portfolio free time

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A portfolio on leisure and free time for the Comenius project ACT-FACT (Slovenia-Romania-Turkey-Spain)


Page Leisure and free time Comenius project ACT FILE

Free time and

leisure activities

A portfolio on how young people

enjoy free time

June 2012

Colegio Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro


June 2012

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Nowadays we young teenagers have many exams and schoolwork, but we still have some free time to spend with our friends, do new

activities, and relax before classes start again. We have different possibilities depending on where we live, our economic situation or

age. But we have many options to spend our free time, although sometimes we don’t know what to do and we stay at home having a

nap or totally bored.

Sport activities are the first option for most students. Joining to a football, basketball,

bádminton or volleyball team are interesting ways of doing exercise and having a good time.

Teenagers can also play paddle, tennis, go to the swimming pool, or work out at a gym. The

good side of sport activities is that they help you to stay fit and healthy. Most sports are also

funny, like team sports. You can practice sport alone or with your friends, and you can also

meet new interesting people. Many young people do sport because they want to be like their

idols. They want to play tennis as well as Nadal, or be as good at football as Messi or Ronaldo,

so they train a lot of hours. In Rota we have two football clubs, Rota CF and Roteña, and both

of them have teams for children and young people. And if you play very well, you could even

sign for an important Spanish club like Betis, Real Madrid or Barcelona!

Another good option to spend your free time is going to the park. There are lots of parks

in all cities, and in Rota we have several good ones, especially a pine forest where you can go

with your family or with your friends. In a park,

you can read a book or have a nap. You can also

kick a football around. And, if you want, you can take a picnic basket and seat at some of

the wooden tables set there for the purpose.

Teenagers that don’t want to be outdoors can stay at home. They can spend their free

time watching a good film or any TV programme. There are many types of films to

see, like comedies, action films, horror films and thrillers, romantic and musical films,

documentaries, Science fiction and fantastic films… And there are also hundreds of diffe-

rent TV programmes, like soap operas, talk shows, sport programs, documentaries, and

more. In Spain we have lots of free channels, and if you want to have more you can pay

for prívate ones (satellite or cable), with special programs on sport, documentaries, films,

series... When you are bored of TV programs and don’t want to rent a film, you can switch on your

computer. Nowadays teenagers love surfing the Internet for hours, where they can talk with their

friends using social networking sites, blogs or chat programs. In Spain young people like

“Tuenti”, similar to Facebook, but widely used among us. They can also research images and vide-

os or download music. And when there isn’t any interesting thing in the Internet, they can use the

computer or a game console to play videogames. Lots of us own a Playstation, Wii, X-Box or other

video consoles.

We have a wonderful weather most of the year, so many young people prefer going out with

their friends to stay at home all day. If they decide to go out, there are many things they can do. They can go for a walk, play any

sport or go shopping. They can go out to a bar, or go out for a coffee, if they want to sit

and talk and they are over 18 years old. They can play billiards, bowling, chess, cards,

too .They can have dinner at a restaurant, have a barbecue, go to the swimming pool, or any

other activity that they all enjoy.

Finally, at Friday or Saturday nights we can go to a disco or to a party, and on some occa-

sions to a concert. In Rota, young people usually gather in “La muralla”, an area near

the harbour with lots of places to dance, listen to music and have a drink. But we usually

have little money, so we often stay in the street having

“botellona” (we take our drinks from home or a supermar-


(Summary written by the students in 4th ESO, after a colloquium on free time


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Here, in Rota, there aren´t many places where you can have fun with your friends, because to spend

your free time alone you can read, play videogames or visit social webs.

An example that people from Rota do in his spare time I can be myself.

At weekends, I usually go out with my friends around town. There are some parks where you can rest

while you see how parents and kids are playing. Near these parks there are little candy shops where

you can buy some sweets or a drink.

Moreover, there is a cinema where you can watch an ordinary film or a 3D movie.

When it is sunny, people usually go to the beach to bronze or swim.

Sport is a really good way to enjoy in your free time. In Rota there are three football clubs and organ-

ize matches between them in the football fields there are here. There are some gyms too where you

can sign up to different activities or use the machines as treadmill or weights.

You can practice cycling on bike lanes. These are along all the town and you can go on them without

be worried about cars or motorbikes. There is a footway from Rota to Chipiona where you can do hik-

ing or cycling too.

On the other hand, in Rota we have a lot of local feasts along the year as Carnival, Easter Week, Fair

and more. During these feasts, Rota is adorned with lights and streets are full of people who are

laughing, eating and having fun.

Generally, Spain is a wonderful holiday destiny because you can find both beaches with golden sand

and rocky mountains so tall that, in winter, they are covered with snow.

Above all in Andalusia, where all of this things are really close to each other. Also, most of the towns

from Andalusia tell you a little bit of our great history and walking on their streets, you can go back in

the time and back to live it, feeling like an Arabian princess or a Christian knight.

Laura Sánchez Bejarano

4º ESO

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And in our school we celebrate these important festivities...




December 8th





May 13th




January 31st





May 24th

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Leasure and Spare Time

Juan José Rodríguez Martín-Arroyo 4º de ESO

In Spain we can do lots of things to our free time in working days and in the weekends, for example,

we can watch TV or listen to music at home, but if you don’t want to stay at home, you can do lots of

things too, at weekends there is usually some basketball matches in a pavilion and people normally go

there to watch it.

The activities that we can do at home are with electronic equipment like watch TV, when I am boring

I usually watch TV, you can chat with your friends by the internet in social networks and you can play

videogames with the computer or with a play station, you can play lonely or you can play with your

friends by internet.

If you don’t want to stay at home you can do more activities with your friends, but most of them are

only at weekends. On Saturdays afternoons you can watch basketball or football matches or you can

go for a walk for the centre of the town, there are usually people for there. On Saturday nights we usu-

ally go to a pub when young people meet and there we chat with our friends, we drink something and

we can watch football matches for TV, on summer we usually go to a place when everyone go and

there we drink and chat and we know other people who comes from other sites.

That are the most common activities that we can do here.

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A Summer Weekend Rota ... beach ... tourists ... I am about to tell you about our summers.

Rota, due to its beaches and its reputation as one of the best places to spend the sum-

mer, gets overcrowed in summer, because weekends are usually very fun and interes-

ting. I’ll explain:

A beach day for a young man is as follows: we usually go to the beach in the afternoon

(17:00). It is usually full of people and we always have a great time swimming, playing

and sunbathing, talking with friends: At about 21:00 everybody climbs home and has a

shower, dinner and then gets ready to go to “La Muralla” (the wall), which is a place

where you are with friends and have a drink. You stay there until you go home and so

another day This is great fun because you never know what may happen.

There are alternatives in the evening. If the night is clear and warm, you can go to the

beach with your friends. There are usually many summer festivals (John and Jane bonfi-

res, feast of the Curvita, Urta

FunFair, etc.).

This is a summary of what our

summer and beaches can of-

fer you. I hope that when you

come we can show you

about all this.

Alberto Hermida Rizo 3ºESO

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First Communions in Spain The day of a child’s First Communion is one of the most important days of their lives because the child takes

the Body of Christ for the first time.

Before the First Commun-

ion day, the child’s parents

prepare the child by buy-

ing them a special First

Communion dress or tux-

edo. Later on, they take

photos on the beach or by

the Chapel.

On the First Communion

day, there is a big mass in

the chapel with all the other First Communion children.

After this mass, each First Communion child has a very big party with

his or her family and friends for the whole day. Normally, there is a

First Communion lunch and, later on, they have coffee. Some parties

start at the ending of the mass until three or four in the morning of the next day.

The First Communion child receives many valuable gifts from family and friends

for this very, very special day.

Diego Pérez—1st E.S.O.

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Free time

My free time starts at three o’clock, in the afternoons I

do homework and study, I have to study every day. When I fin-

ish homework, I can use the computer and relax, chat with friends,

watch videos...

At 8:30 in the evening, I go to karate training. Training is very hard for me, we do too judo

and kobudo.

When I have much free time in the afternoon, I and my father go to the gym to get strong and

meet girls.

At weekends I like meeting my friends and going to the beach, there we play beach soccer.

On Saturday I go to the scouts, it is fun and I have a good time.

Finally, on Sundays I usually go to church with my father.

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The students

from the first

level class are



together with

their teacher,

Mrs. Daniela

Giving to the others is a way to show kindness and humanism.

The students from the

third level together

with their teacher,

Mrs. Livia Hutan, are

preparing some

schoolbags for some

of their colleagues

from the villages af-

fected by the flood.

The students from the

fourth class celebrated

at Mc’Donalds, with

their teacher, Mrs. Vio-

leta Grigoruta. They

enjoyed the

activity, as it was

preceded by a history

In fact, at 25th October is a historical day for us, as it is the The Army

Day, the day in which the last fascist soldiers left our territory.


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“Playing chess with my father”

- a very nice activity in which the

4th form pupils invited their fa-

thers to play chess. The activity

was part of the activities organ-

ized within the extracurricular ac-

The teacher, Mrs. Daniela Babii, is

explaining them the activity’s main aim,

to have a nice time spent with their fa-

thers, in the school, to be their fathers’

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“Spring Day in

Europe” - exhibi-

tion of different

things done by



Very nice sculptures made by

Iulia Ciobanu, one of our


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Easter is the biggest religious

event for the Christians.

Easter celebration.

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The school year is over. We worked

hard, and it is time for a well-

deserved holiday.

Summer is the season that asks everybody

to leave all the daily worries and to take a


A trip is the most interesting way to mix

the pleasure of learning and the nice at-

mosphere of joy and happiness. And with

the activities to protect the nature.


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We learn about cooking. Tradi-

tional cakes are made and it is all so

much fun!

Outdoors lessons: how to protect and

help the birds - preparing them a winter

house within the school project, “I have

my own house, too”.

Nowadaysday’s technique’s supporters, tomorrow’s technique experts.


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Vatra Dornei has a 5 km ar-ea designed

for skiing on 3 slopes that contain lifts,

tele-skis and baby– ski

The best climbing area from this region is in Rarau Massif - The Lady`Stones. The main

part of the traks is professionally prepared. All the track are protected with Fixe ma-terial.

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The ambition to succed and to defeat your own fears and the courage to try new sensation ,

but only under close supervising. Via ferata and the flying fox crossing a valley, river or

track at height, using cables, cords, etc.

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For equestrian tourism we recommend Calimani National Park ar-ea wich

has some very intristing mountain tracks, special for rides that have wich so-

me experience and wish to discover something new. The routes also offer the

opportunity to visit 12 Apostoles` Geological Re-serve, Calimanul Cerbului and other spe-

cial places

For the peoples hwo loves montains activities Dorna Region hosts a series of competitions,

live concerts and related courses. The most important elements in the event area are: the

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River rafting

This wonderful activity offers you the pleasure to enjoy a relaxing walk in a de-

lightful scenery and to take a rest on the river banks around a camp fire

Boating on Bistrita

Boating is the most economical and ecological means of transport wich offers the tourists

the possibility to admire the scenery of Dorna Region, the picks of Bistritei and Giumalau


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FREE TIME in TURKEY Free time activities vary from country to country and era to era. Ten years ago I

could give much more examples but now because of the technology, people have less hobbies and less physical activities. We all spend much more time watching TV and surfing on the net.I guess the situation is the same for all our partner countries.


The most popular free time activity for a male Turk is playing soccer. No matter the age,each male is the fan of one of the four dominating soccer team; Galatasaray, Fenerbahçe, Beşiktaş or Trabzonspor. Even for a ten minutes break, most male pupils prefer playing soccer.They can be very creative; even an empty plastic bot-tle may be a soccer ball for them.

Symbolized by

a lion figure a canary an eagle no symbol

Though both playing and watching soccer are still the dominating activities in Turkey, basketball has been incresing its popularity as Turkish players Mirsad Turkcan, Hidayet Turkoğlu, Mehmet Okur started to show up at NBA.


As a global trend, most Turkish people spend their time on the net. Especially the teens create an online world for themselves. They either chat or play games. Facebook is indispensable for the people. Even a pri-mary school child can find his “old friends” on Facebook. The ones who have no internet connection at home go “internet cafe”.

A photo from an internet cafe

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Especially in winter, people spend time by wandering around a shopping mall. Only in Ankara, there are 37 shopping malls. People prefer the malls as it is the cheapest way of spending time. But of course it is open to question whether would it help to satisfy someone pysically or mentally.

Panora Mall – Ankara


Turkish youth is fond of music. Teens listen to both Turkish and foreign music. The most popular sing-ers are Tarkan, Sezen AKSU, Sertap ERENER, Ajda PEKKAN, Kenan DOĞULU etc.

A good point to start learning about our music is ;

tarkan -kiss song

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Though it is not as popular as it was before, most adult females (especially housewives) like lacework and kntting. A simple thread ball becomes a piece of art in their hands..

In recent years, females are greatly interested in making jewellery.

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Families prefer drinking tea especially after dinner while watching TV. It is a tradition here. Turkish tea is famous in the world. It is planted in the Black Sea Region . You should drink it in a “thin waisted” glass. It is generally preferred as well-steeped by tea addicts.


Turks like going on a picnic at the weekends especially in Spring and Summer. We have a good taste and the barbecue is the base of the picnic. Children play games. It is really an enjoyable activity for all age groups.

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Turkish culture has a wide range of games some of which are;


It’s a very popular traditional board game in Turkey. People like playing it in their free time. There are also many online okey sites on the net.

It’s played with 4 players and 106 tiles. The faces of the tiles are numbered from 1 to 13, with the num-bers printed in various colours. The distrubuter mixes and hands out the tiles. He has 15 tiles. Other three player has 14 tiles for each. The game is played counter-clockwise.

The object is, by drawing and discarding tiles, to be the first to form a hand that consists entirely of sets of equal numbered tiles, and runs of consecutive tiles of the same colour.

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Backgammon is another popular board game. It is played with two players. Each player has fifteen checkers of his own color. Each player throws dice. This determines both the player to go first and the num-bers to be played. A player moves his checkers according to the numbers showing on a dice.

The object of the game is to move all your checkers into your own home board and then bear them off. The first player to bear off all of his checkers wins the game. There is a funny tradition at the end. The loser puts the board into his armpit which symbolizes that there is a long way for him to become a master.


It is still a popular game among children in Turkey. The child who has much more marbles(both in size and colour) is the most popular one.

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This is my favourite one. I strongly recommend you to try. It’s a traditional game played with 2 or more players. All necessary equipment is 5 small Stones. The game consists of 5 steps. Each step has its own rules and object. The player who completes all the steps first wins the game.


It is pretty popular among male teens. According to the teachers it seems dangerous for health and they quit the game in the garden but as soon as the teacher moves away, the pupils immediately start playing again J You need two group of students. One group forms “the long donkey” as in the photo;

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The other group members run and jump over them. The object of the game is to make them fell down.

As a result; though developing technology and modern world changes our likes and hobbies, the Turkish Culture still has a colorful mosaic of Free Time Activities.

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Leisure activities in Slovenia

There are many things you can do and see in

Slovenia. Slovenian winter is a fine time to

practice sports. You can ski or snowboard in

on the many ski resorts.

In spring or summer, you can kayak on the

lakes or rivers, go sports fishing, horseback

riding, hiking, rock climbing, cycling or play


If you like sailing, you can hire a sailboat, go to

the beach and visit coastal cities like Izola, Piran

and Koper.

If you like cultural tourism, you can visit many castles,

churches, cathedrals, and various museums in some of

the oldest cities in the country (i.e. Ljubljana, Bled, Ma-

ribor, Celje and Koper).

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The most popular team sports in Slovenia are football, basketball, ice hockey, and handball. Individual sports

including tennis, cycling, athletics and skiing are also popular. Slovenia has competed in eleven summer and

winter Olympic Games. Slovenia is also famous for its extreme sports athletes, such as ultramarathon swimmer

Martin Strel and Davo Karničar, the only person to ski down Mount Everest.

Team sports


Slovenia national football team is ranked fifteenth in the world and has qualified for two FIFA World Cups (2002, 2010) and one UEFA European Football Championship (2000) in the past decade. Slovenia qualified for the 2010 FIFA World Cup by upsetting heavily favored Russia in the qualifying tournament. Slovene football stars include Samir Handanovič, Robert Koren, Milivoje Novakovič, Josip Iličič, and Zlatan Ljubijankič.


The Slovenian national basketball team has qualified for eight Eurobaskets, including a fourth place finish in 2009, and 2 FIBA World Championships in 2006 and 2010. Famous Slovene basketball players include Goran Dragić, Sasha Vujačić, Radoslav Nesterović, Beno Udrih, Matjaž Smodiš, Marko Milič, Ivo Daneu, Peter Vilfan, Vinko Jelovac, Aljoša Žorga, Primož Brezec, Sani Bečirović, and Jaka Lakovič.

Ice hockey

The Slovenia men's national ice hockey team is currently ranked seventeenth in the world and has qualified for five Ice Hockey World Championships. One of Slovenia's most famous athletes is Anže Kopitar, who plays in the United Sta-tes for the Los Angeles Kings of the National Hockey League. His €34.7 million (USD $47.6 million) seven-year con-tract is the largest contract held by any Slovene athlete. Other famous Slovene hockey players include Robert Kristan, Jan Muršak, David Rodman and Marcel Rodman, Rok Tičar, Žiga Pance, Žiga Jeglič, Tomaž Vnuk, Dejan Kontrec, Bojan Zajc, Igor Beribak, Valerij Šahraj, Stanley Reddick, Ed Kastelic, and Nik Zupančič.


Handball is also very popular in Slovenia. Slovenia has played at five handball world championships, ranking as high as tenth place at the 2007 championships in Germany. Slovenia has played in the European handball championships eight times, winning second place the 2004 championship in held in Slovenia. Slovenia has missed just one European championship, in 1998.

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Traditional Ljubljana marathon.

Slovenia’s diverse geography allows for numerous sporting activities. Slovenes are very fond of recreational

sports, and certain surveys show that no less than forty per cent of Slovenes practise a sport in one way or

another. They are well catered for, as there are many recreational sporting events held throughout the year

across the country. Naturally, sporting activities also exist at institutional and professional levels.

This year, ski jumping in Slovenia has received fresh impetus. In all competitions, Slovenian jumpers are ranked among the world ski jumping elite. Ski jumping has spread throughout Slovenia with over 1,000 boys and girls practising the sport.

The Slovenian Sportspersons of the Year were the Alpine skier, Tina Maze, the white water slalom kayaker, Peter Kauzer, and the award for best team went to the ski jump team, who won bronze at the World Championships in Oslo.

Many sports lovers ask: where does little Slovenia, with its population of just two million, get such a fantastic team of ath-letes, competing in almost all disciplines and winning numerous medals? Particu-larly in winter sports, Slovenia is incredi-ble.

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A great many entertaining events take place across the Gorenjska re-gion during the summer moths. Among the most popular are Sum-mer in Kranjska Gora, Bled Days with the traditional Bled Night, Kranj Night, the Škofja Loka Fes-tival of Sport and Culture for Children and Youth, Family Days at Ribčev Laz beside Lake Bohinj.

In September, there is Farewell to Summer in Železniki and Cheery Autumn each November in Duplje. Listen to traditional local dance and folk music at Bled’s Alpine Night –or visit the Avsenik Festival na-

med after the legendary 'fathers' of such music in Begunje near Radovlji-ca.

Open-air New Year's Eve celebrations are organised in the region’s larger towns. Kranjska Gora’s Vitranc Cup competition is accompanied by X-plosion of Fun with the participation of local and international music stars.

The farewell to winter encompasses traditional Shrovetide carnivals whilst spring is marked by the May First Meet in Šobec (near Bled) as well as the traditional Oldtimer Parade in Naklo.

Hrast Memorial – an international race of vintage cars over the old Ljubelj/Loibl Pass – is organised every



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Spanish and Slovenian teenagers love spending

their free time in the company of their peers while

their Romanian colleagues prefer listening to mu-

sic, the Turkish being somewhere in between. On-

ly a small part of them spends their free time pla-

ying video games and an insignificant part enjoys


Not long ago it was presumed that young people

can spend their entire free time by watching TV

only. The latter has been successfully replaced by

computer and internet. 75% of Slovenian students

claim computer and internet as the most impor-

tant. The item they would all miss the most after

internet is the mobile phone. TV is not important

anymore as only 5 to 10% of the students of all

nationalities place TV in the first place.

Partying seems to be very important to young

people. We wanted to find out how often alcohol

is consumed at parties. There are legal restrictions

against selling alcohol to the underaged in every

partner country. However, there are significant

inconsistencies in applying the law. 80% of Roma-

nian students have never tried alcohol as well as

about 50% of Turkish students. 20% of Romanian

students Satu Mare drink regularly at parties, a few

less Slovenians and less than 10% elsewhere. The-

re are more boys than girls among those who

drink. Spanish students stand out in a negative

way – 90% of boys and 30% of girls regularly

drink at parties.

Spanish students live in a renowned wine region.

Wine is always on the table and nobody seems to

worry about that being a poor behaviour pattern.

Next problem lies in street partying. Young people

cannot afford expensive drinks in bars and clubs

so they gather in car parks and squares, bring their

own drinks and the party is ready. Sometimes they

get prosecuted but mostly they are tolerated and

the drinking is believed to be just a part of gro-

wing up.

Teenage years bring along first romantic relations.

Half of the Romanian and a third of Turkish stu-

dents have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. In other

schools 20 % of the students are involved roman-

tically. We cannot talk about serious relationships

at this age as, according to students, the relations-

hips change daily. Turkish students seem to want

to get married younger than elsewhere. There is

no doubt about the fact that Romanian students

are in a hurry to get independent and live differen-

tly than their parents. About 70% of Romanians

are going to be independent before the age of 25

and about the same percentage of Turkish stu-

dents think they are going to be independent bet-

ween the age of 25 and 30. Slovenia is the country

where young people get independent relatively la-

te. 80% of 28- year-olds still live with their parents

as well as 60% of up to 35-year-olds. Slovenian

students hope to get independent a little bit earlier.

Hopefully, they will not change their minds when

the time comes.

Half of the parents encourages their children to

travel and meet new countries and cultures. Tur-

kish students consider travelling a bit more com-

plicated – the reason beeing their non-

membership in EU. Sex is still a taboo and is mos-

tly discussed with peers and friends and not with


Abridged from a 2010 Comenius report

(schools from Jerez-Spain, Iasi-Romania,

Ljubliana-Slovenia and Ankara-Tukey), by

the students in 3rd ESO Nuestra Señora del

Perpetuo Socorro (Rota-Cádiz-Spain)

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