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07.2011 Edition



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Our MissionEnvía Foundation is dedicated to helping execute and sustain the mission of the local church for the transformation of lives; by equipping leadership, empowering people and engaging the needs of the community.

Our Roots

Our Name

Envía Foundation is a Christian nonprofit organization, 501(c)(3), based in Texas. Envía was established in 2009, in response to significant needs in Costa Rica and other parts of the world.

Pronunciation: en-ví-a (en-VEE-uh). Verb.

The Spanish word “envía” in English means “send.”

Our name was inspired by the story in John 17:18. As Jesus prays his last prayer over his disciples, before being arrested and crucified, he says to the Father, “... just as you sent me, I am sending them”.

The greatest expression of God’s love for us was to send His only Son. Just as Jesus was sent, we too are sent into the world...so that they may “believe and know that they are loved.”

It’s through this love that we can truly experience and witness the ultimate transformation of lives. It’s also through this incredible and outrageous love that the church is formed to be his body on earth so that we may usher in his kingdom (Matthew 16:18).

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Our Philosophy Our Approach Our Work Financials Contact Information


Patricia (left) and Maria’s (right) love for Christ is re�ected in the way they serveothers. Hannah (right) served alongside these ladies during her trip in July.

Our PhilosophyWe believe lasting transformation is maintained at the level of the local church. Christ designed the church, his bride, to be the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5:13-16).

The church is the hope of the world, because it is the embodiment of Christ, through his Spirit, on Earth (Ephesians 3). This is why we believe to effectively and eternally address the world’s largest problems – poverty, disease, starvation, lack of education, racism, abuse, lack of faith in Christ –we must do it through the church. The task before the church is massive – it equals problems of theworld. Though it can seem overwhelming, it is possible! To save the world, God sent His son, Jesus Christ. For us to continue his work, Jesus gave us his Holy Spirit. It is under that Spirit that the church is formed and sustained.

For this reason we are committed to seeing the mission of the local church (Matthew 28:18-20) carried out to its fullest potential. At the center of God’s plan for redeeming the world is the church, the living body of Christ. When Christ comes back he is coming back for his bride - the church. The church will last forever. It’s not about governments, denominations or organizations, but rather about a living, breathing organism. It’s about people!

This is why Envía serves all people, regardless of age, gender, race, religion and/or ethnicity. Our three-fold approach focuses directly on people and their needs, in and out of the church.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if the church was fully equipped to engage the needs in their respective communities? Imagine what would happen if the people of God worked as one, regardless of geographical location, language, economic resources, denomination, philosophy, etc. Imagine!

To effectively and eternally impact the world, every Envía project and initiative is rooted in the local church. We are committed to cultivating relationships and collaborating with other organizations, companies, individuals, etc. to fulfill our mission.

Children in our feeding program learning about Christ.

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Photo (from left to right): Mike Mylius, Pastor Walter Peña, Angie Mylius, Maria Peña and Ashley Peña.

Envía works closely with policy makers, business professionals, gifted individuals, companies, healthcare experts, community leaders and local church leaders to help create a space in which transformation can take place. Envía uses its resources from volunteers, foundations, donors, companies and churches to create a sustainable platform that embraces people and delivers a holistic approach to their lives.

Given our Governing Board’s experiences and relationships, Envía has chosen to focus its initial efforts and resources in Costa Rica. As we grow, we are open to exploring lasting relationships with local churches in other countries.

Our mission statement provides a simple, yet comprehensive framework to our model. We refer to our three-fold approach as the three E’s: equipping leadership, empowering people andengaging the needs of the community. These three areas are merely guides and are not to be thought of as being mutually exclusive. They are very much intertwined in the growth process.

Our ApproachEquipping Leadership

Leadership development is an integral part of what we do; it is crucial to the sustainability of any project. Therefore, we invest in church and community leaders by providing them with the necessary tools (spiritual, financial, emotional, educational, etc.) to effectively carry out their work.

Empowering People

We explore and implement practical ways to empower people to better their lives. We help provide opportunities for people to excel by acquiring the necessary tools and resources. This may take form in the way of education, training, discipleship development, entrepreneurship workshops, etc. It’s about people being active participants in the solution for their lives and communities.

Engaging the Needs of the Community We come alongside existing churches, whose proven leadership is committed to meeting the needs of their surrounding community and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not only do we want to help churches engage the immediate needs of their community, but we want to help them develop a comprehensive and sustainable model that also addresses the long-term needs and goals of their communities.

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Our WorkThough Envía has been in existence since September 2009, our partnership with the Nicoya church began in June 2010.

We started our journey with a small poor church in Nicoya, Guanacaste in Costa Rica. Though this church may lack in resources, it abounds in love for Christ and people.

We have decided to engage a smallcommunity in Nicoya called San Martin. An estimated 8,000+ people live here, 20,000+ in Nicoya. This is an area of great need: hunger, homelessness, extreme poverty, lack of clean running water, unemployment, drugs, lack of education, lack of faith in Christ, etc. Where do you start when there areso many problems?

It is our hope to establish a community center through which we can meet many of the needs – everything from hygiene classes to recreation activities, microfinance opportunities, on-going education, etc. One of the first steps before actually establishing the community center is meeting one of their immediate needs: feeding children.

The equivalent of “Child Protective Services” in Costa Rica, PANI, takes its job seriously. If it considers a child’s caretaker (mother, father, grandparents, etc.) as “unfit” to care for the child, it will remove the child from the home.

In the community of San Martin, PANI has threatened to remove many children from their home, because their caretaker is unable to provide food for the children on a regular basis. Once a child is removed from the home, he/she is taken to an orphanage in San Jose (4 hours away). It is very rare for the child to be returned to the family, because in most cases, the situation at home does not improve.

This has already happened several times to some of our families. In lightof this need, we have 115 children participating in our feeding program. Though the parent/caretaker may not be able to feed their children directly, they can show the state that their children are receiving a full nutritious meal so many times per week at a given location. In March 2011, we started feeding these children (70) one meal per week.This simple service is helpoing many families stay together.

Looking Ahead

As funds become available we will progressively increase the frequency of feedings and number of children. Weekly contact with these children and families is a wonderful opportunity

to gain the trust and respect of the community. We must steward these relationships with great care.

Though we engage immediate needs, we are also committed to addressing the underlying problems of this community. We are seeking ways to create sustainable models that willbenefit the community as a whole.

This is why we are having conversations with a number of entities to partner with us in creating a space for on-going transformation to take place in the community of San Martin of Nicoya.

We don’t believe the answer is to simply provide immediate solutions to all their problems. After all, many of their “problems” are only symptoms of very deep and systemic issues.

We are currently seeking to raise funds to acquire land and build a new facility, in order to maintain and increase our programs and level of service to the people of San Martin.

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“It is possible to provide eternal and effective solutions to the world’s problems.” Luis & Jennifer Palomo

We have formed two groups to describe our main areas of fundrais-ing: the Caleb Group and the Joshua Group. These names are inspired by the story of the 12 spies found in the Book of Numbers (13, 14).

The Story of Caleb and Joshua

Not long after the people of Israel were delivered from Egypt, the Lord tells Moses to send a leader from every tribe to explore the land He promised them. Obeying the Lord’s request, Moses summoned 12 spies to go and scout out the land. Moses asked for a report of the land. He wanted to know what was in it, what kind of soil it had, he wanted to know everything about it.

Among the 12 leaders chosen were Caleb and Joshua. When the 12 spies returned, Caleb and Joshua were the only two who believed and trusted God enough to declare that conquer-ing the Promise Land was indeed possible. The other 10 were too scared. They were easily and profoundly intimidated by the size of their enemies. Their fear spread to the people of Israel. As the fear grew, it led the people to complain and forget what God had already done and what He had promised to do.

began talking about electing a leader to lead them back to Egypt - back to captivity!

When everyone said no way - Caleb stood up in front of everyone and said otherwise. From the beginning, Caleb and Joshua believed God would do what He said He would do! Even though they believed it was possible to take the land, they were forced to wait forty years to see God’s promise come to fruition. Because of their lack of faith, the 10 spies never saw the Promise Land - the 10 died, but Caleb and Joshua survived.

Caleb fades into the background and Joshua steps into the foreground. Though they end up playing two very different roles, their faith in the Lord remained solid. Moses appoints Joshua as his successor. He was to lead the people of Israel into the Promise Land. Joshua goes on to be a courageous leader. With the help of God’s Spirit and support of others, Joshua was able to accomplish a significant amount for the Lord.

The Caleb Group

Caleb refers to all operational and administrative resources. The Caleb Group is composed of people who believe transformation is possible on this side of eternity. These are peope who understand that without Caleb, Joshua would not be able to function.

The Caleb Group is made up of four major revenue streams: individuals, churches, corporations and foundations.

The Joshua Group

This group refers to our project and program resources.

The Joshua Group is composed of entities and people who are willing, ready and able to get their hands dirty.

The Joshua Group is made up of five major revenue streams: individuals, churches, corporations, foundations and government.

Use of Funds

Our goal is to sustain the Caleb Group 100% independent from the Joshua Group.

100% of the contributions given to the Joshua Group will be used to further the projects and programs on the ground directly!

All donations to Envía Foundation are tax-deductible.

Envia volunteers & local church members serving the children of San Martin.

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Envía Foundation’s Leadership

Luis Palomo | President & Co-Founderluis@enviafoundation.org

Governing Board

Bob Johnson | Chairman & Co-Founder bob@enviafoundation.org

Michael Mylius | Officer & Founding Member michael@enviafoundation.org



Mailing Address

PO Box 720583 Dallas, Texas 75372



Contact Information

Photograph of the new land we hope to purchase. This land would place us closer to the people we serve and give us the space we need to fulfill it!

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