penyakit arteri koroner

Post on 15-Sep-2015






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  • PENYAKIT ARTERI KORONERAgung Karyawinara1220221123

  • Definisi

    Penyakit yang diakibatkan akumulasi plak berupa lemak, kolesterol, kalsium yang terdapat di arteri koroner yang mengalirkan darah ke jantung jantung, penyakit ini juga terkadang disebut sebagai penyakit jantung koroner (Singh, 2006)

  • EPIDEMIOLOGICardiovascular disease (CVD) is now the most common cause of death worldwide. Before 1900, infectious diseases and malnutrition were the most common causes and CVD was responsible for less than 10% of all deaths. Today, CVD accounts for approximately 30% of deaths worldwide, including nearly 40% in high-income countries and about 28% in low- and middle-income countries.

  • Etiologi

    Faktor risiko yang tidak dapat dirubah

    Usia Jenis kelamin Riwayat keluarga(Price & Wilson, 2006)

    Faktor risiko yang masih dapat dirubah

    Peningkatan kadar lipid serumHipertensiMerokokDiabetes melitusGaya hidup yang tidak aktifObesitas (Price & Wilson, 2006)

  • (Tortora & Derrickson, 2006)

  • GEJALABeberapa gejala dari penyakit arteri koroner adalah angina pektoris, dada terasa sesak, palpitasi, dan lemas. (Singh, 2006)

  • KLASIFIKASIPenyakit jantung iskemik / Penyakit arteri koroner angina stabilACS (acute coronary syndrome) angina tidak stabil, NSTEMI, STEMI

  • Based on available evidence, it is now recommended that patients with an unacceptable level of angina despite optimal medical management be considered for coronary revascularization.

  • Patients with single- or two-vessel disease with normal LV function and anatomically suitable lesions ordinarily are advised to undergo PCI (Chap. 246).

  • Patients with three-vessel disease (or two-vessel disease that includes the proximal left descending coronary artery) and impaired global LV function (LV ejection fraction< 50%) or diabetes mellitus and those with left main coronary artery disease or other lesions unsuitable for catheter-based procedures should be considered for CABG as the initial method of revascularization

  • In light of the complexity of the decision making, it is desirable to have a multidisciplinary team, including a cardiologist and a cardiac surgeon in conjunction with the patient's primary care physician, provide input in conjunction with ascertaining the patient's preferences before committing to a particular revascularization option.

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