periodic monitoring report

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PERIODIC MONITORING REPORT Package C3-CPMU-CS2: Third Party Independent Monitoring Consulting and Internal Auditing (ISC)
Part: Environmental Safeguards (4TH FIELD MONITORING)
Joint venture between WAPCOS India Ltd. and CENCO Investment and Construction JSC
November 2020
The fourth Monitoring Report of Environmental safety policy Implementation
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1.1. General introduction to the project 11
1.2. Project’s general implementation issue 13
1.3 Implementation of the project in the fielded provinces 15
1.3.1 Ha Giang: 15
1.3.2 Tuyen Quang 16
1.3.3 Vinh Phuc 17
1.3.4 Bac Kan 18
1.3.5 Thai Nguyen 18
1.3.6 Ninh Binh 19
1.3.7 Thanh Hoa 19
1.3.8 Nghe An 21
1.3.9 Phu Yen 22
1.3.10 Khanh Hoa 23
1.3.11 Ninh Thuan 23
1.3.12 Tay Ninh 24
1.3.13 Dak Lak 24
1.3.14. Kon Tum 25
1.3.15 Hoa Binh 26
1.3.16 Lang Son 26
1.3.17 Bac Giang 27
1.3.18 Gia Lai 27
1.3.19 Quang Ninh 27
1.4. Implementation of Environmental safeguard policy of the Project 27
1.4.1 Update of environmental safeguard policy implementation of WB8 28
1.4.2 Update of the implementation process of environmental safeguards in the monitoring sub-projects 28
2.1. Monitoring tasks 31
2.2. Monitoring Methodologies 32
2.3. Monitoring arrangement 35
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3.1. Assessing the capacity of PPMUs and related parties 38
3.1.1. Assessing on capacity of organizing environmental safety management 38
3.1.2. Assessing the preparation of environmental safeguard documents 40
3.2. Assessing the minimization of environmental impacts through field visit 41
3.2.1. Ha Giang province 41
3.2.2 Vinh Phuc province 46
3.2.3 Thanh Hoa province 50
3.2.4 Nghe An Province 56
3.2.5 Khanh Hoa province 60
3.2.6 Ninh Thuan province 63
3.2.7. Dak Lak province 65
3.2.8. Kon Tum province 67
3.2.9. Quang Ninh province 68
3.3. Monitoring through checking the Report of the CSC and the Contractor 72
3.3.1 Environmental safety monitoring report of CSC 72
3.3.2 Contractor's report on environmental safety measures 73
3.3.3 Report on COVID 19 epidemic control implementation 74
3.4 Community-based monitoring 74
3.5. Environmental monitoring in sub-project 77
3.6. Results of capacity building for environmental officers of PPMU, CSC and contractors 83
3.7 Monitoring the implementation of corrective actions of PPMU 84
4.1. Conclusions: 90
4.2. Recommendations 91
Appendix 1: List of consultation with local people and authorities 93
Appendix 2: Disclosure of ESIA and CESMP reports 95
Appendix 3 - Construction progress details 102
Appendix 4: Working schedule of ISC - DRSIP/WB8 111
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The fourth Monitoring Report of Environmental safety policy Implementation
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CPO : Central Project Office
CPO : Central Project Office
CSC : Construction Supervision Consultant
DPC : District People's Committee
ESIA : Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
ESMP : Environmental and Social Management Plan
EMP : Environmental Management Plan
MARD : Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
OHS : Occupational Health and Safety
PIC : Project implementation consultant
PPC : Provincial People's Committee
SD : Shop drawing
USD : American dollar
VND : Vietnam Dong
WB : World Bank
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The Independent Monitoring Consultant (ISC) performed monitoring in 19 provinces including Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, Vinh Phuc, Bac Kan, Thai Nguyen, Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Tay Ninh, Gia Lai, Kon Tum, Dac Lac, Lang Son, Quang Ninh, Bac Giang, and Hoa Binh, which includes environmental safeguard monitoring. The monitoring is divided into several batches, arranged from July 2020 to October 2020.
This Environmental Safeguard Monitoring Report was prepared for all 34 project provinces, of which, 19 provinces were physically monitored, where the consultants reviewed the environmental safeguards of the sub-projects and visited some reservoirs which are under construction. In the Provinces not visited physically by ISC consultants, the sub-projects would be assessed through internal environmental monitoring reports prepared and submitted by PPMUs.
The report reflects the results of independent monitoring of the Project's environmental management, including the followings:
1. Overall project implementation progress in 19 provinces up to the monitoring time:
- Provinces that have civil works activities include: Ha Giang, Vinh Phuc, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Thai Nguyen, Bac Giang (starting construction), Quang Ninh.
- Tay Ninh, Hoa Binh’s sub-project 2 and Gia Lai are selecting contractors and construction supervision consultants.
- Provinces that the bidding has not yet started are Bac Kan, Ninh Binh, Phu Yen, and Lang Son.
2. Regarding the progress on preparation of environmental safeguards in 19 provinces, ESIAs have been almost completed, except Dak Lak’s sub-project 2 and Hoa Binh’s sub-project 3.
3. The monitoring tasks, methods and arrangement of the independent monitoring are provided in Part II of this report, highlighting the tasks and methodologies applied by the consultants. The ISC should conduct 6 main tasks as follows:
(i) Assessing the capacity of PIAs/PPMUs in preparing and implementing the tools on environmental safety.
(ii) Assisting PPMUs and contractors in monitoring the implementation of ESMPs at the site.
(iii) Monitoring the PPMUs’ compliance with the project’s environmental and social impact mitigation measures.
(iv) Conducting community-based monitoring:
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(vi) Strengthening PPMU’s capacity on ESMP implementation.
In order to carry out these tasks, the measures have been applied including: assessing documents, expertise methods, comparison and reference of evaluation, community consultation, field monitoring.
4. The most important part of the report is the monitoring results based on the assessments, as follows:
(i) Assessing the capacity of PPMUs and the stakeholders in the implementation of environmental safeguard policies, focusing on assessing the implementation capacity (of PPMUs, CSCs, and contractors) and preparation of documents and data on environmental safety:
- All 19 PPMUs assigned their staff in charge of Environmental Safeguard except Tay Ninh sub-project. All staff in charge of environment safeguard were trained on WB environmental safeguard policies.
- Packages’ bidding document and construction contract includes adequate conditions and terms about environmental safeguards according to the approved ESIA.
- Packages’ bidding document and CSC contract includes adequate conditions and terms about environmental safeguards according to the approved ESIA.
- Contractors have prepared Construction Environmental and Social Management Plans (CESMPs) which have been approved before construction, except for some slow approval sub-projects such as Ha Giang, Thai Nguyen.
- PPMUs/construction supervisors/contractors in 19 provinces that ISC visited are complying with COVID19 prevention requirements under the guidance of WB and GOV.
(ii) Assessing the contractor's implementation of mitigation measures for occupational health and environmental safety (OHS) at the construction sites.
- Most contractors trained for their workers on OHS before construction commencement.
- The contractors have implemented environmental safeguard measures but not sufficient and timely. The main problems that Contractors not yet complied with fully is collecting and treating waste; workers not wearing labor protection; the warning board system not satisfied requirement.
- The contractors did not keep record on the environmental impact mitigation measures taken.
- Through specific assessment on the site, some recommendations are given to the contractors on the environmental safety issues that need to be improved.
(iii) Assessing the performance of CSC to identify whether the supervision on the environmental safety during the construction process is effective, by checking the
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personnel arrangement, periodic and ad-hoc reporting, checking the reports with the actual work at the construction sites.
- The CSCs have assigned staff in charge of environmental safety monitoring at the construction site. However, due to the long distance between construction areas, many reservoirs were constructed at the same time, their monitoring frequency is very limited. Many technical staff of the supervision consultant have to work part- time as OHS monitoring staff
- Periodic monitoring reports were prepared by CSCs (in Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Nghe An, Thanh Hoa, and Kon Tum), but the content and frequency of the reports have not met the requirements. No CSC’s monitoring reports available in Quang Ninh, Dak Lak and Vinh Phuc.
- Comparing between the efficiency of environmental safety measures on the construction site and what were reflected in the CSCs’ monitoring report, it’s noted that the CSCs monitoring performance has not yet met with the requirements.
(iv) Community-based monitoring means to collect objective comments from the people directly affected by the construction activities as well as the operation of all the sub-projects. Community-based monitoring was carried out through face-to-face meetings with local people and representatives of local authorities in the project areas in Ha Giang, Nghe An, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Dac Lac, Kon Tum, Lang Son, Bac Giang, and Quang Ninh. Consultation results at these sub-projects show that the issues on security, social orders and social issues around the construction area are strictly observed by the contractors, during the construction period, no activities that interrupt the local utility supply were observed. However, the material transportation or wastewater and dust treatment on site by some contractors in Quang Ninh, Khanh Hoa, Nghe An had some impacts on the people living surrounding the area.
(v) The environmental quality monitoring of the sub-projects is to determine the
effectiveness of the contractor’s mitigation measures and monitoring performance of CSCs by collecting monitoring parameters. The environmental quality monitoring was
conducted by the PPMUs properly in terms of monitoring frequency and monitoring
parameters. Some sub-projects have slow construction progress due to different
objective reasons (COVID-19), so the monitoring progress is lagging behind the
construction progress such as Quang Ninh (sub-project 2), Khanh Hoa sub-project. The
results of environmental quality monitoring (air, surface water, and underground water)
in the sub-projects under construction are within the limits, which are prescribed by
the Government of Vietnam. It’s noteworthy that the environmental monitoring task in
the operation phase in the first-year sub-projects either regarding the PPMU’s or
operator’s responsibilities were not mentioned/explicitly mentioned in the hand-over
minutes where the works were handed over i.e. Dong Be (Thanh Hoa), Ngoi La 2 (Tuyen
Quang), Dai Thang (Hoa Binh), Khe Che (Quang Ninh) Monitoring issues during the
operation phase are regulated differently in sub-projects based on the specific ESIAs,
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where some provinces require surface water monitoring in the first year of operation,
some provinces do not, so this issue should be taken into consideration to have
uniformed implementation across all sub-projects.
(vi) Strengthening capacity on environmental safety policies for PPMUs staff, CSCs and contractors is also supported by ISC during their field visits.
5. The conclusions provide main points on the issues in the report and propose solutions
to fix the outstanding issues to continue monitoring in the subsequent periods.
The following are the main points in the conclusions:
- Environmental screening was conducted for all the sub-projects, ESIAs are prepared
according to WB’s request and the GoV’s regulations.
- ESIAs are disclosed by the PPMUs on the websites of their managing units and
disclosed at the project DPCs and CPCs. CESMPs were provided at the construction
sites, but in some provinces, they were not disclosed at the project CPCs.
- Requirements on environment management are included in the construction bidding
document and contract adequately. Requirements on environmental safety are also
included in the task of CSCs and detailed described in the contract.
- - All the PPMUs have assigned staff in charge of environmental and social
safeguard/safety monitoring, most of them attended some training courses on WB
environmental safeguard policies. For CSCs and contractors, although
environmental safety staff have been assigned by them, however, the actual
supervision in the field has many limitations, which cause negative environmental
safeguard monitoring results.
- Contractors’ ESMPs were submitted to PPMUs for approval before construction,
except for some sub-projects with delayed approval. Contractors’ ESMPs meets most of the requirements specified in the ESIA.
- PPMUs/CSCs/contractors are all complying with COVID19 prevention
requirements under the guidance of WB and GoV.
- Environmental monitoring reports of CSCs in some provinces do not ensure
reporting frequency.
- Mitigation measures were taken by the contractors on environment according to
ECOP to a certain extent. Solid waste management, availability of site safety
warning boards, managing the worker’s camp, wearing labor protection of workers are the main problems that should be fixed.
- Environmental quality monitoring is implemented by all PPMUs although some sub-
projects do not ensure monitoring frequency due to some objective conditions. The
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results of environmental quality monitoring in the sub-projects under construction
are lower than allowed limits in Vietnam National Standards QCVN. However,
monitoring issues in the operation phase of some reservoirs that have been handed
over and put into use have not been clearly defined.
- Results of consultation with the commune authorities and people living near the
construction site show that the impacts from the construction of the contractor to the
people are almost negligible.
- The environmental issues recommended from the previous monitoring of ISC and
from WB mission in May - June 2020 were checked through internal environmental
monitoring reports of PPMUs. The contractors and CSCs have been requested by
PPMUs to follow all recommendations given.
Recommendations in this monitoring report:
- The PPMUs should remind their contractors and CSCs to comply with the
environmental safety regulations mentioned in the construction contracts and
- PPMUs of Thanh Hoa, Tuyen Quang, Quang Ninh, Hoa Binh should pay attention
to monitor during the operational phase as specified in the approved ESIAs.
- The PPMUs should train the technical staff of the CSCs on monitoring of social and
environmental safeguards on site to enhance the effectiveness of monitoring.
- CSCs should mobilize sufficient staff on monitoring environmental safety at the
construction sites, supervise and urge the contractors to take the environmental
impact mitigation measures, which mentioned in ESMPs/CESMPs prepared by the
contractors; check the preparation of daily construction report of contractors.
- The contractors should fully carry out the environmental mitigation measures
mentioned in the ESMPs and the recommendations of ISC mentioned in this report
regarding the non-compliance in terms of timeline.
- PPMUs, CSCs and contractors in Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Thua Thien Hue, Yen
Bai should take corrective actions to fix the problems mentioned in this report and
report the environmental safety/safeguard monitoring in the progress report in
Quarter 4. 2020 to submit CPO.
For the sub-projects which bidding has not yet started i.e. Bac Kan, Ninh Binh, and Phu
Yen, it is necessary to pay attention to combine environmental and social requirements
into bidding documents for selecting contractors and CSC using WB's templates, at the
same time, check the requirements in the ESIAs to ensure sufficient man-month
allocation for the environmental safety supervisors, the reporting frequency and
parameters of environmental monitoring. In addition, the PPMUs should disclose the
Contractor's ESMP at the construction sites and the project CPCs.
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1.1. General introduction to the project
The Government of Vietnam (GoV) received a credit from the World Bank to finance
the project on Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement Project (DRSIP) to support
the implementation of Vietnam Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement Project
(DRSIP) through dam rehabilitation and upgrading priority dams, strengthening
management capacity and safe operation to protect downstream communities and socio-
economic infrastructure in 34 project provinces with reservoirs that have been degraded,
which affect the function of the reservoir and potential risks that affect the environment
and livelihoods and socio-economic development of people living in the downstream.
The project is divided into 2 phases with a total of 52 sub-projects, of which phase
1 consists of 12 sub-projects and phase 2 40 sub-projects with the implementation period
from 2016 to 2022.
The total cost of the project is 443 million USD, of which the World Bank's IDA
loan is 415 million USD, and the GoV counterpart fund is 28 million USD.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) is the representative
agency of the Government of Vietnam responsible for the entire project. On behalf of
MARD, the Central Project Office (CPO) monitors and manages the project. CPO has
established a Central Project Management Unit (CPMU) to undertake project
management, support and coordinate the implementation between WB, provinces
participating projects and functional units of MARD. The Provincial People’s Committee (PPCs) involved in the project are responsible for implementing the project
in their provinces. Provincial Project Management Units (PPMUs) established by the
PPC are responsible for carrying out all of the bidding, construction supervision and
implementation of project safeguard policies.
The general objective of the project is to support the implementation of the program
for the safety of reservoirs through rehabilitation and upgrading of priority dams,
strengthening the management capacity and safe operation for the dam to protect
downstream communities and specific socio-economic infrastructures.
The detailed objectives are (i) Upgrading and ensuring the construction safety through
repairing and upgrading dams and reservoirs which are declined or lacked of flood
discharge ability; (ii) Improve institutions, policies for the management and monitoring
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of national dam safety, enhance capacity building and operation and information
coordination mechanisms in basins; (iii) Enhance project management capacity and
implementation, social and environmental management.
The project consists of 03 components:
Component 1: Dam safety rehabilitation (412 million USD)
- Assessing flood discharge capacity and improving flood prevention capacity for large reservoirs.
- Repairing and upgrading reservoirs and dams that are structurally damaged and lacking flood discharge capacity.
- Equipping facilities for forecasting, monitoring and operating the reservoirs.
Component 2: Management of dam safety (20 million USD)
- Equipping equipment for monitoring, operating inter-reservoir and warning of natural disasters in the basin.
- Equipping tools and devices for dam safety management units.
- Improving dam safety related institutions and policies.
- Providing technical assistance, dam safety inspection.
- Applying science and technology and implementing assessment.
- Providing training, organizing communication to strengthen capacity and skills to cope with dams and natural disasters.
Component 3: Project management (11 million USD)
- Providing technical assistance, including Project Implementation Consultant (PIC), Third Party Independent Supervision and Audit Consultant (ISC), Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant (M&E).
- Project audit.
- Training on project management capacity for project investors, Project Management Units at Central and Provincial levels; Providing equipment, finance, assisting the project management and implementation.
The sub-projects are implemented in 34 provinces including: Ha Giang, Yen Bai, Tuyen Quang, Bac Kan, Lao Cai, Thai Nguyen, Lang Son, Son La, Hoa Binh, Vinh Phuc, Phu Tho, Bac Giang and Quang Ninh. Hai Duong, Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Binh Thuan, Kon Tum, Gia Lai, Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Lam Dong and Tay Ninh.
The Central Project Office (CPO) under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) has prepared an Environmental and Social Management
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Framework (ESMF) for the project "Dam Rehabilitation and Safety Improvement Project" in Vietnam. ESMF will be applicable for all funded sub-projects and also be a general guideline for all sub-projects financed by WB under the DRSIP, including: (i) Environmental and Social Screening; (ii) Analysis of alternatives; (iii) Impact assessment (positive and negative); (iv) Public consultation and information disclosure; (v) Prepare environmental and social management plan; (vi) Implementation of the Environmental Management Plan and bidding technical documents/Environmental Code of Practice (ECoP); and (vii) Monitoring and reporting mechanism.
Regarding the project implementation structure in the provinces, the Project Owners and PPMUs are as follows:
Project Owners:
- 16 Provincial Departments of Agriculture and Rural Development: Yen Bai, Lao Cai, Lang Son, Vinh Phuc, Phu Tho, Quang Ninh, Nghe An, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue, Quang Ngai, Khanh Hoa, Binh Thuan, Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Lam Dong.
- 16 Specialized Provincial Project Management Units under the management of the Provincial People's Committees (Board 59): Ha Giang, Son La, Tuyen Quang, Bac Kan, Thai Nguyen, Bac Giang, Hai Duong, Hoa Binh, Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa, Ha Tinh, Quang Nam, Binh Dinh, Phu Yen, Ninh Thuan, and Gia Lai.
- 01 Irrigation Management Company (IMC): Kon Tum
- 17 provinces assigning project management tasks to the existing PPMUs: Ha Giang, Lang Son, Yen Bai, Bac Giang, Phu Tho, Hoa Binh, Hai Duong, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Phu Yen, Ninh Thuan and Kon Tum.
- 16 provinces assigning project management tasks to new PPMUs: Lao Cai, Bac Kan, Son La, Tuyen Quang, Thai Nguyen, Vinh Phuc, Quang Ninh, Ninh Binh, Ha Tinh, Binh Dinh, Binh Thuan, Khanh Hoa, Gia Lai, Dak Lak, Dak Nong, and Lam Dong
1.2. Project’s general implementation issue
- There are 35/52 sub-projects that have been constructed and under construction (67%
of the sub-projects with 64 packages). Total value of civil works is 3,531.8 billion VND.
236 reservoirs are having construction activities. It’s planned to commence construction in 62 reservoirs by the end of 2020, in 2021 there will be 151 reservoirs, the civil works
will be completed before June 2022.
Up to now, 09 sub-projects have completed construction of all the reservoirs under
that sub-project, including 8 sub-projects in phase 1 and 01 sub-project in phase 2.
Besides, 04 sub-projects have completed civil works in numerous reservoirs under the
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sub-project. 50 reservoirs completed the civil works. Details are in the following tables:
Table 1. Reservoirs with civil works completed
No. Sub-project– Province Completed Phase 1:
1 Quang Ngai’s Dap Lang sub-project 01 Phase 1
2 Binh Dinh’s Thach Ban sub-project 01 Phase 1
3 Hoa Binh’s Dai Thang sub-project 01 Phase 1
4 Thanh Hoa’s Dong Be sub-project 01 Phase 1
5 Phu Tho's Ban reservoir sub-project 01 Phase 1
6 Quang Ninh’s Khe Che sub-project 01 Phase 1
7 Khe San sub-project and Khe Giang sub- project of Nghe An Province
02 Phase 1
8 Son La’s sub-project 07 Phase 2
9 Binh Dinh’s sub-project 2 08 (out of 13 reservoirs)
Phase 2
10 Quang Ninh’s sub-project 2 07 (out of 8 reservoirs)
Phase 2
Phase 2
12 Nghe An Sub-project 03 07 (out of total 13 reservoirs)
Phase 2
Detailed progress of the sub-projects presented in Appendix 4.
1.3 Implementation of the project in the fielded provinces
At the requests in the Official Letter No. 765/CPO-WB8 dated July 13, 2020; Official Letter No. 1270/CPO-WB8 dated October 15, 2020 and Official Letter No. 1292/CPO- WB8 of CPO, Independent Monitoring Consultant (ISC) embarked on field monitoring in 19 project provinces. They are: Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, Vinh Phuc, Bac Kan, Thai Nguyen, Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Tay Ninh, Gia Lai, Kon Tum, Dak Lak, Lang Son, Bac Giang, Hoa Binh, Quang Ninh. Implementation of the project in the fielded provinces:
1.3.1 Ha Giang:
Ha Giang sub-project has 14 reservoirs: Khuoi Pha, Coc Bo, Thom Luong, Thom Ta, Team 2, Na Pong, Trung, Tan Bang, Thong Nhat, Nam Vac, Na Tem, Thon Lai, Thon Thia, Doi 1, located in 3 districts of Bac Quang, Quang Binh & Vi Xuyen and 10
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communes, of which Bac Quang district has 10 reservoirs in the communes of Vinh Phuc, Bang Hanh, Kim Ngoc, Dong Tam, Quang Minh, Viet Vinh, Vo Dam; Quang Binh district has 2 reservoirs in Tan Trinh commune; Vi Xuyen district has 2 reservoirs in Linh Ho and Kim Thach communes.
By the end of October 2020, the specific progress of the Ha Giang sub-project is as follows:
No. Description Progress
1 Package C1-HAGIANG-W1: Civil works in 10 reservoirs in Bac Quang district, including 2 lots
Lot 1 with 5 reservoirs: Thon Lai, Thong Nhat, Thom Ta, Thom Luong, Thon Thia;
Lot 2 with 5 reservoirs: Na Tam, Nam Vac, Doi 2, Ho Trung, Doi 1
- Awarding contract on 25/12/2019
- Civil work started in 7 reservoirs
2 Package C1-HG-CS2: 4 reservoirs of Khuoi Pha, Tan Bang, Coc Po and Na Pong
Preparing construction design drawings
3 Tan Binh, Kim Tien, Na Luong, and Khu Vang
Ha Giang province is asking for permission of MARD for 4 additional reservoirs (since the funds are available)
1.3.2 Tuyen Quang
Tuyen Quang province has 2 sub-projects:
- Sub-project 1: Repairing and upgrading and ensure safety for Ngoi La 2 reservoirs in Trung Mon commune, Yen Son district, Tuyen Quang province
- Sub-project 2: 13 reservoirs: Trung Long, Hai Mo, Khe Thuyen, Cay Gao, Minh Cam, Na Vang, Ao Buc, Khuoi Thung, Hoang Khai, Ne Heng, Cay Dau and Noong Mo Reservoir, located in 12 communes of districts of Son Duong, Yen Son, Ham Yen, Chiem Hoa, Na Hang.
By the end of October 2020, the specific progress of the Tuyen Quang sub-project is as follows:
No. Description Progress
1 Sub-project 1: Sub-project on repairing and improving safety of Ngoi La 2 reservoirs
Civil work completed in December 2019, but due to the situation of COVID 19, it was handed over to the operator on July 21, 2020. The operator is the Tuyen Quang Irrigation Management Board.
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No. Description Progress
2 Sub-project 2 includes 13 reservoirs (Trung Long, Hai Mo, Khe Thuyen, Cay Gao, Minh Cam, Na Vang, Ao Buc, Khuoi Thung, Hoang Khai, Ne Heng, Cay Dau and Noong Mo)
Package 01: Repair and improve safety for 8 reservoirs including Trung Long, Ao Buc, Khe Thuyen, Hoang Khai, Hai Mo, Cay Gao, Minh Cam, Cay Dau
- Lot 01 C1-TQ-TDA2-W1-01; Civil work for Trung Long and Ao Buc reservoirs
Date of contract signing and commencement of civil work 18/8/2020
Construction progress 5%
Package 01: 02 C1-TQ-TDA2-W1-02; Khe Thuyen, Hoang Khai and Hai Mo reservoirs
Date of contract signing 18/8/2020
Commencement date 01/8/2020
Construction progress 11%
Package 01: 03 C1-TQ-TDA2-W1-03; Cay Gao, Minh Cam and Cay Dau reservoirs
Date of contract signing and commencement of civil work 18/8/2020
Package 02: Repair and improve safety for 5 reservoirs, including O Ro, Na Vang, Khuoi Thung, Na Heng, and Noong Mo.
Lot 01 C1-TQ-TDA2-W2-01; Civil work of O Ro, Na Vang, Khuoi Thung.
Date of contract signing 26/7/2020
Commencement date 01/8/2020
Construction progress 5%
Package 02:
Lot 02 C1-TQ-TDA2-W2-02; Civil work for Na Heng and Noong Mo reservoirs
Date of contract signing 22/7/2020
Commencement date 01/8/2020
1.3.3 Vinh Phuc
Vinh Phuc sub-project has 11 reservoirs of Bo Lac, Suoi Sai, Da Ngang, Khuon, Rung Vau, Da Bac 2, Dong Mo, Da Mang, Vinh Thanh, Tan Binh and Trai Trau, located in 9 communes of 4 districts of Song Lo (3 reservoirs), Lap Thach (4 reservoirs), Phuc Yen town (1 reservoir) and Tam Dao (1 reservoir).
By the end of July 2020, the specific progress of Vinh Phuc PPMU is as follows:
No. Description Progress
1. Package 01: Civil works of reservoirs in Song Lo and Lot 1: Commencement
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Lap Thach districts
Lot 01- Package 01; Civil work + Insurance for Bo Lac reservoir, Song Lo district
Lot 02- Package 01; Civil work + Insurance for Suoi Sai, Da Ngang, Khuon reservoirs, Song Lo district
Lot 03- Package 01; Civil work + Insurance for Rung Vau, Da Bac 2, Dong Mo and Da Mang reservoirs in Lap Thach district
16/11/2018 - 82% completed
91% completed
2 Package 01 Civil work of reservoirs in Tam Dao district and Phuc Yen city
Lot 01- Package 02; Civil work + Insurance for Vinh Thanh reservoir, Tam Dao district
Lot 02- Package 02; Civil work + Construction insurance for Tan Binh, Trai Trau reservoirs, Phuc Yen city
Lot 1: Commencement 20/12/2018 -
1.3.4 Bac Kan
Bac Kan sub-project has 7 reservoirs: May Day, Coc Thong, Khuoi Sung, Khuoi Day, Khuoi Dang, Na Kien, located in 06 communes in 4 districts of Cho Moi, Cho Don, Bach Thong, Na Ri.
Up to the monitoring time at the end of October 2020, the sub-project has been approved for construction design documents. The sub-project has not prepared the bidding documents and construction supervision consultant
1.3.5 Thai Nguyen
Thai Nguyen sub-project has 11 reservoirs: Suoi Lanh, Khuon Nanh, Dam Chieu, Ho Coc, Ghenh Che, Nui Che, Ben Dong, Na Tac. Na Khao, Ho Chuoi, Co Phi, located in 11 different communes of Pho Yen town, Phu Binh district, Dai Tu district, Dong Hy district, Vo Nhai district, Dinh Hoa district and Song Cong city. Of the 11 reservoirs, Co Phi reservoir was removed from the list of approved reservoirs in Decision 4638 of MARD and PPMU is preparing FS for Bao Linh Reservoir to replace.
By the end of October 2020, the specific progress of the Thai Nguyen sub-project is as follows:
No. Description Progress
1. Package 1: Civil work of 06 water reservoirs: Suoi Lanh, Ghenh Che; Na Tac, Khuon Nanh, Ho Chuoi, Na Khao,
- Selected and signed contracts with contractors.
Civil work started in reservoirs: Suoi
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divided into 3 lots:
Lanh, Ghenh Che, Na Tac, Ho Chuoi
Construction progress: 30%
2 Package 2: Civil work of 04 reservoirs: Dam Chieu, Ben Dong, Nui Che, Ho Coc, with 2 lots
Lot 1: Dam Chieu, Ben Dong;
Lot 2: Nui Che, Ho Coc
- Selected and signed contracts with construction contractors.
Civil work started in Dam Chieu reservoir
Construction progress: 5%
FS reports is being prepared
1.3.6 Ninh Binh
Ninh Binh sub-project has 07 reservoirs: Yen Quang 1, Da Lai, Vuon Dieu, Dam Mo, Nui Va, Bai Long and Dong Liem, located in the area of Nho Quan district and Ninh Binh city. Compared with the list of reservoirs approved in Decision 4638/QD/BNN- HTQT, Ninh Binh PPMU removed 01 reservoir (Thach La reservoir was repaired and upgraded with state budget funds).
Up to the monitoring time at the end of October 2020, Ninh Binh sub-project is selecting a construction drawing design consultant. It’s expected that by quarter 4 2020, the construction design drawing will be approved and contractor will be selected in Quarter 1 of 2021.
1.3.7 Thanh Hoa
Thanh Hoa provinces has 3 sub-projects:
- 1st year sub-project: Repairing and improving safety of Dong Be reservoir, Xuan Du commune and Trieu Thanh commune, Trieu Thanh district, Thanh Hoa province
- Sub-project 1: Repairing and upgrading to ensure safety of the 11 reservoirs of: Kim Giao, Doi Doc, Bai Ma, Hon Dua, Cay Su, Bai Den, Bai Ngoc, Dong Vien, Dong, Ong Gia and Lang Mo.
- Sub-project 2: Repair and upgrade to ensure safety of 12 reservoirs of Khe Tuan, Cua Trat, Cua Han, Dam Ngang, Hon Kin, Ngoc Do, Phung Khanh, Tay Trac, Eo Lim, Mau Lam, Cay Quyt and Thung Bang.
The reservoirs of Thanh Hoa sub-project are located in 10 districts: Tinh Gia, Trieu Son, Tho Xuan, Ha Trung, Thach Thanh, Nhu Thanh, Nhu Xuan, Ngoc Lac, Thuong Xuan,
and Cam Thuy.
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By the end of October 2020, the specific progress of Thanh Hoa sub-project is as follows:
No. Description Progress
1. - Sub-project implemented in the first year: Repairing and improving safety of Dong Be reservoir, Thanh Hoa province
Handed over and put into use in January 2020
2 Sub-project 1 (11 reservoirs): Repairing and upgrading to ensure safety of the 11 reservoirs of: Kim Giao, Doi Doc, Bai Ma, Hon Dua, Cay Su, Bai Den, Bai Ngoc, Dong Vien, Dong, Ong Gia and Lang Mo.
1. Package 07 C1-TH-TDA1-W1: Dam rehabilitation and safety improvement for 6 reservoirs Kim Giao, Bai Den, Bai Ngoc, Lang Mo, Bai Ma and Doi Doc.
Divided into 3 lots:
Lot 1: Kim Giao reservoir of Tinh Gia district, Bai Den reservoir of Nhu Thanh district;
Lot 2: Bai Mai reservoir of Ngoc Lac district, Lang Mo reservoir of Tho Xuan district;
Lot 3: Bai Ma reservoir and Doi Doc reservoir, Thach Thanh district.
- Package 07 C1-TH-TDA1-W1, bid awarded in 11/2019, construction is undertaking
Lot 1 accomplished 81% volume
Lot 2 accomplished 75% volume
Lot 1 accomplished 79% volume
Package on civil works and safety improvement for 05 reservoirs Ao Sen, Ngoc Re, Dam Cau, Thung Sau, Nam Son
The package divided into 2 lots:
Lot 1: Nam Son and Thung Sau reservoirs of Tinh Gia district and Ngoc Re reservoir of Nhu Xuan district
Lot 2: Ao Sen of Nhu Thanh district and Dap Cau of Ha Trung district
Date of contract signing 18/8/2020
Commencement date 01/8/2020
Civil work: lot 1 of 8%, lot 2 of 16%
3 Sub-project 2 (12 reservoirs): Repair and upgrade to ensure safety of reservoirs of Khe Tuan, Cua Trat, Cua Han, Dam Ngang, Hon Kin, Ngoc Do, Phung Khanh, Tay Trac, Eo Lim, Mau Lam, Cay Quyt and Thung Bang
Feasibility Study completed and submitted for approval (twice). However, due to problems in the application of Decree 68/2019/ND-CP dated August 14, 2019 and the source of fund, appraisal and approval have not been completed.
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1.3.8 Nghe An
Nghe An province has 4 sub-projects:
- Sub-project 1: Repairing and upgrading Khe Gang reservoir, Ngoc Son commune, Quynh Luu district, Nghe An province.
- Sub-project 2: Repairing and upgrading Khe Gang reservoir, Ngoc Son commune, Quynh Luu district, Nghe An province. Currently construction is 100% of the contract value.
- Sub-project 3: Dam rehabilitation and safety improvement for 13 reservoirs La Nga, Thanh Thuy, Reservoir 271, Hoc Nget, Khe Dung, Reservoir 3/9, Don Ho, Ke Sat, Ho Tuan, Khe Du, Hon Mat, Rao Bang, Khe Dua. Currently, the construction of reservoirs is underway, estimated at 80%
- Sub-project 4: Dam rehabilitation and safety improvement for 18 reservoirs Shop drawing is being prepared, expected to be approved within August 2020 and construction contract award in Quarter IV, 2020
By the end of October 2020, the specific progress of Nghe An sub-project is as follows:
No. Description Progress
1. Sub-project 1: Repairing and upgrading Khe Gang reservoir, Ngoc Son commune, Quynh Luu district, Nghe An province.
Currently construction is estimated at 95% of the contract value, expected to be completed on October 30, 2020.
2 Sub-project 2: Repairing and upgrading Khe San reservoir, Quynh Thang commune, Quynh Luu district, Nghe An province.
Currently construction is 100% of the contract value
3 Sub-project 3: Dam rehabilitation and safety improvement for 13 reservoirs La Nga, Thanh Thuy, Reservoir 271, Hoc Nget, Khe Dung, Reservoir 3/9, Don Ho, Ke Sat, Ho Tuan, Khe Du, Hon Mat, Rao Bang, Khe Dua.
1. Package 1: Civil work of Don Hung, Reservoir 3/9 and Reservoir 271, with 2 lots. Lot 1 - construction of Don Hung reservoir. Lot 2- construction of Reservoir 3/9 and Reservoir 271. 2. Package 2: civil work of reservoirs of Rao Bang and La Nga, with 2 lots.
- Package 1: Civil work of reservoirs Don Hung, Reservoir 3/9 and Reservoir 271 - commenced in June 2019 - completed over 90%
- Package 2: Civil work of Rao Bang and La Nga commenced in July 2019– completed over 100%
- Package 3: Civil work of reservoirs Ke Sat, Tuan, Khe Du- commenced in July 2019– completed over 90%
- Package 4: Civil work of reservoirs Khe Dung, Hoc Nghet, Hon Mat, Khe Dua - commenced in June 2019 - completed over 90%
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Lot 1 - construction of Rao Bang reservoir. Lot 2 - construction of La Nga reservoir 3. Package 3: Civil work of reservoirs of Ke Sat, Tuan and Khe Du, with 2 lots. Lot 1 - construction of Ke Sat reservoir. Lot 2- construction of Tuan and Khe Du 4. Package 4: Civil work of reservoirs of Khe Dung, Hoc Nghet, Hon Man, Khe Dua, with 2 lots. Lot 1 - Construction of Khe Dung, Hoc Nghet Lot 2- construction of Hon Mat and Khe Dua
4 Sub-project 4: Dam rehabilitation and safety improvement for 18 reservoirs
Construction design drawing approved, expected to award construction contract in Quarter 4, 2020
1.3.9 Phu Yen
Phu Yen sub-project has 06 reservoirs: Dong Tron, Phu Xuan, Dong Khon, Hoc Ram, Hon Dinh and Gieng Tien in the districts of Dong Xuan, Tuy An, Dong Hoa, Tay Hoa and Son Hoa.
Implementation progress by the end of October 2020:
FS report was approved, the procedures for tender are underway for the following packages
- Package C1-PHUYEN-CS3: Survey and prepare construction design drawing; - Package C1-PHUYEN-CS4: EPP
- Bidding packages for civil work and construction supervision consultancy have not yet conducted bidding
1.3.10 Khanh Hoa
Khanh Hoa sub-project has 08 reservoirs: Lang Nhot, Cay Sung, Dong Bo and Da Mai, Suoi Lon, Ben Ghe, Suoi Luong, Suoi Trau, located in the districts of Van Ninh (2 reservoirs), Dien Khanh (3 reservoirs), Ninh Hoa town (2 reservoirs) and Nha Trang city (1 reservoir).
Implementation progress to the end of October 2020:
No. Description Progress
1 Package: Repair and improve safety for dams Signed the contract on April 2,
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of 04 water reservoirs of Lang Nhot, Cay Sung, Dong Bo, Da Mai and construction insurance.
Lot 1: Civil works: Repair and improve safety for dams of 02 water reservoirs of Lang Nhot, Cay Sung, and construction insurance.
Lot 2: Civil works: Repair and improve safety for dams of 02 water reservoirs of Dong Bo, Da Mai and construction insurance
2020, currently constructing about 50%
2 Package: Repair and improve safety for dams of 04 water reservoirs of Suoi Trau, Ben Ghe, Suoi Luong, Suoi Lon and construction insurance
Lot 1: Civil works: Repair and improve safety for dams of 02 reservoirs of Suoi Trau, Ben Ghe and construction insurance
Lot 2: Civil works: Repair and improve safety for dams of 02 water reservoirs of Suoi Luong, Suoi Lon and construction insurance
Signed the contract on 23/7/2020, currently constructing about 20%
1.3.11 Ninh Thuan
Ninh Thuan sub-project has 05 reservoirs: Ta Ranh, Reservoir CK7, Song Sat, Ong Kinh and Song Bieu located in Bac Ai district (1 reservoir), Thuan Nam (2 reservoirs), Ninh Phuoc (1 reservoir) and Ninh Hai (1 reservoir).
Implementation progress by the end of October 2020:
No. Description Progress
1 Package: C1-NT-W1: Civil work and insurance of works for Ninh Thuan’s WB8
Lot 1: Civil work and insurance of works for Song Bieu, Ong Kinh, Ta Ranh
Lot 2: Civil work and insurance of works for CK7, Song Sat
Construction commenced in February 2020
Lot 1: volume reaches about 80%
Lot 2: volume reaches about 75%
1.3.12 Tay Ninh
Tay Ninh sub-project has Dau Tieng reservoir, a special grade project. By the end of
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October 2020, the sub-project organized civil work bidding for 02 bidding packages:
- Package C1-DAUTIENG-W1: Repairing and upgrading sub-dams section from Km5 + 700 - Km10: Contract signed on September 28, 2020.
- Package XL2: Repairing and upgrading sub-dams K19 + 500 - K27 + 000 and water intake culverts No. 1 and No. 2. Contract signed on 17/9/2020.
1.3.13 Dak Lak
Dak Lak province has 26 reservoirs, divided into 2 sub-projects:
Sub-project 1 (DL01-WB8-TDAI): 10 reservoirs: Ea Uy Thuong, Buon Dung II, Ea Blong Thuong, Ea Kmien 3, Ea Bro 2, Ea Nao Dar, Ea Ngach, C19 (Doi 12), Reservoir 725 (C32) and Reservoir Doi 11.
Sub-project 21-DL02-WB8-TDAII: 15 reservoirs: Ea Kuang; Ea Suy; Phu Khanh (Buon Lang 2); Krong Ana; Doi 36; Doi 4; Ea Klal 2; Ea Klal 1; Ea Znin; Buon Triet; Ea tul 1; Ea Ung; Ea Mtá (Doi 1 Che Bien); Doi 2; Dang Kang Thuong (removing Doi 3 as compared to Decision 4638/QD-BNN-HTQT).
Implementation progress to the end of October 2020:
No. Description Progress
1 Sub-project 1-DL01-WB8-TDA: Divided into two packages:
- Package C1-DL-TDA1-W-01: Construction of 3 reservoirs, including 2 lots: Lot 1 includes Ea Uy Thuong Reservoir; Lot 2 includes Doi 11 reservoirs and Buon Dung II reservoir...
- Package C1-DL-TDA1-W-02: Construction of 7 reservoirs, including 3 lots: Lot 1 includes Reservoirs 725 and C19; Lot 2 includes Ea Blong Thuong and Ea Kmien 3; Lot 3 includes Ea Nao Dar, Ea Ngach and Ea Br 2
Construction commenced in: 2/2020
Package 02
Lot 1: Construction progress 72%
Lot 2: Construction progress 25%
Lot 3: Construction progress 41%
In which, 02 reservoirs have not been constructed, namely Ea Blong Thuong and Ea Kmien 3 due site clearance is not completed yet.
2 Sub-project 2 (DL02-WB8 - TDA II) The FS report has been completed and the sub-project contractor selection plan is being submitted for sub-project 2
1.3.14. Kon Tum
Kon Tum sub-project has 14 reservoirs: C3, C4, Doi 5, Ca Sam, Ia Bang Thuong, Dak
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Ho Nieng, Kon Tu Zop, Dak Tin, C2, A1 Doi 4, Thon 9, Ya Xang, C3 (704), Dak Ngot.
Implementation progress to the end of October 2020:
No. Description Progress
1 Package C1-KONTUM-W1: Repairing and improving safety of Dak Ho Nieng, Dak Tin, Kon Tu Zop and Thon 9, divided into 2 lots
- 14 reservoirs under construction.
- Construction commenced in: 11/2019
Package 2
Package 3
Lot 1: Construction progress 54%
Lot 2: Construction progress 81%
Lot 3: Construction progress 46%
2 Package C1-KONTUM-W2: Repairing and improving safety Ho Doi 5, Ya Xang, Dak Ngot, Ca Sam and central managers of Ngoc Hoi district, Dak Ha district, Sa Thay district, Kon Tum city, divided into 3 lots
3 Package C1-KONTUM-W3: Repair and improve safety of Reservoir C2, Reservoir C3, Reservoir A1, Team 4, Reservoir C3 (704) and Ia Bang Thuong, divided into 3 lots
1.3.15 Hoa Binh
Hoa Binh province has 2 sub-projects, sub-project 1 on Dam safety improvement and repair of Dai Thang reservoir and sub-project 2 on Dam safety improvement for 10 reservoirs: Hoi Kha, Dong Ben, Ho Ra, Roc Khao, Mien 1-2, Tuan Lo, Na Mang, Coc, An Thinh.
Sub-project 1 has civil works completed and works handed over to the operator, Hoa Binh Irrigation Construction One Member Company Limited from August 1, 2019
Sub-project 2:
- Bids of civil works package of 10 reservoirs are being evaluated.
- Construction supervision package: Expression of Interest being invited
1.3.16 Lang Son
Lang Son sub-project consists of 10 reservoirs, namely Ban Cuom, Ba Son, Ky Na, Khuon Pinh, Coc Lung, Bo Chuong, Kai Hien, Tham Sinh, Khuoi Man, Khau Pieu, divided into 2 packages, each package of 5 reservoirs.
- Civil work package: has been approved of the civil work bidding documents on October 20, 2020, and is currently bidding
- Construction supervision package: Preparing to tender
- Environment consultant: Signed the contract on 31/12/2019
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1.3.17 Bac Giang
Bac Giang sub-project has 11 reservoirs namely Khe Cat, Khe Chay, Chua Ong, Ba Bai, Khe Tao, Khe Dang, Dong Man, Lang Thum, Bau Lay, Chin Suoi, Chong Chenh.
- Package C1-BG-W2 Repairing and improving safety for 4 reservoirs of Khe Cat, Khe Ray Ba Bai, Khe Lao, signed on October 9, 2020, is preparing to start construction.
- Package C1-BG-W4 Repairing and improving safety for 7 reservoirs of Khe Lao, Khe Dang, Dong Man, Lang Thum, Bau Lay, Chin Suoi, Chong Chenh is being appraised of construction design drawings.
1.3.18 Gia Lai
Gia Lai sub-project has 8 reservoirs: Ia Ring, Ayun Ha, Ea Dreh, Ha Tam, Buon Luoi, Plei To Kon, Ia Nang, and Lang Me, are divided into 2 civil work packages:
- Package on Rehabilitation safety improvement for 3 reservoirs: Ia Ring, Ayun Ha, Ea Dreh.
- Package on Rehabilitation safety improvement for 5 reservoirs: Ia Nang, Lang Me, Buon Luoi, Plei To Kon, Ha Tam.
Currently, these two packages are bidding for civil work.
- Construction supervision consultancy package: Bidding
1.3.19 Quang Ninh
Quang Ninh province has 2 sub-projects, sub-project 1: Khe Che and sub-project 2 including 8 reservoirs of Roc Cung, Roc Chay, Khe Tau, Chuc Bai Son, Sau Lang, Dong Do 1, Da Trang, Quat Dong.
Sub-project 1: Repairing and improving the safety of the Khe Che reservoir dam was handed over to Dong Trieu Irrigation One-member Company Limited to put into use on July 10, 2020.
Sub-project 2: 8 reservoirs under construction: Roc Cung, Roc Chay, Khe Tau, Chuc Bai Son, Sau Lang, Dong Do 1, Da Trang, Quat Dong - completed up to 99% - expected to hand over 7 reservoirs in November 2020, only Quat Dong Reservoir is expected handing over in December 2020
1.4. Implementation of Environmental safeguard policy of the Project
1.4.1 Update of environmental safeguard policy implementation of WB8
Up to the monitoring time, 52/52 sub-projects have completed the environmental and social screening and approved by WB;
ESIAs for 48/52 sub-projects have been approved by WB; 01 sub-project is being revised based on WB’s comments; 02 sub-projects’ reports are being prepared and 2 sub-projects are selecting consultants.
Details of ESIAs are shown in the following table.
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Table 2. Implementation schedule of ESIA
No. Content Province/Sub-project
1 48 sub-projects having been approved by WB
Including 12 sub-projects in Phase 1 and 35 sub- projects carried out in the subsequent years: Vinh Phuc, Son La, Thai Nguyen, Lao Cai, Bac Giang, Quang Ninh (Sub-project 2), Ha Tinh (Sub- project 1), Quang Ngai (Sub-project 2), Binh Dinh (Sub-project 2), Yen Bai, Dak Nong, Khanh Hoa, Hue, Quang Nam, Quang Tri, Nghe An (Sub-project 3), Thanh Hoa ( Sub-project 2), Dak Lak, Kon Tum, Phu Yen, Phu Tho (Sub-project 2), Ha Giang, Lang Son, Bac Kan, Tuyen Quang (Sub-project 2), Ninh Thuan, Lam Dong (Sub- project 2), Hoa Binh (Sub-project 2), Quang Binh (Sub-project 2), Binh Thuan (Sub-project 2), Gia Lai, Nghe An (Sub-project 4), Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa (Sub-project 3), Tay Ninh sub-project
2 The sub-project’s documents are being submitted to WB for comments
3 01 sub-project’s reports are being revised based on WB’s comments
Hai Duong
Hoa Binh (SP03)
Ha Tinh (Sub-project 2), Dak Lak (Sub-project 2)
1.4.2 Update of the implementation process of environmental safeguards in the monitoring sub-projects
19 provinces that ISC visited are: Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, Vinh Phuc, Bac Kan, Thai
Nguyen, Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Tay
Ninh, Hoa Binh, Bac Giang, Quang Ninh, Lang Son, Dak Lak, Gia Lai and Kon Tum,
the implementation of environmental safeguard policies in these 19 provinces is as
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Table 3. Implementation of environmental safeguard policies in 19 provinces
No. Report/work as required
by environmental safeguards policies
1 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA):
ESIAs of 19 provinces were approved. ESIAs of Dak Lak’s sub-project 2 and Hoa Binh's sub- project 3 are not yet approved
2 EIA Report (or Environmental Protection Plan - depending on sub- project’s scope):
Approved for all sub-projects in 19 provinces.
3 Requires integration of environmental requirements into the Bidding Documents and Construction Contracts
All of the sub-projects that tender for constructor completed have incorporated environmental requirements into the Bidding Documents. However, there are a few Bidding Documents that do not have environmental safeguard monitoring personnel such as Hoa Binh sub-project.
4 Requirements on combination of environmental requirements into the Bidding Documents and Construction Supervision Contracts
All of the sub-projects withcompleted bidding and signed contracts with CSCs have incorporated environmental requirements into the Bidding Documents.
5 Contractor's ESMPs Ha Giang, Vinh Phuc, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Hoa Binh, Quang Ninh, Dak Lak, and Kon Tum have been awarded contracts. All bidding packages require preparation of ESMP. However, in some packages, the availability of ESMPs were not at the same time with the construction commencement such as Ha Giang sub-project.
5 Monthly environmental monitoring report of CSCs
In the sub-projects with civil work activities are Ha Giang, Vinh Phuc, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Hoa Binh, Quang Ninh, Dak Lak, and Kon Tum, some of them do not have
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environmental safety compliance monitoring reports, i.e. Quang Ninh, Vinh Phuc, Dak Lak.
6 Report on the implementation of mitigation measures by contractors
In the sub-projects with multiple civil work bidding packages with different contractors, some of the contractors failed to prepare reports on their implementation of environmental mitigation measures, they wrote in the construction diary only. The contractors for the construction of sub- projects in Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Dak Lak, and Kon Tum have prepared environmental reports to send to the CSC and PPMUs.
7 Project Information Disclosure (ESIA, Contractor's ESMP)
Most of the sub-projects disclosed ESIAs at the project district/communes. However, there are also some provinces that have not timely disclosed information due to different objective conditions such as Thai Nguyen and Bac Giang. Regarding the contractor's ESMP, many sub-projects did not disclose, the reports were kept at the construction site.
Details of the ESIA and the Contractor's ESMP disclosure are summarized in Appendix 2.
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2.1. Monitoring tasks
The task of monitoring the implementation of environmental and social safeguards is based on ESMF, ESIA, EMP and other relevant documents i.e. CSC's contract, CESMP, etc. The scope of work of monitoring included (but not limited) following tasks:
Task 1: Assess capacity of PPMUs in preparing and implementing the environmental safeguard tools. For this task, the scope of consultant service includes:
- Review the employees of PIAs/PPMUs participating in ESMP implementation to ensure that there are sufficient resources to implement ESMP. Each PPMU, CSC and contractor should assign 1-2 staff to be in charge of environmental and social safety/safeguard.
- Ensure that ESMP preparation requirements are fully included in the bidding documents. Ensure that the environmental and social impact mitigation plan is included in the construction contract.
- Ensure that before commencing, the civil contractors must prepare EMP based on the sub-project’s ESMP, the requirements for bid documents and the construction plan, materials, equipment, human resource and mitigation plans for specific issues at the site should be met, the plan must be reviewed and approved by PPMUs.
Task 2: Assist PPMU and contractors in monitoring the Social Environmental Management Plan implemented by the contractor.
- Assist and support PPMUs in checking and ensure that all methodologies mentioned in ESMP approved, will be effective and useful timely.
- The consultant guides the construction supervision consultants to fill the monitoring report forms in compliance with the environmental management plan at the site.
- Through periodic inspections and daily book records reviewed by civil contractor consultant to check the contractor's compliance with the mitigation measures to minimize negative impacts on the environment via the records.
Task 3: Monitor the implementation of social and environmental mitigation measures (compliance monitoring).
- The consultant shall prepare a check list to monitor the implementation plan to mitigate the for both construction and operation phases.
- The monitoring plan is based on the detailed schedule of the sub project.
- Contents of monitoring are based on the impact and mitigation measures, which were identified in the reports on the environment.
Task 4: Conduct community-based monitoring:
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- Public consultation from field trips have been beeing orgnized to collect information on compliance of mitigation measures on environmental impact of contractor.
- Make recommendations to improve public awareness, public participation and capacity of environmental monitoring at the community level.
Task 5: Check the result of environmental quality monitoring
- Environmental quality monitoring is implemented by PPMU. The ISC will check the monitor plan of PPMU and compare with the requirement in ESIA and EIA on environment factors and monitor frequency.
- The results of environmental quality monitoring shall be checked and compared with actual site factors to find if any difference, as normal. The result of environmental quality monitoring shall be incorporated in periodic reports of ISC.
Task 6: Strengthen PIAs /PPMU’s capacity on ESMP implementation.
During the monitoring process, ISC will assist the sub-project owner in capacity building for PIAs/PPMUs, contractors, and construction supervision consultants Strengthening capacity for stakeholders is carried out through (i) Direct discussions between ISC and PIAs/PPMUs staff, contractors, and CSCs on ESMP implementation and monitoring requirements; (ii) provide necessary guidance to PIAs/PPMUs and CSCs on filling and preparation of monitoring forms to provide inputs for periodic monitoring reports and assisting the capacity building through field monitoring.
Task 7: Prepare monitoring reports.
ISC will prepare contents related to environmental safeguards in the deliverables of consulting services: Inception reports, periodical progress reports, irregular monitoring reports, mid-term reports and final reports.
2.2. Monitoring Methodologies
a. Desk review
During independent monitoring on environmental safeguards, ISC collected documents and data related to the environmental management of the sub-project from preparation, bidding packages, construction safety of contractors, to review, check and assess their sufficiency and compliance with requirements of Vietnam and WB on environmental protection practice. Documents collected and reviewed during periodic monitoring include:
(1) ESIAs; EIA approved by the Provincial Departments of Natural Resources and Environment; bid documents and construction contracts and CSC contracts, construction measures.
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(2) Periodic reports/records of contractors, CSCs; Commitments of the Contractors with PPMUs on transportation routes of construction materials.
(3) Licenses related to the verification of construction equipment; documents proving that the contractor's workers are fully trained on OHS, agreement records for the disposal sites, etc.
(4) Periodic environmental quality monitoring reports of the sub-projects under construction prepared by contractors and CSCs.
All documents, after being reviewed, will be assessed for their compliance with the regulations of GoV and WB guidelines.
b. Expert’s methodology
Practical experience of experts is used during monitoring combined with the environmental monitoring results, OHS monitoring at the sites and worker camps.
ISC consultants conducted interviews with staff in charge of environmental safeguards of PPMUs, CSCs, contractors' OHS staff; local authorities and communities around the construction sites; Based on the interview results, assessment and identification of issues related to the content of monitoring activities are carried out. Appropriate recommendations to address the existing issues of contractors and projects are analyzed and recommended.
c. Comparison and assessment reference
The results from the monitoring were compared, assessed and referred with the project conditions and legal documents as provided by GoV and WB to identify the issues that need to be settled and make appropriate recommendations to the relevant agencies. The documents and materials used for the assessment reference will include but not limited to the following:
- Environmental mitigation measures based on ECOP and specific environmental mitigation measures are reflected in the project's ESIA and EIA.
- Results of periodic environmental quality monitoring of the sub-projects have been considered and referred with the related standard such as QCVN 08-MT:2015/BTNMT on quality of surface water; QCVN 09-MT:2015/BTNMT on quality of underground water; QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT on quality of surrounding environment and air; QCVN26:2010/BTNMT on noise; QCVN 27:2010/BTNMT on vibration; QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT on quality of domestic use water for workers; and QCVN 03 - MT:2015/BTNMT on soil quality.
Decision No. 3733/2002/QD-BYT of Ministry of Health dated October 10, 2002 regarding application of 21 standards on occupational health and safety relating to micro-climate, noise, vibration, chemicals – permitted level in workplace
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- Traffic activities: Comparison based on the increase in the number of vehicles transporting project materials, impacts on traffic safety, transport infrastructure, degradation of traffic infrastructure due to transporting project’s construction materials have been being conducted. For assessing and reference of impacts to the transport system, assessments described in the ESIA were used to compare with the actual practice and through interviews with local people and authorities along the transport route. When there is a basis to identify the failure/degradation of the regional infrastructure system that is determined to be caused by the project activities, ISC will work with the PPMU to require the contractor to compensate/assist with appropriate impact level.
- Other issues: Are referred and compared with the conditions before the project.
d. Community consultation
- Community consultation method is used to compare results from site surveys , contractor’s compliance reports, monitoring reports with comments from the community affected by the project.
- Community consultation is conducted by direct interview with local authorities and local people.
- There are people living around the construction site and along the construction material transportation routes.
- The consultation contents include: Information about the project, disclosure of the project's ESMP at the CPC offices; the participation of local community and local authorities in supervising contractors’ compliance with environmental safety policies, registration of temporary residence for workers, social and environmental issues raised by workers, coordination mechanism between contractors and local authorities in the construction process.
e. Physical monitoring
- This approach is carried out based on direct observation, taking photos, assessing and comparing the practice of impact mitigation measures by contractors with the requirements and contents in EIA, ESMP, ECOPs.
- This is applicable to monitor the mitigation of the impacts of dust, noise, collection
and management of solid waste, hazardous waste, wastewater, interrupting/degradation
of utilities of local people, and managing workers, OHS, fire prevention, restoration of
environment after construction, worker camps.
- With this method, the effectiveness of the measures taken was assessed, then specific
recommendations for shortcomings to minimize impacts are proposed to minimize
impacts on the landscape, ecology and life of people in the project area.
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2.3. Monitoring arrangement
To fully implement the tasks of independent monitoring, this periodic monitoring is arranged as follows
1. Prepare monitoring plan and inform the relevant parties:
Prior to this monitoring, a detailed monitoring plan based on specific progress of the sub-projects was prepared. The plan was agreed with CPO and related parties before physical monitoring. CPO has issued document No. 765/CPO-WB8 dated 1270/1292/2020 in coordination with ISC sent to the PPMUs, in which the PPMUs are also required to prepare relevant documents and field trips for the monitoring team based on the monitoring plan. (Details of the monitoring schedule is attached in the Annex).
2. Monitoring at the PPMUs offices and at the reservoirs
In every province, on the first day, the monitoring team met with PPMUs, contractors, CSC on the monitoring content and work schedule and required the staff in charge of environmental safety of PPMUs, contractors and CSCs to participate. Then the desk review and field trips were carried out.
a. Desk review: The Consultant has checked and evaluated documents on environmental safety of PPMUs, and related contractors with details as following:
- Check, review, consider and analyze the compliance and sufficiency of staff in charge of environmental safety of PPMUs, contractors and CSCs;
- Review the compliance and sufficiency of legal documents related to environmental and social safety prepared by PPMUs and contractors. The collected documents include: The legal documents were reviewed by the team including ESIA/EIA reports; tender invitation and civil contract with contractors and supervision consultant at the province; periodic monitoring reports on environmental safety by the supervision consultant.
- Review documents of civil contractor and construction supervision consultant such as construction progress reports for each item, construction records, registration and certificates of machine, documents to prove that attendants of workers from contractors in labor safety and environmental safety, documents of residence registration of the contractor’s workers,...
- Check the results of environmental quality monitoring in periodic monitoring reports
conducted by PPMU/contractors. This check includes the following: (i) completeness
of the sub-project's environmental quality monitoring results: Monitoring parameters,
frequency of monitoring and location of monitoring as mentioned in the report.
ESIA/EIA report of the sub-project; (ii) check the legal status of the unit performing
environmental quality monitoring to meet the regulations of the Ministry of Natural
Resources and Environment. Specifically, the unit performing this task must have
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enough laboratories to carry out observation and analysis activities and must have a
VIMCERTS certificate issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment;
(iii) check the results of monitoring and compare with current standards to identify
existing environmental issues and provide necessary solutions (if any) to minimize
impacts. target of construction activities to the natural environment.
b. On site of reservoir under construction: The consultants checked and monitored the
actual site at every site that the construction activities are ongoing.
The checking areas included worker camps, material storage, construction site (main
dam, auxiliary dam, spillway, traffic roads…), roads for transportation materials to the site.
- The main contents of monitoring is mainly in compliance with measures to ensure
environmental safety, health, construction sanitation and labor safety, safety in fire
alarm prevention (training on labor safety and environmental sanitation for workers,
provision of safety signboards and working regulations at the sites and worker’s camps, hygiene at the sites and camps, collecting and treatment of domestic waste and
construction waste, traffic safety (such as signboards in the provided areas at the sites,
and access roads to the sites: traffic signboard, signal lights for direction and control
traffic, speed limit signboards, warning signboards at the areas with heavy machines in
the construction sites) according to the ESMPs.
- Community consultation during field monitoring: Local communities surrounding the
construction sites were consulted.
+ The consultations focused on: Local comprehension on the project, environmental
problems arising during the construction, the participation of the local people in
supervision, interrupting of the utilities during construction and the countermeasures (if
temporary residence registration for workers, direct/indirect impacts of construction
activities on the environment, public health as well as interrupting of utilities, people's
complaints and GRM for environment, drainage, dust, noise and mitigation measures
taken by the contractors;
3. Wrap-up meeting with PPMUs, ISC and contractors
After desk review and field visit, a wrap-up meeting is being held to inform PPMUs
about the initial monitoring results of the PPMUs. The contents of discussion with
PPMU included:
- Assessing the current status of the work items reviewed and monitored
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- Raising the problems, issues of non-compliance with environmental safety policies in
the reports or on the construction sites.
- Providing specific recommendations and guidance to contractors, consultants and
PPMU to fix the problems being raised.
2.4. Location and time of monitoring
An ISC consultant team was mobilized including environmental safeguard specialists.
The team was divided into two small teams: Team 1 visited Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang,
Vinh Phuc, Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Quang Ninh, Hoa Binh, Bac Giang, Lang
Son; Team 2 visited Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Tay Ninh, Bac Kan and Thai
Nguyen, Dak Lak, Gia Lai, and Kon Tum. The monitoring was organized into 2 batches,
one from the end of July and the other started at the beginning of October 2020.
The Official Letter No. 1270/CPO-WB8 dated October 15, 2020 of CPO on the
coordination with a third-party independent monitoring sent to the PPMUs mentioned
the monitoring would be carried out in two provinces of Quang Binh and Quang Tri.
However, due to unsuitable weather conditions, these two provinces were flooded, so
the monitoring plan in Quang Binh and Quang Tri has not been implemented.
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Capacity of PPMUs and relevant stakeholders in carrying out environmental safeguard activities are assessed based on the two main contents:
- The abilities to manage environmental safeguards including personnel arrangement of contractors, CSCs, PPMUs and the monitoring mechanism among related parties.
- Preparation of documents for environmental safety including preparation of environment reports during the project preparation and project completion phases.
3.1.1. Assessing on capacity of organizing environmental safety management
According to the project’s requirements, PPMUs, CSCs and contractors should assign 1-2 staff to be in charge of social and environmental safety/safeguards. Through monitoring in 19 provinces of Bac Kan, Ninh Binh, Phu Yen, Thai Nguyen, Tuyen Quang, Tay Ninh, Nghe An, Thanh Hoa, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Ha Giang, Vinh Phuc, Bac Giang, Lang Son, Quang Ninh, Hoa Binh, Dak Lak, Gia Lai, Kon Tum, some comments on the provincial’s environmental management capacity are provided below:
Regarding PPMUs:
Each project province has established one PPMU to manage and implement the sub- projects. Most PPMUs have assigned at least 01 staff to be in charge of environmental safety/safeguard, except Dau Tieng-Phuoc Hoa Irrigation Project Management Unit, which is the PPMU of Dau Tieng reservoir sub-project, they have not yet assigned staff to take charge of environment safeguards. The staff in charge of environmental safeguards are usually assigned to take charge of social safeguard or technical issues as we observed in Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, Thai Nguyen, Ninh Binh, Bac Giang, Lang Son...Not many staff in charge of environment safeguards have environment specialized background. Most of the staff in PPMUs attended training courses on social and environmental safeguard organized by CPO.
Regarding CSCs:
Some provinces have not yet mobilized CSCs due to incomplete bidding i.e. Bac Kan, Ninh Binh, Phu Yen, Tuyen Quang, Tay Ninh, Bac Giang, Lang Son, Hoa Binh (sub- project 2), some PPMUs have the capacity to supervise the construction, such as Nghe An, Thanh Hoa, Quang Ninh, and Thai Nguyen. Thanh Hoa and Nghe An PPMUs hire consultants to monitor the environmental and social impact mitigation measures, Quang Ninh and Thai Nguyen provinces have enough capacity to monitor the activities. Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Ha Giang, Thai Nguyen, Vinh Phuc, Dac Lac, and Kon Tum signed contracts with CSCs. These CSCs are also in charge of social & environmental safety and environmental quality monitoring. In Khanh Hoa and Dak Lak provinces, environmental monitoring is the responsibility of the contractors. Through reviewing
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bidding documents and contracts of CSC and environmental and social safeguard monitoring in contracted provinces such as Ha Giang, Vinh Phuc, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Dak Lak, Kon Tum, it was noted that the bidding documents and contracts have included the requirements on assigning staff in charge of monitoring environmental impact mitigation at the construction sites. One CSC usually assigns 1-2 staff for environmental safety monitoring, but the timing is different from the contract timeline.
- CSC in Ha Giang sub-project assigns 02 staffs with total 14 man-month while the construction period of the package is 24 months.
- CSC in Vinh Phuc sub-project assigns 01 staff with a total working time of 18 months and the construction period of the package is also18 months.
- CSC in Nghe An sub-project assigns 01 staff with a total time of 12 months while the construction contract period of the package is 16 months.
- CSC in Thanh Hoa sub-project assigns 01 staff with 9 months and 6 support staff with 9 man-months/person (covering sampling, testing, monitoring) while the construction period is 18 months.
- Bidding Documents of CSC for Tuyen Quang’s sub-project 2 require 24 man-months for 18 months construction period, so this position will require more than 01 staff member.
Time arrangement for environmental safety monitoring staff indicates the time they work in the sites. Most of the sub-projects have multiple reservoirs, i.e. 13 reservoirs of Nghe An’s sub-project 3, 10 reservoirs of Vinh Phuc sub-project, if there is only 1 staff in charge of monitoring, the timing working in all sites will be very limited. Besides, the geographical distance of the reservoirs is also a challenge for the staff. Therefore, CSC should consider to arrange staff properly so that to ensure the frequency of monitoring in all the sites.
Regarding the expertise of the monitoring staff, it’s required in the TOR for the position that they should have degrees on environment and are experienced in environmental monitoring.
In addition, CSCs who monitor the environmental safety also carries out sampling for environmental monitoring, i.e. CSCs of Vinh Phuc, Ha Giang, Nghe An, Thanh Hoa, Kon Tum, and Thai Nguyen. All staff members are assigned to perform monitoring tasks, take samples for analysis, and prepare periodic monitoring reports according to the monitoring plans. Some PPMUs of Ninh Thuan, Thai Nguyen and Quang Ninh provinces signed direct contracts with one unit for the sampling for environmental quality monitoring.
Regarding contractors:
In the contracts of construction packages in Ha Giang, Vinh Phuc, Thanh Hoa, Nghe
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An, Khanh Hoa, Thai Nguyen, Ninh Thuan, Quang Ninh, Dac Lac, Kon Tum, Bac
Giang, all the contractors assign 01 staff in charge of OHS/environmental safety or OHS
staff wil do part-time of social and environmental safety/safeguards. Through reviewing
the documents, it’s noted that CSCs’ environmental safety staff described as being experienced in environmental safeguards, however, actual monitoring results show that
only few of the staff understand about and are experienced on WB’s safeguards requirements.
During the monitoring, in the sub-projects where the construction has started, including Ha Giang, Vinh Phuc, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Dak Lak, Kon Tum, Quang Ninh, the contractors in all reservoirs that we visited do not assign environmental safety staff, we only met with technical staff of contractors. The absence of the contractor's OHS staff in the field is very common in most of the construction packages, and this affects the monitoring of environmental mitigation measures and monitoring the labor safety at the sites.
ISC consultants have discussed this situation with PPMUs and CSCs and exchanged on the need to assign staff in charge of OHS to work in the site and maintain a tracking book to monitor the mobilization during the construction.
3.1.2. Assessing the preparation of environmental safeguard documents
ISC consultants reviewed the documents provided by PPMUs, CSCs and contractors, as follows:
- ESIAs, EIAs; design documents and construction measures for every sub-project; bidding documents and construction contracts and supervision consultancy.
Contractor’s Social and Environmental Management Plan
- Periodic reports/records of contractors, supervision consultants; Contracts of the contractor with PPMUs on transportation of construction materials, disposal sites, borrow pits, etc.
- Licenses related to the inspection of construction equipment; documents proving that the contractor's workers are fully trained on labor safety and environmental sanitation, etc.
- Periodic environmental quality monitoring reports of sub-projects under construction and prepared by contractors and supervisors.
Through reviewing documents, it’s noted that for awarded contracts, bidding documents, construction contracts, construction supervision contracts in the provinces of Ha Giang, Thai Nguyen, Vinh Phuc, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Dak Lak, Kon Tum, Quang Ninh and Bac Giang have been implemented in accordance with the latest WB’s guidelines on environmental safety policies, the requirements of environmental safeguard policy have been fully integrated into the Bidding documents
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and contract.
Assessment results on documents of sub-projects are summarized and shown in the below table:
Table 4. Reviewing relevant documents and papers in the PPMUs
No. Content Current status Comments/Recommendation
1. Bidding documents, construction contracts;
Bidding documents and construction contracts for contractors were signed by the sub-projects of Khanh Hoa, Nghe An, Thanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, Vinh Phuc, Thai Nguyen, Quang Ninh, Bac Giang, Dak Lak, and Kon Tum, following the World Bank's guidelines on environmental and social safeguards, the environmental safeguard requirements have been incorporated into bidding documents and contracts.
For provinces that are/have not prepared Bidding Documents for civil work of bidding packages and construction supervision packages such as Bac Kan, Phu Yen, Ninh Binh, Lang Son, Gia Lai, ISC instructed the PPMUs to study the ESMP requirements in the sample Bidding Documents to prepare the Bidding Documents to ensure all the conditions on ESMP are met.
Bidding documents, construction contracts, supervision contracts
Bidding documents and construction contracts for contractors were signed in the sub-projects of Khanh Hoa, Nghe An, Thanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, Vinh Phuc, Dak Lak, and Kon Tum, following the World Bank's guidelines on environmental and social safeguards, the environmental safeguard requirements have been incorporated into bidding documents and contracts.
2. Licenses and audit of construction equipment of the contractors
Through reviewing the civil work packages in Khanh Hoa, Nghe An, Thanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Ha Giang, Vinh Phuc, Dak Lak, and Kon Tum, it is noted that all the machines and equipment used
The PPMUs and supervision consultant should work with the contractors to ensure all equipment and machines must be verified and maintained periodically.
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for construction have certificates of verification, however, some of the equipment don’t have certificates or the certificates were expired.
3. Contract on domestic waste collection with local service providers
The contractors do not sign contracts since the project sites located far from the residential areas, where the local waste collection services could not meet the need of the remote areas except Lang Son sub- project, some of the reservoirs located in the city’s communes where they can sign contract with the city’s urban environment sanitation company. Solid wastes are burnt at the sites.
Domestic waste in the camp and site were collected by the contractors for treatment. In case there is no waste collection unit and the contractors should treat the waste, they should work with and make a record with the local authorities on the treatment method and specific treatment location at the construction site
4. Contract on collecting and treatment of hazardous waste
All contractors do not have contracts on hazardous waste collection, because the quantity is small. At the present, the contractors stockpile all the hazardous wastes for periodic treatment
Since the construction sites are scattered in many places, far from the center, the collection of hazardous waste is often difficult for the functional units, so CSC and PPMU should closely monitor the stockpile to ensure no hazardous waste leaks into the environment. The Contractors should collect and store hazardous waste in a covered area, on a waterproof foundation and hand it over to the treatment unit after completion of construction.
5. Legal documents related to disposal sites and material transportation routes
Khanh Hoa, Nghe An, Thanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Ha Giang, Vinh Phuc, Tuyen Quang, Thai Nguyen, Dak Lak, Kon Tum, Bac Giang, and Quang Ninh have signed MOUs with local authorities about the disposal site during the ESIA preparation phase. changes in disposal site, will be discussed and agreed
Because the transport rou

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