planting your own landscaping

Post on 11-Aug-2015






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Planting Your Own Landscaping

Why You Need to Plant Properly?

• If you do not plant correctly you may end up “shocking” the plants, this is especially true when planting young trees. Most trees will have a “ball root” wrapped in burlap typically from your local tree nursery. When planting you must make the hole at least twice the size of the ball root for the plant. If you simply dig enough to make the ball root fit, you will most likely end up killing the tree. It is important that you follow the tried and time tested methods of tree planting. The hole that will be its new home needs to be at least twice as big in order to allow the roots to grow strong and take

What Tools and Materials You Need

• The tools and materials to properly plant your trees or any other landscape plants are pretty simple and easily acquired at your local hardware store, or your local tree nursery.

• Shovel(s) – You will need a couple good shovels to help you to dig your holes for the new trees or shrubs.

• Potting soil – You should use some potting soil to help fill in your hole after you plant your tree(s).

• Tree wrap – You should use some tree wrap to cover the bottom of the trunk from just above the roots up to a few inches above the soil line.

• Mulch chips – It is good to surround your top soil with some mulch chips to give it a finished look and to help feed the tree.

• Utility knife – You will use a utility knife to cut the burlap away before you set your plants in place.

• Tree(s) – You will need your trees to plant for your home landscaping. Be sure to get trees suited with your climate zone!

How to Plant Your Trees Properly• Locate your designated spot and start digging your hole. Be sure to dig at least

twice as wide a hole as the trees root ball.• Once you get your hole dug, pack the bottom so that it is level and your tree will

not sink after you set it in place.• Before you set your tree in place you need to cut back the burlap wrapping

around the root ball. Use your utility knife to cut it away, and be sure to do it right next to the hole so you avoid losing too much soil.

• Set your tree in place, and make sure it is deep enough so that the trunk is just at the ground level. Then pack in soil around it so that it will hold firm into place. Be sure to pack down the soil as you go to ensure there are no air pockets.

• Wrap the bottom of the trunk right at the root level up a few inches past the ground level to help protect the tree while it takes root.

• Now you can spread your mulch around the topsoil of the tree to prevent weed growth and help encourage your tree to take root.

• Make sure that you water your tree regularly according to the type of species the tree is. This will vary depending on what type of tree you are planting. Be sure to keep the ground moist, but not soggy during the initial rooting stage.

These are the basic steps to planting your trees in your home landscaping as a DIY project. Be sure to take some time to consider what trees you want and where you will plant them for

your landscaping. Remember, if you ever find yourself in need of assistance with your home improvement projects that you can count on your friends at to always connect

you with you trusted local contractors.

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