pres. trump declares jerusalem israel’s ......from tel aviv to jerusalem. of course, i agree with...

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Vol. 12, No. 4 B’NAI SHALOM JERUSHALOM DIGEST February, 2018




WASHINGTON–PresidentTrump,onWednesdayformally recognized Jerusalem as the capital ofIsrael,reversingnearlysevendecadesofAmericanforeign policy and setting in motion a plan tomovetheUnitedStatesEmbassyfromTelAvivtothefiercelycontestedHolyCity. “Today,wefinallyacknowledgetheobvious:that Jerusalemis Israel’scapital,”Mr.TrumpsaidfromtheDiplomaticReceptionRoomoftheWhiteHouse. “This is nothing more or less than arecognition of reality. It is also the right thing todo.It’ssomethingthathastobedone.” The president cast his decision as a breakwithdecadesof failedpolicyon Jerusalem,whichtheUnitedStates,alongwithvirtuallyeveryothernationintheworldhasdeclinedtorecognizeitasthe capital since Israel’s founding in 1948. Thatpolicy, he said, broughtus “no closer to a lastingpeace agreement between Israel and thePalestinians.” It would be folly to assumerepeating the exact same formula would nowproduce a different or better result,” Mr. Trumpdeclared. Recognizing Jerusalem,he added,was“alongoverduesteptoadvancethepeaceprocess.

Mr.Trump’sremarkswerethemostcloselyscru-tinized of his residency on the Middle East,wherehehasvowedtobrokerthe“ultimatedeal”between Israelis and Palestinians but has yet tofindabreakthroughtoendtheconflict.Hesaidheremained committed to brokering an agreement“thatisagreatdealfortheIsraelisandagreatdealforthePalestinians.” The president said the decision torecognize Jerusalem should not be construed astheUnitedStatestakingapositiononwhether,orhow, the citymight ultimately be shared. But heoffered a little solace to the Palestinians,makingno mention of their long-held hopes for EastJerusalemtobethecapitalofaPalestinianstate. Instead, Mr. Trump emphasized thedomestic political dimension of the decision. Henotedthathehadpromisedtomovetheembassyduring the 2016 presidential campaign, andadded,“Whilepreviouspresidentshavemadethisamajor campaignpromise, they failed todeliver.Today,Iamdelivering.” Though he did notmention it, Mr. Trumpsigned the same national security waiver signedbyhispredecessorsfromBarackObamatoGeorgeW. Bush, to Bill Clinton, which will allow theadministrationtokeeptheembassyinTelAvivforan additional six months. White House officialssaid thatwas unavoidable because itwould takeseveralyearstomovetheembassystaff toanewfacilityinJerusalem.


Vol. 12, No. 4 5778 , שבט Shevat February, 2018




by Pastor Brad Ratliff

These past few months, we have seen some very interesting things going on in the world. But none that are more consequential, as the U.S. proclaiming that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. In addition to that proclamation, it was announced that the process has begun in moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Of course, I agree with the Presi-dent’s statements on Jerusalem, and mainly

due to the numerous scriptures on Jerusalem. However, the US’s proclamation, to me, is more about the time clock in the Lord. Brother William Sowders was, no doubt, a man of God, which the Lord used to bring many biblical truths in the 20th Century. If you have read any of his writings, often he quotes that one of the major earmarks of the Body of Christ is the restoration of Israel. He wrote many times that it is our “time clock” and was, in part, our purpose to restore Jacob’s people back to their God. I don’t cite what Brother Sowders wrote or said to validate my belief or to convince you. However, it is to simply point out that it has been a belief among the Body of Christ for over 100 years. No matter how much replacement theology is out there or among some of us, God’s Word will not return unto Him void. The biggest story line is not the US proclaiming that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel; it is the United Nations voting against the US about Jerusalem. The “world” is saying, not only moving the US embassy to Israel is wrong; but they were also saying the Jewish nation’s Capital being Jerusalem is wrong. My spirit was vexed when I watched nations voting against, in my opinion, Jerusalem. That mighty United States of America, with all of our wealth and our power, could not persuade the World about Jerusalem. My mind went to Zechariah 12:3:

3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

When I was watching the vote take place at the UN, the number 128 voting against the US was standing out to me. The number 128 just kept hitting my mind. So, I began to pray and ask the Lord what this 128 was saying to God’s people. Then as I prayed, my mind went to Psalms 128 and there it was:

l. Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD that walketh in his ways, 2 For thou shalt eat of the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. 3 Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house; thy children like olive plants round about thy table. 4 Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the LORD. 5 The LORD shall bless thee out of Zion: and thou shalt see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life. 6 Yea, thou shalt see thy children’s children, and peace upon Israel. Psalms 128:1-6

There is no doubt that the world was shocked when Donald Trump won the Presidency. It’s been reported many times that even Trump was truly surprised that he won. I was in a Ministers’ Meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas when the election took place. I think it was significant that this happened during a Ministers Meeting. Many of the ministers felt this was the Hand of the Lord involved with this election. Brother Isaac Ackah said it best, “God chooses from the earth whom He shall raise up for His purpose… Donald Trump is not a man of God, but he is God’s man.” Not even in a full year of his presidency, President Trump announces that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Then, goes further and announces that he is signing the order from the Congress of 1994 in moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. God had to choose a man that was self-centered enough, and yes, arrogant enough, to reject the opinions and counsel of the world to fulfill His plan. The president, in his first few months, takes his first trip to where? The Middle East. Those first trips represented three warring religious factions for over 2,000 years in Judaism, Islam and Christianity. It will, no doubt, bring more fire on the Jews and on the Body of Christ. But God’s plan continues to move forward and it seems many are asleep to it all. Remember what Jesus said: Continued on Page 3




1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. 2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them, 4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. 6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. 7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said unto the wise, give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out. 9 But the wise answered, saying, not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. `10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. 11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. 13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

Matthew 25:1-13

Not only do you need to make sure your lamp is full of oil, but you also need to make sure you are not being rocked to sleep in your life’s day-to-day problems and wants. Do not be lulled to sleep by religious activity, but fill your lamp as the time is coming to trim your lamp! I’ve heard this teaching many times over my life, but no one ever stopped and pointed out that even the wise virgins slumbered and slept. I don’t like that all were asleep. Let us pay attention to what the Lord is doing. Let us not do as others have done.

10 His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. Isaiah 56:10

This vote in the UN is a sign of the times for we who are true believers in the Word of God and who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. Those that are redeemed from among men, first fruits unto God and to the Lamb; need to wake ourselves up! The US did not choose Jerusalem, the Almighty did!

13 For the Lord hath chosen Zion: He hath desired it for his habitation. 14 This is my rest forever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it! Psalm 132:13-14

God’s plan is plain in what He wants for His people:

17 So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God, dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain. Then Jerusalem shall be holy, and no stranger shall pass through her any more. Joel 3:17 3 Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people and God Himself will be with them and be their God. Revelation 21:3

The nations that have voted against Jerusalem have voted against God’s Word. People will say, “This is just politics, not God.” As we read the Word of God, so many times and in so many places. We read that people always thought it was something else; when it was really God. Remember Pilate? He did not want to condemn Jesus but it was the “politics” around him that moved forward the plan of God. Remember God’s Word in all that we do. Remember that God’s Word is true and we that are spiritual need to be about Restoration. This not only applies to the city in Israel, but also to God’s spiritual city. 3 I will bless those that bless thee, and I will curse him who curseth thee; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:3 I pray the Lord helps us to wake up to what is going on around us. May the Lord richly bless you and I hope these words encourage you in Christ Jesus.




It was a night that will never be forgotten. On late Saturday night, the 29th of November 1947, many of us who lived in the British mandated Palestine, sat glued to the radio and listened intently to the broadcast from the United Nations General Assembly meeting at Flushing Meadows in New York. The Assembly was voting on two draft resolutions that dealt with the future government of Palestine. Both called for the end of the British Mandate. One called for a federal arrangement, the other for the partitioning of the country into a Jewish and an Arab state, linked together by an economic union with an internationalized Jerusalem. I was fifteen at the time and had personal involvement in listening to the proceedings on our old “Philco” radio at home. I was alone. My late father was the one who transmitted live the deliberations and the vote from New York. He represented the Israel Radion and the daily newspaper “Ha’Aretz.” My late mother was the English secretary of the Jewish delegation in the United Nations. Her immediate bosses were Moshe Sharett (future Foreign Minister and later Prime Minister of Israel (and Abba Ebban (future Israel Ambassador to the UN and to Washington, and later Foreign Minister). My sister was already mobilized by the Haganah, the Jewish underground movement. I held a piece of paper on which appeared the names of the 57 countries participating in the vote. They comprised the entire membership of the UN at the time. We felt that it was now or never. The Deputy Secretary General of the UN proceeded with the roll call and I ticked off the results of the vote. The first was Afghanistan; it voted no. The second was Argentina; it abstained. The third was Australia – it voted yes, and so it went. There was huge uncertainty as to the outcome. Much hinged on the vote of France. When it voted in the affirmative, the feeling was that Resolution 181 would be adopted, although by a tiny majority. A General Assembly resolution requires a two-thirds majority and is only a recommendation. Close to midnight Israel time, the voting ended and the results were announced: 33 in favor, 13 against, 10 abstentions and one absent. The motion was carried. We ran to the streets to celebrate the forthcoming establishment of the Jewish state, the first since the destruction of the second temple in 70 A.D. While dancing in the streets of Jerusalem, we missed the angry retorts of the Arab delegations who denounced the vote, and stated flatly that they were not bound by it and declared that they shall go to war to defeat it. Many of them still denounce it, seventy years after the historic vote. Why do we mark this day on our national calendar? It was the second time that the aspirations of the Jewish people for a nation of their own were recognized by the international community represented by its supreme body – the United Nations. The first time this happened was in 1933 when the League of Nations awarded the mandate over Palestine to Great Britain on the condition that it implement the Balfour Declaration, issued on 2 November, 1917, which Britain looked with favor on the establishment in Palestine of a national Jewish homeland.

This was a historic achievement of the Zionist movement. What brought about this vote? Why, in the midst of the Cold War, and the United States and the Soviet Union vote in favor of this resolution? What were the motives of the other nations who either supported or opposed the partition plan? There were many reasons for the decision to support partition. It was 1947; a scant two years after World War II saw the destruction of a third of the Jewish people by the Nazis. There is no doubt that the Holocaust played a major role in the minds of decision makers, certainly in Western Europe. That accounts for France, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg voting in favor. The Scandinavian nations felt the Jews were owed a place of their own under the sun. This is why Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland voted in favor. The Soviet block that accounted for five nations USSR, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and several months later, Czechoslovakia) voted in favor to get the British out of Palestine. They rightly assumed that war would break out; the Jews would win and may even become a Soviet satellite. Eventually, they argued the Arabs would come to them for weapons to fight the Jews again. The largest block at the time were the Latin American nations including the five republics of Central America felt remorse over their support for Nazi Germany at the start of the war, others rued the fact that they closed their borders to Jews escaping from the Nazis. Above all, they were told by the Vatican that since Jerusalem would be an internationalized zone, they could go ahead and vote for the creation of the Jewish state. It was obvious that the Arab states (Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen), the Moslem nations (Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan) as well as non-aligned nations such as India would vote against. In Asia, China abstained the Philippines voted for it and the rest were still under foreign rule. It must not be forgotten that many nations were persuaded by President Truman to vote for partition He understood the need to accord the Jewish people their basic right to self-determination and a state, something denied to them for 2,000 years. Some nations felt that the establishment of a Jewish state would curtain anti-Semitism, as all Jews would eventually go and settle in the ancient homeland. But this was not to come true. Anti-Semitism is still very much with us. When the dancing and singing abated, we heard the speeches of Golda Meir and later that day, of Ben Gurion, the founding father of Israel. By then, the first shots were fired. The Arabs refused to come to terms with a Jewish state. They basically still do not accept it. Our war of independence began. At its end, we had a Jewish state, but the cost of 6,000 dead, the one percent of our entire population. The price was heavy, the end historic. Editor’s Note: This entire paper has been devoted to the city of Jerusalem, Israel. We know that the Bible chose that city and that is where the Name of the Lord is. Therefore, we are thankful to know that its history has been regarded by those who have been part of its choosing in our day with the respect that the Bible refers to. We can rejoice in knowing that after over 3,000 years, mankind still has to reckon, it will continue to be so forever with the choosing of God through David the king of Israel.




By David B. Green, from “Haaretz”

On this day he entered Jerusalem, modestly on foot, two days after the Turks surrendered it, after several attempts. On December 11, 1917, General Edmund Allenby, commander of the British “Egyptian

Expeditionary Force,” entered Jerusalem; two days after the Tur-kish forces occup-ying the city

raised the white flag before Allied forces. Understanding the symbolic sensitivity of Jerusalem to both its residents and religious adherents the world over, Allenby, who was later described by T. E. Lawrence as “morally so great that the comprehension of our littleness came slow ro him,” elected to make his entrance through Jaffa Gate on foot. This was in intentional contrast to Kaiser Wilhelm II, who, visiting the Holy Land in 1898, insisted on entering the Old City seated on a white horse. After taking up his command in Cairo in June 1917, Allenby had been given explicit orders by Prime Minister David Lloyd George to capture Jerusalem by Christmas. This was in the wake of two failed efforts by his predecessor, Sir Archibald Murray, to conquer Gaza, a necessary condition for the conquest of Palestine from the Ottoman Turks. Allenby began by defeating Turkish forces in the Third Battle for Gaza, which ended on November 7. Following that, he sent out forces among two flanks, one charged with capturing Jaffa, a mission accomplished on November 16, and the other in the direction of Jerusalem. An initial attempt to surround the city and force its surrender, at the end of November, failed. But on December 7th, having repositioned the troops of the British XX Corps, the Turkish forces in the city concluded that Alleby was withdrawing, and relaxed their defense of Jerusalem.

“I don’t want Jerusalem, I want eggs”

In his book “Jerusalem Curiosities,” Abraham Ezra Millgram quotes at length from Vivian Gilbert’s “The Romance of the Last Crusade, With Allenby to Jerusalem,” which describes the multiple attempts that the rulers of the vanquished city had to make before they could find someone among the conquerors who was authorized and willing to accept Jerusalem’s surrender. The first to be offered Jerusalem was “Private March,” British cook bivouacked in the north of the city, who had been sent on December 9 by his commanding officer to the nearby village of Lifta to find some eggs for breakfast. When March was approached by the mayor of Jerusalem, on horseback and flying a white flag, offering to turn over the keys to the city, March replied, “I don’t want your city, I want some eggs for my officers!” Nevertheless, March reported the development to his superiors, and Brig. Gen. C.F. Watson hurried off in the direction of town to accept its surrender from its mayor, Hussein Salim al-Husseini. However, when the divisional commander, Maj. Gen. John Shea, learned of this development, he got on the field phone and ordered that Watson be stopped. “I will myself take the surrender of Jerusalem,” So he did, after Watson had ridden back to town to return the keys to Husseini. Then when Shea wired General Allenby the good news, the latter wrote back that he would be arriving in two days to accept the city’s surrender. Gaston Bodart. Austria’s official historian of the Great War wrote that the moral significance of Jerusalem’s capture “was even greater than its military importance.” Allenby understood this, in declaring martial law in the city, he promised that “every sacred building, monument, holy spot, shrine, traditional site, endowment, pious bequest, or customary place of prayer of whatsoever form of the three religions will be maintained and protected.” And, as noted, was careful to dismount from his horse before entering the Jaffa Gate. Prime Minister Lloyd George described the capture of Jerusalem as “a Christmas present for the British people.” It is said that a Jewish Allied soldier from New Zealand, Corporal Louis Isaac Slek, hung a blue-and-white flag, decorated with the Star of David from the Tower of David. .He had ordered the flag from the Jewish haberdasher Moreno Courel, of Cairo, who had it made by a tailor named Eloezerr Sutzkin. Within 20 minutes, the British had removed the flag.

General Allenby entering Jerusalem on foot

December 9, 1917



By Sister Ruth Moore

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, see that ye be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places.

All these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you; and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. Then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that endureth unto the end, the same shall be saved. Mathew 24:9-13

In 70 AD, we learned how the Jewish world came to an end. Jerusalem was destroyed by the armies of Rome. The entire city was burned and many lost their lives. The last destruction took place at Masada, in 73 AD. Most of the people there took their lives rather than to become slaves to Rome. Those Jews wo remained were taken to Rome although there was a remnant which remained in the country. Rome, due to its hatred for the Jewish people changed the name of Israel to Palestine. The Jewish people were scattered to all parts of the world and chased from one country to another. We watched as the church born on the Day of Pentecost passed on and by 325 AD, there was a new form of religion called the Catholic Church, which created holy days that were actually compromised. Using not only the birth of Jesus, his death and resur-rection, adding them to pagan holidays by the pagan world. At this time, we celebrate the birth of Jesus in December when He actually was born sometime in October or September. Easter was compromised as not only the day of His resurrection but a day to celebrate Diana of the Ephesians, a false god in their pagan world. If we visit the holy places in Jerusalem or around Israel, claimed by the Catholic Church, we

find them so ridiculous that we want little to do with them. Most of us who are in our eighties don’t recognize the world because it is nothing like what we grew up in. We have learned how one empire after another rose and fell. Rome was soon brought to its knees and others took their place. Palestine became a place where certain nations held a mandate over them. Turkey took the mandate in 1500 and held it until 1914. The United Nations which replaced the League of Nations, asked Britain who was a powerful empire to replace Turkey. That being the final ruler over Palestine until November 29, 1947, when the United Nations voted to give the Jews a homeland. This actually took place in Israel on May 14, 1948, when David Ben Gurion, head of the Zionist Organization of the World, declared Israel’s independence and gave it the name of “Israel.” It is celebrating its 70th year as an independent nation in this very year, 2018. The church has now become many, many types of worship, most of which hardly observe the teachings of the Bible. Some have compromised so much that now they even invite same sex marriages and some ministers are recognized though they do not live according to scriptural teachings. They now choose that as a way to make a living rather than a call from God. There are so many translations of the Bible that very few hold to the original English King James Version. Yet, we are told by those who know translations that the KJV is the most correct translation from the Hebrew original and Greek, much of which is from the New Testament. As we face the world that we now live in, we wonder what time it is according to the scriptures. The original teachings of the King James Version have not changed and yet, man’s reasoning with it has made it questionable as to what is true and what is not true. I have heard it said that the Bible is like a violin. You can tune it up and play any song on it that you desire BUT… WHAT IS TRUTH? That was the question which Pilate asked Jesus when He said “To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world, that I might bear witness of the truth.” Jesus said to His disciples” You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” We need to study the word of God and listen to our ministers so that we can ask the Lord to put the words into our hearts, preparing us for what tomorrow may bring. Y



By Brother Doug King

As I sit here in the apartment at 5 Alroi St., I am overwhelmed by the knowledge that the God of Israel has allowed us to once again be in this city. It has been three long years since we have had the privilege and blessing of being here for three months.

We come at a time of emotional charge, of change and expectation. We have had to spend most of our time since arriving working out problems with our electronic devices, so have spent most of our time in the house. However, on the several occasions that we have ventured out, we could feel the electricity of emotion in the air.

Mr. Trump, the U.S. President, the most powerful man in the world, has instructed the US Embassy to be moved to Jerusalem, and the world has gone insane. One small statement and our world has been turned upside down. The Palestinians are screaming foul and Europe is in a quandary of divided uncertainty. While China and India are strangely quiet, waiting to see which camp they should fall into. Russia is playing political games with Iran, Israel and the U.S.

Meanwhile, the weak are saying, “I am strong,” as North Korea threatens the world with Nuclear War and seeks a devious peace with South Korea.

While the rest of the world is busy running around chasing its own tail, Israel is continuing to expand its influence throughout the nations and the Arab world. They are in the vanguard of modern technology, both militarily and privately. Being second only to America, she leads the world in medical research and accomplishment. Her agricultural abundance helps feed much of the world and her eco knowledge is teaching the nations how to advance themselves without upsetting the balance of nature. Truly, the desert has blossomed like a rose at the return of the exiled.

We see the bones of Ezekiel having come together, standing on their feet , an exceedingly mighty army (ranked third in the world) and we hear the Prophet as he cries out to the wind, “Thus saith the Lord God, come from the four winds, O Breath, and breathe upon these slain that they may live.” We, as watchmen, are anxiously awaiting the “Breath, the Spirit of the Living God. To breathe on them, giving them Life and that more abundantly. As the rain gives life to the plantings of men, there is coming a Rain that will bring Eternal Life to humanity; to the Jew first and also, to the Gentile. “For the Law shall go forth of Zion and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”

We remain your servants, the Kings

Please feel free to e-mail us at anytime, at We will answer any and all correspondence.

Editor’s Note: Please continue in prayer for Bro. and Sis. King while they are working for the Lord in Jerusalem, representing us and the members of Gospel Tabernacle.



1932 – December 30, 2017

Jerusalem, Israel


ContinuedfromPage1 - Therewill,ofcourse, be disagreement and dissentregarding this announcement,” thepresidentsaid.Heappealedfor“calm,formoderation, and for the voicesoftolerance to prevail over thepurveyorsofhate.

Mr. Trump’s recognitionof Jerusalemisolates the United States on one oftheworld’smost sensitive diplomaticissues. It has drawn a storm ofcriticism from Arab and Europeanleaders, which swelled on Tuesdaynight after the White HouseconfirmedMr.Trump’splans.

Pope Francis and the Chinese foreignministry joined the chorus of voiceswarningthatthemovewouldunleashawaveof violence across the region.Atameeting inBrussels,SecretaryofState Rex W. Tillerson was sternlyreproachedbyEuropeanallies.


Pastor Brad Ratliff 811 S. Cleveland Ave.

Belton, MO 64012 (816) 563-1264

Ryan Henson

811 S. Cleveland Ave. Belton, MO 64012

(913) 763-1187

Ann Riggins 12 Gladiola Lane

Belton, MO 64401 (913) 207-8275

Editing Sister Ruth Moore

6111 E. 129th St #208 Grandview, MO 64030

(816) 763-1187

Sister Avialee Burns 36295 New Lancaster Rd

Paola, KS 66074 (816) 805-3770

Charlotte Kester

21205 Bittersweet Dr. Lenexa, KS 66220

(816) 331-2229

Dedicated in Memory of our Apostle, Elder R. E. Dawkins 1911-1965







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