ph · ph &. {e,& pdesseh hateee'eae ... chiang ching, chang chun-chiao and yao...

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PdessEh HatEee'eaE eomgre$$

Somamumist Panty of CBEiraa

April l, 1969


pL Fress GomunlEruriquue of tlre

$eeretarEaE CI$ tfue FresEdE&HrEr

April 4 t969




Q UoTATt0ilS Fn0*t

CHfrIRIffi[il ffiA(} T$E.TE8trG

The force at the core leading our cause forward is the

Chinese Communist Party.

The theoretical basis guiding our thinking is Marxism-



I The Party arganization should be cornposed of the advanced

elements of the proletariat; it should be a vigorous vanguard

organization capable of leading the proletariat and the revolu-

tionary mas$es in the tight against the class enemy.

Our greot teoder Choirmon Mqo is moking o most importont_speech ot the Ninth NotionolCongress of the Communist Porty of Chino.

The greot leoder Choirmon Moo ondComrode Lin Pioo on

his close comrode-in-ormsthe rostrum

PrG$:s Commilniq,ue of the $eeretariat of the

Presidium of the illllth Hational Gomgross

Oil the Goulmumist Party ol Shina

THE Ninth National Congress of the Corn-I munist Party of China opened in Pekingwith grandeur on Aprii 1.

Our great leader Chairman Mao Tse-tungpresided over today's session and made a mostimportant speech.

The Ninth National Congress of the Com-munist Party of China is being held at a timewhen the great proletarian cultural revolutioninitlated and Led personally by Chairman Maohas won great victory. This great revolutionhas prepared ample political, ideologicai andorganizational conditions for the congress.

Chairman Mao and his close cornrade-in-arms Comrade Lin Piao mounted the rostrumat 5 p.rn. sharp. Prolonged thunderous ap-plause resounded throughout the hall. Thedelegates cheer:ed most enthusiastically "LongIive Chairman Mao!" ('!Ve wish Chairman Maoa long, long life!" "Long Live the CommunistParty of China!" "Long live the victory of thegreat proletarian cultural revolution!" and"Long live the invincible thought of MaoTse-tung!"

Mounting the rostrum together withChairman Mao and Vice-Chairman Lin Piaowere Cornrades Chou En-lai, Chen Po-ta, KangSheng, Tung Pi-wu, Liu Fo-cheng, Chu Teh,Chen Yun, Chiang Ching, Chang Chun-chiaoand Yao Wen-yuan.

April 4, 1969

Chairman Mao decLared the Ninth Na-tional Congress of the Communist Party ofChina open: Then the congress elected itspresidium. The congress unanimously electedComrade Mao Tse-tung chairman of thepresidium, Comrade Lin Piao vice-chairmanof the presidium and Comrade Chou En-Iaisecretary-general of the presidium, and de-cidif upon the members of the secretariat ofthe presidium.

The congress adopted the agenda of theNlnth National Congress of the CommunistParty of China:

1. Political report by Lin Piaoon behalf of the Central Committee of theCornmunist Party of China;

2. Revision of the Constitution of theCommunist Party of China; and

3. Election of the Central Comrnittee ofthe Party.

Then, the congress proceeded with the firstitem on the agenda.

Comrade Lin Piao made the political re-port to the congress. In the report, ComradeLin Piao, in accordance with Chairman Mao'stheory on continuing the revolution under thedictatorship of the proletariat, summed up thebasic experience of the great proletarian'cul-tural rev.olution, analysed the dornestic and in-ternational situation and put forward the


April l, 1969

The Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China opened inPeking with grandeur on .A,pril 1.

Our great leader Chairman Mao Tse-tung presides over the session.

fighting tasks of the Party. Comrade Lin Piao's)'eport was warmly welcomed by the deiegatesand punctuated by prolonged applause andr:heers.

A total of 1,512 delegates are attendingthe congress. Among them are proletarianre.volutionaries of the older generation in ourParty as well as a large number of advancedelements from among Party members, whohave emerged in the course of the great prole-tarian culturai revolution. As compared withany of the previous congresses of our Party,there have never been such great numbers ofdelegates of Party members from among indus-trial workers in factories, mines and otherenterprises and from among the poor andlower-middle peasants in people's communes,and delegates of women Party members on allfronts. Among the delegates from the Partymembers in the People's Liberation Army..r,hich has made outstanding contributions inthe great proletarian cultural revolution, there


are veteran fighters of the Red Army whohave stood the test of many battles as well as

new fighters who have performed meritoriousdeeds in the fight to defend the frontiers ofthe motherland. The delegates of Party mem-bers from among Red Guards are attending aParty congress for the first time.

The delegates to the congress were unan-imously chosen in accordance with the deci-sion of the Eniarged 12th Plenary Session ofthe Eighth Central Comn:,ittee of the Commu-nist Party of China through full dernocraticconsultation by Party organizations at variouslevels and after extensively seeking the opinionof the broad masses. Tempered in the greatproletarian cultural revolution, they are im-bued with high spirit and strong fightingwi1l, fuliy demonstrating the unprecedentedunity of the great, glorious and correct Com-munist Party of China on the basis of the greatMarxism, Leninism, N{ao Tse-tung's thoughtand under the guidance of Chairman Mao's

Peking Reoieu, No. 14


proletarian revolutionary line. This signi-fies that the current congress is a con-gress of vitality, a congress of unity and a con-gress of victory. It will have a far-reachinginfluence on the history of our Party.

Starting from April 2, the congress willhold group discussions on the political reportby Comrade Lin Piao and the draft of therevised Constitution of the Communist Partyof China.

The List of the Members of the Presidium

Of the Ninth Notionol Congress of theComrnunist Porty of Chims

( 176 members)

Chairman Mao Tse-tung, Yice-Chairman Lin

Chou En-iai, Chen Po-ta, Kang Sheng, ChiangChing, Chang Chun-chiao, Yao Wen-yuan,Hsieh Fu-chih, Huang Yung-sheng, Wu Fa-hsien, Yeh Chun, Wang Tung-hsing, Wen Yu-cheng,

Tung Pi-wu, Liu Po-cheng, Chu Teh, ChenYun, Li Fu-chun, Chen Yi, Li Hsien-nien, HsuHsiang-chien, Nieh Jung-chen, Yeh Chien-ying,

Yu Hui-yung, Wang Ti, Wang Chen, WangShih-fan, Wang Chin-hsi, Wang Ke-ching,Wang Hsiu-chen, Wang Ping-chang, WangHung-wen, Wang Hsiao-yu, Wang Huai-hsiang, Wang Ching-sheng, Wang Hui-chiu,Wang Chao*chu, Ma Yi, Ma Fu-chuan, KungShih-chuan, Wei Kuo-ching, Tien Pao, MaoTse-jen, Teng Tzu-hui, Teng Ying-chao, LungShu-chin, Tien Hua-kuei, Pi Ting-chun, LiuFeng, Liu Hsing-yuan, Liu Ching-tang. LiuChun-yi, Liu Hsien-chuan, Liu Chien-hsun,Liu Ke-ping, Liu Sheng-tien, Liu Hsi-chang,I{ua Kuo-feng, Hua Yin-feng, Sun Hsiu-lan,Sun Shu-chin, NIai Jen-hu, Chiang Li-yin,Nien Ssu-wang, Feng Chuan-min, Chu Kuang-yd, Jen Jung, Hsu Shih-yu, Tu Ping, ChiuHui-tso, Yang Yu-tsai, Yang Chun-fu, YangKuei-fang, Yang Teh*chih, Wu Tao, Wu Teh,Wu Chin-chuan, Wu Hsueh-chen, Wang Chia-tao, Hsiao Ching-kuang, Li Ta-chang, Li Tien-yu, Li Ssu-kr-rang, Li Yu-ying, Li Tsai-han, LiApril 4, 1969


Shou-iin, Li Tso-peng, Li Ting-shan, Li Kuei-ying, Li Hsueh-feng, Li Jui-shan, Li Teh-sheng, Lu Yu-Ian, Tsung Hsi-yun, HsienHeng-han. Chou Chien-jen, Chou Li-chin, ChinTsu-min. Lo Hsi-kang, Cheng Wei-shan,Chang Jih-ching, Chang Yun-yi, Chang Ta-chih, Chang Sheng-tang, Chang Shih-chung,Chang Chiang-lin, Chang Hsi-ting, Chang Ti-hsueh, Chang Lien-yu, Chang Kuo-hua, ChangSsu-chou, Chang Heng*yun, Chang Ying-tsai,Chang Yao-tzu, Chang Fu-kuei, Chang Ting-cheng, Chen Yu, Chen Shih-chu, Chen Yung-kuei, Chen Tai-fu, Chen Ai-o, Chen Kan-feng,Chen Hsi-lien, Hu Shih*chuan, Hu Liang-tsai, Hu Hsiu-tao, Nan Ping, Fan $/en-Ian, YaoLien-wei, Ying Tsung, Yuan Sheng-ping, FlaoLiang, Hsu Hai-tung, Hsu Tao-yi, Hsu Ching-hsien, Nieh Yuan-tzu, Tang Chi-shan, TangChin-chih, Yin Wei-chen, Ku Ah-tao, ChienHsueh-sen, Wei Feng-ying, Liang Hsing-chu,Kang Chien-rnin, Kuo Mo-jo, Kou Chiu-citih,Tsao Yi-ou, Tseng Shan, Tseng Shao-shan,Tseng Ssu-yu, Tseng Yung-ya, Peng Chung,Peng Knei-ho, Huang Cheng-lien, IIuangHsiang-ho, Han Hsien-chu, Cheng Shih-ching,Shu Chi-cheng, Su Yu, Tung lu{ing-hu.i, LlrngKuang-chien, Hsieh Hsueh-kung, Hsieh Chia-tang, Saifudin, Li Yuan, Fan Hsiao-chu, Tseri

Chang, Tsai Hsieh-pin, Tsai Shu-mei, TengTai-yuan, Teng Hai-ching, Pan Tien-fu. FanFu-sheng, Tan Fu-jen, Wei Ping-kuei.


To accomplish the proletarian revolution in education, it is essential tohave working class lea*rrship; the masses of workers must take _part in thisrevolution and, in co-operation with Liberation Army fighters, Iorm a- rev-olutionary three-in-one tombination with the activists among the students,teachers ind workers in schools and colleges, who are d€termined to carry theproletarian revolution in education through to the end. The workers' propa-ganda teams should stay permanently in the schools and colleges, take pa{ rqatl ttre tasks of struggle-criticism-transformation there and will always leadthese institutions.

,.,,,',r,'r,'r,,,,,r,,',,L'T::'::::::::,,,t !r rrrt rrr r r rrrr r

U nder W orking-Closs Leadersfiip

ltris university was not only a kingdom dominatedby the bourgeois intellectuals, but also a place whereintellectuals concentrated. In addition to those trainedin the old society who received a bourgeois and evenan imperialist education, there are large numbers ofintellectuals trained after liberation by bourgeois in-telleetuals and trained under the pernicious influenceof the revisionist, educational line. Their most salientcharacteristic is divorcement fmm politics, from theworkerq peasants and soldier* and fmm practice. Thisdoes not at all conform with the needs of socialism.

Faced with this situation, the workers' propagan-da team used the invincible thought of l,{ao Tse-tungas its weapon to re-educate the intellectuals. It ledthe revolutionary teachers, students, stalf membersand workers there in forming a mighty revolutionaryarmy and waging a tit-Ior-tat struggle against thehandful of class enemies.

Guided by Chairman Mao's latest instruction "Themajority or the vast majority of the students trainediu the old schools and colleges can integrate them-selves with the workers, peasants and soldiors, &ndsome have rnade inventions or innovations; they must,however, be re-educated by the lvorkers, peasants andsoldiers under the guidance of the correct line andthoroughly change their old ideology. Such intellec-tuals will be wetrcomed by the wotkere, peasants andsoldiers," the comrades of the workers' propagandateam made an analysis of the intellectuals' ranks inTsinghua University. They held that, like the intel-leetuals in other parts of the country, the vast majorityof intellectuals in this universit5r were willing to makerevolution and could be remoulded and many of themcould become activists in carrying out the education-al revolution; but the majority had been deeply poi-soned by feudalism, capitalism and revisionism and

TsingEreea llmiwersity's lmtelleutuals Advanee filong

The Road ol fievolrtEomizationTISINGHUA University is the institution of higherr learning where China's first Mao Tse-tung's

thought propaganda team of workers entered. Actingin accordance rvith Chairman Mao's great strategicplan, a Mao Tse-tung's thought propaganda teamformed by Peking's workers, in co-operation withLiberation Army fighters, entered this university inhigh spirits on July 2?, 1968. It was from that time thatChina's working class mounted the political stage ofleading the struggle-eriticism-transformation in allspheres of the superstructure.

Over the past months, the workers' propa-ganda tearn and the P.L.A. men stationed there haveresolutely implemented the various proletarian policieslaid down by Chairrnan Mao and used Mao Tse-tung'sthought to re-educate the intellectuals, thereby givingpowerful impetus to the deep-going developrnent ofstruggle-criticism-transf ormation.

Using Moo Tse-tung's Thought to RemouldThe lntellectuols

Tsinghua University was set up by U.S. irnperial-ism in 1911 vrith funds from the "Boxetr indemnity."*By carrying out aggressive activities in the form ofeducation, it trained large numbers of flunkeys forimperialism and the Kuomintang reactionaries. Afterliberation, the power of the university was controlledby a handful of counter-revolutionary revisionists whopushed Liu Shao-chi's counter-revolutionary revision-ist line in education and resisted and opposed Chair-man Mao's proletarian revolutionary line.

* In 1900, the allied forces of eight imperialist powersoccupied Peking and forced the government of the ChingDynasty to sign a humiliating treaty known as the Protocolof 1901. {Jnder it, China was requir.ed to pay the imperialistcountries a huge sum which was called the "Boxer indemnity.,r

10 Peking Reuieus, No. 14

their world outtrook was fundamentally bourgeois andit was therefore essentia.l to, re-edueate them andpatiently help and put strict demands on them.

In the final analysis, to re-educate intellectualsmeans remoulding their bourgeois rvorld outlook. thatig persevering in arming their minds with Mao Tse.tung's thought.

Over the past months, the workers' propa-ganda tearn has a1r*,a;"s given first place to or-ganizing all the teaeherg students, staff members andworkers to creatively study and apply Mao Tse-tung'sthought and led them in studying Chairman It4ao'sworks with the preblems of class struggle and thestruggle between the two lines in mind, so as to useMao Tse-tung's thotrght to unify their thinking andguide their actions.

It has never failed to study and propagaie eaehof Chairman I\,llao's latest instructions prompily andcarry it out to the This fine revolutionary styleof study brought lo Tsinghua University by thervorking class has become thd concerted action of all.

Chairman Mao's "three constantl5r read articles"and his theories on eontinuing the revolution underthe dictatorship of the proletariat are constantly studiedby tlre revolutionary teachers and students. To deepentheir understanding of Chairman Mao's teachings andraise their consciousness, of class struggle and thestruggle betvreen the two }ines, the workers' propagan-da tearn has held many forums to exchange expe-riences in the creative study and application of Chair-man Mao's works and. many times organized theteachers and students to go to factories and ruralcommunes, where they Iive and take part in labouralongside the workers and poor and lower-middie peas-ants and hear their reports contrasting past bitternesswith today's happiness, and, together rvith them. eatmeals which the poor people used to eat in the clddays and criticize and repudiate Liu Shao-chi'scounter-revolutionary revisionist line.

Mao Tse-tung's thought study classes of varioustypes are mushrooming on the campus- In them, therevolutionary teachers, students, staff rnernbers andworkers creativel;r study and apply Mao Tse-tung'sthought and study and thrash out rnan5r important ques-tions'concerning the proietarian revolution in educa-tion. Many of thenn carry out extensive heart-to-hearttalks in these classes anC use Mao Tse-tung's thought tounify their views on many ctuestions over which theydiffered in the past. On this basis. many of, them haveformed "red pairs" to help each other politically. Inthe study classes, teachers who were seriously cor-rupted by bourgeois ideas and sought personal fameand gain have realized that the road they took was\ r-rong and made up their minds to take the road ofintegrating w-ith the workers and peasarrts that waspointed out by Chairrnan Mao. Many revolutionarycadres who were poisoned by Liu Shao-chi's revision-ist theories of "the dying out of class struggle," "docile

Apri.l 4, 7969

tools" and "studying in order to become an offieiaf,have fought sel{-intere,st and repudiated revisiorrismand returned to Chairinan Mao's proletarian revolu-tionary line. They all agree tllat the Mao Tse-turg'sthought study class is "a revolutionary furnace fortempering their boundless loyaliy to Chairman Maoand an exeellent classroom for intellectuals to receivere-education from the workers, peasanis and soLdiers-'r

Nurtured by Moo Tse-tung's Thought, Revotutionorylntellectuals Are Moturing

Nurtured by Mao Tse-tung's thought aad led bythe rvcrkers' propaganda team, the teachers, students,staff merrrbers and workers of Tsinghua are constantiychanging their outlqok. A. sizable ccntingent of activ-ists determined io carry the proletarian revolution ineducation through to the end is rapidly growing up.

Deeply influenced by the counter-revclutionaryrevisionist line in edu-caiion in the past, a 1969 graJuateof the electrical engineering depai-tment looked downupon his class-mates who volunteered to becomer,'rorkers or peasants and thought himself superior.After the workers' propaganda team entered the uni-versity, the advanced ideas and exemplary deeds ofthe working elass made him realize thai he was lag-ging b'ehind. Eut, seriously af{ected by the bourgeoisidea of seeking fame and gain, he was reluctant to bere-educated by the workers, peasaais and soldiers. Thisled him to become pessimistic and pa"ssive. The prop-aganda team warmly and patientiy re-educated himand, in the lig'ht of his living ideas, helped him getrid of the poison of Liu Shao-ehi's theory of "studyilgin order to become an official" in the eourse of ther.evolutionary mass criticism and repudiatien. Thisenabled him to see clearlr the crirninal aim of LiuShao<hi and his agents in their vain attempt te dragthe studeuts into the quagmire of revisionisrn. Thevivid facts cf class struggle and the struggle betweenthe two lines made him clear-sighted. I{e now feelshow happy it is to live in the era of Mao Tse-tung.He said: "The wcrkers' propaganda team sent by ourgreat leader Chairman Mao helps me understand thatX should becorne a revolutionary intellectual who isneeded by the workers, peasants and sotrdiers! Theworker comrades sent by Chairman Mao help rnerealize that I should take the road of integrating withthe workers, peasants and soldiers!"

The change in this graduate epitomizes the giantstrides Tsinghua's revolutionary intellectuals havemade in thelr advance under the edueation of theworkers' propaganda team. His sincere words repre-sent the common feelings of these intellectuals beingre-educated by the workers, peasants and soldiers.

One lecturer regarded the re-education he gotfrom the workers' propaganda team as the "turningpoint/' in his life. Before the great eultural revolution,he had buried himsetf in voeationatr rvork, remainedaloof from polities and finally cornmitted the seriousmistake of losing his class. stand. Educated and helped



by the workers' propaganda team, he arrcived at a deepunderstanding of our great leader Chairman Mao'sbrilliant teaching: "Not to have a conect politicalpoint of view is like having no soul." Angrily denounc-ing Liu Shao-chi and his agents who had poisoned him,he said: "If we do not arm our minds with ChairmanMao's theories on continuing the revolution under thedictatorship of the proletariat, we have no soul andwill lose our bearings!"

A group of teachers and students in the engineer-ing physics department can never forget the strikingcontrast between the workers of the propaganda teamand themselves last November when they were dredg-ing a river. Before going to do manual labour. theyall pledged to follow Chairman Mao's teachings andnot fear dirt, fatigue and hardships. But when theyreached the bank, they hesitated and did not dare togo into the river. Without a word, the rvorker com-rades jumped into the icy cold water. Feeling ashamedwhen they compared themselves with the lvorkers,they followed suit. With deep feeling, they said: "Weonly pay lip ser-vice to being boundlessly ioyal to MaoTse-tung's thought, lvhiie the working class puts theirbonndless loyalty to Mao Tse-tung's thought intoaction. The workers have led us in digging up siltand they have also helped us uproot the bad styie ofsaying one thing but doing another!"

Together with the worker comrades of the prop-aganda team, an assistant went to do manual labourin the Peking Special Steel Plant. Working alongsidethe workeis near the molten steel, he was afraid thathe might be hurt or burnt in clea::ing out slag. Buttire worker comrades never flinched and went onworking calmly, saying: "W'e can make good steelfor the country only when the slag is removed." Heimmediately realized that these simple words broughttiome to him the dirt in the depths of his being. "Theworkers have put it very well," he said with deep

emotion, "only 'rvhen f remove the 'slag' in my rnindcan I thoroughly change my o1d ideology!"

Guided by our great leader Chairman Mao's mag-nificent instruction that "the majority or the vastmajority of the students trained in the old schools andcolleges can integrate themselves with the wotkers,peasants and soldiers," even many of the older pro-fessors who came from the old society and were en-grained with bourgeois ideas have now seen their wayout and plunged into the vigorous mass movementfor stmggle-criticism-transformation with full con-fidence. Led by the workers' propaganda team, theyhave made the study of Chairman Mao's brilliant"three constantly read articles" their first lesson inbeing re-educated by the workers, peasants and soldiers.They feel as if they have suddenly shed dozens ofyears. One professor said: "I took the wrong roadin the past, but the workers' propaganda team senthere by our great leader Chairman Mao has now point-ed out a new road. I must start afresh and strive toremould my world outlook so as to contribute moreto socialism throughout the rest of my life!"

A revolutionary atmosphere now prevails every-where on the Tsinghua campus. Great changes broughtabout by the working class mounting the political stageof struggle-criticism-transformation in all spheres ofthe superstrusture can be seen at all times. Triu.m-phant news keeps pouring in reporting how the revo-lutionary intellectuals under the education of theworkers' propaganda team are remoulding their worldoutlook u,ith Mao Tse-tung's thotrght.

These tremendous changes eloquently demon-strate that the working class is not only good at des-troying the oId world, it is also good at building thenew. Under the leadership of the workers' Mao Tse-tung's thought propaganda team, Tsinghua Universityis advancing courageously along the course charted byour great leader Chairman Mao!







Vigorous action should be taken to prevent and cure endemic andother diseases among the people and to expand the people's medical andhealth services.


mutes in the short space of a few months, and 86 percent of the patients have shorvn improvement.

This feat in medical history by army medicalworkers has been praised by the people across theland, and their spirit of wholeheartedly serving their

A Hospitol for Deof-Mutes Serves the PeopleHeo rt ond Soul

f ISiNG the invincible thought of Mao Tse-tung asr-/ its weapon and fully displaying the revolutionaryspirit of daring to think and to act, a temporary hos-pital for deaf-mutes in northeast China run by theP.L.A. 3016 Unit has treated several thousand deaf-

12 Peking Reuieu:, No. 14

deaf-nrute class brothers and sisiers in aecordance rvithChairman Mao's i:roletarian revolutionar7 line in themedical and heaLth field is receiving additional acclaimfrom the broad masses of the people.

Guided by Mao Tse-tung's thought, a MaoTse-tung's thought propaganda team formed by themedical q.'olkers of the unit's health section used acu-puncture treatment to enable many students to speakand others to recover their hearing when it was station-ed at the Liaoyuan School for Deaf-Mutes in the springof 1968. (See article on its achievements in our issueNo. 46, 1968.)

As the news spread that the unit's health sectionhas opened up the "forbidden zorte" in curing deaf-mutes, deaf and dumb people poured in from all partsof the country asking for treatment. The unit decidedto set up a temporary hospital, with the health sectionas the core, for treating more deaf and dumb people.

There are neither "well-known doctors" nor "spe-cialists," nor modern medical equipment in the hos-pital. What it does have are acupuncture need-les and very simple instruments. Those responsible fortreatment are army doctors, medical orderlies andhealth workers from the oompanies, all of ttrem armytrained. The hospital has no top-heavy administration.Only an office with 11 cadres is in charge. There isno registration office but a reception centre with a

staff of eight who go to the railway station every dayto meet new patients whatever the hour or the weather.

It was snorving hard one evening when the trainpulled into the station. Some patients and relativesaceompanying them got off, worrying how they couldget to the army unit or find somewhere to stay. Im-mediately comrades from the hospital reception centrecame up to them, greeting them warmly. They tookcharge of the children and heiped the old people andled them all to the hospital bus. Many patients andtheir relatives were moved to tears. Some grasped thefighters by the hand and said: "Your close coneernfor us poor and lower-middle peasants shows the truthof the saying, dear as are father and mother, ChairmanMao is dearer. The People's Liberation Army educatedby Chairrnan Mao is really fine!"

The medical workers treat the patients with a highsense of responsibility, in line with Chairman Mao'steaching, "serve the people whole-heartedly."

One worker who had eonre from Hangchow lastyear had given up hope after failing to respond tothree courses of treatment. Without telling anyone,he bought a ticket home. Army doctor Hu Jung-shanfelt very bad w'hen he learnt of this. He got the restof the group which rvas treating the patient to studyChairman Mao's teachings on serving the people"wholly" and "entirely." They a1i pledged to do every-thing possible for the patient. Hu Jung-shan said:"Although u,e canhot guarantee a 100 per cent curefor deaf-muteness, rl,e must make sure our sense of

ATtril 1, 7969

responsibility towards the people is 100 per cent." Thecomra.des carried out repeated experiments on them-selrres and kept improving the plans for treatment. Theyfinally succeeded in restoring the worker,s hearing, andhe was able to shout excitedly: "Long live ChairmanMao!"

"We must make sure our sense of responsibilitytowards the people is 100 per cent" has since beentaken up as a militant slogan by all the medical staff.

Cheng Huan-chang, a S0-year-old worker, whobecame deaf and dumb after an attack of measles whenhe rvas a baby, came for treatment last November. Hehad visited a number of "we1l-known doctors" in thebig cities but ail of them had pronounced him "incur-able" because his ear drum had sunk inward severely.

A month's treatment at the hospital also pro-duced no results. Li Chih-kuei, the medical ',l,orker incharge of Cheng's case, began to doubt that a cure waspossible for a patient of this age. When he tossed aboutin his bed that night, he reminded himself ol ChairrnanMao's teachings oa serving the people "wholly" and'entirelv" and thought of horv the old rsorker hadzuflered in the old sociefu.

Tteated as a beast of burden for decades in tl-re olddays, Cheng Huan-chang had toiled under the u,hipsof the Japanese aggressors and the clubs of the land-lords and capitalists. It was only when his area wasliberated that he was delivered from darkness and sawthe bright daylight. In the autumn of 1957, ChairmanMao inspected the factory where Cheng Huan-changworked. When he saw our respected and beloved greatleader Chairman Mao, Cheng was over*,helmed rvithjoy and wanted to shout: "Long live Chairman ivlao!"at the top of his voice. But he could not utter a rvord.Thinking of all this, Li Chih-kuei resolved to overcomethe o1d worker's "incurable" condition in the spirit of"the Foolish Old Man who rernoved the ntountains"that Chairman Mao described in one of his three con-stantly read articles. Li Chih-kuei lost his appetite andlay awake night after night wrestiing with tire problem.He experimented on himself, inserting the acupunctureneedles deeper and deeper. His efforts finally showedresults. He used this method to make the old rn orker,who had been deaf and dumb for half a century, regainhis hearing to a large extent. Tears came to the oldu,orker's eyes when, for the first time in his 1ife, hejoined others in cheering: "Long live Chairman Mao!"

The hospital has no full-time nurses and does notprovide any of the cusfomary general services. But,because of the medical workers' enthusiasm for servingthe patients, it has distinguished itself both in givingmedical treatment and in receiving patients.

Lumberjaek Liu Ting-hao brought his child LiuHeng-ian to the army unit for treatment. Because hehad to go back to work, he placed the child in the careof medieal orderly Lu Chi-chien. The boy had com-pletely lost his hearing and could not speak. He wasoften initable, and was in the habit of rvetting his bed.


Worker Cheng Fluan-charrg {lett), s'ho had been deaf aDd dumb for49 years, antl P.L.A. orderly Li Chih-kuei chcering "Lotrg: LiveChairman ll.Iao!"

tients free haircuts, often staying verylate. He has also organized his childrenand several Little Red Guards in theneighbourhood into a "voluntary servicegroup" to serve the deaf-mutes and puton performances propagating MaoTse-tung's thought.

So that hospitals for deaf-mutesmight be established all over the coun-try and cleaf-mutes might get treatmentlocally, the comrades at the hospital set

up a "Mao Tse-tung's thought acupunc-ture study c1ass," recruiting promisingstudents from among the patients andtheir relatives. The comrades rnade thewards their classrooms, tried theneedles on their own bodies and en-thusiastically taught the students howto cure deaf-muteness and a number ofcon1mon ailments.

Group by group, patients and theirrelatives and visitors came to. the hos-pital and left. The hospital's experlencewas soon spread over the country. Al-ready, letters from over a dozen places

have reported success in curing deaf-mutes by using itsexperience.

The cured are boundlessly 1oyal to our great leaderChairrnan Mao. Before leaving the hospital, many justrecove:'ed patients organized Mao Tse-tung's thoughtpropaganda teams to put on plays and theatrical dia-logues and sing songs, all composed from the vivid factsof how they were made to hear and speak. In onerecent perforrrrane, it introduced the following stories.A victim of Liu Shao-chi's couater-revolutionary revi-sionist line in medical work, poor peasant Chang Tehbecame dumb due to the delay in treatment after hehad convulsions while he was sick. The unit's medicalworkers gave him careful treatment and enabled himto speak again. The six-year-old twin sisters YuHung-ngo and Yu Hung-wei were born deaf-mutes.Many bourgeois "specialists" and "well-known doctors"had prcnounced them incurable. Now both of themcan cheer "Long live Chairman Mao !" Wang Chi, atechnician at a research institute, suffered blast deaf-ness from the shrill noise caused by the steam from adamaged boiler when he was doing rescue work on it.He had gone to many hospitals, but alt returnedthe answer: "Incurable." He regained his hearingcompletely after several days' treatment in this tem-porary hospital. Programmes like these always movedthe audience very much. On and off the stage cheersof "Long live Chairman Mao! A long, long life tohiml" rang out. This not only conveys best wishes toour great leader Chairman Mao, but is an eulogy tothe invincible thought of Mao Tse-tung and to thevictory of Chairman Mao's proletarian line in medicalwork.





Every time he rvas gi.ven acupuneture treatment, hewent into a tantrum. But Lu ahvays patient andtook care of the boy as if he *'ere his o*.n littlebrother.

Lu was kept busy all day. Apart from trcatingpatients, he persisted in drying Liu Heng-lan's uretbedding.

This patience and care touched the boy deeply.He wrote in his diary: "I must follow Chairman Mao'steachings" and "Learn from the P.L.A. uncles." trtomthen on he began to co-operate rvith Lu Chi-chien andsoon the treatment showed results. Liu Heng-lan wasable to hear and speak again and did not wet his bedany longer.

The way in which the hospital serves the people"wholly" and "entirely" has also deeply impressed thelocal inhabitants. Many of them volunteer to help thepatients. Chang Ming-shan, a cook at a coal miningschool, was at home recovering from a wrist injurywhen he heard that the P.L.A. unit was going to borrowsome empty school rooms to accommodate some oftheir patients. He immediately went over and offeredto work in t}re kitchen. The P.L.A. comrades advisedhim to get well first, but he repiied: ,,you p.L.A.cororades risk your lives trying out the acupunctureneedles on yourselves. My injury is nothing comparedwith that." Thus, Chang Ming-shan cooked for thedeaf-inutes every day, getting up early and going tobed late.

An old brickyard worker Li Shou-wu comes overevery day after work and on Sundays to give the pa-

14 Peking Reuieu:, No. 14


Burmese People's Armed Forces MournChairman Thakin Than Tun

With New Victories- The Communist Pofi of Burmo, under the leodership of Comrodes Thokin Zin ond

Thskin Bo Thein Tin, firmly odheres to its revolutionory line qnd is leoding Burmo'srevolutionory people forword in their ormed struggle

|HERISHING the memory of Chairman Thakin\l ffuap Tun and burning with hatoed for the Bur-mese reactionarieq the people's armed forcas led bythe Communist Party of tsurma and ttre peopld's armedforees of various nationalities in that country are res-olutely responding to the call of the Central Com-mittee of the Cornmunist Party of Burma. They haveturned grief into strength and dealt more po*erfulblows to tJre enemy. They have woD a series of signalvictories in the Pegu mountain area, a principal theatreof operations, and otJrer places

At present, they are carrying out guerrilla warfarein vast areas of the eountr5r, stretching from east towest and from south to north. Ttre areas of operationhave been enlarged aad people's political power hasbeen established in base areas over an extensive partof ttre countryside. Victory reports keep coming inthat the people's armed forces have wiped out enemytroops by the whole platoons and companies in manyparts of Burma.

In the mountain region of Pegu, a key area wherethe reactionary Burmese troops have ken earryingout counter-revolutionary "encirclement and suppres-sion" operations for a long period, the people's armedforces carry on the fighting in the vast rural areasEmptoying flexible tactics, they keep up the attackon the enemy and deal him heavy blows. Accordingto disclosures by reactionary Burmese papers, in lastNovember alone, the people's armed forces fought 18

battles with the reaetionary troops and police in thePegu mountain area and its vicinity. On November26, the people's arrned forces in the area of Daik-utown ambushed a patrol of the 30th Infantry Battalionwhich was carrying out a counter-revolutionary "en-circlement and suppressionn' operation there. Theenemy trod on mines laid by the people's armed forcesand was attacked from both sides, suffering heav;1

casualties.On December 5 last year, the people's armed forces

handed out a telling blow to the intruding 30th In-fantry Battalion in the area of Daik-u, killing 15 enemytroops and wounding three others. On December 19,

the people's armed forces ambushed the 104th Batta-lion of the reaetionary troops in the Nyaunglebin area.The enemy was hit by mines and booby-traps andwas forced to retreat despite a superiority in rnen.On December 3. the people's armed forces led bythe Communist Farty destroyed the locomotive ofan enemy train on the Pegu-Moulmein railway near

April 4, 1969

the bridge over the Sittang River in Waw area, in-flicting a number of casualties on the enemy hoopsOn February 24 this year, a 30-man unit of the people sarmed forces attacked the reactionary arrned bands,the "selfdefence units," near Penwegon town. At thesame time, the people's armed forces led by the Com-munist Party have consolidated or established redregimes in a number of villages in the Pegu area.

In the Irrawaddy Delta, Arakan and Tenasserimareas, the people's armed forces led by the CommunistParty of Burma and the people's armed forces ofvarious nationalities have launched many surprise at-tacks on the reactionary police and troops, raided policestations, intercepted vehicles and boats of the reaction-ary regime, destroyed governrnent warehouses andrice mills, and suppressed reactionary officials andloeal despots Ail this has struck terror into the Bur-mese reactionaries. On October 16 last year, the peo-ple's armed forces initiated an attack on a patrol ofthe reactionary police in Bassein district, annihilatingan enemy squad and capturing a number of weaponsand ammunition. On November 12, the people's armedforces raided a police post at Sandoway town, Arakandivision, from two directions. On the early morningof Irlovember 17, the people's arrned lorces attacked apclice bureau in the area of Akyab town. On December10, the armed forces of the Burmese National-Demo-cratic United Front dealt a crushing blow to a patrolof the enemy 93rd Infantry Battalion in the area ofthe Wakema town, Myaungmya district. At the begin-ning of last December', the people's armed forceslaunched attacks on rice rnills and warehouses of thereactionary government in Pyapon district.

On February 12, over 200 men of the people's

armed forces staged an attack in the area of Zaluntown, Henzada district, and fought a fierce battle withthe reactionary troops and police for three and a halfhours, destroying a rice rnill of the reaetionary govern-

ment. On the same day, over 60 men of the people's

armed forces launched an attack on the police bureauin Ponnagyun town, Arakan division. On February1?, some 50 men of the people's armed forces tookpunitive measures against the local reactionary armedbands, the "selfdefence units," in Moulmeingyun area,

Myaungmya district. In early March, the people's

armed forces killed 17 enemy troops in an ambuslr

against a patrol of the reaetionary forces in Bassein

district.(Continued on P. 24.)


Strong Condemnotion of SovietRevisionists'" Crime of lntrusion

lnto Chinese TerritoryStotement by Notionol Secretoriot of

C.P. of New ZeolondrFHE National Secretariat of the Communist PartyI of New Zealand issued a statement on March 19

strongly condermring the Soviet revisionist renegadeclique's heinous crime of launching armed provocationsagainst China.

The statement said: The attack by the Sovietforces on Chinese border territory on March 2 is a bla-tant piece of aggression against China. This attackltias an attempt to seize by force the island of Chen-pao which has always been part of China.

It continued: "The Communist Party of New Zea-land absoiutely condemns this aggression as a Ilewexample of the all-round imperialist policy initiatedby Khrushchov and expanded by his successors. Brezh-nev, Kosygin and company.

"Soviet policy shows by its nature that it is theSoviet forces who are the aggressors. China should besuppolted to the hilt in defending her borders.

"The present Soviet aggression is designed toachieve several aims.

"The first ai.m is to curry favour rn,ith U.S. impe-iialisnr in order to further joint U.S.-Sor.iet collabora-ticn for the division of the wcrld into U.S. and Sovietspheres of influsrce. Sueh a division has already beenbasically agreed on: an attempted joint nuclear weap-ons moiropoly; a free hand fur the Soviet Unicn inEastern Europs in exchange for a {::ee hand for U.S.imperiaiism in Asia - including Vietnam.

"The second aim is to divert and counter the grow-ing opposition of the Soviet worhing people to ti-ieirtreacherous rulers. The tsars of old Russia followed'r!re sarne tactics of foreign military ad.;enlures in orderto prevent internal discontent from erupting into rev-olul ion.

"And the third aim is to present China as an enemyof the international communist movement. This is partof the Soviet preparation for a so-cailed 'u,rtrld meet-ing' of Communist Parties in May" This 'meeting' canin fact be nothing but a farce, a gathering of impostor"smisusing the name of communism.

"In reality the U.S. imperialists and their Sovietcounterparts are panicked by the world-shaking effectsof China's cultural revolution. They are terrified bythe growth of a powerful new world revoiutionarymovement under the banner of the great revolutionaryIeader Mao Tse-tung. And they are trying everythingin their power to smash it.


"The new imperialist policy of the Soviet rulershas its basis in the restoration of capitalism in theU.S.S.R. carried out over recent years.

"A ne.w capitalist class has seized power in theSoviet Union. It has replaced the former working-class internationalism of Lenin and Stalin with reac-tionary nationalism.

"The new capitalists are enriching themselves byunmercifully exploitiag the Soviet workers and peas-

ants. To widen their sphere of exploitation, they arecarying out a policy of imperialist expansion.

"In pursuit of this aim, they have allied themselveswith U.S. imperialism against socialist China. Theyhave deployed vast forces along the Chinese border forseveral years, camying out many border provoeations.They have backed the anti-China military adventuresof capitalist India with massive arms supplies whichstill continue.

"Under the pretext of ' socialism,' itcarried out the occupation of Czechoslovakia. Thispiece of naked imperialisrn was directed at ensuringcontinr:ed Soviet exploitation and domination of thefcrmer socialist countries of Eastern Europe,

"It can be expected that there will be more ofsueh aciions. And there will be new attacks againstChina. But all atternpts to intimidate China will fai1.The Chinese people have shown that they can and rvilldefend their territory rtith the utmost resolution.

"B11 their imperiaiist aetions, the present Sovietrulers only serve to expose themselves as eounter-revolutionaries. The great Soviet people will undoubt-edly settle accounts with them in due course. They willundoubtedly return their country to the path of social-ism. That is a certainty of history."

Article by E.F. Hi!1, Choirmon ofC.P. of AustroliE (M-L)

l[ I] HILL, Chairman of the Communist Party ofIlJ.l-' .Australia (Marxist-Leninist), in an articie en-titied "People's China Supported by Worid's Revolu-tionary People" published in Vanguord on March 20,

strongly denounced the Soviet revisionist renegadeclique's armed provocation against China and expressedfull support for the Chinese people's struggle againstthe provoeation.

Comrade HiIl said: "On March 15 the Sovietrevisionist renegade clique renewed its aggressionagainst the great socialist bastion of the world - thePeople's Republic of China.




Peking Reuiew, No. 14

. ,1The . .Soviet revisionist ienegade clique. lLlasspawned by the , notorious renegade Khrushchov.Khrushchov was the great champion of 'peaceful eo-existence.' lVhat did his peaceful'coexistence mean?Experience has provided rich material on what it meantand means.

. "It means peaceful coexistence. and collusion withU.S. imperialism and aggression against the people ofthe worid."

Comrade Hill pointed out: "In the case ofCzechoslovakia the Soviet revisionist renegade cliquehad the tacit support of U.S. imperialism. U.S. impe-rialism supported Soviet revisionist aggression againstCzechoslovakia in retutn for Soviet revisionist supportfor U.S. aggression in Vietnam. This is the real nean-ing of the Khrushchovite peaceful coexistence."

"Nowadays," he said, "these Soviet revisionistrenegades dcin't talk so much about peaceful coesist-ence. It does not suit their preparations for war.

"Then the Sor.iet revisionist raegade dique isbeset with immense diffieulties ia suppressing theSoviet people and in getting its own way amongst itsrevisionist allies. Diversion is called for. It builds upa pack of lies to 'justify' its aggression against China.Its lies are so blatant that even capitaiist commenta-tors (a1l haters of People's China) ridicule them.

"None of this will extrieate this clique from itsdifficulties. On the contrary, its difficulties are inten-siiying.

"The great Soviet people are indeed a revolutionarypeople. . . . They are finding the way to oppose therevisionist renegade clique.

"Soviet rerrisicnist aggression against PeoplelsCl'rina will assist the Soviet people to assess the trueimperialist character of these scoundrels. It r,vill assistthe peoples of the world to do the same.

"Out of this bad thing come rich lessons for unify'-ing the people of the ra,or'ld against the most unholyalliance of all time. tl"rat of Soviet social-imperialismand U.S. imperialisn-r against the people of the world.

"Australian workers, working people and studentsai'e part of the r,'"'orldrvide struggle against these vi1-1ains.

"People's China is fighting in the van of all rev-olutionary peoples. Chairman Mao is the great leaderoI all the revolutiona.ry peoples. People's China andits great leader Chairman Mao are supported by allthe revoiutionary peoples."

Ststement by Chileon RevolutionoryCornmunist Porty

rftHE Revolutionary Communist Party of Chile re-i cently issued a stal.ernent strongly condemning theSoviet revisionist renegade clique for its armed prov-ocation against China and firmly supporting the juststruggle of the Chinese people in repulsing the prov-ocation.

The staiement p<.rinied out: The armed provocationof the Soviet ri:visionist renegdde'clique against Chinais a manifestation of the desperate situation which the

April 4, 1969

Soviet revisionisJs tind themselves in. The scheme oftheir main accomplices in China, Liu Shao-chi and hisilk, has been thoroughly crushed in the great proleta-rian =*ultural revolution.

. The statement condemned the Soviet revisionistrenegade elique for shamelessly slandering and attack-ing. China. It pointed out that this was "a futile attemptto obscure the great victories achieved in China's social-ist construction as well as the revolutionary exampleset by the great proletarian eultural revolution for thepeoples of thb ryorld."

The statement said: The armed "provocation of theSoviet revisionist renegade clique against China is arepugnant act of si-rrrender to U.S. imperialisin and acowardly gift to the Nixon Administration intended forstill closer Soviet-U.S. co-operation in dividing be-trveen them spheres of influence in the r,r'orld.

The statement pointed out: The despicable prov-;ocaticn of Brezhnev and Kosl'gin is aimed on the onehanC at rtisl56qtulg the Soviet people's attention fromthe deteriorating econornic situaiion brought about bythe restoration of capitdism in their countr5-. and onthe other hand at rallying the lacke;-s of the Sovietrevisionists to oppose China.

The statement declared firm support for: the juststruggle of the Chinese peopie in repulsing the Sovietrevisionists' armed provocation.. It expressed profoundconfidence in the fact that "the glorious Chinese peo-ple, 1ed by Mao Tse-tung, the greatest leader of theproletariat of our times, rvill give the aggressors duepunishment and completely frustrate their dirty crim-inal manoeuvres."

Stotement by Swedish Comnrun;stLeog ue - Mo rxist-Len in ist

rFHE Swedish Communist League - Marxist-Leninist,I i., o statement on Plarch 22, sternly denounced the

Seviet revisionist renegade clique for its toweringcrirne of carry-ing out armed provocations againstChina. It pointed out that this clique is a gang oIout-and-out social-imperialists and new tsars whoplunder other countries and oppress their ou.'n people.

The statement said: "On llfarch 2. 1969, Soviettroops intruded into Chenpao Island, atiacked, killedand wounded Chinese froniier guards who were onnormal patrol duty. Since then, the So'riet Governmenthas continued its provocations agaiirst the territory ofthe Peop1e's Republic of China, aileging that ChenpaoIsland belongs to the Soviet Union."

"This is a big lie," it pointed ouf. "Chenpao Isiandis not and has never been Russian territory." Even

accoiding to the unequal border treaties imposed on

the authorities of the Ching Dynasty by tsarist Rttssianimperialism, Chenpao Island is indisputable Chinese

territory, the statement said.

After it launched attacks on China, the Sovietrevisionist renegade clique has flooded the news mediawith iies and slanders. It does not even scruple touse racist arguments to incite sentiments against theChinese people. Thieves al'*'ays cry "stop thief" so as


to create cronfusion and try to get away, the statementadded-

Inside the Soviet Union, the statement noted, theSoviet revisionist renegade dique is using fascistmeasures to strengthen the dictatorship of the bour-geoisie and to restore capitalisrn- But, liks the bour-geoisie in other eountries, this dique is not satisfiedwith merely exploiting the people of its own countrlr.Territorial expansionism is innate in capitalisrn. TheSoviet revisionist renegade clique is stepping up itsplunder in East European countries. It has even sentseveral hundred thousand troops to ocflrpy Czecho-slovakia.

The staternent strressed: "The Soviet revisionistshave taken an ever gireater part in the exploitation ofthe oppressed peoples. They even give the Indonesianfascists military aid to supLpress the people, Not longago they concluded a trade agreement with the neo-eolonialist product Malaysia. Contacts are being madewith the Chiang Kai-shek bandits in Taiwan, etc.Indeed, they are true social-imperialists - socialists inwords but imperialists in deeds."

The statement exposed and denounced the eriminalaets of the Soviet revisionist renegade dique in collud-ing with U.S. imperialism tq oppose China and revolu-tion. It said: "The Soviet revisionists are collaboratingwith the U.S. imperialists in redividing the world intospheres of influeErce between thern- On returning homefrom Europe, U.S. imperialist chieftain Nixon said thatthe Sovi'et revisionists and the U.S. imperialists nean

make progress on several roads toward a mutualobjective.' This mutual objective is to oppress thepeople and zuppress their struggle against capitalismand imperialism and tJreir struggle for socialism."

"This is the nature of the tsars in the Kremlin.These revisionists are nothing but new tsars who robother eountries and oppress the people of their owneountry," it added.

The statement said: "The Chinese people, led bythe Chinese Communist Party headed by ChairmanMao Tse-tung and Vice-Chairman Lin Piao, are thebastion of the struggle of the peoples against imperial-ism and for socialism and national liberation. There-fore, the spearhead of the collusion between the So-viet nevisionists and the U.S. imperialists is directedagainst China. Together they try to carr;r out militarycontainment of China."

Referring to the international situation, the state-ment said: The situation in the world is now exeellent.The world revolution has entered a great new era. Aspointed out by Chairman Mao: "The next 50 to 100years, beginning from now, will be a great era ofradical change in the social system throughout theworld, an earth-shaking era without equal in any pre-vious historical period."

The statement stressed: "The nearer they ap-proach their inevitable downfall, the more desperatethe struggle of the Soviet revisionists and the U.S.imperialists becomes. The provocations against Chinaare an attempt to proiong the short time left to themon the scene of history. But they only reveal still more


the true nature of the Soviet revisionist social-imperial-ists and the U.S. imperialists before the peoples of theworld and bring nearer the day when the peoples ofaII countries finally wipe out their common enemies -the Soviet revisionists and the U.S. imperielisf5'" Itadded: "Down with the new tsars!'r

The statement coneluded: "Armed with Mao Tse-tung's thought, the peoples of all countries will soonoverthrow capitalism and imperialism and build so-cialism. The future belongs to the peoples, the workingclass, socialism and Mao Tse-tung's thought."

Letter From Morxist-Leninist CommunistPorty of Fronce to C.C. of ChineseCommunist Porty

rFHE Marrist-Leninist Communist Party of France, inI a letter sent recently to the Central Committee of

15s Qsmrn rnist Party of China, sternly condemned themonstrous crime of Soviet revisionist social*imperial-ism in carrying out armed provocations against China.

The letter said: We have learnt with indignationof the aggression perpetrated by the imperialist cliqueof the Kremlin against the People's Republic of China,bastion of socialism in the world. Chenpao Island isimefutably a part of Chinese territory. The Soviet re'visionists' aggression against Chenpao Island shows thatthe Brezhnev-Kosygin dique is following a social-im-perialist policy of aggression and provocation. This doesnot prove its strength, but, on the contrary, its weakness.The aggression launehed last August against the Czecho-slovak people by the same clique and its occupationof Czechoslovak territory, the aggression against thePeople's Republic of China todal' and the threats ofaggression against the People's Republic of Albania byits troops massed in Bulgaria, ell these are roeks thatthe Kremlin elique lifts to drop on its own feet.

The letter eontinued: "Plunged in an unprecedent-ed crisis, a generatr crisis in the economic, political,ideological and eultural fieldq moribund imperialisrnfeels that the hour is approaching when the people ofthe world will send it to its grave. The soeial-impe-rialist clique of Moscow is in a similar crisis. The de-velopment of the national-liberation movement in theregions of, stsrms - Asia, Africa and Latin America,the upsurge of the people's movement in the countriesof Western Europe, North Ameriea and Oceania, theprofound crisis within the revisionist camp, all thishas plunged the reactionaries into utter terror: the en-tire world is being transformed into a region cf stormswhich will sweep them away."

The general crisis has intensified the contradictionsarnong the different imperialist groups, the letter point-ed out. Quarrelling among themselves like brigands,each defending his own interests, and beeoming unitedagainst the revolutionary people and their reliable andpowerful rear area - the People's Republic of China,such are the two aspects of the policy of the imperial-ists and the rbvisionists today.

The French revisionists, it went on to say, are alsofanning up anti-China sentiments at the heels of the






Peking Reaiew, No. 14

Soviet revisionist renegade clique. Their betrayal ofthe revolutionary people of France has further un-masked them.

The letter stressed; o'The revolutionary people ofFrance and their Party, the Marxist-Leninist Commu-nist Party of FYance, express their fu1l soiidarity withthe Chinese people who have been tempered in thegreat proletarian cultural revolution and with theirglorious Chinese Communist Party and their greatleader, Comrade Mao Tse-tung. The Marxist-LeninistCommunist Party of France reiterates what had beendeclared by its founding Congress in December 196?:The French people will never support a war againstthe People's Republie of China!

"The Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Franceexpresses its fu1l conviction that the Chinese peoplearmed with Mao Tse-tung's thought, Leninism of ourepoch, rvill repulse an_v aggressor."

In conclusion, the letter vrarmly said: Long live thePeople's Republic of China, the bastion of socialisrnin the rvorld! Ircng live the great proletarian culturalrevolution! Down with the imperialist and revisionistwar-mongers! The reactionaries will certainly be de-feated! Long live proletarian internationalism! Longlive Chairman Mao, Lenin of our time!

Stotement by C.C. of Morxist-LeninistPorty of Austrio

rI-rHE Central Committee of the Marxist-Leninist PartyI of Austria in a recent statement severely denounced

the Soviet revisionist renegade clique for its criminalarmed provocations against China.

The statement said: The Soviet ren-egade clique's encroachment on China's-territory Chen-pao Island once again thoroughly exposed the hideousfeatures of the Khrushchov revisionists.

It added: These despicable renegades "have evermore brazenly prostrated themselves before the impe-rialists. Again and again they have capitulated coward-1y to the imperialists in order to collaborate and cometo an understanding with them."

The statement pointed out: The Soviet revisionists'armed provocations against the Chinese border are de-signed to distract people's attention from the disgrace-ful role they have played on the Berlin question and tocover up their crime of capitulation there.

It stressed: Whoever challenges the 700 milliongreat Chinese people, who have been tested in the vic-torious great proletarian c'-rltural revolution and in-spired by Marxisrn-Leninlsm, Mao Tse-tung's thought,will eat the bitter fruit of his own making and re-ceive due punishment.

The statement said in conclusion: "The AustrianMarxist-Leoinists express utmost indignation at theSoviet revisionist leading clique's criminal armed prov-ocations against socialist China. They know thatjustice is entirely on the Chinese side. They expressboundless solidarity with t,he admirable Chinese peo-ple and their Marxist-Leninist Party which firmly up-holds principlesrl

April 4, 1969

Stotement by Greek C.P.Mq rxist-Len inist Group

rfHE l\,llalxist-Leninist Group of the Greek Comrnu-r nist Party residing abroad in a recent statementstrongly condemned the heinous crime of the Sovietrevisionist renegade clique in carrying out arrned prov-ocations against China. It warned Soviet revisionim,U.S. imperialism and all that if th€yshould dare to attack China, they would surely bedestroyed.

The staternent said: "The new armed provocationsagainst socialist China were carried out by the Sovietrevisionists only a few months after their fascist attackon Czechoslovakia. This proves once again that thereis no difference between this revisionist gangster di$mand U.S. imperialism."

It stressed: "The barbarous act of the Soviet revisionist renegade clique il carryi:eg out armed provo-cations against China is airoed at extricating itsellfrom its predirarnsnl at home and abroad. It isdesigned to fau up anti-China sentiments aud paci-fythe Soviet people's growilg discontent with and hatredfor bourgeois, fascist rule."

"Another aim of the Soviet revisionist renegadeclique's armed provocations against China is to curr5rfavour with U.S. imperialism, to prepare the groundfcrr holding new, counter-revolutionary talks with iton carving up the worId, to crush the world revolu-tionary movement and to try to buiid a ring of firearound China," the statement said.

"However," the statement noted, "a11 the schemesof Soviet revisionism and its partner U.S. imperialismw'il1 go bankrupt completely and thoroughly' Thosewho dare to attack China will surely be destroyed. Thisis because the 700 million Chinese people have beenttrnpered not only in their protracted struggles againstimperialism of all descriptions but also in the greatproletarian cultural revolution. The Chinese people

are armed with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Tse-tung'sthought, and are supported by the revolutionary people

of all countries in the world.""From their own experience," it said, "the Greek

people have come to realize that imperialism andmodern revisionism are 'twin brothers.' Consequently,to oppose U.S. imperialism and its lackeys is insepa.rable from opposing modern revisionism."

From the bitter lessons taught by the policy olthe Soviet revisionist clique, the statement said, theGreek people have seen through the nature of the So-viet revisionists' provocative armed attacks. They res-olutely denounce such criminal acts. The Greek peo-ple join the Chinese people in shouting: Down witlthe nelv tsars!

The statement concluded with the slogan: Dowowith Soviet revisionist social-imperialism!

Article From Eelgion Journal "Clorte"rFHE Belgian Marxist-Leninist weekly Clarte recentlyI published an article severely condemning the Sovietrevisionist renegade clique for its armed provocations


against China. It pointed out that China, tempered inthe great proletarian eultural revolution, is invincibleand that the Soviet revisionist renegade clique,

sooner or later, is bound to be sn-iashed by the Sovietpeople.

The article said: The Soviet revisionist renegade

clique is an accompiice of U.S. imperialism. "The be-

haviour of the Soviet revisionist leaders is that ofsocial-imperialists. They invaded Czechoslovakia, ex-ploit East European countries they control, and grab

neo-colonialist interests in Iran, India and a number ofAfrican countries."

The article pointed out: The Soviet revisionistrenegade clique is exerting itseif in whipping up anti-China sentiments for the purpose of covering up itsbetrayal on the Berlin question. The Soviet revisionistsare trying to use armed provocations against China tomaintain the "unity" of the daity disintegrating revi-sionist cliques, and to make preparations for the sinisteranti.-China meeting of these revisionist ciiques.

In conclusion, the articie said emphatically: "Thetremendous victory of the great proletarian culturalrevolution guarantees that China will be red fcr ever.

China is invincible. The revisionists are merely miser-able creatures who will be crushed by their own people'"

(Continued from p. 15.)

Furthermore, the people's armed forces in Merguiand Tavoy districts in Tenasserim on many occasions

intercepted cargo boats and tug boats of the reaction-ary government, capturing large quantiiies ofmaterials. The major highways in Tenasserirn div'isionwere often cut off by the people's armed forces.

The people's armed forces 1ed by the CommunistParty of Burma have stepped up their operations inMagw-e, Thayetm;'o and Pakokku districts in UpperBurmq and in Shan State and have scored a series ofvictories. In 1968, the Burmese people's armed forcesin Shan State annihilated four battalions of Burmesereactionary troops and "self-defence units." Duringthe period between July 25 and August 25 last year,the people's armed forces annihilated three companiesof reaetionary troops. Sinee the beginning of lastDecember, the people's armed forces led by the Com-munist Party of Burma have established red politicalpower in the rural areas in ThaSretmyo district andother places. Since the beginning of this year, thepeople's armed forces have again scored fresh victoriesin these places.

Suffering heavy blo'ws from the people's armedforces, the Burmese reactj.onaries are falling on harderand harder tinres. In a period of about one year begin-ning from August 1967, they hurled scores of battalions,armed 'lvith v,reapons provided by U.S. imperialismand Soviet revisionism, into their counter-revolution-ary "eneirclement and suppression" campaigns againstthe mountain region of Pegu, the revolutionary basearea of the Communist Party of Br-rrma. However,these frantic struggles of the Burmese reactionarieswere a1l thoroughly defeated. Between September andNovember last year, the Burmese reactionaries muster-ed large numbers of troops, inciuding the ??th Divi-sion and 88th Division, for frenzied offensives againstthe Pegu mcuntain area. In September, the Ne Winmiiiiary clique, sinking to a ner,v low, sent a spy toaisassinate Comrade Thakin Than Tun, Chairman ofthe Communist Party of Burma. Folior.ving the as-sassination, the reactionary troops launched another


counter-revolutionary "encirslement and suppression"campaign against the people's armed forces in the Ir-rawaddy Delta. I'he Burmese reactionaries' diabolicalassassination of Chairman Thakin Than Tun and theirmilitary gambles in launching repeated cor.mter-revo-lutionary "ensirclement and suppression" campaignsare death-bed kicks. They are frustrated and at theend of their tether. Under the leadership of the Cen-tral Committee of the Communist Party of Burma, therevolutionary Burmese people, pouring out vials ofwrath for the enemy, are $/aging still more valiantand fierce attacks against the enemy. They have scoredone signal victory after another in tire past six months.\Yorking People's Dailg, mouthpiece of the reactionaryBurmese government, writing edit.orially on January29 about the profound uneasiness causd by the activeoperations of the people's armed forces, clamoured for"corresponding changes" il its counter-revolutionarytactics and for int€Dsified counter'-r'evolutionary "en-circlement and suppression" campaigns against therevolutionary base areas of the Communist Party o{Burma.

Our great leader Chairman Mao has pornted out:"All reaclionary forees on the verge of extinction in-variably conduct desperate struggles. They are boun<ito resort to military ad,venture and politieal deceptionin all their forms in order to save themselves frome:<tinction. And the revolutionary people are boundto rneet with all kinds of difficutties before final vic-tary. Nevertheless, these difficulties can all be sur-mounted and no difficulty can ever obstruct theadvanee of the revolutionary peaple. Perseverancem€ans victory." At present, the Communist Party ofBurma, under the leadership of Comrade Thakin Zinand Comrade Thakin Ba Thein Tin, firrnly adheres tothe revolutionary Une of "winning the r,r'ar and selzingpolitical po\ver" formulated by Chairman ?hakin 'IhanTi:n, anri is leading the revolutionary Burmese peoplein developing the revolutionarlT a.r'med struggle inEurma. The last-ditch struggie of the Burmese reac-tionaries ean never hold back the wheel of histor;2.The Burmese people will certainly v't'in final victoryin the Burmese revolution.

Prrkiac Reuieu:, Na, 14

Revolutionary Soviet People Ardently

toye Choirmon Moo

1l/T ANY revolutionary Soviet people, with infiniteIYI profound proletarian feelings, have used differ-ent methods to make known to Chinese comrades horvthey cherish the memory of Lenin and Stalin and rr.hatboundless love and respect tley cherish for the Chi-nese people's great leader Chairman Mao and the in-vincible thought of Mao Tse-tung.

"Since We Hove Moo Tse-tung, There ls Hope for Us!"One day last October when a Chinese comrade in

the Soviet Union was leaving for China, he met on hisway to the rail'ul'ay station a Soviet driver who ex-pressed his profound feeiings to him. Firmly embrac-ing the Chinese comrade and cordially hoiding hishands, he said with deep emotion: "When you areback in your country, do not fail to convey the regardsof us Soviet people to the great Chairman Mao Tse-tungand to the great Chinese people. We Soviet peoplewarmly love Mao Tse-tung and cherish the memory ofStalin. Khrushchov, Brezhnev and their like havesmcared the honour of the Soviet Union and drivenour country on to the road of capitalist restoration.But since we have Mao Tse-tung, there is hope for us!We will follow the exarnple of the 'Stalin Group' andrise in rebellion against Khrushchov, Brezhnev andtheir like and fight for smashing the reactionary revi-sionist rule!"

When the two parted, the Soviet driver raised histightly clasped hands to indicate the lasting unit;z efthe Chinese and Soviet peoples.

"Moo Tse-tung, Hurroh!"A Soviet friend alighted from an international train

which had pulled into a Chinese station, and showingdeep emotion, he went up to a huge portrait of thegreat teacher Chairman Mao standing high onthe piatform. He looked at the portrait intently andsaid in a low voice: "Mao Tse-tung, hurrah!"

When he saw a Chinese comrade wearing a Chair-man Mao badge on his jacket, he pulled him to hisside and showed him a picture of Lenin which he tookout from his inside pocket and which rvas wrapped inred silk. The picture had been clipped from a news-paper and had been kept for a long time. At the sametirne, he looked fixedly and with respect at the Chair-man Mao badge the Chinese comrade rvore on his jacket.Raising his thumb, he said, "Lenin, Stalin, MaoTse*tung. goodl" He then angrily condemned by

April 4, 1969

gestures the crimes committed by Khrushchov, Brezh-nev and their gang.

After that, he held the hand of the Chinese com-rade and indicated he u,ould like to have a ChairmanLIao badge. \l'hen the Chinese comrade took off his mostcherished Chai.r'man IIao badge and garre it to him, theSoviet friend couldn't heip chser-rng. "Mao Tse-tung,hurrah!"

"Toke the Rood Pointed Out by Moo Tse-tung."

Late one night when two Chinese persorrnel at agtiest house for foreign friends returned. the-v founithe light still on in one of the rooms and heard some-one reading in a low voice. It turned out that a Sovietfriend who had just anived in China was reading Chair-man Mao's works, The Chinese comrades opened thedoor and said to him with deep concern, "It is late,comrade. You should rest!" The Soviet friend turnedround and saw that it rvas Chinese comrades speakingto hlm. He greeted them warmly and invited them tosit dorvn. Pointing to the book on the desk that hervas reading and raising his thumb, he said with emo-tion, "Mao Tse-tung, the Lenin of the present era!jWise! Great!" The Chinese comrades took a look atthe book he was pointing to. It was the Russian editionof the third volume of Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung,and the pages were heavily marked in red pencil.

He told them that in the Soviet Union, the Brezh-nev-Kosygin revisionist clique tried in every possible

way to block, attack and vilify the invincible thoughtof Mao Tse-tung and forbade the Soviet people to readChairman Mao's works. However, the Soviet revolu-tionary people did not at all listen to Brezhnev, Kosy-gin and their ilk. They cherish the memory of Leninand Stalin and have infinite love for the great Mao

Tse-tung! Then he opened his notebook which was

filled rvith notes he had taken down during study. Heread out a passage: "China's great proletarian culturalrevolution has made me see more clearly the viciousfeatures of the Brezhnev clique; it has made me all themore love Mao Tse-tung, the great teacher of theworld's people in the present era' The only correctway is to take the road pointed out by Mao Tse-tung

and rvage revolutionary struggle.. .."

"The Chinese People Are the Bosom Friends of UsSoviet PeoPle."

Once, when a Chinese ocean-going freighterarrived at an African port, the Soviet seamen there


waved continually to the Chinese seamen. As soon

as the freighter anchored and even before the gangway

was firmly in place the Soviet seamen rushed on deck.They warmly shook hands with the Chinese sealrien as

if they rvere mee+,ing old. friends. The first words ofone old seaman upon rneeting the Chinese seamen

were: "Long live Chairman Mao!" I{e then told theChinese seamen: "The Chinese people are tira bosomfriends of us Soviet people, the best of ail friends!When Stalin vras alive, the Soviet and Chinese peoples

were friendly, and they are stiii friendly now. The

Fascist white teuor reigns in ,Soviet society today"At the end of its rope, the Soviet revisionist renegadeclique is feverishly practising sociai-fascism at homeand cruelly suppressing the broad masses of the Sovietworking people in order to maintain its tottering reae-tionary rule and press ahead vigorously rvith social-imperialism abroad. These counter-reyolutionarytyrannical acts are arousing the stiff resistance of theSoviet people.

Moking Every Effort to Strengthen theStote Apporotus

To suppress the broad masses of the Soviet pecple,the Soviet revisionist renegade clique, like theGerman lascists in the past, has been doing its utmostto strengthen the state machinery under its control, in-cluding troops, poliee, prisons and courts. The Sovietrevisionists have not only dispatched troops to invadeother countries in pur:suance of the expansionlst policyof social-imperialism, but have aLso used troops in theirbloody suppression of the people's revolutionary strug-gies at houre. For many years, they have been engagedin frantie arms extr)ansion and war preparations for- thispurpose. Their military outlay has increased year afteryear. Acccrding to greatly watered down figures re-Ieased by the Soviet revisionists, their military outlayin 1968 was 2,200 miliion rubles more than in 196?, whilein 1969; it registers a further increase of 1,000 miilionrubles over 1988. To reinforce their police apparatus, theSoviet revisionists established a "social securiiy minis-try" in July 1966 and set up motorized police units inall major cities in the country. Because of the mountingresistance of the Soviet people, at the end of 1g68, theSoviet revisionist clique, out of the need to stippress thepeople, changed the "social security ministry', into a"ministry of the interior." At the same time, the big andsmall bosses of the clique bared their ferocious fascistfeatures by clarnouring openly that ,,resolute and timely


batons of the revisionists cannot intimidate us. Ourfriendship is cemented in blood and we have a commonrevolutionary ideal. Brezhnev and Kosygin, chieftainsof the Soviet modern revisionists, do not want revolu-tion, but we Soviet people want revolution." He rventon sincerely: "Chairman Mao is the great leader notoniy of the Chinese people but also of the people allover the world." He said he wanted to get a Chair-man Mao badge. On receiving one from the Chineseseamen he pi'omptly pinned it on his jacket and feltextremely honoured and proud.

cr:unter-attacks should be organized" against the peo-ple's resisianee. Morecver, in recent years the Sovietrevisionists have especialiy used the "people's guards-men" to play a ro,le that the police cannot play in sup-pressing the people.

The Soviet revisionist renegade clique has in recentyears resorted to a host of tricks to create "legal"grounds for its fascist outrages" It coneocted many"decrees" and "regulations" designed to fetter theSoviet people through "legality," "Iaw and order" andthe "iron discipline of the party" and suppress the dis-content and resistance of the people.

In 1966, this ciique openly added artides to thepenal code of the Russian S.F.S.R. authorizing the arrestand imprisonment of those who show the slightest dis-content with the reactionary rule of the elique on thecharge of "calumniating" the revisionist leaders. Izi;es-tio, official mouthpiece of the Soviet revisionists, hascalled for "struggles" against those who have shown dis-content. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique alsoconcocted a "resolution on the strengthening of labourdiscipline" in December 1966 and made known its in-tention to intensify the persecution of the Soviet work-ing people by making full use of the "administrativemeasures prescribed by law-" Brezhnev, ctrieftain, of.the Soviet revisionist renegade elique, came out inperson last year to compel the Soviet workers to "dis-cuss" the "urgent problem of strengthening labour dis-cipline." At the beginning of this year, the clique,resorting to a new trick, trotted out a regulation oncontrol work which, under the label of "control by thewhole people," entrusted "tremendous power" to theSoviet revisionist control organs set up throughout thecountry in "a11 enterprises, colleetive farmq govern-ment institutions, organizations, army units, as wellas all departments of production, management andservice trades." This was another step taken by the

New Tsors' Soeisl-Fescist TyromsTy

Peking Reoieoa, No. 14

privileged bourgeois stratum to strengthen its fascistdictatorship over the Soviet working people.

Terror Under Foscist DictotorshipPractising fascist dictatorship under the signboard

of "democracy for the whole people," the Soviet revi-sionist renegade clique has turned the *omeland of theSoviet working pecple into a land of terror.

The whole country is terrorized by the clique'stroops, policemen and special agents; motorized poiicerun'"vild, There are concentration camps, jails and "luna-tic asylums" in every part of the country for detain-ing and suppressing the Soviet revolutionary people. ASoviet worker who had served in tire Soviet air foi'cesaid, "Here in our country we have far too many plain-clothesmen from the state security committee. In thearmed {orces too, they keep close watch over people. Ithappens very often that sons suddenly find their fathersmissing and people find that their reiatives or friendshave disappeared." Such instances of r*-hite terror a-c

exposed by this worker can be found ali over the co'rn-try. A Georgian worker rvas exiled to the frontier merelyfor having shown his dissatisfaction with the wild cam-paign whippd up by the Soviet revisionist renegadeclique against Stalin. A Soviet woman Cornmunist wasexpelled from the Party and sent to a "lunatic asylum"simply because she took exc€ption to the clique's reac-tionary policies. A number of youths &'ere arrestedwhen they demonstrated in front of the U.S. Embassyin Moscow against U.S. imperialist aggression againstthe Dominican Republic. In Leningrad, several youngpeople rvere sentenced to three to four years' imprison-ment because they had protested against the elique'saggression against Czechoslovakia. In western Ukraine,more than 70 intellectuals were arrested on a singtre

occasion on the charge of "misinterpretation of the his-tory of the Ukraine" just because they had asked theSoviet revisionist renegade ciique to "attach greaterimportance to the language and culture of the Ukrainethan it does now." The wave of arests spread fromLvov to Kiev, Odessa and several other cities.

Privileged Strotum Tyronnizes the PeopleThe Brezhnev-Kosygin renegade ciique has deprived

the Soviet people of their elementary freedom anddemocratic rights. A doggerel written on the door of alavatory in the "Officers' Home" Theatre in Minsk isan ironical retort to the clique's allegation that "demo-cracy for the whole people" has been realized in theSoviet Union. The doggerel runs: "To w-r'ite in the dirtyW.C-, this tradition is no novelty. Friends. don't youagree that freedom of speech can only be found here?"On the other hand, the Soviet revisionist renegade cliquetakes great pains to shield the smal} privileged stratumand connives at its unserupu).ous exploitation and op-

April 4, 7969

pression of the broad sections of the working people.A son of the chairman of a regional executive committeeacted the tyrant and beat people up. But the procura-tor set him free because the offender's father is thechairman of the region's executive committee. A cen-tral committee member of the Soviet revisionist partyof the Kirghiz S.S.n. did something in contravention ofthe law, but the "people's control committee" of the.republic rejected the accusations from the workers onthe ground that "the offender is a member of the Cen-tral Committee of the Communist Party of the republicand it seems rather'inconvenient'to argue the case withhint." In the Dushanbinsky Textiie Combine, GalinaPetrovna Ozornina, a child labourer at a spinningmachine. \yas persecuted to death because she refusedthe order of the factory boss to lvork on ihe night shift.T*-.h;s bcs-q, rvho caused the giri's death, not only wentr,npunisheci but s'as promoted. A leaciing member ofa tirnber factory in Beslan kicked out the *,orkersrr.ho criiicized him- When t.Le workers reasoned withhim, he c"lled in the poiice s'ho arrested them on theground that "the prestige of a leader should be upheld.'lThere are fifnumerable instances of workers being dis-missed on charges of "having committed monstrouscrimes" or "slandering leaders" because they criticizedthe leading members of their enterprises. A certainengineering department had a total staff of 350. But318 of them were fired within three years because theycriticized the director of the department.


New Tsors in Krernlin UYill lneyitobly Fall 'll

' The Soviet revisionist renegade clique's fascist out-rages and ruthless suppression cannot cotv the Sovietpeople u,ho have a glorious revolutionary tradition. They

only serve to reveal that the Soviet revisionists are atthe end of their tether and putting up death-bed


Referring to the reaciionaries of al1 countries, ourgreat leader Chairman Mao has pointed out: "In the

final analysis, their persecution of the revolutionary

people only serves to accelerate the people's revolutions

on a broader and rnore intense scale." Now, more and

more revolutionary Soviet people have risen in struggle

despite the ruthless suppression by the revisionists. The

Soviet revolutionary organization 'iStalin Group" has

distributed a number of revolutionary 1eaflets, solemnly

declaring that a revolution will be made in the Soviet

Union to overthrow the rule of the Soviet revisionist

renegade clique and re-establish the dictatorship of the

proletariat. This fuity manifests the herpic spirit and

iron revolutionary will of the Soviet proletariat. The

Soviet people are bound to completely overthrow the

fascist tyranny sf the nerv tsars in the Kremlin.


Soviet Revisionists' All-Round Restorotion ofCopitolism Brings Grove Consequences to

Livestock Breeding

and Kazakhstan, which account for more than 80 percent of the total meat production in the Soviet Union,"the output of pork fell especially drasticaiiy last year."Meat production has further dropped since the begin-ning of this year. According to the obviously rvatereddown figures released by the Soviet revisionists, meatoutput in the Soviet Union in January this year was7 per cent less than in the corresponding period lastyear, or a further drop of nearly 50,000 tons. TheSoviet revisionist press revealed that by 1970, the lastyear of the current five-year plan, the estimated dailyyield of milk per milch cow on the "Omsk" BreedingFarm will be far below the level of 15 years ago. Inthe Dzhadzhur Livestock Breeding State Farm in Ar-menia rvhich specializes in the production of dairy pro-ducts and meat, each milch cow yields only about threekilogrammes of milk daily. In Stavropol, an importantsheep-raising base in the Soviet Union, the averagewool clip per sheep has drastically "dropped time andagain by half a kilogramme" in recent years; thequality of wool has "greatly deteriorated" and 95 percent of the rvool produced there is "soiled or defective.""A similar trend has also appeared" in many otherregions.

Meat supply is now very scai'ce in the Sovietmarket as a result of the serious decline in livestockbreeding. Pork, chickens and ducks have almost com-pletely disappeared from the food stores in manyplaces. including the largest ones in the capitals ofsome union republics. People can scarcely find freshrneat in "state-run" markets even in Moscorv. In areport under the heading: "Beef Steak 'Sold out,"tSouiet Russia said that one customer in Tula City whowanted to buy some beef steak to grill found "neitherbeef nor pork" at Store No. 32. The sales attendantstold him that the store had been "out of stock forthree days." The meat counters in Stores No. 55 andNo. 69 were also empty. Trud published by the Sovietrevisionists had to admit that there rvas "no meat" inworkers' canteens.

To make up for the country's meat shortage. Brezh-nev, Kosygin and their kind, while vigorously develop-

-Soviet revisionists resort to coloniolist policy of unscrupulous

plunder of Mongoliq's livestock to moke up for shortoge ofdomestic onimol products

ITHE all-round restoration of capitalism by the Sovietr revisionist renegade clique has brought grave con-

sequences to livestock breeding in the Soviet Union andplunged it into chaos. A shortage of animal productsupplies, meat in partieular, has been increasingiy feltthere.

For all the attempts by the Soviet revisionist rene-gade clique to gloss over the seriously worsening live-stock breeding situation, it can be seen from the greatlydoctored figures released by the Soviet revisionistBoard of Statistics that livestock raising in the SovietUnion is declining. In the past six years, the totalnumber of livestock in.the whole country has droppedby about 14 million head.

The drop in the number of pigs, an importantsource of meat in the Soviet Union, is especially serious.In January 1968, the total number of pigs was 7.1 n-ril-lion less than that in January 1967. ar-rd in January 1969,it was 1.9 million less than that in January 1968. Thetotal number of cattle fell last year by 1.5 million, in-cluding 400,000 milch corvs. In the past six vears, thetotal number of sheep decreased by 300,000. Livestockbreeding in a number of important livestock raisingareas has been reduced to a state of decline in theSoviet Union. The Soviet revisionist journal SelyskayaZhizny admitteci in a report last February that in manyregions of the Ukraine, which is known for its pigs,"the number of lirrestock, pigs in particuiar, hasdr,l'indled" in recent years. The Soviet revisionist pressalso revealed that in the non-blacli-earth zone in theRussian S.F.S.R., along the Baitic coast andin Byelorussia the trend of deereases in the totalnumber of sheep is "continuing" lvhile in the AltaiTerritory, an important area in raising fine breedMerino sheep, the number of sheep also ,,fell sharply.,,

The perverse actions taken b,y the Soviet revislonistrenegade clique in regard to the relations of productionhave not only resulted in a steady decline in the numberof livestock, but have also steadily lowered the quan-ti'Ly and quality of animal products. The Soviet revi-sionist paper Prau(lo revealed in January this year thatin scme regions in the Russian S.F.S.R., the Ukraine

24 Peking Reuie,u:, No. 14



tng thg private sector of the eeonomy, even resorted tothe desperate measure of slaughtering animals not yetfattened or fully grown in order to provide meat forthe market. The Soviet revisionist journal EconomicsoJ Agriculture admitted that animals on sale in theSoviet Union are undersized and underweight. Theaverage live weight per head of cattle sold or deliveredto the state in various localities "is only 256 to 265kilogrammes." Another Soviet revisionist jcurnal dis-dosed that the average live weight per head of cattlesold by the Dzhadzhur State Farm to the state "is only149 kilogrammes." By such perverse actions, the Sovietrevisionists are drinking poison to quench their thirst.These actions will inevitably further undermine live-stock breeding in the Soviet Union and bring aboutstill greater chaos.

Like all imperialist countries which always try theirutmost to shift the burden of their crisis on to others,the Soviet revisionist renegade clique has resorted to thecnolonialist policy of ruthlessly plundering Mongotria'slivestock to rirake up for its own shortage of animal pro-ducts. According to obviously doctored official figuresrelealed by the Mongolian and Soviet revisionists, thestate purchase of live cattle and sheep in Mongolia in1963 was 114,000 tons, of which 88,100 tons were ex-ported to the Soviet Union, that is, 80 per cent of thetotal amount purchased by the state. To meet theSoviet revisionists' insatiable demands, the Mongolianrevisionist clique has gone so far as to drive both

Digging Their Own Groves

female and young animals lnto the Soviet revisionists'slaughter houses. Such - barbarous plunder by theSoviet revisionists has seriously harmed Mongolia'slivestock breeding. According to figures released bythe Mongoiian revisionists themselves, Mongolia's totalnumber of livestock in 1956 was more than 24 million;by 1966, the number, instead of showing any increase,had dropped to 22 million. Today, in this livestockbreeding land, the Mongolian revisionist authoritieshave been compelled to tell the Mongolian people toeat wild animals or go meatless. The Soviet revision-ists' colonial plunder has enabled the Mongolian andSoviet masses to see more clearly the diabolical social-irnperialist features of Brezhnev, Kosygin and their like.

Our great leader Chairman Mao has pointed out:"The difficulties of the reactionary forces are insur-mountable because they are forces on the verge ofdeath and have no future." This is exactly the casewith the Soviet revisionist renegade ciique. From thedecline in Soviet livestock raising and from the chaosin other branches of the Soviet economy, the Sovietpeople will come to realize rnore clearly that the Sovietrevisionist renegade clique is the culprit in bringingabout the serious breakdown of the productive forcesin the Soviet Union and that this clique must be s\Meptinto the garbage can of history in order to bring theSoviet productive forces back to the path of vigorousdevelopment, and the Soviet Union back to the brightpath of socialism.

gave this sinister design active sLlpport after usurpingParty and state leadership in the country and de-generating into a gang of social-imperialists. It madethe formation of an anti-China ring an important partof its counter-revolutionary "holy alliance" with theUnited States.

The past tu,o years have seen the foilowing de-velopmeirts: socialist China has become more porverfuLthar-rk.s to the decisive victory won in the great prole-tarian cultural revolution; Mao Tse-tung's thought hasspread wider than ever before in the 'world and there'rolutionary struggles of the oppressed people andnations have been vigorously surging ahead; and im-perialism headed by the United States and modenl re-visionism whose centre is the Soviet revisionist rene-gacle ciique, disintegrating and running into a bllnd

Kremlin's New Tssrs Rig Up Anti-Cltins


T ONG hostile to the Chinese people, the Soviet re-L visionist renegade clique has been working over-time in its collaboration with U.S. imperialism and thereactionaries of all countries to rig up what is vainlydesigned as a ring around China. This last desperatestruggle of the new tsars in the Kremlin, apart fromexposing vividly their ugly counter-revolutionary face,brings their feeble paper-tiger nature into sharp relief.By opposing China, the Soviet revisionist renegadeclique has landed itself in a still more isolated positionin the sea of revolutionary struggles by the world'speople.

For a long time, U.S. imperialism, bent on pushingits counter-revolutionary global strategy, has beentrying to build up what it hopes can function as a ringencircling China. The Soviet revisionist renegade clique

Apri,l 4, 1969 25

alley, are torn by contrailictions and beset by difficul-ties at home and abroad. In these circumstances, theSsviet r.evisionist renegade elique has been more eagerthan before in partnering with U"S. imperialism topuCh their joint counter-revo.lutionary scn-eme of up an encirclement of China. By doing so, it vainlyhopes to 'lcontain" Chinars 'great influence in the worldand disrupt the surging revolutionary struggles of the'people of a1l countries.

Musaing Troops on Eino-Soyiet snd Sino-Mongalisn 8-orders

To slap together this ring and co-ordinate with themar"roeuvi:es of U.S. imperialism, which has large num-bers of forces and military bases around China, theSoviet revisionist renegade clique ;has ,in the last fewyears poured large reinforcements into the Sino-Soviet'border areas and repeatedly created provocative borderincidents. At the time, it has turned i\{ongolia intoa rbig military base by ,massing troops there and deploy-ing them along the Chinese-Mongolian border. In the,narne of military "aid," it has provided the Mongolianr.evisionist,clique with large quantities of military hard-'ware and modern weapons and equipment and dis-,patched large numbers of military "advisorE" to directlycontrol that clique's armed {orces.

Counier-Reuolutionory Goings-On in Tokyo

For the purpose of organizing a ring aroundChina, the Soviet revisionist renegade ciique, rvorking inleague with U.S. imperialism, has moved heavenand earth to foster and gang up with Japanese mili-tarism, which it hopes can be turned into an importantpart of this encirclement ring. In the last few years,this clique has greatly intensified its counter-revolu-tionary coLlabcration with the Japanese reactionaries.Soviet revisionist chieftains have openly ,and sheme-lessly lauded Japanese rnilitarism as "a stabilizingforce in Asia" and as enjoying a "leading position inAsia." It even asked Japanese militarists to "co-operate" rvith it in "stabilizing the political situationin Asia" and in "organizing counter-attacks againstaggtession." Egged on by the Soviet revisionists, thereactionary japanese Government has graduallydhifted the hub of its militerv deployment from Hok-kaido, which is close to the Soviet Union, to Kyushu;which is close to China. The Soviet revisionist rene-gade clique did not hesitate to barter alvay Soviet sov-ereignty by agreeing to the "joint development" ofSiberia with the Japanese reactionaries, the politicalairn of which is to set the Japanese militarists on amore belligerent course of ,opposing China. Said oneJapanese bourgeois paper blun*ly: "The Soviet Unionhas no:w joined hands rvith J.apan in adopting the tac-ties of containing China."

Big Stokes on l*dio,n Resctionsries

To rig up an anti-China encirclement, both theSo+riet revisionist renegade clique and U.S. imperiatsrnhave pr,rt b.ig stakes on the Indian reastlonaries, mak-


ing India an important link in their joint encirclementracket. Over the last few years, 'the Soviet revisionist'renegade clique has greatly augmented 'its support tothe Indian reactionaries in the poiitical, econornic andmiiitary fields. In the first four months of 1968, Sovietrevisionist chieftain Kosygin twice visited New Delhiwhere he plotted with India about all-ro'.md criminal,collaboration against Chlna. Ttre Soviet revisionistclique even clecided to exchange with the Indian reac-tionaries "informationn' concerning China for "overalluse" by ttre United States, the Soviet Uai.on and In-,dia. Co<rdinating its manoeuvres with U:S. imperial-ism, i1 has provided large quantities of military andeconomie "aid" to the Indian reactionaries to backtheir wicked rnachinations against China, communisrnand the people.

Grooming Reoctionory Forces in Southesst Asio

, To get its ring a::ound China, the Soviet revisionistrenegade clique did not :hesitate to discard its fig-leafof "supporting the national-liberatisn moVement." Ithas ,r,nade political deals in a big way with reactignary,ruling cliques whose ,hands are stained with the bloodof Communists and r:evolutionary people - in Indonesia,Burma, "Malaysia," Singapore, Thailand, the Philip-pines aud other ,countries .and ,regions. It has mor:ethan once agreed ,to let the Suharto-Nasution Jascistrnilitary clique oi Indonesia defer repa5rment of rno:iethan 1;000 million U;S. dollars in mititary debts andinterest. In addition, together with U.S. imperiaiism,it has given huge sums of new loans to the reactionaryIrrdonesian regime. In 1966, when the Ne Win fascistregiine of Burma embarked on a frantie campaignagainst China and Chinese nationais in that country,the Soviet revisionist renegade clique promptly shippedniunitions to Rahgoon. To make the "containmentageinst China effective" through closEr collaboration,it has established diplornatic relations with the Singa-pore puppet reglme and "&Ialaysia," which oniy yes-terday the dique cailed a product of neo-colonialism.These 'rengades have even collected together anti-China scum of everl' description, sitting at the samemeetings and hobnobbing *'ith all breeds of runningdogs of U.S. imperialism in Asia.

I'or the sake of organizing a rilg encircling China,the Soviet revisionist renegade clique has carried outextensive activities abroad in heiping U.S. imperialismrnuster the political dregs in Southeast Asia .throughvarious "alliances" and "treaties." As a result of thejoint plotting by U.S. and British imperialism and theSol'iet revisionist renegade clique in 1967, "Malaysia,"the Philippines, Thaiiand and Indonesi"a ganged up inan anti-China, anti-communist and anti-people organi-zat.ion - the "Association of Southeast Asian Nations."Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Sato and Indian PrimeMinister Indira Gandhi went on junkets everywhereselling the idea of linking up ttre "Northeast Asia Mili-tary Alliance," the "Southeast Asia Treaty Organiza-tion" and the "Australia-New Zealand-United StatesTreaty Organization (ANZUS)." Behind these activities

Peking Rersiew, lVo. {4

rfi/as the string-puiling by U.S. imperialism and Sovietrevisionism.

Betroying the lndo-Chinese Peoples

To bring about .an anti-China encirclement, theSoviet revisionist renegade clique has stepped up itsbetrayal of the Indo-Chinese peoples' struggle againstU.S. aggression and for national salvation by redoubl-ing its efforts to carry on "peace talks" intrigues withU.S' imperialism. It is also collaborating in earnest u.ithL;.S. imperialism in a conspiracy to bring about rvhatboth call an "Indo-Pakistan rapprocirernent," the pur'-pcse of which is to sow discord in Sino*Pakista,n rela-tions and turn the indo-Pakistan sub<ontinent into asegrnent in the anti-China ring.

Ilc encircle China, the Soviet revisionist renegadeclique prepared, in coilaboration rvi?h U.S. imperiaiism.a resolution on so-called "nuclear protection'2 last Jure.Together with U.S. imperialism, it blustered that itr.vcruld provide countries and regions around China g,itha "nuclear umbrel1a," which is nothing but an attenrptto set up nuclear bases there and increase its nuclearthleat to China. At the sarne time, taking advantageof the decline of British imperialism which, unable topay more attention to the East, deeided to withdrawits rnilitary forces from east of the Suez; the Soviet re-visionist clique has r:epeatedly sent its fleets to Soul.h.easl Asia and grabbed the right to set up navai basesin India, thus extending its military power into the in-dian Ocean. Up With U,S. lmperialism,r{goinst.Cornrmrnism, Chino ond the Peopi-e

Al1. these crimiaal activities of the Soviet revisionistrei-iegade clique suit U.S, imperialism perfectly in carry-ing out counter-revolutionary: machinations againstChina, communism and the peopie. lf hes thereforevron V/ashington's open approval. U.S. nrling circleshave indicated that since the Sorriet tlnien and theUnited States "have cornmon interests in containingChina . . . in the whole of Southeast Asia,tr the UnitedStates has uo intention of "checking" the peaetretionof Soviet revisionism, into this region. They encvuragedthre Soviet revisionists to continue to take measures"parallel" to those of the United States. in putting to-gether an anti-China encirclement, sayiarg that in thisway they "will find more and more basis for agree-ment" for Soviet-U.S. collusion on a global sca1e. InIetting the cat out of the bag, U.S. ruling cireles havefuily revealed the criminal activities of this sinisterjoint Soviet-U.S. venture against China.

Zealous collaboration by the Soviet, revisionistrenegade clique with U,S. imperialism in knodring to-getLer a ring around China is not ruerely a demonstra-tiou oJ its counter-revolutionary madness. It has shownup mqre lpye:lipgly its unprecedented weakness -fieree crourrteuance but faint heart. Our great leaderChairunan Mao has pointed out that the world. revolu-tion has enterd a great nelr era. Tire fact that the ner.v

April 4, 7969

tsars in the Kremlin are so anxious to form, togetherwith U.S. imperialism, a ring encircling China at thistime has cornpietely rnanifested its dread of irnmirrentdoom.

Fifty years ago, the great Le,nin ridiculed theAmerican, British and French imperialists who set outdesperately to oppose Soviet Russia and try to des-troy Boishevism. Said Lenin: "They intend to surroundthemselves with a Great Wall of China so as to keepout the plague, the plague of Bolshevism. These peopleare trying to rid themselves of Bolshevism by goinginto quarantine, but this cannot be done. Even if theseAnglo-French irnperialist gentlemen, who possess thebest techniques in the rvorld, sueceed in building thisGreat WaII around the Iiepublie, the germ of Bolshev-ism will still penetrate the wall and infect the vyolkGrsef the world-- History has confirmed this wise thesis.

Soyiet Rcrrisionisls in Unprecedented lsoiotion

Listen, you new tsars in the Kremlin! Revolutionscannot tre "contaiaed." History has proved over andover that all stumbling-blocks in the way of revolutionare eventualiy crushed unCer the great wheel of thepeople's revolutionary struggles. More than 150 yearsago, the tsar of Russia gangd up with almost all themonarchs ia Europe ia organ zing a "Holy Alliance"to "contain" the influenee sf the French trourgeois rev.olution. What happened? The rel'olution moved on,and the counter-r,evolutionary alliance they so loudlyproclairaed vanished into thin air. Haif a century ago,the aati-Soviet crusade set up by the imperialist coun-tr:es to strangle the new.born Soviet state met with a

similar ignominious defeat. IIow can the anti-China cor-don formed by you, the new tsars, with the U.S. im-periatrists today possibly fare any hetter? Whateverscurn you collect to "encirclel' or "eorltain" China, youabsolutely cannot prev.ent the great thought of MaoTse-tung and, socialist China from exercising iniluencein the world.

Referring to U.S imperialism which was carryi::gout aggression and expansion everywhere, our greatleader Chairman N{ao said more than four years ago:

"It is besieged ring upon ring by the people of the wholew'orld.l' B5r partnering with U.S' imperialism in futitre

attempts to set up an anli=China encirclement and sup-porting the reactionaries in a number of Asian countriesto suppress the people's revolutionary struggles there,Krernlin's new tsars are only arousing the people of theu,or1d, first of ail the people of Southeast Asia, to riseup against them. The great Chinese people are certainlynot a1cne. The revolutionary people of all countries, urho

constitute over 90 per cent of t.Le world's popr.ilationi thegreat Soviet people included, are friends of the Chiuesepeople. But the new tsars and the U.S, imperialists as

well as the reactionaries of all countries, besieged ringupon ring by the people of the whole world, have la*rdedthemselves in unprecedented isolation. The new' tsarsand all other anti-China seoundrels will certainlyceme to no good end.



Unprecedented Big Row Within lrnperiolist Bloc

A BIG row unprecedented in intensity since the end/ r of Wortd War II erupted within the imperialistbloc around the time of new U.S. imperialist chieftainRichard \Tixon's visit to Western Europe.

On the surface, the quarrel was caused mainly bytire scramble between Britain and France for hegemonyover Western Europe. In reality, it reflects the deep-ening and deveioping of the U.S.-French struggle inthe last few years for hegemony there.. It shows thatthe de Gaulle govetninent, taking advantage of thepredicament of U.S. imperialism whieh is beset withdifficulties at home and abroad and finding itself inan impasse, has made a new challenge to the recentlyinstalled Nixon Administration. The outbreak of thisstruggle not only dealt a head-on blorv to Nixon duringhis visit to Western Europe; it is also a fresh proof thatthe U.S.-headed irnperialist bloc, riddled with contra-dictions, is falling apart and heading for destruction atan accelerated speed.

The big row was actually touched. off by the WestEuropean trip of the new U.S. president. As isknown to all, Nixon's chief objective in rushing offto Western Europe only one month after he assumedoffice was to placate and woo America's West European"altes." It was a vain atternpt to slow down the rapiddisintegration of the imperialist bloc and maintain thetottering domination of U.S. imperialism so as to pre-pare the ground for big counter-revolutionary politicaldeals between U.S. imperiaiism and the Soviet revision-ist renegade clique. Litt1e had the new U.S. imperial-ist chieftain expected that his plan to visit WesternEurope rrould set off a big seramble that was contraryto what he s'as after. The British Labour government,which has alrvays been dependent on U.S. support.u'as bent on exploiting Nixon's visit to isolate Franceand boost Britain's own position ia. an effort to realizeits ambition of squeezing itself into continental WesternEurope and contending with the de Gaulle governmentfor hegemony there. On its part, the latter initiated anew political offensive in the light of .A.merica's col-lapsing hegemony in Western Europe and of Britain'sabove-mentioned intentions and activities.

De Gaulle's "lndependent Europe"

According to revelations by the Western press,this extremely intense dog-tight within the imperial-ist bloc came about like this: In early February, theU.S. Government informed West European govern-ments of Nixon's itinerary on his West European tour.Having been informed, French President de Gaulleheld talks with the British Ambassador to FranceChristopher Soames on February 4, proposing the estab-lishment of an "independent Europe" to the completeexclusion of the United States. As revealed by the


British pless and official sources, de Gaulle made itclear in his conversation that the West European coun-tries must have a common position on various worldproblems before a o'European entity" could be achieved-But the reality is quite different: Britain is "pro-U.S.," while Franee has been asserting its "indepen-dence" from the United States. De Gaulle advocatedsetting up a "truly independent Europe" and liquidat-ing NATO and U.S. domination over it. De Gaulle alsoadvocated that the West European "Common Market"should evolve into a "looser form of free trade area,zincluding agricultural products, to be 1ed by an "innerpolitical directorate" of France, Britain, West Germanyand Italy. De Gaulle also said that he rvould like tosee Anglo-French talks on economic, political and mil-itary matters and find out whether "we could resolveour dilferences,"

All-Round Chollenge to U.S. Policy ofControlling Ullestern Europe

The blue-print of de Gaulle's "independent Europe"is actually an all-round challenge, made at a timewhen the political-economic crisis of the capitalistworld is fast worsening, to the U.S. policy of control-ling Western Europe as tightly as possible, a policythat the United States has been pursuing sinoe theend of World War II. Moreover, this is an extremelyheavy blow to the NATO military bloc which was leftdecirnated by France's withdrawal in 1966.

This manoeuvre of de Gaulle's is also a serious polit-ical challenge to the British Labour government whichcontinues to follow and depend on the United Statespolitically, militariiy and economically. Observers inLondon held that de Gaulle's talk was aimedat exposing Britain's dependence on the United States.He was forcing Britain to make public its stand onsvhether it rvas continuing to follorv the U.S. policy to-wards \Testern Europe. De Gaulle rvas fully aware thatBritain s-ould e-xpress its intention of continuing to tailafter the United States. In this circumstance, Francecould justify its accusation that Britain is still too pro-American and, thenefore, France s-ould continue tokeep it out of the West European "Common Market."

To meet the French challenge, the British Labourgovernment did not hesitate to act in a way that is ex-traordinary in diplomacy. Without informing theFrench Government in advance, it revealed to WestGermany and four other partners of France in the WestEuropean "Common Market" the content of what wassaid to be de Gaulle's talk with Christopher Soames.This was an attempt to sow discord between Franceand its partners, West Germany in particular, so as tomake it easier for Britain to edge itself into continentalWestern Europe and find a way out politically andeconomically. Moreorrer, the British press chose to raise

Peking Retsieto, No", 14

a fuss about de Gaulle's talk on the very eve of Nixon'sWest European tour to show British "1o5.s11t" to theUnited States and to piay up to Nixon.

Furthermore, in defianee of France's strong pro-test and firm boycott, Britain has strived hard toresurrect the long-defunct "West European Union"eomposed of Britain and the "Common Market" six.It has also brotrght West Germany and four other corm-tries together in holding meetings in London on severaloccasions to discuss the Middle East and other problems.

Anglo-French Controdictions Vllorsened

These British moves have rapidly worsened the al-ready acute contradictions betrveen Britain and France.Ministers of both governments quarrelled and heapedabuse on each other. The French Government sent anote to Britain and Foreign Minister Debre made astaternent protesting against Britain for engagiirg in"diplomatic manoeuvres" and "distorting" de Gaulle'stalk. French official circles particularly stressed thatde Gaulle had "said nothing which differed from 'uvhathe has constantly and publicly affii'med," and had madeno proposal for the setting up of an "inner politicaldirectorate" of Britain, France, West Germany andItal1,. On its part, Britain, in addition to a note in replyto the French note, had Foreign Secretary Stewart re-tort that the British Government had "not exaggeratedi-ior distorted" de Gaulle's talk. Even Prime Minister!tr/iison failed to keep cool and personall;' took part inthe squabbling.

A bitter quarrel also developed betu-een Britainand France over the question of the "Vlest EuropeanIJnion." France ac.cused Britain oI assuming the roleof a self-styled leader, of summoning meetings in thename of the standing council of the union, and of woo-ing West Germany and others. It denounced Britainfor engaging in "conspiracy" and attempting to sneakinto the West European "Common l\1[arket" by the"back door"." It declared that France had decided toboycott all activities of the "West European Union.'lRefusing to give in, Britain retorted sharply that theunion rvould not dissolve even if a member rvithdrewIt insisted that tire "West European lJnion" must carryon rvith its activities as usual, rvhether France tookpart or not.

All Western Europe in Potiticol Disorroy

Worth noting in the big is the attitude ofWest Germany. Amid the pandemonium in lvhichthe imperialist countries are both colluding and strug-glir-rg rvith each other, the basic stand of West Ger-many is: rvhile emphasizing that West European "in-'tegration" cannot do without France, it is very pleasedto enjoy Br-itain's flattery; taking advantage of theAnglo-French contradictions, it is trying to furtherboost its own eeonotnic and military strength and winthe right to have a say on international political mat-ters. West Germany seems to remain nentral in the

April 4, 7969

bitter quarrel between Britain and France, but in factit has moved snmetvhat nearer to Britain in theNA?O bloc and the "West European lJnion," whileits contradictions with France in the West European"Comuion Market" have grown. At the sarne time,West Germany continues to depend on the United Statesr.r'hile expressing growing resentment against theUnited States for making deals with the Soviet revi-siotrists behind its back. All this has more and morecomplicated relations rvithin the imperialist bloc.

Other West European countries, such as ltaly, theNetherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg, have also beeninvolved to various extents in this scrarnble and quarrelbetween Britain and Franee. Quarrels have also takenplace within British and French ruling circles. In theface of such a mess, even the Western capitalist pressconrplained that the quarrels had "left Western Europein total political disarray.'r

Totol Collopse of lmperiolist SystemAccelerqted

De Gaulle's talk and the ensuing melee knockedthe bottom out of Nixon's visit "before it started."Although the nev,/ U.S. irnperialist chieftain wasgiven a staggering blow by de Gaulle, he had toswallow his pride. He did not dare to cancel his visit toParis, but had to lavish praise on de Gaulle. At thesame time, Nixon was afraid to offend France's rival,Britain. Thus lvhen he was in London, he stressed thelong-extinct "special relations" bets'een the UnitedStates and Britain in order to please Harold Wilson.This is a far cry from the overweening arrogance withwhich his predecesssls -

r-'isenhower, Kennedy andJohnson-treated the rulers of France and Britain.a

. Nevertheless, Nixon's effort in flattering every-body on his West European tour can neither turn backthe inevitable trend of rapid decline in U.S. domina-tion, nor stem the historical current of the speedy dis-integration of the imperialist bloc headed by the UnitedStates. On the contrary, his actions only serve to fur-ther expose the predicament of U.S. imperialism as apaper tiger on its last legs.

The great leader of the Chinese peeiple ChairmanMao has pointed out: "The epoch we are living in is an

epoch in w,hieh the imperialist system is heading fortotal collapse, the imperialists have fallen inextrieablyinto crisis." At present, the revolutionary struggies ofthe people of the world are surging forward; the polii-ical.-economic crisis of the imperialist countries is deep-ening daily; their struggle to shift the burden of thecrisis on to one another and their struggle for powerand interests ha-re i:ecome more and more acttte. Thestrife among the imperialist countries cannot save

them fi'om their impending doom. Instead, it will fur-ther the split of the U.S.-1ed imperialist bloc and ac-

celerate the total collapse of the imperialist system' Thebig row and scramble that broke out u'itirin the impe-rialist bloc arotrnd the time of Nixon's West Europeantour is a clear reflection of this historical trend.



Worm Tribute to Frontier

Guords in Chenpoo

lslqnd Areo

A delegation formed jointly by theHeilungkiang Provincial Revolu-tionary Committee, the HeilungkiangProvincial Military Area Commandof the P.L.A. and the llarbin Mu-nicipal Revolutionary Cornmittee re-cently went to the Chenpao Isiandarea to pay warm tribute to theheroic Chinese frontier guards whoperformed great meritorious deedsin the struggle to rebuff the Sovietrevisionists' armed provocations andto defend the sacred territory of ourgreat motherland,

The armymen and people pledgedto hold still higher the great red ban-ner of Mao Tse-tung's thought andsum up their experience conscien-tiously, strengthen army-civilian un-ity and grasp revolution and promoteproduction and other work and pre-paredness against war. If the Sovietrevisionists dared to intrude again,the intruders would be wiped outresolutely, thoroughly, wholly andcompletely.

A grand rally was held by thedelegation to honour the frontierguards in the Chenpao Island area onMarch 20. Speaking at the meetingon behalf of the people of the prov-inee, Yu Chun, head of the delegationand member of the Com-mittee .of the Provincial Revolu-tionary Committee, paid tribute tothe heroic frontier guards and readout a letter of respect from theHeilungkiang Provineial Revolu-tionary Commiitee, the HeilungkiangProvincial Military Area Commandand the Harbin Municipal Revolu-tionary Committee. In her speech,Yu Chun indignantly condemned theSoviet revisionist renegade clique forits heinous crimes of repeatedlyencroaching upon Chinese territory.She warmly praised the frontier


guards for their heroic actions whichgave expression to their loyalty to themotherland, to the peopie and toChairman Mao.

Other speakers at the meeting lverea leading member of the Chinesefrontier guards in the Chenpao Islandarea and representatives of the com-manders and fighters rvho had takenpart in the struggle to counter-attackthe Soviet revisionist aggressors.Filled with triumphant exaltation,they enthusiastically related their ex-perience in relying on Mao Tse-tung'sthought to smash the aggressiveambitions of the Soviet revisionistrenegade clique. They said: Weowe our victories in the struggle tocounter-attack in self-defence to ourgreat leader Chairman Mao, to the in-vincible thought of Mao Tse-tung andto the porverful support cf the rev-olutionary masses. They expressedtheir determination to sum up theirexperience conscientiously and carryforward their achievements. Theywere resolved to keep their eyes wideopen, hold their guns firm in hand,increase revolutionary vigi.lance and,along with the revolutionary people,

carry the great cultural revolutionthrough to the end and defend withtheir blood and lives every inch ofthe territory of the motherland.

For several days, the delega-tion went to the outposts to holdmeetings with the heroic frontierguards to exchange experience in thecreative study and application of NIaoTse-tung's thought and denounce theSoviet renegade clique.Heroic fighters with battle achieve-ments in rebuffing the Soviet revi-sionist intrusions were invited to tellabout their heroic deeds in usingMao Tse-tung's thought to directcom'pat and smash the Soviet revi-sionists' armed provocations. Bring-ing with it Chairman Mao badges,

Chairman Mao's works and many let-ters of respect the delegation paid

warm tribute to the men in the bar-racks and at the outposts.

Peesonts in Chenpoo lslqndAres Turn Angerlnto Strength

There is a vigorous and 1ively sceneeverywhere in the fields of the Chen-pao Island area, Displaying highrevolutionary spirit, the poor andlower-middle peasants and othercommune members are determinedto do a good job of spring ploughingand rcap another bumper harvestthis year as a counter-blow to thearmed provocations of the Soviet re-visionists. In this endeavour they areassisted by the frontier guards of thePeople's Liberation Army.

The Soviet revisionist renegadeclique frantically and repeatedl;,created extremely grave armedborder provocations. This has en-raged the broad masses of peasants inthe Chenpao Island area. With a gunin one hand and a hoe in the other,and in an unpreeedentedly high fight-ing spirit, they have plunged into thework of spring ploughing. Nowfarm tools of various types, big andsmall, have been repaired ahead ofsehedule and manure has been sent tothe fields. fn some communes andproduction brigades capital construc-tion in water conservancy has beencarried out in a way suited to thelocal conditions.

The poor and lorver-middle peas-ants cherish boundless love for ourgreat leader Chairman Mao. In thel\4ao Tse-tung's thought study classeswhich were set up recently, theystudy Chairman Mao's teachings that"the Chinese people w-ill defendtheir territory and sovereignty anilahsolutely will not permit encroach-ment by foreign governrnents" and"grasp revolution an,il promote pro-duction and other work and pre-paredness against war." This hasfurther increased their enthusiasm ingrasping revolution and promotingproduction.


Peking Rettiew, No. 74



Czechoslovak People Demonstrate Agoin

Protest Over Soviet Revisioc?ist Militory


On March 28, broad sections of the

Czechoslovak people launched a new

wave of struggle, indignantly pro-

testing against military occupation by

the Soviet revisionist renegade

clique. They thus manifested once

again the Czechoslovak people's firmwill to defend the dignity of theirnatioil and motherland and to resist

the Soviet revisionists' social-impe-


On the evening of March 28, sev-

eral hundred thousand Pragu-e citi-zens poured into Wencesias Square

and neighbculing streets in a mam-

moth demonstration. The demonstra-

tors rvaved flags and heid aloft plac-

ards inscribed with: "Russians go

home!" "Tanks cannot check our

advance!" "Thrash the Russians!"

and "Look out, you Russians, your

provocations on the Ussuri rn,ill bring

you to no good end!" They shouted

slogans denouncing the Soviet revi-sionists as colonialists and demandirtg

that they get out o{ Czechosiovakia.

They angrily condemned the mon-

strous erimes of the Soviet revision-

ists' social-imperiaiism and social-

fascism. The enraged masses smashed

the windows of the Soviet Aeroflotoffice and threw office files and fur-niture into the street and burnt them.

Many people dloi,c their cars to the

embassy of the Soviet revisionist

renegade ciique and sounded theirhorns in protest.

April 4, 1969

The demonstration against the So-

viet revisionists' social-imperialismwent on for several hours and lasted

late into the night. Wenceslas Square

was jammed and traffic came to a

compl.ete standstill at the peak of thestruggle.

Large-scale demonstrations againstmiiiiary occupation by the Sovietrevisionist renegade clique also tookplace in Bratislava and many othercities.

The porrerful demonstrationagainst military occupation by theSoviet revisionists was touched offby the nelvs that the Czechoslovak

ice hockey team had just defeated

the Soviet team in a match in Swe-

den, a victory which aroused the na-

tional pride of the Czechoslovak peo-

ple. Burning with hatred for the

Soviet revisionist renegade clique

which ravages their country, the

Czechcslovak people poured into the

streets in surging waves and launch-

ed a fierce struggle, powerfully

demonstrating their firm resolve to

drive out the Soviet revisionist ag-


The latest struggle is the largest

waged by the Czechoslovak peopie

since their powerful January dem-

onstraticns against the military oc-

cupation by Soviet revisionism. For

months, the Czechoslovak people

have carried on their struggles

against the Soviet revisionist occupa-tionists in various ways. Every-lvhere, in town and countryside, theyhave put up huge posters such as

"Russians go home!" Wherever theSoviet revisionist occupationists go,

the Czechoslovak people spit on theground in disgust to show their scornand protest. The Czechoslovak peo-ple's resistance is particularly strongwhere the Soviet revisionist occupa-

tionists are stationed. Window-panesof the buildings in which the occupa-

tionists lodge have often been smash-

ed by the people with stones. Some

Czechoslovak youths have beaten up

the officers of the Soviet revisionistoccupation troops who are ridingroughshod over the Czechosiovak

people. Sales clerks in a number ofshops have refused to sell anythingto Soviet occupationist officers.

Workers at the famous Skoda AutoPlant have often severely punished

the Soviet revisionist occupationists

for their atrociiies. In Olomouc City,where the Soviet revisionist occupa-

tion troops are billeted in force, the

masses have kept up a heroic resist-

ance despite suppression.

Our great leader Chairman Mao

has pointed out: "U.S. irnperialism

has over-reached itself. Wherever itcommits aggression, it puts a new

noose around its neck." Soviet revi-sionist social-imperialism's armed ag-

gression and military occupation

of Czechoslovakia is a noose around

the necks of the new tsars inMoscow. The longer their occupation

and the heavier their oppression of

the CzechosLoval< people, the more

intense the resistance of the Czecho-

slovak people will be and the tighter

the noose will become. As it does

everywhere eise, the Soviet revision-

ist rei-regade clique is finding the go-

ing tougher and tougher in Czecho-




VoL. 12, No. 14

April 4, 1969









A Hospitol for Deof-Mutes Serves th-^ People Heort ond Soul

Burmese People's Armed Forces Mourn Choirnron Thokin Thon {un With


Strong Condemnotion of Soviet Revisionisis' Crirne of lntrusion lnto Chinese


Revolutioncry Soviet People Ardently Love Chcirrncn f,loo

New Tsors' Sociol-Foscist Tyronny

Soviet Revisionists' All-Round Restorotion of Copitolism Brings Grove Consequences

to Livestock Breeding

Kremlin's New Tsors Rig Up Anti-Chino Encirclement

Unprecedented Big Row Within lmperiolist Bloc r' '











Pubtishcd cvery Fridoy bv PEKING REVIEW, Peking {f,/)' Chino

Posl Offica Registmtion No. 2'9Z2 Coblc Addre$; Peking 291o

Printed in the People's Republic ol Chlno


lx rlrls ISSUE

Press Communique of the Seeretoriot of the Presidiurn of theNinth Notionol Congress of the Comrnunist Pcrty of Chino(April l, 1969)

The List of the Members of the Presidlum of the Ninth Notionol

Congress of the Communist Porty of Chino {176 members}

Tsinghuo Unirersity's lntellectusls Advonce Along the: Rood of Reuotutionizolion

Published in Engtish, Frenih, Spanish,

Japanese and Germah' Editions






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