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Gravity-Superconductors Interactions: Theory and Experiment, 2012, 169-182 169

Giovanni Modanese and Glen A. Robertson (Eds) All rights reserved-© 2012 Bentham Science Publishers


Study of Light Interaction with Gravity Impulses and Measurements of the Speed of Gravity Impulses

Evgeny Podkletnov1,* and Giovanni Modanese2,*

1Tampere University, Korkeakoulunkatu 1, FI-33720 Tampere, Finland and 2Free University of Bolzano, Faculty of Science and Technology, P.zza Università 5, 39100 Bolzano, Italy

Abstract: An attempt has been made in this work to study the scattering of laser light by the gravity-like impulse produced in an impulse gravity generator (IGG) and also an experiment has been conducted in order to determine the propagation speed of the gravity impulse. The light attenuation was found to last between 34 and 48 ns and to increase with voltage, up to a maximum of 7% at 2000 kV. The propagation time of the pulse over a distance of 1211 m was measured recording the response of two identical piezoelectric sensors connected to two synchronized rubidium atomic clocks. The delay was 631 ns, corresponding to a propagation speed of 64c. The theoretical analysis of these results is not simple and requires a quantum picture. Different targets (ballistic pendulums, photons, piezoelectric sensors) appear to be affected by the IGG beam in different ways, possibly reacting to components of the beam which propagate with different velocities. Accordingly, the superluminal correlation between the two sensors does not necessarily imply superluminal information transmission. Using the microscopic model for the emission given in Chapter 5, we also have estimated the cross-sectional density of virtual gravitons in the beam and we have shown that their propagation velocity can not be fixed by the emission process. The predicted rate of graviton-photon scattering is consistent with the observed laser attenuation.

Keywords: Theories of gravitation, superconductors, high-Tc superconductors, type-II superconductors, superluminal quantum correlations, x-shaped waves, graviton-photon scattering, virtual gravitons, piezoelectric sensors, rubidium atomic clocks, gravity-like fields.


This paper represents the continuation of our 2003 work on a pulsed force beam generator based on high-voltage gas discharges through an YBCO electrode [1]. The device was called “Impulse Gravity Generator” because the beam was found to act upon targets of different mass and composition with a force proportional only to their mass, resulting in target velocities of the order of 1 m/s, with weak dependence on the discharge voltage. We also reported in [1] preliminary results on the interaction of the IGG beam with a laser beam. When the angle formed by the two beams was small (0.1°) and the interaction region long (57 m) a clear attenuation of the light intensity was observed (7-10%) for a time of the order of 10-7 s or less.

The results of the interaction with light have been confirmed by further measurements (Sections 1 and 2). The laser light attenuation was found to last between 34 and 48 ns and to exhibit a steady dependence on the discharge voltage. Moreover, we have been able to measure the propagation time of the pulse over a long distance (1211 m), recording the responses of two identical piezoelectric sensors connected to two synchronized rubidium atomic clocks. Repeated measurements consistently yielded a delay of 631 ns, corresponding to a propagation speed of (641)c. This delay was found to be independent from all the electric parameters of the discharge. The design of the experiment is simple and robust, as it obviously allows to exclude any spurious electromagnetic correlations of the detectors. All measurements were made shortly after the publication of our previous results.

The theoretical interpretation of these results is more recent and has turned out to be quite hard. Phenomena of superluminal propagation have been previously observed with microwaves, and our effect could be the

*Address correspondence to Eveny Podkletnov: Tampere University, Korkeakoulunkatu 1, FI-33720 Tampere, Finland; E-mail: epodkletnov@hotmail.com and Giovanni Modanese: Free University of Bolzano, Faculty of Science and Technology, P.zza Università 5, 39100 Bolzano, Italy; Tel. 0471-017003; E-mail: giovanni.modanese@unibz.it

170 Gravity-Superconductors Interactions: Theory and Experiment Podkletnov and Modanese

analogue on a larger scale. To our knowledge, however, there are no solutions of the classical gravitational equations corresponding to the observed field configuration. In a quantum picture, the force beam consists of virtual particles with a finite lifetime, defined by the Heisenberg time-energy uncertainty principle. The main result of our analysis (Section 5) is that the beam is dispersive and targets of different nature absorb virtual particles with different propagation velocities. The corresponding computations are straightforward when the targets are ballistic pendulums or photons, but the case of the piezoelectric sensors (the only where the propagation velocity has been measured) is much more complex. An idealized representation of the sensors with overdamped harmonic oscillators gives inconsistent results and is clearly not adequate (Section 5.2). Using the microscopic model for the emission given in Chapter 5 [2-5], we also have estimated the cross-sectional density of virtual gravitons in the beam and we have shown that their propagation velocity can not be fixed by the emission process (Section 4). For completeness, in Section 3 we briefly recall the results on superluminal propagation of microwaves and the debate on (the absence of) causality violation for this kind of “pseudo-signals”. Section 6 comprises our conclusions and hints of possible alternative interpretations. Note that for convenience of exposition the sections of this paper do not follow a strictly logical order; nevertheless, the logical connections should be clear from the context. For instance, the cross-sectional density of virtual gravitons is not needed for general considerations on the propagation velocity and is actually a consequence of a particular microscopic model; however, it is placed in Section 4 because it is necessary to assess the photon-graviton scattering in Section 5.1 and the absorption rate of an harmonic oscillator in Section 5.2.


In order to study the interaction of a gravity impulse with light we used the experimental setup that is shown schematically in Fig. 1. The gravity projection area has the diameter of 100 mm or 4 inches and the direction of propagation is marked with an arrow. Laser beams were directed at a certain small angle to the projection of the impulse in order to increase the interaction time as placing the laser at 90 degrees to the gravity beam produces effects below the detection level of the sensor. The interaction occurred along the distance of 57 meters. A ruby laser of 694 nm with the power of 930 mW was applied and the spot size on the sensor was about 4 mm in diameter. Also a blue laser with a wavelength of 473 nm and the power of 450 mW was used and the spot size diameter was equal to 3 mm. A high resolution optical sensor was used to measure possible variations of the laser light intensity. In order to achieve a good temporal resolution we used a Femtosecond Optically Gated fluorescence kinetic measurement system FOG 100 (best resolution 100 fs).

Figure 1: Experimental setup for the investigation of the interaction of the gravity impulse with light. Details are not to scale.

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In order to study the propagation speed of the impulse two sensors were used. One of them was placed close to the gravity generator and another one at the distance of 1211 m away (measured with a laser meter). Piezoelectric thin film sensors based on molecular imprinted polymers operating at 450 MHz were used to register the impact of the impulse. The pressure shock of the impulse changed the frequency response and the moment of the change was registered by the matching transducer (an RF mixer using a 450 MHz carrier frequency). The output of each sensor was connected via a transducer to a portable rubidium atomic clock. The two atomic clocks used for the setup were synchronized before the measurements and all measurements were performed in a time period of 72 hours.

The main task with the sensors was to choose two units that gave equal delay of the signal when subjected to a shock wave. Only the time of the start of the frequency change was registered and thus the response time of the sensor was within nanoseconds range. After the discharge of the IGG the impulse activated the first gage and then a second gage; the delay was registered by the atomic clocks. To ensure that the delay is not affected by the piezoelectric gages the measurements have also been repeated after the sensors were interchanged. The geometry of the setup is shown in Fig. 2. All measurements have been carried out using the same type of superconducting emitters with diameter of 100 mm and thickness of 12 mm. The measurements have been repeated with two similar emitters using discharge voltage from 750 kV to 2000 kV.


Figure 2: Experimental setup for the measurements of the speed of the gravity impulse. Details are not to scale.


In the first experiment it was noticed that during the discharge of the impulse generator the intensity of the signal from the optical sensor decreased from 2.8% to 7.5%, depending on the discharge voltage, and then returned quickly to the baseline. Our measuring system indicated that the duration time of this process varied from 34 to 48 ns. The dependence of the intensity of the laser beam measured by the optical sensor on the discharge voltage is listed in Fig. 3. The duration of the pulse depends mainly on the voltage but also on the current; it also depends to some extent on the distance between the emitter and the target electrode. Practically the same results have been observed for both types of lasers and no difference within the error of the measuring system have been found. All measurements have been reproduced several times (usually 8-10) for each discharge voltage and both emitters, the deviation of the measured values was within 2-3%. The decrease of the light intensity was almost the same for both emitters, as shown in Fig. 3.

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Figure 3: Dependence of the light intensity decrease on the IGG discharge voltage.

In the second experiment the measured value of the delay between the two sensors was 631 ns. This means that the gravity impulse propagated about 641 times faster than the speed of light. No delay difference was observed between the two emitters and the impulse speed did not depend on the value of the discharge voltage. Interchanging of the piezo-electric sensors also had negligible effect on the measurements. The magnetic field on the emitter, the voltage risetime, the pulse current all had negligible effects on the measurements. From multiple runs we know that the force of the beam depends on the voltage and its risetime, but the pulse speed is independent from all the electric parameters, the size of the emitter, the thickness of layers in the emitter and the distance between the electrodes.


Phenomena of electromagnetic wave propagation with superluminal group velocity have been observed in several laboratories in the last years and can be grouped in two categories: evanescent waves and Bessel beams of so-called “X-shaped waves” (see [7] for the most famous experiment and for general references). The peculiar features of these waves do not allow the transmission of true signals and information with superluminal speed, so the causality principle is not endangered by their existence. (See further discussion below). The phenomenon described in this paper differs from those cited above under several aspects. Let us first point out the following two differences: (a) The propagation distance is much larger, and still yet compatible with the uncertainty principle applied to the particles of the beam (Section 4.1). (b) There are no known solutions of the classical field equations corresponding, for shape and amplitude, to the observed beam. In fact, the theoretical model set out in Chapter 5 of this eBook [2] and adopted here describes the IGG beam as consisting of virtual gravitons generated in a stimulated emission process “pumped” by the superconductor.

Reference [7] demonstrated experimentally the superluminal propagation of localized microwaves over a distance of 1 m or more. A carrier signal of frequency 8.6 GHz was modulated with rectangular pulses. The waves were first sent by a horn antenna (launcher) on a circular slit with mean diameter d placed in the focal plane of a circular mirror. In this way, a so-called Bessel beam was generated by interference. The field of the beam can be considered as formed by the superposition of pairs of X-shaped plane waves. These move along the axis of the mirror with velocity approximately 5-7% larger than the light velocity, for a slit diameter d of 20 cm, or up to 25% for d=10 cm. A similar experiment was performed in the optical range [8], but a clear observation of superluminal propagation was impossible in that case. Superluminal effects for evanescent waves were demonstrated in tunnelling experiments in both the optical domain and

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microwaves range; these effects can be revealed, however, only over short distances, typically a few centimetres for microwaves (the most favourable case).

Several other papers [7, 9] discuss the issue of signal transmission. The question is, if superluminal propagation effects can be used to convey information at superluminal speed, and the answer is generally that they can't, though it also depends on what is exactly meant by signal. A typical argument is that waves with superluminal group velocity are always accompanied by a “precursor wave” propagating at light speed. Some authors speculated, however, that in certain cases the superluminal wave could overtake the precursor. Other authors argued that the violation of causality by true superluminal signals is only apparent and could be avoided through the so-called Feynman-Stueckelberg reinterpretation principle. We do not intend to enter in this debate. We just observe that the phenomenon of superluminal propagation reported in this paper is on one hand impressing, for its long range and large velocity; on the other hand, it can not be easily controlled, and it is presently impossible to say if the pulse can be modulated. The generation of the force pulse is a complex phenomenon, occurring in a single-shot gas discharge whose timing is only approximately triggered from the outside. Moreover, the discharge involves a superconductor, whose macroscopic wavefunction obeys an evolution equation with some characteristic time, possibly exceeding the propagation time of the pulse.


In this Section we summarize the observed features of the IGG beam using the concepts of field strength and flux of virtual particles which are emitted from the superconductor and carry energy and momentum to the targets. Here and in the following sections the suffix “g” (Eg, pg…) always means “graviton”, while “t” is for “target”.

The first crucial observation is that the velocity of ballistic pendulums exposed to the beam is independent from their mass and composition. (This will hold in principle up to a certain “maximum mass” - see below). Let us denote with pt the momentum of a target pendulum of mass m after the action of the beam: pt=mvt, where vt is the target velocity. If the beam acts for a time t, it exerts an average force F=pt/t, with acceleration g=F/m=vt/t. The average field strength in the beam in the time t is by definition equal to g. We want to relate this field strength to the number of virtual gravitons absorbed by the target. We outline here the main argument, leaving some details for the next subsections.

We know that the average energy of the virtual gravitons emitted by the superconductor is of the order of Eg10-27 J (Section 4.1). Furthermore, the pendulum data support the hypothesis of an elastic absorption in the targets (Section 4.2) and give an energy-momentum ratio Et/pt1 m/s. This implies that the momentum of a single graviton is pg10-27 kg m/s. The number of gravitons absorbed by a target is N=pt/pg. From the relation pt=mvt we see that, being vt constant, N is proportional to the mass of the target. When vt=1 m/s, each gram of mass in the target absorbs ca. 1024 gravitons. The same proportionality between the mass and the number of absorbed virtual gravitons is respected in the usual static interaction of two masses m1 and m2, described by the Newton force law (see [2], Section 4). In that case, the interpretation of the gravitostatic force as due to an exchange of virtual gravitons implies a gravitons flux proportional to m1m2, with unitary probability of emission and absorption. A similar rule applies, of course, to the electrostatic force, with a virtual photon flux proportional to the charges q1q2.

This absorption rate proportional to the target mass, and not to its cross-section, establishes a clear distinction between our “virtual beam” and beams of real particles. Nevertheless, the virtual gravitons of the IGG beam are generated in the superconducting emitter through elementary virtual processes which have a well-defined maximum density per surface element. Let us denote by V the voltage on the emitter during the discharge and by I the total current crossing the emitter (this is almost entirely supercurrent, but also comprises a small percentage of normal current, less than 0.1% [3]). The maximum number of virtual particles with energy Eg emitted is given by IVt/Eg. The product IVt has been estimated through a microscopic model of the superconductor based on its intrinsic Josephson junctions and is of the order of a

174 Gravity-Superconductors Interactions: Theory and Experiment Podkletnov and Modanese

few milli-Joules. (A direct measurement of the emitter voltage is very difficult, for several practical reasons [4, 5]). Let us suppose, in order to fix the ideas, that the maximum energy emitted from each square centimeter of the emitter is 10 mJ, corresponding to a maximum graviton flux =1025 gravitons/cm2. We shall call this quantity “cross-sectional density of virtual gravitons” in the beam. Being the beam strongly directional, this is also the cross-sectional density of gravitons which can hit the target.

This means, for instance, that cubic or spherical targets with linear size about 1 cm and mass density below 10 g/cm3 will respect the relation pt=mvt, with constant vt. Such targets can be regarded as “good test masses”, such that the field strength they measure is independent from their mass. There exists however, in principle, a “maximum test mass” for a given beam. If the beam has a cross-sectional density of 1025 virtual gravitons/cm2, then cubic or spherical targets with linear size of 1 cm and mass density larger than 10 g/cm3 will not receive enough momentum to reach the constant vt measured with the test masses. The same will happen with targets having density 10 g/cm3 but size larger than 1 cm, because the cross-section does not increase in proportion to the volume. All the figures above are just an indication and must be corrected for obvious geometrical factors. This “maximum test mass” effect could not yet be confirmed experimentally, since the pendulums employed were well below the limit. It is probably related, however, to the observed absence of absorption of the beam by walls and other large rigid obstacles.

5.1. Energy and Propagation Range of the Virtual Gravitons

In a quantum picture, the beam is composed of virtual particles with energies belonging to a wide band around 10-27 J. The particles are emitted in a process with a continuous frequency spectrum, pumped by a supercurrent pulse with main components of the order of 10 MHz. The time-energy uncertainty relation

E t , when applied to virtual particles of energy E, is usually interpreted as giving the largest possible lifetime of the particles (see for instance [6]). With 7/ 10E Hz, a propagation velocity v=64c implies a propagation range of the order of 103 m. This is compatible with the observations and suggests that the present distance of 1211 m could perhaps be increased, but not by magnitude orders (at least for pulses of this velocity; our analysis shows that the beam is dispersive and its velocity differs for different E/p ratios). Note that the indetermination relation also applies to the electromagnetic X-shaped superluminal microwaves (Section 3). In that case the frequency is 104 times larger, the velocity only slightly larger than c, and the range is of the order of 1 m. An improvement of their range through reduction of the frequency is clearly impossible, because electromagnetic waves with frequency, say, 10 MHz are impossible to focalize in Bessel beams. The real puzzle, actually, is how the IGG beam can be so focalized. We think the reason for this lies in its generation through a stimulated emission process [2].

5.2. Elastic Absorption in the Target and E/p Balance

The virtual particles of our beam carry, for the same energy, much more momentum than photons, gravitons or other “on-shell” particles with zero mass (E/p=c in that case). This small E/p ratio emerged clearly from the experimental data already in 2003 [1]: the action of the beam on ballistic pendulums showed an energy-momentum ratio in the beam of the order of Eg/pg0.25 m/s. This was deduced from the free particle relation



tt t


p mv (5.1)

and from the observed pendulum velocities of the order of 0.5 m/s (depending on the voltage; a typical figure was an elongation of 0.1 m, in a pendulum of length 0.8 m, with a discharge voltage of 1500 kV). Observations also showed that no heat was dissipated in the pendulums, so the beam absorption could be regarded as an elastic process, and we have


t g


p p (5.2)

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This does not exclude the possible occurrence of dissipative processes after the absorption in other targets, like a dampened harmonic oscillator (Section 5). Note that if the momentum of the targets originated from ordinary radiation pressure, the associated energy would be of the order of mvtc106 J, while we have seen that the superconducting emitter can produce no more than 10 mJ/cm2.

There are still two points to explain: (a) What determines the magnitude order of vt? Smaller values were still compatible with the energetic balance and would only imply a larger “maximum test mass”. (b) What causes the slight dependence of vt on the discharge voltage? For Point (a), we refer to Section 4 of [2], where we argued that vt1 m/s is the velocity resulting from the elementary absorption of single virtual gravitons by single nucleons. Concerning Point (b), we believe that larger voltages give a shorter pulse risetime, and thus higher pumping frequency and higher graviton energy. This can be checked with a detailed circuit analysis [5].

5.3. Relation Between the Propagation Velocity and the Energy-Momentum Ratio of the Virtual Gravitons

Extensions of Special Relativity exist, compatible with the relativity principle, which provide a complete framework for the kinematics and dynamics of superluminal particles [9]. We only need here a few basic relations. The relation between energy, momentum and mass of a particle is valid also for v>c, and implies that the mass is imaginary. The mass of the particles composing the IGG beam is imaginary, because being their energy-momentum ratio E/p of the order of 1 m/s, one has

2 4 2 2 2 0m c E p c (5.3)

Let us define a variable =p/E, in order to allow for different values of the E/p ratio. We shall consider values of such that 1/<c, i.e., the mass is imaginary and the radiation pressure is larger than light radiation pressure for the same energy. The relation between E, m and v also keeps valid for superluminal particles, namely




mc vE



Re-writing (5.3) with p=E and comparing with the square of (5.4), we obtain

2 2 22

1 1 v



With the observed value v=64c, we find in our case Eg/pg4.7106 m/s. Now, an important task of any theoretical model is to explain the v=64c data. Supposing that equation (5.5) is valid, there are two possibilities. A first possibility is that the energy-momentum ratio in the beam is fixed by the emission process. Here we discuss this possibility using our microscopic model for the emission [2], and reach a negative answer: the emission process can not fix . In the next section we shall discuss the second possibility, namely that the propagation velocity is fixed “a posteriori”, through equation (5.2), by the ratio Et/pt of the energy and momentum absorbed in the target.

According to our microscopic model, the virtual gravitons are generated in an elementary process in which gravitational zero-modes (pairs of virtual masses) decay from an excited antisymmetric state - to the symmetric ground state +. The energy gap between the two states depends on the virtual masses and has a continuous spectrum. The excitation of the states + occurs in the interaction of the gravitational vacuum with the quantum condensate of the pairs in a superconductor crossed by a supercurrent pulse. Since the pulse has a broad frequency band, the excited zero-modes have a corresponding energy spread. The momentum of the emitted gravitons is balanced by the recoil of the zero-modes. It can be easily shown that even if the energy was sharply fixed by some resonance in the emitter or in the detector, the energy-momentum ratio would not be fixed. The conservation equations give

176 Gravity-Superconductors Interactions: Theory and Experiment Podkletnov and Modanese


2 0

r g

r g

Mv E E

Mv p


where E is the energy gap, vr is the recoil velocity of the zero-mode and 2M10-13 kg is the zero-mode mass. After replacing pg=Eg, the system (5.6) leads to the equation


10g gE E E

M , (5.7)

which has a positive solution EgE independently from . Furthermore, the recoil velocity vr turns out to be always non-relativistic. This means that the recoil of the zero-modes can always ensure conservation of momentum, independently from the value of the energy-momentum ratio. Therefore the propagation velocity can not be fixed by the emission process. The situation is summarized in Fig. 4.

Figure 4: What sets the velocity of the virtual particles of the IGG beam at the observed value of 64c? Is it the emission or the absorption process? Our model for the emission allows an arbitrary energy-momentum ratio Eg/pg, even if the gap E or the graviton energy Eg are sharply fixed. Therefore the velocity must be fixed “a posteriori” by the absorption process. This process is elastic when the target is a pendulum or a laser beam, but inelastic in the case of a piezoelectric sensor.


We have seen that the emission and propagation of the IGG beam should be described as a virtual quantum process, ending with elastic absorption in the targets. It follows that the absorption process can determine the energy-momentum ratio of the beam particles, and consequently their propagation velocity. This would be inconceivable for a beam of real particles. The possible targets studied experimentally and theoretically are three.

a) Ballistic pendulums. In this case Eg/pg=Et/pt=vt/2, where vt is the velocity of the pendulum bob after exposure to the beam. Experimentally one observes vt 1 m/s and equation (5.5) gives a very large propagation velocity. A direct measurement of the propagation velocity was not done in this case, and is probably impossible, because of the long response time of the pendulums.

b) The photons of a laser beam. Theoretically, the photons can absorb elastically the virtual gravitons only if the latter have Eg/pg=c and thus v=c. Neither direct measurements of the propagation velocity were made in this case, nor simultaneous observations of the effect of the IGG beam on the laser and the pendulums. The latter situation is conceptually very interesting, because it seems to require, in order to produce an effect on both targets, the presence in the beam of two kinds of virtual gravitons with different velocities and energy-momentum ratios.

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c) The piezoelectric sensor. This is the only case in which the propagation velocity (and thus indirectly the E/p ratio) have been measured, and turn out to be very well defined. The sensor is based on a thin PVDF film. The ratio between the absorbed energy and momentum is determined by the specific transfer function of the transducer and by the internal dissipation rate. In the following, we shall analyse for illustration purposes the idealized case of a detector made by an harmonic oscillator with proper frequency of the order of the reciprocal pulse risetime.

Case (a) has already been treated. Cases (b) and (c) are considered in the following Subsections.

6.1. Interaction with a Laser Beam

In this Subsection we give a theoretical interpretation of the observed effect of the IGG beam on a laser beam. First we discuss which kind of interaction may occur, then we estimate the strength of this interaction.

The effect of the IGG on a laser beam can be understood neither within a classical model (gravitational field plus geometric optics), nor within a semi-classical model (gravitational field plus photons). The predicted effect would in both cases be far too small. We have discussed this in [1], where we gave an estimate of the classical curvature associated with the IGG beam; the field strength and its spatial derivatives were deduced in that estimate from the observed effect of the beam on ballistic pendulums. Also considered in [1] were possible indirect effects of the IGG on the laser beam, like those of air turbulence. We concluded that air turbulence could not account for the observed quick variations in the laser intensity. Actually, being the laser insensitive to any electromagnetic interference, the laser detection of the IGG beam is one of the safest possible demonstrations.

Therefore we make the hypothesis that the observed drop in laser light intensity is due to a quantum scattering between the virtual gravitons of the IGG beam and the photons. Repeated collisions expel a part of the photons from the beam. We suppose that in each collision the virtual graviton is completely absorbed by the photon; the process is elastic and both energy and momentum are conserved. This total absorption condition is necessary for a process involving a virtual particle. Only under this condition can the probability of the process be taken equal to one, like in the interaction of two masses through virtual gravitons [2] (Section 4). The graviton/photon scattering cross section for real particles is known to be exceedingly small [10].

Conservation of the E/p ratio in the absorption implies in turn that the gravitons involved in this process (unlike those collected by the piezoelectric sensors) must have standard ratio E/p=c and propagate with light velocity. From the laser attenuation data, we know that the interaction of the IGG beam with the laser beam lasts on the average about 40 ns; this means that the IGG beam is in fact a bunch extended on the average for a length of 12 m. The two lasers employed have a power of the order of 1 W and the photon energy is of the order of 10-19 J. Therefore in the interaction time t40 ns the photons involved are N=tP/E1011. The density of virtual gravitons in the IGG beam is of the order of 1025 per square centimetre (Section 4). It is not clear which effective cross-section should be taken in order to compute the interaction of the two beams. The cross-section of the laser beam is of the order of 0.1 cm2, but the IGG beam, at the long graviton wavelengths involved in the photon interaction (Eg10-27, v=c g103 m) could suffer considerable diffraction. (For comparison, the wavelength of the virtual gravitons absorbed by the ballistic pendulums is of the order of 10-7 m, and the beam appears to be well collimated in that case).

Disregarding diffraction losses for the moment, take a cross-section of 0.1 cm2 and so a total number of virtual gravitons of 1024. This gives a ratio of 1013 gravitons per photon. The momentum of a graviton, however, is about 107 times smaller than the photon momentum (because E/p=c for both, but the photon energy is 107 times larger). This means that a photon must absorb several gravitons, before its momentum changes so much that is misses the optical detector. A simple vector model, shown in Fig. 5, allows to compute the maximum deviation of a photon in a single graviton absorption. The angle between the

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beams corresponds to a deviation of ca. 10 cm in 57 m, i.e., 0.0018 rad. The resulting deviation of the photon is 10-7.

Figure 5: Deviation of an optical photon after absorption of a virtual graviton in the experimental configuration of Fig. 1. The vectors are not to scale; in reality p107pg, the angle between pg and p is 0.0018 rad, the deviation angle is 10-7.

Therefore if the effects of subsequent absorptions are summed, the ratio of ca. 1013 gravitons for each photon would be more than enough to ensure the expulsion of all photons from the laser beam (the minimum angular deviation for the expulsion, given by the ratio between detector diameter and distance, is about 20 times smaller than ). But since the observed attenuation in the laser intensity at the detector is at most 7%, some other factors must be at play, which reduce the efficiency of the process. Such factors could be

- Diffraction of the virtual gravitons beam, with ensuing drastic reduction of the density of gravitons per cm2.

- A smaller emission rate of gravitons with ratio E/p=c, in comparison to those with ratio E/p1 m/s detected by the ballistic pendulums. We recall that in the microscopic model the wavelength of the gravitons affects the spontaneous emission coefficient A.

6.2. Energy-momentum balance in the action of an impulsive force on a harmonic oscillator

Consider a damped harmonic oscillator with mass m, proper frequency /k m and dampening coefficient >1, initially at rest, subjected to an external impulsive force F(t). Let us suppose that there is a single pulse, with short risetime (comparable to the oscillator's period T), followed by a slower return to zero. It is quite intuitive that the rise of the pulse will cause the mass to oscillate, passing to it a momentum pt and an energy Et, which will then be dissipated by dampening. We are interested into the ratio Et/pt and into its dependence on the other variables. The dynamics of such a system is well known in general form, but usually this ratio is not of particular interest. We would like to find a manageable expression tailored to our specific case.

The differential equation of the system is

2 ( )2

F tx x x

m (5.1)

One can easily write the general solution as a Fourier transform and plot numerical solutions which give an idea of the dynamical evolution. In order to compute Et in general form, we write the integral


( ) ( )ft

tE F t x t dt (5.2)

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where tf is the instant when F(t) has returned to zero. Integrating by parts and replacing x(t) through the equation of motion (5.1), we find

2 200 0

( ) ( ) 2( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

f f


t tt


F t x t xE x t F t x t F t dt F t dt



After a further integration by parts, and noting that all finite terms evaluated at t=0 or t=tf are zero, we finally obtain

2 20 0 0


2 200 0

20 0

1 1 2( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

1 1 2( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


1 2( ) ( )

f f f

f ff

f f

t t t


t tt

t t

E F t F t dt x t F t dt x t F t dtm

F t x t F t dt x t F t dtm

F x t dt F x t dt


In the last step we have supposed that the second derivative of F(t) is approximately constant, which is true, for instance, in the simple case of a parabolic increase followed by linear decrease (see Fig. 6). Note that the integral


( ) 0ft

fx t dt x t x is null in this approximation, if the oscillator is overdamped and tf>>.

Figure 6: Simple example of a force pulse with risetime , total duration tf and piecewise constant value of ( )F t .

In the computation of the momentum transferred from the beam to the mass m we need to take into account that a part of this momentum is passed to the rigid body holding the spring. Suppose that the momentum p of the beam has positive direction (see Fig. 7)

Figure 7: Momentum transferred from the beam to a target harmonic oscillator. Part of the momentum is passed to the rigid body supporting the oscillator (see equation 6.5).

In a certain time interval dt, the momentum dpt lost by the beam is equal to the variation dp of the momentum of the target mass m plus the momentum –Fspringdt transferred to the rigid body by reaction force. We have

180 Gravity-Superconductors Interactions: Theory and Experiment Podkletnov and Modanese

dpmx kx

dt (5.5)

and from the equation of motion

( )tdpF t m x

dt (5.6)

The total transferred momentum is therefore


( )ft

tp F t m x dt (5.7)

The integral of m x , however, gives a contribution ( ) (0)fm x t x and this vanishes for an overdamped oscillation if tf>>T.

In conclusion, the ratio between energy and momentum absorbed by the oscillator is



2( )

( )






F x t dtE

pF t dt


This includes the simplifications that ( )F t is constant and the pulse is overdamped.

A numerical estimate of this expression is not trivial. Denote by F0 the maximum value of the force pulse and by x0 the maximum displacement of the mass in the overdamped oscillation. Since is of magnitude order 1 and 2

0F F (because =2/T and T), one has EtF0x0. It is known that x0F0/(m2) (from the general solution for the motion of an overdamped oscillator), whence EtF0

2/(m2). The denominator in equation (5.8) can be estimated as ptF0tf, so the ratio is



t f


p m t (5.9)

Here and tf are well known experimentally: /2500 MHz, tf40 ns. The mass m and force F0, on the contrary, can be only guessed. Suppose first that the piezoelectric film has a surface of the order of 0.1 cm2 and a thickness of 20 m (see Table 1). With reasonable assumptions on the density, we find m10-9 kg. With Eg/pg4.7106 m/s and with the cross-sectional gravitons density given in Section 4 we find that the detector receives a momentum pt10-17 mkg/s, whence F0pt/tf10-9 N. From (5.9) we then obtain a target ratio Et/pt10-9 m/s, which is much smaller than the supposed graviton ratio Eg/pg. Possible adjustments of m and F0 do not alter this conclusion.

6.3. Electrostatic Energy of the Piezo Effects of the Shock Wave in Air

Is it possible to match the graviton ratio Eg/pg with the target ratio Et/pt by considering inelastic energy absorption in the piezoelectric film in the form of electrostatic energy? Given the short duration of the pulse, we are not really in an electrostatic situation. Since, however, the energy absorption from the beam and the energy-momentum balance also occur in that short time interval, the electrostatic energy W=(1/2)CV2 of the film gives at least a useful approximation. In order to estimate the film capacitance C we need to know its thickness. This is usually related to its resonance frequency (first harmonic of the stationary ultrasonic wave in the film). A 500 MHz frequency corresponds to a thickness of less than 1 m.

Study of Light Interaction with Gravity Impulses Gravity-Superconductors Interactions: Theory and Experiment 181

Taking a surface of the order of 0.1 cm2, it follows that the film capacitance is at least 10-9 F. If the film voltage V was of the order of 0.1-1 V, the resulting energy (W10-10 J) would give a ratio Et/pt107 m/s, compatible with the ratio Eg/pg and the propagation velocity 64c. An output voltage of 0.1-1 V is quite common in piezoelectric ultrasonic detectors [13]. In our case, however, such a voltage is incompatible with the other data. Namely, there are two possibilities:

1. The force on the sensors is directly caused by the virtual gravitons: F010-9 N (Section 6.2). It is then straightforward to check, using the piezoelectric constant of the film and its Young modulus (see Table 1), that the voltage output is smaller than 1 V, by several magnitude orders. Consequently, the energy Et is too small.

2. The force on the sensors is due to the pressure shock in air caused by the IGG beam. Since the air molecules behave as free targets, in order to be coherent with our model and with the pendulum data we must suppose that the air molecules absorb virtual gravitons with ratio Eg/pg1 m/s and huge propagation velocity vc2. The observed delay of 63 ns between the two detectors would then be explained as due to some spurious factor, like for instance a systematic difference in air pressure or temperature around the sensors, affecting the propagation of the shock wave. Or, alternatively, attenuation of the shock wave with distance could cause a small systematic delay in its action on the far sensor. Such systematic factors are independent from the electrical parameters of the discharge and from the features of the emitter. This could explain why the observed delay is independent from those parameters and features.

Table 1: Typical properties of PVDF piezo film [11, 12].

Parameter Value Units

Thickness 9 -110 m

Piezo strain constant d33 -33 10-12 V/m or C/N

Young’s modulus 2-4 109 N/m2

Relative permittivity 12-13

Mass density 1.78 103 kg/m3

Speed of sound 2.2 103 m/s


The laser observations are compatible with a quantum picture of the IGG beam as composed of virtual particles with definite energy and momentum (Section 6.1). The explanation of the propagation velocity measured with the piezoelectric detectors, however, is more complex. Our analysis has considered several possibilities, and none appears to be entirely convincing at present.

The ratio between energy and momentum absorbed in the sensors can not be measured directly. It is therefore hard to test experimentally the relation (5.5) between the propagation speed and the E/p ratio of the virtual particles in the beam. As a first example of theoretical modelling of the sensor, we have schematized it with an overdamped harmonic oscillator (Section 6.2). This calculation illustrates well the many factors at play, but the result is that for an harmonic oscillator the target ratio Et/pt is totally incompatible with the beam ratio Eg/pg. Considering the inelastic absorption of electrostatic energy improves the situation (Section 6.3), but still the various data are not compatible. Considering a possible shock wave created by the IGG beam in air suggests that the propagation velocity would be even larger than 64c and the observed delay could be due to spurious causes. These preliminary results open the way to further possible alternatives, namely:

- The peculiar features of the piezoelectric sensor and the transfer function between the sensitive element and the transducer may cause the sensor to behave very differently from an overdamped oscillator. Note that the observed propagation velocity is consistent with

182 Gravity-Superconductors Interactions: Theory and Experiment Podkletnov and Modanese

equation (5.5) only if the energy dissipation in the transducer is much larger than in a harmonic oscillator. Furthermore, the transfer function must give a well-defined Et/pt ratio, if it has to match the Eg/pg ratio and the velocity with the observed precision of 1.5%.

- The relation (5.5) might not hold true, the particles of the beam could be completely different and possess some intrinsic property which set their propagation velocity. We do not see, however, any reasonable alternatives to the extended Special Relativity, from which equation (5.5) is derived.

- Finally, it is possible that our microscopic model for the emission process is not correct, and that the Eg/pg ratio is indeed fixed at the emission. In this case, if the response of the detector has a peak at a certain frequency, the propagation velocity would be fixed, independently from the absorption ratio Et/pt.

The use of different kinds of detectors in future trials will be crucial to select the right alternative.


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