paridine narrator tome

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  • 7/31/2019 Paridine Narrator Tome


    Pangaea Games Presents

    ParidineNarrator Tome

    Written, Edited and Designed by Frank Mesa

    Copyright 2013 Frank Mesa

    Build 01/13/2014

  • 7/31/2019 Paridine Narrator Tome


  • 7/31/2019 Paridine Narrator Tome


    ContentsIntroduction 4

    Being a Narrator 4

    Starting the Game 4

    Shop Merchant Demeanor 5

    Trap Events 6

    Rings 7

    Potions 8

    Celestial Weapons 10

    Basic Magic 11

    Divine Magic 12

    Demonic Pacts 13

    Running Encounters 14Behavior Breakdown 14

    Monster Type Behavior 14

    Encounter Difficult ies 15

    Encountering Monsters 16Open Area or Room Encounter Location 16

    Hallway Encounter Location 16

    Predetermined Monsters 16

    Monsters 17

  • 7/31/2019 Paridine Narrator Tome



    Being a NarratorWelcome to the Narrator Tome. If you are reading this then

    you have chosen to take up the role as the Narrator. As a

    Narrator, it is your responsibility to make sure rules are

    enforced and to make sure that everyone is focused on

    playing the game and having fun. The game is very strict

    and therefore as a narrator you must make sure rules are

    not broken no matter how upsetting they may be to the

    player. Paridine is a deadly gritty game. Players may die in

    very unheroic ways. That is the way its meant to be.

    Your Job as a narrator is to tell the players what they see

    and explain their environment as best as you can. You will

    also roll dice for the monsters, and explain what the

    monsters do.

    As a Narrator you have to follow certain rules...1. Never fudge dice rolls. Try to keep your die rolls

    visible to the party.

    2. Never let what you want to happen, make you steer

    the party unfairly.

    3. Dont hint at anything and never meta-play the

    dungeon. It subtracts from the experience.

    4. When creating content, always balance risk vs. reward.

    Giving players too much power will unbalance the


    5. Never put the characters in a no win scenario.

    6. Never allow a player(s) to make decisions for other


    7. Always make sense of the random. Paridine is veryrandom, and its up to you to piece together to random

    events into a reasonable explanation. This will work

    with simple things like people finding a dead body on

    Movement Roll and the next players roll he finds a

    random weapon. It is OK to assume that the weapon

    and things found in this area belonged to that dead


    This Tome is not complete yet, but I will be constructing

    the most essential rules with minimal fluff into this book so

    you can start leading your group into the dungeons.

    Please check the site regularly for updated tomes with newand updates rules.

    Starting the GameWhen starting an adventure its best to have some idea of a

    quest. It can be one of your own creation or one rolled from

    the random quest chart. Once you have the idea of the

    quest, rewards and where you want the characters to start,

    you can start narrating the game.

    Make sure you do the following at the beginning of each


    1. Have a peace of paper or white board to record

    players speeds or order of turn and a place to write

    stats for the encounters.

    2. Possess at least 2 sets of RPG dice.

    3. If the party is in a major city and wants shop then roll

    a random demeanor from the Shop Merchant

    Demeanor chart.

    4. If the party is in a major city, have a random partymember roll against the Bounty Board chart for their

    bounty for this quest.

    5. Make sure you facilitate any characters shopping

    transactions and experience purchases.

    6. Keep in mind each class and alignment of all the party

    members as they may be crucial later in the game


    7. Best to roll randomly to see what character can roll

    first to start the adventure.

    8. The characters should leave a major city and use the

    Over land movement when possible.

    9. Once the party is in a dungeon or a localized region

    you may have them roll on the dungeon movementchart.

    10. The adventure continues as each player takes turns

    rolling a random event on the movement chart and

    resolving each event in order.

  • 7/31/2019 Paridine Narrator Tome


    Shop Merchant DemeanorEvery time the party goes to town (usable only once every 6 hours of game play) ; the narrator can roll a 1d20 to determine

    the demeanor of the merchant for that day. This adds a bit of flavor and personality to the town store, and can also effect the

    price of certain items to certain characters. This roll will pertain to every character in the party.

    Merchant Demeanor is rolled when ever a party goes to a Shop or any kind and the demeanor will impact any shop for

    that town.

    Merchants items are securely stored in various magical ways, killing a merchant for his items would not work, orstealing from them is almost impossible.

    If merchant is attacked or killed, city guards are notified. Party will encounter 4+1d10 knights before leaving town.

    q They are killed or captured and sent to the gallows.

    # Event Description

    1-10 Normal Welcome to my shop.. What can I do for ya!! (No Effect)

    11 Cautious The merchant sits at his stool staring at the party quietly, watching their every move. (+5 to Charm Skill Checks)

    12 Dwarfish Caravan The merchant approaches any dwarves in the party and say Hey there, a band of dwarves came through here awhile back and sold

    me some dwarven items that I seem to have a hard time getting rid of. I will sell you the Items at normal cost. He will sell 1d4 items

    with a free dwarven attribute.

    13 Racist Elf The merchant is an elf. He will approach any high elf or wood elf characters and says Hey brother. I have some special Items in the

    back for you for 1/2 price. (has 1d4 Elven weapons in the back that are 1/2 cost)

    14 Informed Hello, I heard about your fellows quest. All weapons are half cost to you bunch. (Not quality or magic)

    15 Informed Hello, I heard about your fellows quest. All armor is half cost too you bunch. (Not quality or magic)

    16 Grumpy and Old Merchant is an old grumpy looking man. Says I havent seen you fellows here before. (Shop prices doubled)

    17 Player Merchant approaches women in the party and asks. Can I take you out to dinner?. If they agree then all shop items are price,

    otherwise he charges them full price.

    18 Cover Charge Merchant tells party You have to pay a cover charge to shop here (200 gold). Women shop for free. If you dont pay you cant buy

    or sell anything.

    19 Racist Paridonian Merchant charges double prices for non-humans (Paridonians).

    20 Rare Item Merchant approaches a character that has the most money and says Hey there. I dont think you want to bore your self with

    these things. I have something special in the back just for you. Sells a divine item for all the money the character has (5,000 gold

    minimum. The divine is random from the Divine Item chart.

    Random Roll (1d20)


    Melee 75%

    Aim 75%

    Fortify 75%

    Conjure 85%

    Focus 85%

    Perform 85%

    Grapple +7


    Parry 75%

    Dodge 75%

    Resolve 85%

    Grit 75%Skills

    Athletics +7

    Charm +10

    Deceive +8

    Intimidation +8

    Perception +10

    Slight of Hand +7

    Stealth +7


    Negates Penalties +30

    Treasure Type Rare

    Experience +30

  • 7/31/2019 Paridine Narrator Tome


    Trap EventsWhen a party triggers a trap event. The narrator or the player who rolled the trap event must then roll a 1d20 to determine

    the type of trap that was triggered. Characters who have a Lore corresponding to the type that is needed to detect the trap

    can then roll their Lore check to detect that trap.

    The Narrator rolls 2d20s to determine the difficulty of the Lore required to discover the trap in time. Any players who

    make their Lore check to detect the trap can avoid being effected by the trap and have the option to tell fellow party

    member about the trap also making them immune. Traps effect the party zone randomly. Narrator must determine from the description of traps what direction and grids

    that are effected.

    The party member who rolls the trap must roll who it effects and the damage it does.

    Direction of the traps are rolled on a 1d4. 1 is from the front of the party zone, 3-4 is left and right of the party zone

    and 4 is from behind party zone.

    When you have to roll a 1d6 to determine the damage die, a roll of a 1 is a 1d4, 2 is a 1d6, 3 is a 1d8, 4 is a 1d10, 5 is

    a 1d12, and 6 is a 1d20.

    When description calls for a 1d6x1d6 placement; you roll a 1d6 for the row, and 1d6 for which square deep it effects.

    Random Roll (1d20)# Trap Lore Type Description

    1 Spears Dungeon 1d6 spears are set off and shoot at the party. Roll direction and roll the 1d6 to see what row it affects. All characters in thatrow must defend in order. First character hit will stop the spear. Spears do 1d10 points of piercing damage.

    2 Arrows Dungeon 1d8 arrows are set off and shoot at the party. Roll direction and roll the 1d6 to see what row it affects. All characters in that

    row must defend in order. First character hit will stop the arrow. Arrows do d8 points of piercing damage.

    3 Darts Dungeon 1d10 darts are set off and shoot at the party. Roll direction and roll the 1d6 to see what row it affects. All characters in that

    row must defend in order. First character hit will stop the dart. Darts do 1d4 points of piercing damage each. 1d4 to

    determine if poisoned (1-2 Yes, 3-4 No) 1 extra point of damage per dart.

    4 Pendulums Dungeon Roll direction and roll the 1d6 to see what Row it affects. All characters in that row must defend in order. First character hit

    will stop the pendulum. Roll a 1d6 to determine damage die of pendulum damage. Damage is considered Slashing.

    5 Trap Door Dungeon A trap door opens up under a 9 grid area. Roll 1d6x1d6 to determine placement. Characters fall for 1d100 feet (see Fall

    Damage Chart).

    6 Bear Traps Dungeon 1d6 bear traps. Roll a 1d6 to determine damage die. Roll 1d6x1d6 to determine placement.

    7 Spinning Spikes Dungeon 1d4 Spike Logs that pass through Party Zone. Roll direction and roll the 1d6 to see what row it affects. All characters in that

    row must defend in order. First character hit will stop the log. 1d12 piercing damage.

    8 Rolling Boulders Dungeon 1d4 rolling boulders that pass through Party Zone. Roll direction and roll the 1d6 to see what row it affects. All characters in

    that row must defend in order. First character hit will stop the boulder. 1d12 blunt damage.

    9 Alarm Dungeon This trap will trigger a random encounter, the monster will automatically have initiative and ambush the party.

    10 Checkered Floor Arcane The entire Party Zone turns into a checkered floor. With random squares being electrified. Characters have a 50% chance of

    being on an electrified square. 1d6 to determine Electrical Damage die. Character must move off Party Zone.

    11 Crushing Walls Dungeon The Party Zone is in between two crushing walls that come from the sides. They have to roll a Dodge Check or hit with

    1d20 points of Crushing Damage. Shield no help.

    12 Catapults Dungeon 1d4 boulders that pass through Party Zone, Roll direction and roll the 1d6 to see what row it affects. All characters in that

    row must defend in order. First character hit will stop the boulder. Dodge Check -10. 1d20 blunt damage.

    13 Pit Geography A pit is under a 9 grid area. Roll 1d6x1d6 to determine placement. Characters fall for 1d100 feet (see Fall Damage Chart).

    14 Collapse Geography Ceiling collapse over a 9 grid area in the Party Zone. Roll 1d6x1d6 to determine placement. 1d20 all-over blunt damage.

    15 Stealing Walls Arcane All party members must roll a dodge check or lose items: 1d6 to determine type- 1-2: magic items, 3-4: armor and weapons,

    5-6: treasure (coins and gems), 7-8: 2 of the types 1-6, 9-10: all items. The Items magically vanish off character.

    16 Eating Floors Nature 1d4 characters are attacked by eating fleshy mouths protruding from the floor and walls. 1d6 to determine damage.

    17 Mold Nature Mold falls on a 9 grid area of the Party Zone. Roll 1d6x1d6 to determine placement. 1d4 to determine type- 1-2 blinding:

    characters blind for 1d20 rounds, 3-4 acidic: 1d8 acid damage all over. Dodge Checks -10.

    18 Fire Arcane Fire effects the entire party zone; Doing 1d20 fire damage; shield only block fire under 10 points of damage.

    19 Quicksand Nature Quicksand effects 9 grid area in Party Zone. Roll 1d6x1d6 to determine placement. Dodge Defense Check. Effected

    characters sink in 1d4 rounds. If roll a 1 they sink instantly (that round). Characters that have sunk into sand will take

    Drowning Damage each turn.

    20 Vines Nature 1d4 vines attack party, doing 1d12 Crushing Damage each. Dodge Check -10.

  • 7/31/2019 Paridine Narrator Tome



    1 Muffling This ring creates a silence in a 9 grid area where wielder is standing. Benefits: +4 Stealth and no sound based attacks can effect the

    wielder. You can also not warn your party of any impending danger and they can not warn you.

    2 Magic Trapping Anyone who puts this ring on, must make a resolve check 1d4 times per round the ring is worn or they lose all magic that has been

    added to their weapons and armor and lose 1d4 magic points. (no sell value)

    3 Invisibility Can make wielder invisible for 1d6 rounds. Can only be used once during combat. Character must make a successful Conjure Check.

    4 Alignment Change Narrator rolls a 1d6: 1-2: Good, 3-4: Neutral, 5-6: Evil. Anyone who puts this ring on, must make a resolve check 1d4 times per round

    the ring is worn. If they fail the resolve check their alignment changed to that of the ring permanently. (no sell value)

    5 Amplification All spell cast by the wearer of this ring are double in duration or granted an extra 1d8 damage.

    6 Cursing Anyone who puts this ring on, must make a resolve check 1d4 times per round the ring is worn or they take a random curse from the

    curse chart. (no sell value)

    7 Strength Wielder gets a strength bonus of +1d6.

    8 Stone Anyone who puts this ring on, must make a resolve check 1d4 times per round the ring is worn or they turn to stone including all

    items (not divine). Can only be divine resurrected. (no sell value)

    9 Inability Anyone who puts this ring on, must make a resolve check 1d4 times per round the ring is worn or they lose 10 points on their :

    (narrator rolls a 1d6) 1: Dexterity, 2: Agility, 3: Vitality, 4: Intellect, 5: Wisdom, 6: Personality. (no sell value)

    10 Protection Narrator rolls a 1d4: 1: Fire, 2: Ice, 3: Lightning, 4: Acid/Corrosive. Gives wielder immunity to the type rolled.

    11 Knowledge Gives wielder an additional 1d10 to any lore rolls. (lores your character already knows)

    12 Possession Anyone who puts this ring on, must make a resolve check 1d4 times per round the ring is worn or they become possessed by a demon

    and attack the party.

    13 Magic This ring gives +4 magic points to the wielder's weapons.

    14 Ability Wielder will gain 10 points on their : (narrator rolls a 1d6) 1: Dexterity, 2: Agility, 3: Vitality, 4: Intellect, 5: Wisdom, 6: Personality

    15 Inexperience Anyone who puts this ring on, must make a resolve check 1d4 times per round the ring is worn or they lose 1d100x2 experience.

    (no sell value)

    16 Life Draining Anyone who puts this ring on, must make a resolve check 1d4 times per round the ring is worn or they lose 1d10 Life Force.

    (no sell value)

    17 Flying Can make wielder fly for 1d4 rounds. Can only be used once during combat. Character must make a successful Conjure Check.

    18 Absorption Can hold one spell. If wielder does not make a successful resolve check against an opposing spell; ring will absorb it. Spell must be

    released before wielder makes another unsuccessful resolve check from an opposing spell or the ring will explode doing 1d20 damage

    to the wielder and effecting a 25 grid area centered on his location.

    19 Detection Wielder can see living creatures on the battle board under any lighting conditions.

    20 Languages Wielder knows all languages

    RingsWhen a player rolls a Found a Ring event, the player must roll a 1d20 to see what random ring they found in the dungeon.

    These ring's special properties can be revealed to the player who found it if they can make a successful Lore Arcane Check

    (DC 2d20s). Any Ring that is worn will still carry the benefits or penalties to the player's character even if they don't know

    what the ring does. Any positive/bonus rings will only have these bonuses while the ring is worn. Bad stuff is permanent.

    Rings that have negative effects usually have no value.

    Rings have 4 charges of magic essence. Any roll of a Magic Ring Fade on the movement chart will effect rings also. Once a rings power or ability is rolled it can not change. (Will not change from character to character)

    When a ring can only be used only once per combat. That ring will only work once for the battle it is used in. The ring

    will become available again for use during the next battle. This mechanic is introduced to portray that rings sometimes

    need time to recharge.

    Random Roll (1d20)

  • 7/31/2019 Paridine Narrator Tome


    PotionsPotions are found throughout the world. They were either lost by adventurers or placed there by alchemists. Potions can be

    very rewarding or very deadly.

    Potions may contain a label. Roll a 1d10 and refer to the language chart to determine what language the label is written

    in (9-10 = no label). The Label may or may not give away the effects of the potion.

    To lore a potion you must make a Lore Alchemy Skill Check DC 2d20. With a successful lore; your character knows

    everything about the potion. Potions are only effective in their full dose (entire potion). Potions can not be separated or split into smaller servings.

    Potions can be activated in one of three ways; 1- Opened, 2- Poured, 3 Ingested

    Potions are found on a roll of a 1d4 and a 1d20 and refer to below chart

    1# Label Activation

    1 Disintegration Poured/Ingested Does 1d20 Acid damage to target, will also cause durability damage to any items it comes in contact with.

    2 Amputation Poured/Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Random limb shrivels up and falls off. 1=Head 2=L. Arm 3=R. Arm 4=L. Leg 5=R. Leg 6=None

    3 Death Opened Mist from the bottle, attempting to killing 1d4 people in the area, roll gr id check 1d4 times to defend.

    4 Acute Senses Ingested Character received the Acute Senses endowment. If they already have it, they get a +2 to Perception.

    5 Moral Choice Ingested Resolve Check 1d4 times: Random alignment change: 1-2 Good, 3-4 Neutral, 5-6 Evil

    6 Fumbling Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Character will now fumble on a roll of a 95 or higher on assaults and defenses.

    7 Love Poured/Ingested Resolve Check 1d4 times: Player falls in love with random party member for 1d20 rounds. Will do anything for them.

    8 Blood of Arta Ingested Character gains 5 life force.

    9 Champion Ingested Character gains +10 to 1 stat: d6= 1: Dex, 2- Agi, 3- Vit, 4-Int, 5- Wis, 6- Per. (can exceed to 90)

    10 Jumping Acid Opened Acid jumps from jar onto character. Dodge Check -20: Does 1d20 acid damage (with durability damage) to character.

    11 Unknown Opened Demon is released! Random character must make a Resolve Check 1d4 times or be possessed by a demon then attacks.

    12 Clumsy Poured/Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: -20 from all Assault and Defense stats and cannot gain experience: lasts 1d20 rounds.

    13 The Edge Poured/Ingested +5 points to all Ability Scores. Can't exceed 85

    14 Life Drain Opened Random character: Grit Check 1d4 times: 1d8 Life Force drained off of that character and given to random character.

    15 Resurrection Poured/Ingested Brings a character back to life 1 life force (resurrection sickness)

    16 Chattering Poured/Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Uncontrolled 1-2 talking, 3-4 laughing (50% chance heal will work). Party loses all initiatives.

    17 Plague Opened All must Grit Check 1d4 times: 10 off ALL Ability Scores and dies in 1-20 rounds unless healed items are infected

    18 Blinding Poured/Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Characters physical Assault and Defense Checks are in . Cure is healing.

    19 Vampire Ingested Grit Check 1d6 times: Character given ability to drain 1d4 Life Force by touch. Must use that ability every 1d8 rounds.

    20 Werewolf Poured/Ingested Grit Check 1d6 times: Character becomes a werewolf. Turns into a werewolf ever 1d10 rounds.

    # Label Activation

    1 Thought Ingested Learn a random spell (but must have Magic Use endowment and magic points to cast it)

    2 Freezing Poured/Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times if ingested: Suffer 1d20 points of freezing (ice) damage

    3 Eyes of the Storm Ingested Shoot lightning out of eyes, 1d20 electricity damage. Suffer 1d20 electrical damage from water or swimming.

    4 Doppelganger Poured/Ingested Resolve 1d4 times: Duplicate of character forms and fights original. 50% chance Doppelganger wins/attacks party.

    5 Swamp Poured/Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: turns character into a frog. Cure = Remove Curse or Break Spell

    6 Slow Poured/Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Character looses 1 action

    7 Speed Poured/Ingested Character gains 1 action

    8 Forgetful Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Character looses a title.9 Fallen Champ Opened All Characters with Champion/Hero/Legend Endowment must make a Resolve Check 1d4 times or they lose them.

    10 Stone Touch Ingested Character gains Stone Touch: with a touch attack character can do 1d20 damage, damage is flesh turning to stone.

    11 Paranoia Ingested Character attacks party once every 1d4 rounds, yelling we are all going to die, you are all against me cure = heal

    12 Depression Ingested Resolve Check 1d4 times: Character feels l ife is no longer worth living; attempts suicide. 1 point of damage cures

    13 Explosion Opened Explosion: 1d20 x2 damage. 25/grid area effect

    14 Life Ingested Character gains 1d20 Life Force: Can exceed normal limits.

    15 Confidence Ingested Character is immune to fear

    16 Paradise Poured/Ingested Breaks on ground gives you Gems X100, Ingested: Grit Check 1d4 times; turns character into a Gem X1000

    17 Flight Ingested Character can fly for 1d8 rounds, can only use once per battle. Successful Conjure Check

    18 Mealtime Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Character turns into 1d10 rations of food and water

    19 Mind Blank Ingested Resolve Check 1d4 Times: Character looses 1 spell, song, prayer, or spirit call.

    20 Wrath of God Opened All characters must make a Resolve Check 1d4 times: Characters change to good alignment / given 1d8 Life Force.


    Random Roll (1d4+1d20)

  • 7/31/2019 Paridine Narrator Tome


    3# Label Activation

    1 Sunrise Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Roll 1d4: 1-2 Makes character sick. Suffers -20 off Assault and Defenses for 1d20 Rounds. 3-4

    character grows an extra set of arms and gets +1 attack but is considered a Freak (-20 Personality)

    2 Swelling Poured/Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Causes Character to swell up (non magic armor will no longer fit character unless custom made)

    3 MuadDib Ingested Character obtains Scream of Destruction : A Shout that takes 1 action and does 1d12 points of blunt damage as a

    projectile. Target Suffers -20 on defense, Range : Line of Sight

    4 Cats Eye Ingested This potion is in powdered form, if mixed with water and drank it give character Night Vision Endowment5 Nova Poured/Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Character begins to Swell and explode in 1d4 rounds, causes 1d20 points of damage to 25 grid


    6 Quickness Ingested Gives character a +1 to movement to exceed natural limit

    7 Sludge Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Character looses 1 movement

    8 Mind Power Ingested Character received 1d20 Magic Points

    9 Mind Numb Ingested Resolve Check 1d4 times: character loses 1d20 magic points

    10 Bark Skin Poured/Ingested Skin Turns hard and serves as natural armor. -1d10 armor

    11 Death Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Character loses 1 Life Force per round, Cure = heal or break Spell

    12 Fortitude Ingested Character no longer takes stun damage

    13 Midas Touch Poured/Ingested Grit Check 1d6 times: Turns into a gold Statue Gold X 10,000 cure = break spell or remove curse. Statue = 10 large


    14 Healing Skin Ingested Character automatically heals and regenerates 1 point of damage per round as long as they are alive.

    15 Truth Poured/Ingested Resolve Check 1d6 times: Character can not lie

    16 Thirst Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Character must drink double rations of water when he has to drink.

    17 Hunger Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Character must eat double rations of food when he has to eat.

    18 Fear Poured/Ingested Resolve Check 1d6 times: Character must roll on the Terror Fear Chart and is constantly in fear, Cure = heal

    19 Misfortune Poured/Ingested Resolve Check 1d6 times: Character looses 1d4x5 points on this Personality Ability Score

    20 Divine Ingested Clerics 1000 faith points.

    # Label Activation

    1 Aptitude Ingested Characters gain a title including all prerequisites. No effect if character is at max tit le.

    2 Skill Ingested Character gained a +4 to a random skill

    3 Unskilled Ingested Resolve Check 1d4 times: Character takes a -4 to a random skill

    4 Language Ingested Character learns a random language

    5 Speed Ingested Character gains Lightning Reflexes Endowment (even if they dont meet the requirement)6 Mute Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Character can no longer talk. This will effect anything that requires a voice to achieve.

    7 Lore Ingested Character grants a +4 to his Lore Checks

    8 Ability Str ip Ingested Resolve Check 1d4 times: Character looses a random endowment

    9 Toughness Poured/Ingested Character gains +1 kil ling blow.

    10 Weakness Poured/Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Character loses 1 killing blow.

    11 Berserk Ingested Character receives the Berserk Endowment

    12 Fire Touch Ingested Character gains Fire Touch: 1 action to touch target, target must defend from 1d12 fire damage

    13 Ice Touch Ingested Character gains Ice Touch: 1 action to touch target, target must defend from 1d12 ice damage

    14 Sticky Skin Poured/Ingested Grit Check 1d4 times: Characters armor sticks to his skin, he will suffer 1d10 all over damage to remove armor.

    15 Blood of Chu Ingested Grants 1d6 Chi Points to Monks

    16 Aquarius Ingested Grants the ability to breathe under water.

    17 Decurse Ingested Removed a curse from a character.

    18 Antidote Ingested Immune to Poison.19 Zombie Blood Ingested Gives 1d20 Life Essence to Necromancers.

    20 Weakness Poured/Ingested Lowed strength die by one level.


    Potions (continued)

  • 7/31/2019 Paridine Narrator Tome


    Celestial Weapons

    Random Roll (1d4+1d20)

    Celestial weapons are created by shamans by imbuing them with spiritual energy. These weapons carry random effects that

    make them valuable in combat. Characters roll randomly when the weapon is imbued and the narrator will not mention what

    the details of the weapon are unless they are used in a way to reveal that weapon ability.

    Celestial weapons are considered possessed weapons. A clerics exorcism will destroy celestial weapons.

    A weapon can have up to 4 celestial attributes

    Characters can get a prefix or a suffix and that will name the weapon they created. (example: Biting Short Sword ofAccuracy)

    # Prefix Details

    1 Biting -1 durabil ity damage to armor hit: regardless of total damage done.

    2 Bleeding Does +2 aggravated damage to any damage done to flesh.

    3 Flaming Does 1d6 fire damage to target on successful hit. 10% chance to catch target on fire.

    4 Heavy Sword feels heavier when you can wield it with the same strength. Damage +1d4

    5 Holy +2 Initiative vs undead or pure evil creatures. +1d4 aggravated damage to undead or pure evil creatures on successful hit.

    6 Infection If living target is wounded they will have to make a grit check or take an additional 1d4 damage per round until healed.

    7 Light Weapons feels l ighter. +1 physical speed roll with that weapon.

    8 Maroon 1 point of stun damage to creatures that can be effected by stun per successful hit. Armor is not help against the stun damage effect.

    9 Poisonous +1d4 poison damage to any living targets that are damaged by this sword. Target must make a Grit check if damaged to ignore poison.

    10 Protected +2 perception vs initiatives

    11 Slimy -1 off target shield rolls

    12 The Razor Armor effectiveness is reduced by against this weapon.

    13 Divine Can do true damage to any creature. (ethereal or physical)

    14 Indestructible Weapon will never take durability damage.

    15 Phased Targets suffer a -20% to their defense checks from this weapon. It is very hard to see.

    16 Wrath For every killing blow you land with this weapon, it gains +1 magic point (+10 max)

    17 Absorbing Absorbs any mental effecting spell that would have otherwise hit the wielder of this sword. The spell is released on the next successful hit

    to the next foe. They must defend from that same spell if hit. If the sword absorbs 2 spells without the first being released it explodes

    doing 1d20 damage in a 9 grid area.

    18 Viper All body chart hits with this sword is rolled on a 1d10. Always hits the head.19 Dispelling Any magic item, armor, or weapon this comes in contact with will lose 1 point of magic (per hit)

    20 Detecting Allows you to see : alignments, invisible, cloaked, or any presence that can't be seen by the naked eye.

    # Prefix Details

    1 Of Accuracy +10 to hit (not to exceed 90%)

    2 Of Blood -1d4 blood loss on all flesh hits on living creatures

    3 Of Fortune Aces on anything under an 05%

    4 Of Maiming Does an additional +1 un-healable damage on flesh hits. (only clerical heal will heal that damage)

    5 Of Ogre Strength Wielder of this weapon gets a +1d4 strength roll (magical)

    6 Of Power Grants wielder of this weapon a +1 attack bonus if this weapon was used for all his attacks

    7 Of Regeneration Heals user of this weapon 1 point for every action he uses the weapon.

    8 Of Suffering Grants wielder an additional 1d10 damage to attack but at the cost of 1 point of inflicted damage per turn using this weapon.9 Of the Dragon Natural armor is value against this weapon is in 1/2

    10 Of the Leech Targets hit by this weapon will lose 1 life force (considered life drain). Even if no damage was done.

    11 Of Vaelen Wielder of this weapon gets a +1 movement

    12 Of Vengeance -2 speed roll with this weapon but you will get a +1 attack action if you do damage with this weapon. (same as barbarians)

    13 Of God Slaying Does an additional 1d100 damage against gods, demi-gods, and demons (only against them)

    14 Of Thrashing Target that is hit by this weapon must make a Athletics Check vs Knock Down DC16 or fall down.

    15 Of Seeking Allows characters to see secret passages

    16 Of Quality +1d4 Quality added to the weapon

    17 Of Targeting Called shots are reduced by 1 difficulty

    18 Of Giant Strength Weapon grants wielder a +1d10 to his or her strength rolls with this weapon.

    19 Of Magic +1d8 Magic added to the weapon

    20 Of Dampening During Combat you have an aura that dampens -4 damage off physical melee and magic spell damage.



  • 7/31/2019 Paridine Narrator Tome


    Basic MagicBasic Magic is the standard magic various monsters and none player characters. Refer to this chart when

    ever a Basic Magic action is rolled. Spell damage is based on the difficulty of the monster. See chart to the


    Re-roll any spell that is illogical for the creature to use (invisible creatures will not turn invisible), or

    if the spell doesn't make sense for the situation.

    This magic does not cost resources. Creatures can cast freely until their demise. If you roll less than the conjure roll required to cast one of these offensive spells, then consider that spell an Area

    Effect spell automatically.

    If a defensive spell is cast, do not mention the spell to the players, as they may use that to meta play their next attacks.

    Rarity Damage

    Common 1d8

    Uncommon 1d10

    Champion 1d12

    Hero 1d20

    Random Roll (1d20)# Spell Defense Effect

    1 Fireball Dodge -20 Casts a fireball at a target. Damages target with fire damage. See Elemental Damage chart for complications

    2 Lightning Dodge -30 Casts a lightning bolt at a target. Damages target with electrical damage. See Elemental Damage chart for complications

    3 Freeze Grit Spell that freezes the target. Damages target with frost damage. See Elemental Damage chart for complications

    4 Blind Resolve Spell that blinds a character, reducing their physical based assaults and defenses by 50%. Lasts until caster is dead.

    5 Inflict Resolve Inflicts targets flesh with wounds and sores. Armor no help.

    6 Fear Resolve Creates a sense of fear in a target. Targets must resolve vs fear or suffer one of the fear complications.7 Life Grain Grit Spell drains life force from target. Target must earn this life force back with experience.

    8 Explode Grit Spell causes the target or a piece of the target to explode. Armor no help. Roll body location that takes damage.

    9 Invisibility - Caster turns invisible. Party suffers -50% to physically hit the caster.

    10 Disintegration Dodge -30 Fires a disintegration beam at a target that does durability damage to any armor it hits and normal damage to flesh.

    11 Vanish - Caster vanishes and reappears randomly on the battle board. Grants a free action. Next attack imposes a -50% defense.

    12 Rust Resolve Spell that cause all metal on a target to rust, taking durability damage to all items made of metal.

    13 Charm Resolve Spell will charm a party member. Effected member will fight for the caster and defend the caster on their next turn.

    14 Collapse Room Dodge Cause a part of the ceiling to collapse within party zone. Random location. 9 grid area.

    15 Wield Weapon Grit Makes a character hit himself with his own wielded weapon. Strength + Weapon damage.

    16 Mind Blow Resolve Does permanent damage to a targets Intellect and wisdom stats. They suffer 5% points per point of damage.

    17 Redirect - Defensive spell: Casts a spell on caster that will redirect any ranged physical attacks for the remainder of the batt le

    18 Paralyze Resolve Causes the target to become paralyzed until the battle is over. Can't attack but is still alive and target-able.

    19 Regeneration - Defensive Spell: Casts a spell that will persist on the caster. This will regenerate 1d4 damage instantly. And 1d4 per round.

    20 Magic Shield - Defensive Spell: Casts a magical shield. Damage die determines the strength. Shield is reduced when damage is taken.

  • 7/31/2019 Paridine Narrator Tome


    Divine MagicDivine magic is level of magic that is only accessible to gods and greater entities. This magic

    is very lethal and powerful. Spell damage is based on the difficulty of the monster. See chart

    to the right.

    Re-roll any spell that is illogical for the creature to use (invisible creatures will not turn

    invisible), or if the spell doesn't make sense for the situation.

    This magic does not cost resources. Creatures can cast freely until their demise. If you roll less than the conjure roll required to cast one of these offensive spells, then consider that spell an Area

    Effect spell automatically.

    If a defensive spell is cast, do not mention the spell to the players, as they may use that to meta play their next attacks.

    Rarity Damage

    Lesser demons and entities 1d20

    Greater demons and entities 1d20x2

    Gods 1d100

    Random Roll (1d4+1d20)

    # Spell Defense Effect

    1 Fireball Dodge -20 Casts a fireball at a target. Damages target with fire damage. See Elemental Damage chart for complications

    2 Lightning Dodge -30 Casts a lightning bolt at a target. Damages target with electrical damage. See Elemental Damage chart for complications

    3 Freeze Grit Spell that freezes the target. Damages target with frost damage. See Elemental Damage chart for complications

    4 Blind Resolve Spell that blinds a character, reducing their physical based assaults and defenses by 50%. Lasts until caster is dead.

    5 Inflict Resolve Inflicts targets flesh with wounds and sores. Armor no help.

    6 Fear Resolve Creates a sense of fear in a target. Targets must resolve vs fear or suffer one of the fear complications.

    7 Life Grain Grit Spell drains life force from target. Target must earn this life force back with experience.

    8 Explode Grit Spell causes the target or a piece of the target to explode. Armor no help. Roll body location that takes damage.

    9 Invisibility - Caster turns invisible. Party suffers -50% to physically hit the caster.

    10 Disintegration Dodge -30 Fires a disintegration beam at a target that does durability damage to any armor it hits and normal damage to flesh.

    11 Vanish - Caster vanishes and reappears randomly on the battle board. Grants a free action. Next attack imposes a -50% defense.

    12 Rust Resolve Spell that cause all metal on a target to rust, taking durability damage to all items made of metal.

    13 Charm Resolve Spell will charm a party member. Effected member will fight for the caster and defend the caster on their next turn.

    14 Collapse Room Dodge Cause a part of the ceiling to collapse within party zone. Random location. 9 grid area.

    15 Wield Weapon Grit Makes a character hit himself with his own wielded weapon. Strength + Weapon damage.

    16 Mind Blow Resolve Does permanent damage to a targets Intellect and wisdom stats. They suffer 5% points per point of damage.

    17 Redirect - Defensive spell: Casts a spell on caster that will redirect any ranged physical attacks for the remainder of the battle

    18 Paralyze Resolve Causes the target to become paralyzed until the battle is over. Can't attack but is still alive and target-able.

    19 Regeneration - Defensive Spell: Casts a spell that will persist on the caster. This will regenerate 1d4 damage instantly. And 1d4 per round.

    20 Magic Shield - Defensive Spell: Casts a magical shield. Damage die determines the strength. Shield is reduced when damage is taken.


    # Spell Defense Effect

    1 Break Protections Resolve Will only be cast if any characters have protection spells. This will nullify their protections for the rest of the battle.

    2 Drain Skil l Resolve This spell removed a Title level from the target including all its prerequisites.

    3 Death Spell Grit This spell will deal Life Force damage. Lowers characters L.F. Cap. The points are gone for good.

    4 Sonic Scream Grit Area effect scream that does 1d8 damage to all targets that miss their Grit Check.

    5 Trap Souls Resolve Caster consumes the soul of the target. Target will not be able to be resurrected. Caster gains 1d100 L.F. per soul.

    6 Possession Resolve Caster possesses the mind of the target. Making them fight for them and defend them.

    7 Destroy Magic Resolve Spell will destroy all magic points in any armor and weapons on the target.

    8 Alignment Change Resolve This will change the target into the same alignment as the caster.9 Evoke Terror Resolve Creates a sense of terror in a target. Targets must resolve vs terror or suffer one of the terror complications.

    10 Raise Undead - Raise 1d6 skeletons at random locations in the the party zone.

    11 Turn to Stone Grit This spell will do Life Force damage and if targets life force hits zero they and everything on them turn to stone.

    12 Ethereal Fire Resolve This spell consume the target with fire from their prospective realms.

    13 Mass Confusion Resolve Area effect spell that causes the effected targets to have a 50% chance of attacking their party members on their turn.

    14 Curse Resolve This spell curses the target with a random curse from the curse chart.

    15 Destroy Holy Items Resolve Area effect spell that destroys all holy items on effected targets.

    16 Open Floor Dodge This opens the floor under target. Floor is opened between caster and target effecting all others in the path. Same as pit.

    17 Create Reever - This created a divine sword (reever) that does 1d100 damage. (can only be summoned once)

    18 Summon Elemental - This will summons a random elemental randomly in the party zone. 1- Fire 2- Earth 3- Water 4- Air. (controlled by caster)

    19 Summon Creature - This will summons a random monster randomly in the party zone. (controlled by caster)

    20 Summon Demon - This will summons a random demon randomly in the party zone. (controlled by caster unless Satan) [evil only spell]


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    Demonic Pacts

    # Type

    1 Speak Refer to Divine Speak chart.

    2 Kill Character Gives you a mission to kill a character of opposite alignment. If you are neutral then its randomly good or evil. Narrator rolls

    randomly among characters in play. If there are none then narrator selects among characters not in play.

    3 Gives a Gift Roll 1d4:

    1. Touches armor: adds 1d20 magic points to armor.

    2. Divine Reever Damage = 1d100 (only wielder with alignment equal to demon or entity can wield this reever.

    3. Divine Item

    4. Demonic Spell (randomly roll)

    4 Troubled Something troubles me! I want you to kill an enemy of mine! (Warps you to another place for the combat alone, and returns

    you when completed.)

    Roll 1d6:

    1. Celestial Dragon2. Archangel

    3. Elven Dragon

    4. Titan

    5. Unicorn

    6. Shire Dragon

    5 Doom Call Doom call grants 1 of the following: Divine Resurrection or Any knowledge

    6 Grants minion Allows you to bring an evil character out of hell to serve you. (Could be any deceased evil character: must have character sheet)

    Character summoned will not have a soul and after one death can not be ressurected.

    7 Mutates you Demon touches you making you hideous. -20 to Personality Score, and your face causes fear in living creatures.

    8 Witching blood Taints your blood with that of a witch or warlock. Gives you the ability to curse the living with one of the following options.

    (All curses can only be removed by cleric or the death of this character)

    1. -30 off Assault and Defense checks.

    2. Turns living creature into a familiar. (Roll familiar animal from familiar chart)

    3. If you take or steal a personal item from a character you may cast an age spell on them. They will lose 1 LF and 5

    points of stats per round until you are killed or item is recovered. (Target must defense 1d4 times from this curse.)

    9 Bring me a character Asks you to bring him another character of equal alignment and he may make a pact with that character as well. The character

    must give himself to the demon and pledge his soul. Under a roll of a 50% and a pact is made, otherwise demon takes soul and

    character is not resurrectable.

    10 Champion of Chaos Grants Physical or Mental Champion and +1d6 strength bonus.

    When a demon or divine entity calls for a demonic pact, it means they chose to deal with the character instead of combat

    them. This is similar to speaking to a character but with greater rewards or consequences.

    A pact will only be made with a character with an alignment equal to the demon or divine entity.

    If a character already has a Demonic Pact with the demon or entity this chart is automatically used instead of combat.

    Random Roll (1d12)

  • 7/31/2019 Paridine Narrator Tome


    Running EncountersAs a narrator, you will be rolling the dice and controlling

    the actions of the monsters and encounters in the game of

    Paridine. The next few sections in this book will give you

    information you need to make sure you control the

    monsters and encounter successfully. There are a few key

    things you must understand as a Narrator when you arerunning a combat or battle between monsters and players.

    Those are as follows:

    1. Trust in the dice: Let the odds of the mechanics work

    out the causality of the event. Do not fudge or lie

    about the rolls.

    2. Stay unbiased. You may get urges to single out

    members in the party or want the fight to play out a

    certain way. This does not always happen. Admire the

    fight breakdown as it unfolds.

    3. It is okay to playfully root for the monsters in a way to

    stir up the players desires to beat them. It adds flavor

    at times.

    4. Stay focused on keeping the fight moving forward, try

    not to get tied up in small talk or let the party get to

    distracted if any of them seem bored.

    5. Monsters will do what is most logical to their nature.

    See Monster Behavior lists below for more


    6. Never get upset if monsters seem to die too easy. In

    the world of Paridine bad luck works both ways.

    7. If you create custom encounters or dungeons. Keep

    the risks high with high rewards.

    8. Paridine promotes competition among players. If you

    create content on your own, only throw a few greatitems at them. Party battles are not uncommon in


    Each monster has a full page dedicated to them. There is

    also template in this book you can use to create more

    monsters on your own. On the monster page you will notice

    that it will tell you the difficulty of the monster, the lore

    and all the monsters basic stats. It will also show an attack

    chart on the right. The attach chart is a probability based

    chart. In almost all cases there are 11 different attach slots

    for monsters. A roll of a 2d6 is used to determine what

    action that monster does.

    Behavior Breakdown1. Roll how many actions they have (if they have more

    than 2)

    2. Target a player for for that action/turn

    3. Move to or away from the target based on your


    Monster Type BehaviorMonsters behave a certain way, and their behavior in battle

    is based on their situations. This is a simple priority list that

    can give you an idea of how monsters will behave in certain

    ways. You will want to follow this recipe for almost all

    monsters unless specified on the monster sheet.

    Melee Monsters (Small - Greater Size Class)

    1. Will engage the closest player character.

    2. When attacking they choose their available target at

    the top of their turn and then stays on that target with

    any remaining melee attacks.

    3. They will first attack targets that are engaged follow

    by the targets that are +1 range away from them.

    4. If a melee monster does a ranged attack after he

    targets a player character. He can use that ranged

    attack on anyone that is in range.5. Will not disengage a target unless its scripted.

    6. If they are not in range to hit a target they will use an

    action to move closer to that target if they have any

    actions available.

    Melee Monsters (Giant or larger)

    1. Will move into the center of of the party or in a

    position to be in range to hit as many of the party

    members as possible within its range.

    2. When attacking they choose their available target at

    the top of their turn and then stays on that target with

    any remaining melee attacks.

    3. If a melee monster does a ranged attack after hetargets a player character. He can use that ranged

    attack on anyone that is in range.

    4. If they are not in range to hit a target they will use an

    action to move closer to that target if they have any

    actions available.

    Ranged Caster Monsters (Any Size Class)

    1. They will use any free move action to move to the

    farthest from threat, yet within a unhindered range.

    2. When attacking they choose their available target at

    the top of each action. They can change up target

    from action to action.

    3. They will never engage a target unless scripted.4. If a melee attack is rolled when no targets are in

    ranged. Re-roll the attack.

    5. If they are not in range to hit a target they will use an

    action to move closer to that target if they have any

    actions available.

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    Encounter DifficultiesRandom encounters can fall under 4 difficulties; Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic. These apply to two different types of

    creatures/NPCs; Physical and Mental. Physical based creatures use their physicality to fight, while mental creatures rely on

    magic or spell attacks. These are designed to be simplistic to increase game-play speed. Custom creatures you create can vary

    as much as you would like. If there are 5 or more party members it is customary to increase the creatures difficulty up one

    level to compensate for toughness. Experience Bonuses are added to the base experience of the monster.

    Physical CommonAssault

    Melee 65%

    Aim 65%

    Fortify 65%

    Conjure 55%

    Focus 55%

    Perform 55%

    Grapple +6


    Parry 65%

    Dodge 65%

    Resolve 55%

    Grit 65%


    Athletics +6

    Charm +5

    Deceive +5

    Intimidation +5

    Perception +5

    Slight of Hand +6

    Stealth +6


    Negates Penalties +0

    Treasure Type Common

    Experience +10

    Physical UncommonAssault

    Melee 75%

    Aim 75%

    Fortify 75%

    Conjure 65%

    Focus 65%

    Perform 65%

    Grapple +7


    Parry 75%

    Dodge 75%

    Resolve 65%

    Grit 75%


    Athletics +7

    Charm +6

    Deceive +6

    Intimidation +6

    Perception +6

    Slight of Hand +7

    Stealth +7


    Negates Penalties +10

    Treasure Type Uncommon

    Experience +20

    Physical RareAssault

    Melee 85%

    Aim 85%

    Fortify 85%

    Conjure 75%

    Focus 75%

    Perform 75%

    Grapple +8


    Parry 85%

    Dodge 85%

    Resolve 75%

    Grit 85%


    Athletics +8

    Charm +7

    Deceive +7

    Intimidation +7

    Perception +7

    Slight of Hand +8

    Stealth +8


    Negates Penalties +20

    Treasure Type Rare

    Experience +30

    Physical EpicAssault

    Melee 90%

    Aim 90%

    Fortify 90%

    Conjure 85%

    Focus 85%

    Perform 85%

    Grapple +9


    Parry 90%

    Dodge 90%

    Resolve 85%

    Grit 90%


    Athletics +9

    Charm +8

    Deceive +8

    Intimidation +8

    Perception +8

    Slight of Hand +9

    Stealth +9


    Negates Penalties +30

    Treasure Type Epic

    Experience +40

    Mental RareAssault

    Melee 75%

    Aim 75%

    Fortify 75%

    Conjure 85%

    Focus 85%

    Perform 75%

    Grapple +7


    Parry 75%

    Dodge 75%

    Resolve 85%

    Grit 75%Skills

    Athletics +7

    Charm +8

    Deceive +8

    Intimidation +8

    Perception +8

    Slight of Hand +7

    Stealth +7


    Negates Penalties +20

    Treasure Type Rare

    Experience +30

    Mental CommonAssault

    Melee 55%

    Aim 55%

    Fortify 55%

    Conjure 65%

    Focus 65%

    Perform 65%

    Grapple +5


    Parry 55%

    Dodge 55%

    Resolve 65%

    Grit 55%Skills

    Athletics +5

    Charm +6

    Deceive +6

    Intimidation +6

    Perception +6

    Slight of Hand +5

    Stealth +5


    Negates Penalties +0

    Treasure Type Common

    Experience +10

    Mental UncommonAssault

    Melee 65%

    Aim 65%

    Fortify 65%

    Conjure 75%

    Focus 75%

    Perform 75%

    Grapple +6


    Parry 65%

    Dodge 65%

    Resolve 75%

    Grit 65%Skills

    Athletics +6

    Charm +7

    Deceive +7

    Intimidation +7

    Perception +7

    Slight of Hand +6

    Stealth +6


    Negates Penalties +10

    Treasure Type Uncommon

    Experience +20

    Mental EpicAssault

    Melee 85%

    Aim 85%

    Fortify 85%

    Conjure 90%

    Focus 90%

    Perform 90%

    Grapple +8


    Parry 85%

    Dodge 85%

    Resolve 90%

    Grit 85%Skills

    Athletics +8

    Charm +9

    Deceive +9

    Intimidation +9

    Perception +9

    Slight of Hand +8

    Stealth +8


    Negates Penalties +30

    Treasure Type Epic

    Experience +40

  • 7/31/2019 Paridine Narrator Tome


    Encountering MonstersEncountering monsters can be done in many ways. The

    most common way is for an adventuring party to roll a

    Random Encounter on a Movement Chart. Another way

    is to encounter a monster that has been placed in the room

    by either the GM or predetermined by the quest, prior to

    the party encountering it.

    When a a monster is randomly rolled it is also randomly

    placed on the battle board from a position that is viable to

    their location.

    Open Area or Room Encounter Location When a monster is encountered in an open area or a

    room. A 1d12 is rolled to determine the location the

    monster is coming from (based on the 1-12 on the


    Hallway Encounter Location

    If an encounter is in a hallway a 1d6 is rolled todetermine where the monster is coming from as noted

    in red on the battle board. As you can see there is a

    higher chance things will come from the front of the


    Predetermined Monsters Predetermined monsters are usually placed in front of

    the party at either a random distance or up to 1d8

    grids away.

    If the quest or situation calls for a specific location

    then that is where you may place the monster.

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    MonstersAdam Adventuring Dragon





    Narrator Information

    Information Vitals

    Difficulty Strength Die

    Lore DC Speed Die

    Quantity Killing Blow

    Size Class Actions

    Line of Sight Move

    Alignment Bonuses

    Natural ArmorPoison Type

    Base Experience

    Weapons and Armor Information

    Special Abilities

    Special Information

    # Melee Action Types (2d6)












    # Grab Action Types (1d6)










    Narrator Information

    Information Vitals

    Difficulty Strength Die

    Lore DC Speed Die

    Quantity Killing Blow

    Size Class Actions

    Line of Sight Move

    Alignment Bonuses

    Natural ArmorPoison Type

    Base Experience

    Weapons and Armor Information

    Special Abilities

    Special Information

    # Melee Action Types (2d6)












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    Air Elemental AnakorStats




    Narrator Information

    Information Vitals

    Difficulty Strength Die

    Lore DC Speed Die

    Quantity Killing Blow

    Size Class Actions

    Line of Sight Move

    Alignment Bonuses

    Natural Armor

    Poison Type

    Base Experience

    Weapons and Armor Information

    Special Abilities

    Special Information

    # Ranged Action Types (2d6)















    Narrator Information

    Information Vitals

    Difficulty Strength Die

    Lore DC Speed Die

    Quantity Killing Blow

    Size Class Actions

    Line of Sight Move

    Alignment Bonuses

    Natural Armor

    Poison Type

    Base Experience

    Weapons and Armor Information

    Special Abilities

    Special Information

    # Magic Action Types (2d6)











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    Ancient Blue Dragon Ancient Red DragonStats




    Narrator Information

    Information Vitals

    Difficulty Strength Die

    Lore DC Speed Die

    Quantity Killing Blow

    Size Class Actions

    Line of Sight Move

    Alignment Bonuses

    Natural Armor

    Poison Type

    Base Experience

    Weapons and Armor Information

    Special Abilities

    Special Information

    # Melee Action Types (2d6)











    # Grab Action Types (1d6)











    Narrator Information

    Information Vitals

    Difficulty Strength Die

    Lore DC Speed Die

    Quantity Killing Blow

    Size Class Actions

    Line of Sight Move

    Alignment Bonuses

    Natural Armor

    Poison Type

    Base Experience

    Weapons and Armor Information

    Special Abilities

    Special Information

    # Melee Action Types (2d6)











    # Grab Action Types (1d6)







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    Narrator Information

    Information Vitals

    Difficulty Strength Die

    Lore DC Speed Die

    Quantity Killing Blow

    Size Class Actions

    Line of Sight Move

    Alignment Bonuses

    Natural Armor

    Poison Type

    Base Experience

    Weapons and Armor Information

    Special Abilities

    Special Information

    # Action Types (2d6)











    # Grab Action Types (1d6)







    # Speak Action Types (1d6)






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    Archers Azeroth: Disciple of The Old OneStats




    Narrator Information

    Information Vitals

    Difficulty Strength Die

    Lore DC Speed Die

    Quantity Killing Blow

    Size Class Actions

    Line of Sight Move

    Alignment Bonuses

    Natural Armor

    Poison Type

    Base Experience

    Weapons and Armor Information

    Special Abilities

    Special Information

    # Ranged Action Types (2d6)















    Narrator Information

    Information Vitals

    Difficulty Strength Die

    Lore DC Speed Die

    Quantity Killing Blow

    Size Class Actions

    Line of Sight Move

    Alignment Bonuses

    Natural Armor

    Poison Type

    Base Experience

    Weapons and Armor Information

    Special Abilities

    Special Information

    # Action Types (2d6)











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top related