possible writing prompts

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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writing prompts


Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which elements normally perceived with one sense are perceived with two or more senses. This leads to people tasting colors, seeing sounds, or hearing flavors. Use poetic language to describe a color in terms of sound, a taste in terms of color, or music in terms of flavor.

What’s the best word ever? Create

a word bracket for the top

coolest words in the world and

then have them fight it out. When it’s over, write the

championship word’s

celebration speech.

from Ted McCagg’s blog Questionable Skills

Tell this


Recently, scientists got together to determine what the worst sounds in the world are. What do you believe

are the 5 worst sounds in the world? Why?Use a metaphor to describe the sounds.

On a more positive note, what are the five most beautiful sounds in the world?

Describe or imagine a time when you got

caught, you got caught doing something that

you weren’t supposed to. Maybe you were

dishonest, maybe you cheated, maybe you

took what wasn’t yours. Convince the person who caught you not to bust or

punish you too badly.

Tell this


Tell a story or describe a time where someone had to wait for someone else...in the rain...for far too long.

If they only realized that the killer was there...in the crowd!

Franz Kafka wrote “The

Metamorphosis” about a man who

wakes up as a cockroach

and struggles with how to break the

news to his parents. !

Write your own metamorphic

story where a character wakes up

as something and attempts to deal

with the consequences.

It’s a New Year! Make some fearless predictions about the future. What will happen this year that

no one expects?

After graduation from High School, you leave Shoreline, WA and you don’t come back. Twenty years pass and you come back.

Describe what you see, how you feel, and who you are.


During the Presidential campaign, President Obama was asked an interesting question (which his advisers hid from him) on the internet forum

Reddit. Would you rather fight a horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses? Well, what would you do?

Explain as ridiculously as possible.

All of the following items were left in UK hotel room recently...

a bucket of live crabs !a horse costume!a winning EuroMillions ticket!a £50,000 Rolex watch!a set of four Power Rangers costumes!a pilot’s training manual !a spare car wheel!the keys to a Bugatti!a stamp album worth £250,000 !a Persian Chinchilla kitten !a food processor,!a set of false teeth!a collection of 200 masks !

depicting the Queen, !a diamond encrusted iPhone

Tell a story that explains how one of more came to left behind.

What scares you that doesn’t scare

other people? What doesn’t scare you?


Make Shorewood Green Brainstorm as many ways as

possible to increase the number of living things on our


Teenagers under 18 can’t

legally smoke, drink, vote,

rent cars, sue people, join the

military, consent to medical

procedures, make wills, enter

contracts, or get married.

What Should be illegal for the


To be fair, what should we

prohibit adults from doing?

Starting at what age? Why?

Plan B: Internet Scammer

In all likelihood, this whole going-to-college-and-getting-a-good-job thing is going to work out for you, but it’s always good to have a backup. Do you have what it takes to be a good internet scammer? How can you use email, twitter, Facebook, or other modern tools to separate people from

their money? Describe and Explain.

PET Advice Columnist

Your job is simple. Pets have problems. They write to you--Mr./Mrs. Pet Smart--for advice.

You give it to them. What problems do pets have? How should they

solve them?

Suppose there were an experience machine that would give you any experience you desired. Superduper neuropsychologists could stimulate your brain so that you would think and feel you were writing a great novel, or making a friend, or reading an interesting book. All the time you would be floating in a tank, with electrodes attached to your brain. Should you plug into this machine for life, preprogramming your life experiences?...Of course, while in the tank you won't know that you're there; you'll think that it's all actually happening...Would you plug in? Why? Explain your reasoning.

Three What-Ifs...What if someone gave you $1 mil to leave the country and never come back?

What if you could be a cartoon character for 24 hours? Who would you be and why?

What if you could change one thing about your personality or your physical appearance? What do you change and why?

Twelve Days of Christmas?

Why is my true love giving me so many birds? And, seriously, what

am I going to do with “lords a leaping?” Rewrite the 12 days of Christmas so that the presents are presents that people would

actually want. If you prefer a non-Christmas prompt, rewrite the

Jingle Bells song so that it’s more modernized.

Who should be the “Person of the Year?” Nominate three and

explain your reasoning.

Three Holidays are not enough. Create your own

Winter Holiday complete with its own traditions, characters,

foods, superstitions, and activities. To get you started,

try to add in an excuse to dress in costumes or give

presents to strangers.

What if you had

the power to erase the fame

of any celebrity, song, book, or

event? No one dies; they’re just not

famous. Let’s imagine you can only use

this power to eradicate irritations

rather than real tragedies.

Who or what would you


It’s 2014. But before we give in to the new year, let’s look back at 2013 and detail the numbers of mistakes we’ve made. Where did you go wrong in 2013? Why? What implications do those mistakes have for your future?

Sudbury High School, in Framingham, MA is a remarkable school. There are no grades (A,B, C) nor grade levels (Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd) Students “may do and study whatever they like. They may learn by building robots, or making up role-playing games with elaborate rules, or by serving on the budget committee, or

by participating in the school administration, or in countless other ways. The current head of the school—the actual head of school, elected by the community

—is an 18-year-old girl.” What would happen in if Shorewood because this sort of school? Explain what would happen and what would or wouldn’t work with

this system.

Blizzard! Suddenly, without warning, a massive blizzard hits Shoreline and

leaves you stranded somewhere--at home, at school, at the 7-11. Tell the

story of how you struggle to stay warm and sane for multiple days as

the snow rages outside.

Imagine you had a Magic 8-ball that actually

worked. You can ask it 5 questions about your future. What do you ask

and why?

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