photos maths comments spain

Post on 15-Jun-2015






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Photo Maths

Links in the chain describe an equation of the kind ax^2+bx+c , where a >0, because it is a convexe parabola

The water steams describe a series of parabola with the inequation ax^2+bx+c>0 , where a<0…. We can see the different simetries as axial symmetry

The points of the line that join the bases of the arch are defined by an inequation of the kind ax^2+bx+c > 0.

The boy has reached the absolute maximum of the slope

The picture shows that we can build a complex drawing using traslations and rotations from a simple piece.

Each person is the point of the line which describes a convexe parabola, where the streetlight represents the origin of coordinates. The pavement represents the directrix line and the man in the middle represents the parabola focus

The parabolic shape of the antenna allows us to use the properties of this mathematical concept to send and receive the waves

The drops of a trickle of water are defined by an inequation of the kind ax^2+bx+c > 0, a<0 in a concave parabola

tower of a factory in Unna

The amazing Fibonnaci sequence

The giant pool balls at the Aasee in Münster

Spheres as vertices of a triangle

The so-called Panorama house in Switzerland


The combination of cylindrical and rectangular shapes to achieve beauty and harmony in the facade of this building. Parallel and perpendicular lines.

Simple Measurements in the Garden


Simple measurements using the concept of of triangle resemblance

Experiments with a Bouncing Ball

The flight path of a bouncing ball is a succession of parabolas

Gauss bell curve

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