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Part VIIAppendices

Appendix AAcronyms

AD Activity DeploymentADD Activity Function Data DependenceAF Activity FunctionAGWL Abstract Grid Workflow LanguageASWO Abstract Scientific Workflow OntologiesAI Activity InstanceAT Activity TypeAWDL Abstract Workflow Description LanguageAWHE ASKALON Workflow Hosting EnvironmentcAF Contributing AFcDC Contributed DCDAG Directed Acyclic GraphDC Data ClassdcAT Data Conversion ATDR Data RepresentationGUI Graphical User InterfaceHPF High Performance FortranncAF Necessary cAFncDC Necessary cDCOGSA Open Grid Services ArchitectureOWL Web Ontology LanguageSOAP Simple Object Access ProtocolRDF Resource Description FrameworkRDFS RDF SchemaUML Unified Modeling LanguageW3C World Wide Web ConsortiumWSDL Web Services Description LanguageXML Extensible Markup Language

J. Qin and T. Fahringer, Scientific Workflows, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-30715-7,© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012


Appendix BSymbols

Symbol Description

g A nodeG A distributed system, i.e., a set of nodesr A resourceR A set of resources

w A workflowW A set of workflowsa An activityA A set of activities!d A dependence!d CF A control flow dependence!d DF A data flow dependence!D A set of dependences

An Activity Diagramn A node of an Activity DiagramN A set of nodes of an Activity Diagrame A directed edge of an Activity DiagramE A set of directed edges of an Activity Diagram

AF An Activity FunctionAF A set of Activity FunctionsAT An Activity TypeAT A set of Activity TypesAD An Activity Deployment


J. Qin and T. Fahringer, Scientific Workflows, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-30715-7,© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012


202 B Symbols

Symbol Description

AI An Activity InstanceDP A data class, or a data portDC A set of data classesDR A set of data representationsDP A set of data portsI A set of input data classesO A set of output data classesAF:I A set of input data classes of Activity Function AFAF:O A set of output data classes of Activity Function AFDC Š DC 0 DC is semantically compatible with DC 0DC DC 0 DC entails DC 0

C A data collectionjC j Cardinality of the data collection C

ei The constraint element-indexce A colon expressionsa A start element indexso A stop element indexsr A strideI A list of loop iterationsjI j Cardinality of the set of loop iterations I

J C An index domain of a data collection C

K I An index domain of an iteration array I

i An element indexŒi1 W i2 A set of element indices, defined by Œi1 W i2 WD fi j i1 6

i 6 i2g.i/ A function mapping indices of a data collection C to

indices of a list of loop iterations I

b Block sizel Overlap size

s A state in STRIPS problemssini t Initial statesgoal Goal stateS A superstate of an ADD graphSk The k-th superstate of an ADD GraphD A set of superstates of an ADD graph!D A set of dependences of an ADD graph connecting either

from a DC to an AF, or from an AF to a DC(continued)

B Symbols 203

Symbol Description

cAF.S/ The set of contributing AFs of the superstate S

ncAF.S/ The set of necessary contributing AFs of the superstate S

cDC.S/ The set of contributed DCs of the superstate S

ncDC.S/ The set of necessary contributed DCs of the superstate S

A The set of contributing AFs of an ADD graph

An ADD graph, i.e., triple hA;D;!D i


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Abstract Grid Workflow Language (AGWL), 9Abstract operation, 174Abstract process, 173, 188Abstract Scientific Workflow Ontologies

(ASWO), 10, 120, 121, 138Abstract workflow, 31, 57Abstract Workflow Description Language

(AWDL), 8, 116, 127, 174Activity, 23

atomic activity, 32child activity, 35, 155compound activity, 32, 35, 124inner activity, 35, 36parent activity, 35, 155subsequent activity, 50

Activity Deployment (AD), 33, 77, 127, 176Activity Function (AF), 10, 120, 176Activity Instance (AI), 34, 106Activity Type (AT), 10, 33, 55, 122, 174, 176Activity type repository, 121Adaptive Services Grid (ASG), 188AF Data Dependence (ADD) graph, 11, 136,

140, 144alternative DC/AF combination, 141contributed DC (cDC), 140contributing AF (cAF), 139dependence, 141necessary cAF (ncAF), 141necessary cDC (ncDC), 141simple ADD graph, 142, 144superstate, 139

Alternative branch, 44Alternative execution, 44, 67Application Programming Interface (API), 19Artificial Intelligence, 137Artificial Intelligence planner, 143Artificial Intelligence planning, 188

Artificial Intelligence planning algorithm, 187Artificial Intelligence planning problem, 138ASKALON, 8, 25, 105, 121, 130, 131, 134,

136, 156, 161ASKALON Enactment Engine, 31ASKALON scientific workflow composition

toolattribute panel, 80, 164drawing space, 80, 129, 164GUI, 80, 130menu bar, 80misc panel, 80Model Checker, 80, 83

dynamic model checker, 83static model checker, 83

model panel, 80Model Traverser, 80, 83plugin, 83, 157resource panel, 80, 86standard toolbar, 80UML toolbar, 80

ASKALON user, 65application providers, 65workflow developers, 65workflow executors, 65

ASKALON Workflow Hosting Environment(AWHE), 12, 65, 86

Atomic condition, 40Atomic procedure, 178Automatic data conversion, 117Automatic scientific workflow composition, 8Automatic workflow composition, 45, 135

Backjumping, 126Backtracking algorithm, 124Backwards control flow traversing, 154

J. Qin and T. Fahringer, Scientific Workflows, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-30715-7,© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012


218 Index

Bag of Tasks (BoT), 20Basic operation, 151Block-based programming, 177Business Process Execution Language (BPEL),

22, 169, 173Business Process Execution Language for Web

Services (BPEL4WS), 22Business Process Management (BPM), 4, 21,

135, 187Business workflow, 4, 21

Callback method, 83Candidate Activity Type, 124Cartesian product, 178Chimera Virtual Data System (VDS), 170, 174Cloud, 4, 5Cloud computing, 4

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 4Platform as a Service (PaaS), 4Software as a Service (SaaS), 4

Cluster computing, 3Collection distribution construct, 10, 93

BLOCK, 96BLOCK(b), 98BLOCK(b,l), 98comma separated colon expression, 95REPLICA(r), 100

Collection oriented data flow, 93Colored Petri Nets (CPN), 181

place, 181transition, 181

Common Component Architecture (CCA), 20Communication-to-computation ratio, 18Compound procedure, 178Computational entity, 23, 135, 173Computational task, 31Computer system, 118Concrete workflow, 31, 57Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP), 124Control flow, 5Control flow composition, 5, 188Control flow composition algorithm, 143

ADD graph creation, 143workflow extraction, 143workflow optimization, 143, 146

Control flow construct, 32, 35alt, 44, 146, 179dag, 36, 155, 179

root, 36, 37for, 41, 152, 155, 161, 179if, 39, 155, 179parallel, 37, 145, 147, 159, 179sequence, 37, 145, 147, 159, 179

while, 43, 155, 179Control link, 179Conventional programming architecture, 15Coordination constraint, 179CORBA, 19Counter loop, 41Cross product, 178Cyclic data flow, 41

DAGMan, 170, 172Data

data class, 116data representation, 116, 119data semantics, 116, 119data type, 119

Data array, 96Data-aware workflow scheduler, 54Data class (DC), 176Data collection, 10, 42, 93, 94, 152, 172Data consumer task, 181Data conversion, 10Data Conversion AT (dcAT), 122Data element, 95, 152Data flow, 5Data flow composition, 5, 81, 115, 188Data flow composition algorithm, 156Data flow link, 32, 47, 181Data link, 180Data parallelism pattern, 186Data port

dataIn port, 34dataLoop port, 41, 155dataOut port, 34input data port, 32output data port, 32sink data port, 34, 47, 81, 155, 156source data port, 34, 47, 81, 155, 156

Data producer task, 181Data representation (DR), 10, 176Data semantics, 10, 176Data source, 131Data template, 184Data transfer, 93, 181Data type, 34, 115, 119

complex data type, 119file type, 119, 175simple data type, 119

Data type system, 7, 34, 115Dataset, 5Dataset oriented data flow, 7Dataset processing, 5Deferred mapping, 182Depth-first mapping, 125

Index 219

Description Logic (DL), 182Desktop computer, 132, 157Direct match, 124, 133Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), 21, 36, 147,

178Directed Acyclic Graph in XML format

(DAX), 170Distributed application, 17Distributed computing, 3, 135Distributed Computing Infrastructure, 172Distributed programming model, 17, 18Distributed system, 4, 5, 15

abstraction, 6adaptability, 5, 17heterogeneity, 17metacomputer, 15node, 15resource, 15, 18, 24scalability, 17

Distributed system programming, 17Distributed system programming architecture,

15application, 16distributed operating system, 16fabric, 15middleware, 16programming environment, 16

Domain scientists, 117Domain specific data, 117Domain specific function, 118Domain specific ontology, 116Dot product, 178Dynamic node expansion, 178

Electric power grid, 3Enforced Hill-Climbing planning algorithm,

188Entail, 137, 139, 140Executable, 6, 118Extensible Markup Language (XML), 182

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), 77Fault tolerance, 18, 45Feedback loop, 177File component, 180Flat cross product, 178FLOWer, 187Fraunhofer Resource Grid (FhRG), 183

Generic data, 117Generic function, 118

GLARE, 27, 57, 65, 121, 182gLite, 4Global Grid Forum (GGF), 4Globus, 16

Resource Specification Language (RSL),60

Globus Toolkit, 4Graph-based programming, 177Graphplan algorithm, 188

mutual exclusion link, 188Grid, 3, 5GridAnt, 182Grid Application Prototype (GAP), 171Grid Application Toolkit (GAT), 171Gridbus, 182Grid computing, 3

global computing, 3Internet computing, 3metacomputing, 3scalable computing, 3

GridFlow, 21, 183GridFTP transfer, 173GridRPC, 19Grid service, 20Grid Service Flow Language (GSFL), 172, 182Grid Thread Programming Environment

(GTPE), 20Grid Workflow Description Language

(GWorkflowDL), 21, 169, 172, 174GriPhyN, 179GWENDIA, 169

Heterogeneous data collection, 186High-Level Petri Nets (HLPNs), 172, 178High-level programming language, 178High Performance Fortran (HPF), 10, 93High quality scientific workflow, 135, 188Hybrid type system, 173, 183

Imperial College e-Science NetworkInfrastructure (ICENI), 169, 171,174

Implicit iteration, 178Index domain, 96Indirect match, 124, 133Infinite recursion, 67Input source data representation, 133IOPE (Input, Output, Precondition, and Effect),

118Iteration array, 96Iteration scope, 186Iteration strategy, 178

220 Index

IWIR, 169, 172, 174

Java, 156Java class, 6, 57, 83, 118, 169Java CoG Kit, 171Java RMI, 19Java runtime environment, 132, 157JavaSpaces, 19JavaSymphony, 20Java Virtual Machine (JVM), 158Jena API, 127, 157Job component, 180Job Submission Description Language (JSDL),

60Job submission protocol, 60JXTA, 21

Karajan, 169, 171, 174Kepler, 21, 169, 170, 173Knowledge-based Workflow System for Grid

Applications (K-Wf Grid), 172

Labeled list, 119Late binding mechanism, 69, 71Linda tuple space, 19Logarithmic scale, 132Logical structure, 176

Massively Parallel Processing (MPP), 3Matching Activity Function, 128Match product, 186Message Passing Interface (MPI), 19Message Passing Java (MPJ), 19Meta-Scheduler, 57Meteorological data class, 127Meteorology ontology, 116Model-Based Workflow (MBW), 185Modeling Markup Language (MoML),

170Model-View-Controller (MVC), 79MOTEUR, 172MPICH-G2, 19Multi-Instance loop, 177myExperiment, 182myGrid, 171

Nested data collection, 176Nested workflow, 182Numerical model, 128

OASIS, 22, 169Object Management Group (OMG), 19Object Oriented Programming (OOP), 18Object Request Broker (ORB), 20OmniRPC, 19Ontology, 7, 24, 116

class, 24domain ontology, 25foundation ontology, 25individual, 24top-level ontology, 25upper ontology, 10, 25, 117

Ontology-driven scientific workflowcomposition, 183

Open Grid Forum (OGF), 4Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA), 20,

172Ordered set, 125OWL-S, 185OWLViz plugin for Protege, 127OWL-WS, 185

Parallel and distributed computing, 3Parallel computing, 3Parameters sweep, 20Parametric study, 179Partial-ordering, 143Peer-to-Peer (P2P), 21Pegasus, 21, 169, 170Pegasus Workflow Management System

(Pegasus-WMS), 170Performance analysis, 27Performance prediction, 27Performance Predictor, 57Pervasive computing, 4Petri Nets, 21, 136, 183, 188P-GRADE, 21, 169, 172Physical representation, 176ProActive, 20Problem Solving Environment (PSE), 171Processors array, 96Programming architecture, 15Programming model, 4, 17, 18Progression, 143Protege-OWL editor, 127Ptolemy II system, 170

RAMS, 87, 115, 128Read scope, 186Recursive sub-workflow invocation, 67, 68Regression, 143Reification, 31, 57

Index 221

Remote Method Invocation (RMI), 19Remote Procedure Call (RPC), 19Resource Description Framework (RDFS), 24Resource Description Framework Schema

(RDFS), 25Resource management, 26Resource Manager, 57Root node, 126

Safe jump, 127Scientific application, 3, 4, 6Scientific workflow, 4, 9, 21, 117

AstroGrid, 100, 102GRASIL, 100, 104Meteo2, 127, 132, 157, 161MeteoAG, 37, 46, 87, 100, 102WIEN2k, 35, 70, 100

Scientific workflow application, 23Scientific workflow composition, 23, 115Scientific workflow language, 5Scientific workflow modeling

graph-based modeling, 75text-based modeling, 75

Secure workflow, 188Selective basis, 186Semantically compatible, 121Semantic annotation, 183Semantics based scientific workflow

composition, 7Semantic scientific workflow representation,

120, 123Semantic Web Service, 135, 187, 188Semantic Web technology, 5Service grounding, 185Service model, 185Service profile, 185Shell script, 22Side effect free function, 32Simple Conceptual Unified Flow Language

(Scufl), 171Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), 20Simple workflow, 150, 152Single System Image (SSI), 6Sink Activity Function, 124, 125Software component, 6, 59, 135Source Activity Function, 123, 125Stacked bar chart, 106Stanford Research Institute Problem Solver

(STRIPS), 10, 137action, 137goal state, 137initial state, 137

State machine, 183

State vector, 188Static typing system, 175Stream processing system, 188String-matching algorithm, 118Structural data transformation, 183Subclass, 117, 119, 122, 124, 137, 141Sub-process, 181Sub-workflow, 9, 33, 63, 181Superclass, 117, 118Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP),

3Syntactic scientific workflow representation,


Tabbed panel, 81Task Deployment, 174Task Type, 174Taverna, 21, 169, 171, 174Telephone network, 4Triana, 21, 169, 171, 174Triple logic program, 188Typed variable, 180Type system, 172, 175

UML Activity Diagram, 9, 26, 70, 75, 129,142, 145, 183

action nodes, 75control flow edge, 76control nodes, 75DecisionNode, 78ForkNode, 78, 142JoinNode, 78, 142MergeNode, 78object flow, 79object flow edge, 76object nodes, 75pin, 79

UNICORE, 4, 169, 171Unified Modeling Language (UML), 26, 70,

75, 183base class, 76constraint, 77stereotypes, 9, 76tagged value, 9, 77

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI),121

Union data port, 181Unix library, 64

Vector processor, 3Virtual Data Language (VDL), 170

222 Index

Web Ontology Language (OWL), 24, 182Web service, 6, 20, 57, 118, 135, 169, 173, 174Web Service candidate, 174Web Service class, 174Web Service Object (SO), 185Web Service operation, 174Web Services Business Process Execution

Language (WS-BPEL), 22Web Services Description Language (WSDL),

20Web Services Flow Language (WSFL),

169Web Service Template (ST), 185WfMC, 169Wings, 170, 187Workflow, 4Workflow analyzer, 130Workflow body, 53Workflow Composition Tool (WCT), 184, 187Workflow data pattern, 186Workflow-Driven Ontologies (WDO), 185Workflow Enactment Engine (WFEE), 172Workflow execution, 27Workflow instance, 184Workflow invocation, 69Workflow library, 9, 64, 73, 182Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), 21Workflow mapper, 131Workflow metadata, 86Workflow modularization, 6, 181

Workflow pattern, 186Workflow reuse, 64, 181Workflow scalability, 111Workflow scheduler, 53, 127, 146Workflow scheduling, 27Workflow sharing, 64Workflow template, 184, 188Workflow traversing, 84Workflow version tracking, 64Worst case execution time, 157WSDL-S, 185

XCAT, 20XLANG, 169XML Dataset Typing and Mapping (XDTM),

176XML Process Definition Language (XPDL),

22, 169, 173XML Schema Datatype, 34, 119XML Schema element, 175XQuery, 187xWFL, 172

YAWL, 182

Zen, 21Zero-based index, 125

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