prayer requests october 17, 2021

Post on 21-Feb-2022






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Our Families Pray

All: In the name of the Father and of the Son T and of the Holy

Spirit. Amen.

THE APOSTLES’ CREED is confessed by all.

THE PSALM is prayed: Psalm 119:9-16


Catechism: You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not scheme to get our neighbor’s inheritance or house, or get it in a way which only appears right, but help and be of service to him in keeping it.

You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor. What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not entice or force away our neighbor’s wife, workers, or animals, or turn them against him, but urge them to stay and do their duty.

Bible Verse: Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

HYMN: LSB 581, St. 10

These Are the Holy Ten Commands

“You shall not crave your neighbor’s house Nor covet money, goods, or spouse. Pray God He would your neighbor bless As you yourself wish success.” Have mercy, Lord!




COLLECT OF THE DAY: O God, the helper of all who call on You, have mercy on us and give us eyes of faith to see Your Son that we may follow Him on the way that leads to eternal life; through the same Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.



October 17, 2021 Our Savior Lutheran Church � Houston, Texas

PLEASE CONTINUE TO REMEMBER THESE PRAYER REQUESTS IN YOUR PERSONAL DEVOTIONS THROUGHOUT THE COMING WEEK. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU. (If you would like to have a prayer request included in next week’s list, please contact the church office by 3:00 pm on Thursday, 713.290.9087 or email at


Thanksgiving as Archer Abel Cheng becomes a child of God today, in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Parents are Sai Yan & Kirstie Cheng; sponsors are Taylor & Lydia Mushinski; grandparents are Paul & Jenny Cheng and Dean & Barbara Mushinski, and great grandfather is Raymond Hobratsch.

God’s blessings on Nalani Rose Armstrong, born 10/12 to Joshua & Marlina, weighing 8 lbs, 5 oz & 21″ long. Grandparents are Jeff & Debbie Armstrong and Jody & Phyllis Quiroz; great grandparents are Lyle & Karen Schmidt.

Hospice: Jimmy Oberndorfer with Covid

In hospital: Bruce Kollmorgen (pancreatic problems)

Preparing for surgery: Tim Fenneberg (10/19)

Recovering from surgery: Robert Held

COVID: Jim & Elaine Freudenstein, Ed Noble (ICU), Thelma Oberndorfer

Awaiting bone marrow transplant: J.D. Alexander (OSL 3rd grader), chemo 10/17, transplant 10/27. His brother Michael is a match to be the donor.

Treatment: David Amezcua, Maile McCharen, Cecilia Musgrove, Jeff Skweres, John Zientek

Strength & healing: Sophie Adcock, Donald Borgstedte, Elizabeth Campbell, Sandy Fritsche, Steve Fritsche, Shirley Harris, Robert Held, Mike Henke, Kat Hooper, Lisa Jahn, Della Markert, Leah McDaniel, Eddie Meyer, Deanne Noack (right leg trouble), Curtis Pietsch, Jackie Simcak, Debra Wied (for knee replacement), John & Darcie Wilbanks, Cindy & Michelle Wright

Ongoing health issues: Oliver Biehle, Caka Family, Shirley Correll, Pam Dougherty, Alan Fritsche, Carol Fritsche, Martha Glammeyer, Debby Hobart, Lance Holman, Wallace & Evelyn Kleb, Mark Lawyer & family, Shirley May, Kathy Temple, Geneva Wilson, Arlene Wottrich, & our shut-ins

Military: Kyle Aisenbrey / GA, Lena Eckert, Caleb Gerard / FL, Luke Gerard / USNA, Bo Guevara / TX, Jonathan Hardin / HI, Alexander Hope / OK, Zachary Manriquez / VA, James Thompson / FL, Clayton Wilbanks / KY

Rev. Joel Fritsche & family, serving God in the Dominican Republic; Rev. Richard Wokoma in Nigeria, training indigenous pastors; Rev. James May, of Lutherans In Africa, establishing a seminary in Nairobi, Kenya

Family & Friends

For Bobby Simoneaux (Emily Lankford’s brother with COVID) whose wife Kay just died from COVID

Hospice: Kevin Erickson (Cherington’s brother-in-law),

COVID: Linda Bailey (Smithson’s sis), Debbie Blackshear (Lunsford friend), Darlene Conrad (A. Wottrich’s daughter), Carol Davis (Wilbanks’ sis), Mr & Mrs Garcia (Fritsche’s neighbors), Jonathan (Blackmar friend), Kristin Laws, Roseanne Moreno (J. Jolley’s friend), Deacon Palmer (Freudenstein’s friend)

Aneurysm: Irene Leger (Ricky’s mother)

Treatment: Kennedy Cloutier (Guevara friend), Tanya Davis (O’Neill friend), Autumn Hite (Boyd friend), Steve Hudson (Carter friend), Aleta Lawyer (Mark’s Aunt), Rip McQuitty (Blackmar friend), John Siebern (Armstrong friend), Dorinda Werner (Noacks’ daughter)

Strength & healing: Maxine Arndt (Lunsford friend), Sherrill Calvert (Wottrich’s niece), Kathy Campion (E. Campbell’s sis), Marie Cox (David’s mother), Bree Eaton (Tomchesson friend), Helen Gobrogge (Tim’s mother), Anna Griffin (Naumann’s sis), C.J. Herbsleb (Lunsford friend), Jessica Jolly (Hilsher friend), Christian Loewer (Blackmar grandson), Paul Manriquez (Andy’s brother), Mike Massey (Guevara friend), Linda Pattillo (D. Stephens’ sis), Doris Pietsch, Carolyn Stuhr (Garry’s sister-in-law), Jackie, Lydia, Lynda, Peter, Ryan, Rosalynda (Swannie’s friends), Jessica Williams (Baughman friend), Frances Zgabay (Ruth Pietsch’s sis)

Ongoing: Chris Birnbaum, Connie Bradshaw, Tim Walther, Rose Lehmann (Kaspers’ relations), Madison Cooper (Robert’s niece), Charles Hartfiel (Blackmar’s uncle), Katy & Gayland (Kleb’s cousins), Kenny & Tanya Licona, Lynn Redfern, Edith Prior (Lankford’s family), Lloyd Wessels (Clothiers’ grandfather), Peyton Wood (Channing’s cousin)

Military: Jacob Arnold / HI, Cody Carlisle / Afghanistan, Chapl Lynn Christensen / Japan, Michael Davis / Afghanistan, Morgan Foster / WA, Cale Fulton / KS, Josh Harris / CA, Travis Holland / VA, Ryan & Christine Kemnitz / OH, Isiah Kotico, Travis McPheters / TX, Jake Miller / TX, Daniel Mushinski / GA, SrA Jacob Norris / NV, Zachary Wied / TX

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