post wwii europe · wwi wwii germany 1,800,000 soviet union 1,700,000 france 1,150,000 great...

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Post WWII EuropeHolocaust

Rise of Super Powers

Cold War

End of the Cold War

11 million people were


6 million Jews

5 million people

1933 - 1945

They were shot,

starved, gassed and


Defining the Holocaust◼ the annihilation

(destroying)of the Jews and other groups of people of Europe under the Nazi regime (government) during World War II

◼ Anti-Semitism- hatred, discrimination and persecution of Jewish people

◼ GENOCIDE: the systematic (done according to a plan)extermination (kill everyone) of a nationality or group

European Jewish Population in

1933 was 9,508,340

Estimated Jewish Survivors of

Holocaust: 3,546,211

The Stages of IsolationThe Holocaust was a

progression of actions

leading to the annihilation of millions by:

◼ 1: Stripping of Rights

◼ 2: Segregation

◼ 3: Concentration

◼ 4: Extermination

Stage 1: Stripping of Rights1935: Nuremberg Laws stated

that all JEWS were :

◼ stripped of German citizenship

◼ fired from jobs & businesses boycotted

◼ banned from German schools and universities

◼ Forced to carry ID cards

◼ forced to wear the arm band of the Yellow “Star of David”

◼ Jewish synagogues destroyed

◼ forced to pay reparations and a special income tax

Stage 2: Segregation GHETTOS◼ Jews were forced to live

in designated areas called “ghettos” to isolate them from the rest of society

◼ Ghettos were filthy, with poor sanitation and extreme overcrowding

◼ Disease was rampant and food was in such short supply that many slowly starved to death

Stage 3: Concentration Camps

◼ Slave labor “annihilation by work”◼ Prisoners faced undernourishment and

starvation ◼ Prisoners transported in cattle freight cars ◼ Camps were built on railroad lines for efficient


Stage 4: Extermination

◼ DEATH FACTORIES: Nazi extermination camps fulfilled the singular function of mass murder

◼ “Final Solution” called for the complete and mass annihilation and extermination of the Jews as well as other groups

End of WWII: V-E Day

▪ V-E Day (Victory in Europe day) was May 7 and 8 1945. These are the two days that the unconditional surrender of the Axis Powers (Germany and Italy) in Europe were accepted and signed.

▪ The War in Europe was officially over.

WWI WWIIGermany 1,800,000

Soviet Union 1,700,000

France 1,150,000

Great Britain 744,000

Japan 300

Italy 460,000

USA 53,000


Combat 10,000,000

7 million civilian deaths

17 million people died

Soviet Union 25,568,000

China 11,324,000

Germany 7,060,000

Poland 6,850,000

Japan 1,806,000

France 810,000

USA 495,000

Italy 410,000

Great Britain 388,000


Combat 59,000,000

20 million civilian deaths

80 million people died

End of WWII: The Rise of Superpowers

◼ At the end of the war, there will be two clear Superpowers: The United States of America and the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.).

◼ A superpower is a country that has the highest level of influence on world politics and has a very strong military.

◼ Although the USA and Soviet Union were friends during WWII, after the war they are enemies.

End of WWII:A Divided Germany

◼ At the end of the war it was difficult to decide what to do with Germany.

◼ They were accused of starting two world wars and Britain and France did not want to be invaded again.

◼ The solution was to divide Germany, but how?

◼ Germany was divided into Eastern (Communist) and Western Germany (Democracy).=Berlin Wall.

End of WWII: East & West Germany

End of WWII: East & West Berlin◼ The capital of Germany was Berlin, and once

they divided the nation, it fell on the Soviet controlled East Germany side.

◼ As a compromise, the city of Berlin was divided into East and West Berlin.

◼ West Berlin was controlled by the U.S.A.

◼ East Berlin was controlled by the Soviet Union.

End of WWII: Beginnings of the Cold War

◼ The debate over the division of Germany would be the first of many problems between the Soviets and the U.S.A.

◼ Following the war, the Soviets also developed an atomic bomb.

◼ Now the two world superpowers both had nuclear weapons.

Cold War

◼ The Cold War was a time period when

non-cooperation between the two major

world Superpowers, the USA and the Soviet

Union, that caused a fear of nuclear war.

Cold War

◼ With the two superpowers at odds, the rest of the world felt the pressure to take sides.

◼ There became a clear division between the non-communist nations of NATO and the communist nations that became members of the Warsaw Pact.

◼ These two organizations (NATO and the Warsaw Pact) were alliances between countries on either side.

Cold War

◼ NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Democratic countries in western Europe allied with the United States.

◼ Warsaw Pact- Communist countries of eastern Europe allied with the Soviet Union.

Cold War: The World Takes Sides

Cold War: Politics

◼ West Germany developed a capitalist economy

and a democratic government modeled after

the U.S.A.

◼ East Germany developed a communist

economy and government modeled after the


Cold War: Politics◼ Communism is an economic system (a way a country

makes money) and form of government in which the

government makes all the decisions.

◼ Capitalism is an economic system in which

individuals and companies make all the decisions.

◼ Democracy is a form of government in which the

people control the government by voting.

Cold War: The Berlin Wall

◼ In 1961 the Soviets built the Berlin wall to divide

East Berlin from West Berlin.

◼ Anyone who tried to cross the wall would be shot.

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