penetrate - · денция»...

Post on 08-Aug-2020






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* * * 1. Bajdenko V.I. Kompetencii v professional'nom
obrazovanii (k osvoeniyu kompetentnostnogo podho- da) // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. 2004. 11. S. 3–13.
2. Gladkova I.A., Fomin V.N. Pokazateli rezul'- tativnosti professional'nogo stanovleniya lichnosti // Srednerusskij vestnik obshchestvennyh nauk. 2017. 1. S. 94–104.
3. Golovushkina M.V., Voyachek O.S. Nravst- vennyj aspekt yazykovogo obrazovaniya budushchih yuristov (na materiale anglijskogo yazyka) // Izvestiya vuzov. Povolzhskij region. Gumanitarnye nauki. 2014. 4(32). S. 247–255.
4. Konopleva I.N., Kalyagin Yu.S. Formirovanie pravosoznaniya i lichnosti yurista v vuze // Psiho-
pedagogika v pravoohranitel'nyh organah. 2010. 3. S. 25–28.
5. Levitan K.M. Razvitie professional'no kompe- tentnoj lichnosti yurista na polilingval'noj osnove (russkij i inostrannye yazyki) // Vestn. Perm. nac. issled. politekhn. un-ta. Problemy yazykoznaniya i pedagogiki. 2014. 10. S. 98–105.
6. Markova A.K. Psihologiya truda uchitelya: kn. dlya uchitelya. M.: Prosveshchenie, 1993.
7. Novikova I.A., Obidina N.V. Lichnostnye faktory i professional'naya effektivnost' menedzherov kommercheskoj organizacii // Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Ser.: Akmeologiya obrazovaniya. Psihologiya razvitiya. 2016. 3. S. 236–241.
8. O Koncepcii modernizacii rossijskogo obra- zovaniya na period do 2010 goda: rasporyazhenie Pravitel'stva RF 1756-r ot 29 dek. 2001 g. // Byulleten' Minobrazovaniya RF. 2002. 2.
9. Ponomareva E.V., Pomaskina D.V. Issledovanie psihologicheskih aspektov lichnosti yuristov mirovyh sudov, vazhnyh dlya ih professional'nogo obshche- niya // Koncept. 2017. 11. S. 51–58.
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12. Trubicyna E.V. Formirovanie grazhdansko- pravovoj kul’tury innovacionnogo tipa u sovremennyh shkol'nikov // Pedagogika i psihologiya obrazovaniya. 2012. 1. S. 41–48.
Professional competence as an integral characteristic of the student’s personality in the educational space of the university
The article presents methods that allow to monitor the process of formation of the future lawyer’s professional competence taking place along with the development of the student’s personality, both quantitatively and qualitatively, as well as to assess the student’s professional competence level. The relationship between the concepts “competence”, “experience”, “potential”, is determined, including from the perspective of the future employer.
Key words: personality, professional competence, situational approach, personal potential, compo- nents of professional competence, educational pro- cess, motivation.
( 14.05.2019)
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1: », « “”»). - - - , - - .
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1. .., ..
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6. .., .., - .. - // - . 2017. . 6. 3 (20). . 175–177.
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8. .., .. - - - // - : - . 2017. . 6. 3(20). . 162–165.
9. .. - - // European social science journal. 2012. 12-1. . 339–345.
10. .. - // . 2014. . 9. . 65–67.
* * * 1. Bogdanova A.V., Glazova V.F. Realizaciya
proektnoj tekhnologii v obuchenii studentov guma- nitarnyh napravlenij podgotovki s ispol'zovaniem sovremennyh tekhnologij // Karel. nauch. zhurn. 2015. 1(10). C. 34–35.
2. Vaganova O.I., Gladkova M.N., Trutano- va A.V. Formirovanie proektnoj kompetencii budu- shchih bakalavrov v vuze // Azimut nauchnyh is- sledovanij: pedagogika i psihologiya. 2017. T. 6. 3(20). S. 51–54.
3. Vostroknutov E.V., Volkov S.N., Adamskij S.S., Mokievskaya N.E. [i dr.]. Realizaciya obrazovatel'- nyh distancionnyh mul'timedijnyh internet-proektov // XXI vek: itogi proshlogo i problemy nastoyashchego plyus. 2014. 4 . S. 66–70.
4. Gushchin A.V. Ponyatie i znachenie infor- macionno-tekhnologicheskogo obespecheniya v razvi- tii elektronnogo obucheniya vysshego pedagogiche-
skogo obrazovaniya // Fundamental'nye issledovaniya. 2014. 12-9. S. 2003–2008.
5. Gushchin A.V. Funkcii i napravleniya pri- meneniya informacionno-tekhnologicheskogo obes- pecheniya vysshego pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya // Privolzhskij nauchnyj zhurnal. 2015. 1(33). S. 208– 213.
6. Koldina M.I., Vaganova O.I., Trutanova A.V. Metody i sredstva formirovaniya obshchekul'turnyh kompetencij obuchayushchihsya vuza // Baltijskij gumanitarnyj zhurnal. 2017. T. 6. 3 (20). S. 175– 177.
7. Maslennikova O.E., Nazarova O.B. Rol' i mesto proektnoj raboty studentov v ih professional'nom stanovlenii // Novye informacionnye tekhnologii v obrazovanii. 2015. S. 470–474.
8. Odarich I.N., Korostelev A.A. Napravlennost' uchebnogo processa na formirovanie professional'nyh kompetencij bakalavra s cel'yu posleduyushchego vy- polneniya im trudovyh funkcij // Azimut nauchnyh issledovanij: pedagogika i psihologiya. 2017. T. 6. 3(20). S. 162–165.
9. Fidarova M.G. Metod proektov v profes- sional'noj podgotovke budushchego uchitelya infor- matiki v kontekste kompetentnostnogo podhoda k obrazovaniyu // European social science journal. 2012. 12-1. S. 339–345.
10. Fidarova M.G. Model' sistemy nepreryvnoj podgotovki uchitelya informatiki // Teoriya i praktika obshchestvennogo razvitiya. 2014. . 9. S. 65–67.
Formation of professional competencies of future computer science teachers in the context of project activities
The article explores the transformation of the structure and quality of professional training of teachers in the context of rapid development of information technology and general informatization of modern education. The author modifies the professional requirements for future teachers, especially for the computer science teacher. It is concluded that, in the system of training future computer science teachers for teaching activities in an electronic educational environment, the key guideline is the formation of skills, competencies and incentives.
Key words: professional competence, computer science teacher, project activity, e-learning environ- ment.
( 20.05.2019)
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* * * 1. Kislyakova E.Yu. Kommunikativnaya katego-
riya inakosti: monogr. Volgograd: Nauch. izd-vo «Peremena», 2018.
2. Furmanova V.P. Mezhkul'turnaya kommu- nikaciya i kul’turno-yazykovaya pragmatika v teorii i praktike prepodavaniya inostrannyh yazykov: dis. ... d-ra ped. nauk. M., 1994.
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4. Shahovskij V.I. Chto takoe emocional'nyj tyu- ning v mezhlichnostnom obshchenii? // Gumanitarnye znaniya v sovremennom obrazovatel'nom processe: sb. nauch. tr. Voronezh, 2009. S. 319–322.
Integrative model of foreign language communicative competence of a foreign language teacher The article analyzes the foreign language com- municative competence of a foreign language teach- er as a conglomeration of three communicative competences (common communicative competence, intercultural communicative competence and pro- fessional communicative competence), which repre- sents a specific model with a core and periphery.
Key words: professional communicative competen- ce, communicative personality, metacognition, peda- gogical lingvoecology, empathy, communicative be- havior.
( 20.05.2019)
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3. Almazova N.I., Chernyavskaya V.E. Didak- ticheskij process kak polikodovyj fenomen // Stil. 2010. Vyp. 11. S. 429–435.
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12. Sternin I.A. Vvedenie v rechevoe vozdejstvie. Voronezh: Istoki, 2001.
13. Sternin I.A. O ponyatii kommunikativno- go soznaniya i nekotoryh osobennostyah russkogo kommunikativnogo soznaniya // Yazykovoe soznanie: teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty: sb. st. M.; Bar- naul: Izd-vo Alt. un-ta. 2004. S. 36–63.
14. Tahtarova S.S. Kommunikativnye kategorii v kognitivno-diskursivnoj paradigme // Vestn. Volgogr. gos. un-ta. 2017. T. 16. 2. S. 189–196.
15. Uhtomskij A.A. Ot dvojnika k sobesedniku // Ego zhe. Dominanta. SPb.: Piter, 2002. S. 335–391.
16. Shahovskij V.I. Chto takoe emocional'nyj tyuning v mezhlichnostnom obshchenii? // Gumanitar- nye znaniya v sovremennom obrazovatel’nom processe: sb. nauch. tr. Voronezh, 2009. S. 319–322.
The problem of the component composition of foreign language communicative competence The article emphasizes the need to clarify the structure of foreign language communicative com- petence. The authors single out three main com- petences comprising the foreign language com- petence, namely, linguistic competence, communi- cative-pragmatic competence and sociocultural competence. Each of them can be divided into more “divisible” units, the formation of which will contribute to the improvement of foreign language communicative competence as a whole.
Key words: competence, communicative situation, multicode situation, multimodality, subcompetence, image of otherness, communicative skills.
( 04.06.2019)
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, - - - - - , - .
– - , , , - , , - .
- , - .
1. – - , . - - - , - .
. 1.

2. - – - , , , , - - ; , - ; - , . . - , , , , .
- - - - - , , (- , , - . .), - .
3. – , - . - - , - - . - -- - - ,
(«, »). (. 1). - , - - [2; 3; 6 .] , - - , - - , - .
- - - - .. -- , , - - - - . 90 - - - .
- - -- - « -- » [5], , - .
15% 15%
- , - 30% (. 2). , - , - , - , - - , . - -- -.
, - , , , , - , - . - - - - - , , . ., - - . , - -, - - (, - - , - , - - , - - . .), - - - .
1. .. -
- . .: , 1996.
2. .. - : . . // / . .. . ., 2002.
3. .. - . .: , 1996.
4. -- [ ]. URL: uploadfiles/profstandart/01.002.pdf ( : 16.04.2019).
5. .., .., .. - . .: - - - , 2002.
6. .. - : . .: , 2001.
* * * 1. Debol'skij M.G. Razrabotka professiogram-
my psihologa i ee ispol'zovanie pri profotbore spe- cialistov. M.: Znaniya, 1996.
2. Dergacheva O.E. Avtonomiya i samodeter- minaciya v psihologii motivacii: teoriya E. Desi i R. Rajana // Sovremennaya psihologiya motivacii / pod red. D.A. Leont'eva. M., 2002.
3. Markova A.K. Psihologiya professionalizma. M.: Znanie, 1996.
4. Professional'nyj standart pedagoga-psiholo- ga [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: files/profstandart/01.002.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 16.03.2019).
5. Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manujlov G.M. Social'no-psihologicheskaya diagnostika razvitiya lichnosti i malyh grupp. M.: Izd-vo In-ta psihoterapii, 2002.
6. Shnejder L.B. Professional'naya identichnost': monogr. M.: MOSU, 2001.
The problem of professional training of future educational psychologist in the educational environment of the higher educational institution The article reveals the relevance of the study of the professional training of the educational psychologist, which is the primary task of the university of any profile. The authors show that the educational process at the university is aimed at creating optimal conditions for the student not only to expand his basic knowledge and to form and develop a set of professional skills, but also to develop a system of personal qualities necessary for successful professional self-realization.
Key words: educational psychologist, professiona- lism, professiogram, motivational value component, activity component, cognitive component.
( 20.03.2019)
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: , - , , - , .
- - , - , . - - - , - , , - , - - - , - - . - - - .
-- , - , - - , - - . - - - - , - - -, -
, , - « - 2016– 2020 » [13]. - - - .
- . , - .. .. - - [8]. .. , .. , .. - - - [7]. .. - - [9]. - - .. - [5]. - - .. - [18]. .. - - [2], .. - - [15]. .. [17]. - - [12].
- , , . , - .
«» - - .. [11], - 7 49 . -
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- , .. ( - 36 44) - .
- , - . - .
.. - , – - , , . - - - , - [6, . 53]. .. .. - , « - , - : , , , , , - - » [8, . 3].
, - - , . , .. - [10] - - - , .. , - , « - , » [4, . 85].
.. - «» ( - -- ) -- , - - . , - , , , - , , - - . [16].
.. , – -
. - - - - . - , [1].
- .. - . - , .. , « - - , - , , , - , - - . - , - - , » [3, . 7]. - .. , , « - , - - , - , , , - , - , - » [14, . 121].
, – , , - – . - « - , - , , , ,
, , - - , - , , - , , . - , - , , , - .
- : , , - , . - - - - - .. -- () - « - », - - 44.03.02 «- » 44.03.03 « (- ) ». – - - - - - . - - - - - , . , , - . - , - .
- . - - -- , -
2018–2019 . (- 2018 .), - ( 2019 .). - - - . - : () (). - , - « - » « », - «- ». - «- », - . - 85 : 45 () 40 ().
- - - - . - - . 1.
( )

% %
4 10 4 9 13 32,5 13 28,9 - 16 40 19 42,2
- 7 17,5 9 19,9
. 1, - 42,5% 37,9% . - 57,5% 61,2% . - , , - .
( - « ») - - - . - . 2.
( )

% %
4 10 5 11 14 35 15 33,3 - 17 42,5 22 49
- 5 12,5 3 6,7
. 2, , - - : - - 13,3% ( 19,9 6,7%), - - 6,8% ( 42,2 49%). - , - : 5% ( 17,5 12,5%), 2,5% ( 40 42,5%).
- , : - 4,4% (33,3%), - 2% ( 9 11%). : - - 2,5%, .
, - - - - . - - , -
, - - .
1. .. -
// . . . 2017. . 6. 1-1 (7). . 222–226.
2. .. - : // . - . . - . .. . 2011. . 4. 3. . 121–130.
3. .. - – - // . 2014. 5 (65). . 7.
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5. .. : . . … . . . , 2006.
6. .. - - - : . . … . . - , 2006.
7. .., .., - .. - // -. 2010. . 6. . 235–239.
8. .., .. - - // . . . - , , . 2014. . 16. 2. . 3–9.
9. .. : . . … . . . , 2010.
10. .. // . . . 2015. 3. . 26–32.
11. .. // . 2015. 3. . 181–183.
12. .. - // . 2016. 11-2 (23). . 145– 150.
13. - 2016–2020 [- ]. URL: ( - : 19.02.2019).
14. .. // . . -. . 20: - . 2015. 2. . 117–122.
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17. .. - // APRIORI. C.: . 2015. 3. . 68.
18. .. // - . 2015. 3 (55). . 178–179.
* * * 1. Artamonova O.E. Formirovanie predstavlenij
o grazhdanstvennosti v molodezhnoj srede // Vestn. Novgor. filiala RANHiGS. 2017. T. 6. 1-1 (7). S. 222–226.
2. Bessonova T.N. Vospitanie grazhdanstvennosti: institucional'nyj podhod // Vestn. Leningr. gos. un-ta im. A.S. Pushkina. 2011. T. 4. 3. S. 121–130.
3. Bodalyov A.A. Nravstvennost' i grazhdanst- vennost' cheloveka – bescennyj kapital obshchestva // Chelovecheskij kapital. 2014. 5 (65). S. 7.
4. Gnezdilova P.A. Sociokul'turnye aspekty formirovaniya grazhdanstvennosti uchashchejsya mo- lodezhi v rossijskom obshchestve: monogr. Ryazan': Koncepciya, 2016.
5. Dormidontov R.A. Pedagogicheskie usloviya vospitaniya grazhdanstvennosti starsheklassnikov na osnove kul'turologicheskogo podhoda: avtoref. dis. … kand. ped. nauk. Tambov, 2006.
6. Evdokimova E.R. Vospitanie grazhdanstven- nosti u podrostkov v usloviyah obshcheobrazovatel'noj shkoly na materiale disciplin social'no-gumanitarnogo cikla: dis. kand. … ped. nauk. Magnitogorsk, 2006.
7. Erisova G.F., Chemyorkina E.N., Demido- va N.M. Innovacionnyj podhod v formirovanii pat- riotizma i grazhdanstvennosti molodezhi posredstvom social'nogo partnerstva // Interekspo Geo-Sibir'. 2010. T. 6. S. 235–239.
8. Zemlyakov Yu.D., Biryukova E.A. Sistem- no-gumanitarnyj podhod k formirovaniyu grazh- danstvennosti u obuchaemoj v vuze molodezhi // Vestn. Mezhdunar. akademii sistemnyh issledovanij. Informatika, ekologiya, ekonomika. 2014. T. 16. 2. S. 3–9.
9. Ivanova N.A. Aksiologicheskij podhod k for- mirovaniyu grazhdanstvennosti podrostkov v uslovi-
yah obshcheobrazovatel'noj shkoly: avtoref. dis. … kand. ped. nauk. Ryazan', 2010.
10. Kurshev A.V. Grazhdanstvennost' lichnosti kak cherta haraktera // Sib. ped. zhurn. 2015. 3. S. 26–32.
11. Kurshev A.V. Ponyatie grazhdanstvennosti v dissertacionnyh issledovaniyah // Simvol nauki. 2015. 3. S. 181–183.
12. Makeeva I.A. Vliyanie institucional'noj sredy na formirovanie grazhdanstvennosti detej-sirot // Simvol nauki. 2016. 11-2 (23). S. 145–150.
13. Patrioticheskoe vospitanie grazhdan Rossij- skoj Federacii na 2016–2020 gody [Elektronnyj re- surs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya: 19.02.2019).
14. Privodnova E.V. Grazhdanstvennost' kak in- tegrativnoe kachestvo lichnosti v obrazovanii // Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Ser. 20: Pedagogicheskoe obrazovanie. 2015. 2. S. 117–122.
15. Radchenko O.A. Vospitanie patriotizma i grazhdanstvennosti v kontekste sociokul'turnogo pod- hoda // Innovacii v sociokul'turnom prostranstve: ma- terialy VII Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. Blago- veshchensk, 2014. S. 154–159.
16. Reznik Yu.M. Grazhdanskoe obshchestvo v sovremennoj Rossii: proekty i ih realizaciya [Elek- tronnyj resurs]. URL: ju.-m.reznik-grazhdanskoe-obshhestvo-v.html (data obrashcheniya: 07.03.2019).
17. Chepiga I.V. Kompleksnyj podhod k vospi- taniyu grazhdanstvennosti starshih podrostkov v obshcheobrazovatel'nyh shkolah // APRIORI. Cer.: Gumanitarnye nauki. 2015. 3. S. 68.
18. Chernyakova N.V. Akmeologicheskij podhod k razvitiyu grazhdanstvennosti lichnosti // Akmeolo- giya. 2015. 3 (55). S. 178–179.
Formation of civic engagement in students of a pedagogical university The article covers the problem of the formation of civic engagement in students of a pedagogical university as an integrative quality of their personality. The authors provide the results of the analysis and synthesis of publications on the problem of civic engagement in the modern domestic scientific literature, as well as the main methodological approaches to the formation of civic engagement of the individual. The author’s definition of citizenship is presented; its structural components are highlighted.
Key words: education, citizenship, integrative quality, levels of formation, elective course.
( 21.03.2019)
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- (.. , .. , .. - , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. - ) [1; 3–7], - - - . - , - , - - - . , , - - - () - « - », - -2, - - - . - ; - , - - .
(- ) - - - , , - - . - , .. , .. - , .. , .. .
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- , - : - , , - - - . - , . , .. , .. - , - «» - - [7, . 38].
- - - . - , - : , - - . - , - . , , - - , , ( - ) - , - . - , - , - . - , , - - . - , , . , , , , - – - . - , , - , - . , - ,
. , - - . - - , . , - - , - , (- ) [9].
- - (- ) - . (- ) - , - (- ) . - , , - , . , - - , - , - , - - . , - - - ( , , ; - , ; ).
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, , .. - , .. [3], .. [7], .. [8], .. , .. - [5], - - - .
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2. (, ). ( ).
3. - , - (YouTube, - ).
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English For Engineering Geodesy .. , .. [2] - - 21.05.01 « », - « » .
, , - , - , - « », - . , - . , ; - , - .
, , , , - - . , - - . - .
, - , - , - , , , , . .
- - « - », - ( - ) - - (). , - .
Moodle (), -

. - Moodle - , - . - . , - , , , - .
, , , , - . - . , - , - , . , , - , , , - , , . . - - - - .
, , - - , - , , , . . - , , - . - - - - - , - , - , - .
-- - - 1) - : - , , - ; 2) - - , -
, , , - , , , , , ; 3) , , - , , - , - , , .
1. .. « -
» - // . 2014. 8 (67). . 772–776.
2. .., .. English for Engineering geodesy: . . : - , 2019.
3. .., .. - - // - . 2015. 5-3. . 116–119.
4. .. - - // . .-. . -. 2016. 2(53). . 126–131.
5. .., .. - - // . . . 2000. 4. . 9–15.
6. .., .. - - : . - / . .. . : , 2005.
7. .. - // . 2012. 2. . 37–41.
8. .. - - - // . . .: . 2011. 3. . 83–86.
9. .. - : . . .: , 2007. . 98–99.
* * * 1. Volkova E.A. Kategoriya «soderzhanie ob-
ucheniya» v sisteme prepodavaniya professional'no orientirovannogo inostrannogo yazyka i kul'tury // Molodoj uchenyj. 2014. 8 (67). S. 772–776.

2. Ivancova N.A., Makarova E.A. English for Engineering geodesy: ucheb. posobie. Irkutsk: Izd-vo IrNITU, 2019.
3. Kurchatkina G.P., Kurchatkina O.A. Neko- torye aspekty obucheniya inostrannomu yazyku v ne- yazykovom vuze // Aktual'nye problemy gumanitar- nyh i estestvennyh nauk. 2015. 5-3. S. 116–119.
4. Krasnoshchekova G.A. Principy sozdaniya pro- fessional'no orientirovannogo uchebnogo posobiya po inostrannym yazykam dlya studentov inzhenernyh special'nostej // Vestn. Sev.-Kavkaz. fed. un-ta. 2016. 2(53). S. 126–131.
5. Mil'rud R.P., Maksimova I.R. Sovremennye konceptual'nye principy kommunikativnogo obuche- niya inostrannym yazykam // Inostr. yaz. v shkole. 2000. 4. S. 9–15.
6. Obrazcov P.I., Ivanova O.Yu. Professional'- no-orientirovannoe obuchenie inostrannomu yazyku na neyazykovyh fakul'tetah vuzov: ucheb. posobie / pod red. P.I. Obrazcova. Orel: OGU, 2005.
7. Stepanova T.Yu. Specifika primeneniya kom- munikativnogo podhoda v obuchenii inostrannym yazykam // Integraciya obrazovaniya. 2012. 2. S. 37–41.
8. Yusupova T.G. Usloviya realizacii kognitivno- kommunikativnogo podhoda v processe obucheniya inostrannomu yazyku v srednej shkole // Vestn. MGOU. Ser.: Psihologicheskie nauki. 2011. 3. S. 83–86.
9. Shchukin A.N. Obuchenie inostrannym yazy- kam: ucheb. posobie. M.: Filomatis, 2007. S. 98–99.
The implementation of a cognitive and communicative approach to teaching English in a non-linguistic university
The article substantiates the necessity of the implementation of the cognitive and communicative approach as one of the most effective approaches in teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university. The authors determine the relationship between communicative and cognitive approaches to the organization of linguistic education. It is shown that the essential characteristics of the cognitive process are predetermined by learning the language as a means of teaching, cognition and communication. Pedagogical conditions and methods that ensure the successful implementation of this approach are highlighted.
Key words: cognitive-communicative approach, foreign language, foreign language communicative competence.
( 23.05.2019)
.. ()
, - , , - - - . - - - .
: -, - , - , - , .
- , , - - - , – - - , - -. ( ) - - - , - , - , , - - - - .
- - (blended learning), - - . , - -
© .., 2019

- . - - . - - . , - - : (face-to- face (F2F) classrooms), (e-learning) (self- paced learning) [5].
- -, e-learn- ing, - - -- , - [4]. – - - - - .
- - : - ( ); -; - - - . , , , , . - - , ; - - ; - ; - - ; [3, . 31].
Famous people of my profession, English in my Future Career, Ju- venile Delinquency: What Causes Crime?, The Court System ., , - - , - , - . - - -
. , - , , - , - , - , - , - , - . - - , - - ().
, , . - , - - , - , - . - - - , ; - , - ; , . - .
- – , . - - - - - , - [2].
- - , , , - -.
« » «-» . -
, - . - – -. , - - - - – - , - - , . , - - , -, , - ( ).
- - «- : - ?», :
– - – - , , ( - 100 - );
– ( - ).
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.. , .. , .. - , .. .
.. , .. , .. , .. , .. ., – .. - , .. , .. -, .. , .. , .. - , .. . - , .. , .. , .. , .. - , .. , .. , .. - , .. , .. . - (.. , .. , .. - , .. , . .); - - - (.. , .. , . , . , .. , .. , .. , . , .. - , . -, . , . , .. .).
, - - - - . , - - .
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, - - ,
, - , - ; - ; «- » , - . .
- - - , - - : - , - «» «» - [1].
- - , - , - , , - - - . - - - - - . - , - .
, - -. -, - - – - . - , - – - . -, - - - , . . - - – , , - . , - - , - . - , - - , -
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– - ( - ) - ( - - - ).
, , - , - - , - - , . . - - - . - - - . - - - , . . - .
- - , - , - . - - .
1. ..
// - - . ., 1999. . 126–134 .
2. .. « » - [ ] // . 2017. . 31. URL: ( - : 26.02.2019).
3. .. - - : . … . . . - , 2004.
4. .. - [ ]. URL: http://iya- ( : 26.02.2019).
5. Valiathan P. Blended Learning Models [Elec- tronic resource] // American Society for Training & Development, 2002. URL: 0802_valiathan.htm ( : 21.02.2019).
* * * 1. Kozhevnikova T.V. Metodika sostavleniya up-
razhnenij dlya raboty s komp'yuterom // Variantnost' v obuchenii inostrannym yazykam v neyazykovom vuze. M., 1999. S. 126–134 .
2. Matvienko L.M. Speckurs «Anglijskij yazyk v sfere pravovogo obshcheniya» v sisteme professio- nal'noj podgotovki specialistov v oblasti prava [Elek- tronnyj resurs] // Koncept. 2017. T. 31. URL: http:// (data obrashcheniya: 26.02.2019).
3. Matvienko L.M. Pravovoe vospitanie starshe- klassnikov v processe izucheniya disciplin gumani- tarnogo cikla: dis. … kand. ped. nauk. Volgograd, 2004.
4. Yashina N.K. Distancionnoe obuchenie ino- strannym yazykam kak sovremennaya tekhnologiya v pedagogike [Elektronnyj resurs]. URL: http://iyazy- (data obrashcheniya: 26.02.2019).
Online courses in the system of blended language training of future law specialists
The article highlights a recent transition from teaching methods, centered on the teacher, to methods oriented towards students’ intense activity and using the influence of new technologies on the process of foreign language education. The author provides scientific substantiation for the importance of online courses in the system of blended language education for the development of skills of communicative interaction in a foreign language in the context of project activities of future law professionals.
Key words: online courses, blended language learning system, foreign language communicative interaction, project activities, legal specialists.
( 15.03.2019)
, penetrate, - - , , - , - , (- , - ).
: , , - , - , , - .
- , - penetrate . - , penetrate - , , - , - [2; 7; 9; 10]. penetrate, , - go into (MED: to get inside an object or body by getting through something; LDCE: go into or through (something), especially with force or effort; CED: If something or someone penetrates a physical object or an area, they succeed in getting into it or passing through it . .): Tunnels penetrate deep into the earth’s core. X-rays can penetrate many objects.
* V - - «- , , : - » (, , 6–8 - 2018 .).
, – – Y ( ), Y , - - . , - .
The sharpnel had penetrated his head penetrate - penetrate 1, - Y (head), - X (the sharpenel). - (the sharpenel) - , - con- tainer (head), . . ( , . - , (container) - , [1, . 271]; , - - - , ). - (the sharpenel) - (head) - X ( ).
They had penetrated deep into enemy territory X - (they), - , . . - ; container, - - , (enemy territory). - Y (enemy territory) - , - , , .
The bomb penetrated the wall and exploded X (the bomb) - Y (the wall). - Y (the wall) - , - . - wall , - , - .
© .., 2019
penetrate :
PENETRATE 1 + [D / A, O container / O locative], ( , ) ( ),
D / – / , O container / O locative – , - .
penetrate, - - - , gain access (CED: If someone penetrates an organization, a group, or a profession, they succeed in entering it although it is difficult to do so.; EOLD: gain access to (an organization, place, or system), especially when this is difficult to do): When penetrated, the system locks down the lobby and alerts security. M15 had been penetrated by Russian intelligence. , – – - Y, - - , , - , penetrate 1, penetrate 2 . - - [1], - - - (an organization, a group, a profession, a system . .) ( .: [4]). penetrate 1, penetrate 2 penetrate , - , . - penetrate 2 [6].
Fascism has penetrated the organised working class movement (fascism) - . (fascism) - . penetrate - - container / locative. «- , » -
: - , the organized working class movement. (fascism) (the orgnised working class movement); - (the organised working class movement) - « , - ». penetrate - , (= Fascism has influenced the organised working class movement). penetrate - , - .
penetrate :
( ) (- , ),
– , O – Y, - . - - , - X - - (the organised working class movement).
LDCE, OALD, EOLD, CED - penetrate, - - - , succeed in understanding «, » (OLED: succeed in understanding or gaining insight into (something complex or mysterious); CED: If you penetrate something that is difficult to understand, you succeed in understanding it): I felt I had finally penetrated William’s menacing mask and gained some understanding of the workings of his mind. I could never penetrate his thoughts. - penetrate - [1, . 49]. container / locative - : - , , -
(mind, thought, consciousness . .). , - , - penetrate, , . . - .
Their advice penetrated his consciousness - - advice, - , - - (penetrate). (advice) - - . - (consciousness) - , (advice) - (his consciousness). - penetrate - . penetrate - - - . - penetrate - . , - penetrate - , - - , .
penetrate :
PENETRATE 3 + [A / D, O ],
( ) ( ),
A / D – / , O – - .
, - , penetrate (penetrate 1, 2, 3) - - - . 2, 3 - - . -
- ( / - , / - ), - ( container / locative > - ), - ( - ), - ( - , > - , ). , - : , - .
1. ., . , -
/ . . .. , .. . .: , 2004.
2. .. : - , , , // . 1998. . 36. . 274–323.
3. .. // . .: , 1982. . 86–216.
4. .. . .: . . , 2004.
5. .. - (-- ). .: – , 1998.
6. .., .., - .. [ .]. - - : . : - , 2015.
7. Fillmore Ch.J., Kay P. Construction grammar course book. Berkley: Univ. of California, 1993. P. 20– 114.
8. Freed A.F. The Semantics of English Aspectual Complementation. Dordrecht, London, 1979.
9. Goldberg A. Constructions: a Construction Grammar approach to argument structure. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1995.
10. Jackendoff R.S. Semantic Structures. Cam- bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
CED – Collins English Dictionary [Electronic re-
source]. URL: tionary/english ( : 03.06.2018).
EOLD – English Oxford Living Dictionary [Elec- tronic resource]. URL: https://en.oxforddictionaries. com ( : 01.06.2018).
LDCE – Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.ldo ( : 05.06.2018).
OALD – Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English [Electronic resource]. URL: http:// ( - : 13.06.2018).
* * * 1. Lakoff Dzh., Dzhonson M. Metafory, kotorymi
my zhivem / per. s angl. A.N. Baranova, A.V. Moro- zovoj. M.: Editorial URSS, 2004.
2. Rahilina E.V. Kognitivnaya semantika: istoriya, personalii, idei, rezul'taty // Semiotika i informatika. 1998. Vyp. 36. S. 274–323.
3. Seliverstova O.N. Semanticheskie tipy predi- katov v anglijskom yazyke // Semanticheskie tipy predikatov. M.: Nauka, 1982. S. 86–216.
4. Seliverstova O.N. Trudy po semantike. M.: Yaz. slav. kul'tury, 2004.
5. Shabanova T.D. Semanticheskya model' ang- lijskih glagolov zreniya (teoretiko-eksperimental'noe issledovanie). M.: IYA RAN – Ufa, 1998.
6. Shabanova T.D., Sulejmanova D.M., Shvaj- ko V.D. [i dr.]. Semanticheskie modifikacii v glagol'- noj leksike anglijskogo i russkogo yazykov v edinstve semanticheskogo i konstruktivnogo podhodov: mo- nogr. Ufa: Izd-vo BGPU, 2015.
Cognitive processes underlying the emergence of the polysemy of the English verb penetrate The article provides a detailed analysis of the cognitive processes underlying the formation of meanings of the verb penetrate. The author claims that the meanings are formed due to a change in the prototypical, or trivial, meaning of the verb, as a result of the standard language processes associated with the use of the verb in a different cognitive structure (the change of the semantic structure of roles in the actant frame of the predicate, the change of the ratio of predicate denotate to the time axis).
Key words: cognitive construction, semantic type of predicate, prototypical meaning, standard language process, verb actant frame, space of sets.
( 26.02.2019)
.. (--)
- . - , - , - . - - : , , - .
: , - , , , - .
- - . - - , - - . - - , , - .
- - - [6]. - , . .. , - , « - , ( - )» [7, . 337]. - , -
* V - - «- , , : - » (, , 6–8 - 2018 .).
© .., 2019
- - [9, . 243].
5–11- - ( - – 2 865) - - . - - , - - ( ).
- , . , - , - . - :
– ; – ; – ; – ; – ; – ; – . -
- . - , - . - . , , , . - : , - -, .
- . - - : - , - , - - .
, - (, ) - () - ; , . - , . 5– 7- - , - (< 30% ), 8–11- - (> 90% ).
- - - . : -, . - : , ó - (, , ). - - , ( ).
- , - , . - - ,
5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 9,8 12,7 11,1 14,7 14,5 15,1
11,3 10,6 13,2 12,2 14,6 14,5

5 8 10 16 18 19


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- - .
1. , .
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3. - .
4. - - .
5. - .
6. , - .
1. . 7 : -
. / .. , .. , .. . .: , 2014.

2. . 8 : - . / .. , .. , .. . .: , 2010.
3. . , , . 5 : . / .. - . .: , 2012.
4. . . 6 : . / .. . .: , 2014.
5. . 9 : - . / .. - , .. . .: , 2013.
6. .. - : ( «- »): . … - . . , 2010.
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8. . 10–11 : . / .. , .. , .. . .: , 2013.
9. .. , : . … - . . /., 2016.
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12. . 9 : - . / .. , .. . 14- ., . .: , 2009.
13. . 10 : - . ( ) / .. , .. . 3- ., . .: , 2012.
14. . 11 : - . ( ) / .. , .. . 3- ., . .: , 2012.
* * *
1. Biologiya. 7 klass: uchebnik dlya obshche- obrazovat. uchrezhdenij / V.V. Pasechnik, S.V. Suma- tohin, G.S. Kalinova. M.: Prosveshchenie, 2014.
2. Biologiya. 8 klass: uchebnik dlya obshche- obrazovat. uchrezhdenij / V.V. Pasechnik, A.A. Ka- menskij, G.G. Shvecov. M.: Prosveshchenie, 2010.
3. Biologiya. Bakterii, griby, rasteniya. 5 klass: uchebnik dlya obshcheobrazovat. uchrezhdenij / V.V. Pasechnik. M.: Drofa, 2012.
4. Biologiya. Mnogoobrazie pokrytosemennyh rastenij. 6 klass: uchebnik dlya obshcheobrazovat. uch- rezhdenij / V.V. Pasechnik. M.: Drofa, 2014.
5. Vvedenie v obshchuyu biologiyu. 9 klass: uchebnik dlya obshcheobrazovat. uchrezhdenij / V.V. Pasechnik, G.G. Shevcov. M.: Drofa, 2013.
6. Gabidullina A.R. Uchebno-pedagogicheskij diskurs: kategorial’naya struktura i zhanrovoe svoe- obrazie (na primere shkol'nogo predmeta «Russkij yazyk»): dis. … d-ra filol. nauk. Doneck, 2010.
7. Karasik V.I. Yazykovoj krug: lichnost', kon- cepty, diskurs. Volgograd: Peremena, 2002.
8. Obshchaya biologiya. 10–11 klassy: uchebnik dlya obshcheobrazovat. uchrezhdenij / A.A. Kamenskij, E.A. Kriksunov, V.V. Pasechnik. M.: Drofa, 2013.
9. Pervuhina S.V. Struktura, semantika i prag- matika adaptirovannogo teksta: dis… d-ra filol. nauk. Rostov n/D., 2016.
10. Fizika. 7 klass: uchebnik dlya obshche- obrazovat. uchrezhdenij / A.V. Peryshkin. 2-e izd. M.: Drofa, 2013.
11. Fizika. 8 klass: uchebnik dlya obshcheobrazo- vat. uchrezhdenij / A.V. Peryshkin. M.: Drofa, 2013.
12. Fizika. 9 klass: uchebnik dlya obshcheobra- zovat. uchrezhdenij / A.V. Peryshkin, E.M. Gutnik. 14-e izd., stereotip. M.: Drofa, 2009.
13. Fizika. 10 klass: uchebnik dlya obshche- obrazovat. uchrezhdenij (bazovyj i profil'nyj urovni) / S.A. Tihomirova, B.M. Yavorskij. 3-e izd., ispr. M.: Mnemozina, 2012.
14. Fizika. 11 klass: uchebnik dlya obshche- obrazovat. uchrezhdenij (bazovyj i profil'nyj urovni) / S.A. Tihomirova, B.M. Yavorskij. 3-e izd., ispr. M.: Mnemozina, 2012.
15. Fizika. Himiya. 5–6 klassy: uchebnik dlya obshcheobrazovat. uchrezhdenij / A.E. Gurevich, D.A. Isaev, L.S Pontak. M.: Drofa, 2011.
Mechanisms of text adaptation in educational discourse The article is devoted to the study of mechanisms of text adaptation in teacher pedagogical discourse. The author claims that writing texts that can be percepted and understood is one of linguistic problems that requires careful analysis, theoretical reflection and working out methods to solve it. The following mechanisms for the adaptation of text in educational and pedagogical discourse have been revealed: intertextual, intratextual, syntactic and communicative.
Key words: text adaptation, text adaptation mechanisms, creolized text, school textbook genre, text comprehensibility.
( 05.03.2019)
«» - . - . - - , - .
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2. . // . 1963. . 3. . 381–386.
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4. Beacco J.C. Les dimensions culturelles des enseignements de langue. Des mots aux discours. Paris: Hachette livre, 2000.
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6. Dictionnaire de français LAROUSSE [Elec- tronic resource]. URL: nnaires/francais/ ( : 23.04.2019).
7. Galisson R. De la langue à la culture par les mots. Paris: Edition CIE International, 1991.
8. Galisson R. De la lexicologie de depannage à la lexicographie d’apprentissage. Pour une politique de rénovation des dictionnaires monolingues à l’école // Cahiers de Lexicologie. 1987. 51. P. 95–117.
9. Galisson R. Eloge de la didactologie / didactique des langues et des cultures // Etudes de Linguistique Appliquée. 1986. 64. P. 39–54.
10. Galisson R. La pragmatique lexiculturelle pour accéder autrement, à une autre culture, par un autre lexique. Études de Linguistique Appliquée, Revue de Didactologie des langues-cultures. 1999. 116. P. 477–496.
11. Galisson R. Où il est question de lexiculture, de Cheval de Troie et d’impressionnisme // Études de Linguistique Appliquée. 1995. 97. P. 5–14.
* * * 1. Levi-Stross K. Strukturnaya antropologiya / per.
s fr. Vyach. Vs. Ivanova. M.: Izd-vo EKSMO-Press, 2001.
2. Martine A. Osnovy obshchej lingvistiki // No- voe v zarubezhnoj lingvistike. 1963. Vyp. 3. S. 381– 386.
3. Pankova N.B. Ot lingvodidaktiki k didaktike/ didaktologii yazykov i kul'tur: francuzskij kontekst // Inostrannye yazyki v dialoge kul'tur: materialy Vse- ros. nauch.-prakt. konf. (s mezhdunar. uchastiem), 30 no- yab. – 2 dek. 2017 g. / otv. red. I.V. Korovina; redkol.: E.N. Vaganova [i dr.]. Saransk: Izd-vo Mordov. un-ta, 2018. S. 429–433.
Linguodidactic analysis of the concept “lexical culture” in the works of French scientists The article addresses the issue of the emergence and evolution of the term “lexical culture” in the scientific work of French researchers. The author analyzes the concept under study as applied to the didactics of foreign languages and cultures. The need to use the lexical approach in the classroom, including through the use of language dictionaries is substantiated.
Key words: lexical culture, link between language and culture, shared cultural charge, linguodidac- tics, teaching foreign languages, learning foreign language vocabulary, monolingual / bilingual dic- tionaries.
( 22.03.2019)
- , - . - - , - - - .
: , - , - .
- - . - , . « - – , , - - , -» [10, . 417]. « , , - - …» [8, . 83]. - ( ), - - .
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. « - … , ; - », – .. [4, . 41].
- - - . - : - ( , - – - «», «», « » . .); («- », «» .); - ; ; - ; ( (- ), , - ) . [1].
- - (. : 1) , ; 2) - ; 3) ; 4) - ; 5) ).
: - , - - , , - , - ( - – , , - , ). - , , - , - - - , - .
– – ( , , - , ), . - , - , . . , , 3–5 .
, - – – . -
- . - - 18–23 . - - - « » (10–15 , , - ) – « - ?», « 18?», «- – » ., - . , - : « – », « : ?», « ?», « - , ?», « – - ?», « ?», « – ?», « - ?», « - ?», « - » .
- , - - . , - , . , .. , – «, , » [4, . 41] – - : « - » [ , . 212]. - , (- , .. « - » I II) - . - - - «- » - «» - - . - , , : , - ( .. ) [3] – .
- : - . «
, - – , , , - » [6, . 307]. - - (, - , ), - (, - , - - , ). , - – : 1) ; 2) - ; 3) - ; 4) ; 5) .
, , - – , - (« ») – - – , , (« - »). () - , , . - , - , - , - . « ( - . – ..) , - - - , , » [5, . 172]. - - .
- (, - , . - ; - ) . , - ( ) - ( – - – ). , - -
( , , .), - . .. - , « - , - - » [9, . 76]. - - .
, . – «», - , . - - - , . - - , - , , , . . - - .
- . - , - , - , .
, - - (. .. - , .. , .. , .. - , .. , .. .). - ( , , - , - . .). - :
1) ( - );
2) ; 3) ; 4) (); 5) ; 6) ; 7) ; 8) ;
10) . , -
, - : 1) - ; 2) - ; 3) - , - ; 4) - , ; 5) , - .
- - , - . , - . , , - - .
1. .. -
// . . . . -. .: . 2012. 1(8). . 69–77.
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8. .., .. XXI . - ( ). .: , 2019.
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2. Antonova L.G. Ritoricheskij monolog kak portret pokoleniya // Ritorika v sovremennoj Rossii: tradicii i novye zadachi: materialy XVIII Mezhdu- nar. nauch. konf. YAroslavl': Izd-vo «Kancler», 2014. S. 100–104.
3. Volkov A.A. Teoriya ritoricheskoj argumenta- cii. M.: Dobrosvet, KDU, 2013.
4. Koshanskij N.F. Ritorika. M.: Izd. dom «Rus- skaya panorama»; Izd-vo «Kafedra», 2013.
5. Kul'tura russkoj rechi: enciklopedicheskij slo- var'-spravochnik / pod red. L.Yu. Ivanova, A.P. Sko- vorodnikova, E.N. Shiryaeva [i dr.]. M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2003.
6. Metodika prepodavaniya ritoriki: ucheb. poso- bie / pod red. N.A. Ippolitovoj. M.: Izd-vo «Ekzamen», 2014.
7. Ob oratorskom iskusstve / sost. A.V. Tolma- chev. 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Politizdat, 1973.
8. Obuhova G.S., Klimova G.L. Ritorika i kul'tu- ra delovogo obshcheniya kak element uspekha v uslo- viyah XXI veka. Ovladenie neobhodimymi kommu- nikativnymi umeniyami pri rabote s lyud'mi (prak- ticheskie rekomendacii). M.: Neolit, 2019.
9. Silaev P.V. Obuchenie ispol'zovaniyu smyslo- voj modeli «Opredelenie» v argumentativnyh publich- nyh vystupleniyah (na primere rasskazov Teffi) // Ri- torika v sovremennoj Rossii: tradicii i novye zadachi: materialy XVIII Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. Yaroslavl': Izd-vo «Kancler», 2014. S. 76–79.
10. Sirotinina O.B., Degal'ceva A.V. Ritorika i kul'tura rechi v vuzovskoj sisteme obucheniya // Ri- torika i kul'tura rechi v sovremennom nauchno-peda- gogicheskom processe i obshchestvenno-kommuni- kativnoj praktike: sb. materialov XXI Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. po ritorike, 1–3 fevr. 2017 g. M., 2017. S. 416–422.
11. Sternin I.A. Prakticheskaya ritorika: ucheb. posobie dlya stud. uchrezhdenij vyssh. prof. obrazo- vaniya. 7-e izd., stereotip. M.: Akademiya, 2012.

argumentative speech as the final stage of the system of rhetorical training of students The article considers the specifics of the argu- mentative speech that reflects the level of rhetorical training of the speaker. The author shows that training students for argumentative public speaking on the basis of self-education, constant practice in selecting arguments and public speaking contributes to the formation of the communicative competence of the modern language personality.
Key words: argumentative speech, communicative competence, rhetorical argumentation.
( 27.03.2019)
.. , .. , .. ()
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3. Vitt A.M. Razvitie informacionnoj kompe- tentnosti u studentov tekhnicheskogo vuza: avtoref. dis. … kand. ped. nauk. CHelyabinsk, 2005.
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6. Kolesnikova V.V. Elektronnye obrazovatel'nye resursy v inostrannoj auditorii (na nachal'nom etape izucheniya russkogo yazyka kak inostrannogo) //So- vremennye social'nye tekhnologii raboty s molo- dezh'yu v internet-kommunikaciyah: sb. st. III Mezh- dunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. Ufa, 2018. S. 248–252.
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Current trends in the methodology of teaching russian as a foreign language (teaching experience in a modular environment at the initial stage of learning russian) The article considers modern methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language. The author makes the case for using computer technology in the process of learning Russian by foreign students. It is shown that the introduction of information and communication technologies solves a number of important tasks in teaching Russian as a foreign language.
Key words: innovative methods, methods in teaching Russian as a foreign language, modular educational environment, the Internet in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, informa- tion competence.
( 28.03.2019)
- (1917–1920 .). - - - , - - . .
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