pp worksheet 1

Post on 08-Nov-2015






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    Module 1

    Ge*ng Started

    Module 1: Ge+ng Started


    Youve already come this far.

    You owe it to yourself to watch these videos and hold o from making any early judgments.

    Module 1: Ge+ng Started

    Ask yourself these 3 ques3ons: 1. Whats the worst thing that can happen if you

    follow through and try what Im going to teach you? You might waste a liKle 3me.

    2. Whats the best thing that could happen? You could radically change your nancial future.

    3. Of the above 2 ques3ons, whats more important to you?

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    So, remember that its the content of this course thats most important.

    Im not a professional speaker.

    This course is coming straight from my head (and my experiences)

    Now, before we get started, who am I?

    Why should you listen to me?

    How can I teach this stu?

    I was a carpet cleaner.

    Im not a corporate guy.

    Im not even a college graduate.

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    Are you ready for the main reason why you should listen to me?

    In the past 7 years, Ive been directly responsible for over $35,000,000 in direct response generated sales.

    Thats 35 Million Dollars.

    So Why Postcards? Start up quickly Test quickly No discrimina3on Live anywhere

    You can REALLY turn a few hundred dollars into a million dollar a year

    project within a week


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    Here is how it all began

    I designed my rst postcard project

    in 4 hours on a Saturday a^ernoon.

    I mailed it out on Tuesday

    And by the following Monday it brought in

    8Xs (8 Times) what it cost to mail the cards.

    Heres the breakdown. It cost $400 to mail 1000 postcards

    It brought back $3,200

    Minus the $400

    I had $2,800 le^ over

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    Even more exci3ng that the $2,800, was when I realized that the list that I mailed to

    Has 60,000 NEW names added every single month.

    (Remember, I only mailed to 1,000 names from that list)

    Heres the math. Lets see. So, for every 1,000 postcards that I mailed to I made $2,800.

    And there are 60,000 new names every month. Hmmm.

    60,000 divided by 1000 postcards = 60 possible mailings per month

    60 mailings x $2,800 = $168,000 per month

    Thats more than a $2,000,000 per year project.

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    And the product wasnt anything new or special.

    BUT, the methods that Im going to teach you are what made ALL the dierence.

    What are the best types of products to sell using these methods?


    Books Manuals CDs, So^ware, DVDs Home Study Courses

    Here are some other reasons why this technique so amazing:

    You dont need inventory There is very liKle rela3onship between what it costs to produce a product and what people will pay for it

    You can charge BIG markups At least 10Xs

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    Heres an example. My product cost $2 to produce and mail.

    It sold for $59 PLUS $10 for S&H

    The S&H covered ALL of my produc3on costs

    So, I had $60 to work with.

    How do you nd these types of products? Ill show you how to nd Tons

    For FREE!

    FIRST: You Need to pick a nancial goal.

    How much do you WANT to make?

    And, You need to be specic!

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    You need to pick your Product and Market BASED on your nancial target.

    2 5 3mes your current income.

    You need to pick your Product and Market BASED on your nancial target.

    2 5 3mes your current income. If 30,000, then shoot for 60K to 150K You need a star3ng point!

    Its the basis for everything you will learn!

    RESPONSE RATE BASICS (The percentage of postcard recipients that BUY your product)

    1% buy thats OK

    1.5% buy Thats Good.

    2% or more Youre doing Great.

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    Some basic assump3ons: We will get a 1 -2% response rate

    Our product price point is $59 - $99

    Pause the video now and get some paper, a pen and a calculator

    Example 1:

    Example 1: $150,000

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    Example 1: $150,000

    $59 Product plus $10 S&H

    Example 1: $150,000

    $59 Product plus $10 S&H

    1% response rate postcard

    1,000 postcards mailed = 10 Sales 10 Sales x $59 = $590 Gross Revenue

    Minus the $400 that it costs to mail 1,000 postcards

    You made $190 (in a week)

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    So, to reach your $150,000 goal you need to Divide the goal by $190 (earnings per 1,000 postcards)

    150,000 divided by 190 = 789 (3mes this by 1,000 cards)

    So, Youll need to mail out 789,000 cards. But hold on

    So to make $150,000/year Youll need to mail 789,000 cards.





    Why dont You do the next calcula3ons for yourself at home.

    Its good prac3ce and you can always pause or back up the video.

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    Example 2: 1.5% response rate

    Selling a $79 product

    Example 3: 2% response rate

    Selling a $99 product

    Now You can see how important it is to pick a nancial target before picking a market or a product.

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    The 8 Steps 1. Pick a Market 2. Pick a Product 3. Pick a Mailing List 4. Create a Postcard 5. Write a Recorded Message 6. Write a Script for Taking Orders 7. Test Project 8. Roll It Out

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