
Post on 09-Sep-2014






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STUDY OF THUMB: Thumb reading is an essential phase in palmistry which lucidly individualizes your personality. Thumb reading characterises the nature and temperament of a subject concerned, comprehensively studying the type and division of hand. We invite all hand readers and non readers which are sure to follow


This is an ancient science called Hast Samudrik Shastra. Where reading of lines of hand meant scanning through

blue print of one’s Life. Our hand is mirror of our personality it not only reveals the basic instincts but also

tells about our future and past.

Palmistry is the best option for person who does not have Date of Birth or Time of Birth.

Palmistry is divided into two branches.1. Chirognomy : It is the study of shape of hand. The mounts, texture, quality and length of hand and fingers

show the basic instincts, nature and temperament of person.

2. Chiromancy: It is the study of lines. Lines of our hand reveals the up and down phases of the persons life and also

show the past, the present and the future of the person.

Palm reading begins with the obvious and precedes, by innumerable intricate steps of judgment and interpretation,

to extreme details of the both palm. Conclusions can be made from a palm reading that can provides you with answers for questions you have regarding your life.


hand reading after knowing the role played by thumb in their daily life. Thumb is the support system of a man’s individuality. Let us analyse.

DIVISION OF THUMB: It is the representative of the world three greatest ideas possessed by man on this earth.

WILL: It is manifested by the upper portion of the thumb. The larger the part, the greater the will power possessed by the subject.

LOGIC: It is the representation of the middle part of the thumb. The quality is increased or decreased according to the proportion of the length.

LOVE: Now do not disappoint your innocent hearts if your lover is indifferent towards you. Know all you want to know about his/her love from a simple study of hand. Study the lowest phalange carefully. The longer the part, greater the intensity of love possessed.

CLASSES OF THUMB:Following are the types of thumbs which can distinguish your qualities.


THE SUPPLE JOINTED: This is the versatile and flexible thumb giving space to new ideas and views distinctly manifesting the traditionalist in an individual. People with this hand are liable to change and adopt according to the circumstances faced in life. This thumb provides the bearer with a learning possibilities and skill.

They are broad minded Open to change Non conventional Impulsive If, however, the line of head slopes upwards, their reflexive attitude takes

over the impulsive and sensual. Denotative of generosity of mind.


THE FIRM JOINTED HAND: This is an obdurate personality unlikely to change, rigid in idea and thinking.

Do not be too open with demands with this hand type. Remember the subject may grant no least liberty in the expense of ideas and money.

He/she is reflective in nature. Such thumb type take time before making a decision.

They are difficult to mould. The longer the nail phalange is the greater is the will power to resist. They are lonely souls rarely making friends.

THE CLUBBED HAND: This thumb is in a shape of a club. People possessing this type of thumb are animalistic in nature and thought system.

They bear brutality of Elementary type. They lack will power. They can harm or murder out of callousness. They lack premeditation and

depth. If the third phalange is longer than others they are most likely to commit

crime out of passion and sensuality.

Thus thumb distinctly manifests the words of D’Arpentigny: "the thumb individualises the man."





Long finger denotes:Ambition

Command over others

Long finger symbolise:Prudence

Love for solitudeReserved nature

Long finger indicates:

Love for beautyMoneyFame

When long it denotes:Mental power

Power of expression

Short is the sign of:Lack of ambitionIrresponsibility

Short finger denote:

Frivolous characterLack of


Short finger is the sign of:

Dislike for beautyMoney and fame

When crooked with irregular head line:

Imbalanced mental power


Wide space between thumb and first finger is the sign of independence of will power and fearlessness.

Space between first and second finger denote independence of thought. Space between second and third finger indicate flexibility in adapting to the

circumstances. Wide space between third and fourth finger is the sign of independence of


Outward curve of fingers give broadmindedness and openness to new ideas. Whereas, inward curve gives a rigid and conventional approach to the bearer. Smooth fingers are more impulsive than knotty jointed fingers.


Signs on fingers play an important role in reading the hand. The following are the types of figures found on fingers:

Javelin: Presence of this sign on the finger indicates high intellectual capacity for learning. This makes a person adaptable to and foreign atmosphere and environment easily. They might suffer from heart trouble in their old age.

Tent: Trace of tent anywhere on the phalanges of fingers induces softness in their hearts and sharpens their artistic skills. They face problems in their marriage life.

Circle: Circle gives openness and innovativeness in thought and nature.

Arch: This sign is connotative of non- belief in fellow mankind, unsteady nature and lack of confidence. They gain prominence in detective studies and study of occultism.

Triangle: They can make good yoga instructors. They are advocates of solitude and traditionalism.

Star: They are happy go lucky types. They accumulate wealth from unexpected quarters.

Net: This sign is commonly visible on the fingers of criminals. It gives a troublesome life.

Rectangle: This sign denote a happy and prosperous life.

The inclination of a finger towards any other finger induces the qualities of later in former.

Welcome to health palmistry. Now know your health by a single glance of your nails. Medical science believes that most of the diseases can be anticipated by examining the abnormality in color and structure of nails. We make it much simpler for you. Here are few tips:


Are susceptible to lung and chest diseases. Long nails with a tinge of blue on the surface indicate weak constitution of


SHORT NAILS Indicate the tendency for a weak heart. They lack strong action orientation. If a furrow is found, it is a clear indication of the bearer’s recent confrontation

with a nervous disease. Visibility of white spots on the nails concludes fragility in health. Moreover, white flecks signify the disruption of the whole nervous system.

THE FLAT NAILS Very flat nails signify a danger of paralysis. When form of a shell they conclude paralysis. Appearance of blue color and disappearance of moons indicate that the

disease is in advanced stage.

LONG AND NARROW NAILS Indicate spinal fragility.

THE MOONS OF THE NAILS Large moons signify sturdiness in health. Moons are generally associated with blood circulation. However, bizarre moon size indicates excessive pressure

of blood.

Shapes of Hand

Significance of the shape in dealing with palmistry: We make the study of your hand and others easier. Welcome to the self analyses of hand and hand type. The hand type and its shape play

a vital role in studying the qualities of the individual.

The hand is divided into seven types:

THE ELEMENTARY HAND: This hand is found amongst people with animalistic characteristic.


The hand is; rough in color and texture The bearer is insensitive, rude, and brutal. This hand is found amongst unskilled labor or people performing menial jobs. They are violent in temper. Little mental level.

The thumb is usually short in this hand type.

THE SQUARE HAND: The hand consists of a square shaped palm and wrist with square shaped fingers. The complete view of a hand gives it a square shape. Square or practical or useful hand is the sign of a balanced individual.


This is the hand of a practical, logical, balanced and materialist person.

They are hard working and patient. They possess a serious temperament, with a religious,

often superstitious bend of mind. If bearing a well defined strong thumb they can be

obstinate in their thought structure. Practical hand is found amongst layers, doctors, scientist

and businessmen.

THE SPATULATE HAND: This type of hand is crooked and irregular in shape. The width at the base of the fingers is more than the width of the wrist or vice versa.


The spatulate or active nervous hand is the characteristic of people having long lasting strength for work.

It provides the subject a practical outlook with a streak of imagination.

They belong to the category of innovators, discoverers and initiators.

The wide wrist sway their talent to impulsive quarters whereas, wider base of fingers make them practical in life.

THE PHILOSOPHIC HAND: This hand type gives a philosophic bent of mind to the bearer. People possessing philosophic hand have thin and long hand. It is bony and angular.


This is the hand of literature lovers and readers. As a rule line of head in this hand slightly slip downwards: if, goes straight it

gives the bearer a practical disposition. The philosophic temperament collide with their money

making strategies thus, they rarely accumulate wealth as people with square hand does.

The knotty joints give them a reflective nature towards work and study.

The philosophic hand, if utilised in proportion to the qualities mentioned above can provide the world the best thinkers.

THE CONIC HAND: This is the hand possessed by people having artistic and imaginative quarter in mind. Long, pointed and tapering fingers are the sign of this hand type.


The bearer is sensitive to nature, art, music. This is the hand of connoisseurs of art and beauty. It gives emotional and elemental innocence to the subject. The softer the hand the more artistic the person, the

harder it is the lesser are the imaginative qualities applied by the person concerned.

THE PSYCHIC HAND: This is considered the most beautiful and developed hand on mental level but the most unsuccessful in worldly terms.


The idealist hand is the hand of dreamers. They love to live in their dream world and lack mental power to implement their plans.

They are too spiritual and cut away from mankind that they tend to forget they exist in this world.

Their frailty to act and struggle in life mars their fate.

The epitome of beauty and grace, psychic hand is the least fortunate hand.

THE MIXED HAND: As the name suggest, this is the mixture of all hand type and their qualities.


The finger type may range from psychic to square. Such people are malleable, changeable and versatile to such an extent that

they lack definite purpose in life. They often lack mental disposition for reflection and deep thought If only they possess clear cut strong head line, they can optimize their talent.

The mixed hand provides the bearer ample opportunities if employed with a strong will and determination.

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RING OF SOLOMON: This sign is the symbolization of occultism and mysticism; possibly in this case qualities of the ring will be influenced by Jupiter.

Straight ring of solomon gives logic and practicability in the field of occult sciences.

Curved ring induces emotions in the application of mysticism in day to day life by the bearer.

This ring, in some people inculcates intense psychic and spiritual powers. Ring of solomon in some people is the reflection of romanticism and ideality.

Elemental Palmistry

Now see the elements in your hand: Study of hand type on the basis of the element you posses is the simplest research conducted in palmistry by various schools of hand analysis. This works on drawing an analogy between the shape and type of hand with the four elements present in nature.

Hey, do not burn me!

FIRE HAND: Fire constitutes consumption, generation and regeneration. In this, hand is oblong with short and square shape. Skin may be flushed in pink; the length of fingers is shorter than the length palm.


Fire hand holders are enthusiastic, which flows with the intrinsic moody temperament of the subject.

They have the power of burning themselves intrinsically and others on a trivial issue.

They dangle between rage and passivity on an off.

They have the capacity of handling myriads of emotions at a time.

Feel it inside you

EARTH HAND: Earth hand is inclusive of most of the earthly characteristics. Though Earth hand is solid on the surface but continuous changes occur inside. Earth hands are generally square in shape. The length of fingers is almost equal to the length of palm. The bearer’s hand is coarse in texture and skin color varies from light to darker shades of earth.


Subject with this type of a hand is pragmatic, sensible and reliable. Earth bearers are hard working. They love working with their hands.

Breathe it inside you.

AIR HAND: Air is the stimulating force, conducting life around us. People possessing air hands are generally active and energetic. They have square palm and long fingers.


People possessing air hands are excellent communicators. They are generally fast and quick in their personal activities. Their thought system is clear and creative. They are very good companions.

Come lets flow together...

WATER HAND: Water naturally inculcates fluidity in a person. Water gives flow and amorous nature to the subject. Water hands are short, oval shaped with long, pointed and conical fingers. The length of the palm is naturally equal to length of the fingers.


Bearers of this hand are fluid in thought and person. They tend to change according to the circumstances. Water bearers have the capacity to hold two emotions at a time. They can be

easy going as water is and freeze their hearts towards a situation and person.

Thus, check your type individually and feel every element running in your veins.

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Significance of Figures Found in Palmistry.

GEOMETRICAL PALMISTRY: Learn palmistry in five minutes. We do not deal in

pseudo scientific approach towards our readers. Welcome to the neo age science of palmistry. Geometrical palmistry is a new name derived for the study of figures found in hand. This deals with the inclusive study of all the advantages and disadvantages of the numerous signs found in hand. We propose to take the analysis comprehensively in a categorical manner.

Islands: Islands are the harbinger of a break in the smooth flow of life process. It has negative connotation wherever it is evenly traced in the hand.

An island may signify hereditary disease, if found on the line of health it may lead to heart trouble.

It is a precursor of depression at some juncture of life if head line is not strong.

Be careful, if it is found on upper potion of health line with small round finger nails, it may be related to severe bronchial and throat diseases.

With short nails it foretells bad circulation of blood. Beware island is a latent trouble anticipator, devouring the idea of eating its

subject without his/her local awareness.

The Spot: All spot bearers need not worry; it foretells a transient illness at a particular juncture of life.

It may portend head injury if found on head line Fever, if traced in health line Temporary illness, if present in life line. Whereas, on mounts it loses its temporary state to permanent state of


The circle: Circle entangles, leaving its subject bewildered. Circle is an inauspicious symbol of deterioration in the condition of its subject. The awful condition may range from mental to physical.

It is rare sign foretelling the augmentation of troubles in its subject’s life. One needs to be careful if it is associated with head line. Beware if it is present with weak heart line. Dilemma and anxiousness may

lead to disruption of mental structure.

The Triangle: Now include our palmistry in your studies and make yourself familiar with geometry. Triangle is a positive sign of balance and satisfaction.

Triangle flourish successfully when found independent in hand. Near Apollo line it enhances subject’s interest in artistic variation. The bearer has full chance to become an artist or a musician.

The Star: So feel like a star if you possess this sign. Yes! This will surely lead you to a popular and victorious life.

Enjoy the ride of a rocking career with a star sign. The most fortunate sign found in palmistry will alter the path of all your

worries and troubles. It accentuates the qualities of a mount it is found on. Only on Saturn the subject lead a tragic life brought by the unsurpassable


The Square: Feel safe and secure within the four lines. Square stands for preservation of its subject.

Square preserves its bearer from mental and physical injuries. It can increase the length of life if found near life line. It improves analytical and reasoning power in a subject when traced in head

line. It is sign of good memory, in the person concerned.

The Vertical Lines: Vertical markings should not be confused with minor lines. However they may not improve the effects of a particular sign or line but they are efficient in neutralizing the effect of an evil sign.

Hello.... to all the preservers of life.

Two vertical lines on the mount of Apollo denote that the bearer is a professional doctor or a biologist.

The Grille: Grille denotes negativity and ill luck in a tragic trajectory of troubles and confusion. It is the symbol of enervating mental powers.

Grille capitalizes on neutralizing the success brought by star or any other related sign.

The Cross: Generally people under the grip of this sign system are fastidious. Cross gives worries and trivial hurdles on the way to a happy and satisfied life. Only in alliance with Jupiter it improves the mental will power of the subject.

If found on the mount of Jupiter the subject may have inclination towards teaching profession.

On the contrary if found on the mount of Saturn it suggest violent death. Mount of sun bears no fruit if this sign is found on it. If it is found above the heart line it portends sudden demise of a person close

to you. The bearer may divert toward the study of miracle and black magic if found

on the mount of Luna.

Check other pages on this site, if you want to equip yourself with more and more palmistry.

© 2008, PalmLiver Line

Liver Line Position and Direction:

1. Normal : Starts above the rascette and goes on to the mercurian mount without touching the life line - It indicates longevity, good health and a successful business endeavour. Going from near the percussion : Changeable, nervous disposition and fickleness in nature.

Liver Line Character:

1. Absent : Quick and alert intelligence 2. Straight and thin : stiff manner 3. Red : Brutal and proud nature 4. Yellow : Serious liver trouble 5. Wavy : Biliousness.

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Travel Line

Travel Line Position and Direction

1. Normal : Short lines rising from the Rascette or the Mount of Moon. They especially denote a foreign travel.

Travel Line Character:

1. Joining the fate line : Material benefit 2. Island at the end : Material loss.

Line of Intuition

Line of Intuition Position and Direction: Normal : It starts from the lower part of the mount of the moon near the percussion curves around to the Mount of mercury, terminating on the percussion.

It indicates a tendency to presentiments and show an aptitude to the occult.

It noticed in the left hand only, inherited gift of presentiment, intitution.

Line of Intuition Character:

Clear : unusal aptitude for the occult. clear with a pronouaced mount of the moon : hypnotic powers. Make the icon in jigsaw pieces scattered acrossed the screen.

The Via Lasciva

Via Lasciva’s position and direction: Normal: In the form of a semicircle or arch, the sign runs from the mount of Luna to the mount of Venus, at times deviating towards wrist and forming the arch sloping downwards.


The bend towards the mount of Venus indicate excessive sensuality and passion. If, the line cuts the life line it anticipates sudden death due to sensuousness.

The slope of arch towards wrist is a peculiar sign of bizarre sensual dreams and imagination.

This sign is generally found amongst drug addicts; moreover, rough hand gives the bearer drinking addiction.


The crooked and irregular head line, sloping downwards in such a case leads toward gradual degeneracy and deterioration of the subject.

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Palmistry : Head Line

Head Line Position and Direction:

Normal Head Line of Palmistry :It starts close to, or from the line of life at its beginning and then rises slightly towards the heart line under the second finger and then traverses across the palm increasing the space between them until it terminates.

A good line dosen't reach the percussion. It almost divides the palm in to two hemispheres - it indicates a good will power and an above a verage intellect.

Straight and stiff from the line of life to the percussion : Avaric, selfishness, cleverness in woridly matters lack of idealism

Running close to the life line for quite a while : Brain / fever Very close to Heart line : Asthma Sloping towards the Mount of Moon : Imagination coupled with intellect Very deep slope in to the Mount of Moon : Exaggerated spiritual incliantions,

superstition, morbidity, nervous trouble Artistic inclinations deep imagination Wavy : Brain disease Partly crossing the palm and turning back into the venusian mount :

Cowardice and lack of sustaining energy

Head Line Character:Length:

1. Long, straight : Clear commonsense 2. Absence : Dull intellect, idiocy 3. Short and Clear : Fickleness and flickering nature 4. Long and faintly traced : Lack of concentration

Color, Width and Depth:

1. Thin at the center : Brain trouble or trouble of the nervous system 2. Weak and narrow : Frivolous nature, no will power


1. Wavy, change colour : Nervous and miserly nature, lack of sprit 2. Chained or Linked : Chronic headches, no firm purpose in life, lack of goals

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Palmistry : Heart Line

Heart Line Position and Direction:

1. Normal Position of Heart Line of Palmistry: It starts from the mount of Jupiter and runs across the hand above the line of the head and ends at the percussion - Indicates a warm and affectionate nature

2. Lower than its normal position : Self centered and cold nature. If coupled with more bad indicators : Duplicity, cruelty, greed

3. Placed high close to the base of fingers : Passionate, jealous, disposition 4. Crossing the hand from one side to another : Excessively loving and soft

nature, liable to get hurt 5. Crossing the hand stiffly : Cold, unloving disposition 6. Sinking towards the line of the Head under the saturinian mount or the

Apollonian mount : Mean, miserly, self centered nature

Heart Line Character:</BLength:

1. Absence : Extrreme self-centerdness and coldness. Physical moral duplicity Greed, cruelty

2. Fading away : Heart growing callous through disappointment in love 3. Moving further into the mount of jupiter : Strong and idealistic love 4. Long and clear sustained affection

Heart Line Color, Width and Depth:

1. Very red : Passionate and violent in the affairs of the heart 2. Yellow and livid : Troubles of the liver 3. Deep furrow : Apopletic 4. Very pale and wide : Heart disease, poor blood circulation, weak

organ systems 5. Very thin and long : Hurderous instincts 6. Weak and poor lines : Childlessness

Heart Line Malformation:

1. Chained : Imperfectly working heart, flirtations nature 2. Pale, broad and chained : Rouge, cold blooded disposition, under the

influence of primitive parsions 3. Chained, rising towards the saturinian mount : Hearted for the

opposite sex 4. Chained rising deeply in to the saturation mount : Unnatural vius,


Life Line of Palm

Life Line Position and Direction:

1. Normal - It girdles the mount of venus at the base of the thumb. It strats from under the mount of Jupiter and also encireles the lower mount of mars.

2. Close to the second phalanx of thumb : Childlessness or difficulty in child bearing

3. A great circle reaching or ending in the mount of moon : Longevity

Life Line Character:

1. Length : Shorter the line, shorter the life, the longer the line longer the life. It is especially concerning, if the line is short in both the hands.

Life Line Color, Width and Depth:

1. No uniformity throughout its course : Uneven state of health, fickle temperament

2. Thin and meagre at the center : Bad health at that juncture of life. 3. If a black spot at the termination of line : Sudden death 4. Pale and Wide : Bad insticts, feeble character, ill health 5. Deep and Red : violence, brutality, feverish disposition 6. Deep Furrow : Violent rapid deterioration of body systems 7. Bright livid colour : Insanity

Life Line Malformations:

1. Chained or linked : Delicate constitution, nervous trouble, painful life 2. Chained or linked under the mount of Jupiter : Bad health in early life 3. Extensively Chained : Skin disease, delicate childhood 4. Line of Head and life seperated : Poor eyesight 5. Very Small ladder like formation of life line : Continous ill health 6. A long life line without the line of apollo or line of fate : Uneventful but long

life, not much money

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Palmistry : Fate Line

Fate Line Position and Direction:

Normal Fate Line of Palmistry :

1. It starts from the wrist and goes up crossing the line of head, line of heart and running opposite to the life line. It indicates into the mount of saturn - indicate exceptionally good fortune througout life.

2. Running into the Mount of Mercury : Success in business endeavours 3. Running towards the Saturinian mount and curving towards the mount of

Jupiter penetrating it : Exceptional fortune and success (A dream line to have)

Fate Line Character:


1. Absence : Insignificant and eventless life. It should be seen in conjunction with the persenal absence of the line of Apollo.

2. Straight and good upwards the heart line : Good fortune in old age, born out of hard work.

Fate Line Color, Width and Depth:

1. Deep red colour : Dishonour, disrepute 2. Deep Furrow : Hard effort in occupation, strain of the will power

Fate Line Malformations:

1. Chained or zigzag formations at the start : Difficult childhood, loss of money in early life

2. Chained when crossing the heart line : Troubles in Love life, problems with relationships

3. Wavy : Quarrelsome, fickle disposition, lack of purpose

Apollo Line

Apollo line is the sister line of fate line.

Apollo Line Position and DirectionNormal : Starts near the bracelets of the Rascette, moves upwards between the mounts of the venus and moon ending on the mount of Apollo: Intellectual, brillance, fame and wealth, social life.

Apollo Line Charater:Length:

1. Absence : No sucess in projects and enterprises 2. A long with a fine faith line : Modest sucess out of proportion with one's

ambition and hopes. 3. Long and uncrossed : Good, sallied reputation, fame and riches 4. Straight going on strongly to the mount of Apollo : Celebrity power, primitive


Apollo Line Color, Width and Depth:

1. Red long and very straight : Aristic tallent and vocation 2. Broad : Lack of will and concentation 3. Pale : Insufficient power of execution for talents 4. Very deep furrow : Too much involvement in art leading to hypertension or

may be paralysis

Apollo Line Malformation:

1. Chained : No success in fame or fortune 2. Two islands on the line : Common gambler

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Palmistry : Marriage Line

Marriage Line Position and Direction:

Normal Marriage Line of Palmistry : Cutting the percussion horizontally on the side of the hand between the line of heart and the base of the fourth finger pentrating slightly into the mount of mercury.

Marriage Line Character:


1. Longer line : Longer the relationship

2. Sloping towards the Heart line : Death of the partner

3. Gradual slope towards Heart line : Spouse will die after

lingering illness 4. Curving upwards : Subject could

remain single 5. The proximity to the heart line

indicates the age of marriage, nearer to the heart line, the

earlier the marriage

6. Nearest the midpoint between the base of the fourth finger and

the heart line : Late marriage

Marriage Line Color, Width and Depth

1. Deep colour : Better the relationship. However the line shoudn't be too deep or too wide as it indicates a strain in the relationship and a dwindling of affection.

2. Moderately deep furrow : Indicates a legal union

Marriage Line Malformation:

1. Broken : Seperation or divorce 2. Broken but overlaying fragments : Seperation followed by reunion. Sometimes

a second marriage between the two is indicated 3. Too many lines crossing the palm all over : A wife leading her husband for evil


© 2008, Palmistry LiGirdle of Venus

Girdle of Venus Position and Direction:It normally starts from in between the first and second finger, and ends between the third and the fourth finger circling the Apollonian and atrinian mounts : It bespeaks of sensitivity and love of accult powers.

Girdle of Venus Character:

1. Deep and red cutting the lines of fate and Apollo : Vicious tendencies gravely impair the intellect affecting the career

2. Very thin cut by the lines of fate and Apollo : Wit, love and talent for literature and art. A good characteristic to have

3. Double girdle of Venus : hysterical insanity

Girdle of Venus Malformation:1. Broken : Sensuality in its coorst aspects 2. Breaking the lines of fate, Apollo shattering them at intersection ;

impediments to success due to sensual pursuits

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Palmistry : Rascette Line

Rascette Line Position and Direction:

1. One bracelet clearly marked and unbroken : An age around 25 - 30 years 2. Two bracelets : Around 50 years of age 3. Three bracelets : Above 60 years of age (These have to be seen in conjuction

to the line of life 4. First bracelet high on the wrist and convex : Trouble in reproductive faculties

Rascette Line Character:

1. Three bracelets well formed and defined : Healthy, good fortune smooth easy existance

2. Poorly formed : Extravagant life dissipation 3. Fist Bracelet chained : Hard work is indicated but crowned with success

Rascette Line Malformation:

1. Breaking one below the other under the mount of sturn : Inordinate vanity and untruthfulness, leading to disaster.

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Palmistry : Love Line

Been practiced for ages, palmistry or palm reading, the art of studying and knowing the course of your life (via the lines on your palm) never fails to enthrall people. In palm reading, the things which interest people the most are the love, marriage and lines related to career. You ask anyone about these lines and there would be some spark in their eyes. Such is the charm of the love line in particular as it’s related to the love in one’s life

Where is Love Line located on the Palm?

Even though, it’s called so, the love line in reality is the heart line which indicates how you would fare in the matters of heart. This is where love or to be even precise romance has the utmost importance. Hence, this line is one of the major lines which are studied in palmistry. It’s located towards the top of the palm, under the fingers and runs from the rim of the palm till nearly the little finger. You could find this line in a palm reading diagram, anywhere in the internet or a book. If not till that finger, it’s in that direction, towards the other edge of the palm. This line depicts as to how you would fare in the matters of heart, i.e. relationships, emotional steadiness, depression, health of the heart and so on.

Interpretation of Love Line This line, as mentioned earlier, indicates your love life along with a few other aspects such as emotional steadiness, your capability to love and be loved and every other thing about love. It’s believed that deeper the line, the stronger and warmer your devotions are. A normal and pleasing love life is indicated by a line starting below the index finger. This is the vital explanation of palm reading, love life in particular. This is a very primary thing to understand when it comes to palm reading guide.

Interpretations based on the Nature of the Line Interpretation 1

If an individual’s love line extends across the complete width of the palm boldly, it indicates that he/she tends to look for those people whose position is higher than

them. He/she also has a lot of respect and regard for them. This line portrays strong emotional control in case if it’s straight and runs parallel to the head line.

Interpretation 2

If the love line on a person’s palm is pointing downwards and is touching the life line, then that person is susceptible to a heart break

Interpretation 3

If there are minor palm lines stretching above this love line or heart line, then it indicates that the individual can be glad with regards to love. Conversely, if the lines stretch down from this line, these reflect disappointment in palm reading, love line in particular

Interpretation 4

A long love line bending down at the end is called pleaser. People with such lines are said to be flexible and typically act the way they are expected to by others. As per experts in palm reading, they also have a profound sense of reading individuals. Love line which is short says that the person is interested in sexual aspects of love rather than the emotional attachment. Palm reading basics involve love or heart line as a primary aspect. There are many other aspects when it comes to palm reading and love line is no exception to it.

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Palmistry : Health Line

How to Read Health Line:

Originating under the little finger, the health line goes across the palm towards the bottom of the thumb. As per the science of palmistry, the health line denotes the health of an individual. Interestingly, there is no permanent place of its source. This line could begin from the mount of mars or from life line or from the centre of the palm or from any other place, but it must be kept in mind that this line always ends at the mount of mercury and thus, this line is known as the health line

According to palmistry science, this line differs from individual to individual. This line is very thick in some hands while on others it’s thinner than hair. This line must be studied with great care as illness, health etc. of an individual are studied with its assistance. It has been determined that the health line doesn’t have an exact ending point. The study of this line reveals the health of an individual and any illness which he/she might have experienced or is expected to experience.

Additionally, some individuals might have profound and wide health lines and might possess lean health lines on the other hand. The firm and clear health line is the insinuation of good health of an individual.

A broken health line at any point depicts bad health and additionally, if this line is broken in several places, it signifies serious and continuous sickness. As per the practitioners of palmistry, the nonappearance of health line on the palm is the nuance of an outstanding state of health, strong nervous system and healthy constitution.

As per the practitioners of palmistry, the health line deals with the material well being as much as the physical well being of an individual. This line is responsible in playing a strong part in the growth of material wealth also. It has also been said in palmistry that the straighter the health line is, the healthier the health remains. The uneven and warped line is a sign of liver complains. Heavily marked health line which joins the line of heart and head and not found elsewhere is a sign of mental disturbance.

As per palmistry, health line could be an indication of strong business intelligence as well as the strength to work hard and to make money when it’s found as an uninterrupted line. Moreover, palmistry suggests that depending on the depth and shape of the health line, the insight of the health problem differs like curly health line defines possible health problems as a result of worry and a broken line tends to illustrate poor health which would create problem in business. When this line mounts from the line of heart at the mount of mercury and runs into or through the line of life, it predicts weakness of the heart.

In palmistry, the complete analysis of health line considers the interpretation and indications of other lines also, like when the life line looks very weak and chained, the health line on a hand would apparently increase the risk of health and when found with head line full of small islands or like a chain, it obviously depicts severe headaches, brain disease, etc. This line along with several other lines is studied deeply to get accurateness in the study.

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Mount of Jupiter

Position of Mount of Jupiter - It is situated at the root of the first (index) finger also known as the finger of jupiter. It is limited by the line of head by an imaginary line running straight between the first and second fingers upto the line of head and by the side of the hand.

In its normal position, it indicates pride, leadership, good education, insignt, luck, wisdom and friends.

When the Mount of Jupiter is displaced:

Upward - Vanity, ego, self-praise, pride

Towards the Mount of Saturn- self conciousness Towards the Heart line - pride in affection Towards the line of Head - pride in intellect and mental power Towards the life line - pride

Meaning of Mount of Jupiter:When Normal and with:

a. Point Pointed Fingers: High religious ideal b. Conical Fingers: Lofty pride c. Square Fingers : Pride in every day life d. Spatulade Fingers : Pride in great enterprises

When Infxcess and with:

a. Pointed Fingers: Superstitious b. Conical Fingers : Artistic pride c. Square : Varity d. Spatulate : Proasting

When Absent and with:

a. Pointed : Absence of Respect,Veneration b. Conical :Lack of Respect for others c. Square : Absence of self respect d. Spatulate: Vulgarity


When the mount is abnormally prominent and/or covered with confused lines it indicates a tendency towards apoplexy, cardiac arrest, troubles of blood pressure and circulation, and lung troubles. The possessor of a good mount of jupiter will seldom commit suicide except when very deeply humiliated or when the deep self pride is hurt.

Mount of Jupiter : Its Signature:Physical Characteriatics:

1. Strong built with average height 2. Light and clear complexion 3. Sonorous Voice 4. Large Smiling eyes with large limpid pupils,thick eyelids, long eyelashes 5. Long thick,curly hair but saffer from early hairloss 6. Pow shaped eyebrows 7. Straight Averagely long nose 8. Long thick lipped mouth,uppeer lip overlaps lower slightly. Long teeth

especialy the two upper middle ooes.Cheeks flesh and firm bones not prominent,Dimpled chin

9. Rather fleshy shoulders and back ,shapely neck.Expect them to be plump and stout

10. Plump feet,quiet,stately walk 11. Long square tipped fingers,plumpish palm.Long first phalanx of the thumb


1. Both bilious and sanguine in temperament 2. Over indulgence of palated especially rich food and drink related disesses as a

result 3. Sensul tendencies


1. Public life ,statesmanship: good leaders 2. Self confident 3. Good natured,warm,sympathetic charitable 4. spendthrifts 5. Religiously inclined : Love a grand show of titu 6. Born aristocrats,conservative 7. Belive in law,order,justice peace hate any from of deciet and cheating 8. High principles and are willing to fight for them 9. Very friendly have lofts of friends 10. Lucky 11. Aristic Sensibility

When Spoiled by Other indications:

1. Overbearing,despotic

2. Selfish 3. Debaucher 4. Vile habits 5. Scoundrel 6. Devouting Passion 7. Life of Degradation

The Mount of Saturn

Position of The Mount of Saturn - At the root of the second (the hiddle or the finger of saturn). It is limited by an imaginary line between the first and second fingers by the heart line and by another imaginary line between the second and the third fingers upto the heart line.

In its normal position it indicates a Reserved and cynical nature when dis placed:

1. Upwards - Intense love of solitude 2. Towards Mount of Jupiter - Morbid pride 3. Towards Apollo - Less Morbidity 4. Towards Heart line - Apprehension in love

Meaning of The Mount of SaturnWhen Normal and with:

1. Pointed Fingers - Poetic melancholy 2. Conical - Morbidners 3. Square - Love of solitude note to be mistaken with misanthopy

4. Spatulate - Love of Agriculture and other active but safe occupations

When in excess and with:

1. Pointed Fingers - Intense Morbidness 2. Conical Fingers - Saddest view of art 3. Square - Misanthrophy 4. Spatulate - aggressive hatred of others

When Absent and with: 1. Pointed - Cares nothing for super natural 2. Conical - Realist in art matters 3. Square - Chronic indifference 4. Spatulate - Hard worker but unsociable

Medical Significance of The Mount of Saturn:When abnormally prominent and or coverd with confused lines it indicates a tendency towards Nervous irritability, trouble with legs, haemorrbioids, Dental trouble, rheamatism, blood pressure, fluxes, paralysis, ear troubles, vice and its consequences If a person with a predominant moont of saturn choosed suicide he will jump to his death or prefer aspbyxiation

Mount of Saturn : It is Signature: Physical Ppeculiarities:

1. Tall, thin, pale, sallow, rough, dry, easily wrinkled skin 2. Thick, dark, lankyhair, early hair loss 3. Long face, hollow cheeks, high cheek bones 4. Black eyebrows upturned at the starts and joined in the middle Decpsett dark

generally sad eyes yellowish whites 5. Large ears, thin lips, lower jaw prominent, thin prointed nose, large mouth 6. Fine teeth, which deteriorate early 7. Dark, abundaant facial hair 8. Long neck, strong cord like muscles, clear sight, prominent Adam's apple 9. High shoulders,Mesculor arms narow hairy chest 10. Long knotty fingers, square tips, often spatulate 11. (11) Large flat first thumb phalanx

Health Peculiarities:

1. Truly bilious type 2. Subject to diseases of and accidents to feet, legs, suffer from variuose venis 3. Chronic worriers, melanchoic, tendency towards insanity. (Often disklike water

and are filthy


1. A combination of sadness and prudence 2. Doubter, no respect for others 3. Loves discussion especially on theology and economy 4. occult tastes also fond of scieneces and mathematic.

5. Loves country life 6. Conservative and suspiccious 7. Hates talking orders, but incites others to disobey 8. Prefers dark colours 9. Prefers solitude 10. Miserly tendencies 11. More classical than romantic tastes inart 12. sloco, patient, tireless 13. Often unlucky 14. Heates mankind

When spoiled by other indications:

1. Maligent misanthropy 2. criminal tendencies 3. Possessors of the 'evil eye' 4. Sadist

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The Mount of Apollo

Position of The Mount of ApolloIt is at the root of the third (ring) finger of Appollo. Limited by an imaginary line running between the second and thid fingers to the Heart line and an imaginary line between the third and fourth fingers to the Heart line.

When normally placed it is a sign of brilliance, sucess, fame, beayti and tallent.

When displaced:

1. Upwards - Affection in attiude towards the public 2. Towards Saturn - Selfish love of animals 3. Towards Mercury - Shrewd management of one's artistic talent 4. Towards Heartline : Merciful

Meaning:When normal and with

1. Pointed fingers - Exquisite dremers 2. Conical - Idealistic writers,artists 3. Square - Great artists but practical 4. Spatuluate - Artists fond of noise and excitement and its depiction in arts

When in access and with:

1. Pointed - Genius confining to insanity 2. Conical Talent overrating itself 3. Square - Cupidity stifles real talent 4. Spatulate - Braggarts without talent,love of action, will do any work and make

a noise about it

When Absent and with:

1. Pointed - No love for art 2. Conical - Clever but not gifted 3. Square - No love for intellectual enjoyment 4. Spatulate - Harted for art and all mind culture

MedicalWhen abnormally prominent and/or coverd with confused lines it indicates a tendency towards ,Heart palpitations,aneursim,trouble with eyes,in exetreme cases loss of eyesight.

The possessor of the Mount of Apollo loves life too much to commit suicied.His sunny dispostion helps him keep his chin up and take things in his stride

Mount of Apollo : Its SignaturePhysical

1. Above average hight,shapely handsome.Healthy body glow, abundunt hair which is soft and wavy,broad forehead

2. Large,almond shaped,brillant eyes,limpid and pure whites: Sweet expression,frank,Long eyelashes

3. Firm rounded cheeks,straight, delicately,chiselled nose, curved,beautiful eyebrows

4. Well - Arranged graceful jaws, beautifuiful teth,small pink ears 5. Long flesh,gracefully curved neck 6. Not much body hair 7. Shapely, agile Bimbs, small boned 8. Healthy chest 9. Born athelites 10. (10) Smooth fingers often conical,moderately square tips 11. Average thumbs with large second phalanex,palms and fingers of equal size


1. Well balanced 2. Sanny disposition has a positive effect 3. Eyesight slightly weak 4. Threatened by fire accidents 5. Loves pleasure but never over indulges loves Moderation 6. Heart trouble

With bad indications about loss of eyesight might result and the subject might die far away from his home often victim of sunstrokes

Mental and Moral:

1. Intellectuals,intutive knowledge 2. Love fine arts, literature 3. Versatile 4. Loves beauty 5. Centers of attraction 6. Ardent friends 7. Clear,logiccal approach to problems 8. Eloquent loves to hear himself talk 9. Lucky 10. Loves occult sciences 11. Sunny disposition 12. Short tempered but cools down quickly 13. Loves travel 14. Loves celebrity life

When spoiled by others indications:

1. Loves limelight and will do anything to be init 2. Loves Arrogance 3. Exaggerates his merits

4. Britter enemy

Mount of Mercury

Position of The Mount of MercuryAt the root of the little (fourth) finger of Mercury. It is limited by the imaginary line between the third and fourth fingers,the Heart line and by the percussion

When in Normal posion indicates - Oratory skills, varied nature, love of poetry, tact, suess, in science and commerce

When Displaced

1. Upwards - Sense of humour,good speaker 2. Towards Mount of Apollo - Eloquence,business sense bunded with love of art 3. Towards the Percussion - Business success 4. Towards upper mount of Mars - Meranary

MeaningWhen Normal and with

1. Pointed fingers - Mastery of intutive science 2. Conical - Divine eloquence 3. Square - Great inventor 4. Spatulate - Great discoverer

In Excess and with

1. Pointed - Dreamers of new religious faith 2. Conical - Inventoras of practicable things 3. Square - Dangerous schemers 4. Spatulate - Adventurers who stop at nocrime

Absent and with

1. Pointed - Fine thoughts ill combined 2. Conical - Eloquence handicapped by physical/ moral difecy 3. Square - No scientific gift nor business ability 4. Spatulate - Active to no useful purpose

Medical:Abnormal prominence or coverd with confused lines

1. Bilious troubles 2. Liver diseases 3. Jaundice 4. Nervous irritations

If a Mercurian type ever suicide it will be by poisoning

Mount of Mercury: its Signature:

1. Small stature 2. Well - Built,elongated pleasing face 3. Light, honey - coloured complexion 4. Slightly curly hair especially at the ends 5. Soft skin 6. Bulging forehead, short dark hair 7. Thin eyebrows, curved, joined 8. Dipset, penetrating eyes, rest less with yellowish whites, thin eyelids 9. Long, straight nose round, dimpled tip 10. Thin lips, full upper lip, small teeth, long pointed chin 11. Strong neck, steady shoulders, broad muscled chest well muscled limbs 12. Weak Voice 13. Large hands, elastic palms, fingers usually smooth 14. Long thumb with a longish second phalanx


1. Nervous bilious temperament 2. Weak liver and digestive system 3. Accidents to and troubles of arms bands

Mental / Moral

1. Quick in thought and action alert 2. Skilful at games 3. Loves oratory, gift of repasted

4. Great judge of human character,nature 5. Highly influential on fellow beings 6. Hood student, love maths and sciences 7. Interested in arts,literature 8. Excellent business man, knows how to make money, good planer 9. Quick limpid logic 10. Affectionate and equally tempered 11. Safe friend loves family 12. Merry, mocking mood 13. Love to travel and the nature

When bad indications present

1. Treacherous Scheming 2. Liar, cheat 3. Superstitious

Mount of Venus

Position of Mount of VenusIt is found to be limited between the root of the thumb and the line of life and between the first bracelet of the Rascette (rings around the wrist) and an imaginary horizontal line crossing the angle formed by the thumb and first finger

In a normal position it indicates passion and love for materialistic things. It also shows a low love for art.

When Displaced:

1. Towards the thumb - Emotions rule the will 2. Towards the mounts of moon - - Sensuality 3. Towards the rascette - Sensuousness

Meaning:Normal and with:

1. Pointed - Ideal love 2. Conical - Poetic character, love for materialistic things 3. Square - Deep, honest, love for family 4. Splutter - Desire for a perfect soul mate

When Excess and with

1. Pointed - Vicious imaginings 2. Conical - Inconstancy 3. Square - Sensuality 4. Spatulate - Amorous, profligate

When Absent and with

1. Pointed - Aspires for something beyond ideal love 2. Conical - Artist completely dedicated to his art 3. Square - Not charmed by the other sex 4. Spatulate - Hates other sex as it becomes an incumbrance in his routine life


Diseases of reproductive organs are indicated if the mount is abnormally prominent or covered with confused lines. This individual is too strong too commit suicide.

Mount of Venus : Its Signature:

1. Almost a jupiter but has a 'feminized' side 2. tender and unselfish attitudes 3. Whitish, fair complexion but delicate 4. medium stature, round face, smooth dimpled cheeks, curved eyebrows 5. Long,dark,thick hair 6. Long nose ,broad at base, pointed or rounded at the tip 7. Large, clear, beautiful eyes, sweet expression, wide pupils. 8. Small mouth with thick red lips 9. Well formed teeth 10. Majestic neck,graceful shoulders, plumps , healthy chest 11. Graceful, lithe legs 12. Soft, plump hands, short and smooth fingers ,short thumb


1. Strong,healthy - Nervous - sanguine temperament 2. Cheerful 3. Suffers from deepening due to disappointment in love and animals of the

reproductive organs 4. Prone to blood poisoning

Mental / Moral 1. Loves life,eternal optimist 2. Pleasant nature,benevolent 3. Loves society and is universally popular 4. Loves nature, beauty,music 5. Sensuous - loves the opposite sex and this love influence his every act 6. Generous nature and sprint 7. Mildly ambitious 8. At ease with sentiment and emotion

At its Worst

1. Debauch 2. Profligate 3. Obscene and corrupt 4. Depraved

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Mount of Mars

Upper Mount of Mars

Position - Immediately under the mount of mercury,along the percussion.In a normal hand it occupies the space between the Head line and the Heart line

When normal position it in dictates courage and obstinacy.

When Displaced:

1. Towards Percussion - Pluck 2. Towards Palm - Aggression 3. Towards Moon - Power of hypnotism

MeaningWhen Normal and with

1. Pointed - Courage of martyr 2. Conical - Courage of a Patriot 3. Square - Courage of a Soldier 4. Satiate - Courage of a explorer

When in Excess and with

1. Pointed - Violence of a religious persecutor 2. Conical - Violence of a wounded vanity 3. Square - Violence of a disappointed schemer 4. Spatulate - Violence of a ruffian

When absent and with

1. Pointed - A coward in his creed 2. Conical- A coward in facing the public 3. Square - A coward in everyday life 4. Spatulate - A coward in field of battle

Medical: Abnormal prominence and/or covered with confused lines indicates a tendency towards

1. Soor throat 2. Bronchitis 3. Through in blood pressure,circulation etc.If a person under dominance of the

upper mount of Mars decides to commit suicide he will prefer to shoot himself

The Lower Mount of Mars

Position - It is a Mount left rather than located by sight. It is placed between an imaginary horizontal line crossing the hand from the bottom of the angle formed by the thumbs and the first fingers and the foot of the mount of Jupiter, at the starting point of a normally placed line of life. Inside the hand it extends to the line of life forming a triangular shape

When in Normal position - it indicates temper,struggle and endurance.

When Displaced:

1. Towards the Mount of venus power of endurance through affection 2. Towards jupiter Power of endurance through pride 3. Towards Thumbs - Power of endurance through share

MeaningWhen Normal and with

1. Pointed -Heavenly registration 2. Conical -Stoicism 3. Square - Patience 4. Spalulate - Ignores fear pain

When in excess and with

1. Pointed - Unhealthy,chastising of flash 2. Conical - Hard -Hearted

3. Square - Passive cruelty 4. Spatulate - Active cruelty

When absent and with

1. Pointed - Sensitive Soul 2. Conical - Easily offended 3. Square - Much afraid of physical or moral pain 4. Spatulate - A coward

Medical Abnormal Prominence or in covered with confused lines indicates a disorder of generative organs If this person decides to end his life it will be by the dagger or the razor

Mounts of Mars :their Signature:Physical:

1. Above average stature,strong but not heavy 2. Small thick head 3. Round face, reddish hue 4. Short crisp, curly hair 5. Large, bright, daring eyes blood shot whites 6. Large mouth thin lips, yellowish teeth 7. Thick, straight eyebrows 8. Sharp long nose often curved and beak like, upturned chin 9. Thick cheeks, prominent ckeek bones 10. Splendid chest, broad, flushy shoulders and back 11. Thick, powerful voice and commanding tone 12. Hard hand, thick, strong, short fingers first phalanx of thumb larger than



1. Sanguine temperament 2. Diseases of blood afflict him 3. Apoplexy, skin diseases, inflammation of inner organs 4. Risks wounds in quarrels


1. Generous, magnanimous, devoted friend 2. Spendthrift 3. Energetic and has perseverance 4. Uncouth, unmannerly, straight,direct 5. Amorous 6. Daring 7. Domineering,wont listen to reason 8. Loves to eat 9. Loves fighting 10. Great pride

11. Hates scholarly activity 12. Braggart

When bad indications are indicated:

1. Criminal tendencies 2. Murders 3. Intemperate, uncontrolled passion

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The Mount of Moon

Position of The Mount of Moon

Immediately under the upper mount of mars, along the percussion. It is limited by the Head line in its upper part; at its lower part by the first ring, braulet of rascette (the rings around the wrist); and inside the hand by the mount of venus.

When in Normal position it stands for Imagination, sympathy, romance, fickleness.

When Displaced

1. Towards the upper mount of mars - Imagination well within control, a love of harmony

2. Towards the Rascette bracelet, wild imagination 3. Towards Venus - Imagination intensifies emotions 4. Towards the Palm - Imagination increases aggressive force

Meaning:When Normal and with

1. Pointed fingers - Imagination at his best 2. Conical fingers gifted artist 3. Square - Healthy love of poetry 4. Spatulate -Violent insanity

When Absent and with

1. Pointed one hardly ever or never comes across this combination 2. Conical - Acting ability but more imitation 3. Square - Routine existence 4. Spatulate - Pessimistic attitude

Medical - When the mount is abnormally prominent or is covered with lines it signifies a tendency towards

1. Dropsy 2. Bladder, kidney stones and infection 3. Weakness of eye sight blindness 4. Anemia

A possessor of this mount will prefer suicide by drowning

The Mount of Moon : Its SignaturePhysical:

1. Tall stature 2. Round head, broad at the temples 3. Dead white or pinkish complexion 4. Fine, thin hair 5. Broad and full face,nose small and round tipped. Mouth small thick lipped,

permanent pout 6. Large, badly arranged teeth often yellowish 7. Bulging eyes, round and large, poor eyebrows, thick eyelids 8. Fat, heavy chin 9. long white flush check 10. Flesh flabby chest 11. Plump stomach 12. Heavy, large legs and feet 13. Fat and soft hands short smooth and often pointed fingers 14. Very small first phalanx of the thumb

Health :

1. Poor health,easily tires of any exertion 2. Can suffer from hallucinations often leading to insanity 3. Prone to paralysis, epilepsy convulsions 4. Suffers from kidney, liver, bladder troubles, intestinal infections

Mental / Moral:

1. Fickle, unreliable, selfish 2. Cold, lazy, melancholic 3. Bad family men 4. Hate exertion, slow in mind and body 5. Great day dreamers 6. Fond of romantic art and literature 7. Effeminate tastes 8. No firm will 9. Veracious, sensual appetites

When under influence of bad indication

1. Thoughtless, talkative 2. Slanderer 3. Cheat 4. Selfish, braggart, coward

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Combination of Mounts


More often than not two mounts seem to be about equal in their influence and importance. The absolute predominance of a single mount is rare. Hence it is necessary that we have an index to refer to when it comes to analyzing these compound types.

Following are the 28 possible combinations and their resultant characteristic:

1. Jupiter and Saturn : Good luck Bad: suicidal tendencies 2. Jupiter and Apollo : Fame and fortune Bad :Pride,conceit 3. Jupiter and Mercury : Success in scientific and business field Bad: Cheat , liar 4. Jupiter and upper mars: Bravery, leader Bad: Despot 5. Jupiter and moon: Imagination,Bad : Mono mania 6. Jupiter and Venus : Ideal love Bad : virtue succumbing to vanity 7. Jupiter and lower Mars : Designation,stoic Bad cowardice 8. Saturn and Apollo : love of occult Bad: suicidal tendency due to morbidity 9. Saturn and Mercury Love of science and occult bad : morbidity afflicts mind

power tendency to cheat 10. Saturn and Upper mars : Quarrelsome,choleric Bad : Cruelty, cynicism

11. Saturn and Moon : Love of the occult Bad : suicidal tendencies

12. Saturn and Venus : Kindness,self possession Bad: Intense Jealousy 13. Saturn and Lower Mars : Resignation, Discouragement Bad : Morbidity 14. Apollo and Mercury : Eloquent,intelligent,original bad : Scheming 15. Apollo an Upper Mars : Honour in war,society leader Bad : Desire for fame at

all risk 16. Apollo and Moon : Imagination Bad : Astray Imagination bad art 17. Apollo and Venus : Love of arts and literature Bad : Fawning over celebrities 18. Apollo and Lower Mars : cheerful Bad : Affection 19. Mercury and Upper Mars : Warrior Bad : Mercenary 20. Mercury and the Moon : Inventor,genius Bad : Rascal,loss of money 21. Mercury and Venus : Sensible,prudent in love Bad : Low self esteem in

relationships 22. Mercury and Lower Mars : Strong will power, perseverance Bad : Obstinacy,

even in wrong doing 23. Upper Mars and Moon : Explores,Discovers Bad : Reckless 24. Upper Mars and Lower Mars : Plucky and courage. Bad : Violent Temper 25. Upper Mars and Venus : Warrior . Bad : brutal conqueror 26. Moon and Venus : Ideal love Bad : Lewd imagination 27. The Moon and Lower Mars : Idealism at all costs. Bad : Obstinate attachment

to conceit 28. Venus and Lowers Mars ; Patience Bad : persecutor in relationship.

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Palmistry Tips Chiromancy or cheiromancy, (Greek cheir,“hand”; manteia, “divination”), is the art of characterization and foretelling the future through the study of the palm, also known as palmistry,palm-reading, or hand analysis. The practice is found all over the world, with numerous cultural variations.

Modern palmistry can trace its roots back to gypsy fortune tellers and Indian mystics, but often modern palmists combine traditional predictive techniques with psychology, holistic healing, and alternative methods of divination.

Last Updated -20th February2005


Chiromancy consists of the practice of evaluating a person's character or future life by "reading" the palm of that person's hand. Various "lines"

("heart line", "lifeline", etc.) and "mounts" (bumps) purportedly suggest interpretations by their relative sizes, qualities, and intersections. In some traditions, readers also examine characteristics of the fingers, fingernails, fingerprints and palm skin patterns (dermatoglyphics), skin texture and color, shape of the palm, and flexibility of the hand.

A reader usually begins by reading the person's 'dominant hand' (the hand he or she writes with or uses the most). In some traditions of palmistry, the other hand is believed to carry past-life or karmic information, as well as hereditary traits.

The basic framework for "Classical" palmistry (the most widely taught and practiced tradition)is rooted in Greek mythology. Each area of the palm and fingers is related to a god or goddess, and the features of that area indicate the nature of the corresponding aspect of the subject. For example, the ring finger is associated with the Greek god Apollo; characteristics of the ring finger are tied to the subject's dealings with art, music, aesthetics, fame, and harmony.

The Lines

Palmists look at three main lines: the heart line, the head line, and the life line.

The heart line is the first of the major lines examined by a reader. It is found towards the top of the palm,under the fingers. In some traditions, the line is read as starting from the edge of the palm under the little finger and flowing across the palm towards the thumb;in others, it is seen as starting under the fingers and flowing toward the outside edge of the palm. This line is said to represent matters of the heart, both physical and metaphorical. Those who practice palmistry believe it can indicate emotional stability, romantic perspectives, depression, and stoicism, in addition to various aspects of cardiac health.

The next line identified by palmists is the head line. This line starts at the edge of the palm under the pointer finger and flows across the palm towards the outside edge. Often, the head line is joined with the life line at inception.This line is said to represent the person's mind and the way it works, including learning style, communication style, intellectualism, and thirst for knowledge.It is also believed to indicate a preference for creative or analytical approaches to information (i.e., right brain or left brain).

Finally, readers look at perhaps the most controversial line on the hand, the life line. This line extends from the edge of the palm above the thumb and travels in an arc towards the wrist. This line is believed to represent the person's vitality and vigor, physical health and general well being. The life line is also believed to reflect major life changes, including cataclysmic events, physical injuries, and re locations. Contrary to popular belief,modern palmists generally do not believe that the length of a person's life line is tied to the length of a person's life. Although there are methods used for calculating length of life handed down through many

traditions, these are generally regarded as superstitious and not predictably accurate.

Other major lines or variations are:

Asimian crease, or fusing of the heart and head lines, is believed by practitioners of palmistry to indicate that the person has no distinction between what is desired and what is thought, resulting in an intense nature with a tendency to rush into things.

The fate line runs from the bottom of the palm near the wrist, up through the center of the palm towards the middle finger. This line is believed to be tied to the person's life path, including school and career choices, successes and obstacles.Sometimes this line is thought to reflect circumstances beyond the individual's control, or the person's choices and their consequences.

Other minor lines:

Sun Line - parallel to the Fate Line, under the ring finger; believed to indicate fame or scandal

Girdle of Venus - starts between the little and ring fingers, runs in a rough arc under the ring and middle fingers to end between the middle and pointer fingers; thought to relate to emotional intelligence and the ability to manipulate

Union Lines - short horizontal lines found on the percussive edge of the palm between the Heart Line and the bottom of the little finger; believed to indicate close relationships, sometimes - but not always - romantic.

Mercury Line - runs from the bottom of the palm near the wrist, up through the palm towards the little finger; purported to be an indicator of persistent health issues, business acumen, or skill in communication.

Travel Lines -these are horizontal lines found on the percussive edge of the palm between the wrist and the heart line; each line is said to represent a trip taken by the subject- the longer the line, the more important the trip is to the subject.

Other Markings - these include stars,crosses, triangles, squares, tridents, and rings under each of the fingers; their supposed impact and meaning varies by location on the palm and freedom from other interfering lines.

Additionally Palmist check the shape, Size, Texture and color of the Hands,Fingers

Fire Hand - The fire hand has a long palm and short fingers. People with this shaped hand tend to be active, outgoing and often extroverts. They are excitable and emotional. They like to be in charge and control other people. There is always a large number of strong lines on the hands and usually whorl fingerprints. Fire handed people tend to have a lot of injuries and accidents.

Earth Hand - People with an earth hand have square palms with short fingers. There are usually few lines and often arches on the fingertips. People with this hand don't like change. They tend to be slow in nature and have a strong affinity to nature and the bush. They are emotionally stable and make the best workers. Interesting is the fact that you often find successful artists and photographers with earth hands. Most people with trade jobs such as a carpenter have earth hands.

Air Hand - The air hand has a square palm with long fingers.The lines tend to be thin and the prints are usually loops. They are good at talking and writing. They are cheerful and happy people who often end up working in the communication industry. They need constant intellectual stimulation and have a low boredom threshold.

Water Hand - Water hand people have a palm that is rectangular with long fingers.The hand tends to have a large amount of fine lines. The prints are also usually loops. Many people with this hand make good poets and musicians. They also go well in the fashion and beauty industry. For people with this hand emotions are more important than reason.

Index Finger - A long index finger shows self confidence and awareness. The owner is sure of their ability. People with this finger are keen on advancement. They like to be in charge and have their own way. They are capable and do well being in charge of a crisis situation. For people with a short index finger the reverse holds true. They are usually shy, afraid they will fail and inclined to have self doubt. People with a curved index finger are collectors and often have many hobbies.

Middle Finger - If the middle finger is long it indicates a person who treats life very seriously. They believe strongly in getting ahead. People with short middle fingers are careless and generally prefer not to work Most people tend to have a middle sized middle finger, meaning they are somewhere in between.

Ring Finger - If the ring finger is long the person will have a creative nature. They will go well in the field of art or fashion design. Sometimes this long ring finger is associated with people who have a gambling problem. Short ring fingers are extremely rare.

Little Finger - People with long little fingers have a high I.Q. They make good writers and speakers and have a strong sex drive. A short little finger reveals emotional immaturity. If the little finger is low set it indicates the person as a child had a problem with one of their parents. In some cases it indicates they were a victim of child abuse. If the little finger sticks out from the hand it may indicate the person is involve din a relationship they do not want to be in.

Finger Tip Shapes -o Square Finger Tips : People who have these fingertips tend to be

careful and methodical thinkers. These people take a rational view of life. However on the down side they tend to lack creativity.

o Pointed Finger Tips : These people have a sensitive and fragile personality. These finger tips are associated with artists, writers, poets and daydreamers.

o Conic Finger Tips: These people have a flexible disposition and make good negotiators. Emotional security is important for peace of mind.

o Spatulate Finger Tips: These are action people who tend to be dynamic thinkers. They are usually inventors, explorers and pioneers in new industrys.

Finger Nails - o Square: Easy going nature and an even temperament. o Broad: A strong character with an explosive temper. o Fan Shaped: Nails adopt this shape when the person has been

suffering from long term stress. o Almond: Gentle, kind people who are often daydreamers. o Narrow: These people are cold and selfish. o Vertical Ridges:

May indicate rheumatic problems.

o Horizon Ridges: Dietary deficiencies.

o Dished: Chemical imbalance.

o Wraparound:May indicate respiratory problems.

o Overlarge Moons: May indicate an overactive thyroid problem.

o Red Nails: Indicate people who are impatient. o Pale Nails: May indicate an iron deficiency.

Finger Prints - o Whorls: A person whose fingerprints are mainly whorls will be an

individualistic, not just one of the crowd. These people are often very talented and are good at keeping secrets.

o Arch: A person with mostly arch fingerprints will be the suspicious type, never believing anything until it is proven. These people go well in trade work and are good, hard workers.

o Loops: Everyone gets on well with a person whose fingerprints are mainly loops. They have good communication skills and all round capability.

o Tented Arch: These people become deeply involved in everything that they do.


o Composite Print: This is a rare print. People with this have trouble making up their mind and are difficult to deal with.

The Thumb - o The thumb will show a persons drive and how they apply that.The

more ordinary the thumb the more ordinary the person. o There are two sections, the top which shows willpower and the

bottom which shows just how much you will push to get what you want. Large thumbs show a strong personality.

o Small thumbs show the person is more gentle. Long, broad thumbs belong to people who push hard and succeed.

o Long, narrow thumbs belong to people who want to succeed but don't have the driving force. Small, broad thumbs belong to people who lack determination.

o Thumbs that have an exceptionally wide top belong to aggressive people. If the other applies and the top is very narrow it indicates a sign of weakness.

o A thick top joint shows a person who is blunt. The tapered tip shows a subtle way of doing things.

o A thumb that holds itself close to the side of the hand shows a stingy person. A thumb that sticks out indicates a carefree personality.

The Palm Mounts - To see ifa mount is overlarge, well developed or lean you need to compare it to the other mounts in the hand.

o Mount of Jupiter: Located at the base of the index finger it represents your self worth. If you are confident the mount will be well rounded. If it covers a wide area it shows you are generous. If it is high it suggests bossiness.

o Mount of Saturn: Is found under the middle finger. A large mount indicates a gloomy attitude.

o Mars Positive:Is tucked into the crease of the thumb. Well developed it represents courage and a fighting spirit. If it is flat it indicates a cruel streak.

o Mount of Venus: Found at the base of the thumb. Heavily developed it shows a strong sex drive. Underdeveloped shows poor health.

o Mount of Neptune:Sits in the middle at the base of the palm. If it is well developed it shows a charismatic person.

o Mount of Apollo: Found at the base of the ring finger. A strongly developed mount indicates an interest in the arts.

o Mount of Mercury: Found at the base of the little finger. Being well developed indicates a warm, receptive nature. Underdeveloped shows a loner.

o Plain of Mars:Lies in the middle of the nine mounts. When overdeveloped it shows the person has a temper. Underdeveloped indicates a shy person.

o Mars Negative:Found on the outside edge between mercury and luna. If this is well developed it indicates staying power and a good ability to cope under pressure.

o Mount of Luna: Found in the bottom corner of the hand under the mars negative. Well developed it indicates psychic ability.

Palm Loops - o Loop of Humor: This is found between the Apollo and mercury

fingers.Indicates a dry sense of humor. o Loop of Vocation: This is found between the Saturn and Apollo

fingers. Reveals a strong dedication to work. o Rajah Loop: An extremely rare marking found between the Saturn

and Jupiter fingers.It indicates that there was royal blood in your family history.

o Loop of Courage: Found in the thumb joint in indicates a person of great courage.

o Loop of Music: This loop sweeps in from the thumb edge onto the mount of Venus. People who have this are natural musicians.

o Loop of Inspiration: Rising from the wrist up the center of the palm it is often associated with poets.

o Loop of Nature: This loop lies across the mount of Luna. People with this loop have a strong connection to animals and nature.

o Loop of Water: Flows down towards the Luna mount. Indicates a strong affinity to water.

Joints and Knuckles - o Smooth knuckles are found on hands of people are very meticulous

about their appearance and there home. People with uneven knuckles tend to have a more balanced and calm approach to life.

o People with smooth fingers are very receptive to information and their environment. Information is processed intuitively.

o When just only the bottom joints are pronounced the individual conducts their life in an orderly way.

o People with both top and bottom pronounced joints are referred to as philosophical thinkers. They tend to analyze information and think before they act.

Finger Settings - Personality traits such as strength of character may be found from the way the fingers are set into the palm.

o People with evenly set fingers are rare but when found indicate confidence.These people always go on to be successful in life.

o An uneven setting indicates a person with a lack of self confidence, especially if the little finger is very low set.

o A person with an arched setting will have a well balanced personality.

Hair On the Hand - On most hands you will find little or no hair. Hair is most common on the back of mens hands. Usually the more hair, the more the physical strength. Color of the hair is important.

o A profusely hairy hand is often found on men with a high sex drive.

They also tend to over eat, and often in times of crisis will revert to their animal instincts.

o When the hair on the back of the hand is sparce, fine and thin, it indicates people with lack of vigor.

They often tend to suffer from nervous problems. Although on the good side, people with less hair are more

diplomatic. Texture of Skin - The skin texture on the hand shows the persons natural

refinements. o If the texture is soft and delicate it will indicate a refined and

sensitive person. o Transparent skin is found on saintly type people.

Thin skin is found on the hands of overly sensitive people. o Often those with thick skin are stubborn and insensitive. o Coarse skin is found on the hands of earthy people. o People with a satin, smooth type skin are very artistic and often

have a love of nature. Color of Skin - The health of a person is often indicated by the color of

their hands. o Dead white hands often indicate a lack of circulation. o Pink hands are usually a sign of good health. o Red hands may indicate high blood pressure. o Blue-ish hands indicate a sluggish condition of the circulation of

the blood supply. o The normal color of the palm should be rosy and pinkish.

Flexibility of the Hand - The degree of flexibility in your hand indicates your emotional and mental health. In short, a flexible hand, a flexible mind, a stiff hand, a stiff mind.

o Emotionally, those people with limber hands adjust well to their environment.

o Stiff hands indicate those who have a rigid outlook on life. o A flexible hand that can bend backwards in a graceful arch

indicates a mind that can respond quickly. These people can act, think and feel all at once.

o A moderate flexible hand is the most common. People with this type of hand tend to be balanced and in

control of themselves. o An extremely flexible hand indicates a person who is easily led by

others. o A firm type of hand indicates a strong type of person.

These people are conservative with their money and feelings.

Hand Size -The size of the hand can be important in in helping to judge the character and personality.

o People with small hands have a strong desire to achieve. They usually set long range goals in their life. They sometimes have a big ego and have trouble relaxing.

o People with medium hands are well balanced and have good judgment.

They have common sense and are practical. o People with large hands have many capability`s.

They can have many goals, all at the same time. They are friendly and very sociable.

What is Heart Disease?Heart disease is a general term that covers many different health conditions that affect the heart.

The most common kinds of heart disease are coronary, hereditary, hypertensive, inflammatory, ischaemic, pulmonary, and valvular. Cardiovascular disease is another related term that covers many seperate conditions.

Heart Disease Warning Signs on the Hands:There are three main areas of the hands that can show warning signs of potential heart disease:

1. Fingernails - The fingernails can take a white or even blue color, showing circulation problems. The "moons" at the base of the nails can become too large from over-action of the heart, or the "moons" can disappear entirely from weak action of the heart.

2. Line of Heart - A clean and deep line of heart is optimum. Heart disease can be indicated when this line is very faint or poorly formed, or when the color changes to dark red or pale white.

3. Mount of Venus - The base of the thumb can turn a blue color from poor action of the heart. The veins become more visible with this color change.

* Note: This information is not in any way meant to be used for diagnosis or treatment evaluations. Warning signs of heart disease should be examined by a qualified physician.

Heart Disease Information and Resources:American Heart Association

WebMD - Heart and Vascular Health Center

The National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease

Heart and Stroke Foundation

CDC - National Center for Health Statistics

One problem in hand analysis is the different names used for the fingers and knuckles. While the medical community has adopted standard anatomy terms, the field of hand analysis still uses its own set of names for different parts of the hand.

For example: In hand analysis the tip segment of the middle finger is called the 2nd finger's 1st phalanx, whereas in anatomy the same body part is considered the 3rd finger's 3rd phalanx.

A normal hand has a thumb and 4 fingers. Each finger has 3 bone segments and 3 joints. The thumb has 2 bone segments and 2 joints. The segments are known as phalanges (plural of phalanx).

For the purpose of this page, the following common part names are used:

"Tip Segment" - The phalanx with the fingernail. "Middle Segment" - The middle phalanx. "Base Segment" - The phalanx closest to the hand. "Top Knuckle" - The upper joint, closest to the fingernail. "Middle Knuckle" - The middle joint. "Base Knuckle" - The joint that connects a finger to the hand.

All Fingers

Part Anatomical Names Hand Analysis Names

Tip SegmentsDistal phalanges3rd phalanges

1st segments1st phalanges

Middle SegmentsMiddle phalanges2nd phalanges

2nd segments2nd phalanges

Base SegmentsProximal phalanges1st phalanges

3rd segments3rd phalanges

Top KnucklesDistal interphalangeal jointsDIP joints

1st knuckles1st knots

Middle KnucklesProximal interphalangeal jointsPIP joints

2nd knuckles2nd knots

Base Knuckles1st jointsKnuckles

3rd knuckles3rd knots


Part Anatomical Names Hand Analysis Names

The thumb 1st finger Thumb

Tip SegmentDistal phalanx2nd phalanx

1st phalanx1st segment

Base SegmentProximal phalanx1st phalanx

2nd phalanx2nd segment

Top KnuckleDistal interphalangeal jointDIP joint

1st knuckle

Base KnuckleKnuckle1st joint

2nd knuckleTemper bump

Finger Names

Part Anatomical Names Hand Analysis Names

Index Finger 2nd finger1st fingerJupiter finger

Middle Finger 3rd finger2nd fingerSaturn finger

Ring Finger 4th finger3rd fingerApollo finger

Baby Finger 5th finger4th fingerMercury finger

Article written: December 2, 2005

Secrets of the Hands, Part 1 1. Thumb position. 2. Attitudes towards money. 3. Broken fingernail - Index finger. 4. Broken fingernail - Middle finger. 5. Broken fingernail - Ring finger. 6. Broken fingernail - Baby finger. 7. Broken thumbnail. 8. Temptation and embezzlement.

More Palmistry Secrets (Part 2) Logic vs. Intuition. Curvature of the spine. Glandular imbalances. Zen 'One-Point' meditation. Flexible thumbs. Extended index finger. Getting rid of headaches. Getting rid of neck tension.

9. Arthritis and the knuckles.

10. Anger and temper.

Getting rid of lower back pain.

Getting rid of swollen glands.

#1 - THUMB POSITIONThe position of the thumb shows us the subject's current strength of will. We look to see how far away from the rest of the hand the thumb is held, making special note of cases where it has fallen inside the hand, or is held rigid at a 90 degree angle.

Any time the thumb has fallen inside the hand, the individual's will has been broken. Their words and actions are not their own, but have been imposed upon them by another. At these times the subject must be handled gently, for they are likely to react to outside stimuli with anger or open hostility.

If you find your own thumb showing a broken will, review your recent thoughts and actions to see where you have "given up". These patterns in ourselves can be difficult to spot at first, because we are acting in exactly the "correct" way in which we have been programmed.

In cases where the thumb is spread to its maximum angle and held so firm that it quivers, the subject has completely lost control of their temper, and will strike out violently at anything they feel stands in their way. As long as the thumb holds this position, no amount of reason or negotiation will have any effect on them.

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#2 - ATTITUDES TOWARDS MONEYMany personality traits are revealed by the spacing between the fingers. Look at the spread between someone's middle and ring fingers. This distance can be up to an inch and a half at the fingertips, or the fingers can be held so tightly together that they overlap.

The wider this space is, the more generous the person, and the more willing they are to part with their money. A narrow space shows a more frugal person who knows the value of the dollar. When the fingers touch, their attitude is almost miserly.

In Hand Analysis, one hand is seen as stationary, and one is the moving hand. In most cases, the dominant hand will move frequently while the other remains at rest.

First look to the spacing on the stationary hand. This is your reference to the individual's basic attitudes towards money. Now look to the moving hand and compare the two. See which hand has a larger spread between the middle and ring fingers.

Since the moving hand reflects the current situation, a wider space here would show that the subject is presently feeling more generous, and is more willing to part with their

money. When the space is narrower on the moving hand, they are not likely to spend on anything except necessities.

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#3 - BROKEN FINGERNAIL - INDEX FINGEROur fingernails reflect the defenses we maintain against the outside world. When a nail breaks (or is filed down, bitten, cut, or torn off by a rampaging gazelle - it doesn't matter which) it indicates a breaking down of some of these protections. The area of life is affected is shown by which nail breaks, while the severity of the break identifies how serious the issue actually is.

Remember that the stationary hand shows long-term issues (often relating to family), while the moving hand indicates current situations.

The index finger reflects the ambitions, Ego, leadership, and power. A broken fingernail here is a sure sign of problems at work. On the moving hand it shows a new or temporary difficulty, while on the stationary hand it tells of a reoccurrence of an ongoing issue.

If your own index fingernail is broken, realize that something has penetrated your defenses and harmed your ego. Identify the cause. This is crucial in order to prevent future reoccurrences.

Once you know the source, remedy the situation by adjusting your own thoughts and ideas. You have contributed to your own misfortune, and only you can correct it. By altering your thoughts, you will change both your actions and your emotions, effectively negating the harm which has been done to your ego.

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#4 - BROKEN FINGERNAIL - MIDDLE FINGERThe middle finger reflects the powers of the mind, and the Super-Ego. A broken fingernail here is a sure sign of some guilt or mental stress, usually caused by monetary problems. On the moving hand (the dominant hand) it shows a new or temporary difficulty, while on the stationary hand it tells of a reoccurrence of an ongoing issue.

If your own middle fingernail is broken, realize that something has penetrated your defenses and harmed your Super-Ego. Identify the cause. What has affected your feelings of self-worth?.

Once you know the source, remedy the situation by adjusting your own thoughts and ideas. Determine how you have contributed to your own situation and you will avoid future reoccurrences. By altering your thoughts, you will change both your actions and your emotions, effectively negating the harm which has been done to your sense of Self-Worth.

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#5 - BROKEN FINGERNAIL - RING FINGERThe ring finger reflects the emotions, and the Personna (the "mask" we wear). A broken fingernail here is a sure sign of emotional distress, and is caused by fear of failure, loneliness, or self-doubt. On the moving hand (the dominant hand) it shows a new or temporary difficulty, while on the stationary hand it tells of a reoccurrence of an ongoing issue.

If your own ring fingernail is broken, realize that something has penetrated your defenses and harmed you emotionally. Identify the cause. What has caused your feelings of loneliness, isolation, and fear?.

Once you know the source, remedy the situation by adjusting your own thoughts and ideas. Determine how you have contributed to your own situation and you will avoid future reoccurrences. By altering your thoughts, you will change both your actions and your emotions, effectively negating the emotional trauma you have just experienced.

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#6 - BROKEN FINGERNAIL - BABY FINGERThe baby finger reflects the communications, spirituality, and the Id (or Libido). A broken fingernail here tells of an inability to communicate on some level. (This can be verbal, non-verbal, or even sexual communications.) On the moving hand (the dominant hand) it shows a new or temporary difficulty, while on the stationary hand it tells of a reoccurrence of an ongoing issue.

If your own baby fingernail is broken, realize that something has penetrated your defenses and hampered your ability to communicate with others. Identify the cause. What did you need to say that you couldn't? Who did you need to say it to?

Once you know the cause, remedy the situation by adjusting your own thoughts and ideas. Determine how you have contributed to your own situation by not speaking your mind, and you will avoid future reoccurrences. By altering your thoughts, you will change both your actions and your emotions, effectively breaking through the communication barriers.

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#7 - BROKEN THUMBNAILThe thumb reflects our willpower and control. A broken thumbnail reveals that the individual's will is being dominated by another. Remember that on the moving hand (the dominant hand) it shows a new or temporary difficulty, while on the stationary hand it tells of a reoccurrence of an ongoing issue.

If your own thumbnail is broken, realize that something has penetrated your defenses and is breaking your will, and is also causing you to doubt your own abilities to control the situation. Identify the cause. What (or who) is causing you to "give up" and sacrifice your own desires? You will know by the helpless or hopeless feelings associated with it.

Once you know the cause, remedy the situation by adjusting your own thoughts and ideas. Determine how you have contributed to your own situation with your self-doubts, and you will avoid future reoccurrences. By altering your thoughts, you will change both your actions and your emotions, and you will find the inner strength to once again stand up for yourself.

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#8 - TEMPTATION AND EMBEZZLEMENTSome individuals will succumb to the temptation of petty theft quite easily. Given the opportunity, they will quickly pilfer unattended money or products. Further, they are able to justify their actions to themselves and become convinced that they have done nothing wrong. In most other respects they are decent citizens or employees, with good records and prospects. Their cunning often allows them to continue the thefts for many years. This is the most common type of embezzler.

Two conditions are present on the hands of this kind of thief:

1. The baby finger has a strong bend towards the ring finger. (This reveals that the temptation for quick emotional gratification is felt frequently. The emotions are poorly developed yet a mask of stability is shown.)

2. The thumb is either poorly developed or shows a broken will. (A well developed thumb can counteract almost any negative characteristics found on the hands. The thumb must be poorly developed or otherwise affected before an individual will knowingly act upon a negative aspect of their personality.)

If both traits are present, all that is needed to create the embezzler is opportunity.

If your own baby finger and thumb show these traits, here's your perspective:

Everyone is very quick to judge you and blame you for their problems. You are misunderstood, and no one really knows you. Nobody notices all your positive traits. You have been betrayed many times in the past. You know your life would improve if everyone else would just quit causing so many

problems. You try hide it, but your life is an emotional roller-coaster.

The traits revealed by the bent baby finger (and the bent finger itself) can be corrected with proper massage techniques performed on the hands.

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#9 - ARTHRITIS AND THE KNUCKLESRheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis are indicated on the hands by the enlargment of the first (topmost) knuckle on the fingers. The knuckle will begin to enlarge long before there are other physical symptoms of arthritis.

The part of the body affected is shown by a knuckle enlargement of the corresponding finger:

Index Fingertip - Hips and lower back Middle Fingertip - Knees Ring Fingertip - Legs and feet Baby Fingertip - Neck and upper back

The knuckle will begin to enlarge once the subject's lifestyle makes them predisposed to developing the corresponding arthritic condition, but long before the ailment has become debilitating. This is the best time for treatment.

Blessed Herbs has medicinal quality preparations for a number of specific health conditions.

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#10 - ANGER AND TEMPERThe second knuckle of the thumb reveals how the subject uses or suppresses their anger and temper. This knuckle can have a very pronounced enlargement, or can be completely smooth without any noticeable "bump". The larger the size of the knuckle, the more volitile the temper.

When the knuckle runs smooth without any noticeable enlargement, this reveals that the anger does a "slow burn". Slow to build, this type of temper pattern will grow gradually over a period of years before finally exploding. Once the anger is released, it is quite venomous and non-physical. The subject will resort to whatever they feel is necessary to "even the score", using non-direct methods such as poison or vehicular assault to obtain their revenge.

If the knuckle is very enlarged, the opposite is indicated. The temper is physical, direct, quick to build, quick to blow, and just as quickly the anger is released. Due to the potential for extreme violence, these subjects have learned how to suppress their strong anger, and turn it inwards upon themselves. The result of withholding this rage is their common feelings of depression and isolation.

If either of these conditions is shown on your hands, you need to learn how to express your negative emotions before they become a problem. Learn how to speak up when something begins to bother you, instead of holding back in an attempt to preserve the status quo (which will be disrupted anyway). Your long-term happiness depends upon your ability to begin expressing your anger, frustration, and rage in a more productive way. There are many support groups and counselling services which can help you with this - find the one that is right for you. Expression, not Suppression, is the key.

One very effective technique for channelling the anger productively is called "Iron Palm". Just as effective for reducing the anger is an art called "Burning Palm". Both of these are part of the 18 Daoist Palms Kung Fu system.

#11 - LOGIC VS. INTUITIONWhen making decisions, it is common to think one course of action is correct, while feeling that another would be more appropriate. This battle between the head and heart goes on within each of us. Fortunately it is easy to tell which one is more likely to develop a "blind spot" - we merely look to the thumb.

The tip section of the thumb governs the intuition or "Gut Instinct". The second phalanx (middle section) shows the development of the logical mind. Compare the two sections to see which is crossed by deep horizontal lines, or "Blocks". In most cases, one phalanx will have two or three distinct blocks, while the other remains relatively clear.

The phalanx which contains these blocks reflects the aspect in which one is likely to develop a blind spot, missing some important detail.

If the middle section on your thumb has several horizontal lines, your logic often cannot be trusted. Whenever there is a conflict between what you think and what you feel, your intuition is the more accurate. If the first phalanx shows these blocks, the reverse is true - trust your logic.

You can also look to see if several vertical lines cross one of the phalanges, which indicates that the "blind spot" has been overcome.

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#12 - CURVATURE OF THE SPINEThe fingernails reveal many traits about the condition of the spine. Perhaps the easiest to spot is a foreward curvature. A spinal curvature is indicated when one nail, instead of being straight, curves in towards the fingertip. Use the following list to identify the actual location of the misalignment:

Thumbnail - Cervical Vertebrae 1 & 2(First two bones of the neck)

Index Fingernail - Cervical Vertebrae 3 - 7(Neck to shoulder blades)

Middle Fingernail - Thoracic Vertebrae 1 - 12(Shoulder blades to mid-back)

Ring Fingernail - Lumbar Vertebrae 1 - 4(Mid-back to pelvis)

Baby Fingernail - Sacrum and Coccyx(Pelvis and tailbone)

If your own fingernails reveal a spinal curvature, Chiropractic alignment or Tai Chi can be very effective methods of treatment. (As a certified Tai Chi instructor, I've seen dramatic results in students.) Toning the stomach muscles is also very important.

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#13 - GLANDULAR IMBALANCESImbalances in the Glands can be identified from lines upon the fingertips. Strong diagonal lines or the "Grille" formation found on any fingertip reveals a glandular problem. The deeper the lines, the more severe the condition.

Each fingertip relates to a different gland as follows:

Index Fingertip - Pituitary Gland Middle Fingertip - Adrenal Glands Ring Fingertip - Thymus Gland Baby Fingertip - Thyroid Gland

In cases where the grille formation is found on all fingertips, the most common causes are Menopause, or an adverse reaction to pharmaceutical birth control (The Pill). Herbal treatments are usually effective, as long as they are of medicinal quality such as from Blessed Herbs.

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#14 - ZEN "ONE POINT" MEDITATIONThe Human brain is greatly affected by the position of the body. One well known example of this is the expression of the mouth. Smiling actually lowers the blood tempature of the brain, while frowning will increase it. Just as facial expressions will affect brain function, so does the position of the hands.

When meditating, it is especially important to hold the hands in a position which facilitates that particular form of meditation. This will help the mind to maintain its focus while eliminating distracting thoughts.

The first meditation steadies the body and trains the mind. This technique is called by many names: Grounding, First Chakra, Root Chakra, "Void" Meditation, Earth Connection, Chu (The Pillar), and Zen "One Point" Meditation are the more common terms. All of these are methods of eliminating adverse stress and developing one's inner power. While the breath control will be different for each of these, the hand position is the same.

The benefits of this first meditation are profound, and include:

Increased mental focus Increased emotional control Reduction of harmful stress in daily life Improved digestion Proper elimination of body waste from bladder and bowels Tones and stimulates the internal organs Correction of Hernia Reduction of chest and abdominal pain

The Zen "One Point" Meditation 1. Place the palms together with the fingertips upward. 2. Interlock the fingers. 3. Extend the index fingers so they lie side-by-side 4. Extend the thumbs the same way. 5. Lift your hands and hold them in front of your chest. 6. Feel the heat between your hands and take note of the pulse in the palms.

Now direct your attention to the point where your index fingertips touch. This is the "One Point". You will begin to feel your pulse at the fingertips. Within seconds you will notice your calmness and inner power growing.

Do not try to keep other thoughts out of the mind. Allow these to enter and leave your mind naturally. You will begin to notice a brief time period BETWEEN these thoughts. This interval of "Void" is the purpose of the Zen "One Point" Meditation.

Personally, I also enjoy "moving meditations" such as Tai Chi. You can find some of these at

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#15 - FLEXIBLE THUMBThe flexibility of the 1st knuckle of the thumb reveals how adaptable a person is to new situations and environments. In some cases the thumb is so flexible that it bends back beyond a 90 degree angle. This extreme flexibility is most visible when holding a pen for writing.

The greater the flexibility of the knuckle, the more adaptable the person is. In cases where the thumb will bend far back on itself, the individual will quickly and easily adjust to any new environment in which they find themself. They will not stop to first consider whether the change is beneficial or harmful - their love of new experiences is stronger than their good judgement.

This class of person will quickly outperform their peers, regardless of the morality of their actions. For this reason, owners of extremely flexible thumbs must exercise caution in choosing their friends. If associated with a group of philanthropists, they will improve more lives than their peers. If with a group of voluptuaries, they will exceed all others in their debauch.

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