pattern matching ii. greedy matching when dealing with quantifiers, perl’s pattern matcher is by...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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Pattern Matching II

Greedy Matching• When dealing with quantifiers, Perl’s

pattern matcher is by default greedy.• For example,

– $_ = “Bob sat next to the Bobcat and listened to the Bobolink”;

/.*Bob/– $_ = “Freddie’s hot dogs”;

/Fred+/– $_ = “Freddie’s hot dogs are really hot!”;


Minimal Matching

• The minimal mode is specified by (?) after the quantifier.

• For example, – $_ = “Freddie’s hot dogs”;

/Fred+?/– $_ = “Freddie’s hot dogs are really hot!”;


Multiple Quantifiers

• Leftmost quantifier is greediest.

• For example,– $_ = “Bob sat next to the Bobcat and listened to

the Bobolink”;


• The first .* matches:– “ sat next to the Bobcat and listened to the “


• More complicated patterns can be created with anchors.

• An anchor requires a pattern to match at specific places in a string.

• Allows a particular position in a pattern to align with a particular position in the string.

(^) Anchor

• (^) requires the pattern match at the beginning.

• For example,– /^Shelley/

“Shelley has red hair”

“What color is Shelley’s hair?”– /^[^!]^/

• The meaning of (^) depends on the context.

($) Anchor

• ($) requires the pattern match at the end.

• For example,– /hair$/

“Shelley has red hair”

“What color is Shelley’s hair?”

(\b) Anchor

• (\b) matches the position between a word and a non-word character.

• For example,– /\bwear\b/

“I wear shoes”

“Swimwear for sale.”

“Molly wears green sweaters.”

Binding Operators

• A pattern can be matched against any string with binding operators (=~) and (!~)

• The left operand must evaluate to a string and the return value is a Boolean.

• For example,– $string =~ /[,;:]/– $string !~ /[,;:]/– if (<STDIN> =~ /^[Yy]/) { … }

Pattern Modifiers

• A pattern can be followed by a modifier.

• The modifier changes how:– The pattern is interpreted.– The pattern matcher works while using the


• The most common modifiers are:– i, m, s, o, x

(i) Modifier

• (i) modifier tells the pattern matcher to ignore case.

• For example, /apples/i matches– “apples”– “Apples”– “APPLES”– “ApPlEs”

(m) And (s) Modifier

• (m) treats a string as multiple lines:– (^) matches just after any newline.– ($) matcher just before any newline.

• (s) treats a string as a single line:– (.) will also match newline characters.

• If both (m) and (s) are specified:– (.) matches any character.– (^) and ($) match positions after and before a


(o) Modifier

• Patterns can include scalar variables:– The variables are interpolated.

• Patterns containing variables are recompiled every time their used.

• Provides dynamic patterns, but very expensive.

• Include (o) modifier if variable never changes. – Tells Perl not to recompile the pattern.

(x) Modifier

• (x) tells the pattern matcher to ignore white spaces.

• For example, /\d+ \. \d+/x is equivalent to /\d+\.\d+/

• Allows comments to be included for patterns./\d+ # digits before the decimal. \. # The decimal point. \d+ # digits after the point./x

Remembering Matches

• Sometimes a pattern needs to reference a part of a string it matched earlier.

• Done by parenthesizing parts of interest.• Referenced by implicitly defined variables

– e.g. \1, \2, \3, …

• For example,– /(\w+).*\1/ - “jo likes joanne.”– /(.)\1/ – /([‘”])(.*?)\1/

References Outside a Pattern

• Parts of a pattern are needed outside the pattern sometimes.

• Can be referenced by implicit variables:– e.g. $1, $2, $3, …

• For example,“VY ran for 267 yards Saturday” =~

/(\d+) (\w+) (\w+)/;

print “$1 $2 $3 \n”;

Nested Parentheses

• Patterns can have nested parentheses.

• Relate to variables by counting ( starting from the left.

• For example:$_ = “31 Oct 2005”;

/((\d+) (\w+) (\d+))/;

print “$1 \n $2 $3 $4 \n”;


• \n and $n are called backreferences.– Refers to the result of the previous match.

• Perl also includes 3 implicit variables.– $` – part before the match.– $& – part that matched.– $’ – part after the match.

• Costly for matcher to save these for every match.

RegEx Extensions

• Perl includes several extensions to previous versions of its regular expression syntax.

• The general form is:(?xPattern)

• x is a one or two character code.

Look Ahead

• Want a pattern to match if (not) followed by a subpattern, but do not want the subpattern as part of the match.

• (?=) and (?!) provides this look ahead behavior.

• For example,– /\d+(?=\.)/– /\d+(?!\.)/

Look Behind

• Perl also allows look behinds.

• (?<=) and (?<!) provides this behavior.

• For example,– /(?<=\.)d+/– /(?<!\.)d+/


• Often need to find a substring and replace it with another.

• Perl has a substitution operator for this.• The general form is:

– s dl Pattern dl New_string dl Modifiers

• The common form is:– s/Pattern/New_string/

• The return value is the number of substitutions made.


• Example 1:$_ = “No more apples!”;


• Example 2:$_ = “Who are Jack and Jill?”;

s/(\w+) and (\w+)/$2 & $1/;

Substitution with Modifiers

• Modifiers can be used with the substitution operator.

• i, o, m, s, and x have the same effect.

• There are two common modifiers for substitutions:– g: perform substitution everywhere it applies.– e: substitution part treated as a Perl expression.

(g) and (e) Examples

• Example 1:$_ = “12034005”;s/0//g;

• Example 2:$_ = “Molly and Mary were cold.”;s/(\w+)/”\1”/g;

• Example 3:$_ = “Is it Sum, SUM, sum, or suM?”;s/sum/sum/ig;

• Example 4:s/(\w+)/uc($1)/e;

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