people and information included on recent regents exams

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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• To create an efficient government he created social classes:

• Each social class had a job to perform to keep the empire moving.

• Men of the Sword (Military)

• Men of the Pen (Doctors, lawyers, poets)

• Men of Negotiation (Merchants, tax collectors)

• Men of Husbandry (Farmers)


• He also divided conquered territories by culture and religious beliefs. These divisions were called Millets

• Each Millets was headed by an official who reported to the Sultan.

• These officials were from the same cultural background as the people in the Millet.

• Remember Islam is against forced conversion people still aloud to practice their religion in the empire.


• Made up of recently conquered Christian children as a tax on their families.

• Taken at birth to begin military training.

• Taught to read, write, and philosophy

• Most educated military force of 30,000

• Protected the Sultan


• Babur was skipped over to take the crown.• Grandson of Genghis Khan and Temur the Lame. • Unites a ban of Monguls and rejected Turks and

conquers the Delhi Sultanate in 1526.• Mughal (which means Mongol in Persian) will rule

India until 1857

The greatest ruler of the Mughals was Akbar the Great, grandson of Babur. Akbar which means “Great One”

reigned from 1556 to 1605.

Akbar built a united empire by:

• Used Cannons on the remaining resistance.• Replacing hereditary officials with

professionals, including Hindus• Listening to advisors from many faiths• Modernizing the army• Marrying a Hindu princess• Encouraging trade• Abolish non Muslim tax

• Akbar’s son Jahangir left the details of governing to his wife, Nur Jahan, who was the most powerful woman in pre–twentieth century India.

• She appointed her father as Prime Minister.

Women’s Influence on the Mughal Empire

• The high point of Mughal art came during the reign of Shah Jahan son of Nur Jahan.

• Grief-stricken at the death of his wife at age 39. She gave him 14 sons.

• He ordered a grand tomb be built in her honor.

• The lavish Taj Mahal was her memorial. It took 22,000 workers 20 years to complete.

Nationalist Turks, led by Mustafa Kemal, overthrew the sultan, defeated Greece, formed the modern Republic

of Turkey, and negotiated a new treaty.

The sultan had signed the Treaty of Sévres in 1920, which had given a great deal of Turkish land to Greece

In Asia Minor, Turks resisted Western control and fought to build a modern nation apart from

other Arab nations.

Ottoman Empire becomes Turkey

Kemal took the name Atatürk (“Father of the Turks”) and led the Turkish republic

Between 1923 and his death in 1938, Atatürk was responsible for many reforms:

• Moved to modernize, Westernize, and secularize Turkey

• Encouraged industrial expansion

• Gave women the right to vote and to work outside the home

Atatürk’s reforms were successful, and nationalists in Persia (present-day Iran) followed his lead

• In 1925, army officer Reza Khan overthrew the shah and rushed to modernize, Westernize, and secularize Persia, which angered Muslim religious leaders

• Khan also persuaded the British company that controlled Persia’s oil industry to hire Persians and to give Persia a larger share of the profits

The priority of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister, was to improve India’s economy.

Food output increased, but so did population growth, leading to family planning programs. Nehru also passed laws to economically assist the dalits, members of the lowest Hindu caste.

When it becameindependent in 1947 India faced many challenges.

India after Gandhi

In 1966 the Congress Party elected Nehru’s daughter, Indira Gandhi, as prime minister

• Gandhi’s election represented a great advance for women, who had traditionally been discriminated against in India

• Gandhi served as prime minister from 1966 to 1983 (when she was assassinated)

Indonesia’s first president, Sukarno, helped establish a democratic nation.

He called for unity and acceptance of minority rights.

His reforms did not last, however.

Sukarno became more authoritarian and was ousted.

South Asian Political Figures

The Philippines is also made up of many islands and a diverse population.

• After 50 years of United States rule, the Philippines became independent in 1949

• Catholicism remains the predominant religion, but there is a large Muslim population

• A wealthy elite ruled the nation, and communists, called Hooks, rebelled.

• Elected in 1965, Marcos ended basic freedoms.

• He had main rival Benigno Aquino killed.

The Philippines was originally a democracy, but Ferdinand Marcos became a dictator.

While the economy has grown, poverty and urban unrest

are still issues.

A “people power” revolution forced Marcos to accept

the loss.

In 1986 Marcos was finally forced to hold elections. He was beaten by Corazon Aquino,

the widow of his slain rival.

Madero was democratically elected in 1911, but within two years he was assassinated by one of his generals, Victoriano Huerta, who became a dictator.

In 1910, liberal reformer Francisco Madero demanded free elections, and Díaz resigned.

Mexican Revolution in the 1900’s.

Peasants Francisco “Pancho” Villa and Emiliano Zapata joined forces with rich landowner

Venustiano Carranza to defeat Huerta

• Villa and Zapata wanted to make broad changes to improve peasants’ lives, but Carranza disagreed.

• After they defeated Huerta, Carranza turned on Villa and Zapata and defeated them.

In 1917, Carranza was elected president of Mexico.

He reluctantly approved a new constitution, which, with amendments, is still in force today.

Constitution of 1917

• Land reforms• Religious reforms• Labor reforms• Suffrage• Women’s rights


• Remember to pick 2 different People / Topics.

• Write an introduction, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion

• Fulfill all aspects of the task for each person - the events before the actions made by the person, and the results/effects

• Feel free to compare and contrast them in your 4th paragraph

• Remember to include outside knowledge and put in parentheses (O.K.)


• One again, pick 2 topics

• Include at least 5 documents and put a parentheses after you use it (Doc #)

• Write an introduction, 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion

• Fulfill all aspects of the task for each person - the events before the actions made by the person, and the results/effects

• Feel free to compare and contrast them in your 4th paragraph

• Remember to include outside knowledge and put in parentheses (O.K.)

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