parsippany gro/pgt gazette

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Sponsored By The Parsippany Parents For The Gifted and Talented


May 10, 2014 Volume VII

It is hard to believe the school year 2013-2014 is wrapping up. We just had the last GRO event of the year-the

annual GRO picnic that was a huge success. On behalf of all GRO families, I would like to thank Lani Duffy, Wendy Marto, Macey Lee and Barbara Srivastava for all their efforts organizing this wonderful event, which all GRO families look forward to each year. Everyone had a great time. We had beautiful weather, delicious food and interesting games!

At the end of this school year, we will be saying good bye to Mrs. Murphy, Littleton School GRO teacher, who will be retiring.

Please see her farewell note on the next page.

As some of you may be aware, the number of GRO teachers is being cut down this y e a r a n d a s i t l o o k s n o w , o n l y Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Long and Mrs. Dasti a re re t u r n i n g a s G RO t e a c h e rs .   Mrs. Brown will be going to 4th grade Intervale and Mr. Bourlier will be going to Troy Hills. We as a group may be able to change this by speaking up at the next BOE meetings throughout the summer and talk about how important GRO is to our children.  However, we wish Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Brown, and Mr. Bourlier the best of luck in their future endeavors.

Parsippany GRO/PGT Gazette

From left to right: Treasurer Macey Lee, Vice President Wendy Marto, President Lani Duffy, and Barbara Srivastava

GRO Teachers-From left to right: Mrs. Janet Armstrong (IV, RM), Mrs. Stephanie Dasti (EL, LP and 5th grade MT), Mrs. Madeline Brown (MT 1st-4th grade), Mrs. Laura Long (TH, KW) and Mr. Jeffrey Bourlier (NV, LH).

Divya Pahilwani


Sponsored By The Parsippany Parents For The Gifted and Talented


May 10, 2014 Volume VII

Parsippany GRO/PGT Gazette

A GRO Farewell…

Since leaving the classroom ten years ago, it has been a wonderful and adventurous

journey teaching GRO. I have professionally and personally grown so much and have been

fortunate to have been inspired in so many ways by my students. I must admit though, the

emotional aspect of leaving comes as a bit of a surprise to me. The unique bonds that have

been established with my students over the years will have lasting memories, and for the

first time in ten years it’s hard to realize that I won’t be back

to carry on.

I want to thank everyone for your continued support as it

does take a full team working together for the benefit of

our kids. I am so fortunate to have had the privilege of

teaching an incredible group of students that have forever

changed my life.Mrs. Terry Murphy-Littleton School

Did you know ? The PGT awards one $500 scholarship every year to a graduating senior from each high school.

We’re on the Web!

Sponsored By The Parsippany Parents For The Gifted and Talented


May 10, 2014 Volume VII

Parsippany GRO/PGT Gazette

Annual GRO Picnic

Delicious food, pasta, subs, salads and a lot more!

Check-in and registration: Children over age 5 also received a small gift at the check-in table

Giving out prizes after the scavenger hunt

Volunteers from the Parsippany High Key Club helping out with the games

Students patiently waiting for yummy cotton candy.

Thank you Ameriprise Financial!

The picnic venue

Sponsored By The Parsippany Parents For The Gifted and Talented


May 10, 2014 Volume VII

Parsippany GRO/PGT Gazette

Picnic continued....

TUG OF WAR: Parents vs. kids! Both trying really hard to win...but the kids won the first round

Egg and spoon race- each child had to pair with a parent or sibling

Moms getting ready for the sac race

Three-legged race

Sponsored By The Parsippany Parents For The Gifted and Talented


May 10, 2014 Volume VII

Parsippany GRO/PGT Gazette


Nate’s Fish Mobile 4000 Cassie’s Octo-kid Audrey’s K-sport

Vanshika’s Toycuum Sammhita’s Splat Bubbles Eric’s Hanging Soap Inside Finn’s Focus Pocus

Saanvi’s Super Porta-Board Anna’s Egg Crusher Avery’s Disco Feet

Parsippany GRO/PGT GazetteSponsored By The Parsippany Parents For The Gifted and Talented


May 10, 2014 Volume VII

GRO Quiz Kids

Maxwell Lee of Troy Hills School with his medal

The 4th and 5th Graders dressed in their designated Blue and Red team shirts

Games included memorizing various moves and dances paired with different songs

East Lake and Lake Parsippany Students with their medals and certificates from the Quiz kids

Stay Tuned!If you would like to stay informed about GRO and PGT news and events, we’d love to keep on telling you about them! You can request to be placed on our e-mail list by sending an e-mail to: We value your privacy and will not use your address for any reason other than to send you information relating to the GRO program and the PGT.

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