pancha rama kshetralu

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/11/2019 Pancha Rama Kshetralu


    Pancha Rama Kshetralu

    Pancha Rama Kshetralu

    East Godavari, West Godavari and Guntur of Andhra Pradesh in India

    Pancharama xetralu (photo)Pancharama is the name given to those five temples hich are dedicated to !ord "hiva# $hese

    places are distri%uted over three districts, East Godavari, West Godavari and Guntur of Andhra

    Pradesh in India# All &indus consider visiting these temples as ver' sacred# Pancha means fiveand Aarama is peace# Aarama is something related to uddhism hich is actuall' aims at

    pleasant state of mind# "o Pancharama means five pleasant and peaceful places#

    $here are to stories related to Pancharama temples# ne stor' related to Pancharama temples isin heemeshara Puranam ritten %' "hree *athudu# $he "tor' goes li+e this###

    evatas and Asuras (Ra+shasas) stirr the sea to get nectar (Amrit)# After getting the Amrit,

    evatas meet !ord -ishnu to avoid distri%uting the nectar to Asuras as it ma' lead to pro%lems#

    !ord -ishnu ta+es the %irth as .ohini and distri%utes Amruth onl' to evtas# Asuras get angr'and orship !ord "hiva# !ord "hiva gets satisfied %' their orship and %lesses Asuras ith lot

    of poers#

    With these poers Asuras start torturing people and evtas# Again evtas orship !ord "hiva toavoid this# !ord "hiva gets angr' and starts punishing Asuras# uring this ar, a "hivalingam

    orshipped %' $hripurasura ($ripurasura) remains un damaged even though all Asuras die# !ord

    "hiva (.ahadeva) ma+es this !ingam into five pieces and ma+es this installed in five differentplaces# $hese five places (Prathishtapana) are no famous as Pancharama#

    $he second stor' %egins from &iran'a Kashipu and his son "imuchi# $he son of "imuchi,

    $hara+asura orships !ord "hiva and gets his Atma !inga# $hen, $hara+asura starts trou%ling
  • 8/11/2019 Pancha Rama Kshetralu


    people and evatas# As per %lessings, $hara+asura dies onl' %' a %o'# evatas go to !ord "hiva

    to find solution for finding a solution to punish $hara+asura# !ord Kumara "am' Avtar thus

    happens and and %o' +ills $hara+asura# After hen $hara+asura dies, the Athmalinga getsdivided into five# Each one gets installed %' evatas in five different places# $hese places are

    called Pancharama Kshetras#

    elo are the details of Pancharama Kshetras and the five faces of !ord "hiva


    Amararama - Amaravati(Sri Amareswara Swamy)

    Amaravati is a historic pilgrimage center and a storehouse of ancient uddhist sculpture#

    Amaravati is home to the Amaresara temple hich constitutes one of the five Pancharama

    temples of Andhra Pradesh sacred to "hiva, the other four %eing Kumararama (Kotipalli),Ksheerarama and heemarama and ra+sharama# Amaravati is located a%out /0 miles aa'from Guntur near -i1a'aada in Andhra Pradesh#

    $he temple of !ord Amaresara located on the %an+s of river Krishna, is rich in ravidian and

    uddist architectures# $he !ingam is /0 feet high, carved out of mar%le# $he cit' as named

    Amaravati after Indra2s capital here# $radition sa's that Indra and evas had orshipped the!ord here# Goddess "ha+thi is orshipped as ala 3hamundi+a evi#

    $he hite !inga is 4uite uni4ue and the priests have to ascend the steps for offering

    a%hishe+am# As the name Amaravati implies, legend has it that Amaravati as once the a%ode ofthe Gods 5 the evas, the 'a+shas and the +innaras, ho performed penances to "hiva to re4uest

    him to rid the earth of the might' demon $ara+asura#

    !egend has it that "hiva2s son "u%raman'a van4uished the demon# It is %elieved that the

    "hivalingam that shattered Into five pieces as a huge one, and the %iggest of the five pieces is afifteen foot long column of hite mar%le hich is orshipped as Amaresara at the Amaravati

    temple (this is ver' similar to the "hivalingam at the ra+sharama temple)# !egend has it that it

    as installed %' Indra the +ing of the evas, rihaspati the guru of the evas and "u+ra the

    preceptor of the Asuras#

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    $he Amaravati temple is located on a small hilloc+ referred to as Krouncha "haila, alongside theriver Krishna hich flos for a short distance in a *orth5"outherl' direction, although for the

    most part, the river heads eastards toards the ocean# $he river Krishna is held in reverence at

    this pilgrimage site, and a ritual dip in this river here is considered to %e meritorious#

    $he temple has ancient origins, hoever the structural foundations as seen toda', seem to date

    %ac+ to the //th centur' 3E# $he -i1a'anagar +ings did provide grants to maintain the temple#

    &oever it as the local +ings of the /6th centur' 3E that provided vast endoments to thistemple# $he temple is decorated ith four loft' gopurams in its outer circumlocutor' path#

    How to reach Amaravati:

    Amaravati is at 70+ms distance from Guntur# $here are so man' non5stop %uses from Guntur# It

    ta+es a%out 80 minutes 1ourne'# uses ill leave us at temple# In Karthi+a masam AP"R$3

    maintains special Pancharamas tour %uses to cover them all in a single da'#
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    2. Draksharama - Draksharamam (Sri himeswara Swamy)

    ra+sharamam is a shaivite shrine /60 +m# from -i1a'aada, /9 +m# from Ka+inada, 8: +m#

    from Ra1ahmundr' and 8;; +m# from &'dera%ad# ra+sharama is considered to %e one of the

    five Arama +shetras dedicated to !ord "hiva# $his is located in East Godavari istrict near

    Ka+inada# $he place also +non as

  • 8/11/2019 Pancha Rama Kshetralu


    divided the a+handa (un%ranched) Godavari river into seven different streams at ras+harama#

    haradha1a, -isamitra and >amadagni streams +non as Antarvahinies, ere %elieved to have

    gone under ground# $here is "apta Godavari Kundam ("even river pond) near the temple herethe devotees %athe# "ivarathri attracts huge crods of pilgrims#


    S!AHA"A P#RA$A

    nce a+sha Pra1apathi decided to perform a ?aga# In pursuance of the same, he had %een toKailasa to invite Gods and Goddesses to sanctif' his 2?a@na2 and accept his hospitalit'# ut hen

    he had %een there, !ord "iva as in his 3ourt immersed in his spiritual splendour# ut a+sha

    Pra1apathi out of his ego of %eing the father5in5la of !ord "iva, mistoo+ the !ord2s trance asindifference toards him# "o, %eing put out at the difference of his "on5in5la he came %ac+

    ithout inviting the !ord and the !ad' to his sacrifice#

    "ati in her omanish nature re4uested "iva to permit her to attend, the sacrifice at her parentalhome, even uninvited and have the pleasure of the performance and the association of her +ith

    and +in# ut "iva explained her the tragic implications that she might have to face at her parental

    house and let her to at her on ish# ut, hen she actuall' stepped into her parental home,none greeted her or even 1ust as+ed her a mutual exchange of her ell5%eing# $hen "athi as put

    out ith the humiliation she had to face amidst her on %lood and then and there, decided to

    give up her %od' instead of facing her %eloved hus%and ith a fallen face# "o, she gave up her%od' then and there and fell don dead# "iva having come to +no of the tragic end, sent his son

    2-eera%hadra2 to %oot don the ego of a+sha#

    "iva in his pangs of separation ith "ati came don to her dead %od' and shoultered the corpseover his shoulders and danced in 2Prala'a $handava2# At this 1uncture, the !ord -ishnu, the

    presenting, force of niverse, sent his 23ha+ra2 to cut don the %od' of "athi and redeem the

    grief of !ord "iva# $he 3ha+ra came and cut the %od' of "ati into eighteen pieces feel ineighteen parts of this 2Pun'a%hoomi2 of ours and came to %e +non as 2Ashta asa Peethas2 andout of these eighteen "ri .ani+'am%a of ra+sharama is the $elfth#

    It is said that Karti+e'a, the son of !ord "hiva has +illed the demon $ara+asura, on the re4uest ofthe gods# $he "hivalinga in the throat of this ardent devotee of "hiva, $ara+asura, is said to have

    fell in five different places that %ecame the

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    %. Kumararama - Samalkot (Sri Kumara heemeswara swamy)

    "amal+ot is located at a distance of /C +m from Ka+inada, 0C Km from Ra1ahmundr' in East

    Godavari istrict of Andhra Pradesh, hich no forms part of "amal+ot ton, is +non as

    himavara Kshetram ith its famous temple of Kumararama 5 himesvara# $he village as+non in the past as 3halu+'a himavaram according to the inscriptions found in the temple#

    $he temple +non as Kumararama at himavaram in "amal+ot is one among the five important

    and popular 2Pancharama2 temples of Andhra# $he other four temples dedicated to "iva are

    Amararama at Amaravati (ist# Guntur), a+sharama at a+sharama (ist# East Godavari),Kshirarama at Pala+ollu and "omarama at Gunupudi 5 himavaram (%oth in ist# West

    Godavari)# $here is an episode on the origin of these 2Pancharamas2 hich is also found in

    2himesvarapurana2 ritten %' "rinatha (A /8th 5 /0th 3entur')#

    /:::stam%ala photoAccording to it, !ord -ishnu, in his charming and fascinating incarnation of .ohini started

    distri%uting the nectar (amrita) o%tained after the ha@ardous churning of the ocean to %oth thedemons (asuras) and divined (devas) issatisfied ith the in1ustice meted out to them in the

    manner of distri%ution of nectar, the asuras lead %' the lords of $ripuras resorted to severe

    penance on the advice of the celestial sage *arada and ere %lessed ith %oons %' !ord "iva#$hus ith the poer nel' ac4uired through the %oons, the' inflicted atrocities on the devas,

    ho sought refuge ith !ord "iva#

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    n hearing the pitia%le plea of the devas, "iva

    +illed the asuras ith his infalli%le Pasupata (a spiritual eapon of flame), hich reduced them

    and their +ingdoms to ashes# $his material aspect of "iva is %etter +non as $ripuranta+a#&oever, a huge stone linga, orshipped %' $ripuras, remained intact after the encounter# $his

    as cut into five lingas %' !ord himself and distri%uted for the purpose of installing at fivedifferent places hich came to %e locall' +non as Pancharams#

    According to the inscription at Pithapuram, it is ver' clear that the temple of Kumaram 3halu+'ahimesvara as constructed %' the famous Eastern 3halu+'a +ing 3halu+'a hima5I toards

    the end of the =th centur' A and the presiding god "iva, in the form of tall "ivalinga, as

    named after the monarch as 3halu+'a himesvara# $he inscription states that 3halu+'a hima,the son of -i+ramadit'a having %een victorious in three hundred and sixt' %attles ruled the earth

    for thirt' 'ears#

    $he himesvara temple at "amal+ot is similar in architecture to that of the himesvara temple ata+sharama# $he temple is surrounded %' to pra+ara alls %uilt of dressed sand stones# $he

    outer pra+ara all is pierced %' gopura 5 entrance on all the four sides# $he four gopura 5 dvaras

    have ardha 5 mandapas on either side# $he inner enclosure all is divided hori@ontall' into tosections separated %' a cornice# It has a to store'ed pillared mandapa running all the inner side#

    $he main shrine is a free standing monument

    l'ing at the center of the inner enclosure# $he temple is a rectangular structure and has tostore's# $he lime stone !inga, installed in the shrine, is so tall that it rises from the pedestal on

    the ground floor and enters the second floor %' piercing the roof, here the Rudra%haga is

    orshipped# $he present -imana of the main shrine has %een renovated and is covered ith thic+

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    plaster# It consists of flat pattas, ro of geese +utas, salas, simhalalatas, lotuses and +alasa# It is a

    dvitala vimana of the dravida order ith regional variations#

    alatripurasundhari photo

    !i+e in a+sharama, a miniature temple model, found in the court 'ard of

    the temple, shos the hole temple ith all the architectural details, possi%l' used as model

    %efore erecting the temple ranging from A //89 to /8=8, recording gifts made to this temple#$hese epigraphs refer to the construction of mu+hamandapa at the Eastern entrance in A /7=8#

    Burther the erection of the additional structures li+e "rimu+hamandapam and niluvu mandapamon top of it in A /8CC are also mentioned in the inscriptions#

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    &. Somarama - himavaram (Sri Someswara swamy)

    "omesara Photo

  • 8/11/2019 Pancha Rama Kshetralu


    himavaram is located /:9 Kms from -i1a'aada D C9: Kms from -isa+hapatanam#

    himavaram is famous for the Gunupudi "omesara ("omarama) temple, hich is considered to

    %e one of the hol' Pancharamas# uilt during the 7rd centur' A##, the "hivalinga in the templeis %elieved to assume a %lac+5cum5%ron colour on no5moon da' and a +ind of hite on full5

    moon da'#

    Another uni4ue feature here, is that the temple of Goddess Annapurna as %uilt on top of the"hiva temple, something that cannot %e seen an'here in the countr'# "urprisingl', the Goddess

    has the sacred thread around her nec+ and a %a%' near her feet#

    himavaram Gopuram Photo

    $his temple is an old temple %ut loo+s li+e ne one %ecause of colored paintings on the alls

    and sculptures# In front of the temple there is a pond called Chandrakundam# It is full' coveredith lotus floers# $here is a %ig Gopuramas the entrance of temple# In the left side of temple

    there is a %ig hall in hich temples of !ord "rirama and &anuma are present# In the right side of

    temple there is an open hall a%ove the temple office# When crod is present, pu1aris Panditsconduct pu1a here for individuals# $he temple has so man' sculptures hich are giving a nice

    loo+# In the hall of temple there is a %ig statue of *andi# After crossing hall there is a room in

    front of sanctum# In that room there is a temple of Annapurna mata# In the sanctum e can see!ord "hiva in the form of a %eautiful "hivaling# "hivaling in this temple is small unli+e in other

    Pancharamas# $here is a specialit' in this temple ie# "hivaling ill change its color according to

    !unar aspect# At the time of Pournami (Bull .oon nights) shivaling ill %e in hite color and in

    Amavas'a da's (ar+ nights) it2s color shades %lac+#

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    !ord "omesara sam' as first orshipped %' .oon god here after $ara+asura vadha# &ence

    in the name of .oon god, came the names "omaramam and "omesara sam'#

    '.Ksheerarama - Paalakollu (Sri Ksheera ramalineswara swamy)

    Ksheeraramam, also +non as Paala+ollu is located near *arasapuram in the West Godavari %elt

    of Andhra Pradesh# It is considered to %e one of the five pancharama "hiva shrines of Andhra

    Pradesh# the five pancharama temples are ra+sharama, Kumararama, Ksheerarama andheemarama and Amararama#

    !egend has it that paman'u, the son of Kaushi+a muni re4uested "hiva that he %e granted thedesired 4uantit' of mil+ for the performance of his dail' rituals and that "hiva caused theKsheera Push+arini tan+ to overflo ith mil+ from the m'thical Ksheera "aagaram (the mil+'

    ocean)# &ence the names Paala+ollu, ugdapovanam and Ksheeraramam#

    !egend has it that "hiva as orshiped %' Rama at this shrine as in Ramesaram#

    $he hite mar%le "hivalingam orshiped in the sanctum is referred to as Ramalingesara

    "ami as ell as Ksheeraraamesarasam'# uilt during the /:th5llth centuries A## %' the

  • 8/11/2019 Pancha Rama Kshetralu


    3halu+'as, it represents the south Indian st'le and has a =5store' gopuram that soars /C0 feet,

    one of the tallest in Andhra Pradesh# 3olourful images and sculptures of various deities are

    engraved on the alls and can also %e seen inside the temple complex#

    C: Kms from Pala+ollu is the *atta Ramesharam temple, here the !ingam is made of shells

    D conchs is orth a visit#

    adasa51'otirlinga5darsini "ivamahadeva5images#

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