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Welcome to the VMCoP Meeting

September 21st, 2010

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1) VMCoP Update (5 minutes)

2) Main presentation

- Population Health Meaningful Use Measure: Immunization


Page 3

VMCoP Introduction

04/18/23 Website Link

Page 4

Join VMCoP

Subscribe to VMCoP Listserv

- send an email to and type the following in the BODY (not the subject line) of the email: SUBSCRIBE VMCOP-PHIN Yourfirstname Yourlastname.

VMCoP Online Forum – PHConnect Link

Immunization Implementation Questions / Support / presentation materials – Link

VMCoP Website - Link

VMCoP Planning Team:

Ted Klein (Co-Lead) -

Sundak Ganesan (Co-Lead) –

Kimberly Wilson (CoPP Liason) -


Page 5

VMCoP Update


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SDO Updates / Upcoming Events


- Conference - October 15th to 19th, 2010, Toronto (link)

- SNOMED Extension for USA

• HL7 Workgroup Meeting

- Oct 3rd to 8th, 2010, Cambridge, MA (link)


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Meaningful Use Update

(1) Federal Health IT Standards Committee Vocabulary Task Force Workgroup Meeting / Testimony (Sept 1st and Sept 2nd, 2010)

- Testimony from various SDO’s, Implementers and EMR vendors regarding “One Stop Shop for obtaining vocabularies related to Meaningful Use” - HHS Website archive with written and audio transcripts Link

* CDC Testimony hyperlinks:

- One Stop Shop for Meaningful Use Vocabulary -Sept 1st , 2010 (Written Transcript, Audio)

- Best Practices and Lessons Learned: Vocabulary Infrastructure - March 23rd, 2010 (Written Transcript, Audio)

(2) ONC – Authorized Testing and Certification Bodies (link)

(3) Syndromic Surveillance Interim Guidelines & Messaging Guide Development

- ISDS will develop standards for Syndromic Surveillance (stage 1)


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ISDS Website Blog about Syndromic Surveillance Link

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1. September 17th, 2010 Release - VADS 3.0.6 Release Notes

a) MU Stage 1- Immunization HL7 2.5.1 IG Vocabulary

b) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Vocabulary supporting Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) Release 5.

NHSN Bloodstream Infection (BSI) - Release 5 NHSN Surgical Site Infection (SSI) - Release 5 NHSN Hemovigilance Incident Report - Release 5 NHSN Laboratory-Identified Organism (LIO) - Release 5 NHSN MDRO Monthly Monitoring Report - Release 5 NHSN MDRO or CDAD Infection - Release 5 NHSN Patient Influenza Vaccination - Release 5 NHSN Pneumonia - Release 5 NHSN Population Summary - Release 5 NHSN Procedure - Release 5 NHSN Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) - Release 5 NHSN Central-line Insertion Practices (CLIP) - Release 5 NHSN Generic Infection - Release 5 NHSN - All Biovigilance Vocabulary for Release 5 NHSN - All Healthcare Personnel Safety Vocabulary for Release 5 NHSN - All Patient Safety Vocabulary for Release 5 NHSN HAI - All Vocabulary for Release 504/18/23

PHIN VADS Content Updates (1)

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August 16th 2010 Release - VADS 3.0.5 Release Notes

a) MU Stage 1- ELR HL7 2.5.1 IG Vocabulary

b) LOINC 2.32 June 30th update

– Lab Test Identifiers for Notifiable Disease based upon CSTE Technical Implementation Guide (TIG).

a) SNOMED July 31st 2010 Update – Microorganism, Evaluation Finding

b) ICD-9 CM FY 2011 (Effective Oct 1st 2010) – Diagnosis, Procedure

c) Healthcare Service Location with relationships – Value set, Code System

Note: VADS hyperlinks mentioned above takes directly to the value sets.


PHIN VADS Content Updates (2)

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PHIN VADS Content Updates (3)

Future VADS Content Update will have the following:

a) IHE Maternal & Child Health: Vital Records requirements for Birth & Fetal Death

b) MU Stage 1 - Syndromic Surveillance IG vocabulary

c) MU Stage 1– Clinical Measures (Diabetes, Hypertension, etc..) reportable to CMS / State Public Health Dept.

PHIN VADS Website – PHIN VADS Developers Guide - link CDC PHIN Vocabulary Services Support E-mail: PHINVS@CDC.GOV


Page 12

VMCoP Webinar Planning Survey

Survey Link –

Responses so far (n=50)

1. Vocabulary & Messaging Overview - 98 %

2. MU - ELR – 90 %

3. MU – Syndromic Surveillance – 84 %

4. Vocabulary & Messaging Tools – 83 %

5. EMR Overview – 80 %

6. MU – Immunization – 63 %


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Future VMCoP Topics

● EMR Overview (101)

● Vocabulary & Messaging Overview (101)

● Vocabulary & Messaging Tools (PHIN VADS, PHINMS, PHINMQF, NHIN, etc..)

● Stage 1 – Meaningful Use - Syndromic Surveillance

● Stage 2 – Meaningful Use Population Health Measures (Vocabulary & Messaging standards discussion)


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Main Presentation

Meaningful Use Population Health Measure - Immunization

a. Stage 1 MU Measure - Immunization (10 minutes)

b. Immunization IG 2.5.1 Overview (60 minutes) - Rob Savage

c. Immunization - Implementation Tools (15 minutes)

d. Q & A (30 minutes)


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Final Rule – Standards & Certification (1)


Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 144 / Wednesday, July 28, 2010 / Rules and Regulations (page –26) - Link

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Final Rule – Standards & Certification (2)


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