paraspara trust_aiesec bangalore

Post on 08-May-2015






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Paraspara Trust is a registered voluntary organization, initiated by Mr.KC.Venkatesh and well wishers of the society to ensure non-exploitative society by making interventions in the area of child labouers, child rights, women rights and human rights in the year 1995-96 at Bangalore city.

Paraspara Trust was initiated by few activists and now the organization has 65 full timers, 10 part timers and 15 volunteers. The organization is working with 40,000 Marginalized people who are living in 35 squalid slums of Bangalore city. The primary initiation of the organization was to release child labourers from the shops, factories, homes, garages and rehabilitating them to mainstream education.

Paraspara Trust succeeded in releasing 1830 child laborers since 1995. Two former child laborers are now doing engineering at MSR College, 8 others are doing their diplomas, 72 children are doing their higher studies, 400 children are into their high schools and more than 1000 children are studying in primary schools. The Organization continues its primary task by running a shelter for 65 street and rescued working girls in the name 'Baalemane' and a home for 50 street and run away children in Bangalore city.

Paraspara Trust also runs an adoption center for abandoned children in Nelamangala taluk. Also the organization initiated bridge schools to rehabilitate 100 child labourers in Bangalore city. Paraspara trust succeeded in making and declaring 10 'child-labour-free-slum communities' and documentation is under process to advocate with state and national governments to aim at a child labour free State and a Nation.

To sustain these efforts, the organization.Set off 'child rights clubs' in government and government aided schools.Promoted Children's association in the slum communities.Introduced model school concept in 10 government primary schools to ensure quality education carried out community development through promoting community based organizationPromoted women organization's to prevent domestic violence in the community.

Paraspara Trust initiated a new concept of Model PDS [public distribution shops] to ensure quality food distribution to the BPL families and educate them on their entitlements to get quality food to prevent malnutrition and hunger death among the marginalized community and children. The organization is also working with urban homeless people to ensure shelter for every citizen in the country.

VISION AND MISSIONThe Vision of Paraspara Trust is to bring about a non-exploitative society.

The Mission is to eradicate child labour system and Promotion of child Rights with the participation of marginalized groups among children, women and community through rights based approach.


• Eradication of child labour system and bring child labour free wards/ slums to enhance child rights.• To ensure access to quality education for all children.• To build local association to take up community issues and fight for their rights, especially basic needs of the community.• To mobilize, resources for supplementing family income so that the rights of the children are protected.• To facilitate access to resources for the most marginalized communities.• To empower the community with awareness programs, linkages, training and exposure.

To realize the mission of eradication of child labour, we have various interventions focused on children to fight this issue in different ways. The following are some initiatives of Paraspara Trust.

1. Child labour release & Rehabilitation2. Bridge Schools to rehabilitate child labourers & school drop outs.

3. Ensuring quality education through Model Schools.4. Child Rights Clubs towards experiencing child rights at schools.

5. Baalemane: A secured home for Street & rescued girls in     Bangalore city.6. Transit Home towards rehabilitating runaway & street children.

7. Paraspara Adoption Center.8. Library for Poor children in slums.

9. SJPU: Special Juvenile Protection Unit.10. Birth Registration.

11. Child Rights - need to focus.12. Child Sponsor.

Paraspara Trust is active in the women rights and empowerment because as organization realized that the they have a key-role in the eradication of child labor phenomenon.


Abhaya program was initiated by Paraspara Trust to prevent domestic violence in the slum community and violence against women and girl children. Abhaya program promoted Neighborhood Committees to prevent domestic violence and violence against women and girl children in the slum community and villages in the rural Bengaluru. Paraspara trust promoted 120 neighborhood committees in Bengaluru urban district and rural Bengaluru districts. In 2010 Abhaya received 180 complaints on DV Act cases, 48 land cases and one child trafficking case and 11 cases on cheating girls. 78 cases are solved in Abhaya Mahila Kendra and 102 cases were referred to the court. Abhaya Mahila Kendra is working towards ensuring women rights at large.

1. Child Labour Free community.2. Child Rights Action Forum [CRAF].

3. Children's Act 2009.4. Education for all-One goal campaign.

5. Addressing Corruption in Public Distribution System.6. Mental Health Initiative.




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