personality power point paper

Post on 19-Jul-2015






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F/CE 2 Personality Power Point paper


In my family there are five people. Me, my mom and dad, my brother, my sister and also,

my dog. In the family slide I’ve included a picture of all of them. Here you can also see a picture

of a beach because every year we go on a vacation to a warm place and there is a campsite

because we also go camping each year.

Inherited Features-

As you can see on my inherited features slide, there is a tall person, an average person,

and a short person. The arrow is pointing to the averaged height person because both of my

parents are average height and so am I which means I got that trait from both of them. My mom

has blue eyes and my dad has brown eyes and I also have blue eyes which means I got that trait

and the trait of having brown hair from my mom.

Outer Appearance-

The two stores I shop at most are American Eagle and Pacsun. The cardigan and jeans are

both from Pacsun and those are both something that you might see me wearing on a daily bases.

Studs are usually what I wear for earrings and Herbal Essences is the type of shampoo I use.

Inherited Traits-

Neither of my parents wears glasses and either do my sister or brother and I haven’t had

to either. All of us have perfect 20/20 vision. Everyone in my family is right handed including

me. My dad is ambidextrous so I got the right handed trait mostly from my mom.

Social Behavior-

For my social behavior slide I chose the pictures that I did because that’s how I socialize

with people. I put a picture of a cell phone because I’m constantly texting my friends 24/7. The

soccer ball and basket ball are on there because I always have at least two practices a week for

either sport and two or more games. The cake is for parties because I love going to them, and

lastly the bags are for shopping, which my friends and I do a lot of.

Talents, Skills, Abilities-

Swimming is one of my talents. Two years ago my family put in an in ground pool and

during the summer, I’m in there all the time. Some of my friends ask why I didn’t take art this

year and the reason is because I absolutely cannot draw at all. Also in 5th

grade everyone one was

playing instruments in band but I couldn’t do that either. So I’ve found out that I should never be

an artist or musician and should just stick to sports.

Future Plans-

When I am older, I would like to accomplish many things. When I graduate from high

school, I would either like to go to the University of Madison, Wisconsin or the University of

Gainesville, Florida. While in college, I would like to major in business and marketing and

hopefully soon after I graduate get a job. Then years later I hope to get married, buy a house and

have three kids.

Eating Habits-

At what times of the day do you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner? The times on this slide

are the times of day of which I these meals. When I get up I right away eat at 6:30 a.m., at 12:22

p.m. (B lunch) I eat lunch, and at about 4:00 p.m. my family and I eat dinner. My favorite food

would have to be ice cream, and I absolutely love Noodles & Company. But I’d have to say that

my least favorite food is broccoli. It just doesn’t taste good which is why I have an X over its


Fears and Pet Peeves-

We are all afraid of a lot of things, and many things can annoy us at certain times. One of

my biggest pet peeves is when people crack their knuckles! I just can’t stand that sound. One of

my fears are snakes, they just creep me out. Another one is death, it seems so weird to think

about people in my family, or even myself dieing. I’m not necessarily afraid of bugs, but they are

just disgusting, I hate when any bug touches or comes near me.


The blue block on my power point is for my favorite color, blue. My favorite number is

three, and the test tubes are for my favorite class which is science. I don’t know about you but I

hate winter weather. My favorite type of weather is summer weather which is sunny weather.

The sun on this slide represents that. Finally, the album on the bottom is my favorite song which

is, “Tie Me Down” by New Boyz.

Emotions and Feelings-

Everyone has emotions, but what triggers those emotions? If your happy, scared, or

maybe even mad. What has to happen to make you feel like that? On my emotions and feelings

slide, I show things that make me surprised, sad, happy and mad. What surprises you? My

surprise party that my parents threw for me two years ago did. Death definitely makes me sad,

but beautiful weather makes me happy. But the one thing that really makes me mad is when

people bully other people.

Life Experiences-

In my life experiences slide, I put pictures of the things I thought were memorable, or just

important. The guy zip lining represents when I went zip lining on an excursion for a cruise, and

the palm trees represent the islands I have been to. Both of those things are experiences that I

will remember for the rest of my life. The trophy stands for when my basketball team won state

last year. That was amazing that we could call ourselves the best in the state for our age. And

finally, the baby is for when my niece and nephew were born.


This project was really fun to do. I liked how it was so creative and would definitely

recommend it for next year. Using technology instead of cutting out pictures from magazines

was easier, and made this project more enjoyable. I had a really great time with the personality


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