preparing to differentiate: learner profile transcript · components of learner profile (0:36)...

Post on 07-Oct-2020






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1 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’

Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile


Chapter 1: Introduction



This is a module on preparing to differentiate according to learner profile. This module is part of a series

dedicated to the topic of differentiation.

If you are new to this topic, access The Basics of Differentiation, an introductory express module that explores

foundational mindsets, beliefs, and terms.

Modules in the “preparing to differentiate” group will teach you how to gather pertinent information about your

students before implementing a strategy.

Modules in the “strategy” group will teach you how to differentiate instruction based on information you gather

from the “preparing to differentiate” modules.

Click on each module icon for a description. Click “Proceed” when you are ready to continue.

Components of Learner Profile (0:36)


Learner profile is made up of four components that all work together to affect how a child learns best. They are:

Gender, Culture, Multiple intelligence, and Learning style. We will now present a broad overview of each of

2 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’

these components. This overview is meant to provide context for thinking about and observing for

characteristics related to learner profile.

Before we get started let’s note that each component of learner profile can- and most likely will- affect and be influenced by other components.

Chapter 2: Gender

What is it?


A student’s gender is a factor that can influence learning.

Some research indicates that male and female students tend to struggle in different content areas (Agosto, 2004; Puckett, 2013; Senn, 2012).

There is also research that indicates otherwise. In fact, a study examining gender and academic performance in high school seniors found that the “average performance difference across all subjects is essentially zero” (Cole, 1997, p. 5).

Generalizations related to gender and education aren’t always accurate.

In other words, it’s important to be aware of gender-based trends while not using them to make gender-based assumptions about students.

3 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’

What to Look For


Take a moment to read about some things you can look for - and questions to think about - when considering how gender may impact a child’s learner profile.

Click each tab for a description.


4 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’


When considering the role a child’s gender may play in a student’s learner profile, remember two guidelines:

First, avoid making assumptions rooted in gender-based stereotypes.

Second, gain a better understanding of how a student’s gender identity connects to learning through observation of his or her words and actions.

Chapter 3: Culture

Why It's Important


Culture is an important component of learner profile because students bring the culture that they have learned at home into the classroom. Cultural identity also affects how a student learns best.

What Is it?


Let’s explore the cultural aspect of learner profile. Dr. Kathleen Puckett defines culture as “characteristics of groups of people who share racial, ethnic, religious, or social identities” (Puckett, 2013, Glossary).

Consider the following proverb and how it relates to the cultural component of learner profile.

5 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’

What to Look For

6 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’


Certain behaviors may shed light on how aspects of a student’s cultural identity influence the way he or she learns best.

Take a moment to read about some things you can look for - and questions you can think about - when considering how culture may impact a child’s learner profile.

Click each tab for a description.



7 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’

These guiding questions and observations are intended as a starting point for learning about cultural aspects of a student’s learner profile. A teacher should NEVER make sweeping generalizations or assumptions about a student’s culture based on a few observations. Observational data should be used in conjunction with information gained from dialogue with the student, as well as his or her family.

Chapter 4: Multiple Intelligences

What Are They?

8 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’


Let’s take a look at the next component of learner profile: multiple intelligences. The theory of multiple intelligences describes different ways that people learn, solve problems, and create products of value for their culture (Gardner, 2011; Puckett, 2013).

Doctor Howard Gardner has identified eight.

His research suggests that we possess each intelligence to different degrees, and use them in highly personal ways (Campbell, Campbell, & Dickinson, 1999; Gardner, 2011).

The eight intelligences can be grouped into three categories: object-related, object-free, and person-related (Campbell et al., 1999; Gardner, 2011).

Click on the icon for each intelligence to learn more about it.

Why They Are Important


Multiple intelligences are important to learner profile because they “honor how a student is smart” (Puckett, 2013, chapter 7, section 7.3).

As a teacher, it’s important to nurture and honor your students’ learning strengths. When you notice a student possesses a particular strength, foster that intelligence by developing activities that require the student to apply

9 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’


What to Look For

10 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’


Observation is a powerful way to gauge a student’s intelligence preferences. Click on each tab to learn what to observe for and some guiding questions to think about.



Remember, multiple intelligences don’t refer to the only way a student learns. They indicate strengths that

should be nurtured and leveraged when possible.

Chapter 5: Learning Style

What Is It?


We will now examine the final component of learner profile. Learning style refers to students’ preferences for how they are presented with, process, and retain new information.

The learning style theory describes five different stimuli (Dunn & Dunn, 1992): Environmental, Emotional, Sociological, Physiological, and Psychological.

11 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’


12 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’


Slide to each stimulus to learn more about it.

13 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’

Why It's Important


Learning style is important because it influences how students best take in, process, and retain instruction. It describes conditions under which students prefer to work (Dunn & Dunn, 1992).

What to Look For

14 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’


Take a moment to read about some things you can look for - and questions you can think about - when considering how learning style may impact a child’s learner profile.

Click each tab for a description.

15 Copyright © 2017 Arizona Board of Regents, All rights reserved

For a complete list of references, refer to the On-Demand Module ‘Preparing to Differentiate: Learner Profile.’



Here are important takeaways for you to keep in mind as you move forward with differentiation. Learner profile refers to how students best process information and interact with new content based on intelligence preferences, gender preferences, and cultural differences. Teacher observation is a powerful tool that can be used in the differentiation process. Differentiation is a large topic. Taking the time to get to know your students and how they learn best will help you to plan effectively. Be sure to access the module resource, which includes a guide, best practices, and a learner profile exemplar.

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