platelet rich platelet therapy - the plasma which makes you feel 'hair-full

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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For complete details on non surgical hair loss treatment please visit : If you thought that hair transplant procedures were the only measures to promote hair growth, think again. The platelet rich plasma therapy makes use of a person's own blood cells to regenerate the diminishing hairline and thus stop hair loss to a great extent. This enables the body to better react to the re-infused plasma, thereby minimizing the risk of infections. The specialist staff at the Nu Hair Clinic in the UK can prescribe medicinal supplements, if needed, to further enhance the output.


Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)

Brief Overview About PRP

A recent & most effective process to accelerate hair growth, called Platelet Rich Plasma therapy, or PRP in short, involves the insertion of plasma obtained from a patient’s blood cells, into the recipient areas. This medically certified method is one of the most widely-used non surgical treatments available today.

Since platelet rich plasma therapy for hair loss uses one’s own blood, the risks of infections and/or reactions to the plasma is drastically reduced. A major advantage of this procedure, which only thickens existing follicles and is not suitable for treating lost ones, is that it can be utilised for either men/women hair.

PRP Explained In Detail

The PRP therapy is instigated by deriving the adequate quantity of blood from the hair loss patient. From this, the sufficient amount of plasma is segregated via centrifugation. Later, the plasma that is rich in platelets is injected with the help of a dermaroller into those scalp areas awaiting hair restoration.

Usually, the platelet rich plasma for hair loss is done over a period of 7-10 sessions (results should be evident by the 4th), depending upon the person’s characteristics & requirements. For complete hair regrowth, medicines such as Rogaine or Propecia might be suggested by the consulting physician.

Surgeon’s Vote Of Confidence

Hear what our expert doctor has to say regarding female pattern baldness, and about its feasibility for such patients.

Pre-Op/Post-Op Images (PRP)

Have a look at the below pictures showing our valued patients and their hair state before & after undergoing the therapy.

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