photograph selection for outfit 2 done

Post on 06-Apr-2017






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Photograph selection for outfit 2

I took this photo portait for my fashion spread because i wanted to get the full model in so the audience could see the models clothing as that is what i wanted to show off. I used manual settings to get this photo in focus so it was clear for the audience to see the person's clothing and see the photo fully in focus. I won't be using this photo because the models facial expressions do not look appealing to the audience and the image is slightly blurry.

I took this photo portait for my fashion spread because i wanted to get the full model in so the audience could see the models clothing as that is what i wanted to show off. I used manual settings to get this photo in focus so it was clear for the audience to see the person's clothing and see the photo fully in focus. I won't be using this photo because it is not positioned how i like and the photo is not as zoomed in as i wanted it.

I took this photo portait for my fashion spread because i wanted to get the full model in so the audience could see the models clothing as that is what i wanted to show off. I used manual settings to get this photo in focus so it was clear for the audience to see the person's clothing and see the photo fully in focus. I won't be using this photo because the model isn't posing how i wanted them to and must of moved as i took the photo so it didn't go with my ideas and is not what i wanted.

I took this photo portait for my fashion spread because i wanted to get the full model in so the audience could see the models clothing as that is what i wanted to show off. I used manual settings to get this photo in focus so it was clear for the audience to see the person's clothing and see the photo fully in focus. I won't be using this photo because it is not in focus and therefore doesn't look like a professional photograph for a fashion spread.

I took this photo portait for my fashion spread because i wanted to get the full model in so the audience could see the models clothing as that is what i wanted to show off. I used manual settings to get this photo in focus so it was clear for the audience to see the person's clothing and see the photo fully in focus. This is the photo i will be using as the ful photo is in focus and the model is giving direct address at the camera and is looking happy. This is appealing for the audience as he looks comfortable and happy. I also wanted to create a cold background to go with the image which is why i have taken it near some trees which leaves are gone which represents the theme of winter

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