paintball powerpoint

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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Paintball and You

Basic Paintball Equipment

Paintball Marker

Paintball Mask or Goggles

Basic Paintball Equipment Barrel Cover

• Come in two varieties: Barrel Plug Barrel Sock

These devices cover the end of the barrel and are used to make sure that you don’t accidentally shoot your Paintball marker and hurt someone.

Parts of a Paintball Marker Hopper

• The hopper is where your paintballs go.

• They hold from 50-250 paintballs.

Tank/Bottle• This provides the air

to send the paintball flying through the air!


Don’t worry if you can’t see these too well now. You’ll definitely get a closer look.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it hurt?• The short answer is yes, but

not a lot. Typically, it will hurt for a little bit, but it will leave a cool bruise.

Is paintball safe?• Yes! Paintball is actually safer

than bowling! Paintball is a safe and fun sport, but only if you follow the safety rules. People only get hurt if someone is careless.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I wear?• If you want to wear all camouflage,

you’re more than welcome to! • For everyone else, it’s

recommended that you wear two layers of loose, long sleeved/legged clothing and good shoes for running.

Will the paint wash out? • Most paintballs will wash away with

water but don’t wear anything you wouldn’t want to get stained.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s an example of good clothing to wear?• That’s so interesting that you asked this

question, I happen to have a picture right here:

Safety First, Safety Last, Safety Always

The rules of paintball change from place to place but one rule is always the same: Safety First.

There are two things you need to do to stay safe:

1. Wear your paintball mask at all times when playing. ***Under NO circumstances are you to take your mask off while playing.***

2. Unless you are playing on the field keep the barrel of the Marker/gun covered.***Mask On, Barrel clear.******Mask Off, Barrel covered.***

What should I bring? Two Layers of loose fitting

comfortable clothes, sensible shoes for running (not sandals, flip flops, or high heels)

Extra money for paintballs (you don’t want to run out)

A second set of clothes to ride home in. No one wants to ride home in sweaty, paint-stained clothes.

Rules Follow all rules.

Wear your mask at all times on the field.

After someone has been shot and is holding his/her marker in the air, you MUST STOP SHOOTING that person. If you cannot follow this rule, you will not be allowed to continue playing.

Have fun!!!

Next to safety, the most important rule is “Have fun!!!”

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