page layout t5 pro forma

Post on 11-Feb-2017






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Finlay Jackson

Images sourced from books:

Advantages of sourcing images this way:

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way: Sourcing images from books means that you will have to deal with scanning the images / photographing them. As a result of this you will have

Images sourced from google images:

Advantages of sourcing images this way:The biggest advantage to using google in order to source any image is that you have a huge range of billions of different images, as a result of this you will have a large amount of choice from what image you might want to use. There is also Google's advance search feature, this tool allows you to be able to refine your search to suit the image that you want to find, you can choose a range of different variables for what images are displayed, including; (but not limited to) the resolution, colour and copyright status of the images in question.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:One of the biggest disadvantages of searching for images via a web browser such as google is that the vast majority of images that are available are copyrighted, thus are not available for commercial use. On top of this there is a large range of image that are of a poor quality as anyone can upload images to google images, as well there is a large amount of compression that goes on when uploading anything to the inter net, as a result of this the images that you will find will not be as good a quality as that of

Images sourced from stock image library:

Images sourced from copyright free site:

Advantages of sourcing images this way:There are a lot of certainties that come with using stock images, for example you are guarantied to have a high resolution image that has been taken in a professional studio. As a result of this when obtaining these images you are guaranteed to receive a high quality piece of content. As well you will also be acquiring images that are free to use for your own means, may that be via the use of manipulating the image or by

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:One of the main disadvantages is that

Images sourced from your own existing images:

Advantages of sourcing images this way:Sourcing your own images mean that you will be able to take what ever image you need, as a result of this you have free reign over the content that you need. As well the quality of the images that you take are going to be as good as you can make it, as a result of the out come of the image is completely in your own hands. You can also upload your images to sites such as adobe stock, which as a result will result in you receiving a sum of money for when customers of adobe purchase any of your content on their site.

Disadvantages of sourcing images this way:Taking images yourself will mean that you will have to go out of your own way in order to take these images. There is also a large range of different issues that might arise when taking these photos, for example if you were to lose your images or if they were to become corrupted, without a backup, you will not have any chance of being able to retrieve them. When compared to the other options such as Google images or buying from a stock image site.

Processing Images

Original image:

Cropped image:

Scaled images:




Resolution image:

300dpi for print

72dpi for web

Advantages of different resolutions: There are a range of different advantages when handling image resolutions. One point is that with lowering it you will thus make the images size smaller, as a result of this the image will be significantly faster to render, this will result in a smoother viewing experience if they are used on a website. Having a small resolution image will also take up less storage space on your pc as well as requiring less from you pc when editing as a result of the lower pixel count meaning that they will be more friendly to use when using a pc that has a low amount of ram.Using a larger resolution image will mean that the image will have more detail, this will result in the image have a better visual fidelity, as a result they are very suitable for desktop backgrounds and posters as a result of having a high resolution or pixel density.

Disadvantages of different resolutions:A lower resolution image will mean that there will be less detail, as a result of this you will not have the same level of depth in an image result in Despite this having a larger resolution image will result in demanding more from your system, this is as a result of editing large resolution image will require more storage for saving your image as well as more ram when editing.

Manipulated image with appropriate caption:

Explain the changes you made to the image and explain why you made those changes:

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