photoshop tutorial 3

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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Autumn Color Icon TutorialAutumn Color Icon TutorialAutumn Color Icon TutorialAutumn Color Icon Tutorial


Now, on with the fun!

1. Grab your base.

2. Duplicate your base and set it to Screen @ 60%

3. Create a new layer, flood fill with FEEED6 and set

it to Multiply @ 100%

4. Create another new layer, fill it with 130D31 and

set it to Exclusion @ 100%

5. Okay, now, we're going to do some a selective

color layer, so go Layer >>New Adjustment Layer

Selective Color and here are your settings:


Cyan : -100

Magenta: +29

Yellow : +100

Black : +100


Cyan : -100

Magenta : +53

Yellow : +100

Black : +13


Cyan : +7

Magenta : -3

Yellow : +25

Black : -20

Now, you should have a much more vibrant picture,

as compared to the base in the beginning.

6. 'member that base? Duplicate it and drag it up to

the top. Set it to Soft Light @100% . A bit more

vibrant, eh?

7. Now I added some text/decorations. I created a

new layer, and took a white soft edges brush and

did that soft white thingie, and then I put some text

over it. Voila!


Banneresque 4Banneresque 4Banneresque 4Banneresque 4


Oh, before I begin, i'd like to mention right now that this tutorial will not work on all pictures. Coloring tutorials

NEVER work on all pictures. Each picture is unique and has its own color attributes. So. All of the color balance

and selective color layers? Totally editable. Just change them to work towards your own image, ok?

Step One:

Find a picture

I cropped it down to 600*356.

Step Two:

I created a new curves layer by going Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Curves and used these settings below:

Step Three:

I created a color balance layer by going

Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Color Balance

and used these settings below:

Step Four:

I created a new selective color layer by going

Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Selective Color

and used these settings (set method to Relative):

Green :

cyan : 100%

magenta : 100%

yellow : 44%

black : 0%

Red :

cyan : 100%

magenta : 0%

yellow : 100%

black : 100%

Neutrals :

cyan : 12%

magenta : 20%

yellow : 17%

black : -17%

White :

cyan : 17%

magenta : 5%

yellow : 12%

black : 0%

Yellow :

cyan : -100%

magenta : 45%

yellow : 58%

black : 25%


Step Five:

I created a new layer (Layer >> New Layer) and filled it with the color #100F35 and set the layer to Exclusion.

Step Six:

I duplicated my base, way down at the bottom, and dragged it up top and set that duplicated layer up top to

Soft Light.

So far, my graphic looks like this:

Step Seven:

I created another new Color Balance

layer and used these settings �

Step Eight:

I created a new layer and filled it with

the color #FFEA5F and set that layer

to Soft Light at 40% Opacity.

Step Nine:

I created a new layer and filled it with

the color #F1FBD5 and set that layer to

Soft Light at 100% Opacity. But don't panic!

Yes, this is going to make your graphic

look a bit washed out, but I promise it'll look good!

Step Ten:

I created a new Selective Color layer and used these settings (set method to Relative) :

Cyan :

cyan : 100%

magenta : 100%

yellow : 12%

black : 66%

Green :

cyan : -100%

magenta : 100%

yellow : -100%

black : 100%

Red :

cyan : -100%

magenta : 100%

yellow : 65%

black : 58%

Yellow :

cyan : 100%

magenta : 46%

yellow : -100%

black : 32%

Step Eleven:

To try and consolidate all my editing together,

I created a new layer and then on my

keyboard hit cntrl+alt+shift+e this merging

everything below together and putting

it on my new layer.

So far, I have this:


Step Twelve:

Now, I know that this effect is a bit cliche, but

I'm trying to go with this dreamy, princess-y theme,

so I'm going to use the dream effect. So, I'm going to

duplicate the top layer and go Filter >> Blur >> Gaussian Blur

and i'm going to do the filter at 5 pixels.

Step Thirteen:

So, after I have my blurriness, I'm going to take

a large, REALLY LARGE, soft edged eraser,

with it set at 40% Opacity I'm going to erase

the area of the blurriness over the tiara.

Erase the parts that are red.

Step Fourteen:

Add your own finish touches! It's up to you. The choice is yours.

And yay! Tutorial done! Happy coloring!


Banneresque Colouring 3Banneresque Colouring 3Banneresque Colouring 3Banneresque Colouring 3


Step Uno: Grab your base

For this lovely tutorial, I am

using a picture of the even

lovlier Gaspard Ulliel, who

was seriously born to play

Edward and some people

just can't see that, but


Step Two: Minor Tweeks


When I was creating this

graphic, as I kept doing

my coloring layers, I

noticed some slight

pixelated so I blured a

couple of areas.

Blurred Areas:

Step Three: TEXTurize ME

Take this lovely texture:

and set that to SCREEN giving you the result of


Step Four: CURVEy

Now, we're going to add some coloring. WHOOT! So, go to LAYER >> New Adjustment Layer>> Curves and input

these settings:

result �

Step Five: Colourrr

Go to Layer>>New Adjustment Layer>>Selective Color and input these lovely settings:

Red :

cyan : -100%

magenta : 1%

yellow : -21%

black : 0 %

Green :

cyan : -100%

magenta : -100%

yellow : 54%

black : 0%

Cyan :

cyan : 100%

magenta : 0%

yellow : -100%

black : 72%

to give you the result of



Step Six: Yellerrr

Make a new layer

(Layer>>New Layer), fill it

with the color: D3C205 and

set it to Soft Light @ 100%

Opacity, which yes, makes

a slightly ugly yellow hue to

everything but really, it

looks better in the end.

Step Seven: Mas Color

Create a new selective color adjustment layer, and input these settings (set method to relative) :

Red :

cyan : -100%

magenta : 0%

yellow : 100%

black : 0%

yellow :

cyan : -60%

magenta : 0%

yellow : -90%

black : 0%

neutral :

cyan : 100%

magenta : -14%

yellow : -4%

black : -11%

which gives the resultsss of

Step Eight : Mooore Color

New selective color adjustment layer, again, i'm starting to sense a pattern..., with these settings

Red :

cyan : -100%

magenta : 0%

yellow : 100%

black : 0%

Yellow :

cyan : -44%

magenta : 0%

yellow : -45%

black : 0%

Neutral :

cyan : -41%

magenta : 1%

yellow : -6%

black : -6%

which gives these results


Step Nine: Layered

Duplicate your base,

way down at the

bottom, drag it on up

your layers pallete,

and set that to Soft

Light @ 40% Opacity.

So far:

Step Ten: Curvalicioso

Layer>> New Adjustment Layer>> Curves, with these settings:

Channel : RGB

Input : 96

Output : 109

to give the result of

Step Eleven: Bloody Red

New Selective color, with the settings of

Red :

cyan : -69%

magenta : 33%

yellow : 13%

black : -10%

to give result :

Step Twelve: Curavliciosaaaa

New Curve layer, with the settings of:


Step Thirteen:


New color layer, fill

it with FDEEE0 and

set it to Darken @

100%, to give you

Step Fourteen:


New color layer, fill

it with FFF0F5, and

set it to ColorBlurn

@ 100%, to give


Step Fifteen: Mas

Once again, new curve layer, with these settings:

to give the result of


Step Sixteen: Balancenco

Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Color Balance, with these settings

to give this

Step Seventeen: Radical


NOW! Here's the fun part.

Create a new layer. Hit

cntrl+alt+shift+e on your

keyboard. This merges

everything that you've

done onto that one layer.

Now go to Filter >> Blur

>> Radial Blur and look at


What you have to do is drag the center a little off to the right, because Edward, i'm sorry Gaspard, is off to the

right a bit. It doesn't quite have to be exact, just..near him.

When I did this, I got this:


Now all you have to do is take a fairly large soft edged eraser, and just click once in the center, where he is.

Once yuo've done the erasing, set the layer to Soft Light @40% Opacity

Step Eighteen: Texxtturization Meh

Remember that texture from step three? Yes. Duplicate it, drag it to the top, and hit it to Screen.

to give

I don't know why I did it twice. It seems stupid, now that I think about it.


Step Nineteen: Seein' Double

Create a new layer. Hit cntrl+alt+shift+e. Resize it, cntrl+t, make it smaller and move it off to the left side of his

head. Using a large soft edged eraser, set it to soft light.

To get..this. It's quite lovely.

Step Twenty: Bow chicka wah wah

Now. Duplicate that last layer. And then, we're going to blur it again. I honestly don't have any pictures to this

describe it, and to only say, move the blur center off to the left side. Yeah. Once you have the blur, just erase

some that'll spread, and set the blur layer to soft light, and lower the opacity a bit.

And then, you're done! Just add some text, border, whatever!

It's soo purrrty!!

Beenly's Iconing Beenly's Iconing Beenly's Iconing Beenly's Iconing


01. Open up your base! ( Sharpen if you want. )

02. Make a new SELECTIVE COLORING layer, and

apply these settings.

(Adjust them to your liking if you have to . )

Beenly's Iconing Beenly's Iconing Beenly's Iconing Beenly's Iconing 01010101

Open up your base! ( Sharpen if you want. )


(Adjust them to your liking if you have to . )

03. You should have

something like this.

04. Make

Tool. Fill the new layer with

layer to

(Here's the color if you're too lazy to fill the layer.

You can just copy image/paste if you wanted to.)

You should have the first effect!


If you want the second effect of making the icon

brighter, just duplicate your final icon and set the

duplicated layer to SCREEN. Set the layer opacity to


You should have

the second effect!


03. You should have

something like this.

Make a new FILL layer and use the Paint Bucket

Tool. Fill the new layer with #04637f and set the

layer to OVERLAY. Set the layer opacity to 88%.

(Here's the color if you're too lazy to fill the layer.

You can just copy image/paste if you wanted to.)

u should have the first effect!


If you want the second effect of making the icon

brighter, just duplicate your final icon and set the

duplicated layer to SCREEN. Set the layer opacity to

You should have

the second effect!


and use the Paint Bucket

and set the

opacity to 88%.

(Here's the color if you're too lazy to fill the layer.

You can just copy image/paste if you wanted to.)

If you want the second effect of making the icon

brighter, just duplicate your final icon and set the

duplicated layer to SCREEN. Set the layer opacity to


Cold Faded Color PhotoCold Faded Color PhotoCold Faded Color PhotoCold Faded Color Photo


Open image,

I will be using this beautiful image of

Britney Spears:)

- duplicate layer, make 2 images that look just like

the original picture by right clicking "duplicate


- on the first layer, go to "image>hue/saturation"

set the hue value to +5 and set the saturation to -5.

- on the second copy, click on

"image>adjustments>black & white"

and set the red to 94, everything else leave it as it

already is.

-set that layer to overlay at an opacity of 50.

-Duplicate that layer, and go to

"filter>blur>gaussian blur>" and chose a blur level

3.0. Set this layer to overlay just like the previous

one, and the opacity to 65.

-Go to "layer>new adjustment layer>selective

color" leave most values as they are, only adjust:




















-Go to "layer>new>layer..."

-Go to "edit>fill>color>"

choose this color: 00aeef

or one which is similar.

Set this layer to soft light and set the opacity to 20.

Then you are done!

You can merge all the visible layers or leave it as



Color EnhancementColor EnhancementColor EnhancementColor Enhancement Tutorial

From this:

Final one:


Note: If you are going to use a different image, play

around with the settings and opacities

1. First copy and paste the image into photoshop. I am

currently using PS 7.

2. Sharpen the image (Filter>>Sharpen>>Sharpen).

3. Duplicate the layer (Layer>>Duplicate Layer) and set

the layer mode to Screen at 85%

4. Merge the layers (Ctrl+E).

5. Go to Hue/Saturation (Ctrl+U) and adjust the

Saturation to +35.

6. Next, create new a Selective Color layer (Layer>>New

Adjustment Layer>>Selective Color) and match your

settings to mine.


Cyan: -100%

Magenta: +100%

Yellow: 0%

Black: 0%


Cyan: -10%

Magenta: 0%

Yellow: +10%

Black: 0%


Cyan: -10%

Magenta: -15%

Yellow: +100%

Black: 0%


Cyan: +100%

Magenta: 0%

Yellow: 0%

Black: -20%

and you're done!



Have a Black & White Photo With a HintHave a Black & White Photo With a HintHave a Black & White Photo With a HintHave a Black & White Photo With a Hint of Colorof Colorof Colorof Color Tutorial We're going to go from this> to this>

001.Open up your picture in Photoshop.

002.Then do a CTRL+J

003.With "Layer 1" selected, go Image>Adjustments>Channel Mixer.


004.Then select the "Monochrome" box and select "OK" to change the photograph to black and white.

005.With "Layer 1" selected, change the layer's opacity to


006.Now you have your final product!


Icon Colorizing 1Icon Colorizing 1Icon Colorizing 1Icon Colorizing 1 Tutorial

From this> to>

01. Make a new layer and fill it with #061E4A. Set that

Layer to Difference, Opacity 60%.

02. Duplicate base and bring it to the top. Desaturate it.

(Image>>Adjustments>>Desaturate) Set that Layer

to Softlight.

03. Make Another Layer and Fill it With #FFD8A0. Set it

to Softlight, Opacity 60%

04. Make Another layer and Fill it with #FED1DE. Set it

to Softlight, Opacity 60%.

05. The Layer That you Desturated, Duplicate it and Bring

it to the top.

06. Make One more layer and fill it with #030827. Set your

layer to exclusion.

And your doneeeee.

Icon colorizing 2Icon colorizing 2Icon colorizing 2Icon colorizing 2 Tutorial

From> To>

01. Duplicate your Base and set it to Softlight.

02. Make a new layer And fill it with #0E09D1. Set it

to Exclusion, Opacity 20%.

03. Make another layer And fill it with #002D48. Set it

to Softlight , Opacity 37%.

04. Flatten your image and your done.


Icon Colorizing 3Icon Colorizing 3Icon Colorizing 3Icon Colorizing 3 Tutorial

1. okay so grab your base.

2. Now just duplicate your base and set it to Screen and

set the Opacity anywhere around 50-60% ( mine is at


3. Create a new layer and fill it with #F7DCB4 and set it to


4. Go to "Layer" and "Flatten image" and your done!

5. IF you want you can add brushes or text, for a different

look, heres mine.

Icon Tutorial IIIIcon Tutorial IIIIcon Tutorial IIIIcon Tutorial III Tutorial

1. Find a base. This will be mine:

2. Duplicate it and set it to screen at 70%. Duplicate the

base again and set it to luminosity at 100%.

3. Create a new layer and fill it with #DBFBFF. Set that

layer to color burn at 100%.

4. Create another layer and fill it with #FFE1C8. Set that

layer to multiply at 100%.

5. Create a selective coloring layer. Layers >> New

Adjustment Layer >> Selective Coloring.

Reds: -100, +25, +100, 0

Yellows: +100, 0, -40, 0

Whites: +100, -5, -50, 0

Neutrals: -10, 0, -6, 0

6. Now, create a curves layer. Layers >> New

Adjustment Layer >> Curves.

First point: In(126), Out(153)

Second point: In(173), Out(193)

7. Create a hue/saturation layer. Layers >> New

Adjustment Layer >> Hue/Saturation.

Saturation +20

8. Create another selective coloring layer.

Reds: -15, 0, 0, 0

Whites: +100, 0, -100, 0

9. Finally, create a Brightness/Contrast layer.

Brightness -10

Contrast +5

Optional Step: If you're not satisfied with your icon, feel

free to add various textures, adjustment layers, etc etc. to

make your icons pretty.

This is my result:


Iconesque Colouring 1Iconesque Colouring 1Iconesque Colouring 1Iconesque Colouring 1 Tutorial

You're going to get this icon:


1. Okay, so, I've already cropped my picture and have

gotten my base:

2. Duplicate the base, and set it to softlight. You duplicate

the layer by right clicking on it on your layers

pallette and hitting duplicate layer.

3. Repeat step 2. Yes, so now you are going to have 2

layers that are set to soft light. Don't worry it'll

turn out fine in the end. I promise.

So, so far you should have this:

4. Now, with the coloring. The best part. Create a new

layer above it all, and fit it, with your paint bucket

too, with #BBB7C7, a dark/slightly light blue/grayish color.

Set that layer to Multiply.

5. Create another new layer, fill it with #F2E5B3, and set

that to multiply as well.

So far, I have this:

6. Create another new layer and fill it in with a light blue

color, like #E5F9FF, and set that to color burn.

7. Now for a good ol' exclusion layer, which tops it all off.

Sort of. I created another, omg another how many have

we made so far?, later and filled it with #080033 and set

that to Exclusion. I also lowered that layers opacity to

50%. I didn't like the complete washed out look it gave at


8. Now you are done with the coloring layers, and now to

finishing the icon. I took a soft edged brush,

made the color white and just clicked.

After I made my dab of color, I changed it to soft light.

Shown in the last image.

9. And now, I added some text that says "HANGING" with

these settings:


10. Finally added a black border (Refer to pt. 1 on how to

do that). And bam! We're done.

Iconesque Colouring 2Iconesque Colouring 2Iconesque Colouring 2Iconesque Colouring 2 Tutorial

The icon we're making:


1. Getcha a base.

2. Duplicate the base and set it to Soft Light

3. Now the image is somewhat dark yet somewhat vibrant.

Which is good. Now, create a new layer above that and fill

it, with the paint bucket tool with FFF1E4, a light orange-y

colour. Now set that to Multiply

So Far:

4. Aye, now for the ever so popular exclusion layer.

Create a new layer above the orange layer and fill it in

with 0C0034 and set it to Exclusion, which now gives

everything a yellow-ish hue.

5. Now, create a new layer above the blue one, and fill it in

with white. (FFFFFF). Now, set that layer to Colorwith

a 40% Opacity .

So Far:

6. Aye, just a few more layers to go and then we're done.

Promise. Now, create another layer and fill it in

withF5FFA2 and set it to Soft Light. Yes, now the icon

looks ugly but it wont in the end.

7. Another new layer and fill it in with purple! Oh

yes, FFA2EA to be exact. Fill that in, and set that to Color

Burn with a 36% opacity.

8. Aye, one last color layer. Create another new layer, fill it

in with a dark blue like 0C0034 and set it toScreen. Finally

done with color layers!

9. Now i'm going to finish the icon, adding on the last

details and such. I create another new layer, and stick this

brush down in the bottom-ish corner. It'll let my text stand

out better.

10. I add my text over the white brush. " I'm A " is Arial, 14

pt and then "SPY" is Arial Black 14 pt with kerning on both

being at -100 (read pt.1 for help on this)

11. Add some borders, 3px white inside and then 1px

black inside, and voila! (Pt. 1 explains how I did this)


Iconesque Colouring 3Iconesque Colouring 3Iconesque Colouring 3Iconesque Colouring 3 Tutorial

1. Grab your base, as usual.

2. Duplicate your base, and set it to Screen @ 47% (weird

number, I know. I just think it looks best at this opacity.

Play around, of course. Depends on image.)

3. Create a new layer, fill it in with #FFE8C7 and set it to


4. Create another new layer, fill it in with #0C0034 and set

it to Exclusion

5. Create a new layer above those, fill it in with black

( #000000 ) and set it to Color @ 40%

6. Create a new layer, fill it in with #FF0000 and set it to

Lighten @ 15%. Just want to add a little more red to the


7. Now I want some purple, so, create a new layer, fill it in

with #CC00FF and set it to Soft Light @ 28%

8. Take this light blob texture, which I made with a fairly

large soft edged brush, and set it to Lighten.

9. Above all that, take this other light blob thing, also

created by me, and set it to Lighten as well.

10. I took another brush from the same place and

stamped it off to the right, pretty much in the middle, and

in white.

11. Now I added some text!


12. Finally, add a 2px border, and,whadda know! We're


Iconesque colouring 4Iconesque colouring 4Iconesque colouring 4Iconesque colouring 4 Tutorial

1. Obtain base

2. New Curves Layer (Layer >> New Adjustment Layer

>> Curves)

Use the following settings:

3. New Color Balance Layer (Layer >> New Adjustment

Layer >> Color Balance)

Use the following settings:

4. Create new layer, fill with #f0f23f and set to Soft Light.

Yes, this is going to make your icon rather yellow, but it'll

balance out eventually.

5. Create a new Selective Color Layer (Layer >> New

Adjustment Layer >> Selective Color). Use the following



C: -100

M: +100

Y: +100

K: 0


C: 0

M: 0

Y: -100

K: 0


C: +100

M: +100

Y: +100

K: -100



C: +100

M: 0

Y: +100

K: 0


C: +100

M: +100

Y: -2

K: 0


C: +19

M: -51

Y: -51

K: 0

This layer gives a dramatic result, delivering this:

6. Now I feel that the icon just needs a little more, so I

create another Selective Coloring layer, and use these



C: +100

M: -61

Y: 0

K: 0


C: 0

M: 0

Y: -100

K: 0


C: +100

M: +100

Y: -41

K: 0


C: +100

M: +100

Y: +100

K: +100


C: +7

M: 0

Y: 0

K: 0

7. It still needs something else, so I added a new layer

and filled it with #c8f3f8 and set it to Color Burn.

8. Finally, I created another layer, filled it with

#f8c8d1 and set it to Color Burn as well, to give us our

final product!



Iconing V.1 Ft.Arron YanIconing V.1 Ft.Arron YanIconing V.1 Ft.Arron YanIconing V.1 Ft.Arron Yan Tutorial

Then we'll make it into this:

2. Before flipping the image you must copy it as it is. Press

Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C. DO NOT paste yet. Now to flip the

image, go to Image>Rotate Canvas>Flip Canvas


Now you should make a new layer then paste the image

that you have copied before hand. It should look like this:

3. Now it's time to make the image look like the one above

by moving it. Click on the move tool and move LAYER 2 to

the left. It should be something like this:

Then you should swap the layers so layer 1 is on the stop

and layer 2 is on the bottom. Then click on image 1 and

move it just a little bit over to the left and it would look like


Now use the erase tool and erase the right side of layer

very carefully. I used the circle to erase and make sure the

px is small. Less than 30 at least. It should then look

something smiliar:

4. Now to add on a simple brushes to make it look like the


one above. Make a new layer and dump #28aec0 on the

image. Then set it to color burn at 79%. Looks like this:

Now we'll do that again. Instead we'll make a new layer

and dump #383838 on it and set it to vivid light at 38%.

5. Now we will have to resize the image to 100x100. Click

Alt+Ctrl+I then set the width and height at 100 pixels. Click


6. Now for the final touchings. Instead of me telling you

what to do, you pick your own brushes and text! The

texted that I used was from and it is called

Starry Night!

ocean coloringocean coloringocean coloringocean coloring

Tutorial I'm starting with this picture:

Make a new Curves layer and make the Input 147 and the Output 173. Make a new Selective Color layer and use the following settings:


Cyan : +100

Magenta : -43

Yellow : -44

Black : -100


Cyan : +100

Magenta: -37

Yellow : -72

Black : -45


Cyan : +71

Magenta: -29

Yellow : +100

Black : +87


Cyan : +23

Magenta: 0

Yellow : +12

Black : -14


Cyan : 0

Magenta: 0

Yellow : 0

Black : -58

Make a new Photo Filter layer with the filter "Cooling Filter


(LBB)" with 10% density.

Now copy this picture:

Paste it on your icon and set it to Overlay.

(Sorry to the person who created this texture, I don't

remember who you are! If you made this, please comment

and say so, and I will give you the credit.)

Ta-da! There you are =] Hope you enjoyed the tutorial.

Here are some more examples on non-seascape icons:

(By the way, play around with the texture if it doesn't look

quite right. For different pictures, you'll need to change the

setting. The first one is set to Color Burn, the second to

Multiply and the third to Linear Burn.

MovieMovieMovieMovie----like Effectlike Effectlike Effectlike Effect Tutorial

Before :

After :

1. Open up your image in Photoshop. I'm using this one –

2. Unlock the layer by double-clicking on the layer. Now

go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation and apply

these settings :


3. Go to Image > Adjustments > Exposure.. –

Depth of Field effect :

4. Duplicate your layer. [ Right click on your layer and click

Duplicate ]

Go to Filter > Blur > Lens Blur… and apply these

settings –

5. Click on the Add Layer Mask button on the bottom of

your Layers window. Then click on the Layer

Maskthumbnail ( the white rectangle ) –


6. Select your Brush tool. Set the Master Diameter to 400

px. Then choose the focus point on your photo and click

on it. Make sure your foreground color is Black and you're

doing this on the Layer Mask –

See how the focus is just on the magazines on the wall

and not the whole area ? That is what we want now =]

This is how your layers must look now –

Film Effect :

7. Make a new layer. [ Layer > New > Layer ]. Fill this

layer with black. [ Edit > Fill > Black ]. Set the Opacity of

the layer to 70% by pressing the number 7 on your

keyboard –

8. Select your Eraser Tool, set the Master

Diameter to 400 px. Then start erasing the center of your

image –

9. Flatten the image. [ Layer > Flatten Image ].

Add noise to your image : Filter > Noise > Add Noise…


10. Make a new layer again. Fill it with #5eb6cc.

Set the Blend Mode to Soft Light at 60%.

Cinemascope effect :

11. Add black bars on the top and bottom of your photo

using your Rectangle Shape Tool and you're done!


Rosy SkintoneRosy SkintoneRosy SkintoneRosy Skintone Tutorial

Click on thumbnailed images to enlarge

This> To >

01. Add a new layer: Layer>>New>>Layer and Use the

Paint Bucket And Fill it with #D45E6E.

02. Duplicate the base and bring it to the top Set it

To Softlight, Opacity 85%.

03. Make another layer (Layer>>New>>Layer). Fill it with

#FFAAB7(with the paint bucket) And set it ToOverlay,

Opacity 20%.

04. Merge your Layers (Layer>>Merge Visible)

05. Now Duplicate your base. (ctrl+J)

06. Filter>>Blur>>Gaussian Blur. Put Your settings

At0.6 And set your layer to Softlight, Opacity 80% (This

Kind Of will make The image Brighter Stand out more)

07. Merge your layers again.

And your done. :DD

Painted Image EffectPainted Image EffectPainted Image EffectPainted Image Effect


Mmk, what we're trying to achieve:

1. Grab yo image. I'm using one of Kevin Devine, who's

real awesome.

As you can see, the image is shite quality. That'll be fixed



2. Sharpen yo image as needed. I sharpened mine once.

3. Filter >> Topaz Vivacity >> Topaz Clean. This part

depends on your picture, so adjust it to your liking. These

are my settings though:

Threshold: 19.68

Clean Radius: 5

Sharpness: 1.68

Hit a-okay.

4. Okey dokes, now hit CTRL+J to duplicate le layer. On

your duplicated layer, go Filter >> Artistic >> Cutout. This

part also depends on your image. My settings:

Number of Levels: 8

Edge Simplicity: 2

Edge Fidelity: 3

Nearly done!

5. Set that layer to Vivid Light @ 48% opacity.

Pale Pink ColourPale Pink ColourPale Pink ColourPale Pink ColourTutorial

We're going to try to soften out the pinks/reds of a photo

with a few adjustments. :)

NOTE: This tutorial works better if you use pictures with

the color red on them!

1. Open up your image in Photoshop. Once you've

opened it, sharpen it by going to

Mask and simply click OK (no need to play around with

the settings). You don't really have to do this, but for this

image, I chose to.

2. Duplicate the layer. Set it to Screen @ 50% Opacity

3. Then go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >>

Selective Coloring and follow my settings:

Pale Pink ColourPale Pink ColourPale Pink ColourPale Pink Colour

We're going to try to soften out the pinks/reds of a photo

This tutorial works better if you use pictures with

image in Photoshop. Once you've

opened it, sharpen it by going to Filter >> Unsharpen

and simply click OK (no need to play around with

the settings). You don't really have to do this, but for this

Screen @ 50% Opacity .

Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >>

and follow my settings:

4. Then go to


5. Then go to


6. Make a

set it to Overlay @ 25% Opacity

Your image should look like this now:


Then go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >>

Hue/Saturation and follow my settings:

Then go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >>

Exposure and follow my settings:

Make a new layer and fill it with the color #e5dac1 and

Overlay @ 25% Opacity .

Your image should look like this now:


and fill it with the color #e5dac1 and


The B&W EffectThe B&W EffectThe B&W EffectThe B&W Effect TutorialTutorialTutorialTutorial

Step One: Open up an image in your program. I will be

using pic of Heechul from Super Junior. Select the crop

tool( ) & where the settings are(Should be at the top if

you are using CS2) place in the width & height boxes '100

px'. Then begin to crop your picture.

Step Two: Duplicate your image(Ctrl+J). Then proceed to

hit Shift+Ctrl+U. This wil turn your layer from colored to

Black & White. Now just use the sharpen tool( ) to

sharpen up your image a bit. Now were getting

somewhere. =)

Step Three: Go to Layer]New Adjustment Layer]Gradient

Map. You will then get a box that shows two colors, click it.

Change the first color to #88898a & the second color

to #2e2d2d. Click OK & select the box that says 'Reverse'.

Also then click OK. Change the blending mode to

Exclusion, opacity 38%. This will have made the picture

more dull & gray.

Step Four: Now go to Layer]New Adjustment

Layer]Levels. Place in the Input Levels: 29, 1.27, 251.

This makes the picture a bit more brighter.

Step Five: Let's make another adjustment layer shall we?

Layer]New Adjustment Layer]Bightness/Contrast. Set the

Brightness to +4 & the Contrast to +18. This gives the

picture more contrast & creates less of a dull effect.

Step Six: Add this texture by skycookie. Set the blending

mode to Darken, opacity 29%. This gives the picture a

dark misty effect.

Step Seven(Optional): Add another texture by skycookie.

Set the blending mode to Lighten. This will add a little text

& also bring more mist into the icon.

Step Eight: Just one more adjustment layer & were

finished. ]Layer New Adjustment Layer]Bightness/Contrast.

Place the Brightness at +8 & the Contrast at +24.


Turn Your Photo Into A Turn Your Photo Into A Turn Your Photo Into A Turn Your Photo Into A

Watercolor PaintingWatercolor PaintingWatercolor PaintingWatercolor Painting Tutorial

001.First thing, open your picture

002.Do a CTRL+J to duplicate your background layer.

003.Rename your new layer "Painting."

004.Then go Filter>Artistic>Water Color.

005.This step depends on your picture, so just play

around with the settings. If you want to use my settings,

go ahead:

Brush Detail: 14

Shadow Intensity: 0

Texture: 1

006.With the "Painting" layer selected, click on the "Create

new fill or adjustment layer" button & select


007.Again, this depends on your picture, so play around

with the settings. If you want, you can use my settings:


Brightness: 32

Contrast: 10

008.Then with your "Painting" layer selected, click on the

"Create new fill or adjustment layer" again & select


009.Once again, this depends on your image. So play

around with the settings. The settings I used are:

Hue: -8

Saturation: +26

Lightness: 0

010.With your "Painting" layer selected, change the

opacity to 84%.

011.And now you have your final product. Hooray!! :)

Vintage Coloring EffectVintage Coloring EffectVintage Coloring EffectVintage Coloring Effect Tutorial

ANY picture will work for this tutorial.

1. Duplicate the BASE layer.

Click filter >> blur >> gaussian blur.

On the pop-up screen, make sure the radius 3.80.

Then, set that whole layer to SOFT LIGHT & DO NOT

change the opacity. It should be 100%

2. Make a new layer and fill it with #1a0ff5.

Set the blend mode to EXCLUSION & set the opacity to


3. Click layers >> new adjustment layers >> curves.

On the pop-up screen, click OK.

Then, set your input to 60 & your output to 113.


4. Make a new layer and fill the background with #bfecff.

Set the blend mode to SOFT LIGHT & the opacity to 50%.

5. Click layers >> new adjustment layers >> channel mixer.

Set your settings to the following:

Output channel RED:

red -30, green +72, blue 0, constant 0

Output channel GREEN:

red +27, green +80, blue +2, constant 0

Output channel BLUE:

red -52, green +86, bluw -154, constant +174

Then, set the blend mode to PIN LIGHT at opacity 25%

6. Create a new layer and fill the background with #f900d9.

Set the blend mode to SCREEN & opacity 17%

Then, you're done!

EXTRA: You can add finishing touches and effects.

For example, I made the finished picture into a polaroid, added a texture in the background, used a splatter brush, and added

some text.

spiffy photos Tutorial open your picture and make sure it's light. it turns out better

that way.

here's mine:

go to image>adjustments>gradient map.

click the little arrow on the right side next to the gradient. then

click the other little arrow on the right side and click "Pastels."

Click OK.

Pick the gradient "Green, Yellow, Orange." Check the

"Reverse" box.

Your picture should look like this:

Go to edit>fade gradient map and set it to hard light. Mine is


at 74% opacity, but do whatever looks best.

Here's mine:

Now back to the gradient map thing, click the arrows and

choose "Simple" this time.

Pick the "Purple." Check the "Reverse" box.

Edit>fade gradient map to darken.

Duplicate your picture and set it to soft light.

And there's your stellar photo!

Matrix code image. Tutorial First, make a new document about 400x140 pixels. And press

reset your foreground and background to the original colors


Go to (filter>texture>grain) and change your settings to

intensity=100, contrast=75, grain type: vertical

Next, (filter>artistic>neon glow) and change your settings to

glow size=5, glow brightness=15, glow color=#00FF2A.

Go to (filter>stylize>glowing edges) and change your settings

to edge width=1, edge brightness=15, smoothness=1.

Duplicate your background twice (ctrl+j).

If your layer palettes have a "lock" sign on them, unclick on

the crosshair arrows and the locks should disappear


That's the end of Photoshop..

Now, jump to ImageReady.

Highlight the top layer and click on the move tool (V). Hold

shift and move your layer all the way UP, so that you can't

see it anymore.

Create a new frame.

And in the second frame, put the top layer back to its original

spot, and move the other layer to the bottom of the page, so

you can't see it anymore.

(Remember to keep the lines straight but holding Shift while

you move it)

Now, press the Tween button, and add default settings.

Now your done! You can set the timing of the frames on how

fast or slow they go or add more effects to it.

top related