page the disciple - · prayer chain begins in the church office (724)843-0862...

Post on 19-Oct-2020






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The Disciple



Concerns 2


Milestones 3

Pastor’s Corner 4

Worship Update 7

Finance 9

Missions 10

Trustees 12

Prayer Ministry 13

Christian Ed 14

Compassionate Ministries


Volume 11 Issue 7

A P u b l i c a t i o n o f U n i o n v i l l e U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h

JULY 2020

Join Unionville UMC for our virtual VBS!

August 9th-13th


You can access VBS on our website OR Unionville’s FB page.

Register by July 15th to get a VBS care package before

August 9th



Prayer Concerns for our Church Family & Friends ...


Begins In The Church Office


Home Touch Veeda Beatty Shirley Betz Joann Castor Tom Clinton Carrl Creeks Arlene Evans Paul Grimes Elaine Gunniers Karen Haskell Thelma Miller Jackie Neal Joe & Joanne Novak Gerry Pearl Duane & Diana Rape Lois Smith Dorie Withers

Surgery Spencer Linda Cornman Linda Eiler Michele Furgiuele Glenn Gunniers Stephanie Hewsey Wayne Hoffman Daisy Kemper Misty Lucente Tom Miller Dave Smail Linda Smith

Mourning Loss Paul Greggs Family Karen Keely Family

Alex Moon Family

Unspoken Requests Cassey Amie Ritter

Other Prayer Needs Peace in our Nation Kindness Towards Others Tim Ramsey

General Health Scott Acree Miller Lochlin Albright & family Jean Batty Jordan Dean Walt Ketterer Koe Mason Connor Moehrle Denise Myers George Peffer Sam Short Makalah Smith

Extended Care Craig Beswick Mike Book Jackie Bittle Marsha Blue Lois Chichester Kim D’Orazio Terry Dempsey Don Deutsch Ralph Diamond Valerie Dietrich Jessica Disanzo

Caitlin Edge Pat Elick Edna Emrick Leroy Fennell Amy Foeks Virginia Gobea Peggy Goerman Sylvia Hendrickson Wayne Hoffman Elmira Hollingshead Joel Kemerer Pam Koller Freida Kughn Gary Lucente Gail Lytle Marsha McMillen Alta Musgrave Dottie Pfaff Margie Plocinik Linda Pugliese Matt Schetlin Tim Shane Frank & Rhonda Sharp Alice Short Amy Smail Bill & Lois Smith Angel Specht Karen Valko Nathan Vitale Joanne Weil

Names will appear on the list for four consecutive weeks with the exception of the Home Touch and Extended Care lists. The Extended Care list is for those with Chronic Illnesses who will likely need prayer long term. From time to time, if we have not received an update on a person, they may be removed from the Extended Care list until we are asked to put them back on with an update to their condition.

Prayer Chain

If you or anyone you know

would like to be added to the prayer list

or to either the telephone or email

prayer chain,

please contact Elmira Hollingshead (724)432-3403

For His mercies


We enjoy being able to share your special dates with you . . . Please, if we overlook you or someone you know, let us know so

that we can add the special date to our records.


07/01 Leah Currey

07/02 Chris Chaousy

07/02 Mary Johnston

07/03 Abby Solinger

07/04 Erik Solinger

07/04 Pam Souders

07/05 Hallie Spielman

07/05 Robin Beige

07/08 Shannon Sharp

07/10 Chris Loschinskey

07/10 Chris Fleissner

07/11 Elaine Hefner

07/12 Tom Miller

07/12 Lew Lawrence

07/14 Katelyn Ziter

07/14 Gregory Kline

07/15 Mike Catalano

07/15 Connor Moehrle

07/19 Kelly Deane

07/20 Ava Tressler

07/21 Skip Haskell

07/21 Evey Solinger

07/23 Nicole Liston

07/25 Brooke Stewart

07/30 Olivia Jones

07/31 Peyton Harris

07/03 Doug & Denise Myers

07/06 Tim & Jo Shane

07/07 Mike & Jaime Loschinskey

07/08 Larry & Terry Ewing

07/13 Jeff & Janice McKinney

07/14 Terry & Jackie Simpson

07/15 Bill & Thelma Castor

07/28 Tim & Kaley Zundel

07/31 Walt & Alice Ketterer



faith in trying times

So, how is your patience holding up? For most of us, these past three months have been extremely challenging. When we were children, we were

accustomed to being told what to do. Parents, teachers, coaches all told us when, how, and what to do. But once we had grown, once we had “left the nest,” we experienced the freedom of adulthood, and we learned to decide those things on our own. We understood that our decisions involved risks and rewards, that our actions had consequences. But the decision was ours.

And then we learned of something called a novel coronavirus. COVID-19. And seemingly overnight, we began being told what to do – or more accurately, what not to do. We were told we must stay at home, that we may not go to restaurants or the store. A brief announcement informed us that we had to cease worshipping in the sanctuary, pull the plug on our remaining four Fish Fries, stop our monthly sub sales and breakfasts. I remember thinking, “We’ll be

fine – this can’t last very long.”

Fifteen weeks later, not only is it still going on, there are indications that it is even stronger than initially feared. Seasons of challenging circumstances are always interesting times for the Church. We know that God is over all, that God remains in control; yet, our daily routine is thrown into turmoil. Many people were furloughed from their jobs, school buildings were closed and education quickly moved to parent-supported online instruction; church sanctuaries became “off-limits.” There is a tendency for people to ask, “Why does God allow this to occur?”

Throughout the history of humanity, God has allowed God’s people to make choices, all of which have consequences. We all know of the poor choice of Adam and Eve in the garden, the disobedience that brought sin upon our land and our lives. And since that time, God has allowed God’s people to endure the consequences present in a sinful world. Could God remove all the problems? Absolutely – yet that is not God’s plan. Instead, God allows us to bear consequences, to endure challenging seasons in life. And God remains with us though them; not only to see that we survive, but to help us grow through trying times.

Do you remember the story of Noah? The Lord was grieved by the wickedness of humanity, God’s heart was filled with pain. The Lord considered washing away all mankind - until God saw Noah, who was righteous and living in ways pleasing to God. So the Lord decided to use Noah & Noah’s family to give humanity a fresh start. God gave the “building specs” to Noah, and he went to work. We think of the challenges of riding out the flood, the sadness of lost lives , but, imagine the trying time for Noah as he constructed the ark. Though the Bible is silent on construction time, scholars estimate construction would have taken 50-75 years! We can only imagine the jeering, the laughter, the mocking Noah endured. Folks likely thought of having him committed. Yet, God was with him, and used this trying season to use Noah in advancing God’s kingdom.

Our Bible Study group is currently working through a study of the life of Joseph, who enjoyed the favor of his father, Jacob, yet was despised by his brothers. (continued on next page)



(continued from previous page) The brothers planned to put Joseph to death, but, when an opportunity to sell him into slavery arose, they chose to profit from his life. If you remember the story of Joseph, he was thrown into prison, where most of us would wonder why we had been abandoned by God. Yet Joseph remained faithful, and God not only allowed Joseph to live, God used him to save the people of several nations from a famine and to bring his own family to reconciliation. Joseph’s faith and fame grew through his extremely trying season.

Next month, our children will we enjoying a Vacation Bible School in which they will experience the life of Moses virtually. Yet, they will still see the trials he and God’s people endured. Seeing God’s people as slaves to the Egyptians was extremely painful for Moses. Seeing them abused was more than he could bear. Like the pandemic we are experiencing today, the trek of God’s people in the wilderness was also uncharted . . . and uncomfortable . . . and lonely . . . and troubling. Yet, through it all, God used that season of struggle to form God’s people, to prepare them for the Promised Land, to build a foundation for humanity. God used their trying time to advance God’s kingdom.

We’re going through our own trying time today. Although our governor has declared us in the Green Phase, we are far from being out of the woods. While the virus was sweeping through New York City and Brighton Wellness, we were in the Red Phase, which meant “stay at home.” As new cases lightened and deaths diminished, we proceeded to the Yellow/Caution Phase. And now that we are Green, we want to simply “hit the gas pedal.” We want to return to the ways things were. But we also are seeing that in the warm climates where restrictions have been removed – Florida, Texas, Arizona – they are experiencing record numbers of new cases.

So, I believe for the foreseeable future, we will be living in the tension between comfort and safety. But let us not think that we have to regather in the sanctuary in order for our faith to grow. We saw how Noah stayed true to his faith, how Joseph learned than leaning on God led him to great things, how Moses fully relied on God and God’s people made it from slavery to the Promised Land. The same can happen to us today.

A recent Pew Research Center survey found that while 2% of those surveyed say this coronavirus season has weakened their faith, 24% say their faith has been strengthened this season. Opinions vary based on respondent’s religious identification. For instance, 46% of those who say they frequently pray and attended worship services prior to this virus season say their faith has strengthened, compared to 26% of those who attend services just a few times a year and 11% of those who seldom or never attend. This speaks to the importance of building a faith foundation to prepare us for trying times: our faith not only sustains us – it can flourish. Just ask Noah, Joseph, or Moses. When word came that we were to suspend gathering for Sunday worship, I remember wondering, (continued on next page)



(continued from previous page) “How are we going to stay connected, how are we going to direct people’s attention away from our current circumstances, toward God?” And a wonderful thing happened: we accepted that we wouldn’t be able to worship “the way we always have” and were willing to walk down a new, uncharted path, trusting that God would meet us on that path as well. Fifteen Sundays later, the question I hear most is, “Pastor, you’re not going to stop our online services after we start meeting again in the sanctuary, are you?” In a word, “No.” Thanks to the skill and dedication of a number of people, we’ve expanded our reach, added to our ministries, and found a new avenue to share the gospel with a hurting world.

We’ve come a long way. Early in the process, we learned that not only can we connect with those in our community who are homebound, we also learned that they can connect with us. Our online services have allowed the faces and voices of our children to be shared in new, wonderful ways. We have been blessed by visiting with children in the comfort of their own homes – they think differently at home than sitting on steps in the front of the sanctuary with over a hundred people watching them. (That video also affords parents the ability to edit or “redo” is an added “safety” feature.) This has been quite a blessing to us all. On Father’s Day, I mentioned in Sunday School (via Zoom) that I believe our Father’s Day worship online was more personal than if we had been together in the sanctuary, for you could see and hear the kids well, and they were much more talkative in their own homes.

Yet, we miss being together in the same space. We hope to begin gathering next month (see Worship Update that follows). But know that, though this is a trying time, it is not wasted time. We have been

living in a season that can yield growth. This is a season in which the roots of our faith can grow deeper, a season in which our message can go farther. I pray you will continue to (or begin to) use this season of distancing to spend more “alone time” with God. Take some time to walk outside, to take in the beauty of God’s creation. And remember that, throughout the pages of Scripture, throughout God’s story, God’s people have endured trying times – and learned that God was with them all along.

May we all continue to be diligent in our distancing and hand-washing. I pray we all have a safe, enjoyable summer, that we embrace any opportunity God gives us to share his love and grace, and that we freely tell others the reason for our joy. As always, I am grateful for the privilege of walking with you – even 6’ away - during this season of ministry. May we continue to be a community of courage, of faith, and of joy.

Stay healthy and safe. Thank you once again for your faithful support of our ministries and finances. I too look forward to gathering to worship as a community of faith. Love,

Pastor Doug



“So, what’s the plan for gathering again? When will we be able to “come to church again?” I’m sure you are wondering. The short answer is that, tentatively, our plan is to gather for worship Sunday, July 12, at our usual 9:30 am time. Initially, we will worship in the Family Life Center. Our plan is to worship in the FLC for (3) Sundays before moving to the sanctuary on August 2. We plan to celebrate communion that first Sunday in August.

Note the word tentatively – for things could change. A recent Yahoo News report revealed numerous coronavirus outbreaks in West Virginia were linked to houses of worship. And, depending which “expert” you follow, a second virus outbreak would not be shocking.

As I have repeatedly said, I believe we will be living in the tension between comfort and safety for quite a while. As pastor, I have three major concerns of regathering. First is that we are tired of following CDC Guidelines – some call it “Caution Fatigue” and will choose to not abide by the guidelines. My second concern follows – that someone will contract the virus. This is a concern, for several of the members of our community who are most faithful in attendance are also most vulnerable to the virus due to age and health conditions; therefore, following safety guidelines is important. My third concern is that people will be disappointed. What I believe we miss is the closeness, the hugs & handshakes, and singing familiar hymns. Worshiping with a mask, without singing, without being close to one another, will be very different (for me as well), and will challenge our thinking of why we come to church. For some of the social aspects that identify us as a faith community will not yet be present. But know that we will continue to follow CDC Guidelines.

A couple weeks ago, I watched a webinar from our insurance carrier, Brotherhood Mutual, titled, “A Roundtable Discussion on Moving Beyond COVID-19.” The roundtable consisted of pastors from four churches, from Maryland, Indiana, and Mississippi. The moderator shared that, in their survey of “when you plan to reopen worship,” over 400 people responded, and the answer “July” won by 2 votes. One megachurch represented on the panel opened in May; one church is targeting a reopening date in September – so concerns over safety are widely varied among church leaders.

The churches represented on the roundtable panel were all larger than Unionville, but were consistent in making safety a priority: requiring a reservation for church, assigning people to a space, temperature check-in station, mask requirements, sanitizing stations and procedures for sanitizing the worship space and bathrooms. Their procedures revealed not only a significant commitment to safety, but a significant commitment of many volunteers.

The pastors all expressed the importance of preparation. Our Trustees have ordered several non-contact hand-held thermometers, touchless automatic hand sanitizing stations, and extra masks. We are still awaiting arrival of a few items. We also had a group of volunteers sanitize the sanctuary, Conference Room, Classroom 5, (across from Conference Room), and the Family Life Center. (See Tim’s Trustee Report)

We also want you to be prepared for what to expect when arriving for Sunday Worship:

1. Face masks or cloth coverings shall be worn by all people who attend worship services, excluding:

a. The Pastor, Organist/Pianist, or Soloist while speaking/playing/singing, as they will be further distanced from the congregation. (continued on next page)



(continued from previous page)

b. Children two years of age and younger.

c. Persons with medical issues – please notify Pastor in advance.

d. single-use masks will be available for those who arrive without masks.

2. Please plan to adhere to the CDC guidelines for distancing by maintaining a 6’ perimeter – exception – families that rode together may sit together.

3. Please enter by going down exterior steps by the office (dinner entrance), and down the hall to the FLC; or, enter the FLC on the parsonage side of the church using the concrete sidewalk entrance that comes in near the kitchen. Signs will be placed for each entrance.

4. When you enter the FLC, an attendant will take your temperature using a non-contact infrared thermometer. If your temperature is 100.4° or greater, you will be asked to return to your vehicle.

5. An attendant will record your name, address, phone, and e-mail as you enter for virus tracing purpose in the unlikely event such is necessary.

6. Please use touchless automatic hand sanitizing stations at entrance to clean your hands.

7. We do not anticipate singing in worship – initially, we are seeking soloists/duets willing to share a song.

8. While we will share Joys & Concerns, we will not share a microphone.

9. Know that high-touch surfaces, e.g., bathrooms are a concern – please use hand-sanitizer before & after use. Bathrooms will be sanitized after each weekly service.

10. Drinking fountain will not be in use, nor will coffee be available – please bring your own water bottle or coffee travel mug.

11. Offering plates will be at exits.

12. Immediately following worship, please Exit the FLC either by the same exterior steps to the parking lot or any of the FLC doors that are propped open. In the interest of safety, we ask that you not linger to socialize. Thank you for your understanding.

13. We do not anticipate offering a nursery or on-site Sunday School until September.

Note: While it is our desire to honor the above CDC Guidelines, we will not have persons designated for enforcement of these guidelines. The guidelines are in place to protect those most vulnerable to the virus, so we ask that you honor those persons by honoring the guidelines. Also, these are the guidelines at present – if the CDC changes their guidelines, we will revisit our recommendations.

We look forward to seeing you in worship!



Thank you for your continued support and faithfulness!


MISSIONS Walt Everly

In these times of upheaval and a call to justice, on top of the health crisis, what are we to believe and what actions should we be taking? We should be following Jesus’ examples of living and helping others out like we have always done. The things we see on the news and hear from our leaders in government are the things they want us to see and hear. They all have their own agendas, but we as Christians are to hear and do what Christ has called us to do. We are to spread His gospel and reach out for justice and help those less fortunate up in life.

We can’t think like God because our minds are too concerned with what our eyes see and our ears hear from things of this world; but if you see Jesus’ face and listen to the Spirit sent from God and hear His words sent you will know all of these problems of this world are man-made. We all have become too connected with this earthly life and we all have our own opinions that we believe are right. There starts the trouble, too much of this life and not enough planning for our eternal life!

There are billions of hurting and needy people in this life and if we if we don’t follow God’s directions we will never reach the hearts and souls of this world to help guide them and ourselves into God’s kingdom and our true home. True that our works will not get us to that eternal life, however, our actions and effort to live and give a better life and better justice in this world are the results of God and His Son’s efforts and sacrifices and show where are hearts and actions are truly at. Are they of this world or are they for God? Only you can make the choice! Our works are the acts of love and show God we are trying to attain the heart of His and Jesus’ ways. This is not work it is LOVE!

Because of this decision we don’t evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don’t look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We’re Christ’s representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God’s work of making things right between them. We’re speaking for Christ himself now: Become

friends with God; he’s already a friend with you. ~2 Corinthians 5:17 MSG

Missions has been showing the love with Hosanna Industries and working on the house in Nemacolin that our group went to this past winter. It is really coming along with a small addition to the first floor to provide a full bathroom and insulation and new wiring and mechanicals and new drywall. The efforts will provide a family with a sustainable and comfortable home. (See photo of addition)

We have also been busy at The RYYR youth ranch helping with daily chores and projects of laying in new water lines for water to the paddocks. There is always something needed done at the ranch and they help many lives with therapy and the volunteers get just as much out of this as those that receive

horse therapy! (continued on next page)


MISSIONS Walt Everly

(continued from previous page) I want to include a link to YouTube of Pastor Tony Evans about social injustice that really touched my heart. I pray you would spend 15 minutes to hear his message.

“Count on it: Everyone who had it in for you will end up out in the cold— real losers. Those who worked against you will end up empty-handed— nothing to show for their lives. When you go out looking for your old adversaries you won’t find them— Not a trace of your old enemies, not even a memory. That’s right. Because I, your God , have a firm grip on you and I’m not letting go. I’m telling you, ‘Don’t panic. I’m right here to help you.’ ~Isaiah 41:13 MSG

I pray we all make a new friend that is in need from a place we don’t live, help them out and then the two of you do the same to someone else in greater need than you both. Teaching the Lords Gospel and loving one another with your gifts and time in His name!

You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God . You’re blessed when you follow his directions, doing your best to find him. That’s right—you don’t go off on your own; you walk straight along the road he set. You, God, prescribed the right way to live; now you expect us to live it. Oh, that my steps might be steady, keeping to the course you set; Then I’d never have any regrets in comparing my life with your counsel. I thank you for speaking straight from your heart; I learn the pattern of your righteous ways. I’m going to do what you tell me to do; don’t ever walk off and leave me. ~Psalm 119:2 MSG



As we continue to determine what we need to do to resume Sunday in-house services, we have reviewed many “how to” articles and watched webinars on what should be done to re-open safely. It amazes me how many experts there are on dealing with a “new” virus – Coved-19.

There have been, however, some reoccurring themes that seem to hold true. Clean all surfaces with disinfectant, remove all hymnals and bibles from the pews, no singing, no bulletins, take the temperature of all entering the building, keep a list of everyone in attendance plus several more. A few big churches are doing more, most a little less.

At a recent zoom meeting of the Administrative Council it was decided to take the best practices of those churches we studied, along with CDC and conference guidelines, and apply those practices to our facility when we reopen for in house services.

For example, Bill and Bryson Deal, Karen Valko, Rich Huwar, Pastor Doug, Walt Everly and Wayne Boyd sanitized the sanctuary, class rooms, conference room and Family Life Center. We have purchased hand sanitizers to be placed in the sanctuary, education building and Family Life Center. In addition, we will be purchasing masks (for those who forget to bring their own) and forehead no-touch thermometers to take the temperature of everyone entering the building.

There will be a comprehensive list of what you may expect when returning for in house services elsewhere in this newsletter.

When you return, however, is up to you. Please take into consideration your health and that of the members of your family. If you are not ready to return, that’s fine. We will continue to record and publish a video of the service as we have in the past several months. It may not be of the service we have on

Sunday morning, but more like Pastor Doug has done in the past few months. We are still working on that.

My thanks goes to Walt Everly for continuing to do the normal maintenance around the church. Within the past week, Walt has repaired two loose gutters on the Family Life Center, put new wheels on several of the service carts in the kitchen and pantry, fixed loose siding on the parsonage and several other projects.

If you have read the trustee articles in the past months, you might have noticed the same names appearing over and over again when I mention work being completed around the church. As in any home there is always work that can/needs to be done. For example, there are weeds that need to be cut down or sprayed in the parking lot and in the back of the church. This would also be a perfect time to paint the one or both restrooms in the Family Life Center. Both are great social distancing projects. Let me know if you would like to tackle these or any other projects around the church property.

We are still here, and we are still your church.

Thank you for your continued support.



Several weeks ago tornado warnings were issued. Tom and I had just settled in for the night in our camper when both of our phones went off with the warning. The skies were still calm and so we took the time to take our plants and birdfeeders off the hooks and placed them under the camper before heading to Shannon’s basement. Two of the kids were very upset, one crying, one worried that a tree would fall on their house and also upset that this happened on her birthday. As I heard the wind kick up outside and the rain start to pour down my heart sped up a bit, but I needed to be strong for the kids and with them as a distraction, I felt I did very well at staying calm.

The next day, I heard from many people that their thoughts the night before were of me and of the anxiety they knew I experience in the storms and their prayers were raised up for me in the midst of the storm. It never dawned on me until after several people told me the same thing that it was not me at all that did well in staying calm but it was the prayers lifted and God’s peace that had washed over me until the storm passed. I am so thankful for my Christian family and friends who thought to lift me in prayer and for God who answers.

We have all experienced many storms in the past few months, actual rain storms, illness, fear of illness, loss of loved ones, loss of jobs, loss of homes, concern for finances, fear, loneliness, frustration, impatience, anger… and the list goes on. I believe that how we react to those storms has much to do with where our focus is or rather on who we are focused.

Today during my devotions I read from Jesus Today devotional by Sarah Young and here is a paraphrase of some of the reading and the scriptures that coincide.

When you are feeling overwhelmed by your circumstances, take time to listen to God. Take time to hear Him saying, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” (based on Matthew 14:27)

Listening to God when you’re feeling stressed requires discipline and trust. Your racing thoughts make it hard to hear God’s gentle whisper. Ask the Holy Spirit to calm your mind so that you can hear God’s voice. Remember that Jesus the Prince of Peace is with you at all times. (based on 1 Kings 19:12 and Isaiah 9:6)

God is not only with you; but He is also in your circumstances. So if you are in a storm of difficulties, God says to you, “Take courage. It is I.” Search for signs of His abiding presence in your current situation. “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” (based on Matthew 14;27 and Jeremiah 29:13)

Our prayer chain is still very active and our Prayer Ministry Team, though we have not gathered together, I trust continues to lift our voices in unison for requested prayers, prayers for the church as we continue to navigate through all the changes due to Covid-19, prayers for the church leadership, prayers for our church family and friends and prayers for a hurting world.

If you have a prayer need, please call Elmira Hollingshead (724)432-3403 with that need or the church office (724)843-0862 and we will lift you in prayer, send it down the prayer chain so that others too will lift you in prayer and we will trust God to care for your needs.

Prayer is the best weapon in any circumstance!



If we look really hard, there is a glimmer of light at the end of this long coronavirus-created tunnel. We are beginning to ask the question, “What do we do to get ready for gathering together again?” All of us involved in children’s ministry recognize that children and youth will not easily grasp or follow the concept of social distancing, so what are we to do? The future we will find ourselves in depends not only on the behavior of the virus, but on the behavior of people – as individuals, as a church, and as a community. Our way forward will not be a matter of following a timetable, but of faithfully discerning the signs of the times, and responding accordingly.

God has called us for such a time as this.

With this in mind, more than ever before, this is the summer that the church needs VBS. We can’t quit or give up hope on our summer VBS plans. Just because we are online due to corona virus, doesn’t mean that ministry should stop. It is certain that VBS WILL be different this summer. But it is so, so, so important to the life of our kids and to UUMC. In the past three months, kids have had so many things taken away - year end traditions, the school year with their classmates, field trips, sports and many other important experiences. The message of the GOOD news is going to be just what is needed at this time.

We all need to trust God to pull us through these unprecedented times! Each day of VBS we will hit on these most important points!

God is with us, so…trust God! God gives us what we need, so…trust God! God gives us strength, so…trust God! God saves us, so…trust God! God guides us, so…trust God!

Stay tuned (in our online and in person worship services) in the next 6 weeks as we dive into the story of Moses and discover how God works through His people… From the fearful baby hidden in a basket to the faithful deliverer of the Israelites out of Egypt, come along, as we follow Moses on his incredible journey!

And join us for Youth Sunday, August 9th as our kids and youth lead us in worship and bring the Moses story to life. (continued on next page)




(continued from previous page)

From Fear to Faith YOUTH SUNDAY

August 9th!

If you or your child(ren) would like to participate in our Youth Sunday Worship service, please contact Shawna at As we look forward with excitement and anxiety on our next season in education, our Christian Education team and Ad council continue to meet, discuss and brainstorm what our Christian education programs will look like this upcoming fall. Please join us in prayer for a spirit of discernment, for wisdom, and patience, and all those who wait upon the Lord for answers, as we navigate the muddy waters ahead. I continue to be grateful and humbled as we walk this journey together.



UUMC Joyful Ringers were prepared and excited to perform in March for each of you! We had been practicing after Sunday School. One day, soon, we will practice again together. In the meantime, I encourage each Joyful Ringer to fill their day with music and song. Lift your spirits! Lift the spirits of those near and dear to you!

One of the songs we were going to perform is very appropriate to still share with you in lyrics. "This is My Father's World" brings a smile to my face and peace to my heart. I miss you UUMC Joyful Ringers! I look forward to practicing again! - Miss Elizabeth

This is my Father’s world, And to my list’ning ears

All nature sings, and round me rings The music of the spheres. This is my Father’s world: I rest me in the thought

Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas— His hand the wonders wrought.

This is my Father’s world: The birds their carols raise,

The morning light, the lily white, Declare their Maker’s praise.

This is my Father’s world: He shines in all that’s fair;

In the rustling grass I hear Him pass, He speaks to me everywhere.

This is my Father’s world: Oh, let me ne’er forget

That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.

This is my Father’s world, The battle is not done:

Jesus who died shall be satisfied, And earth and Heav’n be one.



This past week I received an envelope addressed to me with my return address in the upper left-hand corner. I know I didn’t send myself a letter. When I opened the envelope, I discovered an anonymous letter and $800 in 100-dollar bills with instructions to give the money to the three families, that I mentioned in last month’s newsletter, that had lost their homes. Someone had not only read the article but was moved to help those in need. I am doing my best to locate those families and follow those instructions. Thank you for following God’s nudging.

Today we received a car load of groceries and cleaning products from Oak Grove Lutheran Church. Brandon James stayed and helped me put the groceries away. We will be receiving another load of groceries Friday afternoon from Oak Grove. It seems that Adam and Jay Hessler have a route mapped out and they go around to the various homes of Oak Grove members and pick up groceries for the pantry. Jay Hessler stayed and helped put those groceries away. The Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts also collected groceries on Saturday and delivered them at noon and 2 P.M. Bill Deal and a few of the scouts put those groceries way. We tried to straightened out shelves ahead of time to make room for all of the new groceries. We have been blessed by all of the collections of food and the help with putting them away.

We have also been blessed to have Bryson Deal and his friend, Garrett, helping in the Pantry. They have helped fill bags, put groceries away and straighten shelves. Bryson started out working on his Community badge but has enjoyed working in the pantry and helping others. We are fortunate to have them help us move things, especially the things on the top shelves.

Last pantry day we received an extra delivery from 412 Food Rescue. There were 15 boxes that contained fresh vegetables and fruit, (cucumbers, cabbage, apples, carrots and a cantaloupe) and 15 boxes of cheese (4 different kinds) and butter. We have received a lot of bread, cookies, pies, cakes and fresh vegetables from 412 Food Rescue and Giant Eagle in Baden and Aliquippa. We had a couple loaves of bread left over and the birds and deer enjoyed it.

We should be planning on getting ready for book bags and school except no one is sure what will be happening. Will the students be allowed to take book bags or will they need something else? We hope to know by the next newsletter.

For the time being we will continue the Pantry just as we have been doing it, folks calling and placing their orders. Folks are anxious to come back but until we have a clear picture of how to do that we will hold off.

Thank you for your

support and prayers.

We couldn’t do this without you!



On Saturday, June 20th Cub Scout Pack 444 and Boy Scout Troop 444 worked together. It was

Scouting for Food day across Beaver County. They gave all of the donations to UUMC

Compassionate Ministries Food Pantry. At the end of the day, a total of 779 pounds of goods were

collected and shelved at the Pantry!


Just a reminder:

Do you have a neighbor, friend, or family member who is having financial difficulties?

Current Food Pantry needs can be found on Unionville’s Website @

Unionville’s Food Pantry Hours

Tuesday, July 14th & 28th

5:00 - 7:00 PM

Questions? Call Jo Shane @ 724-846-5146


Skybacher Ministry had to adjust their summer camps due to COVID 19. In June, Skybacher

Ministry partnered with families who were willing to host a camp at their home. The Kline

Family and the Deal Family each hosted two weeks of camp. We are grateful for the many

ways Skybacher Ministries helps our community grow closer to God and our neighbors.

The Deal Family challenged each camp participant at their location to bring donations to

support Scouting for Food which would be donated to UUMC Compassionate Ministry Food

Pantry. Below is a photo of the donations made during Skybacher Ministry Camp.


Unionville United Methodist Church

1297 Route 68 (New Sewickley Township)

Rochester, PA 15074 724-843-0862


Rev. Douglas B. Myers, Jr., Pastor * 724-831-8231



Noon—4 PM

(724) 843-0862

Please note the change in hours.

Join us Online this Week! Go to our Facebook page or

Join us for VIRTUAL VBS August 9th-13th

Register by July 15th

to get a VBS care package


Family Life Center Rentals are now available

as Beaver County has entered into the “green” phase.

All CDC guidelines are to be followed.

To schedule or for questions, please contact

the Church Office at (724)843-0862

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