hasselman serving

10:00 Bible Study led by Lori Kempel (Please bring an empty pink jar with lid)

November 29, Bus Trip and dinner at Palace Theatre at Wisconsin Dells to see "Christmas at the Palace". The bus will leave at 8:00 a.m. and return about 7:00 p.m. If you would liked to be picked up in Freeport, we will stop at the Lincoln Mall about 8:15 but be sure to let Karen Bremmer know who wants to meet the bus there. At this time the bus is full, but contact Karen Bremmer to be put on the waiting list if you are interested. Water and a small snack will be provided on the return trip.

Woman's Gathering will be collecting monetary donations to help families in the school district with food and gifts for the holiday season. They appreciate your giving spirit. More information to follow.

December 3, 10 a.m. Prayer Shawl Outreach. There is a need for crochet and knitted shawls. The yarn will be provided. If you would like to learn how to do either or both of these talents check with Lynda Palmer.

December 12, 6:30 p.m. Christmas Potluck for all the women of the church. There will be a white elephant gift exchange. Watch the bulletin board for more information and a sign up sheet for a variety of food dishes.

SIT N’ SEW (October 16th) – THANK YOU!

It was great ! (8) Ladies participated at the Sit N’ Sew.

At 11:00 we started to work on our projects, 12 (noon) we had our Baked Potato Bar / Salad Bar.

Then back to work doing the following: Cutting fringe for prayer shawls, making labels for prayer shawls and

quilts, making special labels for HS Graduates prayer quilts, tassles and prayer tags for Confirmands

bookmarks and also made pom poms for crocheted hats that are made for the Christmas hat & mitten tree.

Thank you all so much for the laughter, conversation, fellowship and all the work completed…it was a great

day! Women’s Gathering – Prayer Shawl Ministry…

Starting the EMAIL Prayer Chain: To start the email prayer chain, contact Karen Bremmer at (815 443 2478 or

815 821 4698) or email at You may also contact the church office at 815 443-2215

(please leave a message as they are checked after hours, etc.) or email at You may also

contact Leann Heimerdinger at (815-443-2191) or cell at (815-541-3081) or email at If

you are not receiving the Prayer Chain email and would like to be included,

November Collection Item: The Women’s Gathering is collecting a specific item each month for the Pearl City Food Pantry. The donation item for November is Baking Products. Please bring sugar, flour, powdered sugar, brown sugar, etc., with you to worship and/or Women’s Gathering events. The Women’s Gathering is always collecting baby wipes for Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard. All items may be placed in the bins in the Narthex.

Mexican Train Dominoes: We plan to play Mexican Train Dominoes on the first Tuesday of the month at 9

am. Invite a friend and join us on Tuesday, November 7rd from 9-Noon in Luther Hall. All are invited. You

don’t have to know how to play to join in on the fun!

From the Calendar Committee . . . Calendar Committee Report: Over 400 of the 1,000 calendars have been sold as of October 22nd. There are additional calendars left to distribute if you can take some more to sell. The original date set to turn in stubs, money and unsold calendars was November 1st. There will be committee members at a table in Luther Hall after services each Sunday to take care of this; or weekday mornings in the office.

Remind prospective buyers that their calendar stubs remain in the drawing for 25 weeks. Even if they receive the weekly $200.00 their stub goes back into the drawing. This gives them at least a 1 in 20 chance to win. This compares to other drawings that may be in 1 in 1000, 100,000, or much more, to be able to win. The odds are so good that some members purchase all of their calendars themselves.

The last page of the calendar explains all the rules. Contact the committee or the office for any questions. May we hear from you in the next two weeks.

Grace Meal . . .

The October Community Grace Meal was organized by the St. John’s Church Council. The

youth delivered 39 meals, 44 dined in Luther Hall and an additional 44 carry-outs were given.

Thank you to those from council that participated: Chris Knoup, Carrie Hass, Chris Kempel,

Jim Richards, Rhonda Brudi, Ann Dezell, Kathy Albrecht, Joel Kempel, Rolin Nelson, Ron

Bremmer, Connor Boop and Gwen Heimerdinger. Also, thank you to those that were drivers

or who helped with deliveries: Gwen Heimerdinger, Connor Boop, Jim Heimerdinger, Jordan

Johnson, Butch & Carol Garnhart, Kathy Williams and Linda Albright.

The November Community Grace Meal will be held on November 19th and will be organized by Rich and MaryAnn Kliman. A special thank you to DJ and Sandy Scott for applying for Thrivent Choice dollars and receiving a $250 debit card to assist with the food costs of the November Grace Meal.

From the Helping Hands Ministry . . .

Preventing the Flu Getting an annual flu vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and family from the flu. Flu vaccination can reduce flu illnesses, doctor’s visits, absence from school and work, as well as flu-related hospitalizations. The more people who are vaccinated, the more people will be protected from the flu. This includes the elderly, very young children, pregnant women, and people with health conditions that make them more vulnerable to serious flu complications. Early symptoms of the flu are fatigue, body aches and chills, sore throat, fever, gastrointestinal problems. If you have severe symptoms which include chest pain, breathing difficulty, dehydration and dizziness, bluish lips, or recurring fever, seek medical attention. If you are diagnosed with the flu, please stay home. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school or work. If you don’t have a fever, you should consider staying home until other symptoms improve. The flu virus can spread through saliva droplets that are projected when a persona sneezes or coughs. These droplets can reach up to 6 feet away. You can also be exposed to the flu virus by breathing the air conditioning these droplets or touch an object where the droplets fell. The flu virus is preventable. Get a flu shot every year. Remember to avoid close contact with sick people, stay home if you are sick, cover your mouth when you cough to protect others, and limit how much you touch your nose and mouth. Flu shots will be available at St. John’s church on Sunday, November 5th. Please keep yourself and others healthy by vaccinating. Brenda Hass Helping Hands Ministry Committee Member

Contact Beth Schneider, Youth Director, to register!

From the Director of Youth Ministries . . .


2018 ELCA YOUTH GATHERING We will be gathering in Houston for the ELCA Youth Gathering June 27 - July 1, 2018. Every three years, 30,000 high school youth and their adult leaders gather for a week of faith formation known as the ELCA Youth Gathering. Through days spent in interactive learning, worship, Bible study, service and fellowship, young people grow in faith and are challenged and inspired to live their faith in their daily lives.

If you will be in high school (students who are currently 8th grade through 12th grade

are welcome) next year can join us on our fabulous trip to Houston!! Where else can you worship with

30,000+ high school youth! If you are interested in attending please notify Beth. Commitment forms are now available-see Beth!

Sunday, November 5, 2017; 10:30 am - 1:30 pm

Menu: Spaghetti, Green Beans, Salad, Applesauce, French Bread, Dessert and Beverage

Cost: $7.00 (11 yrs and older), $3.50 (3-10 yrs old) 2 and under Free

Sponsored by SPLAT Youth Group.

St. John’s Lutheran Church, Pearl City, IL

Tickets sold at the door or in advance from a SPLAT member.

It’s hard to believe, but the holiday season is quickly approaching! The Christmas program

Committee has met, and chosen to put on “A Christ Filled Christmas.” Tryouts for this program will be on Thursday, November 9th following Joy Choir.

This year, in order to stream line the practice process, we will be having our practices in place of Sunday School. We will practice on the following dates. November 12 November 19 December 3 December 10

Dress Rehearsal will be on Saturday December 16th at 9:00 am. This program will be preformed on Sunday December 17th during regular worship.

If you have any questions, please contact one of the people on the Christmas Program Committee. Sincerely,

Claire Brinkmeier- 815-291-4751 Deb Bremmer- 815-541-7025 Karen Bremmer- 815-443-2478/ 815-821-4698 Ann DeZell- 815-238-6220

Good News Sunday School Schedule for November. . .

Luther’s Small Catechism This year marks the 500

th anniversary of the Reformation. There will be numerous activities

planned by the ELCA throughout this year. Many in our congregation went through Luther’s Small Catechism for their confirmation. A few copies are available at the St. John’s office for $1.25

From the Worship & Music Committee . . .

Teachers: Deb Bremmer and Gwen Heimerdinger

November 5 “Elijah and the Widow”

November 12 Christmas Program Practice

November19 Christmas Program Practice

November 26 “Angels Visit Shepherds”

From the Christmas Program Committee. . .

Joan Stewart explained how to fill out the Commitment Sunday cards, Lori Kempl explained the importance of filling out the Commitment Sunday cards, and the congregation stepped up and made a financial commitment to St. John’s for 2018! Many of you stepped up and turned in your cards on October 22nd. But, if you haven’t, it is not too late to turn one in. Just put it in the collection plate any day or put it in the Financial Secretary’s box in the office.

Now, the Stewardship committee is going to ask you to commit some of your time and talents to St. John’s for 2018. Beginning now, you can go to the church website and find a place to fill in your 2018 time and talent sheets. Those of you who get paper copies of the newsletter will find a copy of the time and talent sheet attached with your newsletter.

As we have done in the past, we are asking that every member of the church (and anyone who considers themselves a member of the church) to fill out a time and talent sheet. Please look over the sheet very closely. There have been some minor changes to the form, so look closely at all parts of the sheet. We also ask that you mark down the jobs, duties, and committees that you have been doing “forever” so we know whether or not you want to continue doing those jobs and/or be a part of those committees. Challenge yourself to find at least one duty to do or one committee to join that you have never done before. If you have any questions about what is involved with a job or what a committee does, contact Dianne and she can give you the details or the name of someone who can give you the details.

We would like all paper copies and online forms filled in and turned into the church by Sunday, December 10th. Paper copies can be put in the weekly collection plate or directly in the Stewardship box in the office. If you fill your sheet out online and send it via email, you do not need to make a paper copy and turn it in. Our hope is to also send out confirmation letters and “hey, we missed you” letters at the beginning of December for those that did and did not send time a time and talent sheets.

Remember—challenge yourself to be a bigger part of St. John’s in 2018!!

DJ Scott-Stewardship committee chairperson

From the Stewardship Committee . . .

From the Finance Committee . . . 3rd Quarter Financial Report To make the September payroll we added $1200.00 to our line of credit at the bank. This makes a total of $6000.00 plus interest. We were unable to pay the September bill of about $3000.00 to Portico for Pator’s benefits until October.

Many faithful members give regularly to the Building Fund. We are required to make monthly payments of $1247.00 on this debt. The offerings for this in September were $759.00, leaving a checking balance of $142.79. Hopefully, offerings for this will increase.

We thank you for your continued support.

From the Social Ministry Committee . . . Harvest Home Collection: It’s time for the Harvest Home Collection! Bags are available in the Narthex. The collection will take place each Sunday in October through November 12th. All items will be donated to the Pearl City Food Pantry.

The Mitten Tree: The Social Ministry Committee once again is asking you to bring new mittens, gloves and hats for the Mitten Tree. Items may be brought on Sundays beginning November 26th through December. All Mittens, hats, scarves and gloves will be given to the Pearl City School for children of all ages in need. Thank you!

Crucifer: Cheyenne Handsaker, Bible Bearer: Brianna Stager, Torch Bearers: Jordan Johnson & Cody Pitts

Organist: Kathy Hillmer/Karen Bremmer Counters: Ron Bremmer, Lynda Palmer, Judy Nelson

Duties of the Church for November

November Birthdays

Date Greeters Ushers Lector Comm. Asst. Acolyte

Nov. 5 Jeff & Gina Boop


Jennifer Pitts

Family Deb Bremmer

Kathy Albrecht




Nov. 12 Wayne & Angie

Niehaus Family

Sara Schoenhard

Family Karen Bremmer

Beth Schneider

Twila Simler Xander Gray

Nov. 19 Adam & Heidi

Ditzler Family

Lois Hunsaker &

Dennis Kruse Lori Kempel

Jim Heimerdinger

Kathy Hillmer



Nov. 26 Ron & Karen


Jane Boop &

Sharon Knoup Kathy Hillmer Stan & April Eberle Ben Hass

2 Lucy Voss 4 Allison Palmer Adrienne Henze Travis Schiess Rollin Nelson 5 Levi Sheffey Laura Melville 6 Mandee McWorthy 7 Regan Mitchell 9 Sam Ferguson

11 Grace Heimerdinger Wayne Niehaus 13 Ron Henze 14 Justin Sturtevant Kennah Block 16 Michael Palmer Yvonne Voss Addison Bremmer 18 Nicole Sheffey 20 Marion Eden 22 Jodee Kempel

24 Andrew Winning Luanne Ferguson 26 Joyce Miche Bryn McPeek 27 Alexander Gray 28 Quinn Schneider 29 Cindy Heimerdinger Nick Knoup 30 Karla Dittmar Jase Sheffey

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

October 29 9 am Worship

10:15 am Sunday School

6 pm 5th Quarter 7:30 pm Genesis


7 pm Bible



6:30 pm Al-Anon

November 1

7:30 am: Men’s


6:30 pm Chancel

Choir Rehearsal

7 pm Christian Education Committee



9:30 am Bible Study

3:15 pm Joy Choir



Pastor’s Day Off


Luther Hall

used for


Lunch Prep.


9 am Worship

10 am-2 pm Vendor Fair

10 am-Noon: Flu Shot Clinic

10:15 am Sunday School

10:15 am Confirmation

10:30 am –1:30 Spaghetti Lunch


7 pm: 4-H

7 pm Bible


7 9 am: Mexican

Train Dominoes

6:30 pm Al-Anon

7:30 pm Strategic Planning Committee



6:30 pm Chancel

Choir Rehearsal

7:30 pm Healing



9:30 am Bible Study

3:15 pm Joy Choir


4:15 pm Christmas

Program Try-outs


Pastor’s Day Off



SCRIP Orders Due

9 am Worship Service

10:15 am Property Committee Meeting

10:15 am Stewardship & Outreach

Committee Meetings

10:15 am Memorial & Finance

Committee Meeting

10:15 am Sunday School

10:15 am Confirmation

11 am SPOTS

6 pm 4-H

6 pm 5th Quarter

7:30 pm Genesis


3:30 pm Girl


6 pm Girl


7 pm Bible



8:30 am Women’s Gathering Board


9:45 am Women’s Gathering Fellowship and

Bible Study

6:30 pm Al-Anon


7 pm Council



9:30 am Bible Study

3:15 pm Joy Choir



Pastor’s Day Off


Luther Hall

used for Grace

Meal Prep


9 am Worship Service

10:15 am Sunday School

10:15 am Confirmation

11 am SPLAT Youth to Deliver Grace


Noon: Community Grace Meal

6 pm 5th Quarter

7:30 pm Genesis





7 pm Bible



6:30 pm Al-Anon


6:30 pm Chancel

Choir Rehearsal



Pastor’s Day Off



9 am Worship

10:15 am Sunday School

10:15 am Confirmation

11 am SPOTS

6 pm 5th Quarter

7:30 pm Genesis


3:30 pm Girl


6 pm Girl


7 pm: Bible



6:30 pm Al-Anon


6:30 pm Chancel

Choir Rehearsal

8 am: Women’s

Gathering Bus Trip


9:30 am Bible Study

10:30 am Worship &

Music Committee



November 2017 See an updated and complete calendar throughout the month at

Pearl City Food Pantry Needs . . .

The Pearl City Food Pantry is in need of all items. However, consider items pertinent to the fall season and cooking meals at home. It’s not too far away to be thinking of items for holiday meals or baking.

If you would like to donate items from your garden or bread, please deliver items directly to the food pantry on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month between 8:45 and 9:15 am. All non perishable food items may be brought to St. John’s or delivered directly to the food pantry on the 1st Saturday of the month between 9 and 11 am.



Office Closed

Luther Hall Rented

5th Quarter to Peder Eide

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