plant a row for the hungry - master gardeners, memphis, tennessee

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Plant a Row for the Hungry - Master Gardeners, Memphis, Tennessee


Vol. 14, Number 6 Memphis Area Master Gardeners June 2011

Plant A Row for the Hungry Kay McAdams MG ‘02

Plant A Row for the Hungry (PAR) began in 1995 as a public service program of the Garden Writers Association. In 2005, the MAMG adopted Plant A Row as a Master Gardener project, and ground was broken that spring at Shelby Farms. By 2007, the PAR team was working four plots each year, dramatically increasing the amount of produce the group was able to donate to the Memphis Food Bank.

A critical aspect of any MG project is the educational component. As productive as the Shelby Farms plots are, their location isn’t easily accessible to the general public. PAR needed land that could be worked in all three seasons and could be used for demonstration and teaching purposes.

In 2009, a permanent garden site was secured at the historic Davies Manor Plantation. Volunteers built raised beds to demonstrate how to garden in small spaces and to eliminate the need for tilling each year. A fence was erected to keep the deer out of the garden.

First year production was low due to poor soil conditions. PAR volunteers were concerned about the smaller amount of food available for donation compared to previous years. Dr. Cooper approved PAR to garden both the Shelby Farms and the Davies Manor sites during the 2011 growing season. An evaluation will take place in November, 2011 to determine plans for next year. Both gardens may be approved for 2012, or only the Davies Manor site may stay active.

During the winter of 2010/2011, team leaders designed a curriculum for organic gardening using Davies Manor as a demonstration tool. The free classes began in April and attracted enthusiastic veggie growers, some of whom plan to apply to the Master Gardener program. Additional classes will be held in the fall.

PAR grows a variety of vegetables at Davies Manor including beans, okra, tomatoes, Korean cabbage, squash and cucumbers. Their goal is to grow vegetables that are expensive for charities to obtain, but that can be easily prepared for large numbers of people.

Establishing and maintaining both gardens involves many hours of manpower. PAR is in short supply of volunteers. Please try and come out to help Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday mornings at 8am.

Online Recertification

GARDENS IN PROGRESS Saturday, June 11, 9am to 1pm

Robert Hollingsworth, 192 Dille Place, Memphis, TN, 38111, 458-3655 “Dille Place Gallery and Gardens,” also featured in the May “Through Our Garden Gates “ tour, is an intimate garden that manages to incorporate many garden features such as hostas, a dog run, vegetables, garden art and azaleas. Several features are new since last seen on Gardens In Progress. Caroline Nave, 401 Goodland Circle, 38111, 452-2468 This home has a sunny garden with roses and many perennials, a water feature with water-loving plants, hydrangeas surrounding a terrace, three lasagna gardens for vegetables and a shade garden featuring approximately 200 hostas. Tay Chaffin, 210 S. Goodlett St., Memphis, TN, 38117, 683-1541 This garden features variegated foliage and ground covers. Tay invites suggestions for mondo grass and painted ferns that have reverted to larger and different coloration. The gardener is also working on getting more sun into deep shady areas. Chris Sheffield, 731 Buck, Memphis, TN, 38111, 833-5015 This corner lot is surrounded by mature trees: pecan, magnolia and one mystery tree (maybe you can help identify it). Encircling the home are beds featuring a variety of both mature and newly-planted hosta, hydrangeas, iris and other shade-loving

perennials. A newly planted vegetable, herb and meditation garden provides comfort in a hammock and Adirondack chairs. Projects in progress include adding perennials, amending soil beneath magnolias, and lining backyard beds with recycled brick. Chris Miller, 707 S. Perkins, Memphis, TN, 38117, 483-0989 Since last featured on Gardens in Progress, there are new privacy shrubs and a lean-to greenhouse. The home has a water feature and is one of the few homes sharing a property line with a Memphis public park. Please park in Audubon Park Cancer Survivor Park and walk through back gate. Balloons will guide you. Tricia Marshall, 198 Pinehurst, Memphis, TN, 38117, 605-2747 This gardener wants her garden to be an extension of her home. Her garden is always in transition and she is currently working to enclose areas to create a secret garden. She enjoys fragrant blooms, herbs and white flowers that sparkle at night. She encourages wild life in her garden with bird feeders. Her fieldstone patio has been a work in progress as she continually moves stones around. She also loves sedums and succulents.

Stained Glass Stepping Stone Class

The Stained Glass Stepping Stone class to be held on June 25th will be taught by Karen Jones , who has taught classes at West Tennessee Research & Education Center in Jackson. Karen had a booth at our Spring Fling this year, and she’ll be a vendor at Summer Celebration, where she will have a variety of finished stones for sale.

The class has proven to be extremely popular. It filled quickly with several people on the alternate list. Karen prepares each participant a supply kit; it takes about a month to cut the glass and smooth the edges for the kits. The June class participants choose either an iris, a hummingbird with a flower, or a frog with the tips of bulrushes. Carolyn Green, MG ‘99

All Master Gardeners may enter

their volunteer hours online at

http:// .

A short instruction form is available

on our Forms & Documents page at

this address: http://

Members interested in additional instruction may attend one of

our training sessions. Classes are one hour long and are held in

the MAMG Conference Room on the 2nd floor. Three classes

are available in June: June 1 (2pm); June 9 (9am) and June 22

(5:30). Arlene Grahek, MG ‘07



Terra cotta pots lend themselves to many uses other than just plain flower pots:

-Painted/stenciled pots. Stencils/Patio/Yard and Garden paints are available at craft stores.

-Pots can be spray painted a solid color or use reverse painting by placing cut out designs on the pots before spraying.

-Turn pots upside down and use as stands to raise pots in the back of groupings to a higher level. -Three or four stacks of upside down pots can be used as stands for larger pots. Run a wire through the stack and twist the wire around the top pot. A clay cup can be placed on the top of the stack for a smoother base.

-Pots grouped on rebar make a very attractive arrangement. Drive a four foot piece of rebar into the ground and place the largest pot through the rebar and turn it toward one side. Alternate turning the pots in opposite directions when they have been placed on the rebar. Either 3 or 4 pots can be used depending on the size. Put soil

in the pots and then plant your choice of plants alternating colors and types. Diamond frost makes an attractive bottom or center pot. It is better to use plants that do not require too much water as the water runs out fairly easily with the pots turned sideways. Pack the soil in well so it isn’t lost in watering.

The advantage is that when the plants get to looking a little drab or past peak, you can always replace

one pot at a time.

-People and animals can be made out of pots by using threaded metal bars with nuts to hold them together. Lay the pots out on the ground for placement turning the pots in the same direction. Liquid

nails can be used where you need to glue pots together. You may have seen two clay pot Scarecrows at the Lichterman fall festival last year.

-In November at “Share and Learn” I demonstrated how to make a Nativity set out of clay pots. Use liquid nails to glue the large ends of two pots together for the waist of the figures, then place the small ends of two pots

together for the feet. Place the small ends of two pots together for the neck and head. I used 10” for Joseph, 8” for Mary, 3” for Baby Jesus. Use threaded metal bars with nuts to hold them together. Clay water containers turned upside down make good heads/hats/hair. They can be painted with your choice of colors or glue yarn on them for hair or beard.

-Dried arrangements can be very attractively arranged in clay pots.

-Nativity scenes can be arranged in clay pots using wooden or stuffed Nativity figures arranged in sand or cotton .

-Angels can be made by turning a narrow 6” pot upside down for the waist and legs, placing a smaller pot that is the same size of the waist upside down for the upper body. Fasten wooden pegs on for arms with a very tiny pot turned upside down for each of the upper arms Use a wooden ball for the head with glued-on yarn or decorative flower arranging materials for the hair, a small hat with flowers, and a small basket or watering can of flowers to carry. Cut wings from a firm decorative paper that can be puffed out or stuffed.

-For small individual Nativity figures paint small pots for bodies of figures and use wooden balls or tennis/golf balls for the heads (depending on pot size). Drape the figures with a coarse or firm cloth for their head coverings and clothes. Glue to the pot.

You are limited in what you can do with clay pots only by your imagination.

Decorating With Clay Pots By Cornelia Swain, MG ‘98

Intern Graduation 2011 The Memphis Area Master Gardeners will celebrate the new

2011 graduates and their amazing achievements on

Thursday, August 25th at the Dixon Gallery and Gardens. The

auditorium will be the site of the commemorative

graduation. A lavish reception will follow at the end of a

short walk down the pathway through the cool gardens in

the Hughes Pavilion. La Passeggiata is the theme and is an

Italian term meaning " a leisurely evening stroll after a lovely

meal in the summertime." There are a few areas where

expertise is needed: Decorations Chair and Kitchen and

Volunteer coordinators. Many MAMGers have already

signed up to prepare delicious homemade delicacies as well

as initiating set up and clean up. It is certain to be an

unforgettable and enjoyable evening that is eagerly

anticipated. Please contact co-chairs Suzanne Douglas,

Donna Flinn or Suzy Manley if you’d like to help in any way!


are not

made by

sitting in the

shade.” Rudyard Kipling

Help Needed for Plant Identification

Joyce Quintrell of the Page Robbins Adult Day Care Center needs a Master Gardener to help identify the flowers and herbs in their garden so they can make signs. Contact Carl Wayne Hardeman for more info.

Memory Gardens at Camp Bravehearts For the last ten years or so, Catherine Lewis (MG, 1998) has helped people grieve the loss of a loved one by volunteering at Camp Bravehearts, a family grief camp sponsored by Methodist Alliance Hospice. The annual camp teaches adults ways they can honor a deceased family member at the same time providing good grief therapy for themselves and others in the family. As part of the MAMG Speakers Bureau, Catherine shows how to plant a memory garden. Catherine got started volunteering at the camp after counselors saw pictures Catherine had of student-made stepping stones in a school garden. The counselors then added the memory gardens to the camp’s regular activities. Teaching about the memory gardens eventually led Catherine to join the Master Gardeners.

Lunch and Learn The Memphis Botanic Garden’s Brown Bag Lunch and Learn Series will feature special

guest Dr. Chris Cooper at noon on June 8. Dr. Cooper will discuss successful landscaping techniques for our often difficult soil and climate conditions. Participants can bring

their own lunch or purchase a box lunch at the garden. The event is free for members of

the Botanic Garden; admission for nonmembers is $5. Reservations are not



President Genie Ashworth called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

Carol Watkins introduced Tom Cox of Canton, Georgia, who along with his wife Evelyn, began the private Cox Arboretum in 1990. This collection has over 4,000 plants and many conifers that are adaptable to the southeast. Tom’s topic for the meeting was “Conifers for the South”. He is currently working on a book with the same title.

Business Meeting:

UT Extension: Cathy Faust, Shelby County Direction of UT Extension, reported that she spent 4 hours last week in the Shelby County budget meeting, but Extension was not mentioned. She also stated that the Extension Service was working with area stables to house 40 horses due to flooding.

Dr. Chris Cooper also reported that there was no budget news, which is good news. Booker T. Leigh and the Tipton County MG are planning a trip to Mobile, AL from Sept. 29-Oct. 2. Any MAMG who would like to join them are welcomed.

Sue Wright, Shelby County Extension Secretary, had over 6 feet of water in her home due to the flooding and had virtually lost everything. She is still hoping to find her cat, Mr. Buddy. Donations were accepted after the meeting and others who wish to donation can contact the Extension Office. A motion was made to contribute $250 from the MAMG budget, but since there was not a quorum present, this had to be delayed until the next Board meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: The April report was printed on the back of the meeting agenda and there were no questions for Al Cook.

Old Business:

Newsletter: Barb Culligan was introduced as the new chair/editor for the Newsletter. Special thanks goes to Greg Hoffman/interim chair. This is a transition period for the Newsletter staff and the email glitches and other problems will be soon resolved.

Spring Fling final report: Spring Fling was a huge success due to Linda Taylor, chair, 40 committee members giving 900 hours of service and 215 volunteers giving 905 hours of service. The final monetary figures: Income: $11,206; Expenses: $6,592; Profit: $4,614. There were 2,500 visitors and Carol Reese drew the most listeners for her presentation. 105 children attended the Kids’ booth, 37 members donated food to the Volunteer/Vendor’s party and 60 members brought food items to sell. 123 MG brought 810 plants. Genie stated that we would like to have better participation with the plant donations next year. Next year’s Spring Fling will be March 30-31, 2012.

MAMG Directories: 2011 Directories are available in the MG office.

“Through Our Garden Gates” (TOGG): May 21st from 9 am to 4:30 pm in 7 MG member gardens. Read about it on Facebook. We still need volunteers who will receive CoRe hours.

Share and Learn: Thank you to Don Klotwog for the presentation on “Cacti and Succulents”.

New Business:

MAMG BYLAWS: Updates and revisions proposal will be on the website in June and hard copies will be available in the MG office. The Membership will vote on this proposal at the July meeting.


Gardens in Progress: none this month due to “Through Our Garden Gates” on May 21st.

MG Habitat Landscaping/Installation: CoRe Project: Sat., 5/14, from 7:15-12:00 with lunch provided. Dedication will be at 1:00 pm. Location at 4 homes in Trinity Place. Contact Steve Bates or Ray Lagesse for volunteer opportunities.

On-Line Recertification Training: All members will have opportunities for training to record hours on-line. Teresa Caldwell and Arlene Grahek will be in charge of training sessions.

Plant-A-Row (PAR): CoRe Project: Both locations desperately need volunteers now! PAR at Davies Plantation, which primarily has an education focus, will have work days on M,W,F,S from 8:00- 10:00 (see Kay McAdams). Don Wear needs leaves and grass clippings for PAR at Shelby Farms on Tues. and Thurs.

Collierville Victory Garden: Plants 4Habitat Open House on Tues. May 17th, 5:30-7:30 pm. Rain date is Sun. May 22nd, 5:30-7:30.

Delta Fair Books: Distributed by Jan Hamilton. Consider entering your horticulture exhibits such as canning, container plants, homegrown vegetables, roses, herbs, etc. Delta Fair is Sept 2-11, 2011.

Stepping Stone stained glass class: June 25th. Contact Carolyn Green.

Recycled Garden Magazines: see Greg Zoller.

Plant Camp: CoRe Project: June 6-10. Need plastic trays such as those for Lean Cuisines. See Sheila Sojourner.

Intern Graduation Party: Thur. August 25th at The Dixon. This year’s theme is “LaPasseggiata” meaning “An evening stroll on a summer’s night”. Graduation committee of Suzanne Douglas, Donna Flinn and Suzy Manley need subcommittee chairs for Kitchen crew and Decorations. Please sign up for food preparation and baking (1hour). Tablecloths are also needed.

Meeting Refreshments: Please sign up or just bring finger foods for monthly MG meetings! Contact Nancy Davis or Joyce Wilson.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm; Next Meeting: Thursday, June 9th

Share and Learn: 1 hr. CEU; Speaker: 1 hr. CEU; Monthly Business meeting: .5 ADM

MAMG Meeting Minutes

May 12, 2011

118 Attendees


Reminder: Pick up your new Membership Directory at the Extension Office before June 30, 2011.

Horticulture Hotline and Ask a Master Gardener: The Extension Office has an exciting addition: a brand new copy of

Michael Dirr’s Manual of Woody Landscape Plants. The book has been called “the leading horticultural text and reference work” and the “the ‘Bible’ for the landscape and nursery industry.” It is an incredibly useful resource for all gardeners, from the novice to the expert. Plant a Row for the Hungry (PAR) : PAR needs your UNTREATED grass clippings. Call Kay McAdams to arrange for pickup. Volunteers are needed Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. It would be best if you could commit to a month at a time; but any help you can offer would be appreciated. Collierville Victory Garden: The folks at the CVG have been busy! YTD the CVG has harvested more than 309 pounds of fresh produce for area food pantries and the Page Robbins Adult Daycare Center. The harvest includes garlic, sweet peas, chard, beets, Texas sweet yellow onions, carrots and peppers, among others. They’ve planted tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, bell/jalapeno/cubanelle peppers, spaghetti squash, watermelon and cantaloupe. Here they are harvesting an amazing garlic crop — the garlic is more than twice the size of normal garlic! (Note that Carl Wayne Hardeman is our Share and Learn speaker this month and he’ll be speaking on garlic!)

CoRe Corner

The Master Gardener Class of 2012 Applications are now available online

at the MAMG website.

Tech Savvy and Connected

The Memphis Area Master Gardeners are downright tech savvy! Our website ( is packed with volunteer opportunities, an event calendar, newsletter archives, links to resources, a Who’s Who, and much more. There are other places on the internet to explore and share knowledge with your fellow Master Gardeners! Here are some links everyone should enjoy:

∗ Garden Musings at Suzanne Allen (MG,’10) is the editor, but the blog really belongs to all the Memphis Area Master Gardeners. It’s a place to share stories, pictures, ideas, horticultural knowledge, links and jokes with each other and with the general public. If you have anything to share, please email Suzanne.

∗ MAMG is on Facebook! No, Facebook is not just for your college kids anymore! Sign up for an account (it’s free) and then head on over to the MAMG page. You can post pictures, ask questions, and comment on just about anything to do with gardening here in the Mid-South. (

∗ The Collierville Victory Garden has it going on when it comes to the internet! They have their own blogger website ( with regular status updates, a slideshow, and links to pictures. There’s a video on YouTube about how the Victory Garden started. You’ll sure to be inspired once you watch it. (

∗ Plant A Row has its website ( up and running. It’s a blog format and not only details the progress of the PAR garden but also provides helpful advice. For example, one of the latest posts has a recipe for organic fertilizer using seed, bone and kelp meal plus lime and gypsum. Check the website if you’re scheduled to work and there’s inclement weather; it will be posted if the regular volunteer hours are cancelled for the day.


“Through Our Garden Gates”


UT THE UNIVERSITY of TENNESSEE Shelby County Extension Office

Agricenter International

7777 Walnut Grove Road

Suite B, Box 21

Memphis, TN 38120-2140

Phone 901.752.1207

Fax 901.752.6240

Executive Committee 2011


Genie Ashworth, 2002

Vice - President

Jean Ward-Jones, 2002


Patsy Courtright, 2008


Al Cook, 2000


Punk Davidson, 2001

Kandi Reilly, 2009

Jim Volgas, 1999 (Honorary)

Immediate Past-President

Carol Watkins, 2006

The purpose of The Association shall be to support and engage in projects and activities of the Extension Service of The

University of Tennessee, to enhance the quality of life for the residents of the Greater Memphis Area through horticulture,

and to increase the availability of horticulture information and service to the members and the community. - MAMG Bylaws


Member Meetings Thursday, June 9, 2011

“Today’s Garden Design”

Dr. Sue Hamilton

University of Tennessee Knoxville

Director of UT Gardens

Associate Professor of Plant Sciences

The Agricenter International Center

Banquet Room, Wing C

6:30 P.M.

“Share & Learn”

Speaker: Carl Wayne Hardeman


Extension Office Conference Room

2nd floor, B-Wing

5 P.M. – 6 P.M.

Refreshments Served

6 P.M. - 6:30 P.M.


Diggin’ It is the official newsletter of the Memphis,

Tennessee, Area Master Gardening Program.

Articles, ideas and comments may be submitted to the newsletter committee:


Deadline for the next newsletter is June 13, 2011

Master Gardener Website:

©2011 Memphis Area Master Gardeners

All rights reserved.

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