performance analysis - marco serafini · •garbage collection deallocates memory for you...

Post on 08-Sep-2020






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Performance Analysis

Marco Serafini

COMPSCI 590SLecture 14


Blocked-Time Analysis• Two steps

1. Measure time blocked while doing X2. Simulate scheduling without blocking

• Why simulation? • Want to reproduce scheduling

• Why not measure “CPU blocking” time• Much more complex to disentangle

• Gains are relative, simulation/simulation


Measuring a System• Scientific experiment• Needed

• A good definition of the metric to be measured• A good model of the behavior of the system• A good setup that eliminates external factors

• Existing systems did not always measure right


Disclaimer• Performance measurements are hard to generalize• Combination of

• Workload (and tuning if synthetic)• System design• System configuration and tuning• Hardware configuration


Background: Spark SQL• SQL-like queries à Spark jobs• Ports some DBMS concepts into Spark

• E.g. query optimizer• We will come back to that later in the course


Why Disk is not so Important• Blocked time measures pure I/O time• Before being used, data needs

• Compression/decompression• Serialization/deserialization• Memory allocation/deallocation • All these are CPU costs!

• Surprise: Spark speedup due to serialization not I/O


Why Network is not so Important• Little intermediate data to be shuffled

• Analytics workloads are mostly read-only• Analytics workload compute aggregates• Valid for the workloads they considered (queries)

• Input data is read directly from disk• Worker is typically run where data is


Why Stragglers are not so Important• Spark uses small tasks• Multiple waves of allocation• Single, static wave of allocation would lead to much larger straggler overhead


Garbage Collection

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Traditional Languages (C/C++)• Basic heap management• Must manually allocate/deallocate regions (malloc/free)• Must manage pointers• Problem: difficult to tell if a region is still in use

• Memory leaks: memory is not deallocated• Incorrectly reclaim memory for objects that are still used• Hard to debug: memory access may return “junk”

• Advantage: control


Memory-Managed Languages (Java)• “No pointers”: object variables are pointers• Garbage collection deallocates memory for you

• Advantage: never read “junk”• Disadvantage: performance bottlenecks• Overhead can be mitigated by understanding how GC works!

• Goals of GC• Maximize memory utilization• Minimize memory fragmentation• Minimize GC overhead


Generational Garbage Collection• Standard approach used by Java and other langs• Assumptions

• Most instantiated objects are short-lived• Few connections between long-lived and short-lived objects

• Approach: keep two generations• Young generation: recently instantiated objects• Old generation: non-recently instantiated objects

• Following discussion targets Java but general concepts

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Determining “Live” Objects• Called “Marking"

• Start from root object • Traverse all references• See which objects are not referenced any longer


Young Generation• Divided in three sections

• Eden• Two survivors spaces S0 and S1

• New objects are instantiated in eden• Survivor spaces labeled “From” and “To”

• From contains objects, To is empty• When eden fills up, minor garbage collection


Minor Garbage Collection• “Stop-the-world”: JVM stops while GCing• Steps

• Scan Eden and From survivor space• Copy all live objects to To area• Logically clear Eden and From area• Switch From and To label

• After n copies, objects promoted to Old generation• Logic

• Eden and From areas are always compact• When scanning, few objects will be live and copied


Major Garbage Collection• Run less frequently• “Stop-the-world”• Steps

• Scan Old generation• Remove objects that are not referenced• Compact


Permanent Generation• Used by JVM to store metadata (classes etc.)• Limited control over it


GC and Data Processing• Large datasets, potentially LOTS of objects

• Eden can fill up very quickly• Very frequent minor GCs

• GC at one node can slow down the whole system• GC adds further load to CPU


Workarounds• Reuse objects

• Say that you are scanning a table of objects

• Instantiate a single cursor object and reassign its fields

• Eventually this object becomes old and not GCed

• Use primitive data types

• Boxing: Integer vs. int

• int[] vs. ArrayList<Integer>

• Beware Strings, Integers etc. are immutable

• Specialized libraries (fastutil, koloboke, …)

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