possessive pronouns

Post on 25-May-2015






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Possessive Pronouns

Do you remember the possessive nouns?

Possessive nouns show ownership. It means that something belongs to someone or something.

Singular: (We add an apostrophe and S to the noun that possesses something.)

- The library’s book.It means that

the book belongs to the


The library’s book.

Do you remember the possessive nouns?

Plural: (We add only an apostrophe (’) if the plural ends in S. We add apostrophe S (’s) if the plural does NOT end in S.

- The boys’ uniforms.

- The mice’s tails.

It means that the uniforms belong to the


It means that the tails

belong to the mice.

Possessive Pronouns

We can replace the possessive nouns using possessive pronouns.

Take a look at the chart!

Possessive Pronouns

I me my

you you your

he him his

she her her

it it its

We Us Our

You You Your

They Them Their

Subject Pronouns Object PronounsPossessive Pronouns

Possessive Pronouns

The library’s book.

Its book.

The boys’ uniforms.

Their uniforms.

The mice’s tails.

Their tails.

Possessive Pronouns

Amanda’s pencil is on the floor.

HER pencil is on the floor.

David’s shirt is white.

HIS shirt is white.

Possessive Pronouns

The men’s truck was dirty.

THEIR truck was dirty.

The dog’s ball went to the street.

ITS ball went to the street.

Possessive Pronouns

The cellphone that belongs to you is Motorola.

YOUR cellphone is Motorola.

The dog that belongs to me is named Sam.

MY dog is named Sam.

Possessive Pronouns

Bianca’s Ipod and my Ipod are blue.

OUR Ipods are blue.

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