part 5 30 questions questions about iman. click for the answer questions, iman, batch #52 how long...

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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Part 530 Questions

Questions about Iman

Questions, Iman, batch #5 2

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How long did the Holy Quran take to become completed?

a. 20 years.b. 22 years.c. 23 years.d. 40 years.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 3

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The Holy Quran is the real Book of Guidance; it tells us about the faith. What else does it tell us about?

a. Examples of the Prophets' lives.b. Virtue and good living.c. Evil and how to avoid it.d. All the above and more.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 4

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What is meant by Ibadat?

a. Faith.b. Acts of worship.c. History of Islam.d. History of Hadith.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 5

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Does the Holy Quran tell us about the Islamic law?

a. Yes, very much.b. Only some.c. No, there is no such thing.d. The law is the Quran.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 6

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Does the Holy Quran tell us about the Hereafter?

a. Yes, quite often.b. Only once in a while.c. Only about the Hereafter.d. No.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 7

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Does the Holy Quran tell us about the experience of the Prophets?

a. Yes, fairly often.b. Not much.c. No.d. Little.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 8

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Are we to learn history or wisdom from the stories of the Prophets?

a. History of course.b. Wisdom.c. None.d. Half and half.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 9

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What is the Islamic way of life?

a. Living as Almighty Allah wants us to live.

b. As we please if we are Muslims.A liberal way.

c. Democratic way.d. To be good is to please Almighty Allah

and is the ultimate aim, how can we do that?

Questions, Iman, batch #5 10

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To be good is to please Almighty Allah and is the ultimate aim, how can we do that?

a. Follow Allah's commands.b. Follow the teachings of Muhammad

(pbuh).c. Live decently even without faith.d. a and b above

Questions, Iman, batch #5 11

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Can you be good in the way of Almighty Allah?

a. Yes, super good.b. Maybe, since it is hard.c. No.d. Somewhat good.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 12

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When Almighty Allah is pleased with us, He will reward us. What kind of reward is that?

a. Goodness on earth.b. Paradise, eternally.c. May be goodness on earth.d. All the above.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 13

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To go to Heaven we first are to be judged. What do you call that day?

a. The Great Day.b. Day of Judgment.c. Accounting day.d. Reunion day.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 14

Click for the answerJust before the Day of Judgment all

things will be dead except one. All humans and all angels will be dead, except One. Who is that One?

a. Almighty Allah.b. Gabriel.c. Prophets.d. Israfeel.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 15

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What will happen to us when we die?

a. Our souls will wait.b. We will be resurrected before the Day

of Judgment.c. Small accounting by Munkar and

Nakeer.d. All the above.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 16

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When will the day of Judgment be?

a. 1500 years from now.b. 500 years.c. Only God knows.d. Any time soon.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 17

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What will happen during the Day of Judgment?

a. We will give account of all our deeds.b. Will be judged by God very justly.c. Will be given what we deserve.d. All the above.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 18

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Who will be happy during the Day of Judgment?

a. True faithful.b. All Muslims.c. Muslims, Christians and Jews.d. All humans.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 19

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Who will be unhappy during the Day of Judgment?

a. Disbelievers.b. Atheists.c. People who displeased Almighty Allah.d. All the above.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 20

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Shall we remember everything we had done during our life on earth on the Day of Judgment?

a. Yes, everything.b. No we will not.c. Certain things only.d. No, how can we?

Questions, Iman, batch #5 21

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Can we hide anything whatsoever from Almighty Allah on the Day of Judgment?

a. Some.b. No, none.c. Yes, everything.d. Most everything.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 22

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What do we do in Heaven?

a. Greatest existence ever.b. Be close to Almighty Allah.c. Bored.d. a and b above.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 23

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What is Hell?

a. Terrible punishment place.b. Feeling very bad.c. Burning and being tortured.d. All the above and more.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 24

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Who will go to Hell?

a. Disbelievers.b. Those who displease Almighty Allah.c. Atheists.d. All the above.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 25

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Describe Hell Fire.

a. Terrible fire.b. Satan's place, nice and comfortable.c. Allah's way for inflicting torture to the

people who deserve it.d. a and c above.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 26

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Describe Heaven.

a. Wonderful rewarding place, cozy, full of nice surprises.

b. No worries, no sickness or anything bad.

c. Fun all the time.d. All the above.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 27

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Your savior is Islam. What does that mean?

a. Islam when applied leads to Heaven.b. Islam means goodness.c. Islamic goodness leads to pleasing

God.d. All the above.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 28

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Almighty Allah is just and full of compassion. How do you think He will treat us?

a. Justly.b. With a degree of forgiveness.c. Fairly and with understanding.d. All the above.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 29

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What is the Qadr?

a. God helps protect us.b. God plans our lives.c. God directs us but we are free to

choose.d. We can do what we please.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 30

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We are free to choose, but do we have to choose according to the way of Almighty Allah?

a. Yes, this is the best.b. Yes, but we don't have to.c. No.d. Sometimes.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 31

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We are free to choose, but if we do not choose in the way of Allah what will happen?

a. End up in Hell.b. End up in Heaven.c. End up feeling excited.d. End up feeling free.

Questions, Iman, batch #5 32

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End of quiz

a. You may go for the next set of questions about Iman or

b. You may choose another topicc. Thank you and May Allah bless you.

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