ovhc approv•~ moore a.-: ttlfmj f~ff.!:':r...

Post on 02-Feb-2018






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_V<_o_l._l_S. ...... N_. o ......... GO __ _... ________ ·---=::---.:-::-•G•reen~~be=it:·:Mary::::::••~Tbu...tay,~tly 22. ll:~!__. _______ , ____________ l_o_c_ ... _a_

OVHC Approv•~ Moore Plan• F<rJr Calend;OEEve;t:s l11lle 111• leal• M1ryll1d TtlfMJ .,...,.,,.."' Buying

01 Hom.. H.,,.. F~""ff.!:':r.... .. ;.::.on:~.:-;: l1t In•• Fieltl,l 2 a.-: lat•~•Y A new pla-.n for aelling ·aVHc home~; which permlta tht, pur- Friday, .July 21 • ocs Boa.rct

cba8er to pay a partial down Pfl)'Il1e·nt of 011ly about ftve ptlrcent meeu "bove D~ Stcrre In aDd to t:U~ as lofig d ftve years 1o pay off the remainder of the Greenbelt at 8 p.m. down payment was approved by the Gl'l!enbelt Veteran Hc•uaing Saturday, Jub :u • 11 &.lift.,

~~))oration board of directors in •()De of several items conal.dered Bueball tourl'!ament atam at at Utelr meeting on Friday. July 9. Braden Jrteld.

'l'he new nwthod, which mia'ht ··--- -- , .. be ealled the M ._ L,. Se.1urday, Ju., 24 a 7 :llO p.11n.,

' . . oore Plan, atnce tt ,.,,.th~:l•ny .... Madden'l Commun:lty c h u r c h :tc>e WU de\>eloJiec'- by OVHC'a Treaa· Cream festival on chur·ch urw. Uo)ld· lit. ilore and hla 'Nina llltSU:ta ce Trophy lawn.

· CICIIIIUillttee. replace. the pre~~ent ...... rd J 1

.... . clefened down JH<.Ytnent pkn. The Anthorty M. n, Greenbelt's ~u a;y, u 1' - a ~:Ui p.1rn.,

)""' B t f ba Softball gaJtlle at E:raden MOore Pian. 1n addition to extend- •ann ureau agen or mol'! t n Field. •lbc ~enta on the down pq- n decade, haa captured the 1:rophy ··aerit to ftl'e· ~-- al8o permtta for the <::ompantes• outstnndtng Sunday, July 21i - 1 p.m .. Meth-

.. ~... odiat Men'• 'ice cream sodal tbe purcllaeer , to Gtp' a mutual fire inalllrance saleeman In 1963. laomeowner'a contract Immediate- Madden led an agency fo::-ce of 4lt the Chapo!!·l, Woodl&lldw'"Y· J;y. Under the old deferred plan c•ver 36((1. Monday, JL1ly 21S - County Wldf!

. tbe 4own payment mWit be paid Awariling of the trophy wu e.n- Swimming M~eo.~ to be held at off In two years, and the hOme nounced in the .July iaaue of "The o-re.:~tt jpool au,.-t)ng at buyer does not obtain a mutual (~alle~t~rer," monthly magazine for of the Comntittee on (~lesm· holneowner's contract, until th~ l•~ann E•ureau agents. 9 :30 a.m. ·payment ·1a completed. The F'amt~. Bureau Mutual Auto- Wednesday, .July 28 • 2 p.Jrn.,

~nobile Insurance Company Is the Baseball touJ·nament 'll.t Bm-"l'bo8e GVHC membetB who &re

now 'buyina their homes on the de­~~ down payment , plan have the option of switching to the

~oore Plan a.r conti."t~ing aa be­~re. If tney switch, ·tUey will be

giv--...n c. mutual homeoWn.~r's con­tract immediately and allowed to extend P83'11le~ts on their down payment to five y~ including. Gle time tbat has already lapae!d OIJ their deferred down payment eon tract.


T!!e question ·of whether the two-and-half percent service fee c:h&rgc!d by GVHC to help G\'}JC IDel:libers seU their nomes is justi­~ was brought before the boiU'd by HarrY Zubkoff. editor of Che Cboperator.

.. ~ ZubkoW. e.zgued that :cvac de­eerved. the fee only in ibose eaaea ..aiere tl>.e GVHC sales staff pa.r­tieipated in 'i:be selling of the home. He noted that in many • Pl'O&pective purchaser wu

. 21len!l1y referred to the home of the GVHC lllembf,r wiqing to aiL UDder' these ~cea P.e felt Ulat the fee W3S an ·exCessive and bt..JWn~~~:~~~~e CCMt t<> members, who .a,.ouJd receive this senllce free of da&.tp. .

Tbe board pctieted out that a . •h:al•wn of half an hour wu trPe'Ut With IW<Ntpeetlye purcbuen espla.bdng . the mutual hoUIIin&' ~ on wb1::b GVHC I• bu-

•""" &ad thet much paper v.rork t. · ilnloi'Nd 1.n malting the n1e. n ..... ala;, Doted that ~ income ~jjl8t tbtJ llervke f~ helped .,.,. f<w OVHC A41Yert18fu&'.

:A1t.eJ- deciding t.hat flO PI'OIIpeeoo dtve ...,eq WOUld be l'l!fened to a

· 09JIC ~ ap for We liJlleaa tlkt .,. "' er ~y N&iltered m .._. ....Wee, dJe DOal'd ·euae to the .......... ~lleior.t . that tile ~ fee ..... ,. Mtllt•etory JOl· .. / .............. · 4 ~ ~uett ftlr pei'JIIf.,.

1 .. W M uP • .....U turnJtwe :-:~ Ao a Pui~-.y su..-. 1.._ ~ 4oW1:1 . -.y lt:be bow4. 1'ftle ~. /.4 t.bat. wblle 8UdJ • ~~ ~u;ld ~ 4eeirabJ,e iJt ~-• Jitdt. .. t ~ .~~ ..... t<,q.. p~ :.U ~· ~belt in 4l COJmneqNJ :...._. ~ -wGUJ,d J'eQ.ufre r~

. ,.. tb,e ~J:e ~¥ q~ ~ ojt ·Wq ..-n!ed tMt; it WM# :M ~ 4~1e ·tQ •o W.o ~ ~-~~. Jtwq*"' ·~ t.9 ~ ~-9.~ in ~-

. ~ f.or ~- f""t.l,lre !ICtioiJ .• -. IJ. ~VHG ~ber ~ed ~ ~ ·tb.e ·~ to ~~ ~ ·-~tm~ of d.Qp ~ Gr·­:W,t M4 -to W:#e the ~ to P1,_ i~ .¥,WPI4: dcw-q~oen. ~ -·~.~ ~ fi',l,eAl~·r ~· Yl'P4 iW • ~4 t.9 r~vACii 4r,e ~ 'y, ~9T.P ~ ~ ....... M>p, y ; . ~ IQJU,~ D

~:· .. ~-... ~""'-~- :

largeat nner:a.ber of the CoopN'ative den Field. ]~ague of the U:S.A., and has Wednesday, July 28 - 8:30 p.m., worked closely with eo-opa in DemC\craUc Glub meeting at tnany parts of the country. Loans CITY Oli"FFCES. from th•! O>mpanies and their sub- Wednesda)·, July 28 - Meet1n1r ddlfaies m.ade possible tht'· pur- up of tbe Gr:eenbelt O.:tlze•n!!l c·hase of Gr-eenbelt by ita residents, Assoc. at 2-1!: Weaway, 8:30 the constnactlon of the Ttakoma p.m. lll>trk cc~op stores, 6Dd the CJreen- Saturday, .July 31 - 3 to 7' p.m., belt ConBUmer Services new BaptJat }Jicnlc: at Lake. 'Wheaton project, now unde:~ eon- Monday, Augu11t 2 - 10 a.m. to struction. 12 p.m., Swimming re,pst:ra-

Maddt~ll lives at 27 RMJrE· with tion at C~te r School gym. his wifE·, Catherine, and thE·ir' six Tuesday. August 10 - Fishing children. Rodeo ;,.t: Gn!enbelt La.~:e, 9:-

St. •~ugh's OJF.~n 1-~ay Paint: Frolic

An all day "paint frolk" for members of st. Hugh's Paril:h o.nd their friends will be held this Sat­urday, July U. The purpose of the "frolic" is to paint the st. Hugh's r·ectory and convent located at :~ A-D . ~~scent.

All equi]>ment, including paint, brushes. and ladders will be pro­•rided, a:~d beginners at puinting­wiU · be as welcome u experience:! hands. Tb.ree profeaslonal paint­~~rs will be e.t band to offer guld­nnce.

Those irlterested in partfclpoat­lng, either for: an hour or 1:wo or a.Jl day, sbould call Ed Burcoon, ~.a. who lia IIUpenrlalq the· vltiea. 1bc~ unable to pbo r1e are •wked tc; drop In at the l'f!CtoJ7 any Ume on Saturdq.

Burge (In, who hopei! the entire J•lntfnt· job can be completed fn one da:r. :noted that ~- reel­·~enta ;Sc*'ldn&' experience bet'or. J)afntint~ their own bomes will have a chance to obtain ])I'Of•· a;fonaJ &ilvi«:.e u well u pracUee at n.o e ltpe n 11e to theut.

Loclc: , ....••• : .. The Onwnbelt Pollee Depart­

ment ~~u•• rettllfMitad .u parnu to WIUn their ChJldl'ell 1Lbout ae.vtn1r wllocked bicycle!~ in tbe Qlmter. A total ot 2:t blcycw Juwe l~!elt . .tol.ea .11inee June 1 ·~ tile 1Jsure wfll lrwr-.«! wa­~ bk)'de owner• .- to it ~ tl!leiJ property i8 p~~Gper!y jlrotec:i:.Ed.

VotM of thoee &tolea have been J't,CQvered either by tbe po11ce or the in4ividU&U con­cerned, but there ue atill Jaaay JDJBsin.g which will probably ~er lle returned. Chief Pan­qouliao f.heoriz.e.t that Ju.ny out-of-t.:>w-n pat.-on. of the pool uae a .~:.oJ,en or "bo,n-Qwed" bike for ri.bnt~ 011t of to~ where ~Y usually a~n it in the b~. .ul.d ~ hike j~ frOJD lhe i1JPww.

·!f!!'!IWII-AMU.,Z.!ll<lll .. l!!"".--J!P .. ! ~--JI'!I.I!!II'AE'!II:C!IIIi$lllll!!'!' •.. "!" .• "'!1¥!'!!-~ ...• ~., ~

30 a.m. tD 12:30 p.m. Monday, August 16 City

Council meets in City Of!lce libove Variety' Store.

Ice Crttana Fesl~hral And LllW11' Party

The public: is invited to a lawn

party and ice ':•~am festival on the Community Church ~~rounds Saturday ev·~nint~ fi'OIIl 7 :3(] on.

Paul Strickle1·, chairman of the committee ,,n ~~r·rangement.s, an­

nounces thE•re will be entertain­

ment for all age grou.,.. In E1ddltlon to the cake, pundt, and ice crt~. Serving will be done at tablel!l on the lawn by girlla of the Senior High Fellowship· gnMJp.

The 30 minute llOUnd color ftlm made b;v t:!te A•'r :Vorce on t.lte Arthur GodJ~rey f!ltory ot Aviation

will be ahown llr• the Soclal Hall

twice durin1r the· evenlnc. In ad-diUon, therE• wU1 be a-roup gamE'• for the children on the law11o so the '"old folka.. •:an t!fl~ a quiet t.ete­a..-tete aa they lin- o'l~ l·ce cream and JtUnctl.

Aui111Ung Strickler on the plan­ning committee are Mrs. Jean Schneider, Mra. Allee Dlueb04ilh, Robert Halpin, Wllllarn Blac:ker, and Robert Fbber. Tlu· main function of the futival I• to enjoy an evening on ·~be cool church grounds .

Baptiaba Plan Baptiaaw l!ervic:e

$unday, July 2:~ at • p m . the Greenbelt B-aptis•t Cbapel will have & baptismal sendee In the parent church, MdropQlitan Bap:.iat, of Washingtun at lth and A Sts., N.E. All 111re requ.e@E'd to rllE't:t

at tht: Cen&er Sc~hod at 3 p.m. liiO

that everyo,ne wil:l bave tranapor· tation. A nWIIbm.· of adulta and toya and {firl.t baYe pa-e.~~ented tbem:~eJvli!fi ror b•--·

Babe- Ruth Leaguen: fi"'OID fonr .ectlona (If the •tate will COD.• . verge on Roy 8. Braden :M:emorial :r'.eld to battle for the :Marylaact title Saturday. ln addition to tea1D8 from Euton, Frederick aacl GJ-e4!Dbelt aa t"epOrted in last week'• Cooperawr, State Commblld.oJa.. er Bill Moore announce• that Baltimore will be represented by aa ali -star· team selected from the N.E. Baltimore YMCA Babe Ruth lA!ague. Inclusion of the fourth team makes :Baltimore the North. G1-e4mbelt the South, Frederlc~k the West and Easton the East aud forces a second day of 'toun1ey play, contrary to last week'ill an­~:~~-tourney plaru~. __

~~~·IFTime BRL Lead T'o· Variet:y; Gas 2nd

Vnrlety Store has flnnlahed its first-half pla.y lr the Co-op Babe Rt•th LetJ.gUe of Greenbelt with a 7 un·1 2 N"COrd and can do no Woi."ae th.UJ be t:led. Service Station must win Its two N>maining 1st hal! gRm ~~~ to tie. Rain forced one po~~t­pom·men1: hut week and Boy Scout camp qtN.renteen that had several of our BR.L players held up caused another postponement. 'l'hese gam!'s wHl be made up and be re­port.~d in next week's CooJ>erator.

CO-op Babe Ruth Le11gue

St.andlng-.July U•

Tearn W L VRriPty s.tore .. . ..... 7 2 Sen:ice Station .. _ ....... 5 2 Dru1~ Store .................. 2' 5 Supc:·nn.a,~et ..................... - ......... 1 6

Captain Dick Taylor })itched tu1d batted his Service Statton u~ into a te:rnpore,.r;.v first .piace tie .July 13 as the Greasemonkeys edaed Var­iety Store 9 to 7. Taylor fanned 11 &nd gave up but 3 walks and batted in 2 nms with his third inning Firstbaseman Pete Bow­man adde:d 3 bits 'to the winning 'lS!!a lllt in 4 times at bat. Donnie Estep. Bob McKenzie, Barry Pet­rol! and Billy Morin collected two h!ts apl:e¢e for Vari~ty. Petroff's first inning two-run triple wu t.''le ga m.~·s onny extra-baser.

GAS STA'TION 1 0 3 5 0 0 0-9 8 2 Va,riety Store 3 0 1 0 2 1 1:).-7 l!) 0

Vlck T~')'lor and Dnnnl·e King: Je:rr:r McDonald, McKenzie <4th) and Morin. Umplres-Ton3• Ba.ker and Dave Flynn .

1rralllng 3 to 1, Variety StcJ,re came to 1.1 re in the laat two innings with 3 1·un clusters to down Dnaa- Store 7 to 3 the morning of .i•.Jly Ul. Btlly And:rualc, Barry Petroff •nd Bob Md~:enzlf' pthered a paJr of bits ea·~h to •1•ark the wtnninc attack. DHOG 1 0 1 l 0 (t o-3 3 0 VAftiETY 1 0 0 0 3 !: x-T 8 0

,NinninJI pitcher-sam Barron; Losing pitcher-Mike Cantlina-.

Donni.e Elltep a-ot three alna-tes and a double and ecored 5 tlme.R as his va,·lety Store downed a hanl fiahtina· Supermarket nine 13 to 17 In t>JC.tra ln.ninp Monday. The huat­Ung little tlntu.eker hu U for 34 an ;I a .·Ull batting average tllus flU'! Bi ly Andrulric helped in aoorlng thre-E" tln'i~ and I'Ot 3 BBfetiea in 5 b.ilttinlf attemPII. Dave Ftynn, \Veil Hogan, Riehle Fond& and Ron­nit· Newman banged out two bita e.p ie ~e tor· the loaers. Doril Eatep. Mnrm e.nd Hoc~aa had aoublea and trw only triple in the game was sma::ked. out by Newman. \'CI.rlety 0 o o 2 o 3 ·r 2 ir-18 12 5 SL. pE-r 0 0 2 a • 1 0 2 3:-17 10 9

PHro.c· &: Morin. Andruaic <5th I; Hc'g"'n. Slaugh <7th a. Newman <9th • an•i Pc•·..,•era.



.l PIIJ:TI'Y ll'OWJi

PO.llfT U'l'"fl1lB OlJil

PU~ Aai:U .u ; !! Lilt .. 1.] ,J 2


Drawing for toum&ment poet­tlons will be done by the four. Babe Ruth Leagues' pre~~idenu at the City Oftlce at noon Friday. From t.itls drawing the ;;eaJAs will be

paired for their Sa.turdq g311les. Eleven C1'clock Ia Hpla:v ball" time for the ftrst pair, the second peb ~laying at 4 o'clock. Umpires WOl

be furnished for the games by the Metropolitan Baseball Um'(liren As· sociatlon of the District of Colum­bia. --.. ....__.'

Saturday'• two punes will fur­nish two ftnaJlata who will return to Greenbelt Wednetlday. .July 28. to battle it out for the right to represent Maryland in the Region· a1 Tourn~nt at C!al'kRaq West Virginia, the week of Aupatlt 1. The Mar.Tiand "title ....,._.. will be at B!"&den Field, Z o'clock next Wednesday,

Commisaioner Moore. who dou­bles as local Babe ~ Leqa6 prexy. and &-ereation Director Don Wolfe, ba\•e supervise\) ~ local four team loop and have come up wi~h their all-atar ~~elec­tions to re;1resent tbe boat efty: Ffratb&Aem&Jt - Pet~ .!100 Bowmaa; Sccondbaseul,an • Bob .455 Can· ning; Thirdbueman -Bob .444 Me­Kenzie; Sbo:rtstop - Billy .600 An­drusic; Leftftelder - Riehle .370 Fonda, also a slick ftrstaacker; Oenterfielder • Wes .318 R~; Rightftelder :Oonnie .441 Eatep, aa­otller able jlfttbuemaa; t-o 1hle catchers, Kike ..318 CaD.nift&' and Dale .338 'IY'bite; pitch.~rs Dick .318 Taylor nnd Barry .aa Petroff. Taylor can and does J)la~oY a aa. brand of abel rtat•p and PtM;ralf hM played conalderable seeoodbue. Roundlna- out the ~ ot 15 are . utility men Ronnie .289 Doahi­Uan, Tommy .182 Iveaon, Fl'ed .35& Slauch and ,:Jiminutlve Donnie .~ K!nc. DonEiullian and lvescm are able lnfteldt•ra and Cood hJttel'a Bic Slaugh c~an pitch and Jr~a.y the outfield waile th~ ltttllt fellow. Kine. can J~ ina.Jd or eatda. WoUe wW J~D&Jp.ce the Gl'ftnbek team durtn.r Ka.r;y!Qnd ltournel' play.

6'GREEMEIEL T AMNESIA~ <Ed. note: Loag's retererwe

to the "Gre-enbelt Amlleeia"· wu well-di~t.;!CI. lMt weeko ()up reporter had !Men intonaec.t that Dr. By~ would a.tttend ~ ot July cereJaOnte. if he w.a "In the vicinity". He had wl'it• ten this in April. We aau"a__. his busy politica.l e&mpatcn would prev•i!!Dt h.lm from attea.i­inc. We underatand be Jlla(le a tine speech. What is more important is that he took tbe time to be bere, for tlae thin! consecutive Independence Da,y, and it is gre.tifyinc to know th-at a candidate for covernor has the city oi Greenbelt doae to hl!i heart. O..u &.\l'OlQ8iea to Loq, and to Byrd, a.nd to our readers. Often we become proud of our seeminaly pro­fe.aional work, but an incident like thia only a~rvea. to reDUn4 ~ that we are &JWii.WI~o&ra ~ "E't!d help. Any o.«eza ?-)


' .l l



ll'arrF II. .. b.:d. aiM«,. 1101 ....... 3 . ......... ~ ............... eat

. . · Jt.-Q~ &tuulae.• IY.~Mr, .. '~ ....... • I ......... ID1 J1ID •O"N•alU. O..•ht' ...... 1631 .. lbabla. Mtierthh&. ta11 P1~1l llt&ako. PIMta .... _., IIJl : .... Aleut. 0.....,. Baokstftlllllat BetU' Oolum&:ca. 111. Doll BuWoa. Keith ~· 8uDh Oelbei'Ct Marlaa Rattc•n. F•·e.ncu Herllq, Martha Kauf· .... llenuCI Krua. L. A. r.... PetiY :Marltfteld, Carol7n KJUer, BW ':~~~'eoN. a.ora. Reenl, Davlcl ltearllkolf, llht&lllOr Rltoble, Jatbtl 114Hn• ...... l!briul Soloaon. Morrla Solomon.' l!i'rlecla Vemo«, DoftDJ' Wolfe. ·. ·fto GRBJDNBIDLT OOOPIIRATOFt Ia p1:~b1labei' 4Mti'J' Tbu~ DY ... a ..... Mtt Oooperatlve PubllabiRll AautOOlatlon. Inc., o .... belt. Kd. ID&tahJiabed. November lUT. Bo&J11 or ttlrec!tora: I. J. Park•tr, PNII.; ~ lt'rq, v. Prea.; :Miftam Scllomon, Sec',.; O.Orp Blooal. Treu.: Jlla;n7 hbkol'f, Bdltor. · ·

· .. · . stJB$CIUP'rtON RA TEl ~041 IM'I' rear lllatered .. ~d clloN matter at t'be Po8t C>ftlce ln o .... nbelt, Jl&r)iand.

Adverttllna mQ' be · aubtnlttect: by ln&U "r d•tli'\-ered to the OlOperator, 8 'Paraway, GR. 3-1131. or to the Orec!nbclt Tob&aco Store. Editorial ,.._. o'*' after 1:30 p~ Mon<i:A,.v ancil TtaMd&)'. Newe duadllne 1.-1:10. p.m. of the Monda)<' preoedlng pubUcntlor~.

____________ ..,...,. _______________ _ Vi_.,.ot._l_s _______ Th_u_raday.__...:..:..• ~tly 2:z, 1_95_4 ______ N_o_._M_

· Dyed-ID-The-Woc•l~Coopercdor . Al Long, Who ex:pi'E'.sRY his opinion~; fl'l~·ly and rt>gularly in his

column "The Long View•• appeHring i11 the Cooperator, has given his own answer to the recent E<i!.torial which made a pl"~liminary appraiaal of this year's GVHC board of directors. Long's n>ply waa to' label the viewpoint of the auth•)r of the editorial as that or a dyed-in·the--wool .. cooperator". Long p1:-oceeded to ~ntraa~. this with his own approach, which ia that of the "private c~nterpriae busineas man.''

We are· not sure that Long's statement requires a.n~· answer since he did not in any way deny the statements made in the edi· torlal which described his servicE· on the GVHC board. Certainly bQ did not take the trouble to define what he meant by s. dyed-in­the-wool cooperator .and whetlt~r it i~. something bad, &ood or in-different. .

What Long did make clear was Umt he considered his present method of serving the GVHC members a:s satisfactory and served .notice that he bttJenrled to CC)ntinue l1is present policy. Perhaps lie is right. Perhaps moat members feel with him that committee work and regular !lttendance at meetings are not really important contribUtions. Per-haps he will be rEeleded to the board on the basis t?at he is a man who always stru::td.i ready to offer good. l!IOUD~vice to management. For our 01ut we feel that members 'Will give their votes on that basi~. -·we believe they will won­der. ho. ·~ man can offer good, sound advice when ~e :makes no ~<."Crtled _effc1rt to dig deep into what ::s going on in GVHG through his conlmuttee or eannot be at all board meetings and pa.rticularly ,at quarterly membership meetings where he can ca•:ch the pulse 10f the ! members.

Shorts .4~E~rJmath We note with interest that the Bhort.s campaigners have not

yet aocepted defeat at the hands of the city council but l:.ave coun­'tered ~th a strategic maneuver. They have made themselves wrap-around skirts which barely cover their shorts and wear theta as a ~·ver ?for the offending gannents when they shop at the Cen­ter. ~ince t:heir short.c:; in this case are mere undergarments, they 89'e oo~.farmmg to the letter, if not the spirit. of the law.

TIJ~e girjs evidently hope that this fad will eaten on as a means . of ~ut t~t the prohibition against shorts is pointless. !iean~u_e, t .... ey_ enJoy the coolness o:~ shorts ""ithout br·~aking the law. · _r.t J£ possible, of course, that the ci~y council might strike ba<:k t;3 b~ ·:ning skir+..s of a specific length, and it would give the po~:lJOO tb: l!l'.eresting, although }:erhaps E~barra.ssing, job of meas­urmg Jikirts of doubtful length.

- If the city council persist:; iD assuming that the is:Jue is now ~-~..hen they have obviomly failed to rea.ljze that the:,r are deal­~ lrijth ~ band of determined wome11. 1~ey may discover there is . qwte ?- bit of truth in that ok warning about a "woman scorned."



RidgewoOd •

~)bc~wing of

r&Jdel Home

Friday J1Jiy 23 througl~ ._I 30

The mtdel i• tooal«td off Northway tJteftd4td ju6t weft of«! lload.

Jfr, ~~ 4Mfi!i1Milln ~.,. tboe W41Jewood Coopt;ra­

~~ ~~ wi# ~ IOQ. llMd frotn. H a..m. tG 8 (l.m. ~-)' .,,

COIIIIUIITY CHUICH JDrle7 ..... , ...... 0.. ...

lf'W' .. .. A. ........ a..-.......... ., ...

Should you •render &b4,ut th11 u-·----·-------·--­Mrted pl1U\UI r-:~Gttaa on ~he <:her- ;41/tff41 ~ .......

Satur4a1, JuiJ' 16: 1:M p.m •• Ice erHID t...tlftl on Church Jawn,

sundey, JulJ' :11: Jdomlq wor• •hlp at 10 a.m. Sermon 'b:V :M1'. Braund 'The Life ~Ut4 Ttsnee of 8amaon 11nd DeUlab." Spec!al mu• •lc. Church .chool a..._ u. fol­·low•: 9 a.m., junior department. Soc. if'~ HJ!l.ll; junior hll'h, Fellow• 11'111)' Centor: HIISOI' h!l'b •4 ed1Jlta In the Church. At 11) a.m., r~urHf3', Fe11ow•hlp c.mter; kin• · dergartero, Social Hall; prt.mary, Ji''elJOWIJhlp C_,nt~r. Junior bllfb Camp Kane•atake boyM and a~rle l.:mvr for the camp.

Ina' wtndow an, Bell wiU t•11ll you ~- --r . lb")' an· cuttlnp brot1•ht. ~~k On>C~nt~lt ao.t one ot ltA1 lona•tlaut from Lnke l!lt.•rlno, Vt., rr.•ld•mbl thle week when Allan wher. Cabrlt·t JkoM Ctt~trln I Lryan, 2·1!'.: Northway, JN~ awq and daua:hteor, DlnnJe. vlalt~d fam- nt Mt. Alto Hoepltal ·lollowln• an lly and t rlf'ndia. Blut> •h:adow• and q1rra.Uor.. BryAn moved! to Green­brlarht :nanllnht •uccerded t"AC!h l·rlt ht .Junr.. 1938, fro1n Tyndall, other ov,~r thl! hllle of Nrw Hnuth DAkota. Hill wa• bom In land mnklnif thf' ff'turn t.r·lp n Hylvan Orovr., Kan ... , In 18815. mNuort~Hr oro('. O.•ll nnd Oubrl<'l A m~m~r of the Am1r.rloan Le 4

brou~rht bA'~t.c thefr nlrr·r o.nd ~:Inn f•rJr 35 )'('&rs, Uryan wu one of llC'phrw J.-.~nor•~ and C.1rt~ld '\'('In- tlw found,•rs of thf• local Amerlc&n 8t«>ln. '1\"hlh- hr.rl'. ( ;rrald will L<'glon P011t. He sf'!rvcd In thll celt"br~th hiR rtlntl-a blrthrtlly. Hnp- Navy .in th•· MNtican W:u and Wall py Blrtl: d1'l}'. ll "''rUt:llnl In 'Norld \~'11.r 1.. He­

• • • Thrrr W•'r•• many hllndJJ I:'·

Ina lf\1011 wlslu~8 to I>Rna P••rrl· :r.wela who Wll.a 1~ )'l'll m old --lln<l saurprl11rd Bttbarday. Frlrdn anol Hrn with full ·~oopernt I on fi''Om .Tu­dy Rnd Noami-Jo plamwd a. Mllr­

Jirlsl:' bl rthday party. Dnml.. whn Is attcncllna U1~ summrt· drnrnRtkR workshop at Catholic tTnlvo•rl!lily, Will appc&r 11.81 the dwarf In C. lT dramatl:tatlor, of Bt•n .Joh:n110n'11 'Volpom•'.. Mt~ch &UC<'l""'·

• • • ThC' Ftalph MUlen at thh1 wrlt­

tng arl' alre:1oly lmm"rsrd In th•• salty ta:'lgy of the Atlantl<:. Carolyn, Ral pn and family nrr ,lt Rehoboth. H:kve lots of fun.

• • • Thl:' !.<>asia. family Is In a sts.t<•

of excir.emf'nl ftnd llttlr wonder! Getting .Johnny, Tod. Dl!tnu and Linda packl'il away for their trip to St. Paul, 1\llnn. Is no jaunt for the tirroid. l..eland and Jennifer plan to dinc:onnect their ankl•~

bones from t:lleir knl'e bones anrl let the ''#>rid 1ro by for all the day~ of August. lhve a wonderful t!ml'.

••• Mrs. Hertz. Janet and Lyron, af­

ter an f'xte:Hi,ed visit with J\<lyra·.~

family in 1\{or.tgomery. Alabama. lament thl' f.!lt:t that lthPy siz~:lr•d

under 110 degrer tempc•raturP ·while Wf' roHsted only under 100 degree~.. Didn't you have more magnolia tro?i~B to hide under?

• • • Dorothy .find Michael Stalbcrg

have ;tust returned from camp. Three week~ of fun. sw:mming .1ml eating we:-e .;iS long as they could stay awlly from brotlwr Kenny. Kit :Markfidd and Matt:; Citrou also a·: the camp return('oi with thf'm. \Yekome Home~ . . ..

The mcdi·~al director of tLe Army Audiology and SpN·r·h Cor­rection Crnt:l"r at \~:alter Hc·cd Army Medic:al Ccnte:r, ·washing­ton, D. C., has ~f'n prom•Jt.•d to the ra.nk or major. HP is Jamf's P. Albrite. who heads on(' of thf' largest cent:era in th~ CnitE'd States for r•!!tMMU'Ch and care and treatment i:~ the fields of hearing anli speech dlaorden.

Presentat:i<•n of Major Albrlte's ne'W· lnslgni'l of rank was rrtade by Major General ~nard D. Heaton, Comm:J.ndlrta General o! Walter Reed Army Kecllcal Center.

An Army doctor, Major Albrlte baa h«:aded thla important Walter Reed component alnce Dei:ember, 1M3. Ita patlenu include tho.e ot the Army, .Ur Force. Navy, Ma· rlne. Veter1tJit.a Administration and Public Healtih Service patiAmUI.

Major ar1.c) Kn. Albrlte live at 1-B Rl da-e l!toect

I • • •

The foUollliln&l boy• and atria of' Community Church are leavtna: 8uftday tor a weok at the .Junior Hiah Camsi at Camp KaD.-take, Spruect Cl-eell. Pa.; Ralph Arroyo., Nanc) Bn:wul. BIUy Edw1uda, Beuy FonliaJM. Sara Hopkhua, Haren Jora:«lftNII. Pea•Y Jobannt~~~, PtU )olorin, Bbaron NeiiiOn, Mar)' Ann ilaadlland& J..ewia sn\lth, Rruee lkeft'efi, Qa.ll Btttw&rt, 8ar11.t. J..- Tharp, ,.,_,.. Voiat . .tWd Helvf1. WefHI•··

Rev and M,., Jiraund, M: anci Nr1. ilis)frJili~Q. Mr. and Mra Stet· fen, i~IT. an'l ..,,., \Va~r. Mi aud .,,..Piui!twah, -..d .. tr. and .tdu Vol1t w·au D~ derJvi111 th*' bo)·e and lirt. ~IP -.o 41 ..... iioHd oth*'r ...._r..,ntu wiJJ t!e briulfi'-1 them bC~.c" ne¥t Jiun41ly.

ll n•.rl rrom thr l('deral uovommnnt nH.-r &erving 20 YNtra h11 the po~ttal u•·n·lcr, Including 1\ period of llllV·

l'ntl yN~rll all A rhllll carrier In • ~ rr('n bdt. Brynn WILA "ngaged In i.lw movlnlf bm•lnNU!I w~ltn hla ~ton

:tlncc !949. At one tlmn he owned ll KM 11tatlon on lo::dmon~tton Road.

Buldt•ll hh; wife. Bryan Jeavea t:hr«w (:hlldrt"n: Zelia Pa:rker, a -iaulfht*~r who lives In Orf>.,;;nbelt, Wclll(!y, And D•Hmnn.. Bryan wu Fl 32n:d dt:!grt·o M8..!1on, active &I a r·ommltt•~•~man in Boly Scoutll, ~(·rv·~d on the hoard o:r Greenbelt Coml\ltner Services and was recent· !y st.n unaucceKsful ca:11dldate for n"mlnallr.m on the F.epubllca.n tlck­Pt for. rf'gistr!r of wlllll.

Funeral Rervlcf~H will be held Frldfly ut n a.m. at Chamber" Fun­eral Home in Riverdale, with burial ut Adington National Cemetery. An honor guard of the Southern MarylFI.nd American Legion group will pr•~sldc.

UN!)OLO HOMES 1008 Aspen Road West Palm B.:nch, Fla. July 14, 1954

Ju.Ht a year ago we left our home of 16 years in Greenbelt, to take a t'.\"O months vacation lin the Sun­~hine State of Floridli. We had hlk••d about moving to F1orida for } ears. and even thoug:h it WaJJ a "pipe dreamN we hope(J, to one day mak1! it a reality.

Aftt!r touring through the vari­ow:; stat.eR and the West Cout of Florid'l, we came to West Palm B;·ath·-·and after a few days here cccid1~d this was the spot we want­ed to ~:all HOME. in the future. It was ldc<!.l ir~ many l~espect."'---eli­ma:tc; locatirm; and very friendly ~(·'1ple. \Ve fortunnLely found .!or:~ :•.nrl locat~d a nice home in a subo::rhan development. All had ~nr!e smoot.hly and we felt very luc.rl:y to have had work out !<o 11 icely for u.s .. -· to this point.

T.'nfortunately, we h:ld made the clr,wn paynwnt on our home in Greenbe:t in December 1952-thinking, at the time, we most likely would spend th~~ 1-est of our live!l there. Howevet·, our house o.t 82-A Crescent Wits a choice houne and many people desired to buy it, so we felt we would never havt~ any trouble diiJJ~sinc of lt. should we decide to move. Now, that Is where we were WRONG­very wronc!

Since September· lt161 we have had lthe houae a.t 82-A CnNicent up for ~late, Rent or Wbat have ;you.. We~ have put It ln tbe hande o1 .en•ral Realty Coaapanlea and IJMmt added dollan advertlein• it. Tbere have been two .cJeftalte pra. ped;JII·--eaeh party ha,rlnc a hoUM ttu1y would have to dl•poae ot tl.._ .. -to date. we etiU not beea abl:., to d .. poee ot lt.

Now our reuon tor wrltbl• tb1a thl• open letter to the Ooope~rator t• tD IIWik you people •llf Greenbelt: Wtu.t .. wi'On• there~ h the ..c up OVHC hu eo awful no one. ex· cet~ lon3 Ume ~de~tta wlll caa· •klle•· putti.ftc •oney Into a deal like that! Or hu pMpel't,Y a,.,nmd Wubiaaton t:allen •~eh 'a hun ynu eaR not di•ll~ ot It'!'

U iU'Y of you wbo laa.Y rea4 ~hill c-.o,~t.l ., .. u.btea 1.1o1t ln aay w_,., u to why we ba\'e lttea 110 badly eha~k by buying the noutae wc•uid ~ou write to l.'llo at 1001 4\a~ pell Road. Weat Palt~• Beach. n..

W411 atill think of Q~btllt u "b:w• home'' and wtlll •lwt\YD "~ mtranber our maay l'l,g(j n~~ anJ friend.IA thefe..

Alice fil.a•l !4wo• Pit\~.

We extend, vla Tne Cooperator, to Mr. Chelltcr Muon of 14-U Hill~ Rldr., onn of the mut J>Opular and aPnl..,r mr.mber• of Greenbelt, our wl11he1J for a 11peedy recovery &II he convll.le:IICelll at Morey llo.-pf• tAl, Rcranton. Pa., followlnl' I!Ur• gf'!ry them on Monday.


Phfme: ORanUe 44051

Sunday, July 21i: 9:45 a.m., Sun­day School and adult Bible clea. Clu~~e8 are held for all agel. Ray· rnond Carriere, Superintendent. 8:30 and 11 a.m., Church aervice. El~rmon by Putor Blrner: "Slave~~ M Freedom" A nur11ery 11 main­tained e.t the second •ervice for the> benefit of parents with IUIUlll c:hildrfm. Vhlltor111 are always wel-come.

GREENBELT BAPTIST Mefltlna- In Center Sehlo)O(

Rev. Wm. J. CJ'owder, Ph.D., A~ Putor

4 Woodland Way, GR. ~%

Sunday, July 25 - 9:4:5 a:m .. Sun­day S<:hool, John S. Stewart, Su­perintendent. Clauefl for an ages. 11 a.m.. morntn~ wor111hip, sermon "'In the Likenell* of Hi& Resurrec­:tlon." A nurseey for babies and 1small children ts maintained dur­ing all service& 4 p.m.. Baptismal service at Metropolitan Baptist Church, 6th and A St1., N.E., WaJJhington. 6 p.m., Baptist train­ing fel!.owship for entire family. 6:45 p.m., even~ng worship "The Primacy of Evangelism."

Thure:day, 7:30 p.m., mfd-week ~ervice, 4 Woodland Way.

Saturday. July 31, 3 p.m., Church­wide pienic, at the Lake.


North End S«hool Stanl•~Y F. Knoek. Jr .. X"uaisaer

42-L Riidp Road - GBaaite 4-eoiH

Sundlly, .July 2f. - 9:30 a.m.. Church school claseeGS for an ,.... . ~ Herbert M. Irvin, SuperiDteDdent..-..,....

11 a..m .. morning wonbip service with :~rmon by the mtnt•er. There l.s a nUJ'IIery for the smaller chiklreJ:~.. Reception of aew mem­bers 1QLd bQthnn of ehddren.

Meth:Ddl.wt. ,.outh fellGwsb.ip ....,... ieee been ecmcluded for Be re~Daln·ller of the --.-el'. t

Wednnday. Jullr a · T p..a.. the Metboflliiat Mea wm hold aa kle cre&Dl soela:l on tM a~ of the chapel Oft Woodlaad WQ. for the b0.ne6t ot their ~~ work ancl tbot obure.b ~ ftAa4. Tile pubUc Ia lnvtted to coae..,. brbla friende.


JIM. 'Vf~Mu ..... ., .............. oa. ....

Conleulou: w~~ ait•raaoa fl'Oift. to 1:10 Ud bola T to & ...... for ad l&ltM aad c::bUdrea.

8\ln<l~: lla.c-.: t:JO. 1:30. t:lO and U a.a. All hw M....._. "l"JMa ill Ji'aeuty. O...w..~ &aada!f tw the pariah.

.Papa.-.: $un4Q, 1 ,_,., ~ \lont'!Wt J"atber Dow•~ ~ hand. W~ne~: :wtM~:>Wo.wa Medal

Noven.ilo at a p.a.. fQUQ.w~ 'b~ ~N.>4aetl:• of \M ~ ~ ~I'U*'\,.


' : ~ . '

-~::,~::1 <'


·ctA.SSIFIED ~----.. -------------------~ . ANI~IAL RI:TREAT 1 •

Tbe J.anual Bla-t for tJie IDea ctf lit. Jla&tt'• Padlb wiD IMt httli at X.mre• oa. tbe SeY­em fr,.ct. Jrrlllq M'elliDc. Auc· ut 6 thi"U SwJCttQ·, Aqua a. All IDea or the pm.JI. are lll'9tted. to attend end r..en..tlona !llaJ' lbe made ,ith ;Stepbea PoludLDr at OR.,.,., BIU Koore .. een· eral (:hnlnnan ft)r the retreat.

'------·-------· . CALDWELL'S . W ASHTh:G · MA­CmNE SALES & SERVIOE-Auto­JD~t.tic . and conventional ntroels . a­partly repaired. Rea.onable. Guaran­~. Free Estimate. p1:1one GR.

. TELEVISION SERVICE: By pro-teAm~ electrioal engln•!en Wring


409(, J>lscount on all tubea extleJ>ting Picture Tubee

All Tubes €iluaranteed YOUR. TlTBBB includi'l\g

Pictul·c TttbE:s Tll:BTED FREE

Hours 9 a.a... till · 8 p.m. Dally W. 1:. Rldding 11-J IUdp

· th.e Jlneat of *odern test equip­ment. RCA Registered D~~aler. An,. make, any model. · PhUco Author-­Ized Servjce. GR. 8-"31 or GR. 8-181L .... J l"hone Gil:. 1-UU .-

.-~~ .. ~~~-·~ .. ~--•~•~··~~ T.V: .. SERVICE • - Evenings and W·!leKen~s; Steve Stoli, electronic er alneer. GR. 3-721.3. ·

pj ONTJN~ -· Tickets, m•!mbershlp :~s, atatfonerr. Oe.U &my Krug,

. hOUSJ!BCJLt) MOVING - Freight o~ apreas, for infonna tlon or es-

'· 1• , tJmate C!Lll GR. ~8341. Beyen Mo-

~or Ellpret~rs. . · ·

W'~-m" Guaranteed HOSIERY. ·Flne Quality Long-Weartnc Socks ' and Hose for the Family. Sold in tJWs area by .Evelyn and Alva ·,Cup­py, reslcients of. Greenbelt' ten yean .. For appOintments call GR. wm; ,Samples may be. seen any

: .. time at 1-c Northway.

·.1MI;;;~Ci!ib mother ~d , • ~;


td: ~ for 2 pre-school age children. Very reasonable. GR. 4-31'13. .

GRANI'i'E Dry Cleaners. We are as near_ as your phone. Pick UJ; and deuve..,-. day and night time. GR. 3-8681; ·OR; 8-2792.

D!t~G and Rlterat4ons Mrs ... ~ussell, 2-F . Wcatway GR: 4-8956. . . '

GREENBELT MOTORS-842o Bal­timore Blvd. Vsed ears and trucks boughtand'sold. Phone TO. 9-964-7.

SE~G and alterations. Expert work. · Rea8Pnable p;rices. Call GR. .a.:.s1a1.

IRON;ING done in my home, reas­onable. da. . 8-6752. NURSERY SOHOo:--L--T._E.A!_C_HER __

·wishes • te care fur childr·en in her borne. :call Mrs. Nancy Marshall. GRanite 3-7561.

DIAM:()~s -bcugtt and ~oltl. H. M. ~ile, Sr. Phone G:Ej:. 3-3111.

.. STAMP·· COi:..LEcToRS: Wide se­lection ot good, attractive stamps for the <li.scriminatiug collector at reason~b!e .. prices. See for your­~lf-send . for approval selection today. ; Boisvert, 1-c C1'eBCent,

-Greenbelt. · I . •

; . ..eRE~Et.T TV Sl!:RVICE -· . ·_:mve~ weekends, holidays. Lo­. · cal Service calls. Charges

reaaon~le. • · W o r k g11atanteecl •. , Free tube te.tlq ·aervlec!, 14:-z-:i Laurel ·Hill. Cal Gft. 3'"21U or OL.

-4h5f76. . ' .

.-, i'WO IDEN"ttcAL. Diibil. u ti&tli­- ea . wtcie - --~ lentrtb. Oclpl.

plete 1!rith -IDa~ 'Very sOod •: · .. ·~~On. Ideal ·· for ehudren•a ~ Phone GRanJte a-am.

Expert n' Serwice Gu&l'lUJteed qui•::k, dependable serviee on all makes of tel­evisi<•n ..

WE' \ave BPeciaZiBta ott



BlEIL TSVII.LE TV SER,VIt:E CO. WEbster 5-4851

Fnll Lenctlt Wllldow ~ for Betl:uls~ Wladowa

oa FI'BIIIB Boaaea

DeliverEtd - Incl.

I B.lltlllll& 3'714 1•4-th St. N.W. W'ashin1~or1 10, D.C.

TAyl,t>r ~!J-.4.330

., .. _ ....... .JULY U

'· <

S'lllln • • .,_...._ IL. W'bullnt: pitcher, P. JIDier ttnlc}: eat 'l, BOt a .male and a RBI'L Ct!Aftld wu the bl~ hitter wtth 2 ·lkNbles. 2 .m.-, aDd 4: RBra in. 1 tdp. to the plate. Edmunda wt1t1 ckae t:e­lllnd with 2 doubh!8 ln a tbDes at bat whUe Temple 1rot a •ill ..... for 8. Hofrlnan, Henry &bdi .T. KIUer got doubles. Tfle Reclll:!lrda used Sandvik and MeN ally, tf&elr aces. to do the pltchinJ(, b1;1t; 2 erron and Chavrtd•a hittln• ~ractically aettled the iuue.

Atbleties 4 - Giants I"- Wlnntna; pitcher, McCauley, pltchtl<l to only 1 ba.ttter in the laat innlq and struck him out. Vaughn. starting pitcher, struck out 12 !llld allowed! only 1 hit. TuckoeJ", loeina; pitcher. only allowed 3 bib' and struck out 7. Valighn R-. McCauley, Me· Laughlin, a~d Muddy got singles .

. The fielding gem <•f tht! game wa~1 a PoweU t., McO!luley to Arens­dortl' double play. Both teams had 4 errors.

JULY 13 Wlldeata 10 - QJ-p 1•. Winning

pitcher, Ailstock. ·rhe •Co-opa used Thompson, Ruffel and :Bickey on .the mound. 'l'bey only allowed 4 hlta, one of which we.s :a dCMable by D. Moor.e but th£ 4 erl"ln behind them cost them the g&lrLe. O'Neill got a homer and tiroV«! In 5 runs. Co-op got twice aa mar~r hits, 8 to 4, but still lost the &~Lrne. The~r folded up fn the fith when the Wildcats bangt!!d out: ? runs.

Indians 1% • Pfn1te:1 n. Winning pitcher, Dye, allo11Ved 4 hits and et;ruck 5 after •·ellev:ift&' Hyiand in the first htnin1r. Eltlelton an·i Gelberg, who pitcitled ft)r the Pi· rates. were more sting,)' with thei ~~ hlta but 7 errors behjnd them co..'l~ the game. Hyland ban~r•lld out an· other triple. Both pltc-lters of th•! losing tP.Bm got 2 hits ,ll'hU~ thei:r teammate Shaver knodlted out. !l

double. The losen: bad 7 hits anrl 7 errors, while the wtamen only had 4 hits an<i 3 •error•,

.JUL~· 15 In9la.nA 15 - Tlgo~n I'!. Winning·

pit.:her, Barcus. It w11.s a clo.s•£' game until the Inclians henged out 9 runs in the fourlh lnn,ning. By· er.s got a home run and n doubt~ to lt'Rd the extra b9.8(• hitters. P . Miller hit a trlplt;· for the lo!ler.::. Cawley and Dye b.nngeel out a oou­ble and a single each whUe Has­linger bad 2 singles. Chavrid's 3 :nnglea out of 4 t1ipa l:cl the p!;:-.t•• made him the le11ding hlttter !or the day. De:an go•: 2 singles whil•' Hoft'ma.n got a dou.ble mid 4 RBI's. A Chavrid to Braund double play W6S th~ fielding swm of the gam,. .

Co-op 8 - 6la111ts %. Wlnnin;; pitchf'r. Rup~l. wa:' J'elleved in the third inning, aUowf'd 1 hit while Hickry allowed 2 hits in hi,; 4 innings. Schossler. losing pitch­er, waa nicked l~or !S hits and struck out 8. O'Neill l•anced cut a trlple and double lr: 2 trips to the plate. really hltt1n1 that ball lately. The Co-oJ• too•il: the ball­game In the ftnst hmfn&" when they ~unebed. In 4 ru11a. Sehw&nl. Hod~ Cozad. Cuwley, Sehoesler. and Link aU sot atna:I•I!S. White wu tlae only player tb:ILt waa hit bv a pitched baiL

For the Best in Printing

CALL UNIOIN ~~··9719 ..,._, ' ...... 1 I I I I I . I 1 ~----··


· wooded b o lil e • Jt e • overlooldug Jl&tk area and lake. $1800 to $21100.

· Prloe of lot includea all improve­. .....-ent& Call G~. Realty eo.

· . ·or ~ of •. follow:tng repreaenb.­. Uvea: Ben Ooldfaden, Mary . .Jane

.. · .IDn~ 01,' George P~mli&

s·:UBSCRIBE ·'To litE· COOPERATOR ........ , ........... --....

: ,,~. ' ..



cuul or thl"owawa~ - $2.11 a cue at store or •lell~1nd

(:ombination ~ 1 eU«! of F&S or Old German Beer (throwaway•)

. plw1 OJile ftfth of Vete!l'aDII Bleaded. Whhlkey

/ 8011-1 FOR 55.88 .FREE DE:LI\'ERY - WEBSTER 5-5990

·.---~---~--~, ........ _. .. ._ ..... ~ .. -------.--~·------.. ·

~rwy 22. l!::M:.,_ __ ,.:OR=R:R:NBI:.::· ::::I:LT::.,.;:COO:::::;:,P=D:-::;A:.:;.:m:.;::;,R;;.. ___ ....,ftne ...... _



BotHJ 1"6tlr BOf&lN· Poitlfecl or Pop#JI'tHJ SPl!X:IAI~ Puca POll ~IPRDlG Faa EsTIKA':rBS

W. A. SNYDER WE~tr 5-4770


Frlecl 4Chlcken Box :F.F. Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Corn Bread or Ftolla

Delivered to 'I 25 Yovr Door l'cw ~ • ·

trETEIAI'S IESTAIRJ~IT Loo!l{ for the Mammy. Sign - "The Sign of Gc•od Food"

11630 Baltimore Blvd. Beltsville, 'Mel. Dinir,·g Romn Service » c We Cater to Porlt.e&

·' ....

"Wlllat a. way to

start a trip !' ..

".For some reasofi or otlwr, the U!lually reli., alarm clock failt~d to gu off, and f had only a few minutes to catc'i• a tmin for an important sales meeting. Did 1 make it? Y ot• bet I did! A lclcphone call for a ta1:i. and I was soon on my "ay. Thank goodness for the t<~lephone at n timt>, like that!"

\\l'lw·n you want to save


time. avoid trouble, or e83«~ a worry;, !that's when you turn tu the telephone. And that's l.he reason. too, why so many people say,

"Telephone service is the higge!1t bargain I buy toda3r!"

"My tetlephone is ,worth

mortt to me than iit costs"

f'ew ..... tlvwyau .soiMJOf lor 10 ,.,. ----

Th•• c:... •• , ..... & , ....... Tll•ph•• C•.,••:r of llalliiiiNWtt. Clly

,, . ~:~:~::: ' , L, j' ~"


,. I

c. Lone Ia off ;on a tn1, and left me hfl

Ford convertahlE·. driven arout•l

and have noUc­~--~-~~~ratnee of the dlffel'l!nt courta. Th~y ranee fi"'ftl plct11re llda 1ft HomE· and Gardell to aceJtel

from Tobacco Road. And the fact that of t!te mo~~e attraetiV>e one. are frame house courta wh•!l'l!!

the ft.idenu 8tarted from aerat:elt fa a pfett3t lood lndlcaUon that It'• the people · tlieJUelvea that !t'Uk•!

· the difference. OVHC oan dreUit up all ldncb of ClOfltl7 and lntricLb! lucl.oape plans - !Uld not cll&rJ.81! thla, but tt it woul(l ju8t enfofte th•!

' ahlaple provblloft& of 1• mut1.1al )Mile contract. we .coulc1 ha\'e IL beautiful tmm. ~ for example. the quNtlort

' of tenee.. Tb~ COiltract pemdta art app~ "»ultable" renee. Th•' Boat'd fit that tim<! had .tn mind ~Jell (10n8tl'uc!ted link ehaln, plclcet; or ctmilar neat-appeariac fenee11, but u one member described IIOJDE·

'\ ',;'

of ·the monst;rosttfu that have bee:~ bunt. "'We had better hog fencef back home." r feel sure that ·on4! member In the north end expe<:ts


~ 1 ·t .. .; ;·



'· l


to keep an elePbilllt In hl8 yard, at . ·~e~utt hla fenee Is eo constructed.

Then there those folks who won't tend their ·Own Jawn or the lawn between their !ot and he 8treet. ElthP-r the cltv of GVHC e&n And should see to it that suc:h graa is eut and kept elean. One tlovenly faruUy can ruin· a court and one el.ovenly eourt ean naln the town. ·Its tim"e our city and GVHC officials woke up to this fact. (G(S

otficlals should alao wake up 'to their reirponslbllity of contrlbutirtg ·to a . ~eaner aDd ntol'le beautiful Greenbelt.

Short-handed Qrenbelt Oountil · norts cutS ~hort ballDt' 1:1zJ women's

, shon:.-..fn chort. no shorts. I think tbat I could never bear A worla that's llhort of women Ev?.n though thev are a crazy lot; .And llOW crew their tresses. Bnt now With leg, aHk cla.ct or bal'e In ·1"U'b that's carefully woven In Greenbelt town Wilen It's very

hot We wieleome them in dreuea. csOme may miss this feminine wea.r That's known as women's shorts And vote and ~ to relnstatf' ThiB liarb wblc~ council depresse:J.,

, But .police .now wiU bave no care To keep in line the village sports Who would be prone to exaqerate The ,._ wife's .trains and "- ltre•e.. . "l" ~- _ . ~- ;,: .• • • • .-: Q!j

!..awt night )o(a.)"'r Lastner i -..-

:Had • dreaDl • -- . .~~-That ·C&UIIed llba .. ' . -'1

'Wake . up and scream. For tbHe "Were tall pia And llhort pis, ~ In betweell pia And the pOint he . Carefully noted ., .. Was u.t drullecl fD men. ~ all bed vof:led

·But DOW. tlda pl••vt thcluPt HJ. .... d ex()l'ftNS .

Is that there au thoilaaD& Jfore f'n dl'euea. .·<Note~ ~- col111D1l

a t.nqp'apblcal error--.-tee:: . ........_... wu tbe phrue Intend-­ed.)

Jnter..City Fue~Qn So.fti•• At Braden

· The ·Reematlon l)epart:-..-t In-vites Ckeeabelt diuaond ,.... ' tct &ll ev~ of sotd.u Satunlay 81-ter. the day lo11.g Babe Ruth.JAaeu·~ KarviU.d State Tournament pmu at RoY . a Ba.den Xeaortd ll'leld. Tbe .d:aolce 210ftbtlll tidbit Is c1.

. .....,.. ~een the WUbi:aFolt · Diepartment tu1C1 the Beltl­. more .· iftre ~nt te&mi · jltartin~ at 8:15p.m. 0111~ of both DePIU'tl»eelt•

have promJ&ed a .:n-t "---.p thst :~d be well worib ~·

Mtlu tilt! Pille all the tireci atb • .Jetes wlil ba"e dJ#r h!mpJ' and . tJrinJt paina all~ d.t Green· ·~ American Lecio£ POIJt 111.

!ft"S YOIJ& 'l'GW:W iJQQEP ft' DJ.iEAJIT


July 22, 1954

l.l•le Fello•'•hip 1~eamlnGreenbelt

A t·eam of four )'OtJnll people from the Liale Fellowship will be In C reenbelt for the perioJd of .July 22 -July 26. Their purpoc~~e wtU be to learn DIOI'Ie about Gr.ae11belt. Its his­tory u a planned OOID:IIlunlty, con­sumers' eooperatf,_ In pneral,. and kJ 888lst In a communley sui'V'e)' wbielb will explore the! n~ for a CCJOp4!ratlve ha.pltalt~atlon plan fc•r Oreenbelt.

The Uale team Is pa:rt of 1. larpr CJ'OUJJ which Is meeUnc for six weeks at HoUday Ho1.111e in Alex­&rldrta, V!rarfnla. to pLrticlpale in a procram of croup llvlnc, com­munity field work experience. and intertlultural education. A typlcal Lisle unit 1s a world ccmununicy in m inbl.ture, contalnlq repretleJlta· tl•fes of l1l&ll7 cUirereut ~untrte., faiths and l'&CII!S. 'l:'hese group members participata In the pro­gram cooperatively and voluntari­ly, ench taking u much responal­bl:tlty as he Is able and willlnc to aecept.

'rb~! general plan of tllP. Lisle •mit is to devote the flnrt Wt!ek to orlen­teJion, the· middle perlod to com­munity field work. alt·ernate with evaluation in camp, and the final week to evaluation of the total ex­pe rien~e. D•triq Uae orientation week, speakere come in to acquaint the! croup with the chn.ra.cteriatlcs of thE~ part of Ute country In which thE' group Ia meeting. 'I'hen teams go out for four day pe1iods to live with tJeOPI'!! in many dU'I'ercnt kinds of situations. Thus l~&r iu the W1.-hl~n unit, teema hav~ been spc•n&:>red by the Washington Fed­en.tlon of Chu~hea, U1e Women's International League fol~Peace and Frt!edom, the Indian Elnbaey, the Pa:tt American Union, tbe Method­hit Ch·cu!t of Summit Pc•lnt, W. Va., Frt!edmen's Hospital and Howard University, and the Blue Ridge M:la­sio:tts of Stanardsville, Va. Here they have partieil'&tecl in web thingm as interviewing CC:•ngrec>nnen, surveying two city blocla: doing gen­eral office work, meeting and talk· btg with various peoplE• and fam­ilies, reading and digesting litem­ttire, doing recreation and oth~r kinds of leadenhip, putdng on en­tertai11ment for hospitnl patients, and working with mour.,tafn farm­era L"l their gardena.

The Lisle Fellowship 'iV&S found­ed in 1936 by DeWitt and Edna Baldwin to promote better world underJits.ndlng by enfllbllng persona fro1n diverse bacllgrounda to get to ls;n~w and unlieratand each other, {lnd leam more about the world the., live ln.

The first unit was helci in Lisle. New York. a.nd since tbat time, tbere have been SUJDJDer units .eN:h yea!" Jn one or more st&l~. Three 'units are being held in the United States this year, Olle In cautornia and one in Colorado in •lddlUon to the 011e being held In tiw! W8Jiblng­ton area. Tb&re wm alao be units held. in Denmark end in Germany.

l-l4::>gan 1-lits l-lomerun Chills Chillum 6-5

T.!le Green~t Boys <~ub Inter­meC!iates alalcMit blew •~ pme last Tuesday evenfn&' at Luw M:a.."lor to an inexperienced yowtg Chillum nlnt!, l011er In a.U ten cl i·t. ~re9loua leq:ue Ult:a. Grees:Wt pt off to an ••rly 8 run lad CMb' t:o llt.lmcJ by and bt! outserapped 2IKWt of the rest of the way.

T raHinc 8-1 fD tbe llnst lnnlac, Barry POYt'era led off •1th a clean single t'J left and watdlet Bill M9rin an4 Hu,gb Burna faa. ft.:mnie Don­Bul!lan worked .John G•.erbert for a wallc. That left It aqu,uely up to We1ley lfocan wbo bad grounded ou~ twice and fanned prevtously. lfot;an didn't duck tlu! laue, the lanlty cent.P.I'Gelder cLouted the tint Jtieb be •w to d<"epo;M:t rlpt 4' and taBled beb.htd Powers anti DonBulifaQ oe a game-wln­nint~ laomer .




P•:!tl'Oif and Morin; E~. ,Johtt Gea.l'bR.rt <lad- ud Schwab. Um);»ir~·NeUJD&a.

'. 1 • 1ti1TLII

. . , , 'r . ' • 1 I I i I ~ I I I I I I I 'i II I - ''·}

B;t· Daeaa.!d \\"oUr

liilwl1111 m... Rfoclt.IJ'IaUon

/I~.UMJ~ . Th~~ Hllt reclsi.ratlon for thi11

y~r lll'ill tJoe M:ondP.ty, August :~. from 10 a.JII. to 12 p.1111. at thf' C'el1· ter School G.7111. The last r~ct•· tratlon wa.1 tilt! largm ever held In Grt~nbo~lt, with a total or 1513 chJJdret! anti » adult.. There w:lll be no ·~arly or late rerP&tratJon du~ to the larart! &IDOunt of work thllt It takea to IIC .... ule the cla.ues for this am-.:•,tnt of partJclpatloTI. Th0114!' WhCJ• cannot n:take the :r'C'Jr· l~rat:lctn, tllaould have a neighbor' r~ste r foa· them. The adult C'll~a~J • et1 will alsiJ reclater at this thtne.



25 CElT COlE


• and


·GYtf1C from page 1

Extra Thick Milksflakes - Buy 5 • Get One FREE Sundaes, Banana Splits - Buy 5 • Get One FREE

· Brifl{l the Family - Eat i:n the Oaf' Br~itag the KW. - TREJlT lfllride said h·~ fellt be could not hafonfl

on the1111. "J~e board pointed t)ttl:

that sucb n 'Yiewpobt made- lth«~ job of rlddlnE Greenbelt. of do(l·11 much r11ore dUIIcult.

IETEIAI'S RESTIIIIIT 11630 Baltimore' Blvd. BeiUvilte, Md.


BUhtBl£ BEE t~hunk, Style 61!2 oz. can

·runa ---·---- -------·-----


!Stra ,w·be1r·1riit~s

~I 10 o;~.


Save 7c ~~Pound! Co-op Vacumn Packed

COl' FIE. lted Label Sl.26 L:~· 11 .33

Sl 3n Rea. s1.37 • LB.

Green Valley or Sprin~ Varley

IIlLI 4 qts 79c ------------~--·-------- ------------------·----------------------.·-------------CAIMPIIELL'S

P'ork and Bean1; 2 16 oz. CANS

---K-P 12 OZ. CAN N:abisco LUNCHE;t()N 39C <>REO M~liAT er-.... ---


.Tomatoes C~elery

2 lbs. 19C RIIPE

1111111 -------·----------------PAN .. ftEOI FROZEN 4shr· 1-. I IDlp ----------·--------·--------MORREl.IL'S YOR:KSHIRE lSLICED



.EAD Whole t)r Shan~: IH:alf


11% ceUo bag

39c IOC~,



Full Pound loaf


67c lb. C:HEF.SE 2lb. lipread loaf 69C

~CO-OP -SUPERMARKETS Prices l::ffective July 22-23-24


, ... i

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