places of worship1

Post on 19-May-2015






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Assessment Task

The Muslim word for mosque is masjid which means ‘prostration’ (to bow down).

Mosques are built in different styles. Many are beautiful buildings, but they all contain the same basic features.

Muslims go to masjids to say their salah(prayer) along with other believers.

Mosques have also become the centre of social life for the Muslim community.

The first mosque was built in Madinah, where the Prophet Muhammad lived.

Plan of a Mosque



36 7


1: Mihrab

2.Qiblah wall


4. Wash room


6. Qur’an shelf


8. Loud speaker

9.Shoe racks



Neasdon TempleIntroduction

Visiting a Mandir

The Hindu word for temple is ‘mandir’.

Hindus do not need to go to the mandir often. Many will try to go at least once a week.

Mandirs in Britain are sometimes converted houses or churches, but there are also purpose built buildings like the one at Neasdon

When Hindus go to the temple, they may offer money, milk and fruit to the murti. They may just sit and watch what is going on,or take part in puja or arti. Some play musical instruments, chant or sing

When visiting a mandir you should observe the following:

Make sure you are clean and your clothes are suitable: legs and arms covered.

Remove your shoes before entering

Do not stand between the worshipper and the murti (image of god)

Do not touch the murti

On your way out accept prashad (food) that is offered to you, and treat it with respect

Orthodox Church

Baptist Churches

Roman Catholic Church

Quaker Church

Church of EnglandAssessment Task

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Assessment Task

Your task is to design a church building to be used by Christians from five different denominations.

Click on the following links for help with your assessment.

What is a denomination?

What does each denomination need in their church?

Denominations are different groups within Christianity.

Each denomination has its own beliefs about aspects of Christianity.

There are many denominations within Christianity.

For your assessment you will need to know the following denominations. Click on the links below for help on these.Anglican (Church of England) Baptist

OrthodoxQuaker Roman Cat


Worship in an Orthodox Church uses all the senses and churches are often highly decorated with many beautiful icons (sacred objects like paintings, often of Jesus, Mary or of a Saint). There is the smell of incense and the sound of singing and chanting.

There is a screen between the congregation and the altar called the iconostasis.This is covered in icons and the ceiling is often dome-shaped to represent the universe.

Worship is quite formal. It follows a set order and people often stand.

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Requirements for an Orthodox Church

Building and Furniture


Altar and altar Table behind the iconostasis

Lots of statues, paintings and icons

Incense and candles

Dome shaped building


Uses all the senses and includes chanting and singing

Formal and follows a set pattern

Baptists believe that believers (people old enough to understand) rather than children should be baptised. The people are baptised in a pool of water called a baptistery

Baptists also remember the death of Jesus by holding the Lord’s Supper

In a Baptist Church there is a lot of music, singing and clapping.

The main part of the worship is the preaching and Bible readingsRequirements

Baptistery, Table for Lord’s supper

Lectern & pulpit, chairs, simple decoration, space for choir, musical instruments

The main part of the worship in this church is communion, which takes place at the altar. Bible readings, the sermon, prayers and music are also important

A mixture of music is often used and you will often see an organ and room for a choir and space for other kinds of musicians.You will see a

font in this church for infant baptism

Quaker buildings and worship are very simple. There is no special furniture; just a few chairs and a table

Quakers worship silently together. If someone wants to say a prayer ,express their thoughts or a reading they can do so.


Circle of chairs with table in the centre

Vase of flowers on the table Worship

Peace and quiet is all important

The main part of worship in a Catholic church is the Liturgy of the Eucharist or Holy Communion. This is part of the service where worshippers receive the body and blood of Jesus (in the form of bread and wine) from the priest at the altar

Baptism of babies takes place at the font

There is a confessional which is where Catholics can tell God their sins (through speaking to the priest

Worship also involves Bible readings, sermons, prayers and hymns. It is quite formal and follows a set pattern called a Liturgy


Requirements for a Roman Catholic Church

Building & Furniture


Pews or chairs

Lectern and pulpit


Confessional or room to talk to the priest

Statues, paintings, stained glass windows


Formal with hymns,

choir and organ





Requirements for Church of England

Building and Furniture


Lectern and Pulpit

Choir stalls and organ


Pews or chairs

Statues and stained glass windows



Follows a set order and is a mix of formal and informal worship

Lots of singing, music and hymns



This is where you'd go to confess to the priest if you had done anything wrong. The priest would then pray

to God for you

This is a confessional box

Pulpit Lectern

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