practice tests

Post on 10-Jul-2015






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1) What muscle pulls the head toward the shoulder as the chin is tucked toward the sternum? _______________ 2) What muscle aids in swallowing and depressing jaw? _______________ 3) What muscle allows you to nod your head? _______________ 4) What muscle elevates the sternum upon forceful inhale? _______________ 5) What is the ability to recoil to resting length? _______________ 6) Which muscles aid in compression of the abdomen? _______________ 7) What muscle extends and hyperextends the wrist? _______________ 8) What muscle do you use in flexion of the hip? _______________ 9) What is it called when another stimulus is applied before the muscle has time to fully relax? _______________ 10) What is the direct source of energy for muscle contraction? _______________ 11) What muscle is under the rectus femoris and works synergistically with all the other quadriceps to help you stand up from a squatting position? _______________ 12) What are short fascicles attaced obliquely to a central tendon running the length of the muscle called? __________ _____ 13) What provide the major force for producing a specific movement? _______________ 14) What are synergists that immobilize any bone or muscles origin? _______________ 15) What muscle extends the hip? _______________ 16) What muscle do you use when everting the knee? _______________ 17) What muscle inverts the sole of the foot and aids extension of the ankle? _______________ 18) What muscle do you use to abduct and elevate the leg laterally? _______________ 19) What are fascicles arranged in concentric rings called? _______________ 20) What are muscles that work together called? _______________ 21) What muscle flexes the elbow? _______________ 22) What is a single muscle fiber contraction that occurs when its stimulus threshold is reached? _______________ 23) What muscle flexes the wrist? _______________ 24) What muscle abducts the scapulae and pulls them forward? _______________ 25) Which muscle do you use when doing sit-ups or crunches? _______________ 26) What are variations in the degree of muscle contratction? _______________

27) What muscle type is in the heart? _______________ 28) What muscle pronates the palm? _______________ 29) What helps prevent fatique by alternating the workload? _______________ 30) What muscle extends the ankle and raises the heel when walking? _______________ 31) Since the biceps brachii and the brachialis cooperate with each other for flexion of the elbow joint, they are considered to be: _______________ 32) What muscle allows supination of the palm? _______________ 33) What muscle supports the pelvic organs? _______________ 34) What muscle adducts the legs and aids in flexing the knee? _______________ 35) Which muscles move the fingers and toes? _______________ 36) What is a chemical messenger released by neurons that may, upon binding to receptors of neurons or effector cells, stimulate or inhibit those neurons or effector cells? _______________ 37) What muscle aids in hyperextension of the hip (arabesque)? _______________ 38) What are spindle-shaped muscles with parallel fibers called? _______________ 39) What muscle do you use to flex and abduct the leg at the hip (dog pee)? _______________ 40) What is the connective tissue that covers the whole skeletal muscle? _______________ 41) What is another word for a prime mover? _______________ 42) What is a motor neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulates called? _______________ 43) What is the smallest contractile unit of a muscle that extends from one Z-disc to the next called? ______________ _ 44) What muscle is used in eversion and lateral rotation of the leg? _______________ 45) What are fascicles that are parallel to the long axis of a straplike muscle called? _______________ 46) What is a smooth, sustained muscle contraction resulting from high-frequency stimulation? _______________ 47) What muscle extends the hip and laterally rotates the leg? _______________ 48) What is a product of anaerobic metabolism? _______________ 49) What are two muscles that work against each other called? _______________ 50) What muscle do you use when inverting the knee? _______________ 51) What muscle extends the elbow? _______________ 52) What muscle flexes a pronated arm (salute)? _______________

53) What muscle allows elevation and abduction of the arm? _______________ 54) Which muscle type is found in tubes like digestion? _______________ 55) What is the abilty to be stretched? _______________ 56) What are low levels of contractile activity in relaxed muscle and keeps the muscle healthy and ready to act? _____ __________ 57) What are fascicles that converge toward a single tendon insertion called? _______________ 58) What muscle do you use when extending the knee? _______________ 59) What muscle is synergistic to the gluteus medius? _______________ 60) What is the physiological inability to contract? _______________ 61) What muscle flexes the hip when lifting and everting the knee (indian-style)? _______________ 62) What muscle extends the hip and medially rotates the leg? _______________ 63) What muscle elevates the anus? _______________ 64) What muscle pulls the outer edges of the lower lip down? _______________ 65) When your quadriceps group of muscles contract, the hamstring muscles relax. Therefore, these groups of muscles are: _______________

66) 67) 68) 69) 70).

______ ______ ______ ______ ______

convergent pennate parallel fusiform circular.

a) b) c) d) e)

fasciles converge toward a single tendon insertion fascicles arranged in concentric rings spindle-shaped muscles with parallel fibers fasicles parallel to the long axis of a straplike muscle short fascicles attach obliquely to a central tendon running the length of the muscle

71) What muscle pulls your shoulders backward? _______________ 72) What muscle allows depression and hyperextension of the arms? _______________ 73) What muscle allows you to pout/frown? _______________ 74) What muscle allows you to shrug your shoulders? _______________ 75) What is the ability to shorten when stimulated? _______________ 76) What muscle pulls your shoulders forward? _______________ 77) Based on its name, you know that an extensor digitorum muscle on the posterior side of your forearm will help you: _______________ 78) What muscle flexes, adducts, and rotates the humerus? _______________ 79) What muscle pulls the ribs up when inhaling? _______________

80) Based on its name, you know that the adductor longus muscle of the thigh will help you achieve what type of movement? _______________ 81) What is the web-shaped membrane covered organelle inside muscle fibers that stores a lot of calcium ions required in muscle contraction? _______________ 82) What muscle aids inhaling by pulling the ribs together? _______________ 83) Which muscle elevates the ear and the mandible? _______________

84) 85) 86) 87).

______ ______ ______ ______

extensibility contractility excitability elasticity.

a) b) c) d)

ability ability ability ability

to to to to

be streched recieve and respond to stimuli recoil to resting length shorten when stimulated

88) What muscle type moves bones? _______________ 89) Which muscle elevates the mandible and clenches teeth? _______________ 90) The biceps brachii extends from the upper part of the humerus to the radial tuberosity on the radius and flexes the elbow joint when it contracts. Based on its movement during contraction, what is the ORIGIN of this muscle? ____ ___________ 91) Which muscle allows you to smile? _______________ 92) What muscle flexes the ankle? _______________ 93) Which muscle is the prime mover in chewing? _______________ 94) What muscle keeps food between your teeth? _______________ 95) What muscle allows you to pucker? _______________ 96) What muscle allows you to wink, blink, or close your eyes? _______________ 97) What causes contraction? _______________ 98) What muscle allows you to twitch your nose or flare your nostrils? _______________ 99) Which muscle pulls the scalp backward? _______________ 100) Which muscle is the fleshy part of the cheek and is contracted when blowing? _______________ 101) The sternocleidomastoideus muscle spans from the mastoid process of the temporal bone to the sternum and clavicle. Under normal circumstances, when it contracts, the fibers pull downward on the mastoid process. Therefore, the mastoid process is the _______________ of this muscle. 102) What group of muscles adduct the legs? _______________ 103) Which muscle elevates the eyebrows? _______________ 104) What muscle everts the sole of the foot and aids with plantar flexion? _______________ 105) What is the ability to recieve and respond to stimuli? _______________

106) 107) 108) 109) 110) 111) 112) 113) 114) 115) 116) 117) 118) 119) 120) 121).

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

origin treppe fixators muscle twitch insertion prime movers graded muscle response muscle tone antagonists tetanus lactic acid motor unit neurotransmitter muscle fatigue sarcoplasmic reticulum synergists

a) physiological inability to contract b) a smooth, sustained muscle contraction resulting from high-frequency stimulation c) variations in the degree of muscle contraction d) two muscles working against each other e) a motor neuron and all the cells it stimulates f) low levels of contractile activity in relaxed muscle; keeps the muscle healthy and ready to act g) chemical messenger released by neurons that may, upon binding to receptors of neurons or effector cells, stimulate or inhibit those neurons or effector cells h) provide the major force for producing a specific movement i) web-shaped membrane covered organelle inside muscle fibers; stores a lot of calcium ions required for muscle contraction j) product of anaerobic metabolism k) two muscles that work together l) when another stimulus is applied before the muscle has time to fully relax m) a single muscle fiber contraction that occurs when its stimulus threshold is reached n) part of the muscle that does move o) part of the muscle that does not move p) synergists that immobilize any bone or muscles origin.

122) What does exercise do for muscles?

123) What are isometric contractions?

124) Which muscles aid in chewing?

125) Which muscles aid in flexion, twisting, and turning of the trunk?

126) What are isotonic contractions?

127) Which muscles make up the hamstrings?

128) What is a voluntary muscle?

129) Why is muscle tone important?

130) What muscles aid in flexion of the elbow?

131) Which muscles help maintain posture?

132) What are the three muscle types?

133) What is an involuntary muscle?

134) What are the features of smooth muscle?

135) What are the features of cardiac muscle?

136) What are the features of skeletal muscle?

137) What are the seven methods for naming muscles?

138) What are the functions of skeletal muscles?

139) What muscles make up the quadriceps?

140) What are the special characteristics of muscle tissue?

141) What muscles aid in compression of the abdomen?

142) Which muscles flex the knee?

143) What are the three phases of a twitch?

144) What causes Rigor Mortis?

145) When does muscle fatigue occur?

146) What causes a muscle cramp?

147) What affects the force of muscle contraction?

148) What are the three types of muscle fibers and do they cause slow or fast twitch?

149) What are the limiting factors in the strength of muscles?

150) What are the effects of aerobic exercise?

151) What are the requirements for skeletal muscle contraction?

152) What are the characteristics of red fibers?

153) When does oxygen deficit occur?

154) What are the characteristics of pink fibers?

155) What are the effects of anaerobic exercise?

156) Why is extra oxygen needed after exercise?

157) What are the characteristics of white fibers?

158) What is the difference between subthreshold, threshold, and maximal stimulation?

159) How does a graded muscle response work?

160) What attaches muscle to bone? Describe the anatomy.

161) Why does lactic acid accumulate in muscles?

162) How does muscle contraction work?

163) Breakdown the the anatomy of a muscle from whole muscle all the way to the level of sarcomere.


1) What muscle pulls the head toward the shoulder as the chin is tucked toward the sternum? [sternocleidomastoi deus 2) What muscle aids in swallowing and depressing jaw? [platysma 3) What muscle allows you to nod your head? [sternocleidomastoideus 4) What muscle elevates the sternum upon forceful inhale? [sternocleidomastoideus 5) What is the ability to recoil to resting length? [elasticity 6) Which muscles aid in compression of the abdomen? [external oblique, internal oblique, and transversalis 7) What muscle extends and hyperextends the wrist? [extensor carpi 8) What muscle do you use in flexion of the hip? [rectus femoris 9) What is it called when another stimulus is applied before the muscle has time to fully relax? [treppe 10) What is the direct source of energy for muscle contraction? [ATP 11) What muscle is under the rectus femoris and works synergistically with all the other quadriceps to help you stand up from a squatting position? [vastus intermedius 12) What are short fascicles attaced obliquely to a central tendon running the length of the muscle called? [pennate 13) What provide the major force for producing a specific movement? [prime movers 14) What are synergists that immobilize any bone or muscles origin? [fixators 15) What muscle extends the hip? [semimembranosus 16) What muscle do you use when everting the knee? [vastus lateralis 17) What muscle inverts the sole of the foot and aids extension of the ankle? [soleus 18) What muscle do you use to abduct and elevate the leg laterally? [gluteus medius 19) What are fascicles arranged in concentric rings called? [circular 20) What are muscles that work together called? [synergists 21) What muscle flexes the elbow? [biceps brachii 22) What is a single muscle fiber contraction that occurs when its stimulus threshold is reached? [twitch 23) What muscle flexes the wrist? [flexor carpi 24) What muscle abducts the scapulae and pulls them forward? [serratus anterior 25) Which muscle do you use when doing sit-ups or crunches? [rectus abdominis 26) What are variations in the degree of muscle contratction? [graded muscle response

27) What muscle type is in the heart? [cardiac 28) What muscle pronates the palm? [pronator teres 29) What helps prevent fatique by alternating the workload? [motor units 30) What muscle extends the ankle and raises the heel when walking? [gastrocnemius 31) Since the biceps brachii and the brachialis cooperate with each other for flexion of the elbow joint, they are considered to be: [synergists 32) What muscle allows supination of the palm? [brachioradialis 33) What muscle supports the pelvic organs? [levator ani 34) What muscle adducts the legs and aids in flexing the knee? [gracilis 35) Which muscles move the fingers and toes? [flexor and extensor digitorum 36) What is a chemical messenger released by neurons that may, upon binding to receptors of neurons or effector cells, stimulate or inhibit those neurons or effector cells? [neurotransmitter 37) What muscle aids in hyperextension of the hip (arabesque)? [gluteus maximus 38) What are spindle-shaped muscles with parallel fibers called? [fusiform 39) What muscle do you use to flex and abduct the leg at the hip (dog pee)? [tensor fasciae latae 40) What is the connective tissue that covers the whole skeletal muscle? [epimysium 41) What is another word for a prime mover? [agonist 42) What is a motor neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulates called? [motor unit 43) What is the smallest contractile unit of a muscle that extends from one Z-disc to the next called? [sarcomere 44) What muscle is used in eversion and lateral rotation of the leg? [gluteus maximus 45) What are fascicles that are parallel to the long axis of a straplike muscle called? [parallel 46) What is a smooth, sustained muscle contraction resulting from high-frequency stimulation? [tetanus 47) What muscle extends the hip and laterally rotates the leg? [biceps femoris 48) What is a product of anaerobic metabolism? [lactic acid 49) What are two muscles that work against each other called? [antagonists 50) What muscle do you use when inverting the knee? [vastus medialis 51) What muscle extends the elbow? [triceps brachii 52) What muscle flexes a pronated arm (salute)? [brachialis

53) What muscle allows elevation and abduction of the arm? [deltoid 54) Which muscle type is found in tubes like digestion? [smooth 55) What is the abilty to be stretched? [extensibility 56) What are low levels of contractile activity in relaxed muscle and keeps the muscle healthy and ready to act? [musc le tone 57) What are fascicles that converge toward a single tendon insertion called? [convergent 58) What muscle do you use when extending the knee? [rectus femoris 59) What muscle is synergistic to the gluteus medius? [gluteus minimus 60) What is the physiological inability to contract? [fatigue 61) What muscle flexes the hip when lifting and everting the knee (indian-style)? [sartorius 62) What muscle extends the hip and medially rotates the leg? [semitendinosus 63) What muscle elevates the anus? [levator ani 64) What muscle pulls the outer edges of the lower lip down? [platysma 65) When your quadriceps group of muscles contract, the hamstring muscles relax. Therefore, these groups of muscles are: [antagonists

66) 67) 68) 69) 70).

a e d c b

convergent pennate parallel fusiform circular.

a) b) c) d) e)

fasciles converge toward a single tendon insertion fascicles arranged in concentric rings spindle-shaped muscles with parallel fibers fasicles parallel to the long axis of a straplike muscle short fascicles attach obliquely to a central tendon running the length of the muscle

71) What muscle pulls your shoulders backward? [trapezius 72) What muscle allows depression and hyperextension of the arms? [latissimus dorsi 73) What muscle allows you to pout/frown? [platysma 74) What muscle allows you to shrug your shoulders? [trapezius 75) What is the ability to shorten when stimulated? [contractility 76) What muscle pulls your shoulders forward? [pectoralis major 77) Based on its name, you know that an extensor digitorum muscle on the posterior side of your forearm will help you: [straighten out your fingers 78) What muscle flexes, adducts, and rotates the humerus? [pectoralis major 79) What muscle pulls the ribs up when inhaling? [pectoralis major

80) Based on its name, you know that the adductor longus muscle of the thigh will help you achieve what type of movement? [movement of the thigh toward the midline of the body 81) What is the web-shaped membrane covered organelle inside muscle fibers that stores a lot of calcium ions required in muscle contraction? [sarcoplasmic reticulum 82) What muscle aids inhaling by pulling the ribs together? [intercostals 83) Which muscle elevates the ear and the mandible? [temporalis

84) 85) 86) 87).

a d b c

extensibility contractility excitability elasticity.

a) b) c) d)

ability ability ability ability

to to to to

be streched recieve and respond to stimuli recoil to resting length shorten when stimulated

88) What muscle type moves bones? [skeletal 89) Which muscle elevates the mandible and clenches teeth? [masseter 90) The biceps brachii extends from the upper part of the humerus to the radial tuberosity on the radius and flexes the elbow joint when it contracts. Based on its movement during contraction, what is the ORIGIN of this muscle? [upp er part of the humerus 91) Which muscle allows you to smile? [zygomaticus 92) What muscle flexes the ankle? [tibialis anterior 93) Which muscle is the prime mover in chewing? [masseter 94) What muscle keeps food between your teeth? [buccinator 95) What muscle allows you to pucker? [orbicularis oris 96) What muscle allows you to wink, blink, or close your eyes? [orbicularis oculi 97) What causes contraction? [an action potential 98) What muscle allows you to twitch your nose or flare your nostrils? [nasalis 99) Which muscle pulls the scalp backward? [occipitalis 100) Which muscle is the fleshy part of the cheek and is contracted when blowing? [buccinator 101) The sternocleidomastoideus muscle spans from the mastoid process of the temporal bone to the sternum and clavicle. Under normal circumstances, when it contracts, the fibers pull downward on the mastoid process. Therefore, the mastoid process is the [insertion point of this muscle. 102) What group of muscles adduct the legs? [adductors 103) Which muscle elevates the eyebrows? [frontalis 104) What muscle everts the sole of the foot and aids with plantar flexion? [fibularis longus 105) What is the ability to recieve and respond to stimuli? [excitablity

106) 107) 108) 109) 110) 111) 112) 113) 114) 115) 116) 117) 118) 119) 120) 121).

o l p m n h c f d b j e g a i k

origin treppe fixators muscle twitch insertion prime movers graded muscle response muscle tone antagonists tetanus lactic acid motor unit neurotransmitter muscle fatigue sarcoplasmic reticulum synergists

a) physiological inability to contract b) a smooth, sustained muscle contraction resulting from high-frequency stimulation c) variations in the degree of muscle contraction d) two muscles working against each other e) a motor neuron and all the cells it stimulates f) low levels of contractile activity in relaxed muscle; keeps the muscle healthy and ready to act g) chemical messenger released by neurons that may, upon binding to receptors of neurons or effector cells, stimulate or inhibit those neurons or effector cells h) provide the major force for producing a specific movement i) web-shaped membrane covered organelle inside muscle fibers; stores a lot of calcium ions required for muscle contraction j) product of anaerobic metabolism k) two muscles that work together l) when another stimulus is applied before the muscle has time to fully relax m) a single muscle fiber contraction that occurs when its stimulus threshold is reached n) part of the muscle that does move o) part of the muscle that does not move p) synergists that immobilize any bone or muscles origin.

122) What does exercise do for muscles? Correct answer not provided. 123) What are isometric contractions? Correct answer not provided. 124) Which muscles aid in chewing? Correct answer not provided. 125) Which muscles aid in flexion, twisting, and turning of the trunk? Correct answer not provided. 126) What are isotonic contractions? Correct answer not provided. 127) Which muscles make up the hamstrings? Correct answer not provided. 128) What is a voluntary muscle? Correct answer not provided. 129) Why is muscle tone important? Correct answer not provided. 130) What muscles aid in flexion of the elbow? Correct answer not provided.

131) Which muscles help maintain posture? Correct answer not provided. 132) What are the three muscle types? Correct answer not provided. 133) What is an involuntary muscle? Correct answer not provided. 134) What are the features of smooth muscle? Correct answer not provided. 135) What are the features of cardiac muscle? Correct answer not provided. 136) What are the features of skeletal muscle? Correct answer not provided. 137) What are the seven methods for naming muscles? Correct answer not provided. 138) What are the functions of skeletal muscles? Correct answer not provided. 139) What muscles make up the quadriceps? Correct answer not provided. 140) What are the special characteristics of muscle tissue? Correct answer not provided. 141) What muscles aid in compression of the abdomen? Correct answer not provided. 142) Which muscles flex the knee? Correct answer not provided. 143) What are the three phases of a twitch? Correct answer not provided. 144) What causes Rigor Mortis? Correct answer not provided. 145) When does muscle fatigue occur? Correct answer not provided. 146) What causes a muscle cramp? Correct answer not provided. 147) What affects the force of muscle contraction? Correct answer not provided. 148) What are the three types of muscle fibers and do they cause slow or fast twitch? Correct answer not provided. 149) What are the limiting factors in the strength of muscles? Correct answer not provided.

150) What are the effects of aerobic exercise? Correct answer not provided. 151) What are the requirements for skeletal muscle contraction? Correct answer not provided. 152) What are the characteristics of red fibers? Correct answer not provided. 153) When does oxygen deficit occur? Correct answer not provided. 154) What are the characteristics of pink fibers? Correct answer not provided. 155) What are the effects of anaerobic exercise? Correct answer not provided. 156) Why is extra oxygen needed after exercise? Correct answer not provided. 157) What are the characteristics of white fibers? Correct answer not provided. 158) What is the difference between subthreshold, threshold, and maximal stimulation? Correct answer not provided. 159) How does a graded muscle response work? Correct answer not provided. 160) What attaches muscle to bone? Describe the anatomy. Correct answer not provided. 161) Why does lactic acid accumulate in muscles? Correct answer not provided. 162) How does muscle contraction work? Correct answer not provided. 163) Breakdown the the anatomy of a muscle from whole muscle all the way to the level of sarcomere. Correct answer not provided.


1) What muscle do you use when inverting the knee? _______________ 2) What causes contraction? _______________ 3) What muscle everts the sole of the foot and aids with plantar flexion? _______________ 4) What are the characteristics of red fibers?

5) What muscle is synergistic to the gluteus medius? _______________ 6) What muscle do you use in flexion of the hip? _______________ 7) What muscle allows you to pout/frown? _______________ 8) Which muscle is the prime mover in chewing? _______________ 9) What muscle pulls your shoulders backward? _______________ 10) What are isometric contractions?

11) What are the effects of anaerobic exercise?

12) 13) 14) 15) 16).

______ ______ ______ ______ ______

pennate fusiform circular convergent parallel.

a) b) c) d)

fasciles converge toward a single tendon insertion spindle-shaped muscles with parallel fibers fascicles arranged in concentric rings short fascicles attach obliquely to a central tendon running the length of the muscle e) fasicles parallel to the long axis of a straplike muscle

17) What are the three phases of a twitch?

18) Which muscles aid in chewing?

19) What muscle allows supination of the palm? _______________ 20) What muscle elevates the sternum upon forceful inhale? _______________ 21) What muscle flexes the hip when lifting and everting the knee (indian-style)? _______________ 22) What are the features of skeletal muscle?

23) What muscle flexes the ankle? _______________ 24) What muscle is used in eversion and lateral rotation of the leg? _______________ 25) What muscle allows you to shrug your shoulders? _______________ 26) What muscle pulls the outer edges of the lower lip down? _______________ 27) What is the ability to shorten when stimulated? _______________ 28) What muscle extends the hip and medially rotates the leg? _______________ 29) What muscle pulls the ribs up when inhaling? _______________ 30) What are variations in the degree of muscle contratction? _______________ 31) What is the smallest contractile unit of a muscle that extends from one Z-disc to the next called? ______________ _ 32) What is the direct source of energy for muscle contraction? _______________ 33) What muscle extends the hip and laterally rotates the leg? _______________ 34) What muscle allows you to nod your head? _______________ 35) What muscle flexes a pronated arm (salute)? _______________ 36) Which muscles flex the knee?

37) What muscle flexes the elbow? _______________ 38) What muscles make up the quadriceps?

39) What is a motor neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulates called? _______________ 40) What are synergists that immobilize any bone or muscles origin? _______________ 41) What muscle type is in the heart? _______________ 42) Which muscle elevates the eyebrows? _______________ 43) What muscle flexes the wrist? _______________ 44) What is a voluntary muscle?

45) What are two muscles that work against each other called? _______________ 46) What are the effects of aerobic exercise?

47) Since the biceps brachii and the brachialis cooperate with each other for flexion of the elbow joint, they are considered to be: _______________ 48) What muscle pulls your shoulders forward? _______________

49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) 59) 60) 61) 62) 63) 64).

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

sarcoplasmic reticulum muscle fatigue synergists origin tetanus antagonists insertion muscle twitch treppe motor unit lactic acid prime movers fixators graded muscle response muscle tone neurotransmitter

a) part of the muscle that does move b) a smooth, sustained muscle contraction resulting from high-frequency stimulation c) web-shaped membrane covered organelle inside muscle fibers; stores a lot of calcium ions required for muscle contraction d) a single muscle fiber contraction that occurs when its stimulus threshold is reached e) a motor neuron and all the cells it stimulates f) part of the muscle that does not move g) when another stimulus is applied before the muscle has time to fully relax h) product of anaerobic metabolism i) low levels of contractile activity in relaxed muscle; keeps the muscle healthy and ready to act j) synergists that immobilize any bone or muscles origin k) two muscles working against each other l) provide the major force for producing a specific movement m) chemical messenger released by neurons that may, upon binding to receptors of neurons or effector cells, stimulate or inhibit those neurons or effector cells n) two muscles that work together o) variations in the degree of muscle contraction p) physiological inability to contract.

65) Breakdown the the anatomy of a muscle from whole muscle all the way to the level of sarcomere.

66) What is it called when another stimulus is applied before the muscle has time to fully relax? _______________ 67) Which muscle type is found in tubes like digestion? _______________ 68) What muscle inverts the sole of the foot and aids extension of the ankle? _______________ 69) Based on its name, you know that an extensor digitorum muscle on the posterior side of your forearm will help you: _______________ 70) What muscle pulls the head toward the shoulder as the chin is tucked toward the sternum? _______________ 71) What muscle supports the pelvic organs? _______________ 72) What muscle do you use to flex and abduct the leg at the hip (dog pee)? _______________ 73) What are the features of cardiac muscle?

74) Which muscles make up the hamstrings?

75) What are the seven methods for naming muscles?

76) When your quadriceps group of muscles contract, the hamstring muscles relax. Therefore, these groups of muscles are: _______________ 77) What affects the force of muscle contraction?

78) What causes a muscle cramp?

79) What muscles aid in flexion of the elbow?

80) The biceps brachii extends from the upper part of the humerus to the radial tuberosity on the radius and flexes the elbow joint when it contracts. Based on its movement during contraction, what is the ORIGIN of this muscle? ____ ___________ 81) What are short fascicles attaced obliquely to a central tendon running the length of the muscle called? __________ _____ 82) What is the physiological inability to contract? _______________ 83) Why does lactic acid accumulate in muscles?

84) What muscle elevates the anus? _______________ 85) What muscle extends and hyperextends the wrist? _______________ 86) What are muscles that work together called? _______________ 87) What causes Rigor Mortis?

88) What is the web-shaped membrane covered organelle inside muscle fibers that stores a lot of calcium ions required in muscle contraction? _______________

89) Why is extra oxygen needed after exercise?

90) What are the special characteristics of muscle tissue?

91) What is an involuntary muscle?

92) How does muscle contraction work?

93) What muscle aids in swallowing and depressing jaw? _______________ 94) What are fascicles arranged in concentric rings called? _______________ 95) Which muscles aid in flexion, twisting, and turning of the trunk?

96) What is a single muscle fiber contraction that occurs when its stimulus threshold is reached? _______________ 97) What are isotonic contractions?

98) Which muscle do you use when doing sit-ups or crunches? _______________ 99) What is the abilty to be stretched? _______________ 100) Which muscles aid in compression of the abdomen? _______________ 101) When does muscle fatigue occur?

102) What group of muscles adduct the legs? _______________ 103) What muscle allows you to wink, blink, or close your eyes? _______________

104) What is the connective tissue that covers the whole skeletal muscle? _______________ 105) How does a graded muscle response work?

106) What muscle type moves bones? _______________ 107) Which muscle elevates the mandible and clenches teeth? _______________ 108) What provide the major force for producing a specific movement? _______________ 109) What is the ability to recieve and respond to stimuli? _______________ 110) When does oxygen deficit occur?

111) What muscle do you use when everting the knee? _______________ 112) What is a product of anaerobic metabolism? _______________ 113) Which muscle elevates the ear and the mandible? _______________ 114) What muscle allows you to pucker? _______________ 115) What is a chemical messenger released by neurons that may, upon binding to receptors of neurons or effector cells, stimulate or inhibit those neurons or effector cells? _______________ 116) What are fascicles that are parallel to the long axis of a straplike muscle called? _______________ 117) What muscle do you use when extending the knee? _______________ 118) What are the limiting factors in the strength of muscles?

119) Which muscle pulls the scalp backward? _______________ 120) What does exercise do for muscles?

121) What muscle abducts the scapulae and pulls them forward? _______________ 122) What are the features of smooth muscle?

123) What attaches muscle to bone? Describe the anatomy.

124) What muscle is under the rectus femoris and works synergistically with all the other quadriceps to help you stand up from a squatting position? _______________ 125) What muscle do you use to abduct and elevate the leg laterally? _______________ 126) What are the characteristics of white fibers?

127) Which muscles help maintain posture?

128) What muscle aids in hyperextension of the hip (arabesque)? _______________ 129) What muscle allows you to twitch your nose or flare your nostrils? _______________ 130) What muscle keeps food between your teeth? _______________ 131) What are the functions of skeletal muscles?

132) Which muscles move the fingers and toes? _______________ 133) Why is muscle tone important?

134) What is the difference between subthreshold, threshold, and maximal stimulation?

135) What is a smooth, sustained muscle contraction resulting from high-frequency stimulation? _______________ 136) What muscle extends the ankle and raises the heel when walking? _______________ 137) What are spindle-shaped muscles with parallel fibers called? _______________ 138) What are the three muscle types?

139) What are the requirements for skeletal muscle contraction?

140) Which muscle allows you to smile? _______________ 141) What muscle extends the hip? _______________

142) 143) 144) 145).

______ ______ ______ ______

contractility extensibility excitability elasticity.

a) b) c) d)

ability ability ability ability

to to to to

recoil to resting length shorten when stimulated be streched recieve and respond to stimuli

146) What is another word for a prime mover? _______________ 147) What muscle pronates the palm? _______________ 148) What muscle allows depression and hyperextension of the arms? _______________ 149) What are the three types of muscle fibers and do they cause slow or fast twitch?

150) What muscles aid in compression of the abdomen?

151) Which muscle is the fleshy part of the cheek and is contracted when blowing? _______________ 152) What muscle adducts the legs and aids in flexing the knee? _______________ 153) What muscle extends the elbow? _______________ 154) What are the characteristics of pink fibers?

155) Based on its name, you know that the adductor longus muscle of the thigh will help you achieve what type of movement? _______________ 156) What muscle aids inhaling by pulling the ribs together? _______________ 157) What helps prevent fatique by alternating the workload? _______________ 158) The sternocleidomastoideus muscle spans from the mastoid process of the temporal bone to the sternum and clavicle. Under normal circumstances, when it contracts, the fibers pull downward on the mastoid process. Therefore, the mastoid process is the _______________ of this muscle. 159) What is the ability to recoil to resting length? _______________ 160) What are low levels of contractile activity in relaxed muscle and keeps the muscle healthy and ready to act? _____ __________

161) What are fascicles that converge toward a single tendon insertion called? _______________ 162) What muscle flexes, adducts, and rotates the humerus? _______________ 163) What muscle allows elevation and abduction of the arm? _______________


1) What muscle do you use when inverting the knee? [vastus medialis 2) What causes contraction? [an action potential 3) What muscle everts the sole of the foot and aids with plantar flexion? [fibularis longus 4) What are the characteristics of red fibers? Correct answer not provided. 5) What muscle is synergistic to the gluteus medius? [gluteus minimus 6) What muscle do you use in flexion of the hip? [rectus femoris 7) What muscle allows you to pout/frown? [platysma 8) Which muscle is the prime mover in chewing? [masseter 9) What muscle pulls your shoulders backward? [trapezius 10) What are isometric contractions? Correct answer not provided. 11) What are the effects of anaerobic exercise? Correct answer not provided.

12) 13) 14) 15) 16).

d b c a e

pennate fusiform circular convergent parallel.

a) b) c) d)

fasciles converge toward a single tendon insertion spindle-shaped muscles with parallel fibers fascicles arranged in concentric rings short fascicles attach obliquely to a central tendon running the length of the muscle e) fasicles parallel to the long axis of a straplike muscle

17) What are the three phases of a twitch? Correct answer not provided. 18) Which muscles aid in chewing? Correct answer not provided. 19) What muscle allows supination of the palm? [brachioradialis 20) What muscle elevates the sternum upon forceful inhale? [sternocleidomastoideus 21) What muscle flexes the hip when lifting and everting the knee (indian-style)? [sartorius 22) What are the features of skeletal muscle? Correct answer not provided. 23) What muscle flexes the ankle? [tibialis anterior 24) What muscle is used in eversion and lateral rotation of the leg? [gluteus maximus 25) What muscle allows you to shrug your shoulders? [trapezius 26) What muscle pulls the outer edges of the lower lip down? [platysma

27) What is the ability to shorten when stimulated? [contractility 28) What muscle extends the hip and medially rotates the leg? [semitendinosus 29) What muscle pulls the ribs up when inhaling? [pectoralis major 30) What are variations in the degree of muscle contratction? [graded muscle response 31) What is the smallest contractile unit of a muscle that extends from one Z-disc to the next called? [sarcomere 32) What is the direct source of energy for muscle contraction? [ATP 33) What muscle extends the hip and laterally rotates the leg? [biceps femoris 34) What muscle allows you to nod your head? [sternocleidomastoideus 35) What muscle flexes a pronated arm (salute)? [brachialis 36) Which muscles flex the knee? Correct answer not provided. 37) What muscle flexes the elbow? [biceps brachii 38) What muscles make up the quadriceps? Correct answer not provided. 39) What is a motor neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulates called? [motor unit 40) What are synergists that immobilize any bone or muscles origin? [fixators 41) What muscle type is in the heart? [cardiac 42) Which muscle elevates the eyebrows? [frontalis 43) What muscle flexes the wrist? [flexor carpi 44) What is a voluntary muscle? Correct answer not provided. 45) What are two muscles that work against each other called? [antagonists 46) What are the effects of aerobic exercise? Correct answer not provided. 47) Since the biceps brachii and the brachialis cooperate with each other for flexion of the elbow joint, they are considered to be: [synergists 48) What muscle pulls your shoulders forward? [pectoralis major

49) 50) 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) 56) 57) 58) 59) 60) 61) 62) 63) 64).

c p n f b k a d g e h l j o i m

sarcoplasmic reticulum muscle fatigue synergists origin tetanus antagonists insertion muscle twitch treppe motor unit lactic acid prime movers fixators graded muscle response muscle tone neurotransmitter

a) part of the muscle that does move b) a smooth, sustained muscle contraction resulting from high-frequency stimulation c) web-shaped membrane covered organelle inside muscle fibers; stores a lot of calcium ions required for muscle contraction d) a single muscle fiber contraction that occurs when its stimulus threshold is reached e) a motor neuron and all the cells it stimulates f) part of the muscle that does not move g) when another stimulus is applied before the muscle has time to fully relax h) product of anaerobic metabolism i) low levels of contractile activity in relaxed muscle; keeps the muscle healthy and ready to act j) synergists that immobilize any bone or muscles origin k) two muscles working against each other l) provide the major force for producing a specific movement m) chemical messenger released by neurons that may, upon binding to receptors of neurons or effector cells, stimulate or inhibit those neurons or effector cells n) two muscles that work together o) variations in the degree of muscle contraction p) physiological inability to contract.

65) Breakdown the the anatomy of a muscle from whole muscle all the way to the level of sarcomere. Correct answer not provided. 66) What is it called when another stimulus is applied before the muscle has time to fully relax? [treppe 67) Which muscle type is found in tubes like digestion? [smooth 68) What muscle inverts the sole of the foot and aids extension of the ankle? [soleus 69) Based on its name, you know that an extensor digitorum muscle on the posterior side of your forearm will help you: [straighten out your fingers 70) What muscle pulls the head toward the shoulder as the chin is tucked toward the sternum? [sternocleidomastoi deus 71) What muscle supports the pelvic organs? [levator ani 72) What muscle do you use to flex and abduct the leg at the hip (dog pee)? [tensor fasciae latae 73) What are the features of cardiac muscle? Correct answer not provided. 74) Which muscles make up the hamstrings? Correct answer not provided. 75) What are the seven methods for naming muscles? Correct answer not provided.

76) When your quadriceps group of muscles contract, the hamstring muscles relax. Therefore, these groups of muscles are: [antagonists 77) What affects the force of muscle contraction? Correct answer not provided. 78) What causes a muscle cramp? Correct answer not provided. 79) What muscles aid in flexion of the elbow? Correct answer not provided. 80) The biceps brachii extends from the upper part of the humerus to the radial tuberosity on the radius and flexes the elbow joint when it contracts. Based on its movement during contraction, what is the ORIGIN of this muscle? [upp er part of the humerus 81) What are short fascicles attaced obliquely to a central tendon running the length of the muscle called? [pennate 82) What is the physiological inability to contract? [fatigue 83) Why does lactic acid accumulate in muscles? Correct answer not provided. 84) What muscle elevates the anus? [levator ani 85) What muscle extends and hyperextends the wrist? [extensor carpi 86) What are muscles that work together called? [synergists 87) What causes Rigor Mortis? Correct answer not provided. 88) What is the web-shaped membrane covered organelle inside muscle fibers that stores a lot of calcium ions required in muscle contraction? [sarcoplasmic reticulum 89) Why is extra oxygen needed after exercise? Correct answer not provided. 90) What are the special characteristics of muscle tissue? Correct answer not provided. 91) What is an involuntary muscle? Correct answer not provided. 92) How does muscle contraction work? Correct answer not provided. 93) What muscle aids in swallowing and depressing jaw? [platysma 94) What are fascicles arranged in concentric rings called? [circular 95) Which muscles aid in flexion, twisting, and turning of the trunk? Correct answer not provided. 96) What is a single muscle fiber contraction that occurs when its stimulus threshold is reached? [twitch

97) What are isotonic contractions? Correct answer not provided. 98) Which muscle do you use when doing sit-ups or crunches? [rectus abdominis 99) What is the abilty to be stretched? [extensibility 100) Which muscles aid in compression of the abdomen? [external oblique, internal oblique, and transversalis 101) When does muscle fatigue occur? Correct answer not provided. 102) What group of muscles adduct the legs? [adductors 103) What muscle allows you to wink, blink, or close your eyes? [orbicularis oculi 104) What is the connective tissue that covers the whole skeletal muscle? [epimysium 105) How does a graded muscle response work? Correct answer not provided. 106) What muscle type moves bones? [skeletal 107) Which muscle elevates the mandible and clenches teeth? [masseter 108) What provide the major force for producing a specific movement? [prime movers 109) What is the ability to recieve and respond to stimuli? [excitablity 110) When does oxygen deficit occur? Correct answer not provided. 111) What muscle do you use when everting the knee? [vastus lateralis 112) What is a product of anaerobic metabolism? [lactic acid 113) Which muscle elevates the ear and the mandible? [temporalis 114) What muscle allows you to pucker? [orbicularis oris 115) What is a chemical messenger released by neurons that may, upon binding to receptors of neurons or effector cells, stimulate or inhibit those neurons or effector cells? [neurotransmitter 116) What are fascicles that are parallel to the long axis of a straplike muscle called? [parallel 117) What muscle do you use when extending the knee? [rectus femoris 118) What are the limiting factors in the strength of muscles? Correct answer not provided. 119) Which muscle pulls the scalp backward? [occipitalis 120) What does exercise do for muscles? Correct answer not provided.

121) What muscle abducts the scapulae and pulls them forward? [serratus anterior 122) What are the features of smooth muscle? Correct answer not provided. 123) What attaches muscle to bone? Describe the anatomy. Correct answer not provided. 124) What muscle is under the rectus femoris and works synergistically with all the other quadriceps to help you stand up from a squatting position? [vastus intermedius 125) What muscle do you use to abduct and elevate the leg laterally? [gluteus medius 126) What are the characteristics of white fibers? Correct answer not provided. 127) Which muscles help maintain posture? Correct answer not provided. 128) What muscle aids in hyperextension of the hip (arabesque)? [gluteus maximus 129) What muscle allows you to twitch your nose or flare your nostrils? [nasalis 130) What muscle keeps food between your teeth? [buccinator 131) What are the functions of skeletal muscles? Correct answer not provided. 132) Which muscles move the fingers and toes? [flexor and extensor digitorum 133) Why is muscle tone important? Correct answer not provided. 134) What is the difference between subthreshold, threshold, and maximal stimulation? Correct answer not provided. 135) What is a smooth, sustained muscle contraction resulting from high-frequency stimulation? [tetanus 136) What muscle extends the ankle and raises the heel when walking? [gastrocnemius 137) What are spindle-shaped muscles with parallel fibers called? [fusiform 138) What are the three muscle types? Correct answer not provided. 139) What are the requirements for skeletal muscle contraction? Correct answer not provided. 140) Which muscle allows you to smile? [zygomaticus 141) What muscle extends the hip? [semimembranosus

142) 143) 144) 145).

b c d a

contractility extensibility excitability elasticity.

a) b) c) d)

ability ability ability ability

to to to to

recoil to resting length shorten when stimulated be streched recieve and respond to stimuli

146) What is another word for a prime mover? [agonist 147) What muscle pronates the palm? [pronator teres 148) What muscle allows depression and hyperextension of the arms? [latissimus dorsi 149) What are the three types of muscle fibers and do they cause slow or fast twitch? Correct answer not provided. 150) What muscles aid in compression of the abdomen? Correct answer not provided. 151) Which muscle is the fleshy part of the cheek and is contracted when blowing? [buccinator 152) What muscle adducts the legs and aids in flexing the knee? [gracilis 153) What muscle extends the elbow? [triceps brachii 154) What are the characteristics of pink fibers? Correct answer not provided. 155) Based on its name, you know that the adductor longus muscle of the thigh will help you achieve what type of movement? [movement of the thigh toward the midline of the body 156) What muscle aids inhaling by pulling the ribs together? [intercostals 157) What helps prevent fatique by alternating the workload? [motor units 158) The sternocleidomastoideus muscle spans from the mastoid process of the temporal bone to the sternum and clavicle. Under normal circumstances, when it contracts, the fibers pull downward on the mastoid process. Therefore, the mastoid process is the [insertion point of this muscle. 159) What is the ability to recoil to resting length? [elasticity 160) What are low levels of contractile activity in relaxed muscle and keeps the muscle healthy and ready to act? [musc le tone 161) What are fascicles that converge toward a single tendon insertion called? [convergent 162) What muscle flexes, adducts, and rotates the humerus? [pectoralis major 163) What muscle allows elevation and abduction of the arm? [deltoid


1) What are fascicles that converge toward a single tendon insertion called? _______________ 2) What is the ability to shorten when stimulated? _______________ 3) What muscle allows depression and hyperextension of the arms? _______________ 4) What are fascicles arranged in concentric rings called? _______________ 5) What muscle is under the rectus femoris and works synergistically with all the other quadriceps to help you stand up from a squatting position? _______________ 6) What are muscles that work together called? _______________ 7) What is the direct source of energy for muscle contraction? _______________ 8) What muscle do you use to flex and abduct the leg at the hip (dog pee)? _______________ 9) What are the seven methods for naming muscles?

10) What muscle do you use when inverting the knee? _______________ 11) What muscle do you use when extending the knee? _______________ 12) What are the functions of skeletal muscles?

13) What are the effects of aerobic exercise?

14) Which muscles flex the knee?

15) What muscle allows you to pucker? _______________ 16) What is the ability to recoil to resting length? _______________ 17) Which muscle type is found in tubes like digestion? _______________ 18) What muscle keeps food between your teeth? _______________ 19) What muscles make up the quadriceps?

20) What is the web-shaped membrane covered organelle inside muscle fibers that stores a lot of calcium ions required in muscle contraction? _______________ 21) Which muscle is the prime mover in chewing? _______________ 22) What muscle aids in hyperextension of the hip (arabesque)? _______________ 23) What is a motor neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulates called? _______________ 24) What are variations in the degree of muscle contratction? _______________ 25) What are the special characteristics of muscle tissue?

26) What muscle flexes, adducts, and rotates the humerus? _______________ 27) What are the features of smooth muscle?

28) What muscle pulls your shoulders forward? _______________ 29) What are the effects of anaerobic exercise?

30) Which muscle elevates the eyebrows? _______________ 31) What muscle supports the pelvic organs? _______________

32) 33) 34) 35).

______ ______ ______ ______

contractility elasticity extensibility excitability.

a) b) c) d)

ability ability ability ability

to to to to

recieve and respond to stimuli recoil to resting length be streched shorten when stimulated

36) What is another word for a prime mover? _______________ 37) Since the biceps brachii and the brachialis cooperate with each other for flexion of the elbow joint, they are considered to be: _______________ 38) What is it called when another stimulus is applied before the muscle has time to fully relax? _______________ 39) Which muscles move the fingers and toes? _______________ 40) What are the characteristics of white fibers?

41) What muscles aid in compression of the abdomen?

42) Why is muscle tone important?

43) What muscle do you use in flexion of the hip? _______________ 44) What muscle extends the hip? _______________ 45) Which muscles aid in compression of the abdomen? _______________ 46) What muscle flexes a pronated arm (salute)? _______________ 47) What is a chemical messenger released by neurons that may, upon binding to receptors of neurons or effector cells, stimulate or inhibit those neurons or effector cells? _______________ 48) What muscle allows you to shrug your shoulders? _______________ 49) What are spindle-shaped muscles with parallel fibers called? _______________ 50) What are the characteristics of pink fibers?

51) What are fascicles that are parallel to the long axis of a straplike muscle called? _______________ 52) What are isotonic contractions?

53) What muscle do you use when everting the knee? _______________ 54) What muscle pronates the palm? _______________ 55) What muscle flexes the elbow? _______________ 56) Based on its name, you know that the adductor longus muscle of the thigh will help you achieve what type of movement? _______________ 57) Which muscle allows you to smile? _______________

58) Breakdown the the anatomy of a muscle from whole muscle all the way to the level of sarcomere.

59) What muscle extends the hip and medially rotates the leg? _______________ 60) What muscle pulls the head toward the shoulder as the chin is tucked toward the sternum? _______________ 61) What is a single muscle fiber contraction that occurs when its stimulus threshold is reached? _______________ 62) Which muscles aid in chewing?

63) 64) 65) 66) 67).

______ ______ ______ ______ ______

fusiform pennate parallel circular convergent.

a) short fascicles attach obliquely to a central tendon running the length of the muscle b) fasicles parallel to the long axis of a straplike muscle c) fascicles arranged in concentric rings d) spindle-shaped muscles with parallel fibers e) fasciles converge toward a single tendon insertion

68) What muscle type is in the heart? _______________ 69) What are the three types of muscle fibers and do they cause slow or fast twitch?

70) What is the difference between subthreshold, threshold, and maximal stimulation?

71) What muscle type moves bones? _______________ 72) What muscle aids in swallowing and depressing jaw? _______________ 73) What is the abilty to be stretched? _______________ 74) The biceps brachii extends from the upper part of the humerus to the radial tuberosity on the radius and flexes the elbow joint when it contracts. Based on its movement during contraction, what is the ORIGIN of this muscle? ____ ___________ 75) What muscle extends and hyperextends the wrist? _______________ 76) What is the smallest contractile unit of a muscle that extends from one Z-disc to the next called? ______________ _ 77) When does muscle fatigue occur?

78) What muscle allows you to nod your head? _______________

79) 80) 81) 82) 83) 84) 85) 86) 87) 88) 89) 90) 91) 92) 93) 94).

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

muscle fatigue neurotransmitter synergists insertion antagonists motor unit fixators tetanus graded muscle response prime movers sarcoplasmic reticulum lactic acid origin muscle tone muscle twitch treppe

a) provide the major force for producing a specific movement b) part of the muscle that does move c) low levels of contractile activity in relaxed muscle; keeps the muscle healthy and ready to act d) two muscles working against each other e) a motor neuron and all the cells it stimulates f) variations in the degree of muscle contraction g) a single muscle fiber contraction that occurs when its stimulus threshold is reached h) web-shaped membrane covered organelle inside muscle fibers; stores a lot of calcium ions required for muscle contraction i) chemical messenger released by neurons that may, upon binding to receptors of neurons or effector cells, stimulate or inhibit those neurons or effector cells j) when another stimulus is applied before the muscle has time to fully relax k) physiological inability to contract l) synergists that immobilize any bone or muscles origin m) part of the muscle that does not move n) two muscles that work together o) a smooth, sustained muscle contraction resulting from high-frequency stimulation p) product of anaerobic metabolism.

95) What causes contraction? _______________ 96) What are the three phases of a twitch?

97) What muscle pulls your shoulders backward? _______________ 98) What are isometric contractions?

99) What muscle extends the ankle and raises the heel when walking? _______________ 100) What muscle inverts the sole of the foot and aids extension of the ankle? _______________ 101) What provide the major force for producing a specific movement? _______________ 102) What helps prevent fatique by alternating the workload? _______________ 103) What muscle pulls the ribs up when inhaling? _______________ 104) What muscle allows supination of the palm? _______________

105) Why is extra oxygen needed after exercise?

106) What is the ability to recieve and respond to stimuli? _______________ 107) Which muscle is the fleshy part of the cheek and is contracted when blowing? _______________ 108) What muscles aid in flexion of the elbow?

109) Which muscle do you use when doing sit-ups or crunches? _______________ 110) What muscle flexes the ankle? _______________ 111) What causes a muscle cramp?

112) How does a graded muscle response work?

113) When does oxygen deficit occur?

114) What muscle do you use to abduct and elevate the leg laterally? _______________ 115) What is a voluntary muscle?

116) Which muscle elevates the mandible and clenches teeth? _______________ 117) What muscle elevates the anus? _______________ 118) What are the characteristics of red fibers?

119) Which muscle elevates the ear and the mandible? _______________ 120) What are the features of cardiac muscle?

121) What are the three muscle types?

122) Which muscles aid in flexion, twisting, and turning of the trunk?

123) What causes Rigor Mortis?

124) Which muscle pulls the scalp backward? _______________ 125) What muscle allows elevation and abduction of the arm? _______________ 126) What is the connective tissue that covers the whole skeletal muscle? _______________ 127) Which muscles make up the hamstrings?

128) What are synergists that immobilize any bone or muscles origin? _______________ 129) What muscle flexes the wrist? _______________ 130) When your quadriceps group of muscles contract, the hamstring muscles relax. Therefore, these groups of muscles are: _______________ 131) What muscle extends the elbow? _______________ 132) Which muscles help maintain posture?

133) What is the physiological inability to contract? _______________ 134) What are the features of skeletal muscle?

135) How does muscle contraction work?

136) What muscle adducts the legs and aids in flexing the knee? _______________

137) What are the requirements for skeletal muscle contraction?

138) What does exercise do for muscles?

139) What muscle extends the hip and laterally rotates the leg? _______________ 140) What muscle allows you to pout/frown? _______________ 141) What muscle pulls the outer edges of the lower lip down? _______________ 142) What are low levels of contractile activity in relaxed muscle and keeps the muscle healthy and ready to act? _____ __________ 143) Based on its name, you know that an extensor digitorum muscle on the posterior side of your forearm will help you: _______________ 144) The sternocleidomastoideus muscle spans from the mastoid process of the temporal bone to the sternum and clavicle. Under normal circumstances, when it contracts, the fibers pull downward on the mastoid process. Therefore, the mastoid process is the _______________ of this muscle. 145) What muscle everts the sole of the foot and aids with plantar flexion? _______________ 146) What muscle is synergistic to the gluteus medius? _______________ 147) What group of muscles adduct the legs? _______________ 148) What are the limiting factors in the strength of muscles?

149) What muscle elevates the sternum upon forceful inhale? _______________ 150) Why does lactic acid accumulate in muscles?

151) What muscle is used in eversion and lateral rotation of the leg? _______________ 152) What are short fascicles attaced obliquely to a central tendon running the length of the muscle called? __________ _____ 153) What muscle aids inhaling by pulling the ribs together? _______________ 154) What muscle allows you to wink, blink, or close your eyes? _______________ 155) What is an involuntary muscle?

156) What is a smooth, sustained muscle contraction resulting from high-frequency stimulation? _______________ 157) What muscle allows you to twitch your nose or flare your nostrils? _______________ 158) What is a product of anaerobic metabolism? _______________ 159) What are two muscles that work against each other called? _______________ 160) What muscle flexes the hip when lifting and everting the knee (indian-style)? _______________ 161) What attaches muscle to bone? Describe the anatomy.

162) What affects the force of muscle contraction?

163) What muscle abducts the scapulae and pulls them forward? _______________


1) What are fascicles that converge toward a single tendon insertion called? [convergent 2) What is the ability to shorten when stimulated? [contractility 3) What muscle allows depression and hyperextension of the arms? [latissimus dorsi 4) What are fascicles arranged in concentric rings called? [circular 5) What muscle is under the rectus femoris and works synergistically with all the other quadriceps to help you stand up from a squatting position? [vastus intermedius 6) What are muscles that work together called? [synergists 7) What is the direct source of energy for muscle contraction? [ATP 8) What muscle do you use to flex and abduct the leg at the hip (dog pee)? [tensor fasciae latae 9) What are the seven methods for naming muscles? Correct answer not provided. 10) What muscle do you use when inverting the knee? [vastus medialis 11) What muscle do you use when extending the knee? [rectus femoris 12) What are the functions of skeletal muscles? Correct answer not provided. 13) What are the effects of aerobic exercise? Correct answer not provided. 14) Which muscles flex the knee? Correct answer not provided. 15) What muscle allows you to pucker? [orbicularis oris 16) What is the ability to recoil to resting length? [elasticity 17) Which muscle type is found in tubes like digestion? [smooth 18) What muscle keeps food between your teeth? [buccinator 19) What muscles make up the quadriceps? Correct answer not provided. 20) What is the web-shaped membrane covered organelle inside muscle fibers that stores a lot of calcium ions required in muscle contraction? [sarcoplasmic reticulum 21) Which muscle is the prime mover in chewing? [masseter 22) What muscle aids in hyperextension of the hip (arabesque)? [gluteus maximus 23) What is a motor neuron and all the muscle cells it stimulates called? [motor unit 24) What are variations in the degree of muscle contratction? [graded muscle response

25) What are the special characteristics of muscle tissue? Correct answer not provided. 26) What muscle flexes, adducts, and rotates the humerus? [pectoralis major 27) What are the features of smooth muscle? Correct answer not provided. 28) What muscle pulls your shoulders forward? [pectoralis major 29) What are the effects of anaerobic exercise? Correct answer not provided. 30) Which muscle elevates the eyebrows? [frontalis 31) What muscle supports the pelvic organs? [levator ani

32) 33) 34) 35).

d b c a

contractility elasticity extensibility excitability.

a) b) c) d)

ability ability ability ability

to to to to

recieve and respond to stimuli recoil to resting length be streched shorten when stimulated

36) What is another word for a prime mover? [agonist 37) Since the biceps brachii and the brachialis cooperate with each other for flexion of the elbow joint, they are considered to be: [synergists 38) What is it called when another stimulus is applied before the muscle has time to fully relax? [treppe 39) Which muscles move the fingers and toes? [flexor and extensor digitorum 40) What are the characteristics of white fibers? Correct answer not provided. 41) What muscles aid in compression of the abdomen? Correct answer not provided. 42) Why is muscle tone important? Correct answer not provided. 43) What muscle do you use in flexion of the hip? [rectus femoris 44) What muscle extends the hip? [semimembranosus 45) Which muscles aid in compression of the abdomen? [external oblique, internal oblique, and transversalis 46) What muscle flexes a pronated arm (salute)? [brachialis 47) What is a chemical messenger released by neurons that may, upon binding to receptors of neurons or effector cells, stimulate or inhibit those neurons or effector cells? [neurotransmitter 48) What muscle allows you to shrug your shoulders? [trapezius 49) What are spindle-shaped muscles with parallel fibers called? [fusiform

50) What are the characteristics of pink fibers? Correct answer not provided. 51) What are fascicles that are parallel to the long axis of a straplike muscle called? [parallel 52) What are isotonic contractions? Correct answer not provided. 53) What muscle do you use when everting the knee? [vastus lateralis 54) What muscle pronates the palm? [pronator teres 55) What muscle flexes the elbow? [biceps brachii 56) Based on its name, you know that the adductor longus muscle of the thigh will help you achieve what type of movement? [movement of the thigh toward the midline of the body 57) Which muscle allows you to smile? [zygomaticus 58) Breakdown the the anatomy of a muscle from whole muscle all the way to the level of sarcomere. Correct answer not provided. 59) What muscle extends the hip and medially rotates the leg? [semitendinosus 60) What muscle pulls the head toward the shoulder as the chin is tucked toward the sternum? [sternocleidomastoi deus 61) What is a single muscle fiber contraction that occurs when its stimulus threshold is reached? [twitch 62) Which muscles aid in chewing? Correct answer not provided.

63) 64) 65) 66) 67).

d a b c e

fusiform pennate parallel circular convergent.

a) short fascicles attach obliquely to a central tendon running the length of the muscle b) fasicles parallel to the long axis of a straplike muscle c) fascicles arranged in concentric rings d) spindle-shaped muscles with parallel fibers e) fasciles converge toward a single tendon insertion

68) What muscle type is in the heart? [cardiac 69) What are the three types of muscle fibers and do they cause slow or fast twitch? Correct answer not provided. 70) What is the difference between subthreshold, threshold, and maximal stimulation? Correct answer not provided. 71) What muscle type moves bones? [skeletal 72) What muscle aids in swallowing and depressing jaw? [platysma 73) What is the abilty to be stretched? [extensibility

74) The biceps brachii extends from the upper part of the humerus to the radial tuberosity on the radius and flexes the elbow joint when it contracts. Based on its movement during contraction, what is the ORIGIN of this muscle? [upp er part of the humerus 75) What muscle extends and hyperextends the wrist? [extensor carpi 76) What is the smallest contractile unit of a muscle that extends from one Z-disc to the next called? [sarcomere 77) When does muscle fatigue occur? Correct answer not provided. 78) What muscle allows you to nod your head? [sternocleidomastoideus

79) 80) 81) 82) 83) 84) 85) 86) 87) 88) 89) 90) 91) 92) 93) 94).

k i n b d e l o f a h p m c g j

muscle fatigue neurotransmitter synergists insertion antagonists motor unit fixators tetanus graded muscle response prime movers sarcoplasmic reticulum lactic acid origin muscle tone muscle twitch treppe

a) provide the major force for producing a specific movement b) part of the muscle that does move c) low levels of contractile activity in relaxed muscle; keeps the muscle healthy and ready to act d) two muscles working against each other e) a motor neuron and all the cells it stimulates f) variations in the degree of muscle contraction g) a single muscle fiber contraction that occurs when its stimulus threshold is reached h) web-shaped membrane covered organelle inside muscle fibers; stores a lot of calcium ions required for muscle contraction i) chemical messenger released by neurons that may, upon binding to receptors of neurons or effector cells, stimulate or inhibit those neurons or effector cells j) when another stimulus is applied before the muscle has time to fully relax k) physiological inability to contract l) synergists that immobilize any bone or muscles origin m) part of the muscle that does not move n) two muscles that work together o) a smooth, sustained muscle contraction resulting from high-frequency stimulation p) product of anaerobic metabolism.

95) What causes contraction? [an action potential 96) What are the three phases of a twitch? Correct answer not provided. 97) What muscle pulls your shoulders backward? [trapezius 98) What are isometric contractions? Correct answer not provided. 99) What muscle extends the ankle and raises the heel when walking? [gastrocnemius 100) What muscle inverts the sole of the foot and aids extension of the ankle? [soleus 101) What provide the major force for producing a specific movement? [prime movers 102) What helps prevent fatique by alternating the workload? [motor units 103) What muscle pulls the ribs up when inhaling? [pectoralis major 104) What muscle allows supination of the palm? [brachioradialis 105) Why is extra oxygen needed after exercise? Correct answer not provided. 106) What is the ability to recieve and respond to stimuli? [excitablity 107) Which muscle is the fleshy part of the cheek and is contracted when blowing? [buccinator

108) What muscles aid in flexion of the elbow? Correct answer not provided. 109) Which muscle do you use when doing sit-ups or crunches? [rectus abdominis 110) What muscle flexes the ankle? [tibialis anterior 111) What causes a muscle cramp? Correct answer not provided. 112) How does a graded muscle response work? Correct answer not provided. 113) When does oxygen deficit occur? Correct answer not provided. 114) What muscle do you use to abduct and elevate the leg laterally? [gluteus medius 115) What is a voluntary muscle? Correct answer not provided. 116) Which muscle elevates the mandible and clenches teeth? [masseter 117) What muscle elevates the anus? [levator ani 118) What are the characteristics of red fibers? Correct answer not provided. 119) Which muscle elevates the ear and the mandible? [temporalis 120) What are the features of cardiac muscle? Correct answer not provided. 121) What are the three muscle types? Correct answer not provided. 122) Which muscles aid in flexion, twisting, and turning of the trunk? Correct answer not provided. 123) What causes Rigor Mortis? Correct answer not provided. 124) Which muscle pulls the scalp backward? [occipitalis 125) What muscle allows elevation and abduction of the arm? [deltoid 126) What is the connective tissue that covers the whole skeletal muscle? [epimysium 127) Which muscles make up the hamstrings? Correct answer not provided. 128) What are synergists that immobilize any bone or muscles origin? [fixators 129) What muscle flexes the wrist? [flexor carpi

130) When your quadriceps group of muscles contract, the hamstring muscles relax. Therefore, these groups of muscles are: [antagonists 131) What muscle extends the elbow? [triceps brachii 132) Which muscles help maintain posture? Correct answer not provided. 133) What is the physiological inability to contract? [fatigue 134) What are the features of skeletal muscle? Correct answer not provided. 135) How does muscle contraction work? Correct answer not provided. 136) What muscle adducts the legs and aids in flexing the knee? [gracilis 137) What are the requirements for skeletal muscle contraction? Correct answer not provided. 138) What does exercise do for muscles? Correct answer not provided. 139) What muscle extends the hip and laterally rotates the leg? [biceps femoris 140) What muscle allows you to pout/frown? [platysma 141) What muscle pulls the outer edges of the lower lip down? [platysma 142) What are low levels of contractile activity in relaxed muscle and keeps the muscle healthy and ready to act? [musc le tone 143) Based on its name, you know that an extensor digitorum muscle on the posterior side of your forearm will help you: [straighten out your fingers 144) The sternocleidomastoideus muscle spans from the mastoid process of the temporal bone to the sternum and clavicle. Under normal circumstances, when it contracts, the fibers pull downward on the mastoid process. Therefore, the mastoid process is the [insertion point of this muscle. 145) What muscle everts the sole of the foot and aids with plantar flexion? [fibularis longus 146) What muscle is synergistic to the gluteus medius? [gluteus minimus 147) What group of muscles adduct the legs? [adductors 148) What are the limiting factors in the strength of muscles? Correct answer not provided. 149) What muscle elevates the sternum upon forceful inhale? [sternocleidomastoideus 150) Why does lactic acid accumulate in muscles? Correct answer not provided. 151) What muscle is used in eversion and lateral rotation of the leg? [gluteus maximus

152) What are short fascicles attaced obliquely to a central tendon running the length of the muscle called? [pennate 153) What muscle aids inhaling by pulling the ribs together? [intercostals 154) What muscle allows you to wink, blink, or close your eyes? [orbicularis oculi 155) What is an involuntary muscle? Correct answer not provided. 156) What is a smooth, sustained muscle contraction resulting from high-frequency stimulation? [tetanus 157) What muscle allows you to twitch your nose or flare your nostrils? [nasalis 158) What is a product of anaerobic metabolism? [lactic acid 159) What are two muscles that work against each other called? [antagonists 160) What muscle flexes the hip when lifting and everting the knee (indian-style)? [sartorius 161) What attaches muscle to bone? Describe the anatomy. Correct answer not provided. 162) What affects the force of muscle contraction? Correct answer not provided. 163) What muscle abducts the scapulae and pulls them forward? [serratus anterior

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