po box 2506 burleigh bc 4220 phone:(07) 5535 1803 fax: (07 ... events...registered asbestos...

Post on 06-Jul-2020






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Dear Parents, Friends and Guardians


Welcome back to Term Three after what seemed like too short a holiday break. A special welcome to our new families starting this week – I hope that your time at our school is rewarding and that you find our community a welcoming and caring one. This week we also welcome back Tony Barron. Tony is again joining us in an ‗Acting‘ capacity as he takes on the role of Acting Assistant Principal until the end of the year. Tony is replacing Kevin Larkin who retired from Brisbane Catholic Education at the end of last semester. Tony has a very solid knowledge of the culture of Marymount Primary having been here previously and we look forward to working with him over the next five months. I would also like to welcome Diane Anderson to our Leadership Team for the next five weeks. Diane is replacing Annette O‘Shea as Assistant Principal whilst Annette enjoys a period of Long Service Leave. At the last report Annette was wandering the regions of far north-western Australia and enjoying the tranquillity though not so much the colder temperatures at night. Diane has worked with us in this capacity before over the last few years and she has much to offer our school. We also have one of our Accounts staff members away on Long Service Leave for the next four weeks. Sharyn Herbertson will be away and she will be replaced by Amanda Dixon and Debbie Rowlings. Amanda has been working with our College in their Accounts section and we thank them for allowing Amanda the flexibility to help us out in a part-time capacity over the next month. This term is another busy one with much happening across all year levels. In this light I would urge our parents to ensure that you check our newsletter regularly and if unsure to contact either our school office personnel or your class teacher. Staff Illnesses At present we have a few of our staff members who are not in the best of health and as such they will be absent from their normal school roles. Both Dolores Beer (Music) and John Jensen (Teacher/Librarian) are recovering from minor surgery which they underwent during the last week. Dolores and John are out of hospital and are recovering in their home environments under doctor‘s directions. They both hope to be back on deck by the beginning of Week 3. Margaret Reddan (Learning Enhancement Teacher) is also unwell and is now home after spending a short time in hospital over the weekend and earlier this week. Margaret is hoping to be able to return to school in the next few weeks. Diane Gawler (Parent Reception Secretary) as you may know, has been out of action since the start of the year with a frustrating knee ailment. She is still suffering complications from an operation in April and has had to extend her leave as a result of this. Anna Rofe will continue on as Diane‘s replacement until at least mid-August. School Holiday Works During our two week break there were a number of maintenance issues attended to as part of our ongoing school program. The last of ten new kitchen / sink benches were completed in our Year 3/4 class block – this project has been spread over the last three holiday breaks. We also removed the port racks outside of our Year 2 classes as they were one of the few remaining asbestos-containing materials in our school. These were removed according to strict workplace safety guidelines and were dealt with by registered asbestos removalists. The artificial grass in the Prep precinct was washed and re-sanded and it looks great. We also had regular carpet cleaning, pest control and equipment safety checks carried out by various specialists. On top of this our three groundsmen – John Stevens, Brad Doughty and David Hayward – carried out many minor maintenance and cleaning jobs. Last year we purchased a new machine which helps to remove dirt / mould from concrete pathways/verandahs/stairwells etc and our crew have done a great job in utilising this machine on these areas over the break. It makes a very noticeable difference to the look of our environment. I would like to thank our Office Manager, Rena Harvey, for her co-ordination of these important matters – it takes a good deal of time to ensure all of these many things can be done without clashing with other tradesmen/workers and the weather and Rena has done this very well.

continued over...

PO Box 2506 Burleigh BC 4220 Phone:(07) 5535 1803 Fax: (07) 5535 1819 Email: pburleigh@bne.catholic.edu.au

MASS TIMES Children Mass

(Doyle Centre - children read at Mass) 5.30pm 1st Sunday of each month

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (Doyle Centre - children are withdrawn for brief lesson)

10.00am 2nd & 4th Sundays; 5.30pm 3rd Sunday 8.30am each Sunday at St Benedict’s, Mudgeeraba

Parish Mass Times Sat—5.00pm Miami; 6.00pm at Palm Beach; 6.15pm at Burleigh Heads; Sun-7.00am at Palm Beach & Burleigh; 8.30am at Mudgeeraba & Miami; 10.00am at Doyle Centre; 5.30pm at Doyle Centre

Wednesday July 11 6.00pm Art Show meeting— College Monday July 16 District Athletics—Pizzey Park Wednesday July 18 School Assembly—2Y Ozanam Villa—1M Thursday July 19 6.30pm—Band concert—Theatrette Monday July 23 Day of Excellence—Music

Art Show News Our next Art Show meeting is being held tonight at 6.00pm in the College Boardroom and all parents are welcome to come along. We will be holding this meeting every week from here on until the show at the end of Week 4 of this term. This week I would like to ask for volunteers for the actual weekend. Over the Saturday (10.00am – 4.00pm) and Sunday (10.00am – 3.00pm) we run a coffee shop/café with drinks and eats sold to the visitors. This café has been run by one of our primary and college parents for a number of years and she is again helping us out this year. We do however need parents to help run the sales on the days. If you can help could you please contact our school office and leave your name and the time/s you may be available. We normally try to lock people into one or two hour blocks. Included in this newsletter is an advertisement for the Gala Opening Night on 3 August. Tickets are now on sale for this great night so please check out this notice and contact our school office for tickets. Teacher Planning Days – Week 2 Over the course of next week our teachers will be joining together with their colleagues from their respective year levels for curriculum planning meetings. This will mean that they will be out of class for either half a day or a full day. We will have our normal relief teachers looking after their classes in their absence. These meetings are an important opportunity to get everyone together to plot where we are at with the new curriculum as well as plan for the future terms. Senior Athletics Carnival Success In the last week of Term 2 we held our senior Athletics carnival on the College fields. It turned out to be a very good day with many wonderful performances from the children. Paul Hill, our Senior PE teacher, co-ordinated the day and ensured that it ran smoothly. I would like to thank Paul for his tremendous efforts here – these days take a good deal of planning and the success of this day is testament to his efforts. We now have a squad of children who will be competing in the Gold Coast South District Athletics at Pizzey Park in Miami next Monday. These children (10 – 12 year olds) would have received their notes containing details for this meet. Paul will be with the squad at the carnival and we wish them well for the day. State of Origin Success Well done to Queensland for making it seven in a row with their great win last week. I couldn‘t believe the margin at the end of the game – Queensland by 1 as I had tipped! This made it two correct calls for two games!! Please don‘t ask me for the Lotto numbers for the weekend as I might retire with this reasonable strike rate! Thanks for reading and enjoy the week ahead. Yours in Christ Greg Casey

Student Banking is every Tuesday and we need some mums to come and help. It only takes about an hour and we have a chat and a cuppa at the same time! You are most welcome to bring your non-school age children with you. It‘s a great fun way to help fundraise for our school as the Commonwealth Bank pays the school 5% of the total amount banked each week, which equates to around $2000 per year. So if you enjoy a chat and would like to help, come to Student Reception between 8.30 and 8.45am on a Tuesday. We look forward to meeting you. The Banking Ladies

At present the school is undergoing some changes to our Wireless Infrastructure. Once this is complete staff and students will have uninterrupted secure wireless access throughout the entire school, on the new system. This Cisco system is a requirement by Brisbane Catholic Education, so that all schools are working ‗on the same page‘ across the diocese. Huge thanks to our P&F committee who are contributing $48 000 to this project. Thank you!! Throughout this term, we are also looking at purchasing Macbooks; laptops; headphones; 96 Netbooks to be used within year levels, and other items to further enhance the infrastructure and technology needs of our students. Great to be back, enjoy the week ahead. Tony Barron





These are details of upcoming events organised by Patron Parents on behalf of the families in the respective classes. Invitations have also been distributed via your child. In most cases, there is no need to RSVP; you are most welcome to simply turn up and enjoy the company of others!

Year 1 — Drinks at Burleigh Heads Hotel

Friday 20 July - 7.30pm — Steph Mahoney (on behalf of all Yr 1)

Vinnies Winter Appeal Please don‘t forget to bring your donations of warm clothing and bedding to school as we are acting as a collection point during this very worthwhile appeal. Send items to Student Reception. We support the local St Vincent de Paul conference each year with both goods and cash donations. We are now collecting items to make up hygiene packs for distribution in the local area to people who are homeless and others in need (such as in hospitals and other care facilities). Please send in particular items to the classrooms as follows:

Prep cakes of soap Year 1 combs or toothpaste Year 2 toothpaste Year 3 toothbrushes Year 4 roll-on deodorants Year 5 combs Year 6 roll-on deodorants Year 7 sml packets tissues

Many of these items are available from discount stores such as The Reject Shop etc and come in multi-packs. If you have any tips for purchasing low-priced bulk items please let me know and I will explore them further! Marymount Primary points voucher tally As the Woolworths points tally steadily climbs past 52,500 the Coles promotion is well under way with 9000! If you have Coles vouchers at home please consider bundling 50 and fastening with a rubber band before you send them to school. For online Coles customers please use our school id number 42362. Thank you for helping us out. We have placed a box in each of the parish churches for contributions from those not connected with the school. Caritas Caritas Australia, the Catholic Church‘s Agency for International Aid and Development, is looking for a person, committed to Social Justice and the Church‘s mission to the poorest of the poor, to be our Diocesan director Brisbane and to work with our Queensland and Lismore diocesan directors. This is a full-time paid position, located in Brisbane and may be the job for you. If you are interested, please read further information on the notice board, contact HR Caritas Australia on 1800 024 413 and/or go to website www.caritas.org.au/jobs and send applications to jobs@caritas.org.au by 5 pm Friday 3 August. Enjoy the rest of the week Bernadette Christensen

Effects of Bullying Traditionally bullying was often viewed as character building; just part of growing up or another rite of passage. We now know that that it produces both short and long term effects. Childhood bullies are more likely to suffer from adult depression and broken relationships than those who enjoyed good peer relations. There is a pattern of domestic violence and multiple criminal connections. They generally do not reach potential at school and tend to have erratic employment histories marred by poor staff relations. They tend to have supporters rather than friends. Children who are bullies and do not receive help are likely to become aggressive, antisocial adults because they are used to getting their needs met by force. A profile of victims suggests they are not risk takers and have difficulty coping with change. They tend to have negative self -images viewing themselves as failures. The adverse effects include lowered mental and physical health, and induced social maladjustment. Presenting childhood problems include behavioural changes characterised by: · withdrawal; · non-compliance; · aggression; · nightmares/ disturbed sleep; · bed-wetting; · stealing; · depression; · low self esteem. They may also experience school work problems including a reluctance to attend, or physical injuries. Perhaps the most tragic of effects is the link with suicide. Precise causes are difficult to unequivocally determine but the connection with bullying seems probable. Importantly, repercussions are not limited to victims or bullies alone. Anecdotal evidence also clearly shows effects for onlookers and eggers. Long term memories of supporting bullies or being inactive in issues of injustice can create a sense of guilt and shame. Damage is also caused because they subconsciously believe that bullying is a normal part of life and that they are powerless to change it. Bullying is a complex issue. Classes have been highlighting aspects of bullying in the recently. Please support our efforts by discussing it with your children at home. Above all else, children need to know that we are working together to reduce the occurrence and impact. We aim to have the children realise their responsibilities in this regard. Enjoy the rest of the week Diane Anderson

Marymount College School Tour next Monday 16 July commencing at 5.30pm.

RSVP to the Enrolment Secretary Jan Crick on 5586 1003.

Performing Arts Classes These are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in the Doyle Centre Drama room. Activities include acting, drama games, roleplays, character work and introduction to film for the older students. This is a great class if you love performing and acting, or if you just want to build your confidence. Classes are taken by Anna Waters-Massey and Cleo Massey who have a wealth of experience in both live and film/tv work. You can check out their websites at w w w . a n n a w a t e r s m a s s e y . c o m . a u a n d www.cleomassey.com


Parish Office Hours 9.00am to 5.00pm 3 Sunlight Drive, Burleigh Waters (Postal PO Box 73, Burleigh Heads) PHONE: 5576 6317/5576 6466 FAX: 5576 7143

Parish Manager: Mr Jim Littlefield Parish Pastoral Team EMAIL: burleigh@bne.catholic.net.au

Parish Pastor: Fr Pat Molony Associate Pastors: Fr Huong Van Nguyen & Fr Peter Gablonski Pastoral Associates: Sr Patricia Tomlinson

Welcome to Term 3. The menu will remain the same this term. The only change I have made to the menu is the removal of the slushy. Sales for slushies have dropped considerably this year with the children choosing alternatives. Please amend your menu and advise your child of this change. We still offer a great selection of cold treats. Fruit is great tasting this time of the year. We have a good variety, so please encourage your child to add a piece of fruit to their order. A very big thank you to Christina Ross who worked tirelessly on the last day of school last term to help clean the tuckshop. I could not have done it without you! Thanks very much Christina. As always at this time of the year we have unfortunately lost a few tuckshop volunteers. I would ask all members of our school community if they would please consider offering your time in the tuckshop. Please call in and have a chat if you‘re keen! We need help! ROSTER FOR NEXT WEEK MONDAY 16 JULY.......Tara Lynch TUESDAY 17 JULY....Santina, Christina and Kirsty WEDNESDAY 18 JULY......HELP NEED THIS DAY - THURSDAY 19 JULY.....Joyce Wakerley, Tina Daniela, Toni Dona FRIDAY 20 JULY......Sarah Bower, Brigette Brennan, Kerri Howell Thanks to all our wonderful volunteers, the children of Marymount Primary really appreciate your time in their tuckshop. Enjoy the weekend Vicki Turner



Meet outside the library

Most art materials supplied

Expert tuition artist/teacher

Free snacks supplied


Text 0402 328 987 (Include name and school)

or ring 5577 3293 after 7.00pm

Congratulations Falicia Butterworth and Sarah McKean from Year 7 were selected to play for under 12s Gold Coast Representative Soccer team. They have been playing since February. Falicia Butterworth also has been selected to play for Queensland 12 girls futsal team to play in the national titles in Sydney in January 2013. Jack Connolly has been playing Rep Touch footy for the under 10's at Palm Beach for a few months now and they played in the Qld Junior State Cup in Hervey Bay on the weekend. All QLD clubs attended. They were undefeated over the three days to win the State Title. They are now the under 10's State Champions. Paul Hill

S P E E C H & D R A M A C L A S S E S As you may know, Speech & Drama classes are available for all Marymount Primary students (Prep- Grade 7). Lessons consist of poetry, theatre sports, speech and breathing exercises, improvisation, drama, miming and puppetry. Classes aim to give the children confidence, improve speech skills, explore creativity and develop the art of performing. Weekly half hour Speech & Drama lessons are held in small groups of 4 - 6 children. As lessons are held during school time, class teachers are consulted regarding a suitable time for the children to attend. If you are interested in your child joining Speech & D r a m a , p l e a s e s e n d a n e m a i l t o marymountdrama@yahoo.com with your child‘s name & class and your name & phone number. Further information will then be sent to you. Alternatively, fill in the information below and hand it to the school office in an envelope marked ―K. Crosby.‖ Kind regards Katy Crosby SPEECH & DRAMA – Attention: K. Crosby I am interested in my child learning Speech & Drama. Child‘s name: _________________________________ Class: ______________________________________ Parent's name: _______________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Email: ______________________________________

MARYMOUNT ART SHOW TICKET ORDER FORMName No. of tickets required _______ @ $25 pp Total amount owing $___________Method of payment: Cash Cheque (payable to “Marymount P & F Joint Fundraising Account”)

Credit Card Mastercard Visa Bankcard Amount $ Card Number Card Holders Name Expiry Date Signature

Please return my tickets via: Student name Class Mail to postal address

Invitationto parent, staff and friends

Marymount Art Show Gala Opening

Friday 3 August, 2012 7.00pm Featured arti st - Dan Mason Judge - Susi Muddiman - Director - Tweed River Art Gallery Artworks by our students and local arti sts Entertainment Fully licenced cash bar and fi nger foods

Come along and join the party to support our schools’ Major Fundraiser. The night promises to be an inspiring visual treat for all! LUCKY DOOR PRIZE

Tickets - $25.00 per person including on arrival complimentary drink and fi nger food.


(Unfortunately due to licensing regulati ons, over 18’s only)

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