peacekeeping. the persian gulf war in august 1990, iraqi forces under the leadership of saddam...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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The Persian Gulf War In August 1990, Iraqi forces under the leadership of Saddam

Hussein invaded the oil-rich country of Kuwait. UN demanded Iraq to leave Kuwait and threatened economic

sanctions if it refused. US ordered that military force would be used to get Iraqi

forces out of Kuwait Iraqi forces did not listen to UN or US The United Nations authorized a multinational force against

an aggressor nation. Canada contributed two destroyers, a supply ship, a

squadron of CF-18 fighter jets, a field hospital, and hundreds of military personnel.

In January 1991, U.S. and coalition forces began bombarding targets in an effort to drive Iraqi troops from Kuwait.

Operation Desert Storm began US and UN won the Gulf WAR George Bush (George W. Bush’s father) introduced a “new

world order” UN would participate as a global police force

Genocide in Rwanda Ethnic rivalries existed in Rwanda and many people

were being killed Belgium and France decided to get involved since they

used to control the area UN peacekeepers led by a Canadian were sent to

RwandaThis Canadian was Major General Romeo Dallaire He discovered that there was mass killing taking place

in Rwanda He went to the UN and introduced his plan to stop the

killing UN needed to send a huge army to stop the killing

quickly and with the help of the US. UN and US did not say yes to Dallaire’s plans Because of no help, killings did not stop Around a million people died (GENOCIDE) The situation in Rwanda made people wonder how

effective the UN was.

Somalia Debacle

1992 UN began “Operation Restore Hope” in Somalia Somalia was experiencing a civil war and starvation US and other countries like Canada helped to give

food and important supplies to Somalia Canada’s involvement in Somalia cause a crisis in

Canada’s armed forces Canadian soldiers attacked a Somalian teen and

killed him The army tried to hide this, so one would know. Canadians found out and were surprised The crisis made Canadian army look bad

butchers or Peace keepers Beledweyne, Somalia 1992 - YouTube

Yugoslavia In 1989 tensions broke out amongst the 6 small republics

of Yugoslavia.

Conflict between the three main ethnic groups, the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims, resulted in genocide committed by the Serbs against the

Muslims in Bosnia.

United Nations peacekeeping missions, including Canadian forces, were sent into the area, but hey were unable to control the situation.

Eventually NATO threatened to take steps. In 1995, NATO forces launched a series of air strikes

against the mainly Serbian forces of the Yugoslav army. In 1999, the NATO alliance launched its first-ever military

operation against an independent country= Kosovo

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